1v1 Speedrunning every Bloons TD game

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13 years of balloons tower defense 2007 is when Bloons td1 came out and since then we've had six balloons tower defense games now we're gonna be speed running through every single one of them saber and I are gonna start on balloons TD one we're gonna hit go and we're gonna see who can play through one game of each individual game one just have a little fun competition and two to play homage to this beautiful game that we all know and love and see exactly where it all started and kind of the evolution where certain Towers came in certain strategies in that whole thing are you ready saber who's gonna beat the speed run first that's what the question is I'm a ready let's go all right on your mark get set go all right all right so I have some notes pulled up because I I've heard that uh you know balloons TD whatever is into the uh isn't the easiest thing so we're just no the first balloons game is brutal dude okay it does not it does not pull its punches so saber uh you don't have cross path on this mainly because there's only like two upgrades okay um you have there is no auto start you have to press start on all of the rounds individually yourself oh what wow wow there's no speed up thing nothing there's no there's no oh my gosh it's such a bad spot oh gosh dude it's so weird looking at this like this is where it all started okay I think like look guys don't let your dreams be memes okay don't let it be memes okay this is a great representation of like if you have a passion for something like it'll be huge one day okay you just gotta believe in it look at where they started from humble beginnings my man yeah humble beginning because here's the thing there isn't any like continue so if you lose saber you actually have to start over dude from the beginning I'll be so demoralized so I want you to just like just for your sake okay for your sanity don't do that okay like that's that's it that's really all I wanted to let you know don't what upgrade the monkeys is that what you're implying or just don't just don't lose just don't lose okay just don't lose Savor okay like just don't lose no I got you bro okay that's really the only thing I wanted to to Really preface really drive home okay just don't lose okay understand oh my God I'm only on round six right now out of all of these I actually think balloons TD like the first bullet is the longest one because of the other ones because eventually you get oh oh I almost lost a life I know I almost lost the life too dude I almost lost I mean we have 40. so we can do I just buy faster shooting no I just get no no no I full send it by just another attack shooter I know that's what I'm trying to do I'm trying to just get tax Shooters right now yeah attack Shooters are definitely the plan you know what route you at right now I'm at round seven oh I'm on round eight so right now I have a one round lead right but you have a one round lead yeah I mean think about it this way if we have to play like round let's just say on average to around like 50 right or you do that six times okay yeah yeah hey there's there's chances for somewhere to be sped up for sure my guy for sure like a route it's like a lot of rounds dude we have to play at least like 200 250 rounds 600 300 rounds a lot of chances for some mistakes we gotta be very cautious yeah yeah and one setback could could literally spell complete and utter complete and utter defeating I mean this is technically yeah it's a speed run but it's also more of a a versus challenge right we're more of just trying to see who can get to the end then how fast we both got to the end but I guess at the same time that also means we are trying to see how fast we can do it so it is losing lives I'm losing lives I'm losing lives you're losing lives I lost two lives I actually lost two lives dude I'm losing I'm only I'm down to 24 lives right now dude what yeah you heard me saber you're scared me my guy dude I'm losing lives over here those yellow balloons are Just Deadly they're absolutely deadly oh my gosh oh my gosh there's so many balloons holy cow bro oh my gosh oh relaxed I don't like this I don't like this saber okay I don't like this one bit it's actually kind okay okay I just have to like let them go all the way around yep yep yep I am I know exactly what you're talking about I too have felt this pain oh my God they got by come on let's go get those last two let's go oh man I'm down to 16 livesaver you're down to 16 lives I know they're slowly slowly but surely kind of just oh you're scaring me my man I'm scared I'm scaring myself saber okay I'm like I'm at 15 I'm down to 15 yo yo I'm not I'm not taking that risk bro I'm gonna play I'm very I'm playing it very safe right now dude I noticed I noticed worst case scenario let's see they sell for like oh they do sell for a lot of money though do they oh wow you sell for a lot of money oh my gosh yeah but how good is it Super Monkey is the question is it worth is it worth exactly exactly oh my God risk if I sell them I can't get them all back I don't know if I want to do that you're you're losing out on a lot of money to do that I'm at Round I have three thousand dollars right now and LaSalle you can pause it's not like you can do anything so if you mess up and you lose it's back to square one statement yeah it's back to the beginning no I don't know I can't do that I can't do that dude okay yeah you can't do it saber okay oh I'm so so close to getting the super like dude if I can get if I can just buy a Super Monkey right now dude oh my gosh I mean that's gutsy of you man that's gutsy of you oh my gosh I got a Super Monkey down oh my God I did I got a Super Monkey oh my gosh okay oh my gosh that is that is that is so much weight off my shoulders now that is that is so much weight off of my shoulders now that I was actually able to get the super Monkey down that I mean I'm envious I'm envious that you did get it all right right now as as of right now we're at 12 minutes and 40 seconds that's what we are at right now okay and what round you on uh 35 okay I'm on 34. oh my gosh one balloon let's go wasting some time my guy come on there we go that is too funny saver I now have two super monkeys I just got a Super Monkey then nice epic range is 2 400. that's so much that's so much more money that's ridiculous how many I got oh about to get another Super Monkey friend another one oh man what round you on 43. come on 42. interesting interesting I'm gonna die I'm feeling confident now saber I was worried that I was gonna lose I'm feeling good now saber I'm feeling good now oh man whatever you say whatever you say bro okay don't don't say it like that that I lose confidence instantly when you say that no you got it bro come on I instantly lose confidence when you say that saber like actually instantly oh I'm on round 50. what is the last round actually I'm not sure I don't know is it 50. oh I honestly don't know this is so close I'm on round 50 right now okay I'm on 49 okay I won I made it I made it I made it okay I'm I'm going down I'm going to balloons hurry up I'm going straight to Balloon City too baby let's go come on let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go is this 40 round 49's lasting so long dark round let's go let's go come on come on round 50 round 50. bro you gotta chill out did your crack every update okay I'm literally hovering my cursor over the X so that I can get ready to force close this game what if you lost on round 49 would you give up honestly I'd be so demoralized I'm moving on btd2 let's go oh yeah oh yeah that I'm already on Wave three so like you got some tension you got some catching up that you gotta do my guy I'm doing a nice Boomerang monkey strategy dude you can tell he's a boomerang because he has a boomerang glued to the top of his forehead oh dude let's go let's go dude have you put down that dude Taylor put down a bomb shooter it's really nice yeah I was about to I was about to try to put down a bomb shooter I need a little more money though it's a really nice sound effect like it's just always like it's really nice to listen to It's like a nice sonorous sympathy sympathy sympathy symphony symphony it's like a symphony yeah it's just like you're just sitting there like oh like wow it's such a nice sound isn't that great do you enjoy listening to that dude yeah oh it's so nice dude it's so nice wow I'm having a great time dude I'm very glad to hear that saber oh do I just take oh I'm losing lives too I I'm also losing life yeah boy how does the okay Boomer all right Boomerang monkey's actually just big dumb the boomerang monkey's big is it bad he's okay it's not bad he's just dumb like he just missed this is like the easiest things oh I'm letting some balloons buy right now bro I gotta get my life in order dude he's okay I hope there's something that's not res wait what if there's black oh no oh God oh God that would be so bad I guess that's why I still have some tag Shooters oh my gosh there are black balloons and there are immune to them are they actually yes oh God I just had to buy a bunch of tacks I literally just had to buy a bunch of taxes oh wow okay that actually wow oh man dude oh my gosh there's so many black balloons oh my gosh that was such a bad idea don't I'm telling you don't do only bomb Shooters dude you will regret it you will regret it okay you know I appreciate the friendly heads up I appreciate it don't do it my guy that's so funny oh my gosh it's like only black balloons now what oh God oh God yeah there's the black balloons right there it's like round 28 oh my God oh God oh God I think I'm gonna lose five Road spikes you can buy Road spikes oh my gosh I almost just lost dude you can get Road spikes you can roach bike it up if you need oh my gosh dude I almost just lost zero cab there are lead balloons oh my god oh my god dude they just they're just cramming them down my throat right I know these black balloons are insane dude what am I supposed to do they've countered they knew about our strategy saver how are we supposed bro dude no no you don't even know wait what route are you at saber 29 dude you have no idea what's coming for you saber oh God you think that's bad oh my God I'm at 13 Health bro this is not good oh my gosh dude I need to just slow down and I need to just get the dump I just need to get the dub I need to slow down you're gonna saber I'm telling I'm I'm gonna predict the future you're gonna lose on round 39. on 39 why do you say that that's my prediction Sabers round 39. well that doesn't give me much confidence all right I'm on round 39 yellow whites blacks leads and rainbows for your popping pleasure oh God I can't I can't get a Super Monkey I'm gonna have to just get a bunch of I'm gonna have to get a bunch of tax readers done good luck good luck saber it was brutal like actually so brutal for me oh God oh God I'm so scared all right I'm just gonna use all my money I'm not saving up for a Super Monkey anymore I think that's probably the best I mean you you might be able to get through without actually affording super monkeys like I don't know let's see okay I pretty much just used all my money here we go oh no good luck saver how are we doing how are we doing folks how's it looking oh my gosh The Rainbows are insane spamming Road spikes moment of silence I did it I did it I survived it I survived it we're good okay what round you on good 50. oh God you're 10 Rounds ahead of me I want you to know that it doesn't get any easier oh God oh my gosh I had to buy roads dude oh my gosh wait I beat it yeah okay all you have to do is get to round 50. all you have to do is get to around 50. I had like some money left over so good luck saber okay we'll see how this goes all right I'm on the balloons td3 now I just lost no saber are you serious right now bro oh that's tragic dude that's actually tragic that gives me a huge lead though oh my God are you serious right now okay saber saber okay just okay for the meme saver just to make it better I'm gonna play on a harder difficulty I'm gonna play in a heart attack and I'll play oh do I play on harder medium dude I don't want to do this again this game sucks this game literally sucks I hate this game like I actually hate it I hate it so much I never want to play this ever again out of this bro straight up I'm not even kidding like that's so terrible I hate this game do I play on hard that seems really difficult I'm gonna play on medium it's like legitimately terrible having a terrible time right now bro you gotta chill dude that is way too funny like such a terrible time bro [Music] we got we got more to go baby we're doing pretty good we we're doing pretty good dude okay I'm doing pretty good but I also I also pitted you and I also uh I appreciate the pity I guess I would rather not do this like anything but td2 again bro like like straight up straight up oh my God bro that is so this game is so brutal bro I can't hit the faster speed thing nothing I just gotta sit here and let it happen okay I'll tell you what I'll tell you what maybe I I'll be I'll be generous okay all right what's up what what's your proposal I'll let you skip balloons td2 however if you do you cannot play easy on btd6 you have to play unpoppable no oh God no I'd rather do this I'd wear rather do this okay okay oh God no that's like impossible you'll be able to be able to play round 40 up till round 40 on bge6 that's such a guaranteed dub at that point I don't know because think about it it's only 60 rounds you have fast forward speed plus you're gonna be able to play with those 100 rounds yeah but okay but I have to play it around 40 and that's a 60 round difference you have to play 50 rounds anyways on this oh actually you're right okay moving on all right cool let's do that I'm going to td4 let's go oh oh my goodness well if that's the case I'm changing I'm going to easy I love I lied oh oh but you have to restart now I do have to restart I do have to restart all right you know what okay solid solid plan solid plan you're right you're right I'll I'll go till impossible to uh to account anything but playing td2 I'll play td6 for even longer I don't really care we'll see if we'll see how this works out now so I'm playing on easy and the big nice green like a race track map which is pretty nice yeah that's what I'm doing too oh so much better oh God this game's already so much better bro oh my God I think you probably needed to get a bomb shooter at some point yeah that was awesome I love that it's called cannons I wonder when they're like I feel like TD5 is when they change it right so the next one what do you mean the next one this is three we still have another one wait I'm on four okay oh you gotta go to three Savers I can just go backward I'll just play three after this ugh as long as I as long as I do them as long as I launched a four on accident bro oh no that is actually really funny now we're playing two people are gonna be so confused they're like the people are gonna be like oh my gosh shaper's so far ahead and then I'm gonna have to go back and be even further behind oh god oh that hurts the soul that definitely hurts the soul hmm that's why I don't have anything unlocked by the way that makes sense that makes sense that's when they kind of introduced that whole thing oh there's a fast forward mode on four dude oh I'm so looking forward to that I am by the way it's called bomb Tower in four so that answers your question okay wait but not a bomb shooter just bombs it's called bomb Tower yeah oh I'm starting to uh okay I'm gonna have to start getting my life together here let's see oh I hate when that happens dude I know yeah he's like man having to get everything together ugh how do I hit camos do I need a dart monkey down this guy can't dude if you just save it if you lose I literally have nothing to hit camos though I don't understand there's nothing to it camos what's happening are you okay saber are you sure about this dude there's not a single tower that can hit camos I don't think I don't have them unlocked yet there's no way saber there's you're definitely missing something I feel like I feel like I am too oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh oh what is it saber oh God no way oh God don't talk no way saber oh my God six Health oh my god dude dude bro oh dude you gotta chill out my guy you gotta chill out oh my God I need to get my life together right now dude I need to get it in order right now dude dude this this is a this is degenerated from a speed run into me just laughing at you play balloons dude this is oh my gosh we have to deal with blimps is it gonna pop wait bro oh my gosh oh oh oh that's a lot getting by that's a lot I almost lost I actually almost lost to the Moab dude moabs are crazy saber oh my God I just used a bunch of pineapples to barely survive next oh my god dude that is too funny all right give me something what round you on uh I'm on round 43. okay I'm on 48 I have a five round lead technically technically technically but it's a whole different game so I guess it doesn't really matter to be honest it doesn't really matter oh God six health I'm going backwards of three oh he's backing up now everybody I'm on round 46 so I actually am like kind of slowing down you're you're technically kind of ahead now but technically but don't forget I have to also get to that round and deal with whatever you're dealing with yeah which is not easy by the way all right I'm on three okay so I this is my fourth one now okay technically but I'm on three saber do you want me to tell you what worked for me sure I did I did a I had like tack Shooters are really good so I did like in the are you on the green map like that's a race track yeah of course I am yeah yeah I did like the three so bomb I have two bomb Shooters so I did a two bomb Shooters three tack Shooters and like a boomerang monkey okay then I got a monkey Beacon down with a village and then I've just been stacking super monkeys with plasma Vision down there interesting okay all right that's that sounds like a solid Strat yeah you did I I think you can get away with just tax Shooters though tax Shooters and bomb shooters by themselves oh okay it wasn't like td2 like outrageously I don't know I I think they've got some sauce to them I think eventually you'll probably need super monkeys oh well I'll get super monkeys as soon as I can get super monkeys for sure oh okay I might have it oh gosh come on oh no come on was that it I beat it okay I beat it I beat it before I'm on round four right now on TV three so I've I have a four round lead on a different game this is interesting I I will say Hey you gave me you gave me a solid uh you know pity point which I respect but I will use to my advantage if I win I will still hold over your head just saying I respect that yeah actually I have to I start off from Ground Zero too okay here we go here we go interesting okay I have a darling Oh that was the play was it the play maybe I should have done that I don't know yeah well I guess I guess I already finished it so that's that I can't go back yeah there's no point if you want to no I'm good man I'll pass I got 40 more rounds on uh td3 here yeah that's gonna be rough I don't have to I'm not gonna slow down though and I know I'm not gonna let a single balloon get by oh my gosh oh my gosh I might lose I might lose I might lose I might lose I might lose oh my gosh holy cow I saber that was actually so scary saber I know what you mean by pineapple spam now apples are like the only solution at a certain point dude that is crazy dude this is not good for my health saver this is not oh my gosh oh my gosh pineapple pineapple pineapple pineapple pineapple pineapple pineapple holy cow oh my God I barely made that I barely survived that dude that Moab was insane yeah dude I told you the dude is crazy dude that Moab was crazy I made it okay okay I'm on to Bloons TD5 now thank goodness oh man I'm on 38 out of 50. so I still have 12 more rounds yeah this is definitely a slower uh game this is definitely a slower game wait what am I what is this map can I actually not place them here bro are you serious oh my gosh Balloon City five is so nice Balloon City five looks so good oh good that's still within range good okay oh my gosh I'm cyber I just unlocked the sniper monkey no no it feels good saber with unlimited range oh I think I might just do I just might just Spam these snipers down okay round 50 baby round 50. oh you're on it you're there I'm getting ready to close the game I'm kidding ready to close the game uh lead balloons I don't care I actually don't care about lead balloons oh he's doing it he's doing it everyone yeah I'm on five I'm on five come on new game new game yeah yeah monkey land sure yeah easy let's go let's go oh yeah I actually I played it on I'm playing on a different map and I'm kind of glad that I picked this bat this map is actually pretty good getting a sniper monkey down baby let's go oh oh oh okay okay I just had to buy a bunch of ninjas I don't I'm in a desert I don't care about the boat dude they introduce camo balloons and my sniper monkey's just one-shotting them ah yeah let's go okay okay I'm losing lives I'm losing lives what around you on I'm on round 45 out of 50. oh okay I'm doing it okay we'll see oh I need I can get distraction on all these guys just to hope to see how that goes do I care about this Dart monkey do I like care at all Oh I wanna I don't know oh that's right they took out the Super Monkey in this one huh wait no it's right here where is it where I don't oh there you go yeah he just looks weird oh wow I see how it is dude like the overhead view just looks whack it does look kind of whack it's like what oh we oh oh oh oh oh oh my gosh okay I was I was not ready for that I was I don't like this at all this is this is nerve-wracking I've won I'm I literally just beat it on easy okay safer for the okay for our friendship okay okay I will beat balloons td6 on chimps on see now it kind of just feels like you're flexing on me bro maybe if I win I am if I lose though I'm a huge chump that's kind of fact hey if you want to take that risk man and that's up to you bro that's up to you I'm I saw this and then I got impoppable so I guess you know we'll see we'll see It'll be close it'll be really cool but if I lose on here's the thing if you lose an unpoppable you can just continue right like that's a thing oh it's your own Champs you can't on Champs you can you're taking quite the risk hey for the record I'm on around 30 out of 50 on TD5 right now so if you do that you know just know there's a little bit more pressure oh that's actually true I'll do it I'll do it I'll do it all right all right here we go here we go I'm I'm launching up oh wait hang on I just realized my TD5 hasn't even been detected this entire time bro what am I doing in my life oh there we go now it's being detected that was weird okay well it's good now oh nope it's just Frozen oh no it freezes every single time I click it no so I have to be I have to be tabbed out to actually get it what do you what what why is it like that oh there we go there we go okay I just unful screened it and now I guess it's doing it all right I'm going into chimps okay I think I'm about to lose don't you dare lose RV saver and I lost I couldn't even do a pineapple in time bro okay this continues I don't know monkey buddy I don't have no monkey buddy I can't do it I could I will let you go straight into Balloon cd6 because I'm such a generous guy come on what is this even a speed run anymore or a pity party all right fine stay in balloons to 85 jump go back to Bloons td2 for all I care I was trying to be generous I okay look I tried to do an only sniper monkey Strat and it just didn't work no it did not work it did not work for me I had to I had to I had to change that the way that I played as well I tried I tried so now I'm gonna have to do a legit oh God I should have just done a legit in the first place bro that's what you get for trying to be a memer saver I'm on round 13. I'm gonna say we're I'm here I'm getting to the end for you okay I'm I'm dedicating this Speed Run To You saber okay for you and your sanity of balloons games okay wait you're on round 13. man I feel like you should have just at that point done the easy and put me out of my misery bro well dude I wasn't expecting you to lose that's the last thing I was expecting say bro how was your experience been um of speedrunning balloons games what is your what's your thought on this you know I gotta say for a first try terrible terrible but here's the thing it's the first try so I I'm giving myself some leeway on how how if I should feel bad about myself and should I probably by but do I feel super bad about myself yes do I feel really extremely bad about myself yeah but should I feel so beyond bad about myself that I shouldn't give it another try yeah yeah I'm glad we were able to come to this conclusion yeah I got you dude thank you yeah I think I think that was a that was really well said dude I think you really um I think you really put it put it all together on that one I want me some Hydra rocket pods I should be a voice actor for uh character what do you think I think you'd kill it man and by kill it like you'd kill the game like the game would be dead hi guys what do you think you sound like a Lemongrab from Adventure Time goodbye bro can I oh my gosh pop thank you I'm just happy there's a fast like a fast forward on this dude after TD one's through three bro never again never never again those games suck bro but hey here's the thing they suck because they because of what we now have okay if we didn't have the newer games I wouldn't know that and I think like Tower Defense games are fun but we just have we're just so spoiled by what we have now like dude why would I do anything else that is very true that is a very very that is you're speaking a lot of Truth today saber I'm I'm going to keep going because I'm not gonna give up I think there's a chance that you're gonna lose bro it's not a chance I'm not gonna lose saber I'm not gonna lose okay we'll find out I'm not gonna lose I'm not gonna lose all right whatever you say man I'm scared last round easy done moving on going to six he's going to six everybody on the six here we go so I still have to do unpoppable right yeah you still have to do impossible I don't have it unlocked on that because I've never done alternate balloon rounds uh okay I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to do a challenge uh content browser thing default hard and poppable pick my map everything's a default here yeah default default default okay default default default yeah you're not cheating are you you're not like no no no no I completely reset all options I completely reset everything yeah I gotta it's around 100 what around you 70. 70 1 I'm gonna have to play some ketchup my guy I'm cruising along all right I'm I'm on the long game now so we'll uh we'll see a lot of stuff is out of my hands I just have to hope that you lose I'm not gonna lose saver I ain't gonna lose we're both on the final game we are both on the final game now I know it's like right there dude all right I'm about to beat hopefully be proud to beat 80. I'm trying to save up get some t5s for that end game you know what I'm saying trying to get set up with it son please I feel more in my element at least on this one yeah dude blue City six looks so good oh yeah after playing all that I have such an appreciation for this game bro oh my God beautiful people ninja kiwi's done such an amazing job with it technically all I have to do is beat balloons like that's all I gotta do is act oh that's a big that's a lot of balloons I'm at 86 now I just want to serve a reminder that that yes maybe I didn't I didn't finish two completely okay but Ryan did give me the okay so I gave it to him so it dubs it dub now a Dub's dub nonetheless why are you talking about getting a dope here saber I'm just saying man why are you guys know what happened with my guy you never know what happens I I just don't want to hear any Shenanigans when I get the dub you know dude this guy is holding on this is what false hope looks like everybody oh my gosh I'm at 93 right now 93 okay I'm 40 rounds behind you I need I need to do 47 rounds you only need to do seven but you could lose I I could lose you're right you could lose but I I am not gonna I ain't gonna lose on you saver I'm just holding on you know you never know you never know what happens in these challenges folks also by the way guys if you're enjoying this video and you have watched till this point no matter who wins we just want to say seriously thank you for watching our content you guys are awesome and if you've watched this far and you haven't subscribed then please if you're enjoying subscribe man I mean you've watched this far then you probably enjoy our content I promise but I got my Perma spice bro I lost you're no you're kidding me I forgot to put down The Alchemist you gotta be kidding me no no okay okay I'm just going to easy I'm literally just going easy Ryan I oh really okay okay I will pity you Ryan no I'm just going straight to easy I'm going okay because I was gonna say I'll pity you and if I lose I also have to restart okay that's fair that's reasonable that's very reasonable all right all right go go go go I don't even have done this guy gave up my chips folks no I went straight to easy dude I just got to go 40 rounds 40 rounds that's it that's all I gotta do this guy wants to do dude I bought the Perma spikes bro oh gosh what route are you at saver 65 65 oh my gosh dude what round do you want this is not ten I'm on ten you're already on ten though oh my gosh that's insane yeah I guess the beginning rounds are gonna be way faster so that kind of makes sense yeah exactly so I'm just dude I want you to know my monkeys are crammed right here in the very beginning dude yeah I know I'm actually starting to put down bomb Shooters in the very beginning to try and speed it up yeah I tried to get it I mean you're on cubism I just get like a darling Gunner that's I already have two darling gutters now do you have a plasma accelerator there yeah nice dude very nice what are you at 74. I'm 125. dude imagine you lose imagine I'm not stupid I'm on easy a monkey meta okay like it's not happening hey but if we do lose if either of us loses we can still restart but yeah I'll pull I will full restart if I lose but I haven't even seen it come on come on yeah let's go let's go God things places to be things to do round 80 now or I'm about to be around 80. okay not bad not bad I do agree though once I get to like around 90 as long as I have good enough stuff I will speed through that yeah you'll just round 90 to 100 goes by really really fast dude there we go okay yeah I think that's gonna be the play right there oh receiver where are you right now around 81 oh [Applause] I'm not giving up until the last moment I never know you never know I respect that I respect now now I respect that I was meme I was laughing at me now I got a little scared now huh you're a little eye I got it I got a little I got a little bit a little bit relax okay okay these rounds take forever they take such a long time come on come on 83 84 84. I'm just gonna use sada's abilities dude just Spam it'll try to get through it 15 rounds for me 15 rounds man I know yeah you only have two hey hey something could still go wrong I never know I never know no hey you know what on the off chat I think you know you're you're on easy I I doubt you're gonna lose uh so I I lose if I lose on easy on monkey Meadow saber okay I don't think I would I think I have to delete my channel like I actually genuinely we're ready wholeheartedly 39 okay wow really man you've been stuck on those runs for a while it's been slow double speed wasn't on that's why you didn't have double speed on bro I don't know it turned off okay yeah I know dude all right 40. wait oh my gosh let's go all right all right you know what you got me you bested me and you know what you you gave me some pity points on the left side I think it's a satisfying dub for you uh but you know what that was a good one I only I'm 11 rounds away I was 11 rounds away dude not bad that was not bad out of like 300 rounds or something like that oh my gosh okay well I mean yeah guys like subscribe if you guys want to see another speed run like this dear God as long as it's not TD one through three then uh you know like subscribe all that good stuff use Creator go tuber in the btd6 shop that's t-e-w-b-r-e and thanks so much for watching we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 407,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, 1v1 speedrunning every bloons td game, btd 1, btd 2, btd 3, btd 4, btd 5, bloons tower defense speed run
Id: SR8T0pjPLoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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