Top 10 All-Time Strongest TCG Pokémon

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this might be a surprise to some of you but despite the popularity Charizard is one of the worst Pokemon in the trading card game those big numbers always look impressive to new players of the game but unfortunately Charizard cards almost always revolve around two things extremely expensive - tech costs and discarding energy nearly 30 different Charizard cards have been printed over the last 20 years and almost all of them are unusable in the competitive game today I want to talk about the opposite of Charizard and honor the best and most consistently strong Pokemon over the course the Pokemon TCG lifespan I searched for single token on that have been given multiple successful or powerful cards to see which Pokemon consistently produces the best ones I tried to value both incredibly powerful tournament winning strategies while also giving props to cards that have had multiple successes over the years hopefully along the way we'll be able to uncover some fun pokemon TCG history while also sharing what makes a competitive pokemon card let's go number 10 Blastoise what can Blastoise and little wayne have in common they make it rain normally you're only allowed to attach one energy card for turn but starting with face tech Blastoise and plastic rain dance polka power you're able to attach as many water energy to life in a single turn - 5 10 it doesn't matter once rain dances in place you're able to go crazy and break the game wide open Plus OCS is energy rain combined with Holland transform a lot of the power expensive aesthetics of any energy type starting is the main pillar of the Blastoise lugia steelix championship set in 2006 and most recently the deluge Blastoise has been the foundation of plenty of successful water done including Jacob and Webb year's 2015 World Championship victory number 9 car boater some pokémon like Blastoise have a bit of an advantage because they've had several more years to print quality cards but car motor is the youngest spoken on in today's list only getting cards starting with the fifth generation if you played the pokemon TCG over the last five or so years you're probably welcome illy with one key words Garbo Thompson Garba toxin garlic sauce and garlic Hudson they just keep printing garv owners with garble toxins it's an ability that allows you to shut off all other abilities and when many decks run on abilities to activate their main strategy car motor shuts them down completely this job used to belong to a different pile of trash with muck but one thing those really pushed car border to the next level is a brand new threat track challenge this new monster punishes your opponents for playing item cards by dealing massive damage it has become the court of brand-new deck sites that many argue is the best second Pokemon at the time of this video Garr Boehner is trash but his cards definitely aren't number eight Jirachi Jirachi has always been a fantastic support pokemon multiple times over the years with so many different tricks his legends Jirachi helped evolve your other Pokemon Wishing Star jirachi help you draw important cards draw to yet found supporter cards star jester achi discard special energy and so on there are so many helpful Jirachi cards of bizarre effects but I'll always have a soft spot for undaunted Jirachi which had a combination of energy acceleration with its power and the ability to D of all of your opponent's Pokemon with time holo this card played a critical role in my top eight world 2011 deck with magaz onand yanmega usually gives me extra energy to throw with Magnus Ohm's law spurn attack just like the pokemons lore Jirachi what really makes your TCG wishes come true number 7 Dragonite the original dragon is have a long time to see different pokemon cards and I've seen a ton of success often through strong attacks and abilities that allow it to work with energy cards Team Rocket returns his dark dragon I've paired a dark electrode to make a formidable combo in 2004 generating darkest energies and moving them around the board with dark trance shortly after that deck was no longer tournament legal the Mennonite debt ruled formats from 2006 to 2007 combining the oddly size of Delta dragon eyes and Delta Metagross for energy acceleration and huge damage the anti SP frontier brain Dragonite helped unicum us Toto win the 2010 World Championships where SP spoken on were incredibly popular and even unconventional strategies like using the weaker but frustrating definite AK has led Dragonite to regional championship victories it's been a pokemon of many different types over the years but a ton of them are really good number 6 dark ride dark ray is the weird pokemon to put this high up on the list on one hand there are lots of weak dark red cards in fact most dark right princes are not competitive however the dark red cards that are good have ended up being insanely good contributing to a stranglehold on the tournament meta game for many years the first dark rye TX was a true jack of all trades providing free retreat in the support role I'm solid spread damage in an offensive role it was turbocharged by the dark patch item card it didn't just win worlds it won world in back-to-back years for 2012 and 2013 in more recent days dark are gonna newing it this time entirely built for firepower with the increasingly powerful dark pulse attempt somehow just two cards of one dark ride countless events over the last few years of TCG history and with an interesting new GX card coming around the corner it's likely we haven't seen the last of the night terror yet number 5 Flygon good Flygon cards usually fall into one of two categories the first is a common theme that you've heard often energy where cards like legend makers Flygon e^x and delta Flygon were able to quickly accelerate attacks the second and the way I pick ik leave u Flygon is nasty in between turn effects Delta Pi gun es piled on damage counters in between turns running damage to the bench and compounding it with a psychic pulse attack we also saw a similar damage spreading offense with the more recent san slammer flag on piling on damage and then moving it with just more light on level x one of my favorite cards of all time force your opponent to discard a card off of their desk in between each turn many players built X around this ability alone helping achieve the rare win condition a millionaire opponent set completely and it was also a great attacker against other level s cards as well with the greatest attack name ever extreme attack number for me mu is one of my favorite pokemon cards because its flavor extends directly from the game you can learn almost every attack in the video games and you cards are all about copying the attacks of the other pokemon on the field and the trading card game all of these views in one way or another self competitive success while copying other attacks because you're limited to only four copies of a card in your deck in many cases these new cards allow you to duplicate attackers using new as a proxy to more consistently share your decks main attack this was probably most successfully done with 2006's mutating the dead archetype that led basing Kosinski to his first of three World Championship wins news ability to copy manectric disconnected tank made it possible for you to lock your opponent away from the trainer cards for an entire game with the right partner you can do anything number 3 Mewtwo here's an interesting addition to the list because technically we have done this before in my many faces am YouTube video I talked about the many different ways that Mewtwo has been an important face as a pokemon TCG over the years that segment was actually my inspiration for making a top 10 in this style in the first place mister steam has always been hard-hitting attacks often based on how many energy that you have attached and there was actually an additional tournament winning new food that's been printed since that video aired in 2015 mega Mewtwo y es whose ferocious ending 30 additional damage for each energy attached to both acted Pokemon they just can't stop printing good Mewtwo cards it can't help it number two rick ways a-- likewise us basically what happens when the idea behind all those chars art cards is actually implemented well life charizard require often has expensive attempts that discard energy but because it's a basic Pokemon it doesn't have to waste valuable turns and deck space on evolutions this card is often the big finisher blasting its opponents for insane amounts of damage to ensure one-hit knockouts for a long time always doing it in style with its unique combination of fire and lightning energy it often comes with abilities to move or generate energy onto itself making those big costs a lot more reasonable to deal with requires just such a consistently good card what is it though is self-sufficient it always seems to find a willing partner for example for that crazy two part car Rayquaza and deoxys legend it's not the perfect home in David Cohen's 2011 world winning and more debt in recent TCG days you've probably seen the dozens of successful variants that revolve around the flexible and powerful emerald break Megara poison cars in combination with the sky filled Stadium and a ton of support you can easily rip your opponent apart for over 200 damage without the discarding or high energy cost that you always see in charge our cards today number one Gardevoir in my opinion garner Florrick is the complete pokemon TCG package contributing a variety of world championship caliber decks over the years while in general just having a ton of good cards the very first part of our cars were really strong in their era giving us a combination of energy acceleration and at the annasmith hit for massive damage secret wonders Gardevoir is hands-down one of the strongest cards ever printed in the history of the games combining a power that allows you to copy your opponent's played supporter cards and an unforgiving attack psychic lock the attack shots found your opponent's powers just like the Garbo toxin garbodor that we talked about at the beginning of this list it made the Masters World Championships finals twice and was even bolstered by Gardevoir level acts given your psychic love Gardevoir more HP a switching ability and the potential to instantly knock out the weakest Pokemon in the field more recently Gardevoir has had the extremely rare feat of being able to claim not one but two powerful mega X cards one that does a ton of damage based on your fields energy and another that created a unique deck when you intentionally discard and revive your own bench spoken on over and over again for huge damage every couple of years it seems like Gardevoir is back ready to give it another round at the top tournaments with some crazy new attacker ability that sets it apart in my opinion it's the strongest Pokemon in the trading card game I hope you guys enjoyed this little trip down memory lane and hopefully this last was able to show you guys a variety of leaves that pokemon cards can be powerful I did have to leave a few honorable mentions off this top-10 but it was a fun experiment looking to see which Pokemon continually got good cards over the years thank you as always for watching this video and I'll see you guys next time with more Nintendo content you
Channel: TheJWittz
Views: 1,635,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, Pokémon, TCG, Trading Card Game, Rare, Holo, EX, GX, Break, Level X, LVX, Packs, Pulls, Secret Rare, Top 10, TheJWittz, JWittz
Id: 9ue-0b18F5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2017
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