Top 10 Adult Jokes on iCarly You Definitely Missed

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who know that teenagers on a web series could be so risque welcome to Ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 adult jokes on iCarly you definitely missed for this list we'll be looking at moments from this Nickelodeon sitcom that probably flew over your head as a youngster what seemed far less innocent through an adult viewers eyes [Music] and me sir number ten changes Carly develops an arch-nemesis after the wormy Neville gives her an unwelcome kiss and she fires back with a fistful of tapenade look I don't want to sound rude but I really didn't come here to dance could you just interview me about the web Nevel I stole a kiss upon your cheek and now another kiss I seek seek some tapenade in internet troll fashion Nevel gets vengeance by giving icarly a scathing review on his site so how does the gang thwart this diabolical villain they tattle on him to his mommy his mom is shocked too that Neville gave Carly a negative review out of spite and is even more appalled to learn that he stole a kiss from her Neville's mom is especially surprised since she thought he didn't like girls as Neville points out he's going through changes you told me you thought girls were yucky that was last year going through changes the kids at home might not know what those changes are but they'll likely piece it together once their voices start dropping why does your voice sound deeper I'll help you buddy number 9 lady doctor discussing what they did over the weekend Sam slyly says that she went shopping with her mom which were pretty sure means shoplifting based on Carly's disapproving reaction this is followed by another joke that requires some reading into well at least if you're under the age of 13 Freddie notes that he needs to accompany his mom to her lady doctor I gotta go with my mom to her lady doctor most kids assumed at the time that Freddie was merely talking about a doctor who happens to be a woman now the world or however it's clear that lady doctor is code for gynecologist it's also possible that freddie was talking about an obstetrician although we doubt mrs. Benson was pregnant let's just be grateful that Freddie doesn't go into detail regarding the appointment number eight wet and sticky to say that mrs. Benson is a neat freak would be an understatement seriously how many people do you know have pictures of vacuum cleaners hanging in their home another decoration you'll find in the Benson apartment is a framed quote reading wet and sticky is very icky this isn't the full quote though as mrs. Benson adds in an earlier episode that sticky and wet makes mommy upset why is the counter wet and sticky oh well the I happy and sticky is very icky sticky and wet makes mommy upset the line itself already sounds rather dirty and the way mrs. Benson says it only adds to the innuendo whether intentional or not Spencer isn't sure how to respond and to me there are wait maybe this is the real reason why mrs. Benson and Lewbert if you catch our drift I will not let just anyone rent a room in this house number seven juggling balls in this episode Spencer lands a girlfriend named Connie who does tricks no not like that well actually maybe kind of like that let us explain the trick in question that she performs for Spencer is juggling balls for the record we're talking about actual balls you know like the kind that a clown would juggle at a birthday party Spencer gets just a little too excited whenever she breaks out the balls however the joke is only made more suggestive when it's revealed that Spencer dumped her because she was juggling balls for a few other guys on the side how come you didn't ask your new girlfriend a model for you I broke up with Connie found out she was juggling for other guys it's later clarified that Connie was once again juggling literal balls and we're not convinced that's all she was juggling Oh fudge balls I'd rather watch you number six hobknocker in season two a conceited British singer named Wade Collins repeatedly calls people hob-knockers which is implied to be gross and illegal that's where yo just a bunch of hob-knockers hob-knockers doing some digging into British slang a hop can refer to a stovetop or a machine tool knockers is obviously an informal term for breasts and on a side note knocking shop is another way of saying brothel it's also been debated that hobknocker means somebody who does things with animals what is a hobknocker that's gross and illegal while there are other possible definitions Wade clearly uses hobknocker as a degrading insult maybe the iCarly writers just thought hobknocker was a funny word or maybe they intended to get away with something inappropriate either way the American censors didn't take action but the British censors did supposedly edit the episode why are all Americans such idiots i thought we were hob-knockers number 5 wrestling squirrels on a trip to find bigfoot the gang instead stumbles upon a far more jaw-dropping site in mother nature's backyard surveying the woods Carly spots two squirrels wrestling well at least she thinks that they're just wrestling Freddie points out though that these nutty animals are up to something brawn cheer see anything just trees and some bushes and two squirrels wrestling Charlie hmm they're not wrestling upon further inspection Carly realizes what Freddie's getting at lowering her binoculars in disgust and that's how a generation of young viewers learned where babies come from did you see those squirrels we really didn't need Spencer to elaborate on how B of Coons are made however two graduate students from the University of Fresno recorded video of a female beaver and a male raccoon socializing by a river number four penes finding that Carly is the glue who holds their relationship together Sam and Freddie asked her to accompany them on a date to an Italian restaurant Feeny's know we didn't mispronounce that hey you're havin dinner with us tomorrow night I am yeah Sam and I love Italian food so we made a reservation at pinis I love pinis the restaurant is called penes and Gibby is quite ecstatic about it Sam is an even bigger fan of the restaurant noting that she wants her naked body to be buried in Keeney's lasagna when she dies it is so good that when I die please bury me naked in a bathtub full of pinis lasagna taken out of context older viewers are naturally inclined to misinterpret penes for the male member and we're pretty confident the writers knew exactly what they were doing here we must admit though that penes lasagne does look quite bountiful and we're sure it melts right in your mouth insert that's what she said joke here number three breaking the couch in order to get his hands on a pie recipe Spencer reluctantly winds up on a date with the increasingly weird Trudy would you consider consider what maybe sharing the recipe with me I don't know I pay for it I'd rather go on a date with you he invites her over to his apartment for a spaghetti taco dinner but she's ready to skip right to dessert where Spencer just wants to eat some pie Trudy wants to eat him up suggesting that they take the party to the couch Spencer tries dodging her comments by saying that the couch is broken but Trudy is eager to break it some more what do you say we move this party to the couch couch is broken well why don't we go break it some more what is this a Nickelodeon sitcom or American Pie it's a good thing Carly Sam and Freddie pop in because we'd hate to think how far Spencer would have been forced to go for a slice of pie number two apartment 8d sometimes the most off-color jokes are hiding in plain sight throughout the first three seasons you might have noticed that Freddie lives in apartment 8d to the untrained eye this might seem like a random number and letter jammed together if you've traded your fair share of 90 texts though you'll notice a resemblance between the apartment number and well let's just say penes early in season four Spencer changes the Benson's apartment number to 8h to throw the shadow hammer off-track 8h observe [Music] we can't help but wonder if the sensors also had something to do with this number swap in any case this was among the show's edgiest running gags not to mention one of the hardest to catch okay I was today years old when I found out about that before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions that aren't quite as subtle but nevertheless shocked America please discuss the boys hair and glasses she looks like Miss Briggs miss Briggs crazy pointy boobs Longstaff wrist balls before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one nifty shades of beige 50 shades of grey has provided an endless source of satire to comedians everywhere it may have been targeted at kids but icarly was one of the earlier shows to poke fun at Yale James's adult novel oh man no way no way no way no in the penultimate episode Spencer drags guppy to funky Fester's to win a prize dubby you want to come hang with me for the rest of the day okay the bored guppy passes the time by reading a book entitled nifty shades of beige one passage is apparently so outrageous that it leaves little guppy with a stunned expression on his face we're not sure what exactly guppy read but we think it's safe to say that the characters in the book we're doing something much wetter and stickier than wrestling choppy let's go get massages do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from is mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 453,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adult Jokes on iCarly You Definitely Missed, Adult Jokes in iCarly, iCarly Adult Jokes, Dirty Jokes in iCarly, iCarly Dirty Jokes, iCarly Jokes You Missed as a Kid, iCarly Inappropriate Jokes, Hidden Jokes in iCarly, Adult Jokes in Nickelodeon Shows, iCarly Hobknocker, iCarly Nifty Shades of Beige, iCarly Pini’s, iCarly Squirrels, iCarly Juggling Balls, iCarly, Nickelodeon, TV, Comedy, Sitcom, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, MsMojo, Mojo
Id: 14rMHQUZlk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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