Victorious Characters' Most FOOLISH Moments Ever | NickRewind

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all right we we have much to do today but first Tori the bird seed I'm ready and before I begin I'd like you to have these two large coconuts wonderful you know their milk gives me Visions I've heard very good everyone pay attention Tori one sec ooh a backdrop and I am ready delightful action it was 1934 when my husband left me alone living on the Prairie was a dreary existence no telephone no radio only a large Majestic bird with whom I shared my feelings one day when I was feeling low I said to him oh bird you can fly you can sore miles from this lonely place yet you stay why and apparently my question rang true for that afternoon the bird left oo you got Tater pops why cuz you know what's great about movies uh the musical score whenever stuff happens you always hear the perfect music to go with it see potato pops make me happy so oh great here comes [Music] [Applause] Jade can we sit some more else nope fine we'll sit with the girl who can't keep her mouth shut and got you [Music] fired Beck I I swear if there was anything I could do to make it up to you I would I bet you would you know if you really wanted to help you wouldn't just sit there like a bag of door knobs you do something where are you going anywhere else okay this and that's fre will you tell this Punk nut that you like me well Punk nut Trina made chicken for me don't you listen to her she made a turkey why would you want to date a Canadian that doesn't know one food word from another I have an idea um how about the three of us eat the turkey together no you pick me or you pick him or maybe I'll pick you up and toss you right out that door oh I would love to see you try boys I just Trina Trina I brought you these did someone microwave a turkey who are those flowers for they better be for be they're for Trina what well I heard the boys in the locker room say that Beck asked you out so I thought I'd ask you too look J want me not you idiot oh f for me Andre no look it's disgusting dad come Twi they're killing each other and then Andre started hitting Robbie with the che cattle what's going on we're doing a puppet show I am the king I'm the queen and I'm the little cat but they were just I I swear I S them in there and they were just just promise me when you go to college it'll be someplace far far away dinina did you learn your lesson about telling [Applause] lies I want some apple juice then go get some fine I'll do it myself okay come over here into the light okay uh what is this for oh that's glue yeah but why is it with your makeup supplies what's the problem this is Grizzly glue it's like an industrial cement cat tell me you didn't use this on tor's face uh give me that for industrial use only caution avoid contact with skin care I'm sorry why didn't you use dermal glue I ran out so I got that out of my dad's toolbox C are you insane will it come off I don't know why did you read the label cuz I got distracted by the picture of the cute grizzly bear I mean look at him he's like a fuzzy hey I'm sorry ow owow ow ow this is not going to work uh-uh you guys I'm playing the lead in a big musical tomorrow night and my character is supposed to be beautiful well you do not look beautiful look wor comes to wor you postpone the play no I can't Sophia Michelle is coming to see it oh wow that's too exciting no it's not why not cuz I'm a bring zombie I got pizza I know we're going to help bye s okay who's auditioning next hey you guys that weird kid to Jens sing singen yeah he got his face stuck in the soda machine again can you come help me pull it up psyit you stay here continue with the auditions right what's that oh it's a special coconut my cousin sent me from Sri Lanka I'm going to drink its milk uh it smells uh kind of weird yes it was delivered to my back door so I didn't see it for 3 weeks maybe it's spoiled maybe but I am still going to drink its milk yeah but uh oh I gotta okay singen I'm coming all right next hi I'm Trina Vega hello Trina oh that's a funky taste all right TR take it [Music] away can't oh I think this coconut milk is affecting me oh yes to it up so everybody put your hands in the air [Music] oh oh s my toes look what she can do oh look now she's a hot dog I love Hot Dogs oh sing hot [Music] dog ah Trina is in Trina is in Trina is in Trina is in water what oh yeah water's good sure hey Tori look it's BD Alderman the astronaut he walked on the moon yeah walking is great exercise something bothering you what nothing nothing why why why do you say that cuz you seem all freaked out I feel like I'm with my grandma that laugh seem insincere okay we have a chopped salad for the gentlemen oh yeah that's some legit salad and for the lady a lobster salad with avocado what what is this uh well you ordered where's the manager uh Tori maybe you stay out of this what uh ma'am if you would rather have something else it be no what I'd rather do is that you get fired for being an incompetent pretard uh check please marel excuse me young lady give me that upset over oh my star that wasn't the cop where's the stunt cop no no no it's all right it's all right this is this is so much better is there a problem here yes oh I think there is oh man this Taco it's got me pumped [Music] I think he's going to run dance oh yeah yeah [Applause] [Music] woo oh yeah [Music] look [Music] W yeah get ready to match the stars all right we're here with our next contestant Tori Vegas where you from Tori uh I live in the Hollywood Hills wonderful and are you ready to go for the big money match well okay good now you know how our game is played uh yes you read a sentence with a missing word and then I have to fill in the blank right and if you match at least one of our panelist answers You Win $5,000 wait what happens if I don't match a pedalist you'll see huh and your question is dumb Debbie was so dumb how dumb was she she was so dumb she didn't realize that April 1 was April Fool's blank oh you know I've got a good one all spoiled bring it okay Tori dumb Debbie was so dumb she didn't realize that April 1st was April Fool's Day dayve Dave well let's see if you match anybody Andre roses a red storm clouds are gray Debbie so dumb she didn't realize it was April Fools Lobster Lobster oh all right now get up Jade what's your answer well I figured she was so dumb she thought April 1 was April Fool's Berry that's a thing right April fools Berry that's a thing oh you're a thing a foul Beast of a thing no no no no no no it is not my fault but she said very all right upy Daisy Robbie yes yes what is it psycho dumb Debbie was so dumb she didn't realize April 1st was April Fool's foot oh shut up you people I was on Broadway cat it's your turn wait the lobster forgot to push Story down oh yes why would [Applause] you well you get up M cat dumb Debbie was so dumb she didn't realize April 1st was April Fool's blank I said [Music] blank uh cat I said blank I love President Ford we're not going to bring the lobster out for that one uh Beck well I'm sorry darling I was starving so I said onion rings I [Laughter] know okay one last chance your sister Trina come on Trina well I said cut to the next scene attention attention everyone stop while I talk as you all know I'm Trina Vega now if you look at the Flyers that just landed on you you'll see that starting this Friday night I will be performing my own onew woman show called Trina with an exclamation point hey shut up it's a play that I wrote myself that will not only touch your heart but blow your mind now if you look at these flyers you'll see that could you pass those out train you set I am super set okay then we going to put one down yes let's put one down track one lay back I don't want to make us scene I don't want to let you down I try to do my own thing and I'm starting to figure it out but all right keep it together wh we go I'm not hearing any music anymore uh yeah you're vocal you're not sounding like you did on a live demo you played for me oh right I was just trying it a different way oh okay well why don't you just try singing it like you did on the demo yes sir no problemo great great let's go again take two I don't want to make a scene I don't want to let you down I tried to do my own thing and I'm starting to figure it out can't you make her sound better oh y you just turned off a mic mhm sound better yeah don't forget the lyrics [Applause] [Music] Kid Yep this is going to be amazing yay Tor I don't know why they didn't ask me to sing the national anthem I do me too I get it shut up oh say can you see by the dawn early light what so proudly we held at the twi [Music] last and bright stars through [Music] the she's doing great she's all right [Music] Rock R glare the BS bursting in through the night that a flag was still there oh say [Applause] [Music] oh my CH thee and well she remembered all the words don't you understand your father's an astronaut it's his dream to walk on the moon but now that might never happen because of his narcolepsy what's narcolepsy it's when you're always falling asleep even when you're not tired cardor sound effect oh I just heard your father's car now boys no matter how narcoleptic he is you pretend you don't notice don't touch mommy Nancy boys I'm home hi honey hey Dad hi you there dad oh hello C oh it's all right boys it's all right honey honey I'm up I'm up so Tommy how was school today I'm Carter I'm Tommy oh what kind of father am I I'm so darn narcoleptic I can't even tell my own twin Sons apart it's not your fault they're identical look at them oh Nancy you're so sweetheart darling blast off no no you were saying I'm so right uh you're so good gentle how can you love a sleepy Loser Like Me you're no sleepy loser you're an astronaut I love you I love you h no you don't light a candle B this place stinks I don't have a candle then get a better haircut Shake It Off B he's just in a mood and this cupcake is done yeah you yay cupcake power hey Cat you're killing me time oh it's um 1:20 a.m. okay then we better get going now we don't have to check in till 700 this thing only goes like 4 miles an hour we're in the parade is in Pasadena if we leave now we'll probably just barely make it all right people in the desert let go go oh here the Kee to the cupcake oh no no no I can't drive that thing with you kids in it I have a semi supended driver's license why did it get suspended well see I was driving through Vegas with these people I met at the C cus and um we'll let Beck Drive circus people one woman had an extra finger on her left let's not talk about it m yeah I I got to be honest so you're not going into politics that was off the cuff it's just I've been feeling kind of guilty about well it wouldn't be fair for me to take credit for that movie see most of the work was done by a really talented group of students from Hollywood Arts High School here in La specifically I would like to give credit to Andre Harris Jade West Beck Oliver oh he's giving us credit on national TV Robbie Shapiro singen vanle and most importantly Tory Vega your cousin my cousin she's going to oh man we have to stop her aort aort aort don't no no stop stop here we go hey there dale Squires uh apparently you have a fan in the crowd hey Dale how come you lied to me uh ma'am I don't know you I don't I don't know her you you you don't know me this man took me to a fish restaurant two weeks ago and told me he Lov me and I haven't heard from him S no no no no no no no no no I I come on all right she's lying okay you you are a liar liar oh no that's it I'm about to open up a cloud and rain all over you want to you commercial no way man this is awesome you guys like it [Applause] this now that how like that girl how you like that she's so strong Dale gave us credit even I feel bad you should do something waffles I like waffles waffles are good I know place off we go that looks so real so when this Robbie kid gets here you just say that Rex isn't doing well let him say goodbye and then beep dead Rex why can't my son be handsome like you uh hey what's this oh this is just a fatty lump that I removed from a cab driver's back can I have it what school do you kids go to I have to go see another patient I'll be back in 20 minutes why would you want I'd like to look at it it's just a little weird who texted Andre they have one more Scene left in the plan and then he's goingon to bring Robbie here good 1 hour from now you dead Hey where's cat so what are these for they keep you from hurting yourself oh neat bye monk Bonk they work this doesn't hurt at all Bonk I'm a cube fist [Laughter] man [Music] hey Trina are those Vini shoes they sure are with 10in heels that's a hot shoe I know um I'm I'm still learning how to walk in them do you mind just grab on hey hi oh oh hey Vini shoes I'm wearing them they're mine uh yeah hey uh listen it's already after 8:30 if we don't leave in a few hey you Trey it's empty is that the word you're looking for uh where the rest of the berry bars did you dump them in the trash no they're not in the trash let's go where are the Berry Balls I stuffed them up my hat you the berry balls that out my hat but they're going to melt so let's get out of here we'll drive to my house change into our outfits for the cow ow and I'll return the stupid costume tomorrow well hello uh oh miss the moon hi said you weren't going to come back tonight but here you are well I forgot my pills oh oh did you hand out all Thousand Berry Balls yep she sure did well then I'll write you a check for $100 right now oh no uh she can get that next week I insist she did her job and she deserves her remuneration first I'll write out the date pay to the order of Tori is that spelled t o r i or t o r what's happening uh I she's crying I'm crying I'm so happy to be getting $100 I'm crying and my mascara is dripping I'll get you a rag so uh t o r i yeah how much mascara are you wearing uh here I'll fix it I'm better get her to the mascara Clinic all right everyone please Qui it down settle down now let's give a warm green metal Mall welcome to internet sensation the didly [Applause] boops woo hi kids welcome to the green metal Mall a good place to shop I'm a hot dog something's wrong here what I like about cheese is that you can put it on veggies and it taste so good yeah I like to talk about F those aren't the real de BPS we are too the diddly BPS they're fakers this guy's like 100 years old I'm 34 Baker [Applause] Baker oh my cheers what H dad Sean Quincy one of the most powerful guys in the music business and look who he's with oh my God that's Trey dirty uh-huh so I'm thinking we drop the album before the video comes out see that way we can make sure Shan quiny I'm Trina Vega and this is your lucky day oh no I told her not to come I'm a singer and a dancer and if you give me half a chance I swear I will blow your mind with my talent oh yeah no maybe this isn't the best time but just text me after the party no please don't carry me away 9:26 p.m. so far only Robbie Shapiro has broken character and was promptly banished that leaves five of my students still in character why don't they make the plane out of the same stuff they make the black box out of um hello that was quite an amusing commentary I'll need to see a license and registration oh sorry de Constable I don't own a motor car and therefore have no such documents in me cha Pockets what you stop invading my personal space and have a little of this raisin bread I'm G so why you pop a thato in me mouth well aren't you two having a fun time eating raisin brand together well so do just be careful now Mr British man cuz who knows what terrible things might happen to you if that continues hello Andre it's Grandma uh I'm sorry this isn't Andre I'm a pregnant marathon runner Andre don't you play games with me oh my goodness I think I'm going to have a baby baby oh why did I run that man pH while I was pregnant what the bug are you talking about who is that handsome young man over there this is my nephew Jason he's staying with me while his parents are in Bangkok does he have a girlfriend because as a police officer I need to know that information no I'm not dating anyone ah then we have much to discuss where are you headed I'm going with some guys to see the wall dogs play at The Moxy I'll go with you to see the wall dogs play at The Moxy I'll go right now cat you just broke character J hi everyone I'll be have The Moxy and to think I was going to let that boy eat my racing bread yeah yeah o ice cream stick hey where you going I don't think we should waste all this ice cream so I'm going to take it down to that playground on the corner and give it to some little kids uh I don't know how kids mothers are going to feel about a strange guy handing out let him do it that's your terrible your terrible let him to us good luck okay people we found an S and an h and we got us Sur private cat a concert and my freedom from Trina all right whatever okay uh a a k a k k hey k k okay this is actually causing me pain and not the good kind all we need is an S and an H is that so much to ask I'm out of ice cream me too Beck could be back with more soon Robbie what happened I went to the playground I got off my bike and I yelled hey kids who wants some free ice cream and then their mothers chased me into an alley and beat me with sticks sticks one big mom stick Ste on my neck you got to love big moms is this what you meant Nana I've done good my whole life and now I'm trapped down in this well and I'll probably never get out don't cry don't you cry little girl down in that well the well where you f with no secret to tell you don't have to try I just believe you you can fly anywhere fly out out of that world yes that was so good she kill it I'm sorry I'm confused my character can fly now no so then why is my angel telling me to fly up out of this well because the Angel's mother is a a nice lady who's paying for this play that's right sing it again Daisy don't cry don't you cry little girl she won't stop moaning well about an hour ago [Music] she Kina why did you get out of bed my favor just lie down on the couch call doctor Dodie I am talking to Dr Dodie yeah her anesthesia is definitely worn off how do I know here [Music] listen hear that I'm sorry I I [Music] can't yeah yeah I do okay thanks what he say that I need to ice your face frozen peas no I hate peas you don't have to eat them I'm just going to lay him on your face no Dr J said you come on I I no get oh that feel ni Tori hang back a sec no I'm scared just listen how would you like to do something exciting uh could I have more details my friend Jenny is a casting director she's wor working on a new movie movie they need a spunky teenage girl to play the best friend of the lead would you like to audition wow I mean I've never auditioned for like a real movie before and I've never done a standing backflip but watch [Music] this are you okay oh not really you ready I think the real question is are you ready start the audition hey you what your face get back in line it's not a race I am thinking man tell me the dream show you the plan you don't know what you got every time I hit the spot red shop green go make up your mind I'm starting the show oh oh oh you haven't seen the best of me oh oh oh what she gets H what you see oh oh oh I'll give you some to believe you haven't seen the best of [Music] me two pints of blood in one day yeah so you better drink your juice and eat your cookie so you won't feel faint but you ate my cookie just drink you juice hey there's my little blood Angel Robbie why are you out of bed I don't know I I just felt kind of bad that you had to give more blood for me no worries already done there she is oh yeah let me see wow it's like I'm holding liquid you you in my hands okay oh sweet did you know if you hold blood up against the light you can totally see all the I I I um get the nurse I'll get the nurse F you're doing too much get out L you got your wish I'm sorry Mandy I thought he was my friend but anyone who'd call my adopted sister a weirdo is no friend of [Music] mine Mandy you know I can't understand you not with your speech impediment uh you're you're hungry you're frightened you're sticky you're Canadian like my pants Oh I don't understand you want me to come closer Mandy what oh I can hear your thoughts Tori what do you mean you're not the same as me you wrote this play yeah you like it you're not of this Earth what does that mean you you're from another planet I don't believe you okay come on if you were an alien why would you pretend to be my sister here in the simple Ranch House okay okay then prove it you ready for this yeah get [Music] excited o how does she get her feet so white well done fi God Mandy you are an alien h my gosh how come you never told me get her down stop the well I guess someone should get this on video help brought the light thingy thank you for making me come to this play they're poor ranch house please tell me it's over it's over get this wall off of me come on help get off of me feel the groove when we move on the center get it right every night like we M when it all goes down I need to tell you you're going to love me you're going to tell me that you're ready to go I'm already there look up in the air cuz I'm the star of the show I'm number one baby always number one baby so forget what you've heard this is my [Applause] world [Applause] yeah
Channel: NickRewind
Views: 39,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NickRewind, Nick Rewind, Teen Nick, 90s Nick, 90s, 90s Nickelodeon, 2000s, Nostalgia, iCarly, Miranda Cosgrove, Jennette McCurdy, Victoria Justice, Ariana Grande, Cat, Cat Valentine, Victorious, Tori, Trina, Carly, Spencer, Sam, Freddie, Zoey 101, TikTok, TikToks, Sam & Cat, Sam and Cat, Throwback, Big Time Rush, Ned’s Declassified, True Jackson, Keke Palmer, Shorts, Bloopers, Jade West, Jade, Elizabeth Gillies, Songs, Music, Give It Up, Freak the Freak Out, Beggin’ On Your Knees, ytao_vic
Id: lk7g2tuoY9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 42sec (2682 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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