Every iCarly Webshow Ever - Season 1 | NickRewind

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[Music] 20 seconds here we go I look good perfect me uh uh you got something in your teeth hey there people of Earth I'm Carly Shay and this is our very first webcast of a little show we call I Carly she's Carly she's Sam Sam I Am Carly Sam I think they're clear demonstrate the thing oh yeah with this item provided by our dorky friend Freddy that's disrespectful we can do this and this and this okay tonight we're going to show you some kids with super insane Talent trick show stop it okay this first kid we're going to show you can take a glass of milk this is so deliciously gross snort the milk up into his nose it's the best thing ever and then make the milk squirt out of his eyes I want to marry this boy let's bring him out Simon Kindle you're up dude woohoo okay Simon you ready to blow people away with your freakish challenge do it let's go drum [Music] roll okay this is insane tell the people your name Brennan yubberly yubberly okay any word you say Brennan can say backwards perfectly he's a backwards stalker check this out ointment T yes okay uh slippery watermelon Europe pill SN and rtoa do you hear this we love this boy okay okay say I must be from planet Jupiter because there's no other way I could be saying all this backwards up yes to hit s Rock C did you hear that Insanity you're n that's enough brenon great job wonderful W looking at that goat made me hungry well you can eat soon cuz the very first webcast of I Carly is almost over no no no no don't be sad we still got one more kid with a weird talent but first here's some stuff you need to know if you liked our show tell your friends your cousins people you like people you hate all people of this planet that we're going to be here live online every week at I carly.com in fact next week Carly's going to take my tonsils out right here she's lying but how awesome would that be oh and if you want to send us a video of you doing or saying anything cool telling a joke eating a bug just email the video clip to us Carly and me me and Sam at I carly.com and if it's cool enough we'll show it right here on I Carly okay our last freakishly talented kid's name is Taran James and she's about to play us out with her trumpet but with a little extra twist hit the button get out here Taran come on [Applause] out so full oh my gosh I wish I do that thanks for watching next time yeah oh my gosh this is so much fun and we're clear yes we did it okay I Carly goes live in 15 seconds let's shake it baby in 5 4 3 2 hello people you're watching I Carly I'm Sam so I must be Carly so so Sam why don't we tell everybody about the insanely awesome new shoes we got the other day you know we should okay these bad boys are called techfoots bya and not only did they look cool they have a built-in foot warmer they have a digital pedometer to tell you how far you've run walked or jogged they even have Wi-Fi connectivity I mean who wouldn't buy these shoes jerks so quit being a jerk and go buy yourself a parch foots by you clearly don't care about my feeling you clearly won't stop talking to me yeah cuz you keep sucking me back into the conversation 10 seconds why don't you just forget about the shirt and the concert fine good cuz I'm taking Melanie cats to see cuttlefish with me oh like you're such good friends with Melanie cats that's right Melanie cats is my best friend then you should know she's been in the hospital since last Christmas so I forgot Rel IA Senor and sor welcome to I Carly Mayo Carly and you Mayo me Sam okay before we do our thing we're starting off the show with a viewer submitted video check out this clip of a little girl giving her mom a big surprise okay honey open your next present o this is a big one happy Birthday Mommy poor mom had no idea that was coming heck of a birthday present yes a present I'm sure that little girl's mom wouldn't trade for anything since it came from someone she cares about yeah but I bet if she traded it for something that they could both do together the daughter would have been happy and not freaked out about it like a psycho Maniac maybe you should just do the show without me no you do it without me don't you walk away from me Sam too late I'm already what you did was wrong I keep dreaming why can't you ever just admit what you did was wrong and apologize what it yeah before we get my last ner hi Carly is experiencing technical difficulties all right girls let's break us a world record ready in five 4 3 two hey people welcome to I Carly are you wide awake you're not then you are now which is good cuz you're going to need to stay awake with us for a long time was that Carley I think you know Sam tell me anyway cuz me Sam and our technical producer Freddy are here to break the record for the world's longest live webcast ever so we can be in next year's Jonas book of world record and to make it all official here's an actual representative from the world record committee Marilyn [Applause] rmer so Marilyn go over the rules for our viewers what you well to beat the world record your webcast must be continuous and last longer than 24 hours and 8 minutes you can't stop streaming no breaks and someone must be awake and doing something on screen at all times a it by the way Carly mentioned to me that you might enjoy having this no way it's the world's fattest praise look at him all right calm down now over here is our countdown clock which tells us exactly how much time is left till we break the world record and to make sure Sam and I keep up our energy our Tech producer Freddy has preset a special timer we don't know when it's going to go off but when it does you're going to see [Applause] some okay now we're introducing another new segment which we call Street fishing we're going to cast our line all the way down to the street below and see what we can catch oh I forgot my lucky fishing hat L it hey hey I think you got a tug on the line there pull it up I'm pulling reel it in got it OMG we hooked a baby throw it back I can't throw it back it's a bacon just kidding it's a fake baby [Applause] see all right throughout this whole Marathon webcast Carly's brother Spencer is going to stay awake with us well he's building an insane sculpture so let's check in with him remote cam up hey Spencer no Spence oh hey garly Sam so tell us about that sculpture you're making okay as you can see it's sort of a mishmash of various parts and items and when I'm done a lot of the pieces are going to move around and spin Shake Rattle roll and things of that nature I will fix that okay Spencer we'll come back to you in about an hour I will be here oh God okay in five 4 3 2 hey it's me Carly on the other hand I'm am and this is I Carly voted the number one web show in the world by who me Ben it's [Applause] official Morgan oh hey Daddy what are you doing watching I Carly online sweetie I told you if Daddy doesn't come up with some te TV shows that people your age like Daddy's going to get fired and have no more money and then you'll starve so while I go see my boss I want you to watch this new show we're making it's really funny okay but Michelle why would you accept two dates to the prom but not tell either boy about the other because Dad Luke is so sweet but Brandon is so hot what ah noodles lame and now we're going to see what happens when you take an ordinary watermelon and pump it full of pressurized air yeah yeah pump up the fruit come on it's going on see she's right there Morgan what are you doing watching I Carly what is I Carly it's a web show I thought I told you to watch our new show it's lame Daddy it's lame daddy now we'll see what happens if we pump air into Freddy's pants whoo who wait a second yeah pump up the pants these are brand new pants seriously guys oh Sam come on not my pants it w be fun all right when don't you help me pull this SN out if you want to create something good then why don't you make a show like that one on the internet you know the one that's making your daughter laugh that is an excellent idea oh no no let's do my chair my pants can't take it Carly Sam him 5 4 3 2 I'm Carly I'm Sam bis Olaf Shalom Durk and schn Durk and schn it's foreign for good evening in what language fores I don't believe you but since I have no proofs dark okay now before we get started we have a special request for you are I Carly viewers we want to see videos of you guys doing your coolest dance moves or your uncoolest dance moves any dance moves will be acceptable like the Jitterbug the Tango the Mambo the chimmy chonga the woozy jacuzzi the butternut Trot any dance you like just put it on video then upload it right here at I carly.com and if your dance is extremely awesome or extremely lame we might show it here for the whole world to see and if we do you could get pay or not yeah probably not you won't no five four three two hey there welcome to I Carly I'm Sam I'm Carly blah blah blah blah hey just read the introduction I gave you uh tonight and I Carly instead of the worthless trash we usually do here um please prepare to enjoy some fine music played on the bag pipes by Miss Francine Briggs oops wrong button give me that and now here she is playing an original song she composed herself called haggus and Moonlight please welcome the lovely and talented Miss Francine Briggs thank you and now for some real en riching [Music] entertainment this is so horrible well maybe we don't have that big of an audience tonight sorry look wa all those people are streaming us right now biggest audience we've ever had yeah and they all want us to be out there doing something funny hey hey look at that why is the number dropping cuz people are turning us off we've lost over 10% of our audience unless than 2 minutes ah this is a disaster do you know how hard we worked to get that audience and Briggs is going to ruin it in one night look already 20% of our audience [Music] gone man this webcast is suckish I'd rather watch you yeah go balls [Music] go how long is this song I don't even think it's half over we've almost lost over half of our viewers we got to do [Music] something what it what do you want the green screen what about the green screen you have it set up uh yeah but I haven't tried it yet I was going to test it out test it now or I'll test it now he'll test it [Music] now [Music] [Music] e [Laughter] hey watch me chuggle no way baby this I Curly web show is [Applause] hilarious she's completely unaware of the changing backgrounds we're getting the audience back yeah hit it thank you a your song's over do another one yeah come on Miss bricks let's do this come on all [Music] [Applause] right Freddy what up for the green screen uh I'm not sure uh what's going on with the monitor I don't know ROM dancing Freddy do something I'm dancing like I have no control over anything okay now what we're offline no signal in or out our whole website's down oh great in the middle of our show wait what's going on with the monitor I'm not making it do that well then who's I am the source of my Carly's technical difficulties well knock it off who are you anyway my identity is a secret Neville come say goodbye sweetie mother I'm busy Neville hello Carly Sam Freddy you're the one messing up our webcast that's right I've hacked your website I told you I'd get revenge no you said I'd Ru the day same thing and now your time to Ru has come look Neville you better just back off or I'm going to squeeze your big round melon head till it pops you don't scare me Sam well we know what does scare you yeah we're just going to tell your mom on you again and then you'll be in huge trouble wrong my mother's leaving for a 2-month cruise around the Arabian Peninsula well someone has to be in charge of you correct my grandmother but she's hopelessly confused that's right I'm untouchable I control like Carly and there's ner a thing you can do to stop me ner let the ruing begin you feel it Carly you feel the ru you feel it Neville come Kiss Mommy goodbye all right mother better find a new hobby Carly cuz your web show is officially cancelled by me I hate him I heard that okay if you thought that video was cool check out this kid from New York he's a Crump dancer he enjoys crumping and he does it covered in peanut butter Crump it up peanut boy this is for [Applause] you [Applause] carly.com unbelievable but is he smooth or crunchy and does he have a girlfriend covered in jelly important questions okay next and I Carly we're going to who's coming up the elevator oh I uh I ordered Chinese food during the show there's no wrong time to eat an egg roll ah okay looks like we have a surprise visitor here on I Carly hi food delivery guy what's your name chuck chuck have you ever been interviewed Chuck no so Chuck where are you from [Applause] Wisconsin are you in college no okay U oh what's the weirdest thing that's ever happened to you while you were delivering food I don't know Chuck you're very boring and that means it's time for this Random Dancing 10 five 4 3 2 hello people of Earth who own computer congratulations you've signed on to I carly.com so sit back take off your socks and enjoy this fine webcast I'm Carly I'm Sam that's right I'm Carly I'm Sam we were momentarily confused but no worries cuz tonight we got a very special episode of I Carly for you we're going to take you people on a trip to a virtual art show right here in the I Carly studio so you people can see some awesomely cool sculptures and then leave us your comments right here at I carly.com now you can't have a real art exibit without music right so say hello to Sam's cousin the one who's not in jail our friend Greg [Music] Patell yeah hey Carly Hi Sam hey dude hi Greg why don't you crank up that flute and get this Art Exhibit started yeah baby here we [Music] go how was that boring now show them how we do it I Carly style hurry Greg he's playing a flute and beat boxing at the same time all by himself my cousin has got T yeah baby yeah woo now we call this next sculpture splatterman splatterman wow now here's an enjoyable sculpture which we like to calloo now look at this next sculpture it's a Christmas tree of noses appropriately named merry sniff baby squirrel made out of video camera [Music] Parts okay look at this next sculpture it's a robot made out of soda bottle his eyes light up red whether he's angry or not now this sculpture is called the bottle not to be confused with bubble butt which is what I call our teacher the horrible Miss Briggs why say that live on the web she already hates you which means I have nothing to lose okay now be sure to leave us your comments about all the sculptures we've shown you tonight and send us piics of your own artwork right here to I carly.com not.net net is for losers bye see [Applause] you [Applause] and I Carly is live in five four 3 2 Happy Halloween do the scary music why the scary music cuz tonight I Carly comes to you live from an abandoned Apartment that people swear is haunted so are there really such things as ghosts and if so are there ghosts living in this very apartment do it with me this time now we pledged to stay right here in this abandoned Department webcasting to you live till midnight cuz we're here to prove that you need light to do a web show Freddy turn the lights back on I didn't turn them off Freddie I swear well if you didn't then who did what is it I just found something on my leg oh come on Carly okay guys quit playing get it off me get it off me get it off [Music] me kids in Halloween fun we're going to do something a little special Carly and I are going to start punching each other in the face the one with the last tooth wins we're just kidding what we are going to do is our first ever live music performance on I Carly yeah we are so sit back keep your hands off that mouse or trackpad and get excited for our special guest Jake Randle how you guys doing this is a song called whatever my love and I'd like to dedicate this to my grandmother keep on hopping grandma get ready he's about to sink I got [Music] him you're so beautiful I need the world to [Music] see you're my mircle just take the time that you need is it working to breathe [Music] and never mind the things I've done you make me feel like I'm the Rising Sun pretty you bath I'm kind of thirsty where is my [Music] punch flavor punch did I buy and you'll always be give me that nose you'll be the one yes yes that's my grandson that's my jaky yes yes and one two three four go hello there my name is Freddy and here tonight on this special webcast of I Carly we're going to play a new game called I win a date okay first let's meet our Mystery Date now keep in mind his voice has been disguised so that our girl contestants won't recognize him hello Mystery Date hi it's great to be here Freddy and now let's meet our three girls remember their voices have also been disguised hello girl number one one hello Freddy nice to see you wow my voice sounds so weird that's so cool nice to see you and girl number two hi Freddy and uh girl number three hey fredward how's it hanging and though those are the three girls competing to win a date with our mystery man whichever girl he picks will join him on a romantic dinner for two at the Cheesecake Warehouse awesome now mystery man you ask the questions listen to the girls answers carefully and then when it's all over it'll be up to you to choose your girl begin okay girl number one yes what is your favorite type of music um what's your least favorite I guess rap oh well I love rap yeah rap music I listen to it all the time rap is tight yo okay girl number two um I guess my favorite music would either be rock and roll or pop hey me too cool how about you girl number three okay where is girl number [Music] three I love me the cold chili okay mysty date you have time for one final question cool girl number two if one day we were married how would you wake me up in the morning well i' say Wake up sleepy head then I'd bring you a super nice breakfast and bed sweet goal number one how would you wake me up I'd yell get up and go get a job you lazy sack and then I'd pour hot soup on your face all right Mystery Date that's the end of the final round who will be your lucky day to The Cheesecake Warehouse it's time to choose well um I I got to go with girl number one y congratulate what what what and now moving on last week one of our viewers submitted an awesome video clip to us right here at icarly.com it's from Carrie mackler of Providence Rhode Island she's a singer this girl can whail Freddy play car's video clip play back hi Carly hey Sam I love your web show okay check this out this is one of my mom's really good glasses okay now watch yeah nice did you see that why can't she sing that note next to our math teacher's head all right now to finish off tonight's webcast my brother Spencer and amazing artist is going to show you his latest sculpture his coolest one ever so hit the Applause button and say hello to my big brother [Applause] Spencer yo yo yo tell the I Carly viewers about your latest Masterpiece okay so the other night I'm watching this TV show about building houses right and this one guy asked this other guy which he likes better a nail gun or a hammer and the guy goes personally I'm a fan of hammers and when he said that it inspired me to build this a fan of hammers Sam hit that button thank you I understand your excitement hey check this out it actually works all right f [Music] I'm said that was Carly we have [Applause] hair okay Freddy back to reality restoring reality okay okay okay now we're going to throw something else new at you the other day we were checking out the comments here at icarly.com and we found a girl who's got to be the biggest fan of this web show ever this chick's cucko for I Carly so let's bring her out Mandy yeah hi hi everyone I'm on Carly hey hi how you doing welcome to the show I made some cookies for you guys look it a that is so nice wow she put her faces on the cookies Freddy zoom in on these I'm car I'm Sam my face is delicious there's a chocolate chip in my brain you guys made my cookies talk that's so funny yeah well I made a Freddy cookie too here's your cookie Freddy thanks uh you're a little close to the lens oops oh Mandy since you're at Carly's first live audience member ever please step this way where you'll be able to watch the show while sitting upon what we call the seat of sitting ooh okay and I should point out that this amazing seat was made by my brother Spencer that's your brother's name wow this girl really knows her ey Carly yes she does it's true I do this seat is comfortable go on do your thing as you can see by our fancy countdown clock right over there we have 14 hours and 39 minutes left till we break the world record so what are we going to do next Carl well we could what come on let me do it fine you can do it hey people I'm Freddy Benson the technical producer of I Carley and this is a new segment I like to call Tech time with Freddy so Freddy what fun technological thing do you have to show us I'm glad you asked Carly I'm going to show you guys this new Hightech light bulb it's filled with zenite gas which means [Applause] okay okay Freddie oh man what is that smell zenite gas you guys made me drop my bulb and it broke go get that fan and open a window your bulb spells worse than you and now it still really smells in here thanks to Freddy but we're still going to move on to our next segment which we call fun with bacon this is the source okay everybody get out of here right now get down to the lobby what's going on there's some sort of unusual gas leak coming from this room oh that was just my light bulb see it broke all you kids out we can't leave we're halfway to breaking a world record here why are we dancing randomly We Can't Stop our webcaster will be disqualified and we won't get in the book with the fat priest fat priest forget the fat priest we have to stay here you're going to ruin our world record I don't give a flying fidoodle about your world record now all of you down to the lobby right now there is a gas leak you guys have got to get out of here wait okay um we're still in the middle of trying to break the record for world's longest continuous webcast which we will do so right now please enjoy the following argument we can't stop this webcast we're trying to break a world's record here there is a gas leak you guys are got to get out of here I don't know what caused this is serious business I mean it ouch again what's going on this old dude's trying to make us leave just for a few minutes till we determine that it's old dude Marilyn is it okay if we stop our webcast tast just for a few minutes I'm sorry but if you stop I'll have to disqualify you okay people we're having some issues here but just keep watching I Carly we're not going off the air until we break the world record if you kids are not out of this room in 30 seconds Freddy can you keep the webcast going down in the lobby uh sort of I'm good on camera battery but the one in my laptop won't hold to charge it's got to stay plugged in we'll keep it plugged in how I'll handle it she'll handle it how you going to handle it I'll handle it you have 10 seconds to get out of here ah help me get the stuff MO wait wait okay you're now witnessing the very first ever I Carly webcast to go completely mobile this is heavy thanks to three dozen extension cords of various colors and girth so so heavy we're currently moving down the back stairwell at the building it's hurting me we're on our way to the lobby where this webcast will continue uninterrupted okay we're down we did it okay Bill and all clear you could come back up and now we go back up this is worse I hate this cart more fun coming down okay it's still Halloween and we're webcasting to you live from an abandoned Apartment where things seem to have taken a turn for the freaky cuz it looks like this place may actually be haunted but I doubt it just a little Thunder get out blow away that didn't sound like thunder Sam now can we leave we made a pledge to stay get out I vote we cancel the pledge I second Sam's vote leted fail it's not opening come on just turn the KN it won't turn try hitting it with something me we ask our technical producer Freddy say yo to the people Freddy yo to the people how yall doing out there that's enough Freddy anyway we've been secretly videotaping lubert for almost a week so let's take a look at some of the highlights Freddy roll the cliff lay back okay and there's lubert sitting at his desk just a nasty little man working in the lobby and if you look real close you can see his wart zoom in on it Freddy digital Zoom there it is living happily right on luber's face I call that wart little lubert zoom out oh okay see that lady Watch What Happens I just need to check my mail no dogs in my Lobby I will leave in a minute no you know what rent in this milk this is not you are treating us like this he's arguing with a pomegranate Pomeranian whatever okay okay now watch lubert closely see that little kid with the balloon right next to him Mommy that man my cookie you took my son's cookie no away how dare you you are so you falling all over your face and all over my face security that man took my son's cookie what are you going to do about it did did you see that as you can see luber's a bad person not a good dude which is why we're introducing a new segment on I Carly which we call messing with lubert and there's lubert live I'll di the lobby downstairs main lobby and that concludes this seg enough messing with lubert who is this all clear and we are live on the web in five 4 3 2 why did we just scam because I 50th web show spectacular it's true this is the 50th webcast of I Carly and it is spectacular spectacular I'm Carly and I'm Sam and maybe you've noticed this isn't our usual I Carly studio and if you haven't noticed scrape that crud out of your eyes we're webcasting to you live from our school room 29 because we got detention tell them why we got detention cuz we're naughty Dippity dooo uh okay you just heard our friend CLA yell Dippity Doo which means that our horrible teacher Mr Howard is coming I got a hide okay Freddy's going to hide in the closet and we're going to switch to the cap cam in our friend Billy's hat switching to the cap cam I have ears like a hawk I distinctly heard laughter and I hate laughter I thought you hated your wife her too now keep your mouth shut isn't he Charming Freddy let's go switching back to the main cam okay we were talking about the things that kids do that get him detention why look here's a gold member of the detention club right here it's ninth grader ripoff Rodney please call me ripoff so how'd you get detention I was selling fake hall passes nice and how' you get caught I uh I misspelled hul two Ls yeah okay so you got anything else to say to the Carly fans the world yeah I got a special this week on burritos two for six bucks and do they contain Quality Meat no they do not want and now continuing with our game of hangman JD it's your turn to guess a letter or solve the puzzle all right um is it Mr Howard eats pants correct he certainly does okay h o t Dippity dooo Freddy hi switch into the cap cam uhhuh everybody so innocent do I smell burritos I have a feeling who wrote this who wrote This [Music] Lie never in my entire life have I eaten one pair of pants somebody going to confess or do you all want to do 200 push-ups principal Franklin says teachers can't give physical punishments in detention oh principal Franklin if you ask me he's not even fit the be in charge of this school he's weak spineless well I think I am just going to sit here and stare at you gutter children until detention is over and I think I'll add an extra two hours just hang on Freddy has a way to get rid of Mr Howard hey no talking to that boy's hat Wesley now check Carnation what is that stay here and say nothing switching back to the main camp okay now the DIY D done gone next on I Carly live from detention Turtle racist come on give him a kiss give him a kiss kiss my want a big kiss give him a kiss come on hey you there stop who are you stop you Holan remove your [Applause] sack look at him go say slow can't be exciting you can only get this stuff at icarly.com baby video camera Turtles burritos what is going on in here the I Carly 50th web show spectacular you're all really in trouble now I am talking suspension I am talking expulsion deportation and you can all start with 500 push-ups I don't care what principal Franklin has to say about you don't no I oh oh dear principal what are you doing here well I was at home watching the I Carly 50th web show spectacular Congratulations by the way my kids and I love your show wow awesome while I was watching I heard Mr Howard called me a weak spineless fool no no no no I I said uh uh sweet uh stylish cool in my office but I I now why does everything always happen to [Music] me so now what well I suppose Mr Howard has tortured you all enough go home okay we're just about done I'm Sam I'm Carly and I'm Ted and thanks for watching the I Carly 50th web show spectacular may I second button from the bottom it's I Carly's 50th web show spectacular bye keep c.com don't forget it see you Freddy let's talk to someone okay we got a bunch of people waiting here uh oh here's a guy all the way from Poland what's up hey Poland take that Poland now let's try some viewers from this country okay uh here's a girl named Valerie from Seattle hi there what's up girl hey you guys my name is Valerie long time viewer first time lab camer I just love I Carly awesome thanks a lot um you look kind of familiar have we seen you before yeah I go to school with you guys I'm just one grade ahead of you hey is Freddy there can I see him why would a person want to see Freddy right here Valerie all right can I just say I think you're insanely cute yeah uh Valerie you might want to check your webcam and your brain cuz I'm pretty sure one of them's malfunctioning Sam hey Valerie since you think Freddy's cute why don't you go on a date with him yeah it's a new feature on I Carly which we call date the Dork what do you say Val well I don't think Freddy's a dork and I'd love to go on a date with him you won't be jealous I'll try to be strong yes okay Valerie just email Freddy the address of the mental institution you're locked up in and he'll meet you there in five four three two and welcome to what I Carly oh yeah I'm Sam and I'm Carly it's Neville again now what's he doing overriding our signal he's webcasting directly to our audience and now and I Carly I will sing a song all about my webcast I have a web show that I do it is really bad how can this not be infuriating you just keep watching it makes people sad with a boring hair what are you people doing here I Dem man quiet yes sir who's that a friend of my dad's you called in the military I don't play around Neville paperman your computer hacking is a direct violation of the Internet Security Act of 1983 wait they're taking my equipment they can't do that oh yes they can and I can also place you under military arrest no no please I'm just a young boy huh a boy trust me please don't arrest me okay fine you're not under arrest then what are you going to do with me get me down from here after you apologize to Carly I'm sorry Carly Now call yourself a weenie I'm a weenie he is a weenie yeah very weenie-ish okay Carly I don't think this boy will be bothering you anymore no let's clear out wait you can't just leave me dangling up here sure I can let's go get some sushi wait no no please you can't just leave me dangling here no no don't leave me dangling don't leave me [Applause] dangling okay I carly.com is back under our control and we we are live we're back sorry for that little Interruption we don't think it'll happen again nope and now a first fry Carly a world famous band is going to perform live right here right now so please welcome the pl white te hey I'm Tom higginson before we do this song I want to thank Carly's brother Spencer for saving my life Spencer you're a heck of a guy and you wear some rocking socks that's [Applause] true all right let's do this for I [Applause] Carly [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh there will be no rues tonight if there were we'd break them nothing's going to stop us now let's get down to it nervous hands and anxious Smiles I can feel you breathing this is right where we belong turn up the music oh oh oh oh this is a dance for all the lovers taking a chance for one another finally it's our time now these are the times that we remember breaking the city's heart together finally it's our time now it's our time [Music] now this is more than just romance it's an Endless Summer I can feel the butterflies leading me through it take my heart I'll take your hand as we're falling under this is an addiction girl let's give ins do it oh oh oh oh this is a dance for all the lovers taking a champ for one another finally it's our time now these are the times that we remember breaking the city's H together finally it's our time now it's our time now oh oh oh oh oh oh uhoh in 5 4 3 2 howdy y'all I'm Carly I'm Sam and this is I Carly back on the internet where nobody can tell us what to do yeah baby and now Carly will spell the word punctuality well Sam screams like a girl in a horror movie about to be eaten by a monster p u n c t u a l i t y nice job Carl thank you Sam and and I Carly some live music from a new friend of ours who's amazingly talented so let's get him out here [Applause] Hopper this one's for the real light [Applause] Carly it all started out so innocent you were just another pretty face that I love to see but somewhere down the line I got this feeling deep inside that won't stop talking to me yeah won't stop talking to me but lately I've started to dream about you and me and now it would be to hold you close to me like it's supposed to be but then I get the singing in my ear and it rigs me right back to reality oh reality yeah help me I think I'm falling in love with you yeah yeah [Music] yeah love with you [Applause] yeah hi we're we're tired so what are we going to do next Sam I don't know makeovers oh yeah makeovers ta aren't we pretty I feel like a princess now what uh let's go live to Spencer downstairs working on his sculpture we and he's asleep I'll wake him up Freddy throw me the duct tape hit the elevator button [Music] [Applause] oh so next we're [Music] [Applause] gonna doing this webcast is getting difficult but luckily we planned for this we've got the perfect way to stay awake [Music] and now we're going to stick our heads in tubs of ice water we're going to stick our heads in tubs of ice water to keep ourselves up 1 three 1 2 [Music] 3 that that and now and I Carly our next guest is the only person we know who actually likes to be awake at 5:30 in the morning he drove here all the way from aaka my Grandad morning Carly Sam how are you so wake this morning yeah what is wrong with you I have lots of energy because every morning I exercise and who doesn't love exercise uh that would be most Americans and that's the problem when you kids are my age don't you want to be able to do this wow pretty impressive Grandad and ni sucks thanks I can do this all day oh that's great wonderful keep just coming this you girls with a little more exercise need plenty of vior feel better and have more energy sure I was your ready and that was Carly's Granddad now since we're less than 5 minutes away from breaking the world record it's time for our grand finale that means big finale thank you Sam so now take a look at my brother Spencer's completed [Applause] sculpture impr [Applause] fantastic thank you Carly Sam but you've seen nothing yet nothing yet see this isn't just a sculpture of a bunch of random items this is a SC sculpture of a bunch of random items that [Music] [Applause] move you see that you got all your basic movements happening here you got your back and forth your two and fro your Wily and your nilly over 137 moving Parts amazing how did you decide to take off uh what's going on lights here hey how much electricity do that thing draw uh you know a bunch the power unplug the sculpture hurry sper okay okay problem solved Freddy uh we were down for about 4 seconds well that's not a problem right I'm sorry guys to break the world record your webcast had to be continuous come on haven't you ever heard of the 5sec rule that's for eating food off the floor well I feel that rule could apply here nicely I'm really sorry wait wait I I'll fix this don't you think you could Overlook those four unfortunate seconds when the power went down uh the world record book doesn't take bre bribes especially not ski ball tickets oh I need those 20 more of these and I get a gigantic harmonica well sorry we didn't break the world record so much for getting our picture in the book with a fat priest we'll see you here next time on I Carly and we're out now to close the show we're going to do something a little different on I Carly please say hello to someone you've met here before my big brother Spencer [Applause] thanks for coming Spencer do you know why you're here no because you wouldn't tell me why I'm here that's cuz we have a little surprise for you come on out here miss acur what is going on just go with it all right this is our history teacher who very kindly agreed to appear on our show hello Spencer and Miss arrian have been dating but they've been having some relationship problems so we're going to talk to them and then you guys can vote online right here at icarly.com to tell us whether it's time for them to make up or break up I'm not comfortable with this so Spencer why do you feel that you and Miss arrian are having problems well she seemed nice at first but then I realized she's totally insane not my type and Miss acan where do you feel things went wrong I don't know I tried to be a good girlfriend I brought him presents what kind of presents well a customized stuffed animal oh and a brand new pear pod with 500 songs on it wow a lot of songs you buy them all on PE tunes no I just downloaded them from one of those music sharing websites but it's not about how much a person spends it's the thought that counts you make a good point okay I Carly viewers it's time to vote right here at I Carly just look under the picks of Spencer and miss arrian and vote makeup or breakup can I say one more thing before they vote no sit down stupid door come on open it get out we're trying the door knob came off why' you pull off the door knob cuz I wanted it for my knob collection will you guys not fight in front of the ghost there's no such thing as ghost grow up Sam okay as you know we pled you the fans of I Carly that we will not leave this apartment until midnight tonight a pledge we will now keep since Freddy Yanks the knob off the [Music] door run to the closet everybody in here I'm here here wait whose butt is this Sam sorry okay Freddy's filming me and Sam as we hide in the closet of an abandoned Department apartment which we'd think is haunted if we didn't know there's no such thing as ghosts yeah keep hanging on to that dream I wish we could see in here oh there's a little light on my keychain here let me just turn this baby on and oh good now we can see in the [Music] W that was close hey why do my hands feel wet what's on my hands samam that's blood blood 5 4 3 2 hello people of Earth and Beyond this is a little web show we like to call I Carly I'm Carly and I'm Sam and I'm Freddy now usually I'm behind the camera where you should be but tonight we're going to shake it up a little bit can't wait Yay see Carly and Sam are in a big fight and both girls think they're right I am right you am wrong you am obnoxious see but this fight is going to end tonight because you the the fans of I Carly are going to decide who's right by voting online after the show right here at I carly.com so what does this have to do with tying up our ponytails I was getting to that both girls are about to give their sides of the story but if either girl interrupts says something insulting or yells her ponytail will be yanked hard this is ridiculous I ain't doing this ow very good and now the first girl to speak will be Carly she pressed the boob button ow drop the remote Carly you may begin okay it started when I gave Sam an i Carly t-shirt that I worked so hard to make it was a really special gift and then she traded it for concert tickets you wanted to go to that concert ow it's Carly's turn but she but but I well just let me I'll be quiet I put a lot of thought into that gift and then Sam just traded it away and then she went to the concert without me and Sam still hasn't apologized for trading away a present that I made her mhm very nice now Sam you may give your side of the story finally okay first off Carly said the shirt was no big deal and the tickets I got were for cuttlefish a concert Carly told me she was dying to go to it's her favorite band let the record show that Carly is fond of cuttlefish so yeah I traded the shirt but it was to get something Carly wanted a lot something the two of us could have done together and Carly refused to go to the concert I would have gone with you if you just apologized uh she interrupted me yank her ponytail no I'm going to allow it why because I love her give me the Rope ow you're not the Rope keeper ow ow hurry stop stop it you're missing the point of this activity knock get off guys you're stressing your Pony five four three in 54 3 2 1 I'm Carly I'm Sam and this is and this is and this is I Carly now we'd like to welcome aboard a new member of the I Carly team our new technical producer Jeremy or as we like to call him Jeremy I got some spittle on the lens just wipe it off Jeremy [Music] okay this is another new segment on I Carly which we like to call animals dressed like other animals okay first up we have a dog dressed like a pig I'll go get him you do that cars we'd like to thank our friend Robin for letting us borrow her wiener dog this is for you Robin and thanks to my brother Spencer for letting us use his novelty Pig part um I'm allergic to pigs it's not a pig it's a weener dog how can you confuse Robin's weener dog with a pig I need a tissue okay we're going to wrap up the show a little early tonight so join us next week or not here at icarly.com maybe bye bye and we're clear and 5 4 3 2 hello Internet elonian greetings webites if you're here to see a live autopsy of an alien you've come to the wrong URL okay we've got an awesome show for you guys tonight and we're going to kick it off by showing you a freakish video sent in by an i Carly viewer of a cat meowing the national anthem God bless a meoa ready one singing cat coming up I rule you horse I said get up I said get up I said get up Freddy where's the singing cat okay okay hang on here it's upside down I see that wait sorry I Carly viewers Freddy will have the Cat video fixed in just a sec okay guys we're having some minor technical difficulties so while we get them fixed please enjoy this picture of an old lady biting a brick hey okay this is I Carly and before we do anything else tonight we want to talk to you guys some more about the incredible new techfoot shoes we told you about last week we're going to show you all the reasons why techfoots are so unique hey Carly yes Sam do your feet ever get hot and sweaty only always well that's not a problem with tech foots don't I know it cuz all you got to do is get them a little wet like when it rains and then you can just shove your toe through the front like this how wonderful and now our technical producer Freddy will show you another cool thing about the tech foot okay if your computer's hard drive is cluttered with a bunch of files music and precious pictures of family and friends the tech foot does an amazing thing with Wi-Fi technology see you just syn the pedometer up to your computer and it wipes out your entire hard drive isn't that great we're going over there going over there yes over there and when do you see this for those cold winter Days Every Tech foot comes with a built-in tow warmer and if you turn the tow warmer on high like this then bang it on a table it magically catch us on fire isn't that handy that'll keep your Piggies warm and not only that it's also perfect for roasting weenies so go out right now and buy yourself a pair of tech fooot cuz this is one hot shoe okay we thought this would be a cool place to webcast from on Halloween but it turns out this apartment really is haunted this could be the very last I Carly webcast ever and if anything horrible happens to us mom I lied to you those pants do make you look [Applause] fat Mrs halstad what's going on here mother do you know these people what who are you and what are you doing here I'm Gary I live here huh what we thought this apartment was vacant no I've lived here with my mother for the last 20 years why are you here well we do this web show I Carly I want I Carly we're kind of doing it right now we heard heard this place was haunted why do you want a marshmallow this apartment isn't haunted then why all the lights go out for no reason this switch shorts out sometimes this one works fine why is everyone Whispering mother turn on your hearing aid what better you don't have to shout she's always forgetting to turn on her hearing in that explains why she didn't hear you in the lobby well yeah but that doesn't explain why we heard someone screaming get out get out and a bunch of crazy thumping oh there was an awful spider in my room and I was trying to kill it with my tennis racket wait what did we feel scratching at our legs and what knocked all that glass stuff off the shelves Abigail yes where is she Abigail where are you sweetheart oh there she is she's always getting into Mischief who's mommy's Wicked little cat huh well explain the severed clown head in the closet yeah what about the severed clown head yeah severed clown head oh it's a phone see well how come it's not plugged in it was no one ever called any more questions yeah just before you came home your mother walked in saying die die die oh I was just looking for my red hair dye and here it is all Spilled Out so it wasn't blood okay I guess this apartment isn't so haunted whoops well we're sorry we were in here without permission but when we saw this furniture we thought it was too old and gross for anyone to actually use oh okay wait something still doesn't make sense why did lubert tell us that no one lived here cuz I'm a jerk ah got you kids good score one for lubert Happy Hanukkah Halloween Four 3 2 I'm Sam and I'm guilty and I'm Carly and this web show now comes with twice the comedy and only half the fat of a regular web show okay so lately tens of you people have been coming here to icarly.com and sending us lots of cool videos so we thought we'd kick off tonight's show with an amazing one Carly Carly well if it isn't my Straight a little sister Carl soon you'll be able to lie and feel nothing at all your a is going to be huge congratulations Carly homos can't afford C that's it I can't take it anymore oh man we're live in 15 seconds off my laptop pushy okay we're live in five 4 3 two hey thanks for coming here to I carly.com warning the following greeting may be frightening to younger viewers and the elderly Freddy monster voice time go for it I'm car I'm and this is I car I call har I hary I har I Cary okay so you guys know how golf is like a really boring sport right wrong that's right wrong cuz Carly's brother Spencer is building one of the coolest golf courses ever well mini golf which is like regular golf only Miner check this out Carly's brother calls this the toilet bowl hole and he calls this one the craze toddler let's put to putt yes do you see the oh yeah all right yeah okay okay here we go all right in five 4 3 2 and now webcasting to you live from Seattle my name is Carly and my name's Sam and my name's Mandy yes you remember Mandy our audience member from last week who's still here and is supposed to be sitting quietly in her seat over there right sorry go away Carly okay tonight we're going to kick off the show with one of your favorites messing with lber we're about to play the best trick ever on my horrible doorman who may be the most disgusting ing dude in all of nor [Music] manity that was my impression of a duck here he comes again yes qu quack quack hey guys 10 seconds Showtime kid in five 4 3 2 hello you've reached I car .c if you're looking for comedy press one if you're looking for my pork pot pie a cop at it okay now if you've ever wondered what the human brain smells like um what are you guys doing we got suspicious activity across the street the view from the downstairs window got blocked by a truck okay I Carly fans this may look like we're trying to you got to shut that camera down got a police investigation going on here turn that off yeah well maybe you should shut your investigation down we got a web show here it's not right now you don't turn off the camera okay in five 4 3 2 hi welcome to I Carly [Applause] hey okay tonight and I Carly we're going to do one of our favorite segments when we like to call who's that weirdo in my [Applause] neighborhood you see Freddy our technical weenie producer he mounts a secret little camera right outside this building then aims it at the bus stop across the street and this week we found the biggest weirdo yet go Freddy play back there he is peeling a banana while he waits for the bus now you think he's going to eat the banana right well think again yep there he goes doing the what a freak and that's why the new champion of who's that weirdo in my neighborhood is crazy fruit [Applause] dude congratulations crazy fruit dude and let's not forget to say a big thank you to the former champion of who's that weirdo in my neighborhood green-haired old lady who sucks on a baby pacifier I Carly starts in five four 3 two hey welcome to I carly.com and I hope you know what com stands for cuz we don't hey Sam ever wonder what it be like if we were each other yeah but do you mind if we don't start off with the wig bit tonight uh okay so what do you want to do [Music] first but we haven't tested it yet so let's test it now but who are we going to get to okay I Carly fans we're going to start off the night with a new bit starring my boyfriend Jonah wo get out of here Jonah what am I doing trust me baby this is going to be awesome yes yes it is okay Jonah you stand right here hey next I climb up and get the big red rope with a large hook Ric yeah and now Sam hooks the Rope onto the back of Jonah's underwear my my underwear Just Go With It Jonah relax this is gonna be fun okay Freddy is the button on Sam's remote ready to activate our special surprise yep bottom button and now I Carly presents the wedget bouns the w b wait wait guys I didn't feels weird this is so invasive yeah and that was this week's celebrity armpit okay now to conclude this fine webcast Sam and I will demonstrate the classic comedy bit called the spit take hey Carly remember at lunch when you asked me to put ketchup on your fries mhm it was really chicken blood and that's what's known as the spit okay check us out next week here at icarly.com ciao bye-bye keep clicking away carly.com do not forget we're clear okay and now for another first and I Carly Sam you got a mouth full of watermelon seeds mhm watch this people go she fits she scores till next time keep checking us out right here at icarly.com not I snarly I snarly is just a website of a snarling dog not so good see you bye and we're out
Channel: NickRewind
Views: 87,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NickRewind, Nick Rewind, Teen Nick, 90s Nick, 90s, 90s Nickelodeon, 2000s, Nostalgia, iCarly, Miranda Cosgrove, Jennette McCurdy, Victoria Justice, Ariana Grande, Cat, Cat Valentine, Victorious, Tori, Trina, Carly, Spencer, Sam, Freddie, Zoey 101, TikTok, TikToks, Sam & Cat, Sam and Cat, Throwback, Big Time Rush, Ned’s Declassified, True Jackson, Keke Palmer, Shorts, Bloopers, Jade West, Jade, Elizabeth Gillies, Songs, Music, Give It Up, Freak the Freak Out, Take A Hint, ytao_ic
Id: rTYBy0RUNsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 29sec (5189 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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