Too Many Missiles (Forts Multiplayer) - Forts RTS [97]

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[Music] allĂ´ and welcome back to another episode of forts and today we're showing up this map I I don't know what exactly it is but it's got a lot of buildable platforms and I mean a lots like they're they're everywhere so will I will I just want to see how much you know how much I could travel around the map because this just looks like it could be I think interesting is the right word for it so in order to go traveling we're going to need economy because otherwise we're not going to be able to support our expansion and rate of growth so let's go ahead and set up a little bit of a oh dear this is gonna be interesting um how it does one I can't actually place connect to the roof here because my teammates connected there that's great looks like the maps a little bit janky think I'll once you do one of these before moving on that way I have some backbone attached to my fort and then also a technology I'm assuming that I can build swarm missiles on all of these which I think I showed you actually not I think about it what are you doing are you going for the middle alright my dear this that's just connect up here now die think about it I can probably just like a hard wall off the front of my base with this extension here well let's try expanding a little bit before my teammate collapses upon me guess he seems to be doing that piece by piece Mary all right and then I want to go up north that's connected here there we go bid more sturdy of a foundation nice and I could be turned all the background bracing when we create s'more missiles and out of that let's just go straight here okay oh he's good you might get there before I do let me think about that all right I want to see what's in there all right come on grab it thank you sounds like he's having a bit of a problem I'm just good for me alright let's just get over there first and mine oh oh that's nice there's a nuke in here there's also some probably a new Camaro there's also a couple of Mines so this is probably going to end very quickly I'm going to defend myself against newts or right now for reasons just in case some there are other hidden nukes on the map quote-unquote hidden let's launch right here you do that it's just this nice hit let's put more bracing here that should have been my allied one I like one yes how everyone look oh wow alright alright that says that's that's fun he had a door here but I don't think you put anything behind it yeah this is gonna end very very quickly I think like very quickly let's get money these ready to put more swarm missiles down perhaps I don't think he's gonna last long enough for me to put more missiles down but I could put more misses down like look at all the green everywhere here he's here here here bring kind of connections down here yet so I could connect down I really just put one there for now and then put another one we're right here for now and then get ready to fire you with all of these turbines that I created Mary do you survive this yes you do but you built up here so let me go ahead and snipe it and right there right there oh you shot my sniper I walk I should have put it there while you snuffed my machine-gunners back there it's fine by me he doesn't appear to have any missiles of his own oh we could actually splash all the top off of him that's kind of powerful actually took out my teammate sniper that's fine cuz I have my own I do not have my own there we go now you can't stack them anymore teammate have a sniper now he does knots he's building heavy weapons just my cue to build more swarm missiles I should be fine alright let's go ahead and move down and then build launcher here and here should we get more energy production I think we should boost all of this building nice very nice okay let's send you off oh well he was waiting for that hmm that was very quick quick response out of him okay let's do this and then also put another one over here yeah and then right here so he doesn't know where the sniper comes from then right here not they great he was good good luck finding all of these you're gonna need it Buchan do you late got it okay no more sniper for you I have plenty of my own and also plenty of our missile launchers but another one here and it's a nuke let's build another one hey you alright don't know why I didn't expect that took out two of my snipers with that fire this is fine I have more where those came from let's do this oh nice those are all on fire when they hit let's go ahead and send you all the way to the back I just kind of want a swarm so spam this I can put another lodger okay well this is an exciting map I don't think it we had to play this one again partially cuz it's like broken and janky partially because this is a lot of small missiles and we're up to another round we got ourselves well very intriguing map with lots of build space possibly lots of missiles totally didn't choose this one because the last map had many missiles since well I'm a it might have been in the mood for mrs. snap mine why don't you Jesus okay uh let's find a place for turbines in tech I don't know where I'm gonna put my my turbine so we just put my tech right here and then cover its oh god what's going on this the jank is returned zapping all right I think I know why I can't put a mine there I don't know why I can't but a my knight because I can go right here alright in that case let's put this boy down then next one right here right there I'm cured like I can't move my mouse at all or else it's just not gonna be in the right place Hey my mind number five is going down now awesome alright it looks like we've got a lot of people building a little place I'm school I'm gonna need to build a bit too high because um well basic tenets all just kind of concerning really only got e5 efficiency up here geez okay can even build a blower if I wanted okay oh I didn't even realize there wasn't a middle bit on this base oh cool we're gonna have to do something about that a but for now I wants an upgrade Center come on give me you actually at me mmm-hmm normally I would want to put the Swan missiles down before the F grid Center that way I can have both building at the same time let's just go ahead and do it despite it taking a little bit more time okay I'm gonna need a lot more turbines and a couple of these energy production facilities all of them just gimme gimme gimme you there we go nice thank you not understand why that is so I just freaking out alright that's gonna be a problem right small dense wood bracing followed by thick beefy when bracing and we're gonna do flak to because this is gonna get wild real quick a lot of people here to be gone for missiles on this one I do not want to pull my base anymore forward so this is going to be the edge of this let's do this G right here so at sandbag sandbag sandbag awesome spit you down just barely in need of energy production yes barely in need of energy production here why are you so wobbly what did I did I miss something I did this before start firing these I'm just gonna get more energy production because otherwise we're just gonna be slacking lacking in all the things when we open fire we will open fire with a glorious storm of destructive power let's put this year I've grade you and just you alright let's get a door here here you go don't uncover you yet and then get some machine gunners out front if we start getting hit by a lot of things I can convert all this into background our port Brown bracing I have nice a nice boxes all right then we will upgrade this one first our first volley will include warheads just so they're not so surprised Europe that way so they're more surprised because we don't see a lot of AAA out of them like this guy has some an AAC every pretty much everyone else doesn't let's get some more batteries actually and a grittier all right so our first volley is almost ready to go take out some of these it's fine you can take out our Gunners all right let's do this oh I can't even look in I I cannot I well and that yeah why nuke do it Oh his friend comes in with the AAA just in time all right then let's start clearing these out shall we they've got a lot of anti-air now they've got a lot of anti-air now all right well then time to build Morse for mrs. that that sounded real bad it's another swarm missile launcher do we not oh my god so many of us don't have I'm the only one at the anti-air on the team oh geez we are gonna get Rex we are gonna get rekt - real hard starting like right now oh dear this is gonna be bad this is gonna be real bad all right let's get some flak it's a flak at this as if I have to switch choose just sheer wooden defenses because no one is trying to defend against all the s'more missiles that they have this is going to be real bad all right you need to that's you need to hit that we need to hit this I'm specifically not upgrading these two warheads right now because they've got a lot of anti-air and there's not a whole lot the warheads gonna do these swarm missile it's almost guaranteed some damage how did you get sniped just in case all right you cannot be changing this to background brace this up add metal here we go right out of flack right here hey is it gonna make it oh my god it made it across oh oh total skill alright looks like my teammate has finally fielded some heavy weapons of his own nice our AAA is here for the moments I don't even know if I want to get an energy shield here I'll get it but really they've got so many Eric dead air board projectiles alright you need to have that removed she made has been lost jeez I don't think I can make it to his base now it doesn't look like it so that is a laser which is concerned you're gonna want to get a little bit more metal here just so I don't get anything taken out fire everything oh oh oh the nukes oh those backfired so hard all right drunk nukes it's terrible terrible things Oh No that's double warhead that single warhead oh jeez the ae8 coming in clutch they have so much anti-air here that's gonna remove so much of my everything I did minimal damage my base however unfortunate this next wave is going to include warhead double warhead and I don't have any Gunners to stop it from happening yeah that's bad all right that was satisfying come on alright alright this is fine too oh good job oh good job that was we needed that okay I actually need this here now yeah boy come on come on get it yes she baked took it out alright alright just things are things are looking up um okay so I'm actually gonna put sniper here behind a door if he stops getting wiped out of these decided that they're anti-air fire the time being I'm just oh my lord well at least he's doing really well with the anti-air and just face tanking it like really well it's actually letting me do things like this so let us avenge the teammate oh there we go cubby and collected those Ken hits that was a mess and I was beautiful alright guys well if you liked this episode you want to see more action just like this remember that we'll be starting a second stream time the vote is currently active in the discord just go down below join the community and say win you want me to stream or what times I will get that live for now have a good time everyone and I'll see you guys met later [Music]
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 462,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forts, RTS, Incursus, Project Incursus, Sattire, No Swearing, No Cursing, No Foul Language, indie game, family friendly, forts strategy, incursus forts, forts game, Muliplayer, Online, Gaming, forts rts, forts challenge, base building
Id: EpoQRlHq_cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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