Chain Reaction! (Forts Multiplayer) - Forts RTS [101]

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[Music] hello and welcome back to another episode of forts and we've got a map that I haven't actually seen before uh I don't think it's new I'm not sure if it's new or not but I haven't seen it just I just saw a glimpse of it I accidently joined to the wrong lobby and then this was here so I'm I'm okay with this but uh actually this looks this looks pretty chizel so or at least something interesting it can happen with it that I think you guys recognize and are going to like where could it quits her binds I guess we're putting turbines down back here I guess alright so let's move back a little bit prepare for what I'm gonna do to this poor I met I can't build it any further down okay this is fine let us put down a technology of some kinds let's go with this one and then we will do this and then connects to here yeah oh alright works there we go and then DBT meets delete delete delete delete delete delete it's supposed to delete this first that happens to that one in particular all right we're good for the moments there we go nice you need to stop moving around so much great thank you need to be right about there nice very good much better than now I don't need the ropes anymore but my aim under those for a moment okay Robson eliminated nice reconnect all of this i section needs before been bracing now we also need turbines like desperately need turbines there we go turbines these are not the most efficient of turbines this one's actually pretty good just what I was really hoping for this one's not so great I'm guessing it's too close to not sure what it's to posting well it's we have turbines now can i connect ropes to something I don't think so yes I can check out haven't done in a while let's do this slide this over here why you know connects it's fine do this watch what happens here nice now we have a floating box isn't it beautiful what we can do with the floating box connect the ropes to it there we go and that acts as a bit of a connection almost like a weight that we can use so we can use that to pull things up nice just a little connection that we can hang on to things a longer rope if you will so now we've got that going need technology technology technology put you way up here we don't need this here she's got to be aware that if a laser goes all the way through this let's replace this with glass rope then that way if a laser goes through that it doesn't get shot much better all right if you explode did you I don't know what you did whatever it was it was explosive and caused that to collapse so that's no longer useful you know I think this is too fancy for this kind of play cuz clearly there's something amiss going on here let's just just let that be put a battery back here one of these over here is I actually didn't notice what happened over here whatever it was it was bad ya know honestly despite Tania's mod being on I kind of want to just go of Anila canons because they're good that's why I think think I might just do it just gonna go for vanilla canons okay connects you here two-and-a-half much better I know the cannons will go here and there oh wait I built that one never mind we're going laser all right where is my laser launcher there it is tada and then the fire beam comes after fire beam goes here I'm just having a nice relaxing time building a fort swinging the core moving things around let's make this nice steady stable slide this out some more and believe ya and why you can you know it's oh that's done there that's why no that's fine I need an energy shield here for reasons we connect this down to [Music] all right let's see what else can I do there is also a means of first that's put some doors on these I kind of want to see if I can fit two lasers into one door that's something I haven't done in a long while because it's usually just too fancy to be worth it all so I need to move this battery this way spraying water on people it's fine so we got doors on that's definitely need to put this battery back but over here here and another one over here oh there's the airplane launcher where'd it raised in tourism there it is ooh doesn't do that much damage it's great at suppressing alright so it looks like the opponent here has anyone else moved their core don't think so no that's not wrong now looks like I'm the only one you move my core I'm all right with this oh my bread Center definitely want one of these okay uh let's see if I hit this right here I should weaken bracing and such behind it there's a man laser will deal additional damage by whatever that was oh boy she seen that one coming I think I angered him build speed go I need you now we can actually put a flag up here flag would be better off based in this position all right dude I'm already getting shot by missiles having also a friendly neighbor warfare coming from below and hit me is not ideal mm-hmm this is a lot of fire coming at me from a lot of places it's a lot of not ideal see not he was just firing planes as he not notice he's on fire like he literally just shot my teammate with an airplane all right well I don't think I need to focus on hitman so much please shoot that feature that we shoot that okay so you have something that needs to be shot and it's right about there I messed it with my laser but he's burning down did he disconnect or something all players of presence and no one's lagging out so he's probably just not paying attention to his computer or something I don't know maybe something came up can't actually cover my flak friend here I'm gonna try to help him fit in this little bit right there that's the shot on my now can I get the laser follow up with that nope I cannot oh but I hit something internal look like a hit a battery I'm okay with this someone's getting just destroyed by flak it's my teammate here and it broke a door nice okay let us I want to do the same shot here at the fire beam and then a different shot at the laser come on before it recovers I still maintain that a little bit more it's okay what's going on all right you are shooting my friend all right well there go all of my Gunners seen that again I don't think he has missiles anymore so there's uh he has a you ran out of you know he ran out of frames is what happened if Peter could not handle the glory and whatever's happening here that cuts so deep look at all the energy shields is building all right let me get another technology oh jeez oh he burned down or it's someone shot up with mini guns nice oh that was a nice shot straight into his energy resource production let's send it this shot and sit there it's gotta let it open space back there so we should just be able to laser through it yeah that'll do it that'll do nicely I think he got that flack straight for the open door just whites whites have so much damage and my gun here I don't think I need these uh cat's-eye air defenses anymore I don't see anyone coming out of any kind of missile or rocket projectile oh that's so destructive it's going so deep I try to cut off his bottom here not enough all right so if we aim a little I was trying to disconnect all of this but we only broke most of it we didn't get all of it it's the rest of Ash's background bracing but if I can aim it lower than we could just kind of blow through his metal in front and take out his minds that he won't be able rebuild let me just aim lower aim for the mines yeah I guess yield it what just happened that aim low I'll just over his minds but his base is really starting that day for him here oh poor guy he's using repair bays that's it's usually a pretty good indicator of an experienced player my god coming with the three lasers you know what I suppose some more lasers day guys my lasers so what I want to try doing yes now I'd have to do an entirely different set up in order to get anything about that plasma place is not gonna last long everything under my teammates friendly fire okay so I have a solution to do this it's fine let's uh get some self-defense going cannot allow I don't know that's standard want that this kind of nonsense to happen and just go like so all right he's still shooting me I am actually kind of concerned because if he breaks this and leaves me open I can get pretty rightly shot here I don't think I can yeah they don't be as much I can do about this aside from literally turning my guns on him I'm gonna do is build metal here like so that wasn't wasn't metal but you know it's started there it's fine like this this this give me sniper place you there you know I'm so used to building a standard t3 that uh I'm just naturally not building what I want to build this is the other way like so and like this and like this and like this thank you much better that's it I'm looking for and my teammates took him out gg Loen welcome back and we've got ourselves a larger map it's well go up battleships that cannon will never work especially if you shoot yourself with it mortars actually the mortars can reach this time because we're playing with Tania's mod Jonny's mod still enabled just on this map in particular so those can be used this cannon however cannot so let's go ahead and sell this off teammates are already building I don't know what they're building for building things battery is not the highest concern but we can keep these for the moment there they're never gonna work with all this flag like they're really not gonna work there's more flak than there are mortars what's alright flak just arbitrarily deciding that they don't want to do their job so it's it's okay honestly we shouldn't be firing those mortgage right now because uh well we don't have energy production right so the reason you don't put turbines down here let's show you this this comes down to thirty percent all right I suppose that seventy percent better but up here you get a hundred percent so it's better they just build them all up here starter plants it works better for everyone nice we're losing our mortars which is going to be for the best then people won't be tempted to use them great how that works isn't it all right we don't need more metal storage right now so you don't have metal we're down to two mortars which is good that way we can actually spend resources on other things we don't we need technology actually that's something I tend to forget in these larger matches technology it looks like someone's actually selling off some of the metal around here pretty good upgrade Center we need this let's oh geez you're built off the side now this is already red look at how red it is obvious what I'm gonna do before somebody does something horrendous so this just go down the line so all these things and that should help with the redness meter less Rhett to worry about it's still not ideal but it'll be better okay let's see we've got these almost ready to go then we can build cannons cannon is usually a good choice for things I also build lasers lasers are not as effective on this map because you have a lot of read I'm sorry you don't have a lot of space needed to detect or protect just these four races here you turn them into energy shields and lasers are mostly not useful it's just kind of kind of how it works it's has its ups and downs but of course the factory also lets us get atom cannons which are exceptionally powerful in this map so see how it goes this needs to all do double braced for sure let me start working on this um oh geez so much double bracing is so much double bracing to do come on Guinea yes all right good this needs to be done - okay cannons are almost ready power but it's here three I don't know I don't see any tier three weapons of any kind all right lift this up this down and we got I think we're all rights they were gonna be okay have more mine's which better if you just wants to hang on them with the mortars it's fine don't mind at all this should not be here though this needs to be just defense like unquestionable we're gonna get hit me real hard you want to put it a little bit on top for weapons that's fine but otherwise no all right so let's go ahead and slide this out we can put a cannon here these and metal door is here oh geez I'm curious as if to if we can get more here I thought it just kind of ripping the front off I'm not convinced in any case because he had another cannon here all we need is more energy all right brace this where's this I should help there we go I should give us something to work with I don't expect these cannons to last very long and we should certainly not upgrade we should certainly not upgrade them for sure they've got slanted missiles going up that's very good energy production could use a boost that can help batteries run the core apparently going to be a thing whether I put them there or not so I don't mind it's just putting more you just gotta hope that we never actually need them looks like we're doing my standard mortars rather than I did you know what they called never workers good that'll work too I'm just trying to do all the little things that no one's gonna notice the thing is I can keep us alive but these cannons should be coming up I've got half way down in the second one all right uh you know I'm actually good to put an anti grab your actor here just to relieve some of the stress there we go that should help a little bit let's put some metal around it it's it's still got red on it all right aren't you selling off those hopefully they get replaced by never workers get replaced by another workers I think those are the missiles it's fine all right come on come on all right machine gunners are doing their work look they're firing at these and the bullets are coming back down like two or three style and just clearing this guy's look at it it's beautiful we got hit by three six you got hit by seven eight nine have you stopped counting cuz we're still getting hit by a lot of them what that means can I replace this with more Gunners it's gonna spam is great all right those are the nukes a tiny because anyways oh geez somebody upgraded these cannons all right so those cannons are probably not gonna be used for anymore probably we'll see maybe we get lucky because that's how that's how words work in this game you just get lucky and it works like more often than it should got a sniper I'm actually going to come under this sniper real quick as they have Gunners in front kind of Gunners and shoot down our cannon shells when they're upgraded oh god super laser no you shot it so high oh yeah that was not gonna protect it against a yeah railgun could use as a Fleck jeez that's a lot of you oh oh right back down all right you almost got the atom cannon ready go all right all right dude if you fire the nukes above their base they don't hit something aimed for the front sniping what I can we don't have those anymore it's fine moot points or they do if the atom Canada be ready but also to try to defend against these nukes started building a little too late that'll cause some pain our super laser should be coming online soon also not ideal you know those plans being a means of damage kind of difficult to deal with knowledge us now that I really see it I don't know anything mmm that cut deep it's fine hmm that's what medal is for you need these pizzas in metal in between oh oh that was a nice shot I just got rid of a lot of their offensive potential by that I mean weapons weapons in particular where's that nuke going right in front where's the truck move coming into the ground that's where it's going okay let's fix this you have to worry about these things up here I think we're gonna be okay we can do to help make sure we're okay it's but one of these that way this doesn't collapse at least there's less likely to collapse I don't want to put it any more forward because let me get hit with well weapons explodes anything I should snipe looks like there's plenty of thanks for me it's not good like this flak in particular needs to go away that one causing problems for us there we go solve all of that this got hitting really hard you need a metal door sure how that lays are still alive we may never know it's fine it's fine all right Oh God use your parents I'm no okay hey laser paths kind of okay are they doing all right Jay fire the gun do it do it do it now oh we don't have any energy we're way low on energy it's turbines not in a great spot not very well optimized at all so notice how they've got much lower like that's at 40-something percent so it's that's why I'm always very finicky and picky about laser placement or about turbine placement so you don't have this because if you don't then you get some extremely low percentages on your energy production and then no one has energy ever to use to go bad okay flat coming in flush that's a hostile that okay and a bike alright there's goes in it's a pretty good shot I don't know what if you ever if it works I think we really need to be aiming for their core hitting the core would be the ideal scenario their tops spire region okay so now that they haven't worked a functional atom day oh there's some kind of glitch you'll be laughing at me alright it's fine like this we need to make sure we have all the space here that we can get like metal doesn't matter if it's not just pure space wood it doesn't matter is that a core explosion it was got em and there's their atom cannon nice shot okay hey my favorite sniper she lives just blow something up well we're for weapons to come off cooldown weapon off cooldown all the way through the back yeah just slice all their energy production make it go away right they've got too much over there Adam Kennedy's almost ready to fire from building a second one but this one's really very exposed let's go like this misfit there no this fits there I'm not sure if that's good enough all right I think we're all right that was another solid hit a whole look at how much space they have to cross now that's gonna hurt them so much this ignite them then they're all they're never workers out set them aflame oh my lord the Neville workers they're relentless and they're John alright guys well if you want to see more Tania's mod more forts and more explosions make sure to hit that subscribe button and a little bit next to it but for now have a good one everyone and I'll see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 673,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forts, RTS, Incursus, Project Incursus, Sattire, No Swearing, No Cursing, No Foul Language, indie game, family friendly, forts strategy, incursus forts, forts game, Muliplayer, Online, Gaming, forts rts, forts challenge, base building
Id: d2TL29R0qFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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