THE DEVIL'S END - Cuphead FINALE (All Endings)

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I like it I wish like it's been more time looking at the backgrounds a friend or foe I'm gonna guess foe what's up guys and welcome to the finale of cuphead that's right today we are finally gonna face off against the devil himself before we get to that I kind of want to warm up I haven't been playing the game in like a week and I don't really want to embarrass myself on the first attempt of probably many so we're gonna go check out that run and gun level that I skipped over a lot of people were telling me in the comments that they want to see everything that the game has to offer and honestly I do too what was gonna play it anyway but if you guys really want me to show it on camera then I'm more than happy to gives me an excuse to do with this episode also I found out in between episodes that I'm an idiot this entire time I have been using smoke bomb throughout the entire game we're like 99% of the way through I've eaten all of the bosses smoke bomb is definitely the best charm except when you're doing a plain level in which case it doesn't do anything so I could have bought any other term and it would have helped me in the plane levels yet I still felt like the plane levels were the easiest out of everything despite having a handicap I really have no idea I want to the point that out just so that people don't pull a stupid like me and think that you only need to buy the hats we're gonna start off with rugged Ridge even though I don't really want to spend a lot of time on this level I'd imagine the devil's gonna take up a whole lot of this episode I still would like there to be a boss at the end you know I'd like to have a bit better of a warm-up than just a fat braiding Mountain going what the Jillian scales like this level is already wildly different to everything else we've played before okay actually everything in this game is wildly different for what you've seen before that's one thing that I really like about it it's like you know there isn't a whole lot of content relative to other games but it doesn't really recycle anything now I think about it I don't think any level use the same enemy toys like we've definitely not seen baby dragons and and sand monsters on some kind of weird ancient slide okay no go go go away hey you know what this is gonna be a lot easier how about we just use this for now am I supposed to be going somewhere right now I hope that I killed your mother earlier you little dragons that was the worst boss at this game my fire and a coin oh crap wait why do I care I didn't even bother to get that coin that I passed by seconds ago because I couldn't figure out how to get it it doesn't matter oh stop that going okay can you please just get out of the way oh you still in the way uh I don't have a whole lot of health left this is not good oh there's a coin not it yeah get out of here oh it's the jealous lady oh you're back yo whoa turn down that guy radio damn it I was distracted by the beautiful chalice lady these cool backgrounds need to stop distracting me look at the fork lady who's firing off a butter knife or the random plate man okay no we'll move on we can ignore them we can ignore this exit chalice we can ignore the cup of discus thrower aw crap crap crap crap and crap no we're good we're good get out here get out of here don't you dare damage me I have so much health it's just like that random plates lady funny how you can tell which ones a plate man and which ones a plate lady by very small cues go away stop that random wall and the elder kettle I like I wish like it's been more time looking at the backgrounds a friend or foe I'm gonna get pho that's probably no this doesn't look good when they're shivering that means bad things are gonna happen right no no oh are you not taking damage I think I need to run from you I'm pretty sure I need to run from you this was not the boss that I had in mind yeah maybe I need to shoot him in the eye nope I don't think I'm doing damage I think I just need to run I can keep firing up shots anyway in the hopes that I could just make him stop please please stop please stop the fie fo fum I don't want the ochre on my bum no no let me up you stupid game okay this this is bad this is real bad for you no I'm not bad oh I was gonna reach out and smash me in here but it was because I ended the level okay that was good oh that was a good warm-up I enjoyed that can't imagine I did particularly well actually I don't think oh I took one thing a damage I didn't do any parries I was gonna say I think I had my entire ultimate there and I didn't use it but that apparently doesn't matter well I think I'm as warmed up as I'm ever gonna be so mr. devil but to have one hell of a time probably should've checked no I think my charms and super and stuff like that' fine well well well look how far you've come not only did you bust up my good-for-nothing lackey King dice but I see you've got my soul contract as agreed hand him over and join my team okay you're mine now and we're gonna have a hell of a time down here I didn't think it was gonna let me choose that option this must be the alternate ending I've heard of so we just we just join him that that's the end of the game okay I I had better get another shot at that or I'm gonna be real upset okay no we're good and you know what deal I'm taking it back well on me just like all the others eh I'll teach you for backing out of a deal how about you maybe he'll be a little guy maybe he'll be like 20 feet tall I don't know what I've come to expect what okay we're off to a great start I was not telegraphed at all okay so he's gonna clap we don't want to catch the clap from the devil that's definitely bad I think I like spread here more I know I can Perry that I don't care I'm not going for all the clap two clap don't catch a cut there we go we got it we got it yes bread seems to be doing great work here and then I can even focus on the little guys on the little guys oh come on the Devils come off screen and hit you in the back so I need to be shooting off screen to avoid that I guess that's good to know nope new new can i duck underneath that I need to try ducking underneath it that was a quick first attempt I don't think there's anything about my loadout that I want to change just need to employ better strategy now that I have some general idea what he's doing I like the fire yeah okay we can we could dodge all the fire see enough okay he's got the little duck duck this time it does work yes okay that's gonna make a world of difference because I can dodge that a hundred percent now spider head spider head spider head yeah okay no no that's pretty easy to dodge I like spider head not really doing a whole lot of damage to him but that's okay okay what else you got for me Oh duck duck duck Duck Duck I know that I know you'll never get me again fire bubbles bubbles easier than the fire I just get to sit here and note no no don't don't get to sit here now okay I want to save all of my help for whatever comes next no yes it didn't hit me off screen this time it's just luck base you can't see them coming but oh well you can still dodge it okay I think we have to get him soon right oh no I was too I thought that I could finish him off if I kept focusing on him what is he doing he's making silly faces he's a Skellington oh okay no you know what I'll go I'm fine with going are you kidding me okay okay no this is this is Dutch very that oh I have an ultimate how about you take one of these one of those I like it okay I can't dodge though I mean I can't parry those I'm hitting him here though yeah this is fine I hope the bombs come out of his ears oh you definitely want to bury those I know bombs being bad is kind of a universal thing so it serves me right for thinking that it's just gonna hang out but I mean who would have expected it to blow up like half the freaking screen alright so he's got his little fiery doodads he really likes them if I can manage to dodge a two at a time there I think I do pretty well okay if when I duck I want to charge up so that I'm not wasting any time yeah okay I like like spider head spider head doesn't hurt me spider head knows my my needs my feelings it doesn't give me the clap okay we're doing great just gonna hold down on fire so that I incidentally kill the little devils little demons a little blog rambling stop that stop stop stop that that is such a crate like that attack will get everybody 100% of the time on there frogs talking you not allowed to summon bubbles in me when I'm talking but 100% of the time that is gonna catch everybody off guard their first attempt but once you see it then it'll never hit you again this is not delicate it's like I said it just comes off screen you would never guess okay well I really don't okay I can hit the dragon but and he did not take damage it's far more important oh right right he's gonna go in there okay we're gonna follow everything he jumps out of his skin just literally leaves his skin behind like a rug so can i oh no no no no noon there and now you can have one of these just cool off what the poker chips come from already dealt with that guy that is not okay fortunately it seems like I could just be shooting anywhere and hit him right now right like just just incidental shooting no no no I can't I can't parry it oh I was good just gonna try to run away so big if I can get to that second form with full health it's gonna make a world of difference because trying to parry those bombs is actually really freaking difficult but varying anything from underneath in this game is difficult I need a little bit of luck just keep giving me spider heads I should be using charge again spider heads great because then I'll have it charged up and I can hit you with it it comes down rather than just a little tiny spray of better right kind of coming up with strategies on the fly here definitely think that spread is better here but in general okay he's got the bubbles bubbles are okay I don't mind the bubbles keep an eye on all of them no don't don't don't blink into them okay [Music] dragon dragon there shouldn't be shouldn't be any guys coming there we go I'm keeping an eye behind his throne as well because that's the only way that I can hurt their come on dude nope love it love it keep sending those perfectly fine with those and spider heads never gonna give me the clap again yes full health almost have my ultimate I should be able to get it here quickly enough right okay there we go hitting him hitting him there we go take that take that just gonna toss out of them right away so that I don't take damage coming out of it because that always happens in this game and it drives me freaking crazy no bomb no bomb no bomb Oh Oh that bomb it's good it was gonna make me rage quit this entire game in charge holy crap are you kidding me he's done already charge does way way more damage here like significantly more he only used like three attacks on me that time so that is good to know I guess I wasn't really hitting him with all of the charge shots like I had anticipated okay I'm gonna use my alt now even though that still might be a mistake I just need to you know what I'm gonna hang it over here and maybe the bombs won't the bomb won't reach me at this stuff and I should be hitting him with every one of these attacks right now right yeah there we go something's change something is different but what are you guys okay oh oh no no stop stop stop stop that what what are they okay no no no no no I don't know what's happening right now there's little bat people this chips falling at me a little bad people ow ow okay what is he doing stop it you strange little fat people I'm just gonna keep hitting him I'm just gonna keep here I had my ultimate there - if I had hit B and aimed it at him that might have been s let's try that again shall we and this time I am all over that bomb and I'm gonna hit you with an ultimate and hopefully not take damage okay we're off to a good start I feel like I should probably using charge here as well it just seems to be doing more damage in general I want to do a run where I can actually show you guys whoa no no no I need to I can't get to it in time I want to do a run where I could show you guys charge in the opening few seconds because it makes a huge difference but right now I need to focus on beating this devil so we're just gonna oh I need to kill these guys you know what I don't want you guys around I don't even like you I don't even know you I don't even know these guys up here either so you know what I'm just gonna kill all of your friends and then you there we go right is it worth doing that I don't honestly know oh no no okay wait you know what a little bit time I was really close to beating and last time by doing this is he doing why is he was he crying don't tell me uh oh my really quick I'm gonna show you guys what I mean with spread in charge he keeps hitting me with shots and interrupting me when I speak but you can see this bread is only hitting him with like two or maybe three of the spread shots so charge does way more damage and then I can also like use the little tiny shot to kill the little butthole Kremlin's but I can move around and save up by my damage I can dodge and still be essentially investing my time in damaging him same kind of thing with like the spider head whence my head has gone away I could still do damage to it shoot at that charge up should have again charged up okay it's just so much more damage over time in comparison to spread right yeah he's done it's just that quick just that easy it didn't take me to anything real he didn't take any damage only a few seconds now maybe I should save my ultimate for a little bit longer and not have you summon you're stupid you're stupid bombs no you're gonna send the bombs out okay I can't I can get it no I can get it we're good I think hmm we'll use my ultimate now like technically this is the easier of the two forms right so maybe I should just show it here and and spend all of my time charge hitting him yeah yeah like that and then when he sends out his friends I can all Ben know you feel like that might be a little bit better right I can I can get rid of your friend oh no no no okay you know what when we just do this why don't we just do that no okay here we go what do we do we heard him we made it we made him cry what to hug you know what the only there's only one platform it simply falls on it so ID to jump I need to jump between the tears and then blink back onto the platform or parry the tears that's how this game is gonna end cry for me devil cry for me there we go okay I got it on raps no yes finally did it oh my god man that was a cool final boss but that took me like every recording for two hours probably an hour and a half whole lot of failed attempts mostly me trying to explain things and talk and be literate while dodging all of his well you know what I'll take a b-minus at the end of things Oh how's it gonna end I didn't think I was gonna see the end of this game I gotta say the brothers had triumphed over the demon forcing him to finally give up we shall accept your surrender devil cup ed laughed but were not done just yet and with that Cup head and mug man destroyed all of the soul contracts releasing inkwell Isles residents from eternal servitude to the devil gosh I can't wait to tell everyone cuphead said the boys set off for home and at top speed come on last one there's a leak Iike bug man teased as they ran once home the brothers gathered everyone together you're all free of the devil's death Cup had announced and that fiend won't bother us again mug man added oh that's awesome the elder kettle was literally brimming with pride as everyone began to cheer let's hear it for cup headed mug man hip hip hurrah bruh I'm really happy about that because this entire time I've been saying cup headed mug man a kind of dicks the kind of the bad guys of this story right because they gambled they didn't have to go ahead and do that and then to save their own asses their dooming everybody else they're beating up everybody and making them sign a soul contract and stealing her souls for the devil so I mean technically we did give them over but we took it back we followed through you can see everybody all happy and that's awesome I really like that as an all-day celebration began the brothers promise to never wander into trouble again and they didn't until the next time of course but that is another story oh I cannot wait their head there's gonna be a cup head too right there has to be this game has sold so many freaking copies like I've said it before this is made by two brothers pretty much and they ended up creating kind of a development team they didn't do all the work themselves yeah Chad and Jared Malden how're they like mortgage their houses and put labor of their entire life savings into making this game it took them like six years and they weren't sure it's gonna succeed or not and it was huge so like over a million copies in its first week at twenty dollars a copy so twenty million dollars and I don't know how much the game cost to make but I would only say maybe a couple of million or even hundreds of thousands if all they really put into it was their life savings and mortgages on houses so the fact that they have gotten so much return makes me think they have to make another one right how can't they but I think that's gonna be it for cuphead because and I've said it before I'm not really interested in doing the pacifist run or s ranks or stuff like that I feel like you know most of the excitement of the game is experiencing the bosses for the first time and seeing what the game has to offer for the first time and being surprised and frustrated and you know doing it all over again while it would be more difficult for me it would end up making the same video for you guys so I don't really see any value in making the same videos over again but I will definitely be back for cuphead - even if it's gonna take like another half decade I want more Kuppa heads I think he's watching his video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,533,672
Rating: 4.8803177 out of 5
Keywords: cuphead, cuphead alternate ending, cuphead second ending, cuphead ending, cuphead devil, cuphead devil boss, cuphead final boss, cuphead how to beat the devil, cuphead funny moments, cuphead walkthrough, cuphead playthrough, cuphead let's play, cuphead finale, cuphead gameplay, cuphead funny, cuphead bad ending, cuphead good ending, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: Hgg6rOIhkLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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