Tony & Sage Robbins on the 5 year anniversary of Netflix's I am not your Guru

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thank you for inviting us into your homes this is really wonderful to be with all of you for this beautiful celebration it's been five years since we had the privilege of having people look inside date with destiny and it was an incredible experience and so we decided to be beautiful to kind of give you an update and give you an exposure and just kind of celebrate the date half a decade later the event was actually december of 2014 but you know it takes a year to put things together and then it has to be sold to a studio netflix bought it won some nice awards it was just really a beautiful period but we thought it would be nice to have you meet the man who created it give you some behind the scenes on that and then maybe give an update on some of these people five years after the film but seven years later and let's get started i'd like to first start but before i start i'm doing all the talking please i'm used to the whole thing myself my beautiful bride by sage robbins everybody ladies and gentlemen hello everyone thank you blessings to you and it's just we've never done a format like this and it's uh this particular event and and actual when we filmed i'm not your guru it's just so dear to us and we have the privilege to partner with joe burlinger joe we're looking for you to looking forward to you joining us today and it's just a real treat this is like a fireside chat we've never had this setting and thank you for joining us thank you for your willingness thank you for your heart and love uh i can't remember how many countries 150 year old 58 158 we're really deeply touched so thank you we look forward to just serving you you know we really didn't want i didn't want to make this documentary before i introduced this gentleman who's just extraordinary human being um and and my wife didn't really want to make it either because it's such a private environment you know dave with destiny we we're used to doing big stadiums of people and then you know date with destiny we keep to just 5 000 people which may not sound big to you but compared to 15 000 is quite intimate and the idea that we're going to bring cameras in there was like i don't know about this and sage was not really for it either in fact i remember this man joe berlinger about to meet you know i invited him to come to a seminar originally i met him i just felt struck by what an incredible human being is i had seen one of his documentaries which was the one in metallica and believe it or not it gave you insight it was like a psychological film and it was all just real and real time it was just gorgeous it was raw it was real you got to see these men as human beings you got to see their upsides or downsides and i was just touched by it so when i met him in person i mean this is a guy that has made films that has saved people's lives he made a series of films documentaries about people that were locked up in jail for murder and they were innocent and he actually after more than a decade got them out and i thought a man of this caliber and when i met him i'll be honest i didn't feel like he was as happy as i wanted him to be for his life because he's such a good soul so he made this connection i invite him to date with destiny as my guest and um he has stayed a little bit but i'll let him tell you the story but i'm grateful for him because if it wasn't him my wife never would agree to it nor i it still took two years of him chasing us afterwards but i'll let him share with you the man i'm about to share with you he is the producer of this film he's a director writer he's an award-winning filmmaker he has academy award nominee he's three time emmy award winner he's had eight nominations he's got a peabody winner he's got three critics choice award winning times he's got three times director of guild award winners he's eight films that premiered at the sundance and as i said he's he saved lives he's a beautiful soul please welcome joe burlinger please great to see you guys i wish we were in person together me too but it's really such an honor boy i wish all my films had this kind of uh resonance and and celebration and love from its subjects five years later well well we've both certainly heard some great things over the years from people that have watched the film uh tell us tell the story to everybody about how this came about because most people have no clue kind of hinting at it you know we met socially um and i think you uh you know you kind of saw some you know that i wasn't happy you were hinting at it and um uh you invited me to come i didn't even know you did even these events so you invited me you invited me to come to this to this event which at the time was in palm springs california and i'm i'm a i'm a workaholic i never take a vacation as you know i'm a bit of a workaholic um i i i don't take vacations at the time i consider myself this tough new york skeptical journalist i i still am um and you know the idea of self-help which is at the time what i thought i know you don't like that that word but at the time to me i just lumped it into self-help and you know seminar and and i'm i'm a very per you know private person the whole idea of sharing my feelings with other people like to me it was like why you know i don't know what why i'm accepting this invitation but you were so kind to offer it to me that i just went and while i'm getting on the airplane at jfk and flying to la and renting my car and driving into the desert i'm thinking myself why am i going to this thing and then i get there and uh i'm given the vip treatment which i wasn't expecting so sarah fosmo with her clipboard sat me in a very front row seat and i'm very visible and i'm thinking oh i guess i i really have to do this and and then the first two hours happen and honestly i was like this is not for me the dancing the sharing of feelings i was like i was like oh my god what have i gotten myself into and you hadn't even hit the stage yet and so at the first break i ran to the exits called my wife lauren who's by the way in the audience and sends her love and hi laura nice to see you i hear you um and so i called my wife and i said oh my god i don't know if i can i can spend another 20 minutes during this let alone uh six days what do i do and my wife said give you know you took the time out give it a chance and then quickly i all of a sudden i realized because we we went through that one exercise you do which you see in the film where you take your back take you back to your earliest childhood memory yeah and and i won't explain the whole thing but basically you know by by remembering something that's been repressed about that memory it's a key to healing and in front of 2500 people i i closed my eyes and i decided to participate and when i opened my eyes i was flooded in tears and i'm a guy who hasn't cried at that point in a really long time and it just i just felt lighter in the moment and i thought oh my god if this could make me feel this way even for a minute i should give it its due and i realized at that moment that i was being ver because of my insecurity at the time i was being very judgmental about the the event and putting up a wall and at that moment i said you know what i am going to play full out a term i learned that that day and i ended up having the most incredible life transformational experience and i wasn't there to sell you a film you were we met socially you were you were kind enough to invite me and by the end of it i was so blown away and had such a transformational experience because i was not to bore people to death but i was going through a very difficult time at that moment and you you keyed in on that and gave me this invitation and and that's why that's what pulled me to go you know i i i i it's not something i would normally do but it it literally and i'm so glad i did because it literally transformed my life as a human being and then watching the event i just felt it was highly cinematic and because it had such a deep impact on me when i wasn't planning on you know entering this kind of a thing and because it was so cinematic i as as you hinted i chased you guys for two years because i just wanted to be an amazing film and i decided and what i pitched you was the approach of you know not you know not really dissecting it just dropping you into the event and treating it like a rock and roll film in the sense of just giving you an experience i called it a concert of human emotion yeah and and so i chased you for two years because i really felt that the event captured on film would help other people and i also i also thought that the um the uh uh interventions that you do were so not only incredibly impactful but just very cinematic so i just believed in my soul that i have to make a film about this you know some people may think that like you hired me to make a film or this is a completely independent film that i chased you until you would say yes and and luckily you did i don't know if you remember there were two stumbling blocks for you the reason you kept saying no is that you didn't want the cameras to interfere with the experience of the viewer yeah and you you were also very concerned that um you know how do you take a 72 72-hour content-rich event boil it down to two hours without trivializing it yeah and so i worked on you for two years i sent you some of my other films and i said look you're trusting the filmmaker to take any you know paradise loss the films about those innocent guys you know the murder trials were six weeks long but you're only seeing about an hour of the murder trial in the film so like anything you're trusting a filmmaker to condense time but give you the emotional truth of the situation yeah so you got over that hump but you were still concerned about you know the cameras yeah so i made a deal with you i said look the moment you think the cameras are in the way just throw me out and we're done and and you know and you said you're willing to take that risk i said yes i'm going to come with my crew let me cover it and the minute you think this is a you know a problem you can shut the production down and get rid of me so i was under that pressure while we were shooting but but that's how the whole thing that's how that's how this all happened and sage somehow you eventually trusted me but initially i think you were very protective of tony you know that was a gutsy move i have to thank you so much because so many lives have been touched because of your courage and commitment and drive and persistence but why don't you share what you felt because i remember when i was talking to him finally when you said that i was like okay if it's not if i know for sure that people in the seminar are not going to be disruptive because they didn't come first and you won't take that kind of risk i'm going to do it but sage still wasn't ready for it well i wasn't quite ready for a film crew in our home because our life is really full and pre-date with destiny my mommy and daddy normally come down and so uh i think joe you said that there would be two film crew at our house on day one and that morning there was like maybe 10 or 11 people but what i didn't expect was that we'd all fall in love joe and you have such a beautiful heart and a brilliant mind and it was such a privilege because date with destiny is just such a impactful and transformative program and to have i believe it's what this man was born on this earth to do and to have a glimpse in and i love what you said to capture the truth of the experience you know the emotional tone and the transformation of these people you uh you portrayed such a beautiful narrative of these individuals lives and their transformation uh and we became such dear friends so i'm so grateful thank you i'm sorry for my stubbornness or my fear it kept me on my toes but you know created this tension because you know to do what i have to do i have to push and i have to get access and i have to capture stuff and on the other hand i promise not to interfere with the event but you guys were great and you know everyone just did what they were supposed to do but like one of my one of my favorite moments in the film for example is after dawn's transformation i wanted to get back to see you tony because you were that you were in tears and you know your security people and your and your team were protecting you and didn't want me to go back into that room and i just said look i gotta do it this that was the one point where i thought okay maybe i'm gonna get thrown out now but you know i i just had to i had to get to you and that's that interview was raw and real and like really my favorite moment in the film um but you know so it was a little you know anyway somehow it all worked out beautifully and we've become dear friends and and and i i love you know i hear all the time from people you know i hear all the time from people how you know i was going through cancer and watching that film help me i was going through a divorce i watched that film it helped me i mean that's i mean just to have i mean it's your work so you know but just to have a little participation in the mission that you have and what it's done for people has just been really such a special gift in my life it really has been i get tears remembering that moment right now it's one of my special moments from that particular event and and joe to give you an idea joe like you know when people see me on stage i can't you know i've shown my emotion but when people are hurting i feel it but i can't let myself feel it completely because i couldn't help you then i'd be with you right i'll be so with you as a person and so you know uh it always happens to me after one of these breakthroughs you know i might show some emotions when i go backstage and it's just i have uh overwhelming emotions and tears because it feels like grace you know came through it happens all the time it happens every time and i don't think i'm exaggerating that in an ounce and i've been doing it for 33 years 85 date with destinies now this year will be 86 and 34th here doing which is amazing [Applause] and uh you know the universe god as you say i see it comes through you when you're really trying to serve and it's not about you uh but i think a lot of people didn't see don't see that side of me and joe literally said tony robbins said this is my film and that i get to do it the way i want to do it i get full access that's our deal right so he burst through the doors and he's filming while he's in there crying but it was really beautiful because so many people have been touched by that joe so i appreciate your courage and your commitment and your persistence and grateful you've really helped us touch people in 197 countries around the world thanks to netflix i also want to thank netflix and joe is now like the king of netflix he doesn't talk about he's so humble but he's got all these shows that are just becoming well your last show the one you did on bundy how many people are they're i usually deal with some dark subject matter wrongful conviction polluting corporations i mean that this film has been the other reason this film has been so special is like i'm always so mired in the dark it's just so beautiful we've made a film that shines a light on something so positive and and transformational um but yeah now i've been doing you know true crime is very popular these days so i've been doing a lot of true crime which i'm proud of saying netflix is you know an incredible it's transformed the documentary business because it's made it you know global and they treat documentary as as you know with with the same respective scripted content um i also did a scripted movie about ted bundy for netflix on you know called extremely wicked yeah uh with efron and lilly when you look at most of my resume people say oh you did the tony robbins film too that's odd [Laughter] your team was your team was pretty skeptical when we started like your camera crew it was really interesting to watch them for me what did you see over the couple of days the first few days they were very skeptical and then you started to feel the shift what did you see yeah like my longtime cameraman bob richmond if you know if if i considered myself a skeptic a skeptical new yorker bob richmond is like you know makes me look like mr positivity um so he and the crew were like oh you know joe you sure about this you know oh joe and by the end of it they were i mean actually there are some dailies in our footage where you see the camera drifting down because our cam we had we had four camera people they're also in trance that they're like leaning in to watch what you're doing during an intervention and they had to quickly realize oh no i'm shooting but by the end of it everyone was in and that's awesome one you know every event there's two or three experiences that stand out for me they're all beautiful that that are so memorable and those you how many of you watched i'm not your guru i'm just curious how many took time to watch it before you got here great wonderful well then you'll appreciate this update so there was a young woman there joe remembers vividly as sage does and i do uh her name was dawn and she had been tied up in this group um that really abused children it was a religious group and it was a cult and she stood up and you know we have a night a date with destiny there's an evening part i call suicide night which sounds bizarre and i we do a big celebration because in any room of 5 000 people or even this back in those days i think it was about 200 2500 there's at least a dozen people suicidal sometimes two dozen and so i read people's forms before people come to date with destiny we have to fill out forms different than anything else i read them all it takes literally weeks to get through it all and of course some people turned in the night before so i'm up all night reading those two and it's about 15 pages of questions and like some people like if i knew the answer these questions i wouldn't even date with destiny you know but i read them so i have a deep understanding i won't remember everybody's name i don't remember anything but the patterns are in me so when people stand up i know what many people have done and i try to use every intervention to hit as many people as possible uh this is one i was not prepared for and that was this woman dawn and john let's give you an update on dawn my name is don watson i attended date with destiny in 2014 you might know me from the documentary i'm not your guru one of the most incredible experiences i've ever had since you know everything that happened at date with destiny and coming back home and really working doing the internal work that's needed um i created my method based on everything that i lived everything that i went through and everything that also i learned with tony and blending those two in a way of helping people understand that the only way to go through pain is to navigate through it just go right through it and face it head-on and really permit pain to show you to teach you to transform you i want to help people that have gone now my life changed so much in so many ways and i'm so proud of myself because it is a lo it was so much work and it is so much work but today i see life with completely different eyes i love i have an incredible person in my life where i get to share a beautiful relationship and just being in that vulnerable honest and beautiful place with someone is so amazing being able to do the work that i do i wake up every morning so happy to go and do my events and go and do my retreats where i help people and also you know lecture do podcasts share with the world my voice like that really there is nothing that makes me happier to live a life where i finally feel that i can be me that i'm not hiding that i'm not trying to um cover up something because someone is going to find out or i don't feel like i'm living a life trying to hide or if you could think it visually like just naked just raw just real just open and there isn't a better way to live life than just in that raw and open way so everything becomes um just a beautiful experience there are days that it's not easy there are moments where i have to navigate through some really difficult frustrations and pain but you know pain is not something that is not in my life anymore but today i learned how to navigate through that pain i learned how to learn from that pain and it really comes from a place of wow this is my cocoon this is a moment of transformation so let me just be okay let me embrace it let me be here because i know it's gonna pass and i'm gonna be better after it you know let's give it up for dawn she's joining us live give up for dawn dawn nice to see you i got to see you it was a surprise i was down in brazil doing a talk of about 5 000 people i think it was and i'm walking through the aisles and i look up and i see this face and i didn't even recognize you at first look how transform you are tell us listen it's been seven years almost this december so five years for the film but seven years since that date tell us a little bit about your life give us an update oh my gosh tony just watching this and being here in this moment and i feel like since that day when i i remember that moment and i remember the moment when i got back home and i had to really understand that work internal work was gonna have to happen in my life for me to truly do what what i wanted to do which was help other people and and use that pain to help other people and i feel like from since that day and i'm here like crying because it truly is so powerful that when you navigate through your pain where you permit pain to truly transform you how you connect with people how you're able to feel people how people from all over the world have connected with me with their stories and that i you know through my own story and through my own journey being able to support them and help them and i will never forget the day that you said don you're not going to be another me you're going to be you and that's more powerful because you you use your story use your power don't be a copy of me be you and being able to come back to me and use my power and through my story be able to help other people it's just been incredible i really want to honor you because i offered you that day to learn from robin's madonnas to go through the program we do for therapists so you'd have all the skills i have and you did it you completed it and now you're doing seminars you wrote a book right yes i wrote a book my journey back home i'm doing online retreats and creating uh safe environments for people to truly come and work through their pain and work through their abuse and childhood because there's so much pain in our childhood and if we don't learn to use that pain to empower us it's gonna it's gonna destroy us and so it has just been incredible to be able to be doing what you did today and be able to know that that is what healing is healing is going through your process and then healing is passing it forward that is part of the project of healing you know for me helping people is part of my healing process and i know for you too that is you know giving you receive back healing you heal so i just i'm so grateful you look younger now than seven years ago she joe i mean you're acting incredible like you could just feel the radiance coming through you joe do you have a question for don just out of curiosity uh we have you know we haven't talked since the movie uh and i see how great you're doing like what did you have ups and downs or was it like a straight line or you know how how did you get to this place you know yes no way there is definitely ups and downs i i went through a really emotional process coming back from date with destiny i think something that's really interesting is sometimes when we leave a tony robbins event we're like tony's going to come in this white horse and just save us and that tony that's not tony's you know purpose and so you know he creates the safe environment with the work the healing you got to do in your day to day and so when i finally understood that i understood that healing is up and down it is going through the ugliest parts of you so that you can find out the prettiest beautiful parts of you and so i feel like that process until today it is it's been so incredible and then being able to um be with so many different people that were at david destin even my uncle he's here and oh he's here joaquin is here why king is here the great uncle if you didn't see the film just you have context there was a moment where you know really dawn couldn't even imagine uh anybody loving her or trusting a man of any sort and i said look around this room and it's all this beautiful people men and women just sending love and terms gorgeous and i said i want you to pick you know three men who could be your great uncles that could be a source of support and i interviewed all three of them they all got chosen for different reasons by her but joaquin you stood out and i said are you willing to commit to the next being there for her over the next five ten years not every day but be there seven years later and here you are let's give a hand for joaquin for that commitment alone that's pretty awesome yeah i mean they didn't know each other they never even met he stepped up for joaquin what what have you seen in her over the last seven years what can you share well she's had her ups and downs you can get a call three o'clock in the morning and she's sort of going through one thing or the other and then i see her so she has such strength such power and um we kept talking to each other we kept in touch and someday she called me and said look joaquin i'm doing this seminar in brazil you know i i have the strength i need to heal people and i see you doing such terrific things i mean you make people walk on on broken glasses and you make them break their arrows with their with their throat is that real i said please don't do this in your home please don't do this but i flew over to brazil and she did the healing part and i did the high impact part wow a way to make people release their feelings and their emotions because i'm a business coach so for me it was quite hard to deal with dawn you know she's quick-minded she's always thinking about things and um well there we were and it was fantastic so right now i'm from ecuador i'm in spain i'm finishing writing a book and i promise don when i go back to ecuador i will fly again to brazil because it's so wonderful not only to see you but to see how you deal with people who are going through difficult times i had my share of that and thanks to you tony and sage i've managed to uh overcome a lot of fears and difficult moments and she has inspired me it's beautiful to see you and i'm part of the family see [Music] thank you joaquin thank you i love you and one thing remember life isn't how you paint it it's the way you color it and she's done a terrific painting and love thank you so much i want to thank you i want to thank you you're a stranger to her and for seven years you've been a resource for her that just says so much about you but i'm also just so grateful you've continued to change your own life as well give wakita a big hand thank you joaquin god one last question you know at the time you couldn't imagine being with a male or trusting a male and i said well i'm one right but in an intimate relationship but i've heard that you've taken that part of your life to a new level too tell us what's your what's happening in the relationship yes and it's it's so beautiful because i truly i see that every time that you are i have the courage enough to navigate through some difficult pain especially in your sexuality so especially have women that have gone through abuse being able to open themselves up to men again and open themselves to them so that they can feel love and experience love and my life truly has been so incredible after i decided that i was going to open up and yes it's going to be scary and yes i'm going to have to encounter a lot of things that are going to um either scare me or want me i'm going to want to close up again but the moment i said yes i'm in i want to live this i want to enjoy this and just trust life has just been so beautiful and be able to share my life with someone else and be able to be open to love and be able to completely heal that area of my life and now be able to help other women heal their sexuality heal the pain and really transform it into something so beautiful and free i consider myself today completely free we feel that every area of my life i completely feel that and i'm able to share that now so um it really comes from having the courage to just say i'm going to open up and it's not going to be easy and it's not going to be magic because healing isn't magic but it's natural to our soul our soul wants to heal so you've just opened to it it will happen give it up for dawn everybody loves you don is beautiful beautiful joe berlinger everybody i just want to say one thing you know at this point in my life i've made probably 18 feature films about metallica paul simon wrongful conviction whatever hundreds of hours of television truly the most impactful experience i've ever had was making i am not your guru because it touched it touched me personally and really transformed my life so i thank you for that opportunity and the chance to in my own small way help amplify the incredible work that you and sage do has you know has truly been the honor of my life so let's do a sequel okay love you joe thank you so much we love you so much give it up for joe burlinger the one and only you know the great experiences that comes out of date with destiny and and by the way i hope you come you know we'd love to have you be there it's one thing to watch for two hours nothing to experience for six days and nights and there's nothing like it we only do it once a year and the beautiful part now is you don't even have to come in person and believe it or not some people say well that really worked we did it this last year it was incredible yeah i mean better than i thought it could work because also some people are more comfortable in their home they're not surrounded by everybody they feel a little bit more relaxed and so forth but the greatest gift for me is not just saying people change it's seeing people go home and keep that change and make that change benefit their family and their friends and their businesses and their clients and their customers and so my whole thing is you know each one teach one yeah like you know i'm here to help everyone i can you know try to take 44 years of my life experience that's how i've been doing this i started when i was three of course um and compress that into a few days like compress decades into days and save you as much pain as possible and help you achieve more but also to be more fulfilled yes because people think that when everything goes a certain way someday someone something i'll accomplish something and then i'll be happy and it's bs it doesn't work that way unless you can find joy in whatever moment you're dealing with including your challenging times you're not going to have a sustainable quality of life certainly not extraordinary quality life it'll be a life but it won't be the one that you desire and deserve and so that's what our focus is here and to see dawn you know she if you didn't see the film she grew up in this cult the children of god and they they were taught that children were supposed to have sex with the adults i mean if you could imagine being put through that kind of experience or one of our family members you know left this planet early as a result of trying to deal with that pain to give you an idea and to see her today you saw the film and you see her now seven years later because that's one thing people go well does this really last the answer is you bet it does and the reason it lasts is because you're making a change inside of you you're shifting your perceptual tools your beliefs and your values and your rules and that changes everything it's quite beautiful and i think what else is so beautiful joaquin and don are a reflection of the community and the friendship i mean besides your own inner transformation it's just finding like-minded individuals the love that dawn and that joaquin shared and her other like that team there's just a collaboration and a rallying hood and a rallying of like true brotherhood and sisterhood it is such a unique collective consciousness and family that's birth through this process it's really beautiful uh don congratulations joaquin it's wonderful to see you god bless you guys that that sends it yes give it up for him again one more time please [Applause] that community of friends from all over the earth is another thing that no one expects that comes comes out of being here in this environment together because when you go through these kinds of intense experiences it's just like it bonds us forever well if you watch the film at least recently hopefully watch it again got to reconnect to it another great moment in that film were tammy and lance and they were this couple where she got up she gave her beautiful vision for the relationship which was quite poetic and very diverse and very long and then the camera turned to lance who was like deer in the headlights like how do i top that lance i'm with you brother i don't know how you could have topped it i think we have a quick little video to summarize you guys and we'll bring you back on i was stoked for you know what she had written because i mine wasn't there and i put my notebook down and i was trying to find her to like embrace her and then boom there was like it all happened it was everything it was just the power of the the whole experience because you had all these people around i'm getting called out on my [ __ ] and i don't even know what's going on you know at that moment just like whoa and then he's in your face and so it's the whole experience was like off the richter scale and definitely after that night like connected on a different level and that and have been ever since well i don't know if you remember from the um documentary but it was in it was at the tony robbins event that i was like i'm ready and like i've been like i'm not ready i'm not ready i'm not ready and then it was the event i was like i'm ready i have always been worried about bringing children into our relationship and after last night i feel pretty damn certain i'm ready for that it's awesome ladies and gentlemen that's awesome and then we got pregnant right after that so we have a um five-year-old son named kenan and he's the one that um i claimed at the destiny and i said i want you to come in and then we have a three-year-old daughter named ariella it's a constant battle you know to keep uh on that on that line and and passion and then with the kids and everything else and building the house we've been working on forever and it's just there's so much happening the chaos is everywhere and to try and keep our connection together um it's taken massive work no matter how crazy life is no matter what is going on like keeping our connection is just so important [Music] we recently just a few months ago moved into these new offices we're like in the heart of the island that we live on and it's just so magical and so beautiful really feeling his vision was what i feel like really came to me at date with destiny and now i'm seeing it manifested in our life in our home in our work environment and just how we're creating our life and it's just really beautiful give it up for lance and tammy joining us live ladies and gentlemen give it up for them guys i love seeing you got two children i mean that was one of the things you were struggling with at the time not just your relationship but whether you were ready where you're going to go for it first of all congratulations what's it like being parents it's amazing unbelievable i watch them go to sleep every night and i'm just like i wouldn't trade this for anything in the world it wouldn't happen unless you've done the work you guys did on your relationship and and you know uh the the difference that you created within yourself lance in that moment when you roared and those anybody seen the film and you know i was telling them a metaphor you know using some basic fundamental hypnotic patterns because all the hypnotic pattern is is you're no longer out there you're inside yourself and so you can rewire things and while i'm telling the story there's this moment where you remembered who he was i was telling the story what was that like for you internally what what did that moment mean to you what'd you feel it was it was a huge release it just i can't even explain it i think there's just so much packed inside and it just felt like my i cracked my shell exploded and and ever since then just been you know working more in myself you know every every moment so that's well it's certainly table what what happened to you in that moment with your man when he came back over and you could feel that presence i mean that's when i that's when i said i want to have children with this man i just could feel him and i knew that no matter what came at us we would be okay and that he was there like i could i just i could feel him he was there you know and we have like we've been through you know two category five hurricanes we've been displaced we lost where we're living we had a baby in the middle of that we lost shut down our practice because we couldn't keep functioning and we've been through a lot and you know and i think that that moment that that happened and the rest of the event is when i was like i can do whatever with this man and we have done been through a lot since then and and i've felt him through it you know so just two hurricanes and covert that's all you've been through rebuilding your home having two children when you said chaos i think we have a better understanding on that two children alone could create chaos but all that but isn't that the best testimony to both of your growth that all hell is broken loose and you come closer and closer and the things you're worried about being able to manage with kids that's small compared to the external world could you guys change your internal world i'm just i really honestly give a hand for that right away just to start with here it's just amazing i love seeing the emotion in both of you especially you lance look at the emotion this man it's just gorgeous scene it's seven years since that it was five years since the film but seven years since that time this december so just a couple months off yeah it's beautiful as well you know you guys are such a reflection of the human experience and just hearing all the painful times in your life all the times of chaos all the shifts of your practice and everything and just seeing you guys live this seeing you put these truths to work seeing you using these tools you guys look younger you look more beautiful your children are so gorgeous i mean it's so it's so freaking gorgeous through you on you as you you can feel your is-ness together really hats off to you both you guys are gorgeous it's really it's a privilege thank you for joining us today and it's just beautiful it's beautiful to see that you guys took that week uh that moment that intervention and living that reality for your lives and it's just it's it's really it's gorgeous to witness what advice would you give those listening those watching around the world there's people here from 158 countries right now or 100 000 plus people that might be struggling with issues with covid their practice being shut down or a hurricane or children i mean tell us tell us from your own words what would be your best advice for them to really ensure that no matter what happens in the outside world they can really continue to grow deeper together um i'll start oh like that's a different pattern as well look at that if you guys watched the film it was the direct opposite pattern she was running the show on everything okay i'll start all right i like that um working hard to keep the love alive and the spark yeah and um just trusting trusting the process and um trusting your partner yeah especially in the middle of tough times right yeah what do you think tammy what would be your advice i i'm such a believer in what you i hear you say all the time just heard you say again which is life happens um for you not to you and everything that i feel like has come our way i'm like all right like i like like we listen you know we're like well what is this like okay we can't you know we're being displaced we're moving we're having a child in the middle of it like we're closing our practice we've actually reopened and it's like more that i've ever wanted in practice of of how we've been forced to recreate and it's like everything does happen for us you know and just like staying in that energetic staying in the knowingness of of divinity and of being led and trusting and allowing life to unfold and not spending time saying you know why is this happening or it could be different but just really honoring whatever it is that's coming our way and trusting that it's for us that's beautiful give them a big hand love you guys congratulations on your children congratulations on your love love to you well listen i really just want to thank you for spending this time with us i hope that watching this film and i hope that just spending a little time together today reminds you that we can all create a compelling future yeah you know i ask people all the time you know what do you think would be the best thing that could ever happen to you and the number one answer i hear around the world there have been studies that do this as well that's where i got it from is people say to win the lottery and then i say what's the worst thing could ever happen to you and you get all kinds of answers but the number one answer is become a paraplegic and so there have been studies on this studies to see three years after the event of either winning the lottery or being in a position where you lost the use of your limbs who do you think is happier three years later if drugs are not involved if drugs are involved it's off but if the person doesn't do drugs who do you think is happier at the end of three years someone who became a lottery winner i mean hundreds of millions of dollars or the person who is now quadriplegic or paraplegic if you wrote down the person who won the lottery you're wrong you know why because after three years studies show they're both just as happy as they were before if they're unhappy they're still unhappy if they're happy they're happy the person won the lottery gets upset because everybody wants something from them and it's no longer about their relationships there's all kinds of studies showing that and the person is a paraplegic if they can move a finger all of a sudden there's this incredible appreciation for the littlest things in life so thinking that when the world's no longer covered or when things go back everything will be okay that's bs if you really want things to be great you've got to master what's happening inside that's what this event called date with destiny is about it's six days it's once a year it's coming up in december and we'd love to serve you if it makes sense but if not i hope today's inspired you we just wanted to thank you for your willingness and just your gorgeous spirits you are all so lovely and for the generosity of the people who shared today our prayers that you were reminded and that you were called and uh that through their sharing and through this entire afternoon that you've touched upon something more deeply inside yourselves and remember the truth inside yourself that you feel more freedom more openness and that your soul obviously called you here to join this it's just that hunger is what guides us and it's all led us to this moment and uh we pray to see you at date with destiny if that doesn't serve you i know that our past will cross and and thank you for your courageous hearts we love you god bless hope to see you in december love you all
Channel: Tony Robbins
Views: 142,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tony robbins, motivation, inspiration
Id: mASi6AmTMZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 33sec (2673 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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