Tony Fleming's scallop with Meantime Pale Ale braised breast of lamb

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hi my name's Tonya Fleming head chef of angler restaurant at South Place Hotel the dish we're going to be cooking today is rose scallop with braised breast of lamb going to braise that with some me-time pale ale it's going to be served with some anchovies and broad beans and a little bit of it so we've got the breast of language of deboned are not very common part of the animal that's used but more so these days which is fantastic into the tray there's some sea salt toasted coriander seeds if clancy's toasted in a pan and we just break them up to release some of the flavor who sticks too tight rosemarie so we leave this overnight at 24 hours on this side this we're going to put the entries she's got the skin side here put that side down and it is to the inside of the animal the fresh side we'll put these anchovies in and actually when we put these in we leave these in when he cookies as well so this takes on the flavor and these will help her they did when we cook it or they're just disintegrate you won't know they're there but when you eat the dish you all realize what they've done okay so a good generous amount of salt and then we'll clean form it's nice and tight to keep out any air and then what we actually do we turn this halfway through the marinade marinade times after 12 hours returning and just to make sure it gets it's been covered some more coriander seeds at the end and that's our breast of lamp left for 24 hours and then we come to cooking it the start of this really is the scholar it's going to open in Feeny's now then we just release the muscle between around the skirt here only one here we're going to use today we're not going to use the road is to use the eye of the scallop so to take off the muscle I'm gonna be really gentle here not too you know such a beautiful piece of nature we don't wanna ruin it and though the rest from the skirt will come around and then we're going to wash that we set that overnight as well as quite important scholars they need to set and rest as well for a while and when that's done we're going to pan-fry at home so this is our this is our lamb breast so marinated overnight cooked for two to three to four hours depending on the size and been cooked nicely you can see it's a nice good color and cooked long and slow so it's not brown and dry you know it's long and slow to still get a nice pink color as well it's a very tough piece of meat the breasts obviously so long and slow is the key okay so now we're gonna pan-fry the Lambs breast like a little bit crispy about 30 seconds on each side just to get a little bit of crispness nice a little bit of color and now this is where we add the beer as I said we had to be quite late on in the cooking process so that we keep it nice and fresh so we take the parallel order that about I don't know hundred brow hundred milliliters or so too much a day reduce it down not too much based over the top of the lamp okay so that's reduced enough now nearly to a syrup and then we're going to add some of our stock that we cooked it with which has been reduced down and let's give it a really good deep rich flavor and again we'll just taste that as we go so we know how maybe we don't wanna cover up the taste of the beers it this is all about the bit what is really important cooking sometimes when you're adding ingredients or added with flavors you don't want to take away from the main ingredient some public restraint is very important in cooking and some people don't know when to stop I mean they take that a little bit more just to graze up and then that's ready and then we'll start to cook the scallop and do the garnish turn the scallop and a good generous amount of bond and we take it off the heat we're about to go Brown it already burn and we just gently could go so the bottle goes Brown is it a nice nutty flavor and phones we just need on the side again give that about 20 seconds and it would take that we give it a rest just for about another another 30 seconds see timing is key time is essential and then lemon juice and then again good plays perfectly good scholar okay so now we're ready to play up our lamb breast and scholar dish so first everyone we take is our lamb breast that's been resting as you can see nice and sticky and glazed then we have our puree of broad beans so broad beans shallots and a little bit of chicken stock as well and next we have an anchovy mayonnaise let me have I've wall been just heat it in butter emotion so just pieces of tomato we've air dried ourselves here and then we've got our scallop and then finally just to finish we've got some oyster Leafs and they're great with this and all these oyster leaves have a natural saltiness a good grassy taste as well which again is very similar to what we found with the taste with the pale ale as well so work perfectly so that's our braised lamb breast with the meantime parallel roast Orca nice collar broad beans broad bean puree and should be mayonnaise foods with your chips you you
Channel: Great British Chefs
Views: 62,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lamb And Mutton (Food), Braising (Culinary Technique), Food (TV Genre), Scallop (Food), Beer (Beverage Type), Meantime Brewery (Brewery / Brand Of Beer), Chef (Profession), Recipe (Website Category), Cooking (Interest)
Id: ytxb07L5Lwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2015
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