Adam Handling's Wagyu Beef with Onions and Ox Tongue

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i'm adam handling and this is the great british chefs signature series so this is one of the most flavoursome dishes that i have and all it is is beef and onions but done my way i was proper inspired by how they think of food in japan in thailand and vietnam so sweet sour bits of savory umami are a huge huge factor kimchi is one of my store ingredients because it adds a hell of a lot of mommy to anything the one thing i love about wagyu is the fat content it's so tender it's so meaty it's so juicy it's so fatty it's everything i love really this dish is one of my favorites it's beef and onions but instead of just normal beef normal onions we use wagyu beef i'm lucky enough to be able to use it in my restaurants but if you can't just get a piece of meat that is super fatty because fat is flavor i fill it yeah sure it does a purpose but it doesn't have that robust delicious flavor than anything with fat wood so this is from the part of the ribeye from the wagyu so with this meat i'm going to season it with a bit of salt both sides and black pepper really invest in a in a pepper mill it contains a lot of oil so if you have ground pepper sitting in your cupboard or in your little spice rack for about two years don't use it just put it in the bin get yourself peppermint crack it fresh so inside here we have rendered wagyu fat a little touch of kimchi kimchi is one of my store ingredients because it adds a hell of a lot of mommy to anything and we're just going to put a little bit of the fat in a frying pan but i'm lucky to have a planter melt it so this isn't a pan it's a planter if you have a pan which i do in my house you need to make sure that things almost on fire you really and that's why it's really good to use animal fats rather than oil because oil will set on fire animal fat you can really crank the heat up you want to sear about a minute and a half and then a minute and a half in the other then you want to rest it and then put it back on the heat and do it again if you hit it too hard with the heat you're just going to over cook the outside and the inside is just going to get attacked and just be completely overcooked so all that caramelization on the meat that you can literally hear it and feel it that's flavor so the sides you want to seal them as well so that the blood stays inside of the meat and keeps it moist and all i'm going to do is put it back on the tray and i'm going to put it there to rest so the first part i'm going to do is i'm going to get the sauce ready which is beef sauce using the buns it's a lot it's a long process to make but it's well worth it so this is a base of beef chicken and veal inside of it and then with the sauce i've got lots of diced oxtam so beef tongue inside of the sauce which has a really nice corned beefy sort of taste so with the sauce i'm just going to put it on the heat just to warm up if you don't have that length of time to make a sauce it won't be as impactful but it's easy to achieve something similar so you know you've got beef bones where you can get from a butcher chicken wings roast them off in um in an oven then pat them dry and then just get some chicken stock in beef stock fill it up lowers the nose and loads and then really reduce that right down then pass the sauce and then you add your aromat and you get all the oils from the aromats to be far cleaner than at the beginning and now i have a little onion that has been slow cooked in beet fat then i've just scooped out the inside of the onion to make it hollow and what i'm going to do is i'm going to add beef cheek that i've just braised in beef stock and then i'm just going to stuff it inside it and i'm just going to force as much in as i possibly can you're going to break the onion a little bit but you can always hide that the idea is fill the onion full of the ox cheek so it's really meaty it also means you have a stunning shape of an onion so now that that's stuffed and it's really quite full i'm going to pop it into a pot that has a little bit of the sauce in and i'm just going to glaze it up so it's absolutely stunning then i'm going to put it in the oven for a couple of minutes just to make sure it's really hot the reason i'm glazing it is because i want that sticky flavor to go down there's nothing better than a braised beef cheek really sticky and maximum full of flavor so like i said the ox tongue is very much like a corn beefy taste it's delicious really lovely and we do some slices that we then roll in the dish and all the scraps and the bits that we would normally throw away because it doesn't look pretty we dice it up and put it in the sauce we have some little onions that have been slow cooked again in beef fat and then i have a puree using all the parts of the inside of the onions because remember i scoop all them out and i slow cook them with a little bit of beef fat and then i blend it with parmesan so i'm just going to warm this up very slowly so the onion is nicely glazed we're just going to leave that for a second the meat much more softer now than what it was after i sealed it because the meat's relaxed imagine someone punching in the arm you're tightening up really quite firm and then after a while you start to feel your arm again it's exactly the same with meat so it's super important to rest it now i'm going to put it back on the heat and cook it again so the onion very sticky fresh thyme leaves you want to use a lot of herbs towards the end so you can really keep the aromat and the oils of the actual herbs itself so again i keep my food super simple in terms of presentation so spoon of the puree it's nice and thick try and keep it as natural as possible so you have your onion and then a cup and then the rolled tongue for me the tongue is like that corned beef that you get in a tin which people say is just terrible but it's absolutely bloody delicious and it's just a bit of it's respectful as well because now we're utilizing the whole of the animal so now we have the meat i always just cut a little bit off so i can taste it it's cooked perfect and then cut it in the middle it's nicely pink so now the meat on the plate and you can see the amount of fat content that's inside of here that it's going to be a tasty piece of meat i get excited more eating this dish than i do plating it my food is very very uh natural looking i like to think so i'm putting a little bit of fennel pollen on there so the aniseed flavor just to really wake the dish up inside here there's some wood sorrel as well so it's the citric notch and mustard frills which is a little bit of the spicy and then it gets finished with the sauce which is rich and delish so this is one of the most flavoursome dishes that i have on my menu in common garden and all it is is beef and onions but done my way enjoy you
Channel: Great British Chefs
Views: 30,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chefs, restaurants, dining out, eating, food, recipes
Id: pMUZphGaw7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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