Dover sole with fish pie flavours, sea vegetables and parsley oil by Shaun Rankin

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[Music] hi my name is Sean Rankin we're here at my restaurant 12 hay Hill in mirane London and I'm going to cook doaa suvi today and I'm going to do it with like a little Classic Fish Pie flavors um so I've got some muscles uh some cockal some forag herbs sea percin salty Fingers um and to finish off with some chives in a skull of [Music] cream for the dool firstly I want to take the skin off there's a little nice little method for this just Nick the bottom of the tail with a knife try not to go through the tail on both sides you can see that take two wet cloths in your hand be very careful at this this time you what you don't want to do is pull the flesh away from the skin so you can see I'm just pulling that skin away and again the same on the other side again being careful not to take the flesh away dool tends to be very very siney and stringy you can see here that's why a lot of do oil is cooked on the born but this method gives you a really really good product ding SUV so firstly incision down the backbone just removing the fillets away from the bone and you can see it's just coming away nicely cut through the fins cuz you can trim them up afterwards so now to tidy it up just place your fingers in between the Flesh and the skirt and just pull it off like that so lay your fillets out one on top of another and when it Cooks it'll release all all of its natural gelatines and it'll stick the soil together through its proteins okay with the do us all now ready to go it's now time to get it into its vat pack bag so just keep it separated away from each other and we're going to pop that in and V pack that [Music] tight Okay so we've got a really nice dool little sandwich really nice and firm we're going to cook that in the water bath 60° for about 30 minutes [Music] okay to make the sauce uh we're going to do it quite traditionally we're going to use some muscles and some cockos and cook it as in alumier style muscles go straight in nice and hot little bit of chalot and a bit of fennel trimming they go in and a good glug of white wine lid on little bit of a shake but about 15 20 seconds I'll be ready and they're open now you can see smells fantastic really really nice so again they took about 15 20 seconds if that just open them up slightly let them cool for about about a minute or two and then take them out of the shells lovely plump muscles just's take them out check for little beards and the cockos as well um SV cooking the beauty about it it gives you consistency and in that consistency you can your restaurant and your kitchen become very reliable on products and you can get so many intensive flavors especially with vegetables uh and fruit there's so much you can do with it okay the DOA has had 30 minutes now going to take it straight out of the water and put it straight into ice water to stop the cooking process very important you do that okay so it's nice and chilled so you can see I do all fits are little sandwiches I like to call them they're really nice and firm glued together by the gelatines natural gelatines and I'm going to put them in the fridge for about 10 minutes uh before I pan them in breadcrumbs we're going to use some panco breadcrumbs and we're going to we're going to double pan so the dool finger goes into the flour and then into the pancor breadcrumbs little shake back into our egg and then back in to the panco breadcrumbs for the second pan here okay so dool fingers are nicely wrapped in panc or breadcrumbs they're going to go into the fryer nice clean oil for around about 3 minutes just till they're nice and golden brown so to finish the dish um I've got some uh sauce here uh which is basically made from scallop skirts a little bit of cream white wine some shots and some mushrooms and some herbs um cooked out and I'm just going to add our shellfish and our forest herbs to that um with a little bit of smoked mashed potato and finished with our DOA salt and then for the main ingredient a lovely little crispy over so just cut that on an angle just for presentation purpose and then a little few dots of really vibrant parsley oil and top it off I've got a nice little charred baby leak and there we have it crispy DOA cooked SV method with fish Pie flavors and smoked [Music] potato
Channel: Great British Chefs
Views: 132,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dover sole, fish pie, parsley, vegetables, fish, seafood, sous vide, pie, fine dining, restaurant, shaun rankin, food, recipe
Id: 9DrlPM-j-Bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2016
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