Beef tartare, potted beef with dripping and sourdough toast by Paul Welburn

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[Music] I'm all Wellborn electric field restaurant within this today of beef bread and dripping use this lovely Irish beef we using the rump I'm going to make a braised rump cap with a cat flat with some lovely beef dripping and then we'll make a card card to show that real grassy nose a little flavor of the Irish beef to complement that okay so when we were break down this rub into the three parts that I want to use to the dish the removal is fat which would give me a chance then to render this down for some dripping obviously buying the whole rump is obviously quite a lot to get for a for the home but if you speak to butch I'm sure they can get you the different components broken down obviously making it for home leave the fat on there ask your butcher to keep the fat on their flats a fantastic thing making the dripping is amazing it's so versatile you can use it with so many things once you've made it it's like duck fat goose fat beef dripping the same so I remove the the rump cap it's a lovely piece of meat this also be fantastic just roasted like a steak but it will have a bit more bite to it than what you'd expect some of dill it there's a great depth of flavor and it's got a great great color in there as well saucy grass-fed beef the animals are there that they're in their natural habitat they're eating what they what they enjoy what they should be eating the flavor is going to be fantastic if it's aged after that in the right way grass-fed is some of the best beef you can take first of all with the rub cap I'm going to seal this stating naturally caramelized sugars coming out of it and once it's killed all the over I've got a bacterial pan with some mirepoix vegetables or carrots celery and onions the place sensors inside the time red wine and a good beef stock the be something made with these bones again a few butchers will be phones that should be similar 812 hours they're real most depth of flavor coming from those be both [Music] so next to consummate gentleman relish so first of all smartphones want to smoke them we smoked them with hey you can use wood chips so we're going to smoke the East a few hours and I saw the flavor in there and middle managers on this relish from the next page of the braised rump cap there's been cooking now for four or five hours it's so tender the Lich's pulls apart so we're going to add some of the reduced beef liquid back so this is going to set into ramekins leaving the space at the top to cap it with the beef dripping so go in the fridge now on 20 mix half an hour just to turn that up and then we'll top it with the beef dripping so whilst the beef is set in the fridge we're going to finish the gentleman's relish so I will smoke some art shows that we smoked earlier Apple a few anchovy Phillips onions these phone prunes so anything's quite large in here because I was gonna cook for a long time white wine vinegar almost juice fresh lime juice a nice bite of English mustard and the sweet element which is the brown sugar this now goes onto the stove has cooked around two hours until it's nice and soft sticky and then we blend it to a smooth puree and then we use our garnish the dish as the commercials acidity to the dish which is quite fatty and rich this is a nice counterpoint the next stage of tartare so we've got this nice muscle of run footbe preps earlier I think we tartare is you want to make sure that it's cut nice and small but nice and even you don't want to be chopped down so much or or blended it have some a better texture and hand chopping is the best way of creating now you can see a text from that it just almost tears so like all part of the usual components we use the same shell ops parsley phoenicians capers and the grated egg smell they're grated egg white and the yolk and I should enrich this to it and mix it right up everything coated everything mixed it's time to plate up we have the bread and dripping which obviously would pull out the fridge as well we should notice the top just to release that fast most art styles are served with raw egg-yolk what we do the restaurant we send with a config oak so basically cookie oak the egg yolk 54 degrees for an hour and a half the Python top plate would normally have a warm egg yolk gentleman's relish which we cooked earlier and some sourdough toast each our grill select to olive oil and to finish off just some wood sorrel the bitter acidity there we have the rump of Irish beef bread and dripping tartar tantrum [Music]
Channel: Great British Chefs
Views: 28,880
Rating: 4.9243855 out of 5
Keywords: irish beef, beef, tartare, potted beef
Id: 9p0Kap4Lo6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
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