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wait are you telling me something up killed my cows are you telling me chad are you telling me sat naps killed henry no no surely surely not surely not no no no [Music] no not my heart not my couch not my cows please please please please please no no no no no no no no not the cows not not after not after all of this surely not sure okay we've got a minecart on us okay i'm good i'm gonna have to ignore them i'm going to have to leave him on red we're going to have to ghost him i know through i know how it feels so many women of ghosts that's not true no one's ever goes to me but i know i don't know i could i'm sure i can imagine how it would feel i'm just i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry this is for the greater good actually my mom's doing an interview so i got to get a bit quieter or something that she needs i did see sat nap streaming earlier but i only saw him on four guys you see no no please please sumn up not my beloved cow surely [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no no no no quack it east okay that's fine we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go [Music] we must go we must go oh no oh no okay we've got to go in quick we've got what the heck was that what was that what's happening to my railway [Music] oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i know samnap's an enemy now after the other streams we know he's a wronger we know he's a [ __ ] scum but oh no [Music] no no no please henry no no no no no okay okay luckily we've got stone on us what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [Music] no why why why did they had a hole there who did that [Music] back we need to go we need to go we need to go please please henry please be alive please i'm wishing for you i'm wishing so well i need to turn up my headphones because i turned them down last night because i was gaming too loudly actually please please okay the house is there the house is there llama's still there the railway looks fine please please please let's get some podcamps if he's live okay there's one cow there that might not even be the right cow they never go that far away harold henry harvey [Music] please please please yes oh thank god i was so worried for you henry oh [ __ ] jesus jesus oh my god oh you look so great not that great because you're a cow i don't know why your eyes are pointing different ways oh my god he lives why was the chat freaking out then why was everyone upset what's something i've done then and there's one cow down there now where to do this that's probably harvey west harold where's harold [Music] where where's harold where is that harold maybe that's not harvey maybe this is harvey [Music] harold dead harvey harvey no what did you see what did you see harvey what did you see is harold dead [Music] no no surely no it you know what it's time for it's time for it's [ __ ] vods time it's it's vod's time sap nap clips top clip please [Music] no no no no no no no no no no look he was streaming four guys he was streaming for oh no he did stream minecraft and he went oh my god why something up you idiot why you bastard you bastard no don't no no okay so why would he do this to us thank you okay thank you sam knappers that were telling him to why what the [ __ ] is wrong with you [Music] did something happen here the whole chat's freaking out [Music] he didn't happen to kill out of my other cows did he which cow did he kill all right tweet me something tweet me some clips boys just put tommy in it and then the clip wait okay so this is him going to my house surely surely we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine he killed harold [Music] what are you insane [Music] you can move my thingy from yesterday wait okay tweet me tweet me a clip tommy in it latest where's the clip of him killing harold no one's tweeted me a clip [Music] come on boys no no surely he didn't surely i don't think he did i don't think he did i think we're fine i think we're fine i think we're fine [Music] i don't know why you guys are so against it to be honest [Music] [Music] does he kill a cow i'm checking twitter [Music] oh no i found a clip why don't i want to kill it harold harold where's henry [Music] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh i'm pissed i'm for you [ __ ] you for you motherfuce you [ __ ] son of a used i'm not going under all right puns you're getting banned [Music] tier three sub puns you can have it back [ __ ] wrong with you spamming easy get out get out of here thank you for the 25 gifted subs holy [ __ ] thank you [Music] no oh it's revenge time it's okay we're going to sam that's house everybody why why why [Music] why would he kill why would he kill it why would he why why why would he kill it why would he kill a horse what's fun guy oh i'm filled with rage right now dude this was going to be such a chill tower building stream there's so much rage in my mind in my heart right now i'm going to start i'm going to i will not be pogging through the pain i will be i'll be stabbing the pain away fundies [ __ ] oh nicki's fox nicky's a part of the man berg he's like he's trying to entice me it's like [Music] oh my god oh my god all right thank god samurai's house is in the holy land [Music] chat thank you thank you coco that i'm guessing the 10 quid because it's right at me thank you very much now what the [ __ ] what the f what the [ __ ] does that not care about oh i'm angry you know i need this i need this more than he does i need coping drugs no actually i need some more no actually i need some more oh god no oh no i need to prepare with that oh god [Music] like like please go away come for another day if you don't i don't care your underwear the [ __ ] guys guys i think the thing that we're all forgetting your cow is ugly shut up thank you for no no thank you for the 100 bits okay i think here's what we do all right because let's be honest with this you really i'm very very angry right now but what would wilbur think wilbur would say no even i guess i guess she will has been destroying a lot of my possessions recently no here's what wilbur would do here's what and i hate to admit it wilbur would wilbur would not want me to do any griefing wilbur would say tommy in it tell me in it do no griefing do no griefing tommy in it because griefing ultimately is wrong if you become as bad as your enemy then that's wrong and that's wrong of you and i don't think listen i'm just doing a and i just don't think that the right thing to i've got a message from nikki tommy nikki i think your fox is dead hello hello wait i can't hear you hello hello hello hello what the [ __ ] what's up guys no burning down the house would just be horrible tell me hello hello tommy your fox is dead who who did that oh my god oh my god uh nap why did he do that because he's he's he's just he's looking he's looking to mess with you i am so angry right now oh come on i'm gonna be honest i'm a little scared right now i've noticed what the [ __ ] man i've never seen okay why are we okay [ __ ] trying to fight fire it's fine it's fine are you alright are you good you're good yeah yeah i need you to help me get revenge oh yeah yeah no i mean i'm flooding his house right now you seem i'm a lot more angry about this than i mean he killed he killed one of my three cows but the least important one no second to least important one that fox was everything to me [Music] i'm sorry i'm very sorry oh something you [ __ ] up you [ __ ] up are you are you alright i gotta go all right what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what that's [ __ ] boss music holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] i'm not you no no no i'm staying out of this one i'm sorry i don't know this trust me i don't want to be here for when nikki goes [ __ ] oh my god it's like it's like a [ __ ] you know that teacher that's really nice all the time and then when they tell you often you just burst into tears that's that's what's gonna happen right now i'm gonna even i you know when you're not getting told off but you're around someone getting told off and you get [ __ ] scared shitless that's what's happening right now that's holy [ __ ] oh my gosh can anyone else get the [ __ ] chills man holy [ __ ] oh my god yeah i mean though this [ __ ] oh my god no i will help i will i'm i'm no longer i do not we're going to build our humble tower we're gonna build our humble town we're gonna keep our head down then when nikki comes on we'll go yes ma'am yes ma'am oh my [ __ ] jesus christ that was so anyone else jesus i forced to be reckoned with clearly holy [ __ ] oh my god the mafia oh my god do it in the name of harold and every other cow yeah no i i mean i've drowned the bottom of his base but i think a lot more is gonna go from that so i'm gonna uh i'm gonna i'm gonna stand over here she is really no listen i had this like i'll be on okay i'll be honest with you all okay wait we'll wait finicky to get on then i'm guessing she's getting on this song does not hit as well this is not this song really hey everyone welcome to the [Music] all right this will be our waking waiting for vania song no i had this one really really really nice history teacher and then one time she told me off she told me off once it was just like stop talking but you know you know the most powerful teachers are the ones that don't shout they go and they're really quiet and nice and she just she just went please stop and i went i honestly i almost just burst into tears i almost just shout myself it's so scary you know it really hurts and that's exactly what nicki is right now and i'm not prepared for it just emotionally you know any you know and can anyone relate to this because uh oh god i'm not even in the wrong i've not even doing anything wrong i'm just i'm just immensely scared [Music] oh [ __ ] oh vc e oh [ __ ] hey hey i'm really sorry i'm really sorry um i as far as i know what's not your fault it's not i'm just very very scared of you right now okay well well you shouldn't be because you don't have any involvement i don't have any involvement she actually killed my cow i'm completely on your side miss perfect perfect let's let's make a plan okay sorry nikki sorry i didn't mean to this is very weird right you really have oh my god where's this house you're very very very scary when you're angry near you i know i'm not i'm not angry often but nobody kills my fox and gets away with it i'm just trying to find some scary music to play also when is turbo streaming cause i wanna give him a doughnut i don't have all sorts of twitch private i'm trying to come up with one wait what what nikki all right well i can help you i'm here good all right so i would say um the only thing he has all right you're not screaming are you so i can go like chat right i'm not yeah okay yeah are you going live in a minute or not uh probably not because i wasn't planning on streaming or anything i have friends over actually but this is my friend's gonna wait foxy yeah oh god uh puns is on their side by the way so be careful because he's just logged on okay um i would say the only thing samuel has to care about is his home and all of the belongings he doesn't have uh chat what are the things that he he would care about because the chats will know yeah i lost my stream i'm just building my tower we have a we have a small piece area his fish apparently he has a fish nikki i don't know why where sorry puns just messaged me nikki i mean if you need to kill his fish then i'm just i'm i'm i'll follow in this basement apparently he has a fish that you might want to murder you're doing some pretty aggressive typing right now nikki just i'm very scared of you right now just please okay okay all right i'll let you i'll let you plan uh one minute [ __ ] anyone else is anyone else frightened right now holy [ __ ] can i get up can i get a one in chat if you're a yes a me i i want i want someone someone to relate to right now thank you for the subs and the donations happy birthday ali thank give me the 10 pounds chanel is stupid sorry chanel i was told i was making they gave me money to say that i'm just trying to thank you for the 10 pounds sophie you are unrelatable tommy oh no i'm actually very relatable oh dude i need to vote i want turbo here i'm dude i know i don't want to be i'm i'm scared right now i need i don't want to be the weakest link but i'm completely fine with right now i am the weakest link i'm [ __ ] terrified i'm [ __ ] terrified hello please come on the server please please please nikki's fox is dead and as is one of my cows and nikki is very very angry and it's very [ __ ] scary man hey can you join what are you doing right now i'm walking upstairs oh sorry can you come on um dream smp server please the uh discord yeah nikki is just uh just uh just a bear in mind nikki is very angry i am but nowhere that's that's what i said and then she and then she was turbo she's not swearing she you know okay you know that teacher that's [ __ ] like really like you really respect and then when that teacher gets angry yeah like that but and you know when they're annoyed and even though you've done nothing wrong you feel bad it's one of those it's one of those come on quick quick okay i'm joining the quick now i need i needed someone oh by the way do you want to hear the new turbo theme chat this is the new turbo theme i i found it earlier but only this is the turbo moment theme bye hi hello all right where's that fish well you just you going straight into are you murdering it are you kidnapping nikki i ought to know i ordered him and now her revenge her revenge is to get back to um yeah but nicki's fox and my horse is dead turbo you're murdered also in a bucket in an ender chest no i've i think it's in his fish tank chat's saying i i no no no no no because punk was gonna kill it so me and sap now what when was this was this today nah this was like yeah yeah yeah it was months ago do you not have a sense of yeah oh hey what that was you can't be like it was months ago that's not that's not how time works buddy no it is how time works yeah but times people still play on the server so if it was months ago it's a real [ __ ] tub a moment i'm not i'm not i'm not arguing with you about how time works to vote this is stupid and it's you know what it is it's a waste of time that was funny no i'm glad i'm glad hi can someone also how powerful is puns just so uh what i'm doing me me and tomorrow me and you could take him no he's got no we could nikki you could totally if you you could totally outplay him with your words just stare at him just stare at him yeah yeah if he joins the call stare him down and say say say get down dude nicki okay nicky just to i'll be i accidentally called you miss a minute ago just use your use your teacher teacher powers just [ __ ] out play them okay hey guys i shouldn't be scared of him i don't i genuinely don't think you should be scared of anyone right now well and i am just how old is i'm not scared of anyone i am furious okay it was [ __ ] though puns is really old he's like 23 right he's he's really old i can't open doors please press tab to see why okay where is everyone up i just want to see we're going to get revenge [Music] revenge yeah because because satnav killed our pets apparently puns is like 41. hell hath no fury like a woman scanned what the hell no way puns is 41. i sure hope not nikki how old do you think puns is i don't know puns is on the enemy team by the way wait wait um chat could someone without with just the word tommy not on twitter and then send the clip please just type the word tommy in it space and then the clip because i want to see the clip of of nikki's fox dying please yeah i thought bundy killed it no finally gave it to me no no no he i oh i'm not gonna say anything i i thought funny killed did funny kill my fox i thought it was fondy no i wait send the clip send the clip of nikki's fox dying i want to watch it die i killed it oh okay i've got i've got wait wait i've got the clip i've got the clip i've got the clip i've got the clip jam should i kill this fox this is really close to oh my god this is really close to oh oh [ __ ] he didn't die what the [ __ ] wait did he die yes yes the fox is dead turbo what do we do now nikki i would you like a puffer fish i have a few of them you know at first i thought i could go easy on him because maybe it was an accident but that didn't look like an accident he he tortured it for minutes on end just aiming he scared it and then mercilessly stabbed it shot it even where are you guys who knew guns could be used for bad oh my god can we now i think oh my god hi tommy i don't want to start a war over this but i am willing to go as far as i have to to avenge him where's the fish so beckason [Music] oh i found it nikki hank i think there's mars oh i found them i found them i have one bucket i found oh oh wait oh wait no i've accidentally let them out then don't kill oh i've got it i've got it i've got it in a bucket oh oh i've just i've just set one free well i oh probably gonna have a better life there better yeah than in a tank he doesn't even feed them there's blood on his floors what the [ __ ] is that oh [ __ ] okay i've got his fish nikki i'll give it to you because i'm very uh nervous around everyone right now uh i'm at the we don't do it on the holy land because you're upset dream just make sure you're not on the on the holy land i don't know what the holy land is it's the uh it's the area with the huge tower on hey guys i'm back hey turbo where are you going uh i'm at the hall of fame where are you nikki yeah i've got his fishing please i'm so far away why did your voice get so shaky i'm so far away wait wait we could we could hello no no this isn't about me this i was gonna suggest making it about the discs no nikki this is this is definitely your war not mine i'm just eating this i will be your right-hand man right now because i'm [ __ ] unscared good job okay let's go oh will we go for the dish wait wait wait no wait up there i'm almost here i'm almost here i've sprinted i've sprinted for you two i've spread okay eat this stuff no i it's it's clearly gonna poison me no no are you sure eat this what the [ __ ] no don't eat that nikki know stop poisoning it oh my gosh george fish well why'd you do that you should have just eaten it and shot up like a normal person yeah but you were poisoning us it's fine no no no just don't high-five anyone just don't high-five anyone okay yeah just keep keep chowing down keep chatting no no do not chow down have another one have another one no no i don't want another one [Music] why the [ __ ] would you just murder me to death why why why wait you i said i said specifically turbo don't punch me and what did you do no you said no high fiving that that is with your fist you just high-fived my face with your fist and now i am dead i know i am dead i am dead and it is your fault okay please don't have you picked up my stuff no i'm waiting for you to get back hey don't [ __ ] punch me in the face again well after poisoning me and then you you just punch me okay wait nikki do you want to kill beckerson no i don't want to kill them i don't want to kill him oh no wait don't steal my stuff please nikki no i i i'll i'll give it to you i've got it on me just about please don't kill me i'm sorry it was a it [ __ ] happens apparently i have the wrong fish i got beckerson please just don't murder me again because that was really annoying can you apologize actually i'm sorry please eat a fish i swear to fool my my feelings eat the fish where'd the fish go what fish i just threw you one eat it no no the one from the one in the bucket the important one [Music] you killed me and now it's not there eat just eat the fish stop it okay i'll eat it if it's a stressful either yes or no it is it is okay all right as soon as you eat it your problem will be sold no no i'm even more stressed you idiot oh my god that was a real stress reliever holy [ __ ] you just relieved my stress i just i just relieved your stress all right uh nikki nikki yeah this is so cool um so this this is that's just that's just like eating a poison ivy going it's my favorite snack apparently becker sent us george's fish yeah becca is george's fish oh well i let the other fish free by accident oh my god you killed mom no i didn't kill it i let it i let it out into the ocean i let it freeze i let it free okay oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay you take this you take this you take this okay follow me i'll explain what happens no you don't you no please don't absolutely do though i i will punch you give me the fluffer fish to vote i'm on max health i need these this sucks i'm still gonna punch you yeah i'm sprinting so i can rejoin health i'm not rejecting i've just been working out like a moment you just got a 10 000 iq moment hey youtube make sure you leave a like subscribe [Applause] come subscribe me come with me with me [ __ ] [ __ ] guys we might have [ __ ] up big time oh no wait why no when i say we might have [ __ ] up i say well george's one's fine so we've got you know yeah we're not about to drop a thousand followers two different colors nikki the back of your sleeves they're just two complete different colors look look look turn around we don't have there's a fish on the loose in the ocean and you're [ __ ] obsessing over some no tommy come on nikki nikki nikki there's this kind we're kind of a bit pressed the time right now and you guys okay so i'll explain to you what happened oh we're gonna need a bucket i have one no we have puffer no you have one but it has the fish in it no no no no no no no no i have another one okay can i have that please i have an empty knee yeah oh what happened here thanks but we don't know keep moving keep moving head down head down head down everyone head down look look really innocent i mean in the end how how do we look innocent in public we just in case we get stopped in case we have to take off all your clothes no no what kind of answer is that no they won't they won't question you no they will question you they will you idiot okay what do we do what do we do in the event in the event that we get stuff mcdonald's no we can't because don't come into the holy land don't go in the holy land don't tell anyone what we're doing here okay don't tell anyone what the llama would have seen the llama with the llama knows the llama [ __ ] no i need you to kill the llama i need you to kill the llama no it would have it would yeah but it would have seen it would have seen llamas don't speak english i think we're good okay all right so basically all right let me explain what happened i was oh oh my god look at all the blood what is that oh perfect okay oh i've got it okay that okay what i was going to say what i was going to say is that i actually oh what off for this okay okay rotate around there's a zombie oh my god okay okay swim swim come in here come in here so basically i was destroying all of his windows in in rage not thinking and then i i let his fish out to get becca so they would swam dude and they and and basically i let his fish out because then and then and then the magic so it's pong's magic hoe look read it it's an artifact it's an artifact that is my artifact [Laughter] i really this is my artifact stop saying about an artifact you idiot now listen listen i'm really calm right now i'm feeling [Applause] yeah you can't teleport you never can we please focus she's right she's right she's right she's what are we doing sorry okay wait let me i heard a drowning yeah i don't know what that was let me let me play able sisters this is tommy in the theme okay so basically no i'm no oh my god you're being [ __ ] annoying stop it okay so basically uh i i opened this and then the fish swam out and i got beckerson in a bucket which you have nikki and then his other fish mars now one of them is george's and one of them is sapnap's uh and you can have them because you you i mean they killed actually could i have one because he did kill one of my cows uh you can wait is henry okay uh henry's fine harvey's fine harold is dead who's harold like the king ah stress reliever stress relief oh my god old's my cow well he was my account you [ __ ] jesus well i'm being relieved of stress right you're literally just eating poison i needed i need two i need two i'm not going to give you two this is drunk you're [ __ ] addicted aren't you okay this is this is for a late late late time okay basically guys what i want because i don't want to hold any grudges right i don't want to have any enemies here yeah i don't want to you know be me i just want an apology i want sadness you want to tweet longer don't you no i wanna i want the book i want a book i want him to apologize and then he will have his fish back i will not kill the fish i will not hurt the fish but i want an apology [Music] okay so i can keep the other fish and use it for ransom you can do whatever you want all right well i'll use that for my discs i'll use that for the disc wall all right so wait how are we going to get an apology then sweat longer bow no that doesn't work well it does work so i'm adjusting my camera nikki how are we going to get an apology i don't know he's not on the server right no why don't so you don't want to do he literally murdered your fox and all you want is an apology tell me i am happy to join you in the discord [Music] can we just i actually could use the best member of the dream purely thank you nikki you're saying you you'll help me in the disc war yeah thank you thank you very much well that's good all right well i'll join you in this one nicki i'm going to be honest i'm why are you pretending to be a [ __ ] fish turbo oh my oh my god oh my he's literally guys that's a problem i can't breathe yeah yeah you can't because you're not really a fish are you you're a you're a boy pretending to be a fish you're like one step away from a fur oh my god don't worry guys stop this can't be good for you see a doctor turbo i am one yeah you're not i am a doctor of science okay nikki what i suggest we do listen i i understand you want an apology yes but i'm very very very angry i'm very he killed my cow nikki okay i mean tommy i am happy to do whatever you want me to do all right all right here's what i say we do same with youtuber are you all right to do whatever i want you to do do yeah do that oh [ __ ] sake [Music] don't worry guys i can take him out no no no you're not you're not a doctor you're not you're you're literally not a doctor i'm also a lawyer no yeah okay nikki come with me here's what i suggest we do yeah maybe actually turbo i think your strengths might be might be useful elsewhere yeah i think maybe your strengths might be useful elsewhere please don't send me back i think maybe you're yeah i think maybe i think maybe you should do some i think maybe your strengths might be useful elsewhere i think you're not really passionate about that well you just keep drugging yourself and then shouting i'm a i think you [ __ ] i don't know what you've been snorting but i need you to give her a rest okay okay i'll give it a rest all right okay nikki nikki here's what i'm saying yeah what does samnap care about most other than other than his fishes george george and dream so if we if we screw with them we can screw with with stamina what are you suggesting i don't know we should go to george's base but i don't know where it is i know where it is this is my cue to do something let's go all right well let's follow turbo then nikki you actually know where it is yep so you you so all you want from him is an apology then right i wanted to but you're literally just pretending to be a fish again this isn't no i'm not oh oh why don't you listen to me because you just keep pretending to be a fish over and over nikki are you coming down here i have no idea oh i've never i've never been here in my life neither have i let's take his shovel phantom that's why i got robbed [Music] where what's down here oh mineshaft [Music] where did you go i just i'm just getting more and more confused oh they're next to each other oh wow oh nick sorry that's my bad [Music] it's okay [Music] what i think we could do i think we could i think okay listen listen listen screwed us over yeah screwed it he's really he's a really [ __ ] guy all right oh big q's here as well he's a real [ __ ] guy now he's murdered in cold blood your fox and whilst you're kind of okay with it i'm not sure i am well i am i am not okay with it i just don't want to hold any grudges if he decides to change right now i am pissed leave gargy alone as you should be anything there are a lot of there are a lot of i think i want to get more lily pads also so tommy you are saying if he cares a lot about dream and george dream has something that you really value and want back yes so why don't we start there i don't think we can get my disc back nikki i think dream dreams too stubborn about that i don't know [Music] we got one didn't we yeah i think i just think we've got already we've really got to show him his boss all right okay and he's really like he killed your fox with no reasoning and he told you he literally tortured it nikki he tortured it yeah and he killed my cow after threat and he threatened my other cow poor henry i mean i don't know how henry's gonna be he's gonna be a different man after that a different cow altogether after being held at gunpoint i mean i mean that could give you serious ptsd for years on end yeah it really is so how do we charge him for therapy no no how so how do we how do we get him back kidnap george we've done that to scappy we could do it should wait we could kidnap george we could do we could do we out gear him or not we could we could kidnap george and then hold him for ransom we could feed him puffer fish we could we could we the tuba we should all right i'm gonna give him a ring he might not okay keep this between us keep this low down he doesn't care more about dream and george he cares more about money and worth if he steals your loved ones lives then you should steal what he loves him saying rob him [Music] rob george george was active on twitter an hour ago something terrible has happened please george please [Music] jump in cartel style you're right big q you're right we could rob sapna we could [ __ ] steal all of his [ __ ] and leave his house in a state [Music] all right george hasn't picked up well that's plan two until he gets on can everyone just i'm on twitter please just say something terrible has happened plan two is we could rob the [ __ ] out of stamina or we could mop we could mug him we could rob we could rob his [ __ ] and then just be and then just blame we could rub his [ __ ] and blame it on george [Music] have you ever heard of not speak english yes i've just heard him say sounds not necessarily english yeah sounds are not english perhaps we can't hold george a ransom however we could hold his fish we could hold his fish you still have his fish yeah do you want to hold his fish at ransom nikki we could do that yeah what about his trees his trees just [ __ ] ignored about this one oh carson thank you for the raid hope you had a good stream i hope you solved your problems thank you so much dude [Music] okay sorry sorry i got raided oh he's back i'm gonna ring samnap okay is he on [Music] carson that was carson's oh let me vip hey connor sorry i haven't read your dm yeah i've got it [Music] please please i'm not please [Music] okay he's sleeping all right in that case [Music] hello this is right there they're both sleeping in that case we're in the clear in that case we've gotta make a [ __ ] kidnapper room i i say do you wanna know do you wanna know where every kidnapper goes too fast why don't we lock them in the cartel that the cartel is a is that's what that's like going why don't we lock them in the lawyer no no no no i mean the room we have for the cartel it already looks like yeah i'm thinking i'm thinking about we take them down the [ __ ] sewer yeah george is watching me oh [Music] carson thank you for the two months thank you hog this [ __ ] yeah you're right we get them grimy all right come with me come with me hey head to my base mountain of joy yeah yeah i'll meet you at the fountain of jordan leave his house we could rob his house and leave it in a um yeah i think so i don't really remember hello yeah you just you're not being very passionate today yeah let's get him you just you know i don't i'm not seeing the drive from you i'm really seeing it from nikki but i'm not seeing it from you i was really seeing a drive of passion and murder from you from nikki but now i'm not well i mean what just a murder why are you in my fountain all right okay so what's the plan then why what is it you want there nikki i want to hear the plans and if we can't get snap nap and george you know you know you know exactly who i ring one sec big lad big fella big q even worse dream what big fella could facetime him i didn't even know that was i sure that'd be worth funny who are you who are you face timing i think it's calling jim i'm calling the big fella into an your call messaging system the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] why [Music] jesus oh my god don't worry oh that wasn't me that wasn't me that wasn't okay move on quick move on quick we gotta move we gotta move we gotta move we gotta move we've gotta move to the sewers [ __ ] oh my god that was close oh my do you not god have a toggle mute you can have just whacked i hung up i was he was just on i thought he was gonna pick up what is cooties19 oh that's something that quackety has my life just i i was almost screwed then yeah yeah oh my god holy [ __ ] why are you blocking me what the [ __ ] is wrong with you sorry i'm just torches nikki what do we do then not no three of the the big lads are on i said i say the big ones i mean as long as they're not online we have time to prepare right so if you want to build like somewhere we can keep them [Music] i'm messaging everyone i i reckon i reckon dreams to clock that i just asked that i bet he's going to get like a million outs on twitter now and join guys you didn't hear anything respect his privacy no that's for [ __ ] we don't respect privacy here you kill it do you kill a man's fox listen if turbo killed someone's fox and then i would i can only be expected to be spammed let let the yeah hey dream hi hey this is us okay you might hear some rumors on twitter about me almost leaking your number they are false they are false they are [ __ ] all right what happened don't no they are ignore them all right you do you have any missed calls [Music] uh no good good because i did you change your number [Music] no trying to get away this is for a later date anyway no worries here's the thing your buddy old sappy nappy piss [ __ ] face went a bit off topic there my bad uh he killed mine and mine and nietzsche's um pets in cold blood wait what the cows he killed not only one of the cows but nikki's fox and she dreamed between us she's [ __ ] scary and she's pissed she's pissed she's very angry she's very what uh and his thing we're angry dream we're angry and we've taken the fish no wait yeah do you mean how buckets he didn't have them in the end of jesse uh what are they called beckerson and beckerson no tommy tommy beckerson has been around since the like day one of the smp all right we'll come into coming to the dream team discord in general three guys i've got him right where we want him today might be this day today might be this day okay just hello dream hello ah i see you've you've waddled your way [Music] in now listen dream i have on my person both of the fish all right [Music] yeah i'm prepared to do what i have to do for them but here's the thing dream he killed my cow and he killed nicki's fox nikki explain to him how angry you are your cow explain to him how angry you are yeah but nikki's [ __ ] nikki explain explain that fox was very very important to me and he had no reason to kill it and he he actually tortured it prior to killing him what he kept shooting to the side and he also he tortured my living cow dream he tortured it he's gonna have ptsd for the rest of his life he's gonna need he's gonna need two more stress relievers and too much stress relievers [ __ ] suck why is there only one therapist on this overdrew anyway anyway anyway my point being my point being nikki no no actually it wasn't my point sorry i cut you but nikki go on um so like i said before i don't want to hold any grudges i don't want you know i don't want to make any enemies stop apology yeah you don't actually have beckerstone there's no way he put it in his inner chest he took it out of his ender chest and he left it in his tank and now i have them there's no way dream what pull up my stream big man [Music] oh okay well you have it in your under chest i thought maybe you'd have it on your purse the dream dream there's a certain thing i i wouldn't mind back for all of you i'm a little bit aggressive of you that's a little aggressive well it's a rescue mission take back your stress relievers take back your stress yeah yeah dream can yeah no sorry sorry dream our [ __ ] animals are dead because of your friend because of your your ally yeah i didn't yeah you're acting like i killed them oh my gosh [ __ ] what's wrong with you no don't worry i have stress relievers that again now you've just you're just holding drugs i the stress relief is numb my body so dream what i'm saying get over here wait it's that theme again i see you've got a disc on your dream well i put it back in the nhs but i did have it so dream my proposition to you is this i have the two fish and spirits and we have your sword dream you know that you thought you lost yeah we have your sword [Music] we do [Music] he's about to end us you you bastard you bastard he's tormenting us yay i got it in the chat yo dream can you not kill me my internet's too bad to respawn did you get it have you got it have you got it tommy i haven't respawned yet i already have it because you're acting like you're gonna find it running around doing nothing holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] tommy that's that's not you didn't get the desk sorry sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry how do i know it's not how do i know it's not well i guess you don't but i haven't i have another one i don't think you do know which one's a real one though i don't think you do dream i have the i have the real one i think you would turn out players you were doing exactly what show it to me show it to me share screen and send a screenshot okay yeah i will wait i think i just hold it hold it i'm bare bones you don't have it do you i just got my disc he lied to me i knew he was lying i saw past the lies he went he went i don't have the disc i i have the disc i have the difference you don't you don't have to show it show it show it to me i do have it show it to me i will right now right now just hold it yeah i don't have it on me i have it in my own chest hold it hold it hold it send the screenshot of the ender chest look we can't kill you you think i can go with this stick yeah none of us can kill you oh you're an idiot i i have it i have to do it to me show it oh my god you idiot you're bluffing i'm not bluffing i have the disc no he must be i'm not bluffing i promise you i have to go back and i'm going to put my piece back you can go back and watch my reaction no way he just he just said he said i already have it on me stop looking but i didn't believe him because they've done that after you already got it i was like tommy i already have like after you put it in your chest i was like tommy that's not the disc like i have wait so he has the disc now i've always had the disc i've always had the desk i don't i just don't believe you you better not be going into game mode to spawn a fake disc in i'm not i just got my disc back you can think what you want pog champ is what i think that's fine you can go back and watch my reaction i have the desk i can't go back and watch you you don't you're not streaming well no i'm saying on your on your stream my reaction on your stream yeah but you that doesn't make any sense stream i think i know this is saying i'm saying whenever whenever you put whenever you put the disc into your ender chest like i already said i already i right then i was like tommy that's not you don't have that you don't have the actual desk i don't believe you well you don't have to believe me how do i know you're not bluffing and right now you're going to get a real disc i'm i'm not i'm on the intervene i'm tearing out of it how'd you get in the ravine huh i fell in it no that's kind of funny actually that was really bad just dreaming that's kind of stupid of you that's got a dumb dream okay here's what i think happened here's what i think i think you you said to me i've got the disc but you were saying that to calm because that's exactly what skeppy did with with spirit and i think i saw past that spirit what do you mean what happened uh scary blew up the chest and then went i've already got it in my inner chest you idiot and then it wasn't in the center chest it was about because i watched a video on it an analysis and i think what's happened is i think i think you've just a dream it's okay to admit it but just admit i have this isn't it i've had i honestly i have the disc well you just you just punch me oh he's mad you punched me you punched me no no no i stabbed you but i promise you i have it i have no reason why would i lie that i have it if i don't have 1 000 iq moment you just got out really confused listen listen listen listen here's what happened we went in there dream was holding this he he played it in the in the in the jukebox so we me and turbo [ __ ] suicide right turbo picked it up i i had an ender chest on me i placed it down here wait i'm trying to sorry never get on the right side you place the end of the please i placed down the ender chest here here and then and then what i did was he dream was like no i've already got it i didn't believe him i ran in here i found it on the ground i set my bed in here i kept running in and out and then i got the disc and i got it in the end of chest so you got one of the discs back i've got one i did he has a fake copy death stream how do i know you're not lying how do i know you're lying because why would i react the way that i reacted and why would i say keep calm so i wouldn't keep looking so i couldn't keep looking no no i'm saying after it after you already put in you you'd already put the fake in the chest why would i realize you need to dress up because i think i think dream dream dream i think you might need one of two by stress relievers i think you might need a stress reliever right now i think you might need a stress reliever right i have the stress relievers and i have you might want to eat one then yeah you might want to eat them for your own good for your own good go for you big man take one for you for free can you eat this or not suck it green boy show us today oh can you eat can you eat discs or not are you allowed you can give it a crunching it would just taste metallic wait wait this is the first i don't have hunger down wait yeah wait this is the [ __ ] this is like when i have no idea this wait okay so this is basically do we believe okay wait so welcome to general four for a second okay anyone but dream hey so i don't think it's the real disc and my my reasoning for that is when you got it out of the jukebox he didn't immediately run after it yeah but i think if we keep if we keep pretending that it's the real disc we might be honest to negotiate this wait should we try to get him to maybe burn the real one but but get fire as pots so we pick it up just before yeah because we don't think it's the real one just try to ink it but if we if we know between us it's the real one because i genuinely think it's the real one because i know where there's some fire response okay go get that okay by the way by the way just make sure you don't reveal the location of the sword okay let's go back dream you did it you suck you know what here's what i want you to do burn the real one the real one in quotes burn it i'm not i'm not gonna burn the disk well i don't care about it anymore it's it's lost all value to me but that's fine it's fine i'm gonna keep it cause you'll realize eventually that it is the real desk and then it's just as much value what how okay prove to me that it's the real disc i just don't understand i actually can prove that it's the real okay do it i'm not gonna do it right now but i can i have i have receipts translate yeah a receipt is something you get from tesco's when you buy something dream dream dream what do you what what does that mean you have receipts it means that i was recording and i can show you the recording i don't think you were recording i was show me now yeah show us now i'm not gonna show you now i'll show you later why why not drive please google drive google why not yeah why not why not i'll share i'll share my screen on discord and you can watch it okay okay yeah sure well not right now why not wait why not because i don't want it because you obviously don't have it why would i say that why did i say i did that dream listen to me dream dream dream dream come with me you know what dream i'm not burning the disc tommy you cannot here's what i think you did here's what i think exactly what just happened right you put that disc in there being really cocky we got it out and now you've got a fake disc and you're pretending now i think you ran down there got a fake just out of storage and came back because you wouldn't hold it a minute ago it makes no sense that you wouldn't hold it what i think's happened is you've gone down there and you've came back with a fake disc yeah because that is that is accurate except for the fact that i came back with the real discs because i hid the real disc not in my ender chest because i didn't want to risk having in my ender chest because i need space and then i had a fake disc in my under chest which i had i didn't have it on me i went and retrieved it without you guys watching because i don't want you to know where it was because i will probably hide it there again and then i came back with the real disc hey tommy do you smell that yeah turbo i smell it what is it you smell i smell [ __ ] tommy [ __ ] hey jumbo what what are you like stress reliever yeah yeah yeah yeah take some please linda yeah take a bite please i don't i can't i'm not i don't have a hunger i just don't know i just don't under how do we know you're not lying dreamy just doesn't make any oh you don't have what what benefit does it have to me proving that i'm not lying to me it doesn't matter i have your desk i know i don't just burn it then because why would i why would i burn it it's the actual disc i think you should burn if it was the actual disc tommy wouldn't want me to burn it yeah but it's not the actual dish because you have no way of proving we're doing it i'm not gonna burn it i'm i just don't i don't understand why would you have a dupe copy as well why would i not it's not at all a good answer it's a really stupid answer oh thank you for this okay i don't prove to us then it's actually made me feel very sick today no no it hasn't before don't hit it i'm going i think the other thing you're forgetting is right now regardless of this this is the real disc or the wrong disc i have spirits beckerson and mars and and your sword true undisclosed disclosed location yeah that is true that is accurate nikki why is it you nikki please please say i feel like you're keeping quiet i want you what so say what you need to say to the dream i i don't think i have anything to say to dreams i didn't kill i didn't do anything to her yeah jim didn't kill the fit and the fox i am here to back you off uh [Music] sorry back me up please i'm back well yeah what do you think nikki do you think he has a real disc or not i don't know i i don't know until i saw proof of it satellite i know what we need to do but come to general two for a second what's the play i think you know who this is a moment for big q no the the only bigger man bigger than big q big dubs even bigger than big dubs you know you know you know who you need to be right i don't know you need to be you need to be big law i don't i don't know what do you mean you don't know i don't know if i can wield that power anymore i need you to be big law and i use you to lawyer the [ __ ] out of dream you ready tell me i have new neighbors no no just be doing quieter you don't have to be pickled or really really quiet yeah let's do it let's do it they call me quite we're gonna go to court we're going we're going to kings court look how to king's court follow please dream yeah i've got a lawyer with me now in the wrong way okay we gotta complete the whole circuit okay what the [ __ ] this is the ceremony that's the [ __ ] dream i need you i need you to stand by our side real close but not too yeah where are you i am nowhere i'm currently busy i just don't know if i don't have the real discord it's confusing the [ __ ] out of my head just wait until he gives you proof that he'll give you proof later so wait for the proof but why wait for the proof when i have big law by my side nikki yeah where's this green guy i never trusted a guy named green he went to the same lord named you shot him did you did i mention animal lawyer no okay so i get away with that kind of crap you say you don't go you actually can't shoot people as a lawyer you idiot i made the law that's not even what a lawyer is remotely supposed to do big q i don't want to be in the same room as big q and bigger law listen oh all i've got to say all i'm going to say is dream needs representation no you surely know exactly exactly exactly yeah no no tommy he needs rep all right okay all right all right okay you know you know the law better than i do where's henry yeah where is henry yeah where's where's my where's my cow in the holiday house hey big big lord why would you okay let's go to the courthouse and we'll follow you we'll go to the courthouse big law we need dreams you keep going the wrong way you go you're going the wrong way to this is actually the this is the incorrect way i do understand it's literally basic navigation i'm sorry i don't have my sat nav on me it's like navigation [Music] mcq yeah where are you right now i'm about i can't be of representation i have a flight in like 10 minutes you're an idiot but i'm just saying dream needs representation you gotta get him a lawyer tommy no this is king's core all right i said any lawyers on dream a dream could probably dream could probably represent himself that also dream are you comfortable representing yourself no i'm not i'm not okay nate what the [ __ ] oh okay now this is a murder trial no no no it's not it's not it's not ignorant no it's fine i mean at the end of the day it's fine thunder wait wait wait wait thunder thunder go to general two [Music] i've got a question for you um do you think do you think do you think you could represent dream but be completely completely biased on the lemanberg side just 100 against him but yeah that sounds actually that sounds like a very good job okay let's do it let's do it go general three oh good news for you yeah i found you a lawyer and his name is thunder he works from from from manny if i was going to make it a rhyme i was going to make it a rhyme i'm going to represent you dream because i'm a kind and gracious guy and he is stunned to see you berated in court just follow the full guidelines of the law just follow the terms of service wait this isn't over okay yeah this isn't over the holy land dream dream can you come up to the courthouse please you have a water bucket i don't have a water bucket no i do never give me give me that give me that dream why are you speaking almost a bit like batman yeah if he doesn't go to the whole house he'll get evicted yes yes yeah yeah this is it's court time what are you doing what are you doing why are you extinguishing that oh my god holy [ __ ] it's getting serious all right okay where do i sit big law if i'm a what am i what am i right wait [ __ ] that's me all right i'm a witness i i'm actually not just a witness dude let me in the witness protection program i'll forget everything i have big law that's me why have [Music] don't question him don't question him he knows they're all bad than anyone else does you know wait to vote i think i should go check on my horse because everyone's my cow even everyone's getting very very worried it was there earlier yeah that was before i kidnapped his fish yeah well dream yeah true you know he's like it was fine he's late to call right now find him oh dream fine oh dream wait i'm gonna i'm gonna [ __ ] echo his name across the land you ready i'm gonna shout out this is called echo glass did you know that echolocation ready you ready that's no that's the thing dolphins do isn't it okay you ready don't bats do that dream [Music] did anyone hear him did he hear it did he hear it i think where the [ __ ] he going i hope he did it what do you mean it's a victory we can't evict him do you say you want to play chess no big lord big law stay on focus big law stay focused yeah you really think you wouldn't have a huge flaw why did you just rod me and the rod then broke yeah what the [ __ ] how many that water but how many not no no no you idiot are you an idiot no you idiot now we're here together ah okay but it's actually convenient it's convenient it's convenient big long because i'm going up yeah this is it's fine it's fine he'll get taxed well let's go check on my horse what the [ __ ] is wrong with me wait do you have food i really need food dude okay here you go assistant oh god you'll be less stressed at the end of the day yeah but if i die then i can't be caught yeah but if you die you're not you don't have to worry about no more problems so wow oh well i was just i mean i was just saying that was a real that was a lot that's called physical that's called physiology yeah my friends [Music] all right here's what we're going to do we're going to go check on henry we're going to go check on henry then we're going to go back just because i'm very dream's gone radio silent he's gone he's gone all he's gone quiet mode sicko mode but quiet instead of six oh laughing doesn't work it doesn't work he really he really has no no etiquette does he yeah you can't really sue someone who won't [Music] thanks good luck [Music] guys guys i honestly think we should just check on henry a little bit right now because i'm a little bit worried actually that's what i've been doing where is henry tommy in me oh no the llama's dead oh no let me go first let me go first let me go first oh no oh big lord be quiet wait please please [Music] no what what there he's gone there's been a [ __ ] break in big world there's been a break there's been a break in there's been a break in no no no no no no there's been a break-in no he's not dead surely don't let him be dead don't let him be dead please oh please don't please oh god oh god of church there's gonna break it now don't just stab me big law no no i don't want your drugs right now big lord there's been an actual break-in there's been my my head my horse henry is gone why do i keep calling him i think it's because of dream murdered my horse mercilessly the other day and i've still got it keep guys keep your noise down okay okay okay that's not it has a name tag as a name yeah what this is a crime scene i thank you literally just staying there that's like going with i don't know what sorry sorry big lord i'm taking out my wedding shut up to me like that again sorry sorry people stand strong gentlemen because you have taken our pets hostage i have dealt with hostage situation no people that's pretty interesting this one's worth your time it's not your time okay big lord just just okay wait there you go it's fair i will return you your pets for my pets or we can cut our losses and get the discs yeah yeah yeah you give the discs and you keep the pets tommy don't give him the pet at least at least the one fish before i get my apology i won't i won't give him i go give him [ __ ] nicky all right tommy you know what for beckerson spirit the other fish and for my sword i will give you the real desk that's [ __ ] we already got the real one no i have it it's name so i don't think he's lying we've already discussed that i think he's mine drop it big law big law get get ready to come back but i need i need i need [ __ ] tuba right now guess what i'll get the other dispatch from skeptic and i'll still have one of the discs and you'll have one and i'll have one deal what if no no bigger no turbo i need two i need [ __ ] turbo right now well yeah that's something we need the disc we need oh wait but we also need nikki's apology here's the deal all of those plus an apology from sapnap and you have yourself i have no control over that south nap will apologize because he's nikki he's right he's right nikki is he the only thing is how do i he okay dream here's my reasoning i think you would have been more worried if that wasn't the real disc but i don't know if that's not the way it is actually it's named i have it named ready i can screenshot it right now i haven't yeah yeah kindly i'll screenshot it i'll send you oh well i guess i'll scroll [Music] i don't know it's not loading for me but i did send it which one's real the one i have is real the original disc wasn't named well i named it well then well how do we know that you and you didn't just name it i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure the other one is named too but that's skippy house but i'm not understanding cat's name well no i named bellahi but i actually think i mean them both [Music] and skeppy has the other one that i named okay it doesn't mean anything that you haven't named it yeah how do we know you're not having your way with us [Music] yeah well either way then okay let's just say let's say even if you think it's fake which is not but if i gave it to you then you would 100 percent have one you know the real this no we could have it right now yeah but we could already have it yeah you could be you'll never know why don't we do this eh so you give up you get skeppy and you give us cap because then we know well i'm not doing that because i have i this is the real disc i'm telling you this is the real disc you do the trade or not yeah but if you don't if you don't want to do the trade that's fine but i'm willing to it's you guys have so much right now so much leverage that i'm willing to do it i mean you have my sword you have the like the number one fish on the server and the other fish you have um uh you have spirit which is mine you have like three things of mine that have sentimental value and i think the disc being as valuable as it is it's worth that what does two tags mean it says mbt two tags wait wait on what wait i'll send the thing in general i have no idea what that means okay so the two tags it yeah the two tags it would have is the name and the type of music disc is okay which is just normal to vote come to chubbo jack and nikki come to general for i've had an idea and keep this very very low down i'm assuming dream isn't watching the stream because you want to it's what i say we do here's what i say we do here's what i say we do okay i say we do this track punch punch but i say we do this trade i say we give him a fake fish i say we give him a fake beckerson because that's clearly the one he cares about most so what i say you do jack can you really quickly okay i'll send you i'll send you a png of of the of the fish what it looks like [Music] here's what i say i say jack right now right now you [ __ ] you go you go and you get you get you get a fake fish you rename it make sure it says goat fish under it and beckerson on the top all right make sure you get that and then what we do is we do the trade but we give him the fake beckason because he will have an unless he's [ __ ] watching the stream and he's going to be like tommy i saw you throw for content which i don't think he would that's how we do it because here's the thing here's the thing we don't know but if we do this we lose all of our leverage but we can keep full leverage if we do this what do you think what stream's body and game right now squish well you solved it yeah guys don't worry i did that so now his iq is lower i need no more guys guys don't worry his iq is lower now here's the thing dream doesn't know i literally don't care about my llama the llama's fine henry i love henry but if we have to let go of him for the greater good yeah you know we could we could sacrifice him we already have enough milk to make more henry's that's not okay so jack jack what i'm saying you do is you go and get that now make sure it's exactly the same we stole him we stole him until you've made it all right then then the fish in the bucket it's beckerson then under it's goat fish all right it has to be goat fish now i give him that i give him that you've got a store for a while though i don't know how long it'll take you to find a goldfish all right you go with them you go with them but you go with there's so many in the pond jack there's like eight of them they've read them about can you can you just go with him if we need it okay me and nicky would do with the dream you go with him all right hand me the squisher hammer the squisher i need to lower his eye cube okay so what i'm saying is remember what i'm gonna do is i'll stall him i'll stall him um wait second just discussing how taxes work and fishing okay all right okay quick quick quick we need to go back okay [ __ ] go back go back he already knows he's figured it out yeah jack dude oh you should have got someone else that has it to do it okay but that's fine turbo turbo turbo clone spirit clone spirit what's spirit letter letter renamed spirit yeah big wait i need my squasher back okay just go no come on go read don't go away i don't have much time i need it i literally have no time go go go go go you idiot now okay what we're going to do is i'm going to do the trade somebody's killing you jack jack jack why is he we need to do a really quick trade jack right uh okay nikki nikki can you do it i i uh i think i don't have the achievement i think i i would get the achievement okay okay go quick go we need a fake we need a fake all right i'm going to go i'm going to go i'm going to stall i'm going to stall jack i need you guys i'm going to get something okay nikki i i need you to get leather and get the fish and rename it be quick be quick be quick dream i'm ready yeah yeah i see in chat thunder got tactical fishing which is catching a fish in a bucket which would mean you're trying to like trick me into giving me a fake becker i'm not trying to treat you into doing anything come with me that's such a huge coincidence no come with me come with me get up to your energy dream i have the leverage here not going to mind i have just as much leverage you don't i have more than everything i have just as well you can kill me but my prices will only go guess what you'll respawn down up here and then i'll be able to go hey now i respond at my base stream now here's the thing i can kill beckerson i can kill both the fishes you've already killed and kidnapped my cow so i have no security of life one of my cows is already dead one nikki's fox is already dead there's nothing between me stopping and just stabbing the [ __ ] out of your fishes all right so here's what you're going to do you're going to come to them i have your desk i have both you do have both of the pets here's the thing yeah we have the equal leverage we have equal leverage all right well if we have equal leverage you come to me if you're right we have equal leverage and i could be stubborner than you that is true he's very stubborn oh my god there's a trap on the track i almost fell in it what are you typing tommy to me what's he saying i'm just not sure about this he's saying um dirt dirt dirt anvil be quick be quick be quick [Music] why would you read that out loud you really think that's going to help what thank you guys yeah it didn't it didn't at all [Music] what would be a dream no here's the thing big man if you kill me if i die i will not trade well i might still trade i might still trade [Music] this better be good turbo this might be good this might be good what is it what is it we get spirit out of your underchest and we rename it so it's spelt wrong and then we give him the the one which is spelt wrong and he thinks that's a fake and then we give him the fake one yeah we could just give him that that's basically we okay just get do you have exp go to the hp film rename never rename some level rename don't ever please please no if we rename the original one so it's spelt incorrectly he's gonna instantly think it's the fake and then we give him the correct spot one he's like right there okay okay do that that's genius but we did we don't have the x-me do you have x-speed do you have xp yeah i have one level i have one level yeah we need two because we need to rename two okay one we don't have time we don't have time you need to be quicker you need to be quicker dream [Music] here's the thing i don't know that you're going to give me my real disc because you have so many decoys i just don't know it's literally named tommy's desk yeah but you have so many decoys on you that i don't know i i have this is the desk i have no i'm not going to scare you tell me how many times have you scammed me and how many times have i never now how many times have i successfully scammed you nether because you have a higher number because i'm smart but you but you have tried to scam me on like five or six different occasions have you ever seen another one you've already you've already started to try and scam me here like tactical fishing is just one hundred percent i want to see saying that you were messaging him anvil saying 100 saying that he was literally messaging you going okay you're right you're right you're right i'm sorry yeah you've been trying to scam me this whole time i'm not dumb look either you want to do it or you don't i want to do it i need significant proof that that's my real desk you can take me on my word you know what they call me they call me literally just okay okay [ __ ] [ __ ] you first of all [ __ ] you you know they call me dream they call me tommy trusty so i wouldn't scam you all right [Music] tommy hey turbo hey you want me to go give my fakes to turbo then give your fake work well i have like a fake leather to give you but are we doing the trade legit now i think so okay it's a fair trade it's actually a fair trade [Music] yeah yeah yeah you could say that ow you [ __ ] well now i'm miles away dream i need two minutes to think i just this is a big trade for me just two is that right with you thanks for the thanks for the whip can you give me two minutes just to speak to my friends yep all right i'll be with you a bit i'd rather okay well i'd rather have some privacy dream you can respect what is it next to me yeah in-game it's fine okay thunder please tell me you've been doing something worthwhile please i have i have i have don't worry don't worry what have you been doing on it apparently no one has an anvil so i'm trying to rename something right why why would that be okay i haven't i literally have an anvil in my inventory thunder nikki please tell me you've done something worthwhile in the past minute i'm dying okay okay have you done anything uh well you see you took so long to get to me i couldn't really he literally okay thunder thunder thunder thunder what is it you've done i've got right i'm about to rename spirit now okay good good good good well you're gonna get a spirit how i suggest we trade it is we do it through a chest all right so we both open the same chest and then we steal items like make it look like you're putting a load of items in there we need to be really quick we don't have wilbur here whoa whoa this is important this is important what is the capitalization on spirit uh capital s where are you jack jack where are you where are you i'm i'm in the x okay uh should i walk towards you then or not uh whereabouts are you uh i'm underpass i'm on the path right yeah i'll be there in a sec he's gonna com he's gonna kill me i think we need okay what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to the main building we're gonna do we're gonna do a [ __ ] mission impossible style crossing at the main building we're both gonna open the same chest you're gonna put five items in there and you're gonna put the fake spirit in i'm gonna grab the fake spirit he's gonna open the chest scene so what we're gonna do is i'm gonna we're gonna i'm gonna look at the top chest and whilst i open the top chest you open the bottom chest all right how close until you're there uh main buildings community house right yeah you're going to open the bottom chest you're going to put spirit in the bottom chest i'm going to open the top chest so dream thinks i'm in the okay all right i'm walking past you i'm making it seem like you're not involved i'm making you going to look like for the whole boat me and you are going to open the top chest and jack's going to open the bottom chest you ready turbo you ready so then he's going to think that we're doing the trade in the top chest and i'm going to quit and then quickly okay i'm going to i'm going to plop down this ender chest open it get it in there you ready are you ready are you ready everybody i put spirit i'm putting spirit in the bottom chest right yeah and turbo turbo me and you were opening you ready huh are you ready yeah this is gonna be a high iq about quick i'm with you i'm with you please let this work okay open the bottom chest be in the bottom chest already gentleman i thought being about just any bottom chest any bottom chest of the double stack of the double stack no because that's an only one chest it has to be a double chest you idiot this one okay i'm gonna go in the top okay now i'm gonna put my things in the top you've done it jack you've done it uh first things first first person dream just got spirit dream just got spirit [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay i still have my bee bop so oh [ __ ] don't worry me okay okay i'm back at my house now please please please tell me no he got my b-box [ __ ] just act like you don't have any because he'll just [ __ ] hand them all back to you just outlet you have no i'll go speak to him i'll go speak to him yeah no jack well come on man that was kind of on me but tommy hey dream what the hell are you doing sorry mother's just texting me yeah you're typing in game because mother texted you yeah yeah anyway stout damage rune that was my final plan oh yeah i'm sure it was uh unless it's a fake you have a [ __ ] spirit on you but why would why i think i'm pretty sure thunder put it in the chest and if thunder put in the chest why would thunder randomly have spirit even though i saw it in thomas you know you want to know what our plan was i'll explain it basically thunder had it because i tried to get thunder to rename spirits so it was spelt wrong so when we gave you the fake which was correctly spelled you you think that yeah so now we haven't felt wrong was the fake so yeah your stuff is all over the floor jack so the real spirit is like a spelt wrong bit of leather or like spirit or something and i think i think it's in renamed it yeah oh handy no wait so which one stream got dream scotch we've got the real one yeah you guys are lying do you have my b box um i think callahan might you can get a pro [Music] i don't have any other stuff really um i want to know why i was killed wait because you're getting involved you're supposed to be on my stream i was just inside the chests so you have the real spirit you have the real [ __ ] spirit wait great dream dream dream dream dream do you have the real spirit i have no idea it's not in my ender chest oh you [ __ ] no the dream already has the all right okay well in that case we'll do the trade then you've already got real spirit should i come to you with all the other things okay you know what you know what we'll trade them oh i don't believe it you are all right okay i'll come to the main building with the end of chest here's what i say we do here's what i say we do here's what i say we do now listen all right [ __ ] thunder are you [ __ ] serious what for [ __ ] sake all right anyway it's fine it's fine it's fine all right okay here's what i said we do i'll give you you've already got spirit then i'll give dream you can literally pull up my stream oh my god all right [Music] oh thank you hey tommy where are you i'm coming to the main bit so here's what we'll do here's what would sorry sorry thunder sorry here's what i say we'll do i'll get you've got spirit and you've got to be boxers so you have it you give me the dish he's got the main dream dream stream you give me the disc i give you what is it where's the ender chest is the one here look i'll give you i'll give you the disc you give me spirit you give me beckerson you give me the other fish you give me um and you give me my sword okay okay okay okay and your animals back okay all right dale okay have you got an ender chest i'm at the main building i don't have one wait you killed me with an ender chest so you should have one well then callahan has it or somebody else has it can you place it then i don't have it where's the nearest energy chest today probably earth eric's house okay let's go oh wait no i placed through the ender chest in your house okay oh that's true might be in the water somewhere if you had an nhs on you [Music] okay all right where are we going we'll go to my house we'll do the trade there does anyone have blaze rods oh never mind so okay so [ __ ] so you've got spirit and the and both of you you're tricking me i'm not done yes both of your b boxes yeah i have one b box you know you know okay we'll dream if you don't believe that's a real one that's literally fine i don't care anyway i just want my disc i'll give you give me the other spirit i guarantee you i'm i'm on your stream right now i want to see your ender chest you wait you just been watching my stream for the whole time i opened your stream right now oh crap you've been sniping i have not i just opened your stream you've been exposed that's not even if i was that's not very good that's not right okay well here's what i say we do i'll give you dream actually you've got my stream up let me show you my ender chest yes open your own chest [ __ ] sake thunder [ __ ] sorry sorry to vote nikki you could have done better there i literally kept messaging sorry sorry no it's fine it's fine okay right here's what we'll do then i'll give you all right i'll give you beckerson um beckett mars and well you've got spirit four why where's the other where's spirit i i you literally have it man we're not no you're lying wait that's not the real one is it wait hand that hand up to me no not the rule no why do you it's not the real one okay all right all right well i'll give you back a sentence you ready have you got the disc i want to see the disc i i i don't believe this is spirit so i want dream you know it's all about dream you know all of our official ones that i've not scammed you know that wait tell me did we yes you have scammed me every time no no you know when we do the diss trades there's no scamming you know that no you you know every time there's no scamming you know every time there's gonna make sever every time their husband's gaming [Music] all right what do you have you have becca saying i want my sword i am back okay yeah go get the sword go at the sort of just be waiting where was it you know in the in the you know where it was have you you can't have actually forgotten whether okay i'll take the sword to you can you hand me a pickaxe i need to go mine it it's in a it's in a cave i just have a op one so okay thanks i'll give you okay can you can someone has anyone got a silk touch can you grab an ender chest i don't okay all right you wait here actually let me go retrieve the sword then it's not fair of you to follow now i'm not i'm staying here okay so okay so the deal the sword beckerson thingy spirit which you've got for the i don't have a spirit i don't believe i have a spirit okay well i don't believe i have the [ __ ] real disc but i'm making the gamble anyway [ __ ] sorry well yeah but you don't have another spirit to show me and go yeah this is um whatever well why would yeah because the whole point is the real spirit because you're making fakes you're making fakes when did you ever have a chance to give thunder spirit he only had a chance to give you a fake ninky bit no we didn't know there's no way no you know what i'm next to him listen you were next to me the whole time from that bit onwards dude we've been [ __ ] planning this you know me turbo and thunder are always in court yeah that's true this isn't just some seminar were you logged in [Music] distributed all your goods i hid the sword jack had spirit and tommy had beckerson [Music] all right i'm getting the sword i think it's down here right it's like in that big hole bit which big hole bit [Music] where to go uh i remember coming down here with you how how well did we hide it pretty well oh actually is it like all the way down the hall it's like you say you go down the water and then it's off to the side oh of course yeah yeah how far down the water wait where are you [Music] oh yep is this it wait can you just go and get it please that was me looking for it so oh okay how did you know it was here we turned off the sounds because uh i i went back and watched your vod and i saw him grab it and i saw where he ran on your with like like before like when i first died i saw him grab the sword and run jesus i can't live the stream i died sorry i have a pickaxe again please grab a pickaxe again please hello hello can i have a pickaxe i don't have a pickaxe i literally jack you i'm making i don't know how you screwed that up man it was so flawless all right so i'm just thinking i don't have wood because this [ __ ] spirit is absolutely not under top [Music] can you get it for me then [Music] what okay thanks can you just come with me jack because i don't want to [Music] accidentally so it's in a little cave by the side yeah it's about stop it with the tricks now it's just not gonna you already failed me there jack right right i did exactly what i was told if you want to take an issue with me for your planet [Music] okay he's just roasted you [ __ ] [Music] you are you okay i'm gonna need another this is why the plans don't work man all right i'll make i'll make myself with that okay that wasn't my that was okay sorry is it down that hole no tommy where is it what oh thanks oh my god come with if you wondering i mean actually no can you stay here cause i need protection for the from the sword that wasn't my best moment [Music] yeah turbo do you know about where it is mate uh i'm running down the minecart bit now watch out for the huge hole what huge hole [Music] the one the huge hole that you are oh no okay come this way so it's basically it's down a little cave and then there's like you know one of them deep hole looking caves yeah yeah um and it's right next to the river i can't remember how about how inland is it this cave oh wait i'm on my way i'll see if i can recognize it already can you be a bit quicker to bow i'm running down the minecart very angry oh wait is this it wait here's the water what have you found it no the huge hole there's a huge hole bit and then you go down the huge hole i think i heard him you guys are too close you're not far enough what do you mean i'm not far enough you guys are in the wrong area well just can you just go to it then yeah i'd have a pickaxe i need you to follow me okay well i don't know where you are to both i'm right above you guys i'm waiting for you look oh wait i see thunder 14 away oh is this it what no i'm here everyone you're literally not come to my name tag i can't see it okay hey hey i see nikki hey all right dude the whole chat is just they're not like this emote dude this is [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] are you sure it was this inland [Music] i don't think it was was it oh yeah yeah down here right [Music] now where are you guys oh down here i see where where have you gone oh hey thank you [Music] dude actually no i can dream i'm on my way back all right all right so i've got your sword i've got beckerson i've got and then can you show me where the cows are as well i will after the trade how do i know you're not going to scam i'm not going to ask i've never i have never scammed you i have never scammed you actually whenever i ever give you give me one example of me scamming you over all right all right if you [ __ ] say so all right i'm coming back in from the minecart rail but thanks for the subs i dream i'm ready you got the disc i do hold it please just let that be okay you ready you dropping three two well i'm not gonna i'll just drop and you promised you weren't scared i i'm not gonna stand stand back stand back over there oh let me do these this is the proper trade and you don't have any other spirit no you [ __ ] you're an idiot don't it's not needed follow me can i have a minute no i don't even know let me see my speed up i literally don't have food well i got my disc but i've lost all my leverage what sorry can you um put down an ender chest so i can put this puzzle and [ __ ] in mind the chest dream i don't have another chest somewhere do either if you have an ender chest on you sorry man that's not as useful where are the where are the pets over here i was just looking getting my cords up i've got a desk that's true i'm not i just clear all the mobs in the area where are they you might want to wait until daytime to uh bring them back to your house [Music] uh somewhere around here oh hello henry oh there we are incredible thank you thank you i mean ready thank you but get off my llama wait why yeah thanks dream [Applause] they [ __ ] it they literally [ __ ] it only off there's so many people in my chat right now that had no idea that like i went up like 10k viewers so i didn't want to say holy god oh my god oh my god dude dude okay jack i'm sorry i had to pass off that i was alright through halfway through i just i i'm mine down and i put the real spirit in there okay i've gotta be quiet i've gotta be quiet because my dad's getting well pissed off we just did it i had to wait as well because i had to go on deaf and just then because i knew it would still be on my stream okay okay now my big worry now is he's gonna log on and kill henry but we've done it hey let's go and we have spirit we have we still have leverage yeah live dream hi dream i'm i'm gonna spare i saw what happened i'm gonna spare your cow because okay no don't know the llama please not the llama no i'm not killing the llama i'm not killing either because i i the death that i just traded you just now was was the fake and you had the original the whole time but so i don't feel bad but you guys okay my question for you my question for you now why why would you play the real disc you know what right now listen listen listen listen i think you're being i think you're saying this so that you can put this in i think you're bullshitting i think you'll because you wouldn't have played a real disc in this and then when it goes out the jukebox not even be like not even blink and i just stand still i think you're lying i think you're lying right now so it looks like you've outplayed us my inventory was full and i was trying to sort my inventory and i couldn't pick it up it was it was the original this was fine you didn't believe me before you don't believe me now either way i don't care either way you just got scammed [ __ ] you got scammed i i really don't dream dreams okay and you can never double cross me dream you idiot i did you [ __ ] up no i think you you're just saying that i i i made a mistake i made a huge zero iq mistake by yeah but i thought by blocking off the obsidian so either way either way even if you complain now that you've scammed me you [ __ ] up you scared me too i outplayed you you're an idiot and you suck well i'd say i'd say that i i i did my after i got into a situation tell me get a screenshot tommy sorry dream i can't hear you over my huge win sorry dream i can't hear you i don't know how great i am and i have a disc i have a disc back yeah that's something that hasn't happened in a long time please i have one of my discs this is a celebration i now have two of them just so you know the named one is the fake okay right 100 percent 100 like i'm just telling you okay it doesn't matter like i'll burn it okay [Music] now here's what i need [Music] yeah i'm calling him snapping up out on twitter for you because because you didn't get your apology so i will call him out i will expose him you guys can you guys can get some naps over party whatevs nikki i'm very sorry about your deceased but thank you no i'm happy for you that's good holy [ __ ] thank you here uh tubber hey thank you what got my puffer fish back what about your penis back can i have that back please that's um dream i mean it's fine if you don't at the end of the day it really doesn't matter what somebody literally it's literally just a b-box destroyed they have my bees and he just destroyed my beat did you just destroy your bees just destroy it come to general four dude you dude he had no idea that they were valuable to you why did you keep going on about asking for them back he would have just gave him back in you no he already took them from callahan oh i'm so sorry i thought he didn't no no we'll make a monument we'll make a monument i thought i thought he didn't know by wait is this wait is that one that was just in my no that's the one in your chest okay wait place it as a monument do i place it i gave you the you can you can place it as a monument to though can you read that out loud i just uh i said you are evil and also bad dream because i this sucks i'm so sorry to vote why all my homies hate dream yeah who has the anvil no don't do it tomorrow no no no no no no see the turbo we wouldn't have been able to do that if you didn't squish his iq just remember that exactly don't jump oh what the [ __ ] my god okay wow my bees spin spuns and spoons were in there are they dead it just [Music] the spin spuns and spoons are in there so look at me we will get him back my friend how i think actually they're dead they they deceased yeah that was a real empty little message there because they're dead just very stop maybe stop saying that to his face like he's just he's literally just whistling he's just witnessed a murder and yet who is that denial is not this denial is not there what is that it's a fish in a bucket i kind of need water actually so i'll be taking that never mind you took it out what what what fish is that those bees are dead they are we can get you some replacement bees no but they were named they're from the beginning well it was actually spins too you killed the first one but so sorry it was actually spuns too as well uh yeah zap naps shot spuns one the circumference you dream you can't murder someone then just go the circle of life the circle of life you creep [ __ ] you agree now i took him away i will i think turbo means cancel but he's trying his best circle i mean circle man what why why are you why do you want to circle him hey yeah this is me [Music] okay okay my gold chest plate survived maybe put that in here oh yeah i think i got some boots as well maybe maybe put that in an ender chest right now right like right like right now give me an item why is he giving us item frames he's so evil that is item frames are evil but you've always said it i mean it's always i've been always said it was my xbox live bio you know i go no i'll go i think mine was something a bit more whoa oh [ __ ] don't worry [Music] yeah keep hitting him we're just gonna keep hitting him wait wait let him put what he's gonna put in there you put the fake spirit in there wait give me a second give me a second give me a second he put a monument in there he did why did you give us all item frames that that that's really already yeah that really doesn't make very much sense yeah he's got some hashtag social dream you really did you really did a squishy no not a hashtag monument to your wig okay hes trying to get you to give back the fake disc by displacing the fake spirit oh don't cancel people oh no no no we're not canceling him we're circling him it's incredible yeah cersei is the turbo version of council it's it's it's incredibly less meaningful yeah that's a war what did you say uh we don't do that what did you just say i didn't hear it i was just gonna chop off his ankles oh oh oh wait wait wait wait wait where did you say chop up right sorry sorry just let me get this when you say chop up his ankles do you mean remove just the ankles and leave just the ankles and leave the feet why why yeah you gotta walk all funny he's gotta get these ankles they look like a right fool what what will this mother think huh i'm sorry to anyone in anyone's stream with with poor ankles this is tuba i didn't mean to offend you now [Music] yeah so i beat you [ __ ] [Music] all right guys my ankle remover all right i think i'm going to um adam i think i'm going to walk the path and then i'll rage you thunder oh thank you i'll join you on the path no no i need to go by well you can do it but i'm going to be regarding my own chat i'm not sure if that's what yeah that's fine you can mute up i'll just i will be regarding your own chat also okay this is this is what dream does at the end of all of his streams all right guys i gotta go i actually have friends waiting so thanks nikki thank you i thought you're just gonna end on i actually have friends all right now fellas [Music] and now i know if you've been here for the past three streams you'll know you'll know and dream it does this and i'm going to do it once a stream because dream and told me to okay hear me out no actually not even hear me out okay guys right now because we just scam dream thank you for the prime click subscribe and click prime alright because basically all of you have a free amazon prime and i know this sounds like [ __ ] and wait wait if you click subscribe and prime you have a look hype train you have a free pri you've already done it pog so all you have to do is just check i'm gonna do it once a stream boy so get used to it at the end of every stream so click subscribe look i saw two there basically how it works is amazon gives you free prime everyone gets a trial and it's like you definitely have one you just have to check it's basically like free money it's easy i'm gonna go to church prime now here's what you've got to do boys everyone has one it's basically amazon makes free free money all you have to do click subscribe and prime see if you have a prime the odds are you have one it's fine if you don't but check check if you have one because you brought look like 20 people just did it click subscribe and prime look i saw two there two there so genuinely it's completely free and it's it's like free money dude it's it literally it's completely free doesn't cost you anything your parents all you have to do i've done it i've linked my dad's prime to my twitch and now i can sub to anyone once a month all you have to do is click subscribe and prime we just won a war boys all you have to do look look i saw three there look at it look at it it won't let me then you probably already used it but you have a free trial so click glitch i'll show you i'll literally show you on my friend's stream all you have to do [Music] go here and everyone has one click subscribe and then prime do i have a prime no so i'm already a sub [Music] yeah damn i don't have a primer but literally you just click here and it says prime you let me know dude let me show you let me find someone who i'm not subbed uh am i supposed to sub test prime let me find someone who i'm definitely not a soda poppin [Music] subscribe here prime look august 28th i get one all you have to do is click subscribe and then prime here august 20 literally everyone has one and you just have to link it and you get um it's literally free [ __ ] dude that's all you and all you have to do is click it and see if you have a prime look thank you for the five subs big boy we just won a war it's that's literally it like i saw three there i said look at all the people dude just check just check if you have one you might not but if you just check that's totally fine and if you don't look five there thank you for the one gifting or you if you check and you don't have it fair enough but if you have it one there one there 8k you you know the deal with the dog boys it's every k i'll go and see if he's available three there oh look at it oh my god one that you just have to check you you just have to check [Music] three there three there what's the biggest train we can get three [Music] one there oh my god [Music] dude and he the best thing about it is it doesn't cost you anything or me i've done it to turbo for like four months and it doesn't cost me a penny because i'm already on prime my dad's on prime and it comes with the prime look at it look at all the subs saw two there dude not pog for mobile play jojo theme oh my god three five from big boy oh my god dude that's literally it thank you thank you all so much by the way we just won a war guys we just won a war pog champ thank you all for the subs good work thank you all so much for the subs kenny gifting big boy with all the gifted today thank you so much you're getting like 50. look i saw four there i'll see you guys on youtube thank you all thank you all look at me go jayden fortnight thank you for the prime look dude he literally just checked because everyone has one that's why he's sick that's right because it doesn't actually cost you anything or your family or anyone because you just click subscribe and you that's it but if you don't want it that's completely fine as long as you're using it on a streamer that's all that matters dude because it's free [Music] thank you all level five hype train hog champs we just won a war boys bobs hello let's go watch thunder he's going to be continuing the war with turbo go watch him thank you all for watching i'll see you all tomorrow shall i with a stream if you click follow i appreciate it you know i'm really enjoying these streams has my webcam been like slightly too high for the whole stream boys because it's usually like here isn't it has it or was it fine was it fine oh it was fine okay yeah i can never remember because i had to move it yesterday thank you for watching this was awesome sorry about that i'm going to do it at the end of some streams now because they were saying like you know you may as well because it's not really i'm not asking you know it's just reminding people i don't want it you know thank you all very much for watching go watch thunder he's on the dream smp he also streams it thank you all for the follows i'll see you all here tomorrow shall i shall i see you tomorrow pogchamp thank you i'll catch you all
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 936,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyinnit skyblock, dream team smp, dream smp war, dream smp animatic, TommyInnit OUTPLAYS DREAM IN WAR., tommyinnit gets discs back, tommyinnit outsmarts dream, minecraft funny moments, minecraft mods, speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft manhunt, lmanburg war, tommyinnit vods, tommyvods
Id: zKfiqGQEixQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 16sec (8116 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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