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hey we've got two people on oh my god all right let me just turn off that there are two other people now here's the thing here's the thing yesterday yesterday ladies and gents did anyone see we were in a bit of a war a crisis if you will ah i think they're gifting a sub and i a christie with a prime thank you yeah we've had some pretty bad wars haven't we in the past day and today say we've gotta we've gotta get back on back on our game because here's the thing and get your pog champs at the ready friends get your get your tommy pogs whatever whatever pog you must use get it at the ready if anyone's wondering you can just refresh the stream you can just go refresh and it's totally fine if anyone's wondering oh let me show you let me show you who wasn't here yesterday who wasn't here yesterday mods are all fine right just got confirmation from a mod that screams so good [Music] i better not be getting spy feed right now i better not be getting trolled a lot fine bit laggy you say really doesn't say we're dropping any kilobytes okay i think that's probably on your own paper we're good pog champ you missed it well yesterday yesterday ladies and gents we were in a war we were in a big old war and you want to see what happened who wasn't here was anyone not here give us a one in chat if you just weren't here yesterday i want to see because i've got news for you i've got news for you boys that weren't here [Music] it's back it's back now i'm going to get confirmation from dream which one's the real one now now it's got oh my god [Music] now i don't know which one's the real one but either way we have both of them so we can't lose [Music] we're back in the disc gang and now i have two of three two of three and then this server's over i'm just saying i'm just i mean when i get my discs back the server just ends so you know it's like it's like whenever i get the third disk on my under chest there's like a console command it just kills it everyone's progress lost just the server ends because the narrative's over you know i mean no no that's not true well [Music] oh [ __ ] oh here we go [Music] [ __ ] hey tommy hey this is my first stream live i got tier one yesterday and i'm so excited thank you frozen thank you for the 1k dude welcome welcome i'm glad you're here here's one of the slight problems uh yesterday we actually [Music] we actually lost everything other than our disk so although although we're parking what's up tommy i'm just gonna oh hello coco i'm gonna one minute uh we don't actually have any items [Music] which is you know arguably somewhat problematic friends um so so i think i think one of the things that we're gonna do we're gonna get back our [ __ ] but i wanna i wanna build the holy land it's wait isn't it isn't it dream question for you big man [Music] few things i am poor i'm i'm actually poor spirit oh and if anyone wasn't here we also still have his discs his [ __ ] leather spirit i don't have your things when is your 1v1 when's this 1v1 [ __ ] we're gonna have to go tomorrow yeah we'll be nice we'll be nice he's gonna [ __ ] lose any team techno's in the chat i've got to do it for our blade you know how it is we've got to support him i mean i'm sorry dream but i'm team techno we've got to go do some [ __ ] professional leeching real quick if i win you have to eat a sock on stream that doesn't feel very um fair actually i don't really see what's in what's in it for me there dream i don't i don't really see how what there's not even socks are not edible dream you cannot eat them god thunder he's always been the smartest in the room holy [ __ ] yeah i don't really see yeah that's all i'm question marking it that that's a little i don't there's not really any stakes their dream [Music] not that confident no stakes there for me big man what if you don't win you have to eat a stock make one i why why would he ask me to eat a sock what obscure thing to anyone got any free things and poor oh wait [ __ ] then i have like loads of diamonds in my [ __ ] chest i just need wood oh we're fine oh we're fine all right we're going to go do some chopping down some wood then we're going to get back to the holy land just prime church what warning cooties 19 quarantine okay warning quarry cooties 19 quarantine [ __ ] what the zone does that mean what does that mean what what is cooties19 an american thing that i'm what i it doesn't cuties being like [ __ ] or something in america that's not a british thing we don't say that word not because it's not because it's like offensive we just i don't know what it means [Music] why why is he here [Music] mr beast uploading video goddamn why is he just following me around he's just giving me a netherright axe thank you oh nice guy nice guy nice guy nice guy dream i mean sure he's a little clingy at times but carl carl in the chat he's gonna be there carl message me who wins i'll give you the five gifted holy [ __ ] [Music] oh and we've gotta get henry there's so much to do today there's so much to do hello big d hi you should stop calling me that why because it makes me uncomfortable and i have expressed that tommy i'm sorry small d don't call me that don't d money there you go that's good okay d money now come with me look at me don't i look [ __ ] cool right now can i have my axe back but yes you look cool yeah but i'm gonna look significantly less cool if i give you your axe back all right later later yeah later later yeah i mean i mean at the end of the day you can just stab the [ __ ] out of me if you need it so dream i heard i heard you going in for a ten thousand dollar 1v1 soon yeah yes i am i am you excited i am wait no a hundred thousand dollar right hundred thousand yeah jesus jeez a hundred and you're not even against you know you're going up against techno blade he's he's better than you probably he's not better than me he's probably better than you actually he's probably better he's probably better yeah because i mean you know he you know he got the bed wars world win streak and you know he um but with a team everyone fails to mention with a team of pros did you know that hooties 19 is being spread by big q the [ __ ] what this big q got a virus what happened i'm gonna mind that i'm gonna mind that sign with you so what is cootie's dream cooties it's like it's girls have them what what no yeah girls have cooties i'm not even kidding what what is it though what is it is it a word for a downstairs part no it's just like it's like you've you've cooties that doesn't mean anything to me and britain you can't just punch me and shout you have it's like it just it's like something you you just say it's like being if you have cooties you're just like i don't like you and so the girls say boys have cooties and the girls say boys the girls say boys seems incredibly sexist well no because we like the girls say boys have cooties too you just say whatever like you're just like like i could say you have cooties tommy i don't i certainly have two axes i can stab the [ __ ] out of you if i need to well you could try yeah i could try and i would succeed probably i'm not getting me yes yeah i'd stab you i just ultimately i'd lose why do you have something it's like the cheese touch uh it is you have a uh twitch pickaxe i'm going to need that between us i know we're like a huge war right now well i'm going to need that for my um my stuff touch broke so i don't have one well i had one and then you you murdered me countless times and now i don't have one i think rage armor what will you do if you lose you 1v1 will you cry that'd be really funny if you could i think i'd cry i'd be upset i'd be i'd be pretty upset for a few days [Music] because i just because i i made a joke about you crying and then you went no no i would cry and now i feel terrible i didn't say i would cry i mean you kind of said you'd cry when you and now i felt like now i just feel terrible now i just would be sad i'd be i'd be a little depressed for a few days and then i'd get over it i'd move on and recognize that i'm that you still have a very good a very good minecraft that you that you are [ __ ] and it's not gonna happen no i do i i i'd watch the video sorry i think i'd watch the video then i go l and then i'd like and then i dm you and go l will you message me right afterwards don't take puns iron it's not pun design really [Music] yes it is no it's not it's at the end of the day iron zion it's a free country i mean i don't see any sign on it saying whose it is i'm going to greet him he didn't even crouch back what did [ __ ] no no oh jesus christ what's wrong with you you're worse than tubbo man oh my god what you like tubbo though so that's a good thing and look now he's shooting at me now you've got yeah you've got friendships no no no no no no no jesus dream jesus [Music] what's wrong with you how were you raised um without cooties again i i really think cuties is an american thing so i don't know i think it is an american thing i'm pretty sure yeah yeah i've never heard anyone ever go you have cooties to me ever well yeah it's an american thing i think so have you ever actually had cooties it's it's not a real thing why doesn't it's just something you say to someone who's obnoxious you're just like you have cooties you think i'm not what's obnoxious about me is it because i always win wars yeah that's exactly why yeah you were such an idiot tommy you just insult me why is that obnoxious can you go can you go one day without insulting anybody only being nice no no no there's no what do i gain from that yeah no i why would i be happy not making other no no no no i'm happy i'm already very happy thank you hey by the way thank you for the tier three sub [ __ ] zob zobziwa oh my god actually i'm very i'm very content with my with my with my one friend thank you the hell i've got it in my bucket and wait did we just dupe it no you don't have it oh why right here's my plan for today's dream i'm kind of just repairing after you [ __ ] screwed me over yesterday and then i'm also gonna go do holy land work now since you're here i'm thinking we can do some holy land work if you'd like would you like that dream i don't do work go on that's all that's all literally all i have to say what do you do then nothing what do you want what do you do all day i kill people oh you mean you mean yeah yeah what is it you do what was your what's your morning routine please i wake up i do tax fraud and then i go to sleep [Music] okay why did you say you kill people for like like a minute and then use oh that's in minecraft have you ever killed anyone in real life no you hesitated they're a bit big man i i did not hesitate a little bit there i didn't hesitate i didn't hesitate anyone got a sil touch pick axe spare it's for the god dude we're gonna have to do so much work on these furnaces if we can't get a silk touch pickaxe and is that really what you want do you know how many stone blocks i had before you murdered me oh oh yeah i gave you so many stone balls are you really going to complain i gave you so many yeah because i don't have any now yeah i give you like six stat no nine stacks before it ten stacks even how can whenever i'm in a call with you my whole chat goes call him clay i don't know because they're weirdos really like like they think it's something like i don't know it's just they're like i can't call him clay call him by his real name it's me it'll be so funny his real name whoever calls him that's not like and and no that's what you will sound like right now exactly what did your mother call you did she go okay okay how many views and subscribers have you got today clay and you go oh mother oh mother more than yesterday mother and she goes okay okay not good enough actually like i'm not normally called clay so they think it's like weird way what did they call you then clay what your family calls you clay yes my family calls me sir your family calls you child no they don't why stupid [ __ ] things like i'm here child why why would you say that i'm just i'm inferring why why why what that's just a stupid thing to say why would my mother call me child that you and told you not to cuss oh my god you say cuss we say swear i swear yeah she's she yelling yeah yeah but that doesn't mean that she refers to me as a what does your does your does your mum go oh adult oh adults come hither [Music] hey question for you you know how you did that community post about snap nap and bamboo halo asking people to could you do about five of them but just about me [Music] yeah they both paid me they both they said here we'll pay you and i said okay i'll pay you back in exposure i'll make i'll make a reddit post about you i think that our crossover in terms of people subscribe to you and me are probably like 92 or something so no it's not none of my subscribers like you they told me i asked them i said subscribers do you like dream and they went no [ __ ] dream and i went agreed but then i said no no that's true ask them no no i need to ask ask one of my subscribers any of them they all go they all go if there's one guy i hate it's it's d money and i go jesus agreed [Music] what what it's not true is that true who is this [ __ ] who meets this guy i'm gonna kill him with your axe i'm gonna kill him before you get to kill him ah you're cool aren't you you're real you're you're okay i am so cool god you're actually um a [ __ ] wait would you say i'm obnoxious you know it's obnoxious it's obvious you said it would you have enough hey dream what grade did you get in english what grade would you say i'm obnoxious i'd say uh why stop beating me just oh get away from me then i don't want to die what are the symptoms of cooties obnoxious how do you treat it by spankings like for a child well what that's just that's that's probably what [Music] okay so dream you know how you were calling me a child a minute ago no no i mean i'm inferior i'm going to unfurl this i'm going to refer this actually i said i said i think i have cuties and then i said i said i have cuties no you said you have cuties and then you said you're a child and it now dream you admit i mean you weren't i need you to look me in the eyes and say you are a man look tell me i'm a man you are a man child i mean yeah you're a child jesus dream pull yourself together you are a man child good work that that what is it what is a man child it's it's like a mix what like you act like a child but you're a man well why can't i just be a man then because you act like a child name one time i've ever acted like a child 10 seconds ago what did i do you were trying to make me look bad did it make you feel upset did you cry you cried didn't you you cried you cried you're right there's one tear one's here you cried why would you cry because it's upset the one rule the one rule of manhood is never cry you made me look weird now that's that's that's toxic tommy why is that toxic this is that's toxic why is that toxic i never cry try and make me cry right now exactly exactly it's cause you know i won't look me in the eyes look in the ass you literally i have to look at your nipples take off your chest plate that you're so weird oh you literally have a great green face you said nipples i would not even mean eyes i have to look at your chest eyes take off your shirt please no what tommy you're feeling so weird right now i'm just listen listen dream i'm just i'm just being polite about your condition for the fact that your eyes are in the center of your chest so either either you have no eyes or you have no nipples there's no well i don't know i don't know i'm just assuming you want to look at my nipples you either have no eyes or you have no nipples which is it bud which is it because you said look at my eyes i have nipples they're just lower [Music] why are you talking about nipples because because i said because that's where they are aren't they you have for some reason and i listen and this is wait look at this tommy oh wait is this is this someone's horse enough that's not mine oh what i got kicked for flying [Music] what a source i just found it it was just here have it it's probably someone's based on the saddle that's on it and there's the saddle sometimes i don't think so they don't actually i think they do i don't think they i don't think they spawn with a saddle dream [Music] weird wow we i i guess i'm gonna steal it well i didn't steal it i put it back where it was should have stolen the dream we're going to get xp right sounds like something i need i need i need [Music] i need silk touch on my pickaxe so we'll get why what was he with i boosted you i boosted you yeah i know you did but it was just gonna make it i was gonna make it i literally made it we're oh it's purples the chat says all right yeah no i just were you born like that then with your your eyes on your chest yeah i was created that was a real weird sentence big man do you wanna how i was created two sons collided few like big like stars went and then and then i was in the center and i went it's me it's me big man and then i and then i and then i arrived on earth i'll tell you how i was created george not found coded me can you make that jump tommy it's like such an amazing jump can you what which them here from there to here that's not fair look at me go oh that was good that was good oh yeah yeah it's so good hey can you not steal my xp guy fine whatever you say guys did you just call me guy you called me guy are you a guy not your guy pal okay okay buddy now listen to listen here man not your buddy guy now listen here mate i ain't no [ __ ] [ __ ] how do i get silk touch anyone got silk touch pickaxe there's like one person on the same question ten times and there's only two others actually don't have cuties mainly because i don't know what they are i just made it for a stride tommy you know you're the you know you're the world record speedrunner and i'm not so why would i make it for if only i does your mother go oh clay oh clay reminder i'm disappointed in you did she say that to you this you go clay reminder you don't have the world record reminder i'm disappointed in you [Music] my mother never says that my mother goes reminder i'm so proud of you why you sad can you not handle words big [Music] man [Music] reminder i'm disappointed in you that's funny dream i'm sorry for saying you're i don't really think your mother's disappointed with you yay you're a bit of a man child you're a man child you just you just sulked until i lied to you you went you went you meant it you meant it why did you say that to me oh it's okay like what you can't stop it with an stop it please stop it i didn't mean it kill you with the shovel wow what is that going to make you feel better about your life no really why did how would you feel come on i'm not gonna get silk touch here this isn't even worth it the odds are that i got i don't we don't even have lapis come on big man we do have lapis oh do we where right here oh i didn't see that chest that's not my fault right i'll get i'll enchant it now you ready wish me luck good luck i got efficiency too that's all right come with me do you feel better than me when you run quicker than me yes okay well i want to remind you you're not better than me i'm definitely better than you how are you better than me i'm better than you tell me how all right let's get started two minutes until dream brings you subscribers three two one i'm better than you i'm beating you in every duel in one point i'm better at youtube than you oh obviously that's not true why is that not true it's just not well i've got any evidence yes well i have more subscribers how what was the time on that what was the time on that that time went on mutant said all right all right two minutes until dream brings up subscriber count and then you you baited me into it that's not my fault you you said that i mean that's your fault that's not really my fault i like you i'm just you know i'm not gonna say it he's not gonna i knew you were just you would go subscriber count [Music] you're such a you're such a and he can we get some lows in the chat a classic low we got lulls in this chat are you rapping rap for me dream please i'm not rapping rap do some rap who's your favorite rapper um tubbo what table's my favorite rapper oh [ __ ] have you heard him have you heard him he's insane really yes i haven't heard him rap you have to hear him what what does that mean it's a it's a song what does what mean i can't it's inappropriate oh oh bruh bruh guys don't spam his chat with that that's inappropriate yeah guys just remember i'm smarter than you what [Music] yo it's funny just funny they're all gonna go he's a minor stop it but right now i'm literally a miner like look at me look at me go looking getting getting all of this holy [ __ ] oh my god i saved you you didn't really save me at all i i'd actually argue i saved myself there i blocked it off because of me he's a minor spelt like the funny the good miner like minecraft [Music] question for your dream why did you just do that [Laughter] no no no no okay when you thought here's a here's a funny thing i can do and you just went yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what what what about you it's like yeah yeah this will be funny this will make george not proud proud proud you know what yeah i just want i just want to know your thought process behind you it's it's just because i've realized actually after speaking to you you're not very funny i'm actually very funny tell me all about you tell me your best joke are you ready [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] to tell me a joke and you just took off your shirt and stared at me it's not even remotely close to it don't know no wait i didn't what wait did you move your eyes oh that's funny yeah yeah yeah that's what's funny about that is you're making fun of people your whole chat knows that i i was it's not even a single lull there's not a single lull i'm a comedy genius now there everyone was already laughing okay guys all right here's the thing for you here's the thing for you when someone does something funny you go low like that and when someone does something cool you go pogchamp there you are that's all you need to do all right and you spelling they're all saying little they're all saying it all right there's a good one you have to just admit say you're a comedy genius okay you don't have to go that far just say you made a good joke you made a joke thank you i didn't say it was good or even it's fine as long as it's a joke you said yesterday that a joke isn't isn't a joke unless it's funny so i'll take that as it's funny it might be funny to some people i'm sure hey hey why don't we do a test why don't we do a test get two by one and do that joke to tubber and see what he see what he thinks later no because it's a contextual joke because we've already been joking about the guys see that's what you have to make yeah yeah yeah funny is based on context you joke a minute ago even with context you just went yeah yeah yeah yeah and that was like oh that was that was no it was it's just a joke because of how unfunny it is that was that's why it's just like the joke wasn't funny your joke wasn't funny so me fake laughing at it and acting like it was funny is the joke it's a joke hey dream has everyone ever told you that you're not that clever i'm pretty clever i'm pretty clever really really why what's your iq um 69 which is really low but it's a funny number so it is pretty clever why is it funny because it's the it's the number six and nine why yeah why is that funny i actually don't think the unlucky numbers and six it's just a funny number everyone recognizes it's a funny number what actually is your iq have you ever taken an iq test i have taken iq test my q is 292. really yeah my iq is 293. that's so funny really what a question really yeah you really [ __ ] suck it's true though genuinely i took an iq test the other night in a call with wilbur and 293 it probably goes up the more things i say the higher it goes that's how it works i would i will say that i think that ever since i've been around you my iq is probably lowered i look a little bit dumber but you look dumber what how does someone look dumb just here here i'll show you a screenshot you're going to send me a photo of me aren't you no no i'm not check your dms in one second yeah i'm ready i'm about to start going up some water so hurry i want to see a dumb looking person you you've you [ __ ] really really big man it's not even remotely funny laws in the chat laws on the show no no lulls actually why would they look at that what is funny about mocking another person i don't mock people i accept people for who they are yeah i go i go i accept you for really being really annoying what are you not what i'm literally building a tower in the holy land and you're like oh you know it'll be funny i'll just punch him off the [ __ ] oh why why are you trying to out swim me man why is everything gotta be a competition around here with you right christ almighty i'm here with you yeah you're lagging out my get you're lagging out the server dream cause your presence is making the server shittier not me hey hey question for you if you lose the 1v1 can you um can you make can you give me admit can you give can you make me the owner of the server no can you transfer ownership why why are you kind of right you're so slow everyone everyone would agree that the server would be better that's not true why this is you but it's basically my server anyway that's not true how is it your server ban me right now [Music] you couldn't even ban me right you [ __ ] kicked me you're an idiot you're an idiot dream okay please can you unban me dream uh dream please please give you a dream would you not mind a dream could you did you uh dream could you would you mind do you mind okay so the command for you mr server is slash pardon space tommy in it [Music] you just asked in chat is tommy okay okay you could have told me you just stopped doing the water christ what was that about why don't you just make a water stream that's always going to the top you just because because it's more fun this way because hey hey hey hey if i was owner i'd tell you what if you i'll eat a sock on stream if you win but if you lose can you un unban and then re-whitelist slap if i win you'll either suck on stream if i agree to that those terms yeah but if you wait do i have to wait do i have to swallow it no you have to have a dirty sock and stick it in your mouth you're a real [ __ ] psycho you know no you're a psychopath why aren't you you're the one that asked me to do that in the phone you're the one you're the one that seems so confident take the deal exactly and then it'd be good for me i'd laugh it'd be funny yeah but the whole point is that's really weird that you would laugh at that it's not weird it's funny it's funny it's a it's a wager if you would eat but why would i eat a sock you don't have to actually eat it you just put in your mouth and like chew it and then yeah well why do you so you want this so much i don't i think it'd be funny because i think that you'll be wrong and i think it'd be funny to have you be so confident that you'd wager eating a sock if i'm wrong i'm wrong if you're wrong you'll own oh no i'm not even sure would want to play on this one whitelist flat i'm not even sure jason would want to that makes no sense that makes no sense that is that that you know that is the pinnacle of nonsense that fall was not did not warrant that that is [ __ ] sounds like you don't want to take the deal she's fine i want to take the deal but can i can i be the commentator of the 1v1 just by myself in my own call and i won't even stream it i'll just so i just sit and commentate it and go dreamers and i just me you can commentate it afterwards that's [ __ ] on stream you can watch it live on stream and commentate over it yeah yeah that's stupid well why could i not do it by myself because then i'd have a like i already know because i have a chat what would happen just put it on the emote only everything do you really think you're gonna win yes really but you know tenor blade's really good yes he is very good he's a very very good minecraft player i have a lot of respect for him do you have a lot of respect for the queen yes i have a lot of respect for the queen why do you say that um i don't know hey don't punch me i've lost all my [ __ ] dream it's a real there's a real bad theme on the server it is you know all that exp we spent about five minutes grinding for it's all gone it's not a recurring theme it's because i i you know what i do i throw for the content big man oh yeah no it's going no no no no no no oh you son of a what the [ __ ] oh i throw for the content i think hmm does dream need another victory yes or no and then and then i always go yes because you're always lonely are you lonely are you a lonely man i'm never lonely why how how are you so many friends name name one friend what's up that doesn't count he's standing up george that doesn't count bad all right one friend skeppy no scotty doesn't count oh you you're my friend yes [Music] jump [Music] jump better [Music] jump better why are you so this is really like really not that hard actually the whole chat's gone ah and it's making me so very uncomfortable that i want to just not be your friend anymore you are my friend yeah but the whole chat's going ah this is i don't know mommy and i talk off camera like we don't only talk on camera he's my friend that's not true he has my phone number he texts me every once in a while he's like hey how are you doing that's not true well it's kind of true my only friend just dream you can't ruin my brand people if people know tuba's not my only friend what would they do tommy and it sucks he almost leaked my number on stream i actually i hated him did you see that clip that was real that was real awkward i was rewatching it is your mother proud of you dream i'm sure do you know though has she ever said it to your face is she ever gone clay what's your last name what's your what's your what's your credit card number no seriously yeah what actually is it though it's five seven nine one four two eight three four one nine eight seven two one security code is nine nine one expiration date is this is really boring me you're just going on about credit cards and money oh you asked me how much happening can you can you place some water down for me i need to i've lost half my things dream because you killed me i didn't oh wow and now you're making funny noises well i'm about to laugh at this now ha ha jesus christ oh i've got it back don't don't worry what so what's your plans for today then dream what what's your plans oh okay i lived i thought [ __ ] oh my god oh jesus dream what's that mean you're falling i was falling oh my god sounds like you have two ties who dies um today is to do this and then um practice more wait and sleep i'm gonna have a bacon eat some bacon for breakfast guys you need to eat bacon tomorrow for breakfast please please i'm gonna be adding yeah i'm not really sure what i can be agree to the agreement that way you have to eat a sock i'm not really i'm just not sure that's that's it's funny though it is funny yeah but the idea of what with the whole stan culture thing and the idea of me going on twitter and seeing a load of images of me eating a sock for the rest of my life why everything what is wrong with you you didn't me too i didn't mean to you so you think i'm a baby i think you're being a baby i'm actually not a baby oh stop being a baby stop crying baby dream anyone ever said to you that you're a baby i bet you know words are hurtful yeah words are hurtful that's why you tell me that i'm a disappointment in a circle well do you think you are one no i heard the tears in your voice that was disappointing sorry sorry i'll drop your things this is a no war zone okay that was a little ironic all right maybe perhaps perhaps if everyone's a disappointment perhaps no one is a disappointment that's what i say see literally if that was anywhere else i would have stolen all your [ __ ] then but i respect i respect the rules of church prime yes it is a very it's a very sacred ground it's a prestigious area only for the best of the best i agree would you say you're one of the best of the best would you say you're you are [ __ ] you are stupid would you say you're one of the best the best no really what do you think i'm one of the best of the best yeah of what what general just in general i don't know about that you think dream you have cooties you're obnoxious right now well i'm not obnoxious you i you literally just said i think i'm the best of the best i think i think you're one of the best of the best but you can't dream you can't go home the best of the best you're very funny oh yeah no i'm very funny yeah i think that you're one of the best the best very funny dream thank you you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna clip this and then i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna listen to that every night good it'll help you recover from being a disappointment that felt really unnecessary well you said it first does that make it okay does that make it okay it doesn't make it okay but it makes it funny wow what are you gonna do cry are you gonna cry i'm not gonna cry no i'm not i've never peed nor pooed it's really weird when was the last time you had a [ __ ] dream probably yesterday yeah you [ __ ] once a day probably that's really weird it's probably really really unhealthy how are you saying you should poo more or less yes guys watching the stream poo more oh seven what you don't just have one like massive dump a day come on no i have sapphire like really yeah oh you're lying i'm not you don't need to lie it's pretty normal you just go you pee a bunch why are you talking about the poo dream you brought it up yeah but no no you're very right actually you make a you make a you make an interesting point okay so this this here is where the water is going to flow down from what we need to do is place stone bricks like a all the way it's good for metabolism to poo more man from metabolism yeah okay thank you for the information i will try how much money will you give me for hitting mlg no because it's an easy thing to do how much no no how much how much i want you to eat your sock [Laughter] [Music] if you're wrong you're the one who you're like okay wait i am team techno no you're not team tech now should i just go no you guys are no no no no no no no team dream okay if i go like this it's like yeah look at that man look at that i knew it i'm no i'm telling you i'm team techno i know you're team dream hacknow is cooler than you that guy was not cooler than me come on how is that not cooler than you tommy come on you don't have to lie nintendo's so cool okay how give me give me an example and don't don't say anything about his dance moves or his his elbow i didn't even know he could dance i wasn't gonna mention his elbow dream all right then what are you gonna mention he could dance is real this is new info for me thanks we need to go mine some more stone we [ __ ] it i want to see techno dance can you add him to the snp discord yes i don't know if you'll join but he will i'll add him actually he'll probably do it if i send him it yeah you said it you sent something joined i'm gonna join now he's probably right now practicing let's have a drink our message chat now yeah man sorry i'm i'm a techno i'm a techno man you were telling me the other day that you're neutral and then i know i don't know i am neutral but then you kept going eat a sock tommy in it eat a sock oh please please please because the only reason i said that was because if you're wrong i thought about it and i thought who have i known for longer techno who's been meaner to me you i have been actually i think ted has probably been you know to be fair who's blocked me on twitter the most times techno and also he currently has you blocked or did he unblock you you don't block me he he tweeted i'm an alpha male he you've never tweeted about me being an alpha male dream that's that's actually true and he did and that attract convinced me right now to be on your side if i lose i'll tweet that you're an alpha male but if i win you i eat my sock hold on your suck yeah yeah yeah i'm not even it's nice you sound scared it's not that i'm scared i'm just thinking because otherwise you'd just be like yeah i'll do it sure i think the idea of eating a sock isn't scary it's but the idea is uncomfortable your mind unless you think it could it's possible it happens you wouldn't be thinking this talk only happens if you're wrong dream if the if the way for me to win this argument is to go i'm scared of eating my sock in front of 30 000 people 40 000 people then i'm have i'm fine to say that then say it say i'm i'm no you say this i'm scared that dream will beat techno therefore i don't want to wait i'm not scheduled b tech no i'm the idea of you beating tenno isn't the it's the fact that i have to eat my sock dream which means you're not confident which means you're not in techno's corner there's imagine just like ksi logan paul you don't think like i was when i was teammate i hate logan paul uh i was team ksi you you don't think that one of the sides i met you watching the whole dream i bet you watch logan paul and go oh logan paul you are such a prince of men i bet you say that to him i bet you leave comments like that on his videos so you think anybody that's on team ksi would have been like no i'm not confident enough to eat a stock no they would have they would have made that bet but you that means you're not i just think it's quite look at me he can't hold me at gunpoint dream what the [ __ ] i've never seen someone so passionate about trying to make another man eat a sock that's true why would you literally there are two blocks here and one of them is helpful for you to mine which is the stone and instead you choose the unhelpful one i just want more dirt why because i need building blocks you like dirt you know the phrase the green top is like a really american minecraft phrase no one's ever said that to me in britain i had to google it after watching aj yeah yeah it's like the green top bit of of a thingy a house it's fine i'm putting over here i've never heard of that well clearly you're not cultured thank you for waiting oh oh dream you're welcome dream get me coal that you you gave me what you gave me one coal you gave me one coal that's all i have yeah yeah that's [ __ ] it's not [ __ ] it's cold hey dream that was funny thank you the thing you let's go get some oat wood or what perhaps this would look better with spruce i think it would i know i know hey what's your favorite wood in minecraft [Music] i don't know this already said this is going to say dark oak probably dark oak a lot of respect for that dream in that respect if you said spruce jungle or birch beta male beta male jungle sucks yeah you know i'll try and work out through who i who i think is better you are techno so you're you're a dark oak man yeah that's good that's good thank you what do you think of birchwood actually no i've told you what to think about but i'd rank it i'd probably rank it uh like third worst i'd say acacia is pretty trash so it'd be sexy everyone i have strong opinions on my what what do you think's opinions on oak i'd say okay is top tier but it's not like yes agreed holy [ __ ] i think oak's the best words just everyone's [ __ ] absurd yeah i think oak's probably the second best or maybe maybe like third best yeah yeah i agree with you i think i think oak's the best then dark oak there's no dark oak on this server there is dark oak actually i collected it and i planted trees well i don't see any trees dark coke's the one with the [ __ ] huge ash trees yeah we have a tree farm full that i made never have any basis you just have your small little base i why you're you're a bit of a gypsy a bit of a traveler aren't you yeah i like i move around all the time mostly follow people around and kill them no yeah okay all right who's your favorite woman what it's an easy question who's my favorite woman yeah i don't know is it there's there's one good answer there's one good answer i don't have a favorite woman i don't think i have a favorite man though either it's kind of a weird question what's happened oh is gypsy bad oh sorry i didn't know the best woman is the queen the best man is me because i'm a man the queen is the best woman dream okay the queen yeah i think i'd agree with that you're just agreeing with me you're a bit vague i am agree i am agreeing with you and it's because i agree yeah but you i don't think you would have agreed if i hadn't said that dream oh well i wouldn't have thought of it myself but after you said it i agree okay here's what i'll say for you here's what i'll say here's how we do this okay we've got to get you involved as well what's your favorite mug in mob in minecraft mob that's a really good question like passive or let me i need to think of what's in my mob any mob like anything in the whole game passive anything wait i i don't i haven't thought about what the best like deadly mobs and friendly mobs are just deadly mobs wait let me think of what the best mob is first answer my question all the mobs what's the best mob why is the best mob no no this is a discussion this isn't a i know no please what do you think um i don't know i think that i think that endermen are cool because they're they're the tallest and they also drop pearls which are very crucial and they help you teleport and you can use them to go to the end of the game yeah but you just kind of and you can make it so you like them because when you murder them well yeah but that's that's that is that's that's a contender but they're also cool they're three blocks tall like they're three blocks tall and they're skinny and they pick up blocks which is weird um i don't know they're they're kind of cool i like anyone a lot um i like what other mobs do i like i like wolves but that's kind of just i guess what's your favorite block clay you just went down the rankings oh my god i should just be blocked your favorite block is your own name my favorite blocks the init block why the writers clay your face it you sound like you have cooties dream oh you would say it all right fine but my second favorite block which with other regardless of bias it's probably wood because you can make you can like do everything with it i mean well but what do you make of smooth stone smooth sounds nice i like i like um i like those to move the smooth stone well the one the one that i build yeah the one that you're using good answer good answer i'm gonna drown you seem a little uh self-centered as someone just said in chat i'm not self-centered you you literally just said your favorite block is my favorite block because it's my name well yeah it's just because it's cool it's like saying like it's like my favorite color like it's like being like oh my favorite color is blue because my eyes are blue or something like that yeah no one no one and then no one in the world does that yeah they do people do it's like i don't know people do anyone in chat do that yeah come on like people do i know people do people do stuff like that all the time like not even just like i don't know not even that as an example but like it's like being like my favorite sports team is this because i live near them like that's it's like that it's like yeah oh wow wow predictable your favorite sports team is the orlando magic because you live in orlando predictable it's like no mine isn't so i guess i'm pretty cool but die right sucks and the site sucks they're my least favorite i didn't actually i'm trying to i'm trying to decipher you right i like ranting about them stuff stuff being terrible in the game rant about turbo tupper's pretty pog if you want me on your side you have to rant about turbo i don't think i can do that i don't need you on my side tommy i don't want to sacrifice that doubles epic interesting interesting all right who is the who do you hate the most in the world i'm interviewing you dream who do i hate the most in the world [Music] why is he gonna mute who do i hate the most why did you go on mute dream i don't know if i hate anybody why'd you go on mute eat the most in the world did you did another dream come in i was coughing can i say hello to mother dream yes really if you want to what we we get here in the room one second i'll one second this might be cool if swear to god if he uses a voice changer right now my ratings gonna go down so low i'm gonna no i won't start stabbing [ __ ] i've moved past that now i'm better than that i stab things not [ __ ] yeah sorry about that a minute ago everyone i think it might mean something different in the uk but my bad if i but hey you know i didn't mean it so hate is a very strong word young lad hello hello hello hello hello hello hello who who is this this is dream's mom really really yes who's this this is this is this is george not found i'm a good friend of dreams okay no sorry this is this is tommy in it how are you child you're a child i'm not why would you why would you do you mind me swearing mrs dream or i don't like swearing but it's up to you okay i won't swear then dream why the why the freak would you say that i'm not a child please sorry wait nice wait are you thank you thank you are you disappointed in dream wha the heck the [ __ ] guys twitter tv forces tell me in it tommy on twitter keep this in the compilation or i'm or i'm claiming you oh my god was that really your mother yeah she happened to be over and i just knew she was over so i was like oh yeah heck i just i just spoke to your mother yes oh my god you didn't do anything fun i thought you'd be funny i was like there's this really funny guy i was taken aback i didn't think you'd actually just get your mum on the phone i was just not expecting you'd be funny and then you weren't funny like i'm actually disappointed to be honest well i was really that was funny i'll tell you i just don't think your mum would have found it funny well i was really not she would have found it funny i'm sure well the first thing you did was introduce me as a child and i was my instinct is to just start shouting sweat at you well you could swear i don't know sorry i was about to swear but no but no but i asked your mother and she said no and you could dream i don't want a bad first impression with with mrs dream mother mother dream you know that's the least thing i want that's the last thing i want in the world so sorry i was not expecting that at all well you have to be funnier next time i will i will be well i didn't i'm going to be i genuinely thought it was going to be a voice changer you really caught me off guard there was that your mother reveal yeah i guess so [Music] didn't do anything i didn't why didn't what it said because i was i was not pro i didn't think you'd actually i mean if you get your mother back i'll start swearing well that would be a little i'm not gonna i'm not gonna swear at your mother though that that would just feel that would i mean that would even cross my line i mean i met tubbo's mum and i didn't even swear at her she just got really freaked out because i kept calling him tubbo in front of her and she was like what the [ __ ] ah does your mother go oh clay time for supper big man do you go yes sometime she goes okay time for super big man your mother refers to you as big man we need some kelp sorry sorry i'm a bit taken aback by that i really just wasn't expecting um because you you're quite the liar dream what how because you don't usually usually if you go i'm gonna go get my mum on for you all right i don't know i don't clock in my head oh all right dream's gonna reveal his mother's voice to the world in the next two seconds no no they won't they no mother in its time is not now this is not my moment come on chat time for in a time for super big man sorry i'm no no wow good on your dream good on you thank you what did your mother think of me she didn't say i mean i walked away and said can you go ask her can you go ask her can you go ask her what she thinks of me no how cool she thinks i am hello mother dream i'm cool i'm crystal cool like a crystal ball but not not not one of the ones that the psychics used do you have any siblings dream yes really how am i my sister is here right now actually that's why that's why i think she might be she might be watching the stream i have no idea how was your sister 13 i think yeah i'm not sure i could mentally handle speaking to another one of the dream family that's really you've really mentally punched me in the face what does your sister watch your videos yeah they just used to watch my videos she did mention you the other day what did she say she said you're really really funny i mean she said she hates you she said you suck wait did you really say i'm funny she did actually it was yesterday this is your mother i think everyone everywhere i go they go he's funny and i go i know it's because i'm funny well i was talking to my sister and i was talking about i mentioned you and she's like i've never heard of him but i watched his stream the other day and i tuned in for two seconds and um and he was really funny or something like that it was about what were you doing oh yeah yeah you were reading the twitch terms of service with like the voice change around that's when she clicked that was when she like what turned out you know when you go did she find that funny as well of course of course i'm hilarious no she doesn't think i'm funny she makes fun of me she doesn't think i'm funny did your dad think i'm funny he's probably never heard of you does your do you have any other siblings i do i have a younger brother and another older sister do either of them think i'm funny probably not well they're idiots then well you can't say that fine sorry what's the is it soul center makes it go up or yeah i think it's awesome okay you got any soul sand um i don't i don't go in the nether much are you so flustered i'm just i'm really take i'm really just taken up i can't believe you just you know if someone said to me this morning today's gonna be today will be the day you speak to dreams mum and no not the not the the compilations account that steals all your views no no the real one i'd go oh oh you know i wouldn't i wouldn't have known what to say and i still don't i think that's you know at least hey you know why i didn't swear so i could make a first impression you know dream in a couple years time when we meet at vidcon and i have to go hello mother dream you know what i don't want us to think bad of me that's why i didn't swear all right i'm not an idiot that's true george didn't swear when she talked to him like a week ago what have you only is this like your big mom reveal week why did why did george and your mum speak because i was on the phone with him and she walked in in the in my house you have your own house yes i do i don't well because you're a child that's not what you said about ten minutes ago no that is what i said said you're a man-child i'm huge that that's weird i'm actually i'm sick i saw you know what i saw am i recommended let's let's discuss this a video of you [ __ ] sat trying to work out my height yeah but you know what i determined well in the video i determined that you were probably being honest and that was i was being honest that was the conclusion of the video i just have terrible you must have horrible i didn't because i thought i actually don't want to watch dreams sit and analyze my height i just have horrible posture but i after after my analyze after i i started at the beginning thinking that i was gonna be able to analyze your height and then in the end you realize i never lie and then in the end i realized that you you probably thought oh he's actually why do i find kelp uh in the ocean all right where's the nearest oh it's back that way oh my god is it back that way where's the nearest ocean no no we'll be that way actually this scappy ocean no i'm i'm actually a lonely child what are you doing i was drinking what were you drinking water i want my own kelp no i'm wait no no wait wait no i'm an only child not a lonely child [Music] oh so the same thing dream i have so many friends you have no friends that's chat [ __ ] you have one friend tell her what about erin we don't talk about him do you know aaron we don't talk about him do you know uh do you know jack manifold yeah do you know wilbur yes yeah those are my friends that's true and you know what i'm your friend and therefore you have more friends okay well it kind of feels like you you you swapped up on me you know i see help i was making kind of kind of i kind of watched you i was making a joke you're you're you're one of my best friends tommy tommy you're one of my friends i'd say i'd say in your mind you're my top 10 best friends tommy who's your number one best friend that's there's there's not in any particular order no no no who's your number one no the list is not in any particular order you know i want to know your number one is it sound up or george dream is it sam napo george they are they're obviously tied oh wow bad boy halos and they're tied too i understand if i had to rank them maybe i'd rank them by the time i've known them and therefore it'd go zap nap bad george but that's like not a particular oh you got here folks that's not a pro that's not like in terms of our friendship though we're just as good of friends with them i've known saturn at the longest bad the second longest and george the most recent what did you just say sorry i'm still processing that i spoke to your mother listen dream it's a big day for all of us all of us here over at the tommy stream oh forty five thousand oh this is your biggest stream uh i think i think it might be bigger than the war stream actually i think yeah i don't think i've ever hit natural 43k and i crashed at the beginning so it's like this is pretty big it says i'm at 43k for me yeah 45k for me thanks for the follows in the subs boys make sure to drop a follow we do we wait till the end for the subs you know the drill you know oh i found your dark oak yeah ah i'm a genius acacia sucks so much yeah no acacias all my friends hate acacia you gotta say homie stream the funny the memes homies you thought my homies all my homies hate acacia why because it's acacia it's disgusting it looks like diarrhea on a block it doesn't look remotely like diarrhea on a blade it's a very ugly cut it does not look likely look at this fence like okay tommy turn around look there's something like over here look if you if you had to look at these fences they're the same fence you just didn't think that this one's like has diarrhea on it yeah this is a jungle fence dream not occasionally yeah that too okay you got it kind of feels like you in case you look some more give me the kisser one i'll show you next to it it looks a real george not found a moment it looks even worse it looks even worse is it which one is it i do to go to go up don't i have to like is it which one is it chat i think it's soul sand i don't know neither of us know [ __ ] how are we gonna win how are we gonna win the 1v1 if you don't even know so it has nothing to do with that puns lies to us we kill him yeah all right together can i read my donations and your presents because i've not read any of them thanks katie for the prime uh jinxed with the two months thanks jinx you're thanking my my donators oh no please let me know that it's clutched tell me it doesn't die tell me it won't die tell me it won't die no i will not die oh my god you're gonna be good you're gonna be so mad tommy why there's something stuff not dead well what did he do just jump down to the bottom you'll see oh what the [ __ ] why he's such a get off the holy land tell him to get off the holy land please well how could you not know you did that the holy land no fighting is allowed oh wow how what dream it won't work i didn't do it yeah how do i fix it though i don't actually know it's you can't actually do it yeah what the hell how do i fix it thanks for sticking up for me dream you're welcome you're welcome signs that's what friends do thanks man why is everyone started following us around oh no well too late got any oat wood on you big man uh no oh i do i do no worries there we go look at that look at that [ __ ] i'm going to need some kelp because i don't want to be in the same scenario as before i want to put down this sign again hey dream oh i just got some money to celebrate talking to your mother nice oh wait wait wait wait wait go general go general nikki yes he's on he can get your apology i know but i'm not going to beg for his apology oh i'll beg don't you worry oh [ __ ] wait i did that to this yes he did oh dream we're on the holy land we're on the holy land oh oh is it is it tommy hey you listen to me you listen to me big man you killed her [ __ ] my girl you need to apologize right now big man why it's you right [ __ ] serves you right [ __ ] you can't go around killing people's foxes also i'm on the holy land so you can't kill me i didn't i didn't i didn't mean to kill the fox you literally [Music] you're not on the holy lands right now i literally am wait to eat he just shot him i mean he didn't know but no he knows he didn't know that it goes all the way around here yeah there's a big it's a big area it's pretty big but all right tommy i hope you never come kill me come here i'm literally here look at me stop toying come on dream pass anyway i saved beckerson and mars well they were trying to kill backers in the middle yeah they took them away kill me kill me [Music] stupid idiot i had to trade the deaths because of you oh no no no they were going to kill representing mars i had to trade the death jackerson is literally the god of this land and they were trying to hurt beckerson yeah because you literally tortured her and then murdered him you [ __ ] what the hell is wrong with you beckerson is worth more than every one of you okay okay if you think so you made me lose the discs you're an idiot and a [ __ ] [Music] okay kill me then you just killed me on the holy land you were outside yourself exploded wow wow if you if you if you if that's going to make you sleep better at night big man you're a real cool guy don't you i feel better about my own insecurities screw you man your house deserves to be burned down you ever heard back you [ __ ] idiot you you look towards beckerson's way the wrong way and you're dead i just described every murderer in one sentence [Music] you hit me out of it somehow you [ __ ] sucked you you were out of it you killed away from apologize formally twit longer to nikki i already apologized no no no no no no quit longer [Music] where are you going tommy you trying to going around i think you're just going to kill me because i think i'm on the holy land already and this is the homie i want you to come over here and now apologize to me i i regret nothing i want you to pause that that's that's my apology i regret absolutely i wasn't trying to hurt him i took him captive yeah we weren't trying to hurt him i didn't i don't kill animals sam nap i'm not as cool as you um you've killed many cows that's not true only for only for the good of my people oh i just want this to be a lesson that you ever hurt because don't you ever take bad dreams you're ready you're ready that's my other chest right now hey dream i've lost my chest plate actually they've stolen my items from the holy land he he give it back i am i have it i didn't mean to be more like dream he's nice thank you army you're welcome no no redemption no no well you know i thought you were you were mediocre and then com you know i've had to compare you to these buffoons and now now i know dream you're not you're not you're not you ain't half bad can i have my food please dream you've got my you're actually eating it right now oh i think it's mine but you can have some of that yeah thanks tommy what is that it's it's steak i thought you don't hurt animals i don't hurt pets that's a that's a if there's a rabid dog coming at you i would probably hurt it but i wouldn't hurt my dogs you know what i mean there is a there is a clear difference and you you overstepped the line pal yeah yeah yeah so what what what is this what are you building this is this is the holy land basically like there's no we're allowed on here you can't fight and um there's gonna be a church building and whatever we do at the end of everyone's stream you get taught the ways of how to help how to get the primes and then at the end of the stream you go to the church and you you make loads of money yeah basically but you only could do it at the end of your stream and in the prime church basically it's religion but it's all about money instead of being a good person what do you say nikki sorry i said i said so that's the religion all right i'm gonna go ahead and someone is being cancelled as we speak not me that was a joke i'm sorry well as long as you weren't joking about church prime no i would never that's where church prime is great shut up something out you yes man tommy i'll kill you you won't know i'm on the hurdle tommy just set your bed in the holy land that way you're always safe oh i i gotta get to my home at some point well oh no nicki you're farming trues actually you're farming trues you know what i'm wearing yeah yeah yeah my chat is saying a lot of that too yeah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i'm drowning myself this is not what i wanted to happen on this wednesday it's through wednesday yes yes it is oh my god oh my god oh i missed because i'm no jeez don't worry about me don't worry about me guys why is everyone gone silent i'm i'm baking i literally almost just drowned to death and no one worried about me i'm at walmart looking for sand is there sand on sale over here i don't know the walmart's the walmart's [ __ ] it's like tesco's looking bad don't go to walmart somewhat you have sand at your house hey sound up some nap what's your favorite type of minecraft log um either dark oak or spruce which one which no no no which one which one if you had to pick one dark oak there we go there we go that's respectable that's what we want to hear but smoke should be your number two what's your favorite wait wait i don't remember the difference between the three to be honest i know one star oh okay oh okay okay sam you've said enough thank you nikki nikki what's your favorite type of log um i'd say it's oak good good nice very respectable what's number two um it's probably dark oh my god okay tell me i have something for you where are you uh i'm just taking it yeah i have a question for you nikki can you protect me please in case i'm fighting technoblade for a hundred thousand dollars tomorrow who's going to win um well techno's my friend ted no my god holy [ __ ] oh my god nikki i mean you didn't i mean you could have said that politely oh my god you could have said that nicer oh my god tommy who are you rooting for uh you know but at the start of the stream the other day i was i was neutral and then at the start of the stream i was techno and now i'm kind of neutral again who are you rooting for um i guess the dream you guess yeah he's my buddy or pal so he actually said he prefers george to you so oh did he actually say that yeah he was ranking his friends and he said actually no actually no he might have said he prefers you to george hey you know i just spoke to dream's mum really yeah yeah no i'm not going to spoken i've [ __ ] heard too before did you swear at her you're not allowed to i asked her she said she doesn't like that she doesn't i asked her can i swear and she went no when i went okay no yeah i wouldn't be careful i would not swear to her i mean think about it she she's the mother of dream it's just weird i didn't know like dream had a mother i thought it was just a green blob he like spawned himself out nikki what is your present for me i'm over here getting my kelp yeah where are you i'll be back in a minute i'm just i'm collecting kelp okay i need my kelp nikki that's understandable what do you need it for wait did i make dream upset i am so sorry isn't down here no he just he just he he's probably going to cry yeah sorry is it matter now he said you've said you've said your words as well didn't mean to make him upset i mean it doesn't matter if you meant to or not you you did it and and you you said you said he said who do you prefer and you said to dream's face well techno's my friend [Music] so not only did you imply you before you also said dream isn't your friend it was just one of those times i actually joked i actually talked to james that was such a ruthless way of going no like you didn't you didn't just go no i preferred techno you were like [ __ ] you dream you didn't you didn't jeez how are you standing up i haven't seen you since you betrayed me the other day no yeah i've been sleeping and stuff your life sucks your life sucks tommy are you nearly a mil uh yeah how many subs away uh let me look i'm at oh my god wait i'm i gained so many i'm only 50k subs away what the hell i actually unsubbed earlier today really are you trying to stop that from happening no tommy i dream i shouted you out on my community i don't know what you saw i didn't thank you the best british thank you huh whoa oh my god oh my god asks where's dream you don't there's there's drama going on my friend i can't believe you dude you really just you really ruined his day i mean i i'd understand if you were you know going to be we have come on you got to be nice and like he's probably so nervous right now because tomorrow's the big day tomorrow's the big day he's basically like his graduation except more meaningful no yeah yeah he might not even win this meaningless to be honest i mean compared to this really yeah oh yeah no seriously i mean oh yeah like graduation you just go on stage shake somebody's hand grab your diploma and that's it uh oh i'm boxing i'm boxed in i'm boxed in tommy i'm coming to save you i that is the last thing in the world i want what do you think so mean to me i'm sorry stamina i'm just very angry you know we had a misunderstanding look it's mainly because rob rob thank you for the five months of subbing drop what a great name he has such a stupid name i'm back welcome back hey um tell me where are you i'm at the holy land i'm okay so just sorry just to get it right you know when you've placed all the celts you just destroy the bottom block and then it opens me up i think oh it didn't it didn't work i destroyed the block above the bottom block tommy idiot i thought you were smart that's [ __ ] this game sucks nikki i'm here on my tower where's your tower can you please write nikki a twitter longer something up or at least me a twit longer yeah yeah you need to you need to pull yourself together why what did i do i mean i am really sad that you can well it was an accident once you torture it i want you short [ __ ] okay let me let me let me explain what you did you shot to the sides of it for about 30 seconds and then you shot it right in the face no no and that was that's you know the middle game where they'd have like an apple on their head like you didn't that wasn't an apple you were just shooting through inside and then you shot it in the face we're having a fun game of like you weren't having a game nicki where are you i'm at the holy land um i don't know where that is tommy he was a casualty where the holy light where are you then uh i'm near your house i'm near the embassy okay i'll come to the embassy i would never hurt an animal on purpose you killed him but it wasn't on purpose he was mentioned she shot him in the face yeah but that doesn't that you can't aim a gun at someone pull the trigger and then go guys it's fine he was meant to survive and you killed my cow and you tortured henry was okay he was meant to survive so it doesn't really i mean at the end of the day i had a good intention although i was shooting at his face he was meant to survive yeah but you tortured it and now it's gonna need therapy it's fine do you know how much money it costs do you know how few cow therapists are out there you idiot you stupid bastard how much money that's gonna cost me you're the short bastard thank you oh thank you very much what's the occasion it's because you helped me get my apology oh thank you can i have a slice of christmas i'm going to eat it with my raw hands i'm going to stuff it in my chops holy [ __ ] enjoy it thank you you're welcome it was my first cake ever really yeah oh thank you i'm i'm feel blessed have a have some steak you're welcome that was not my first date that's actually dream steak nice all right i'll go back out and yeah i need to grab something this is awkward we're walking the same way this is really can you like wait like like 20 seconds that's really awkward if we both walk the same way hey tommy can i join the oh this is still awkward yeah no this yeah you can this is really weird if you both walk the same way it might just come back yeah can you can you go the long way around this is i like i have to tie my shoelace and [ __ ] like this is just don't worry sorry about this seminar no i'm just gonna finish fixing my house yeah sorry i had to do it because you did ultimately torture our pets after and then don't go near no no okay all right i've got to go back this way nikki this is going to be even more awkward oh no don't worry now i have to work you know everyone knows it's weird if you walk the same way as someone after you both like that's why it's weird and it's just no no no no no please don't like i just want to say no that's my that's my [ __ ] you can't you can't okay this is what you've done you've pulled a gun at someone and shot around them then walked off left him alone for days actually harry's in captivity you don't know where he is he's hidden he's hiding yeah where's his card henry's having such a hard life man why are you being such a [ __ ] i'll find him i'll find him don't worry and we will continue our game that we were playing until he dies anyways what what what the hell what the f what's wrong with you why is everyone saying harold who's harold this is a new one harold's the one that you already killed and then no no no there were three cows and now there's two and i i didn't even stand up i i didn't kill any cows i only killed a fox what was the fox's name no that was fungi like fundy but even shittier whoa tommy he was the mascot of lemandberg oh sorry no all right i'm gonna go find henry and we're gonna talk why did you just die nikki me and skeletons are not very good friends sorry just be friends with him i wish i could sorry just bake them a cake there's a fella down there there's another fella down there what's he up to all right i'm almost to the summer vacation house oh wait it already works does it i really don't understand how this kelp works man okay now is it going to go you ready you ready ready ready ready it works oh my god i'm getting wamped right now holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] you don't understand guys guys guys i just got whomped why why is no one more ex why what happened how did you i went up my my my tower i just made and it goes wow tommy where is henry i'm here i think you're patronizing me me no nikki no i think that's really cool i'm proud of you okay thanks i'm gonna make this into a good doorway it's gotta look cool for all the visitors yeah look the people sorry are you streaming something out no no you are on your nicky yeah i'm streaming okay cool one second the people are pog champion so i don't want to read it out in front of the stream something a bit kind of bm if as tetna would say god where is techno these days probably training what i wouldn't do to speak to the blade give him some words of wisdom before his one one versus one he'd really benefit from that you know guys i spoke to dreams mum oh that is the sentence i'm proud to say hello hello yeah no you can't see henry something dude i just needed to stick with him yeah no because the last time you you aimed a gun at his face and that's just really yeah but no no yeah but you can't just apologize to me and then i'll i'll forward it oh i need to take the henry myself i feel bad yeah no you're not allowed to though sorry i don't want you to kill henry henry if you killed henry i would destroy everything would you yeah is he like your son no not now he's my pet we love him that much who's this who's this guy i just didn't want to die oh did you blow up the beach oh no no did i really i just murdered someone on the holy land okay we've got we've got to try and we've got to try and pass this off what did we do what do we do in this situation what do we do in this situation we've got we've already got to try and just get sweep this under the sweep this under the rug all right we've got hide the evidence okay all right let's get rid of these blocks let's get rid of these oh okay let's get rid of these blocks [Music] okay the rest of these [ __ ] we throw them we throw them we get rid of the evidence it was a nothing happened here no one ever mentioned you saw nothing stream okay you 43k give it give me a give me a high smile in chat just give us a little high smile like that that sounds like really innocent [Music] yeah look guys if anyone said if anyone asks go what bracket smile like that everyone do that all right there was no murder on the holy land everything's chill and fine hello sapnap why are you always on mute as i'm typing it's so annoying you're rude so you've just seen this right nothing else right oh no no tell me i saw what happened but wait what happened what happened i saw um someone i was running no no i was just coming up here and then i saw someone jump off this building no there's no murdering in the holy land no dude this holy land is huge what else are you going to build on the holy land tables houses you don't have to crouch in the holy land by the way you went false really yeah are you gonna renovate tubbo's land because it's kind of it doesn't look very good on the whole and it looks um no no it's a it's a it's a it's a um it's a memorial for what not what not the world should be like you know what what the world could have been had what the world shouldn't be like yeah yeah yeah the great war not just a reminder that war war never changes i kind of liked the war to be honest what are you looking at why are you crouching in the holy land well i don't want to fall off i trust people i don't trust myself dude don't crouch in the holy land okay fine fine fine i'm just saying you don't fall really hold w no well if you walk off you do but you don't have to crouch look ch chill what i'm just saying see there was water down there that i placed no that's what god placed you didn't place that i'm gonna look at the damage that i made that doesn't count as attempted murder [Music] did you do this to someone else tommy i'm going to go now i think sap nap where are you going tommy going why'd i just take damage in water i don't know i'm gonna go to the prime shrine and the church prime i'm gonna i'm gonna do my ritual my pre my end of stream i've never seen this yeah okay but i'll go to general too it's the end of stream ritual i didn't say bye it felt bad i'd go back and say bye yeah all right bye nikki i'll rage you soon oh thank all you they know what to do they know the emote to spam are you ready no okay no so it sounds weird they know what's going to happen the pog champs are ready hey did you check your emails for an urgent business i'll check later thank you kate you're not streaming or anything are you no no no you can thank all your church prime time parks actually it's just okay watch pull up the stream okay all right basically basically thank you all for watching the stream i want to say before we end because i don't want to interrupt the other content of the stream basically on twitch okay listen on twitch is a thing called prime twitch prime and everyone has it on twitch and all you have to do is click subscribe and prime and here's the thing it's completely free it doesn't cost you [ __ ] does it cost you anything just because your parents just lost amazon all you have to do is click subscribe and prime and you have it you probably have a prime on your account even if you can just check by clicking the subscribe and the prime that's all you have to do if you want to that's it if you can just check right now look for like seven people just did it look two i saw two there three so guys if you want to if you appreciate this i really thank you for watching the stream don't click off now because i'm gonna raid nikki but i wanted to say if you click subscribe and prime it helps it helps out the stream uh it's literally i think it's it's genuinely free money it's it's like free money because it doesn't cost you anything just across amazon because it's part of amazon prime and you all have a free trial it's very [ __ ] money and this dream does this everyone does this so just click like subscribe and i've got a prime with my dance i've actually had it for like a year hold on do you have a vr headset i do have a vr headset yeah i could actually go on the smp vr to there thank you all so much i apprec again seriously thank you all so much i thought i'd mention at the end of streams now because they were like it's it's silly not to because most people don't even know that like dude i didn't know i had it like a month where if you just click subscribe and prime there's like a big prime button and literally i linked it with my down to amazon and that's it i see it doesn't cost anything extra it says sick it's literally free money some guy just went hey tommy shut the [ __ ] up dude oh my god there was five there one there but you can see the trains of them thank you all so much yeah dude if you click prime if you just check thank you all so so much i appreciate it too there yeah literally it's again again here's the thing here's the thing why it's you can use it on any streamer you don't like my streams don't do it here but you can use it on any streamer and it's literally free money there is no reason not to do it so if you click subscribe and prime dude i'd appreciate that so much thank you all the follows as well thank you so much two there three like you're standing dina extending your sub oh my god look at him thank you all so much one there oh my god the trains dude what's the biggest again that's the thing that's why it's it's like [Music] four because it literally links with twitch dude that's the thing about it because it's free thank you all for watching i don't want to go on about it now i appreciate you all watching the stream i'll be back tomorrow night i'm going to read knee at you [Music] she was on the server go watch her stream thank you all so much for watching i'll be live tomorrow night will i be seeing you all hey thank you thank you for the um two months you go two there to vote you won't like this go back go go to a different culture okay he doesn't like it when we mention primes oh no thank you all for watching i'll be streaming tomorrow i hope to see you all here this is a sex stream we're going to continue with the um with the what's it called area the the the holy land thank you all thank you all so much for the subs dude if you have sub thank you and every month if you have prime it works thank you for watching go watch nikki she's she's great and she's on the smp one minute yeah dude good stream for the books thank you pogchamps okay watch her make sure you leave a follow as well on her channel and if you don't want to prime here go pride to her dude prime to however you want but like as long as you check because it's completely free thank you all so much i'll see you tomorrow yeah yeah yeah all right i'll catch you in a bit goodbye
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 795,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyinnit skyblock, tommyinnit vods, tommyvods, dream, dreamwastaken, dream team smp, dream smp war, dream smp animatic, tommyinnit talks to dreams mom, dreams mom, george talks to dreams mom, minecraft funny moments, minecraft mods, TommyInnit Speaks To DREAM'S REAL LIFE MOTHER.
Id: PIbNA73wIu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 32sec (6752 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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