TommyInnit asks GeorgeNotFound explicit questions

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hey bad boy halo say beach beach oh oh today i asked george not found and bad boy halo very funny questions it was the best boys if you do enjoy them please do subscribe if you watch these vids then it really really helps out the channel and if you like the tommy unit channel stuff then i'm sure you'll like it here all of this stream completely live on twitch so if you enjoy these thoughts do come over to the twitch it's the top link in the description and it really helps out enjoy yeah hey dream what if i killed you right now yeah that is true you literally had your own private you had your own private beach tubbo yeah and yeah say the word me say the word has an ocean house over there on the ocean yeah no no dream in real life turbo has its own beach i really don't that's not how it works it literally you literally had a private beach and i did no anyone can go there you just can't park you ever been on a beach bad boy halo i have oh that's funny what was the name i think it was in california you like sand no i i mean yeah hey what was her name you said you'd been on a beach yeah oh say this say this out loud bad boy halo say each one why just do it just do it go x x x say it loads of time say it loads of times why just do it okay bubble halo say this loads of times four so keep going keep going why don't see this but say this you're trying to trick me into something what does that mean i was nothing hey hey bad boy halo hey bad boy hello can you read this gym term kenny oh jesus oh god oh somebody oh my god wait what i mean i mean to eat their own bad teeth honestly oh bad you you naughty fella welcome to the man bird my friend no i am you're you're on our side now i'd say that might talk no what oh my god oh no no no no no no no no no oh my god wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i have a really good one i have a really good one say this one so this one is going on what's going on no i'm not gonna fall for it i'm gonna set you on fire no yeah that would be ridiculous if you fell for it wouldn't it yeah say that that's a place in britain oh it is as well it's not in england with the funny name george bendova no no no that's not like jesus christ the fairy place i'm pretty sure there is a place called bend over what's the what's the real one the one that we like used that one time oh i'm not saying that one why not it's funny what is it i'll message you your message you guys have such a cool friendship i'm so glad to be a part of it to be a part of this moment hey wilbur why aren't why isn't our friendship like this because we just have war maybe we should just ban war right i'm going to go and get ready for the 16th by gathering sam for dreams gunpowder deliveries okay well i'm gonna go and run okay well okay bye wilbur well let me meet up with the boys who would mind who is basically everyone but dreams i'm a fake boy it's okay we're not going to know we're not going to know that for a while yeah we've had a chalkboard right so all we need now is to work out okay we just need to get everyone on our who's on basically everyone other than dream we need to get kitted out stay there oh it's fine i signed a contract with punk to let him in gave me the invisibility arrow that i used to get you out yeah and and i signed a contract with him so he actually has many more rights over me than i mean to me he was mean to me yeah i i have i have a i'm very persuasive what the does that mean that's creepy hey dream persuade me to vote trump what oh my god he's very persuasive i'm not feeling very persuaded i'll be honest wait i mean you said you're very persuasive i'm putting you putting it to the test is it isn't that bad you call yourself why is it yours and goggi's friendship have more politics and now you show off skaggy now you show up hello it took a while didn't it it took you so long i just woke up from my slumber wow wow it's 9 00 p.m i bet you did holy crap did you wake up at 9 00 p.m hey turbo man we need to get you in okay so just so everyone knows everyone this look i'm stood higher than you look at me oh dude i want the oh that's not fair okay okay i'm still lower than you hey drink it literally just announced that you were planning on betraying all of us anyway boys boys boys we have 10 days to get ourselves kitted to take back this this old lemandberg so we have to spend the night oh yeah well listen to me everyone or something yeah what are you going to say i'll get cranky i'm over here because you know what because now you have to last year i know i'll buy the van we have 10 days yeah to get ourselves kitted we need better crossbows we need better armor we need better bows man i don't even have nether i have so many bows okay that's a good start i have diamonds i'm gonna need more iron we need we need a railway i'm getting nether right let's work on getting you know what we need to vote you know what we need you see this path it's slow yeah we need we need rails we need to rail up this i'm not gonna lie i don't think that's i think horses are very much faster well no the horses won't fizz the horses horses can have some food please someone no no no but the horse is not dude i'm telling you we need a minecart system just trust okay here's the thing everyone already knows where pugtopia is so if we got if we got a minecart rail to puncture tommy tommy cobblestone tommy yes the cartel highway no no those are the cartel sewers heading out what are you talking about bye bye bye bye i'll see you soon wait who's leaving that was that was he didn't convince me to do anything irrational that's true wait okay so listen so here's what we need what are the things that we need now we've got 10 days to do this boys chats as well everyone's chats what do we we need i say we make a railway to pogba so we can get there quick we need weapons for the war if we make a railway to pog topia it means once we've conquered le mansburg we can get back there really quick because we won't have to hide anymore and take the underground tunnel yeah that's true we need we need to we need to scope out the high points of okay so i i say what we started it was a mystery yeah okay so but everyone you need to i'm gonna work on this railway with big q as well i say we get we get better armored tuba you get on bows goggy you just i mean you just i've already got them you just sleep you got it you just get your baby boys we need more we're gonna need everyone full diamond and netherright armor man i no no yes i promote the least amount of stuff all right well then start getting strapped about you have ten days and then we're at water i'll give you a head start tell them i'll give you a head start yeah here you go ah thank you yeah turbo seriously bro this isn't this isn't some anymore my friend we're talking about nations all right here's what we're going to do you you're being a little jerk hey wait awesome dude can i uh can i just speak to you for a minute because you said you said yeah he said he's got something to give me so let's just watch real close stand away hey hey that's my boyfriend you're talking about yeah that's nice i thought george can you just go away george man no i'm just watching just go away go away go away please i'm working for a safe distance so george just go away man you can't just sleep and then come here and be like my name's george oh my god i'm dying oh no oh no oh no they're killing me oh no george no how you you son of a you son of a some i'm ready he's they're going to kiss oh wait no my bad where's george i ran you guys are trying to kill me good what was trying to kill me because you just murdered turbo george one minute wilbur wilbur thank you for the raid of 28 000 viewers boys welcome to the stream we have 10 days now to prepare here's what i say we do here's what i say we do wait boys will everyone just here's what i say we do all right i'm just thinking i i want to make a railway to pugtopia now because we can get there quicker and if we're going to take over the mannburg we want it back i say we make a railway big queue turbo we're going to need batteries just everyone here's here's are the things we need we've got 10 days and this is for everyone's stream i mean everyone here goes live right yeah we've got to get the right armor boys we're going to get potions if we're going to take it back it's it's us versus schlatt and maybe dream we've got a we've got to take it back we can't be don't know please don't railway it yeah because we haven't even railway no we haven't even made it fully turbo i'm mr operation yeah operation pog yeah oh wait no i know operation pog bellion yeah duration speedy bridge you can understand what it is okay yeah all right anyway ten days to do this let's do this tommy take this land back oh wait no no even the only the pogba yeah okay we we have 10 days to think of a better name don't worry no no no pogba's good the pogba i like the pogba what is wrong with them okay so we're going to start the pogba my friends all right so does everyone understand that's what we've got to do if we can get more people tridents more people never right okay good we got this in the bag man okay yeah yeah let's do it all right well big q we've got to make this railway all the way down to manbuk i honestly think a railway would not only help us but make us go quicker should we make it through parktopia yeah we should make it go we don't need to be secretive about hotopian yeah let's dive no no should we make it through hey watch this yeah we're to win mcc big q this is this is when you when you this is called me this is what happens when you give a child a computer in minecraft he does he does this all right well so build it through okay so okay here's what we're gonna need we're gonna need cobblestone we're gonna need iron there's so much we need dude there's so much we need all right let's get started you know what i we need to gather a bunch of cobblestone so you know let's go do it let's go let's go back oh yeah let's go to pug topia hey sam you're going to help us who's on us so it's basically everyone other than schlatt and dream and then one one of the person we think we put some signs up on on the plan room everyone's gone dead quiet other than me and you big q so yeah no no no because they're scared man who's trying to kill me i should say who's on her side to kill him yeah hey george you're gonna be awake for the war this time you're gonna sleep it through huh i thought it would be thanks for all the followers in the primes boys god damn it goddamn damn it doggy tommy i have a question for you and and it might come out of shock but i need to know this for sure before we start working on all of this yes how do i know you're not the traitor because it's talking about okay well you know you have you noticed how this whole le mann bergen mannberg thing the disc war like this whole war has been kind of about like yeah i'm definitely not the traitor do you believe him sam samuel in here i'm here i don't think tommy's a traitor isn't tommy the one we're all rallying behind i still basically have no idea what's going on yeah how could he be the trader i wouldn't you know i wouldn't betray turbo and being the traitor would mean i would have to betray turbo and i wouldn't betray wilbur well all right i think yeah what was it what come to uh come to the uh plan room we have all the names oh also i've got another war i'm about because sapnap's stolen my horse so i need to go and get involved in that tomorrow you lose a pet every other couple days yeah yeah i do i kind of want to traumatize carl we're marrying sabneb anyway we can't just guys we can't just keep going to war guys it's your favorite you guys have watched me in it is only allowed to have wars okay well i've just got a load of cobblestones right dude i love making cobblestone bridges it's so holy cobblestone railways there's nothing better than it the only thing better is probably like hard crack or something yeah what what yeah no sorry the best way to end wars yes is to force whoever is starting wars with you to respect what are you high are you what are you on bro there's only one way to do that we have to kill whoever's inciting the violence who started war who stole your horse all men we have to kill every last man who stole your horse hey sam question for you when was the last time you consumed drugs a while ago when a few hours ago i drank a strength spot like a minute ago yeah what does that equate to in uh in real life is that like a weed well no never never got any classes yeah any classes turbo only just class days on this private beach what the hell's a class say a class a drug uh classes yes yes what's your favorite class a drug mine oh god i'm speeching right now i'm spiritually stop killing me i've been having this conversation there you've just been trying to kill me this whole time i have i just want to shoot you i'm going to come and kill you doggy keep going keep going what's the worst he's going to do wait what did you just say doggy i really i really want to know what an std is no one's telling me and i feel like you're the man for the job i don't know what that is what is an std what is an std really i have no idea have you encountered one in your lifetime i don't know i don't know have you what is that no i don't i don't know i don't know okay i think something what this is something about the other day burn i don't know what it was what doggie what does contraception mean oh yeah he was telling us hi contraception yeah yeah i mean i mean as as three teenagers me big you and turbo i actually don't know yeah no our schools over here do not teach us yeah what is yeah what is consciousness it might be a bit mean okay say it say it i don't know if i can say it okay what is it no i know what the joke is oh i can predict it we're going predicted wait wait no wait no wait it looks like it's your joke you can no no no no it's just wait you're gogging it bad boy bad boy i'm not how do i know if i'm a virgin goodbye you i know i know you're playing boy halo are you going through a tunnel there were no tunnels when we sat still what we're not moving anywhere hey bad boy halo hey bad boy halo what oh he only responds when i say hey boy what do you want quackity what is what what's what's come how much chinese food did you order the other day bye what i want what else hey i asked how much chinese food you ordered the other day um what are you talking oh yeah for those who weren't there bad boy halo went on a run on how i am i started telling him my chinese would order and he started calling me fat and stupid ordering so much chinese food you literally i told you my order you said you said oh you're up there huh come back on the server come back on the server me yeah my game crashed back up doggy was gonna kill me though i was nowhere near you doggy what is an std tell the girl no i'm not saying what is an std i don't know what is it uh tommy what are your uh let's give me your chords please i'm googling it that's td um what is it what is it and how do you get it specifically how do you get it is it like a pokemon can we trade them like this it's like a pokemon pokemon can you trade an std yeah i think you can see it says it's a super technical technological device a technological device so it could be a computer i have a bunch of stds at home but it says it can also be wait really no no i'm just reading the definition it says it could be a computer or phone but it could also be aids which is audio inspired device system i have speakers at home or this is awesome or hiv a helpful intelligent vehicle oh i don't have a smart car what is that like a tesla yeah a tesla do you have an hiv i don't have one i don't think i get one why not because i don't have a driver's license why how old are you why yeah are you like in your 30s you gonna drive bro what's the point of having hiv if you can't drive yes well i don't have hiv what's the point of having hiv if you don't have a license come on man you don't have hiv he literally just said you didn't go now i know what std is what's your favorite std no no i think no no cool so i like tesla's teslas are awesome yeah tesla's all cool yeah wait that's my question why wasn't i taught this in school yeah hey bad boy hello i was this belong there you know yeah belongs to you know her you know who you know my name i just didn't know i'll kill this dog all right save all your stuff and now you're going to kill a dog well i saved half of it please come back on the server hey goggy hello if you weren't if you weren't doing minecraft what would you be studying in school right now well i already finished school probably something about stds i keep forgetting you're like i'm not in my 30s chat what do we ask him how old are you uh i'm 20. jesus christ do not come on to kill me oh it's a boat tough boat it's tubber why did you say it like that george get in the boat get the boat right click the boat doggy i have a very serious question for you yeah okay why does it revolve around you aiming a loaded bow at me it doesn't goggy what is sex shop where you can buy um used electronics from whoa whoa what kind of electronics are we talking about corgi stds laptops no no that's that's different to what i'm asking i'm what about this one oh i thought you were about the other one no i was not about that one oh okay um let me google that one again you should you should go on images you need to go on images i will no no um sacred oh wow i'm one button press away from being pun banned on twitch oh my god how do i burn my eyes oh no you're not allowed no you're not allowed to do that you didn't get your parents permission wow why are you aiming a bow at me again it's a bow standstill i'm standing still that's like an angel joke george wait you see this grass in front of you yeah he just i think he just gave this block of grass and std what because i see them when in town and i i always want to go in we're just going have you ever been in your house can you read out my whisper to you george can you read out my whisper to you i don't know how to read i just love pets and i just want to know what doggy style means what does that mean what is going on what is what is doggy style what is what does that mean like what is this you don't understand doggy we're all teenagers so we don't really know i'm not a teenager yeah i know but we are you're old you're like 30. so you need to so you need to help us these things we don't know about you you're like throwing up just tried to murder me again sct stands for super tasty donuts wow oh nice would you like some stds please at least you were honest at least you were honest the waterpad is having a field day right now goggie what's wattpad um it's uh it's a website where people write stories what kind of stories um the good stories he was trying very hard just then not to insult the walk pad writers i would never whoa wasn't it birds and bees what do you mean tommy tommy i'm streaming too you know go in go in the air and i'm gonna try to shoot you he's like one of those clay pigeon enemies okay okay okay okay okay i gotta light this up i gotta line this up well he just zipped out of existence how am i gonna hit that i don't know oh there it is get him get him oh my aim is abysmal i passed the ball i'll hit him close close that one was close i will hit you he just zooms too fastly zoom in i wish i could zoom he's so far so high oh he's coming down he's there cocky what's a condom okay why do you have so many questions because you are a knowledgeable man ah can you i'll pick up my stuff please i got it because you know a lot because you're like 30 because you're like 30. you want to know what condom stands for no just what is it george well does it stand for the college of notre dame of maryland really apparently okay i just google your your question hey george hey george what's up what's a longer a what does that mean lingerie longer a i'm pretty sure that's where you wash your clothes what actually is that let's do that lingerie that is definitely where you wash your clothes george would you ever release george did you get my stuff what stuff my stuff that just exploded out of my body when i fell to my death while playing around with oh you died i also died on top of them oh my god oh my god oh why are you guys so bad at this game well to be fair i will be flying with him over and over again oh come on nikon you're making a little bit of a dick george yeah george first you're not telling us about these and then you're not telling us about your stds and now you're being addicted to it's just not on he did tell me if i wanted some stds he's straight up he's the man why already what it stands for he's packing hey george god how old are you guys you're 12. oh my god wait wait what was that we didn't have to start imposing a minimum age on this server wait no that's only gonna affect me and tommy that is that's the ambiguous big q's 19th so he's still like a child yeah yeah let's let's let's wait wait i actually don't understand what's so bad about what i said wait what did you say again this conversation cannot be real what the is ah what's an orgasm oh my god what is wrong with you oh my god we don't know what that what does it stand for i can google it if you would like yeah i just don't know do you know big q what that's like when a fruit or vegetable isn't like processed you know like like yeah yeah that's that's why i went on went on like fruit or vegetable packets it says like orange cookies nothing comes up when i uh george george george george help me help me help me help me there's a skeleton i'm gonna die i just really hope my mum isn't watching this stream where are you i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm glad we have george to teach us thank god we have goggy instead of going to this lesson which they did teach this in i think what would we do without gogy yeah goggy is our savior true did i already ask what birth control was uh i don't think so what is birth control no just what is birth stop there what the i mean if we want to know what birth control is we it's we really have to start with birth what's birth so birth is when how wide something is no no don't answer because you obviously don't know okay where are you getting this information do you see how wide something is yeah like like like the birth of a ship is like no but you obviously aren't educated like goggy so please next time when you talk hey george i have a question when i sold my youtubes people were saying they were going to put in a jar why is that i think that's too um like so it's in like an airtight seal so it doesn't fade and stuff over time i think the color was only bleached by sunlight yeah but when it's in a jar there's no air so the light can't go through air you're so good who's your favorite politician i don't know any politicians specifically american yeah who would you running for president dougie what are your thoughts on boris he's johnson i've cracked the color he is blonde he's like you he's blonde oh my god i never really put two and two together before you got done is that what i remind you of maybe i know yeah first thing that comes to mind when you think boris johnson it's tommy in it isn't it no it's gotta be yeah you might be good at running the country what just happened what the hell what the heck when someone just donated something that i don't know what it means what was it what did they do i love dogs my favorite dog is raw dog what does that mean oh yeah i genuinely mean hot dogs eat dogs but like i like hot dogs i actually had hot dogs for bonfire at night we had like yeah it was awesome goggy what's a thong uh i think that's what australians call flip-flops no no a thong is like a thing but a big thing so they have to like expand it like dawn like like like when you see a museum lizzy you're like oh that that is big i don't what i swear is there a setting for this on twitch called where like where you flick it and it's like this channel is made for mature audiences i think i'm not mature that's why i'm asking goky yeah i don't actually know what any of this means what happens stop shooting me i just want to you're being rude tubbo i'm providing all this information for you free of charge and you're shooting me can you lend me your sword awesome dude just lend it to me oh you suck wait sam can i fly with the trident please why'd you do that you missed the spot where does this rail right that was an uh move what's your favorite uh stop shooting me what's your favorite std goggy i think he already answered are you george what what's yeah why isn't only fans i don't know what is that what is the normally i don't know we're asking you goggie i don't want to be a beacon of knowledge of knowledge no i actually don't know what that one is i think you do i think you're lying to us no i don't know i fell good stay down shooting me but do you have any spare iron i have seeds and that is all do you have any spare iron do i have spare iron hey did you know if you arrange the words in goggy it spells orgy what does that mean it doesn't does i don't know how to spell what is someone just told me do you have any spare iron yeah i have a question sometimes i'm driving down the you know down the street and i see a shop with a huge sign that says toys but i i try going in because i love toys but they won't let me in do you know why you're probably too old like the children yeah oh okay that makes sense where do we go if you want toys um oh i just destroyed your row oh i fixed it uh where do you go if you want toys amazon is this like the sponsored segment no everyone has a free amazon prime subscription on prime video watch watch uh new amsterdam good tv show i like it prime video huh on the phone well it's all just linked together you're selling out he's still what does that even mean i actually haven't been given any money tavo sold out did i totally just sold out how much was i worth doggy you cannot buy me where's the why did bad boy halo go on your stds i really wish i'd have played the able sisters theme for this whole thing but i wish i wish bad boy halo was indefined for this he would be yeah get him to come back can you get him back please do you have his phone number i don't yeah if we will type bad boy halo in the chat then he'll it will get his attention to speak to us we'll get him to speak to us why don't i ring him on discord so he hears do it tell me if he doesn't do not disturb come back to vc2 why why please hey george could you ask him he's going to come back someone just asked wait wait wait george someone just asked me what you obviously don't know what was the question what your bdsm test results are what is that what kind of test is that hey bad bad george has some questions for you okay well i think quacky has some questions for you actually oh i do i do all right so first i know if i want to talk to quackity what why that's offensive i think that's kind of awesome what the heck he was being mean what the just just answered his questions i just have a few questions man that was kind of up baby george asked them to me george you're safe yeah uh on behalf of me ask bad boy halo what doggie style means i still don't know uh bad boy halo uh-huh quackity wants to know what doggy style means in that like harry style whoa yo it's still out man jesus no like i think harry's style is like harry potter style halo what's harry potter style std assabner he knows i told you why does everyone say that what did he say he said he knows that's what everyone answers knows a lot about them i told you really yes i'm not like how do you know hey george what's up booty call um hey george what's your booty it's your bum it's it's about no it clearly didn't happen very inappropriate you know those abandoned shipwrecks that you can find the chests inside of them with all the good stuff that's the boosie oh my god so what does booty call mean it's when um i mean this time it's typically it's when you're like speed running with like a friend you call out that there's the blue have you been on a booty call for dream when you're speedrunning with him i mean i haven't actually done that with room before because is it cheating like the one time we speed around together we didn't find a shipwreck but otherwise i suppose we would have oh cool interesting got to know these things sometimes people say them and i don't know what that means yeah and it's kind of upsetting this is like a really educational hey by the way big q i recommend playing this song for the uh the rest of your stream oh i forgot i wasn't even playing anything is that able to say that girl tells me about booty call i'm gonna tell her uh i'm gonna say taught me what one oh do you wanna actually never mind i was gonna give you a song to play but then i remembered it's copyrighted oh my god how do you spell avenue why because i need to send someone my address and i can't hey what's your address no no no no no no shut up hey doggy what's your address it's um you don't know where i thought you knew my address can i have it yeah i'll dm it to you he actually doesn't know how to read you're gonna have to tell it to him yeah what are you gonna send me i'll buy you so much crap on amazon i kind of want to buy ubereats can you send me your address please wait me no well yeah all of you okay i'll buy you guys a meal really yeah you could just paypal me the money i heard there's no no literally yes sam what's your address oh yeah sure i'll say it out loud can i have your address please out loud yeah good luck with the rest hey george i have one last question this is the last question from you right yeah what does spit or swallow mean does that mean uh that's my last question what does that mean yeah what does that mean i think it is like you spit and then it swallows it like water yeah or like you know like you put water around and you spit it out because you're laughing so hard that that spit oh dude i love laughing really loud swallow is the kind of crying emoji yeah oh jesus hey oh hey tubby without you what would we what would we do without you george oh look there's a man what will we do without you gogging no don't worry genuinely feel 10 times smarter now that i've talked to george yeah well if you have any other questions you can let me know and i can try my best what's hentai see that's a question that's better towards bad boy halo oh yeah is he in the game hold on what's his i want to ask him something he's on team speak talking with dreams oh man he's very important important what's more important what that is i wonder what they're doing oh it must be so important let me let me just are you jealous doggy no were you not invited i'm sorry i'm you've been mistaken you'll do this again you'll be fine you'll be fine but i didn't want to see that have you ever googled something you didn't want to google george no no i'm always prepared for the presidential election what timber who do you support the most honestly don't know anything who is your favorite president president garfield 20th president of the united states whoa he's my favorite well over obama i have no idea what obama did if i'm honest to him damn them whatever you think about boris johnson tubber blonde i don't know that's a good tummy in it blonde i mean technically but not for vision wow you are so much you are so many steps ahead of humanity i'm just yeah it's like a disguise it's really hot in my room right now open a window it's cold outside i promise my windows are open and i'm freezing but i can't be bothered to get up and close them i'm just watching them well that's your problem don't complain about them well you have a problem as well it was really cold and now it's kind of hot hey george you're in game right i'm gonna whisper you something because yeah it's just another question but i don't know you can read it out full of questions well we just need to know more because you've not we don't this is our this is quite a when we're streaming this is when we learn the most about ourselves i've found that is just not become a bad mate no that is you that's why well i've i've learned the most about me when wilbur goes you suck i go he's right i do suck um oh this is a tough one yeah what does it mean what does it mean but instead of an o it's an it's another letter yeah i think i think that might just be a typo i've never seen that word before okay okay so honestly i think they meant pogging i think wait would it wait okay well big q i'm going to rage you now that's why i didn't say it so how do i title this without getting demonetized george wait what is it what is it okay bye boys oh that was a lot of fun um boys gents thank you all very much for watching the stream hype training coming up go high pop go high put big q thank you all for watching i'm going to be live probably most days this week uh prepping up for the big stream uh i've got a cool second channel video i think i'm gonna go make it now um i hope you're i think that's gonna be pretty cool when you see that the people you're gonna like that video uh the people it's gonna shock you boys this is a fun stream we have too many viewers to raid oh god i suffer from success i mean i truly do i'm gonna go watch big q stream i'll be there in a stream so if you want to keep watching me thank you so much for watching um this was so fun uh thank you boys so much for tuning in to the streams for the minute it's crazy to have this many of you here but if you do enjoy the dream sb stuff i usually read the donors and interact with you a lot more on those streams so i'm sorry i haven't been uh on today's stream but thank you all so much for watching uh and all the followers and i'll see you all later good night
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Rating: 4.9700055 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyinnit skyblock, dream, dream smp, dream team, tommyinnit dream smp, dream minecraft, tommyinnit vods, tommyvods, dream war, dream team smp, tommyinnit dream, twitch stream, the meeting dream smp, tommyinnit dream war, dream betrays tommyinnit, tommyinnit war with dream, tommyinnit vs dream, minecraft funny moments, tommyinnit asks georgenotfound explicit questions, badboyhalo swearing, tommy asks george questions
Id: WUcPmVuTDb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 49sec (2989 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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