Brandon Novak - Steve-O's Wild Ride! Ep #87

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hey everybody and welcome to a sober wild ride with stevo man i gotta say that this week's guest brandon novak has got to be the most recklessly honest guest we have ever had i'm asking the guy about prostituting himself for drugs and he's like oh yeah you want to know about every little gross sex act he pulled you just stay tuned okay you stay tuned right here and where is right here for me um balls deep in my bucket list tour baby and you know what that means i don't have time to go get harassed in some restaurant no no no no i'm not even leaving my tour bus at the venue to get my food and how am i gonna get food like this delicious tomato soup that's nice and hot still door dash baby and boy do i have a deal for you if you want to knock it off your sofa and just order up the dopest meal of your choosing plus get 25 off your first order of 15 or more and no delivery fees up to a value of 10 bucks all you gotta do baby is download the doordash app and use the promo code stevo that's right they love the wild ride podcast listeners so and one more time that's 25 off your first order of 15 or more up to a value of 10 if you download the door dash app and use the promo code stevo so enjoy some door dash beast and let's get into it okay dude so we're rolling everywhere i'm okay over here rolling locks yeah okay rolling on everything see he's gonna forget about it well hopefully we can start it there yeah okay ladies and gentlemen brandon novak yeah yeah yeah i'm really stoked to be here man well dude we're stoked to have you you know we didn't make it clear on previous podcasts that this is actually our tour bus it's still a wild ride if anything it's even wilder um well if you see this in the background that's the tour bus right and you're on said tour right and i'm so excited that we for the first time are sitting down with a guest who has been present at one of the shows on our bucket list tour it's um and we just got done performing right now yeah it's having known you through a lot of years and a lot of experiences and and and great memories i never walk away um feeling like i didn't get what i was hoping for um when we were getting loaded it was insanity and and i've been locked in some hotel rooms with you where you would not let us leave um and this was that but like on angel dust you know like i didn't want to watch it but i couldn't not watch it and i i found myself like laughing uncontrollably a lot of times well thanks dear tonight i i want to [ __ ] kind of [ __ ] doggo okay i got like this intimate feeling from him because he like really took care of you and and and comforted you in a really extreme time right well doggo you want to explain who doggo is dog was the guy who was strapped to my back while i was butt naked and furiously jerking off in the airplane before i blew the load as i fell out with doggo on my back um and we just it was great to have you at the show and it was great that that was the biggest audience i've ever performed stand up for as a headliner it's funny because the the last show i went to uh you were at the smaller venues comedy club and you have to like um order drinks or food right at the table it's like going to a strip joint you can't go there and not give money right it's called a two drink minimum yeah which i get but the caveat in that plan tonight was that i just ate before i got here and i'm like [ __ ] i don't really want so when i got here and saw that that wasn't the deal hey i was really stoked right then when i saw the crowd and i've you know you're a sober guy i'm a sober guy and you got sober years before me but i've always watched what you've done and uh you've provided me with a lot of like uh motivation and and kind of self-assurance in myself through believing in what you're doing so to see you transition from those small you know two drink minimum joints to these sold out arenas it just continues we're not an arena but that's the goal yeah we gotta speak it to existence right thank you dude and we don't have to harp on about how amazing the performance was you know we can get into other things dude there's a lot i want to talk to you about can i start at the beginning with you guys when did you guys meet what's your timeline together uh first time that we met i'm gonna guess it was um probably like in the filming of was it jackass number two that you came into the scene was it it was two is when i came to the scene but remember the gumball rally was that before yeah but i wasn't on your gumball rally i don't think when we went out we destroyed that car i feel like that was the first night we really hit it off okay i don't know which came first but that was a jackass number two situation yeah so so i guess the filming of were you not on viva la bam yeah you weren't there yeah you were totally yeah all right well i think that the first time i remember would have been uh like the day when they brought like a snowblower into like april's house and it was like ski down the stairs that's that that you're right that was the first initial meeting and dude it's your [ __ ] fault dude that i got that uh awful baby tattoo because i remember the [ __ ] fall because that day when they filled the house with snow and you went skiing down the stairs and flew through the screen door it was that same day and i think it was the first day that we met when i saw your your tattoo of two male rollerblades rollerbladers like having missionary gay sex and it was i was just like dude that is the most aggressive i remember yeah like hilarious tattoo and then like you were i was like i gotta one-up that and i remember when that was like my motivation and you did you did you did it and then people were like he did like stephen we love you we're your fan but yeah because you were like you were writing a book at the time you're like i'm going to use that for the cover of my book oh i don't know that i was writing a book you had some kind of book i was always working on a book but um but it was never like a real serious thing until after i got sober but nonetheless like you were [ __ ] steps and eons ahead of me as far as like the fame with jackass so i was just taking it vicariously through you wanting my tattoo on your book like i'll [ __ ] ride that hotel let's do it yeah dude and uh i mean it's nice to say you were a mess you know i mean you haven't been like very open about your struggles with with uh with drugs and alcohol i thought maybe we could kind of peer into this um so so you are super candid about it and um like as somebody who follows you on social media like it seems that that um like all the time you're posting hey if you need help like with with your issues with addiction yeah then call me yeah and you include a phone number there is that actually your number in your pocket like it would be ringing all day so i have two phones that i carry around one is that number and if i don't answer that like if it doesn't work with what i'm doing like right now then it goes through to a team of people that help aid and assist that person with whatever their situation is okay what's the success rate of somebody calling you and getting help and staying sober i mean not that there's a percentage but is it common i mean do people actually go through on yeah totally you know what it's you have to weed it out it's i mean scott knows better than like everything success rates in general with addiction are like they're just terrible yeah it makes it very undesirable if you look at the stats like you just think you're fighting the unwinning calls yeah that's how i felt when i first heard the statistics and i was in rehab in 1995 and i was only 20 years old and i was like wait 95 of the alcoholics don't get sober like then why would i even bother and the statistics kept me loaded totally but then once i was ready yeah i could argue that the statistics kept me sober because i knew that the odds were so against me that i had to just like do everything in my power to give myself an advantage and and it really like made me take it seriously and so i stayed in sober living until i had two years i did all this stuff to like really give myself the advantage and and that's you know really why i'm still around that's my [ __ ] approach exactly like you know obviously i i i [ __ ] i loved drugs and alcohol i couldn't get enough right dude let's not say that in the past tense read me [ __ ] dude yeah i would love to get it but now it's like i i get off on like the sobriety part of it right it's the kind of the closest connection that i have with that past so it works for me so me i like you i remember going to treatment like this half of the room's dead this is half of the room look to your right your left well two of those are dead i'm like right now they okay look around there's 12 of you only one of you is going to make it that's like that's what the statistics are dude why am i wasting admire your times [ __ ] get loaded and i do that and so when i got sober i'm like dude [ __ ] statistics because the statistics state that i should be high or dead right now and i'm not and it defies odds and logics so like if i can do it why the [ __ ] can't you right i think that the problem is that the statistics are for like alcoholics and addicts at large whereas like when people actually get serious about recovery and start doing the things that we do then all of a sudden the statistics are a whole different deal yeah yeah they don't even exist really yeah if you get into this program of recovery and do the things we do then it's a pretty simple process yeah but let me ask you this because it's something that that occurs to me kind of a lot you know being someone who follows you like how just about every post that you put on instagram like it almost invariably is related to your recovery yeah and then and and so i think my question is how many people have expressed concern that like whoa you know like you're putting it out there so much that like we worry about you sure some have right like the people that are pretty close to me have because i because i identify as one of those people i i think man like novak's putting it out there so much like as like his identity yeah that like it feels like you know i'm like scared like i i just worry about it well thank you for that right like that that's what friends are for yeah i do um and for me i kind of treat it as like a an added layer of safety right like i'm such an extremist and i'm such a [ __ ] all or nothing that it kind of adds a little more to like the what helps keep me like wanting to do this like i could easily sneak and let myself down and no one will know so it's like jumping out of a plane with two parachutes as opposed to one if that makes any sense i mean i just think like here's what creeps me out and it creeps me out so much when i heard that um the people with the highest rates of relapse are people who work in recovery yeah i mean it's so counterintuitive if you imagined that like like you know the people who died of cancer the most were doctors who worked with cancer patients it's like you should know right right it's it's counterintuitive absolutely terrible example with the cancer thing but um but it just makes me like think you know like i want to be so careful to not ever like professionalize yeah let that become the identity of the industry right dude i had this one experience where uh what like i i got i got uh hired to go um to a university and they did i was to just do an on stage q a about mental health and i didn't even think about it either paying me like you know an obnoxious amount of money to go out and like answer questions i'd go on stage and like and and very quickly every question that they asked me about mental health my answer i would find was like oh well you know i kind of only really know like like addictions i can't speak to you know like like all the various mental health issues but like you know i see everything kind of through the prism of of just like you know addiction and alcoholism and recovery and then like very quickly i realized oh my god like i'm here getting paid to share the message of recovery and the scariest thing of all was after i got done i i had this thought flash through my mind which was oh well dude if everything dries up and comedy doesn't work out and like this or that like i mean i suppose i could go around getting paid to talk about recovery and then i was like no you know i'm like that's that's what scares me the most sure i you know the two things that i know about in this world uh is skateboarding and and drugs and alcohol like that's kind of what i i know and i love the most and dude by the way you are [ __ ] skateboarding dude i'm so impressed by the the video you showed me before again and i'm not trying to suck you off live on this show but seeing the clips that you send me and i'm like dude this is because when i got sober i wanted no part of skateboarding because i felt like it was the love that i let get away have you surpassed a younger you yeah i'm excited that's been my goal like like in my i was like man in my 40s if i can out skate every younger version of me that's yeah that's i mean i have a video part coming out that is by far the best part i've ever put out at 42. right right i'm still learning tricks um i'm in the best shape i've ever been in like physically but we have to fight so hard to get a trick i saw your post of the day when you slammed like a kick flip i could relate to like i saw in your face i'm so sure yeah i need a walker for like five days after i skate it's not it's tough it's a lot i can't flip the board much these days um steve have you surpassed the old school yeah i there are certain things that i just will never be able to do again that i could do at a certain time you know but what i've been going after and like when i try to get a new trick it's such a battle but the tricks that i have gotten are things that i either have never done before or are like way bigger versions of something i've done before so like i have outskated myself but leaving out a bunch of stuff that i could never do that i could do before i noticed that i i start really kind of talking myself out of things that i could probably do like oh well it's pretty dicey i could get hurt where before that was never the mind frame it was like do first think last now i'm kind of being really cautious overly maybe mm-hmm [Laughter] and i just did that again i have coughed towards you every time in your life that is on the podcast okay but hey he's counting so dude like here's another question when you were in the throes of addiction you know actively shooting up as much as he possibly could yeah like how did you not get like aids and [ __ ] were you like sharing needles and should you just get super lucky man how do you not get aids when you're sharing needles is that a question or what plus brandon novak has no problem telling you exactly what the answer is and i got no problem telling you how i don't get sick on tour because i take care of my hydration man and my vitamins and how do i do that with liquid iv this doesn't just make you more hydrated and healthier it tastes absolutely delicious i got all these killer flavors you know what i'm going for today strawberry baby and so i just take one stick a little packet of liquid iv drop it into 16 ounces of water and boom it's like i drank three 16 ounces of water that's what i'm talking about man and convenient 16 ounce can of liquid death makes it real easy to just drop that all in there this is how i start my day man and with extra hydration extra vitamins i don't worry about getting sick because i can't be missing shows on my tour hell no all right so if you go to liquid and use the promo code stevo you get 25 off of anything you want to get and trust me you want to get it so to get that 25 off of anything you want to order at use the promo code stevo baby and never miss a show never get sick and keep rocking on tour yeah dude now let's talk about not getting aids my newest book that came out there's a chapter called the aids needle that i shot up with and like things got really bad i'm living in these abandoned houses in east baltimore and i remember i was doing my deal and the needle uh jammed up right and it's like the middle of the night and it's so i'm look on this floor and it's just polluted with all these dirty needles used needles and i literally kind of process of elimination looked for the one that was the least used this one doesn't have aids on it this one does this one but this one probably out of all of them might not like this is my best shot of it no like don't you give yourself a pretty good chance if you just flush it through with water bleach blade okay but even water would help right because what it is about hypodermic needles that makes it so uh dangerous for hiv is that in that hollow needle in there it the the hiv virus is not exposed to air like on a tattoo needle it's a solid needle so everything's exposed to air it's very difficult to get aids from that at that point in time my life i had no idea of any of that knowledge that wasn't my reference you know it was just flush through i'm just like sick let's let's do it right and um and i i used the needle and you're making it sound like it was one night you're telling me you never should i know i did but this is the one time where like i thought like i i definitely just got it right like it was one time that was really stuck out above all the other times that i've shared needles right and uh and i've done it often at that point in time so a few months later on the line i'm sick and there's this place it's kind of like a health clinic and they're paying you uh 30 to get blood work done so they pay you 30 to get the blood work done and then they give you 10. or then no i'm sorry they give you 20 to come back and pick the results up so it's a medical study and they're testing like different ways of uh they want the drug addicts to come in a to get tested so they know they'll do that with the money and then the 20 on the back end to pick it up to get the the results so when you come in they're also giving you clean needles clean because they're it's kind of a harm reduction deal right and and uh i think there's a great many addicts that just don't want to know if they have hiv or not and so that's they give they're really paying you 20 bucks to inform you because should the addict know that they have hiv then maybe they'll be a little bit more responsible about spreading it ignorance is no longer bliss right point proven so i i get i go 30 bucks let him take a test cool no no intentions ever to go back and get the results because i'm [ __ ] you're like dude i don't need 20 bucks that bad no i'm living in a dumpster until one day i needed the 20 bucks that bad right so i go back were you so scared terrified and they they they give me the 20 and the doctors and i said look doctor please i beg you just don't tell me if i have hiv you can tell me anything else just give me it all but that and he says well the good news is you don't have hiv but the bad news is you have hepatitis c and i [ __ ] high-fived him he's like what the [ __ ] oh yeah i remember when uh i went like i had my family all like um giving me a hard time about my lifestyle and my addiction and i was like look i'm gonna go to this [ __ ] uh executive health program like uh and get the most comprehensive checkout known to man because dr drew told me about it yeah it wasn't even covered by insurance because it was just so like extra yeah i'm like i'm gonna get tested every [ __ ] test you can possibly if i come back healthy then you guys get off my back and i was just like dude of course i'm going to come up clean so i go i go up uh get all these tests and then the doctor calls like hey i need to give you your results in person oh that's like that's a horrible sign so i go in there and i'm thinking [ __ ] man like what what what is like what's wrong with my word i'm scared for you right now i go into the doctor's office and i'm like doc is it my wiener you know like i said like i'm thinking like i've got some terrible std he goes no your weiner's fine and i'm like whoa he says oh no it's your heart he says you've got a heart condition he's you've got the heart of an 80 year old man oh wow i don't see you living to the age of like 40 or something like that and i was like who that high five yeah right [ __ ] my heart my wiener is cool i'll [ __ ] my way into heaven yeah and then it turned out that uh that i would like i had very like borderline cardiomyopathy like minor so did you do anything you're good i think my heart's good dude hey how do you get into shooting dope i mean i know it's obvious like did you start with viking and you went to oxy and then you're like [ __ ] it's just cheaper to get heroin or like what's the psychology because not a lot of people but not a lot of people decide to inject in their vein like what was that decision like the first time injecting into your veins so no i didn't start with the pills it kind of went from you know the herb to the blow to i sold i did grateful dead tour for a little bit and wait what year 96 95 95. jerry died in 95. yeah well i was supposed to be no yeah because i was supposed to be at the last show they played unbroken chain at at charlotte coliseum which is where i got arrested so i didn't get to see him play the song so definitely 95 because i was at that show and before my reference of years is [ __ ] but that was the first time i was arrested at 17 and in mecklenburg i ended up going to mecklenburg state penitentiary because you're an adult at 17 from the [ __ ] grateful dead show but point being is when i got into dead tour i got into it for selling drugs and like making good money not sure for the music me too man i went to every single show on the east coast 94 tour of the grateful dead what kind of drugs are you going to do probably maybe then but a little right after so i might have just missed you i mean dude i would show up to the show like with my car on fumes you know yeah i had i had to use car it'd be on fumes and i would like go like do a backflip for like you know like a buck or something like five backflips for a dollar and then i was like okay cool like i've got five bucks and then i would like for five bucks i would go to a dead head and get like three hits of assets yeah and then i would take each hit of acid and go sell them for five bucks now i've got 15 bucks and then i would take that 15 bucks and go buy like an eight of wheat that's it and then like once i ate the wheat i would sell that for like [ __ ] 30 bucks and now i got 30 bucks and i go and [ __ ] buy a bag of mushrooms it's just a constant come up so i was riding for pal at the time and i would go and i'd have boxes of boards and i'm just selling boards on the lot trading them for tickets no you name it yeah and so you're a fan of grateful dead music yeah i love it i know that i listen to it more now with my age i'm just kind of at that point i love it dude i've kind of come back i missed the whole fish era that didn't really do it for me because i did dead tour so i was like yeah that might but anyway so i'm i meet up with this guy out of san francisco who who lays uh grams of acid lays crystal grams so we're getting like 20 10 packs at a time books 10 packs of sheets of water so that's how that hits whether like a sheet has a hundred years this is a thousand in a book okay so i'm getting like this guy's coming with the raw gram and he's actually laying it in a hotel and me and a couple other dead you know we go in and i get this paper one night and the guy who's gonna buy a few books doesn't have all the cash but he has some heroin how much would a book be for me at that at that level where i was getting it right from the guy in the grams like three four hundred bucks and then how much do you make of that for a thousand thousand hits and this is back in 95. a thousand hits or five bucks a hit that's 5 000 to your turn to see more than 10 times in your money easily but i wasn't doing that i was still selling it in books for like 800 and still doing great because we have so much if you get caught with a book if you get caught they charge with attempting to overthrow the government with them i mean dude they're like the grateful dead tour there are still people in prison yeah the grateful dead drew was just a [ __ ] left a just in its wake just people in prison for decades yeah it was gnarly how did you how do you know that your documentary i don't know if it was a documentary but we're just friends you know facts it's [ __ ] it's widely known i didn't care about overthrowing the government but i know that like like a lot of acid if you've got lsd that's a [ __ ] heavy crime it's serious how long do you go to jail for if you get caught overthrowing the government i don't know that's true i'm starting the government but is it because it's live beheaded it's like you can brainwash people to or something like that but we still didn't get to the heroine yeah so i sold this guy to the back of the hair and the heroine and if you didn't know and here we go if you need help call me um i i i you're buying books yeah we have a guy flying in from san francisco who's laying raw grams and and that leaves us with lots of books and uh one night this guy was short on the cash so he gave us some heroin and i was like cool whatever paid no mind to it what kind of heroin tar no yeah he flew in from san francisco we were in baltimore so it was like just white raw dope not like the west coast chiva tar and i just put it in my sock drawer like totally didn't think about it forgot about it a few days later we're catching the greyhound bus to i forget what show it was we were jumping back on tour and my buddy's like you got the dope and i'm oh yeah cool so in my mother's bedroom at my mother's house at six just turned seventeen how much job was it it was like 200 bucks worth okay so what's that like um maybe like a a gram of raw heroin so you don't get a lot there um but we did it and i instead you started snored it and instantly threw up so that continued on but how i went from that to shooting it was well because snorting it's just [ __ ] wasteful did you like it when you started it yeah i loved it yeah but you be you build a tolerance yeah right and you need more and you got to spend more and spend more to to get that same high and starting like everybody does harem for the first time they're like i would never never shoot up but then you're snorting it or smoking it and like you develop a tolerance it's not getting it and you're like [ __ ] man like and then i'm heroin and i just like i can't not shoot up because it's just not economical and i want to actually get that feeling stronger and then someone like me comes along and says dude if you [ __ ] shoot up like a half of a dime bag you'll be just as high as sniffing that 300 and you know what i mean and so all of a sudden shooting up is not so taboo anymore do you ever shoot anybody up for their very first time no i wasn't good at i could do me but how do you learn how to shoot up i got some words of wisdom for you don't shoot up how about that yeah and you want some real wisdom let me tell you the saying i heard the only beverage of the wise man is water and you can get your water in a super cool looking tall boy can that looks just like a beer and is infinitely recyclable from liquid death telling you ma'am it's the easiest way to stop drinking a bunch of super unhealthy soda to switch to liquid death sparkling water and you're not just making a healthy choice for yourself you're making a healthy choice for mother earth man because the environment is getting devastated by plastic which is why infinitely recyclable cans from liquid death are saving the world and i'm telling you man i'm a lot healthier because i'm drinking a lot more water staying hydrated in the mornings with my liquid death spring water and drinking my liquid death sparkling water throughout the day now you want to know how cool this company is they're giving you the craziest deal you go to stevo and you get free shipping on all your orders of water and merch and they've got killer merch do you know how crazy that is like cases of water they weigh a lot to ship them that's expensive and you don't have to pay it if you go to liquiddeth.como you get free shipping on your orders man that's because liquid death is a cool company and they love the listeners of the wild ride podcast so get on over to stevo and let's talk about how you learn how to shoot out shoot up like i know a buddy of mine who was in there and watched a youtube video i i was [ __ ] advanced like i didn't do that yeah i just i would give someone a little bit can you look up on youtube how to shoot up heroin and ship a video that's insane how do i use a needle yeah how to so that but how do you who teaches you that so i would give somebody a little bit to do it for me at first what a [ __ ] and then oh absolutely and then after i got tired of giving it to him i learned real quick i mean you're a piece of [ __ ] if you if you shoot somebody up for the first time yeah but i mean you you are but you're already so disconnected from reality that like why would that not make sense yes there's no ethics and morals involved of like when you're smacked up at that point were you ever in a situation where someone od'd and everyone's like let's dip or like throw them in a dumpster no no even at that point i don't know if i would it happens right yeah in time no i i'd like to think of myself as a [ __ ] junkie with morals like i i actually was like i think a good person here hold on to this hundred for me yeah but i wouldn't let you die right did you find anything oh my god so this video is safer heroin injecting how to do it the safest way possible it started he was like washing his hands at the beginning there you go thousand views seven hundred and twenty two thousand and how long what how long is the video three minutes you know okay yeah how many months has it been out or sorry it's it's eight years it's been happening so maybe it's the video your buddy saw it could be wow they were doing it safely so when you're shooting up like what are you you're flicking it to get the bubbles out because you'll die if a bubble gets into your veins they would say that an air bubble could create something in your veins you know i just did it because that's just what i saw other people doing yeah and i didn't want to like yeah i wasn't reinventing the wheel here and the first time you get shot up with it you're just like oh dear god so the first time i got shot up with though was not that way right so i'm sniffing him sniffing it and then my girlfriend at the time for driving through this reservoir and she nods out and my head and gets a car accident and my head goes through the windshield right so i'm in the hospital and they have me with all these ivs um and a guy brings me heroin to the room and he just puts it right into the iv that then goes in my arms so did he have to cook it on a spoon yeah totally in the hospital room and then that was my first you know way of injecting it oh yeah why did you like it i loved it so do you know when in the hood when addicts get really bad and they kind of blow out of their veins and they have to go to the hospital and the hospital puts an iv in they'll leave with the iv just because they have a direct main line yeah because they can't hit it on their own holy moly right you don't want to close that door yeah so they'll like legit go there to get them to run an iv on you for whatever they say they need or however they can make it happen and then walk out of the hospital with the [ __ ] bag how long is that good for how long can you keep it i don't know these still falls out yeah i'm sure did you ever have abscesses is there is there a point where like uh a rock bottom of like [ __ ] dude i'm shooting up in my toes now or am i shooting up shut up bleach one time that was pretty bad you rejected bleach yeah because so i'm living with this this woman named annette and these projects that i no way people really belong in it's uh and i couldn't leave the house to go cop right it was like a really rough neighborhood and uh so she would go but one day i didn't have any money so she goes out the cop and when she leaves i get her her needles and her spoons and i'm like putting water on the spoons and getting like her leftovers like a hot shot of her leftovers but i'm also using her needle scraping the resin yeah so you're like i'm shooting up her blood so i should probably make some bleach into it but there's a little bit of hair running but i'm in a hurry right i'm in a hurry because annette's gone so time is of the essence because if she comes back and catches me in her [ __ ] she's gonna [ __ ] me up so i'm like i have a thing of water and a thing of bleach you don't [ __ ] with it nothing of blood and the hair so i'm rushing to i get the water cleaned out and then the bleach i'm i'm hurrying up and pushing it through and then i intend to put the needle in the water to then put on the res but i'm in such a hurry i put the bleach on the res and i cook it and when it comes back it has a yellow tint just like heroin does anyways bleach yeah so i'm like [ __ ] yeah i have a great shot here like i'm going to actually get high off this and i put it in me and it's and i'm probably maybe like five cc's so it's not much it's like and about two in i feel like an internal inferno that is like but i'm in such denial that it's not heroin i still continue to put it in because like i can't believe that wow dude and at the time i have warrants for my arrest so although i realized i just shut up this bleach i cannot call 9-1-1 because i'll go to jail so i just sit in the corner and just dump water over my head over and over because you're on fire yeah suck man so you're telling me that like if that you you can shoot up bleach and you're okay yeah i didn't i'm here five cc's five wow so it's about that much but it was it was probably wow dude does any part of you want to be like dude i'm going to film a gnarly stunt hey everybody this is i'm brandon novak and this is shooting up bleach absolutely does anybody watch you're not going to do it because there was the joke that's like you can get rid of kovid by like taking blue shield if you get covered yeah try to try it try it on bleach well it didn't cure me of the [ __ ] hepatitis i had so i don't know why i would like do the bleach okay yeah so check this out so i i continue going i go to a doctor right when there's a pill called harvoni that had just hit the market it hadn't even it was clear by the fda but insurance companies like didn't know what to do with it it was right in that weird window of time of like everyone just didn't know it was a cure for hepatitis c go to the doctor and the doctor's assistant had read my book his dream seller had already been out this was the first book the first i got some yeah yeah rightfully so what the [ __ ] wrong with you we're on the set of jackass 3d and he's all [ __ ] up but his book just came out and i actually like gave it an effort to read the book and like and in the book he describes like addiction like the whole situation like recovery like what it's about like he's just like i was like this [ __ ] [ __ ] has a complete understanding of like what the disease is like what it's like and he's describing like but he's just loaded and wasted i was like i was just so [ __ ] frustrated and offended by it because i was like a couple years sober at that time and i'm like dude how do you write this book that like eloquently describes recovery and you just [ __ ] are you saying that's the piece of [ __ ] yeah and what'd you say you remember that i don't even remember the conversation i wasn't offended that much i didn't lose sleep damn but so yeah that's the thing i was too smart for my own [ __ ] good yeah so anytime that i found myself in a position where i could potentially save my life i'd outthink myself out of it every time i dumb my way into sobriety this time if you didn't know i'm sober so you're shooting dope for it's like a decade at least oh [ __ ] yeah wow yeah how long were you shooting before oxy became yeah that one yeah i so i did heroin first and then backtracked to the pills oh really because then like you know i started ending up on like jackass and people of bam and i got like some recognition and like i'd be like doc man like i'm [ __ ] i heard broke this hurt that like oh no problem you know and i get the pills then what's what's the worst detox oxy or heroin uh i sh they're both kind of one in the same it wasn't you know it was it all sucked it's like what gets you more stone hash or weed yeah great analogy what about methadone that's the [ __ ] worst liquid i was scared to do that i tried to shoot that one yeah i do that in detox i tried to shoot that ones too that was [ __ ] [ __ ] horrible yeah dude it's all bad news you're talking about viva la bam and jackass yeah so how much in contact are you with bam these days not much at all is good out to him like a week ago or two weeks ago and and it was the first time i didn't i actually didn't hear back which is a good thing yeah right now knowing where he's at in the position he's in no news is good news and and i know uh that he was at a position in his journey with his recovery that uh he could have a phone briefly he kind of earned that and then i think he's allowed to have a phone right now and he's just choosing to not use it which is the best [ __ ] sign i wish that was the case oh okay that would you're right it's like [ __ ] there's a sign of hope here is he out and about or is he in somewhere so he they he had the phone and because he wasn't doing what should be done they took the phone back from him got it so that's why i didn't hear back yeah totally all right yeah so yeah he's in a program um and the good thing is now is is uh he's got like he's under a conservatorship you know and it's not a conservatorship it's a guardianship oh really the conservatorship britney spears has financial implications with the conservatorship they're they're in charge of all of your your money and everything a guardianship they kind of leave your money out of it yeah and uh and the guardianship they're just like kind of there's rules you have to abide by and he's like forced to be and how how long do you have to be like that for i think that i mean i don't know that we're really even allowed to talk about about it too much but um as i understand it it's like uh still happening yeah yeah we'll leave it at that and the good thing is is it it's kind of doing for him what he can't do for himself right i know i agree i agree very much and um you know it's like even bringing up bam is just like a lightning rod of uh you know like controversy and [ __ ] it really is it's a shame what i want to say is that i and i've said this before but i'll say it again is that i've always not always i used to always be so jealous of him he was such a [ __ ] just ambitious [ __ ] like just talented like he was so good at making footage so funny and like naughty just making great amazing footage out of like nothing even happening and i was like man for me to get footage i got to like do something huge you know like i couldn't just make footage out of nothing like that all you had to do was get a [ __ ] dog idiot that's right i know but like i would always say bam's younger than me he's richer than me he's like he's better looking than me he's more talented than me like you know like and all of that was true and um i i just i i now with everything going on like i wish that we could have the band back who i was always so jealous of i i would love to be jealous of him again and and i want that for him i want is it crazy how the world works and kind of goes full circle you know how you would now give anything to have that guy back that at one point in time you're very jealous of well yeah i mean i see what you're saying but it's right and when i say jealous i think that the that's just my natural reaction to being impressed by somebody you know like when i go to the circus i'm [ __ ] jealous as hell of the performers because i want to be that rad one and and that's why you are that rad dude this is [ __ ] stevo's wild ride tour here [ __ ] [ __ ] come and i'm sober but no i i have credit he's my best friend in the world um if it wasn't for him i'd be buried in that plot that my mother bought me in baltimore like he was the one that that stopped what he was doing and reached out to me and said yo come to westchester live with me like skate again and wasn't that like a super misguided exercise in enabling you in the in the big picture and he brought you like he brought you the enough fame and recognition for you to just keep staying sick but i don't believe that he could comprehend right of course what was going on of course i thought he was helping you but he was doing knowing what i know now yes it was like a terrible recipe for [ __ ] disaster right and you were just this weird whipping boy for him but if you look at this if you weigh out the scales of justice it's it's that in that world or like being homeless shooting up bleach in baltimore so it's like right and and then he had at his house like a garage that was just filled with like bam skateboards and you would just go and oh yeah go for that yeah like like when you're on dead tour except that it was it wasn't mine wasn't sending me those boards right and and it wasn't dead to her it was the the crack house yeah how much did you like crack i didn't i was scared oh well i was i had enough common sense to be scared because like people would offer me hits and i would take them far few in between but i could barely come up with 10 bucks a day sometimes let alone like every 20 minutes so i knew i didn't need to like embark with meth like i was like really weirded out by it but i never turned it down like in the early days like when i lived in albuquerque and like albuquerque is a place for that and it was just like weird biker myth it wasn't it was like old school myth where if you snorted a line it just it was like you snorted broken glass it was so gnarly you want to cut your nose off before it was like the thing yeah right and then uh and then there was a lot of smoking meth out of light bulbs and [ __ ] yeah like uh but i never really was too injured i mean i was always like like sure but so yeah what what other like [ __ ] salacious [ __ ] do we want to ask okay i've got i've got one like talk to me about like [ __ ] like prostituting yourself for drugs is it true that you did like crazy [ __ ] like weird gay stuff that and you're not gay i would let men blow me i would never blow the men okay right um there was standards there yeah is this in your book yeah it's how my first book starts at the very first chapter yeah yeah so you're okay with just going hard in the paint on this one right here it's like a monday morning yeah i felt pretty comfortable asking that question yeah cause brandon's an open book yeah totally totally if i'm not i'll just not answer it right um but yeah uh so it got to a point where you know you said it tonight um you know with your lugs here in this amazing relationship and she says hey we're in a relationship but you say it better than i i'll [ __ ] this up but intimate you don't need to show your body to everybody right and you're like but everything's a million times funnier if i'm naked right right so so for me i had did so many things in addiction right like the prostitution parts to then like you know my character on viva la van was nudie novak so it was just naked everywhere and then like we were doing the [ __ ] face unstoppable tour which was bam's band yeah and i remember doing this interview in australia and and the interviewer said we hear that there's like some homosexual tendencies that take place on stage are you a homosexual and i'm like are you calling me gay and and i don't give a [ __ ] and and and i'm like you calling me gay and i push him down and i pull his pants down and like bam a couple hold him down and i pull his dick out and i do two pumps just to prove that i wasn't gay and i left the [ __ ] interview you know so i did all this weird [ __ ] and and this is how i realized that i wasn't gay and i love gay people it sounds like it's because you you did two pumps yeah i got his dick in your mouth just to prove that it was enjoy it right there that was that wasn't my thing that well here's where i realized i won my thing later on down the road i end up in this recovery house and i want to like jerk off one day and dude that's a serious crime to like physically like push everything what year was that [ __ ] everything's kind of a blur during those years probably s 2008 limitations whatever it needs to be that's how long it was exactly right okay so you let guys suck your dick but you never sucked anyone else's dick unless they called you gay yeah yeah but would you jerk guys off no it was never like a thing like that's not really what they were looking for for some reason that's like a thing in that world you let guys suck your dick but what if they wanted to eat your ass i used to i used to live with this guy would that be like more i would negotiate totally but i used to let i used to let a guy shave my [ __ ] he just wanted to shave it for how much wow uh like 20 40 bucks i lived with him 20 40 bucks whatever he had yeah just shave it interesting you have to grow it out for him to pay you again i wasn't really a health and wellness kind of guy at that point so when he was ready i dropped trout like it wasn't anything great going on but so i ended up in this recovery house and this is back when vcrs are in play and right and uh i want to jerk off and there's these two guys brian and donovan who are like openly flamboyantly gay guys and they're amazing guys but i'm looking all through the house for a porn can't find one and in brian's room he's not there there's a porn in the vcr and i press play and it's a gay porn and i'm like you know what this is a perfect time for me to answer the [ __ ] inevitable question am i gay and i watched the porn with a complete open mind to see if i got a hard [ __ ] and i didn't so i i think that kind of answered the question but did you try i i wasn't opposed to it you know like i wasn't she did try yeah totally i mean i like held my dick kind of like plate caressed it you know danced with it a little bit all right put it on a date it's it's just after gay porn [Laughter] i also have uh i have a guy's come in me but it's i've never been [ __ ] it's like kind of like that magic trick where you do where you get on your back and you drink the thing with your feet right so me and bam were like up doing blow for like five days straight and after like day three delusional paranoid [ __ ] gets weird so 5 a.m probably fourth or fifth day in out of our minds hadn't slept a minute we're shooting a game of pool and we have one of our tattoo artists there with us i win the game of pool we then go into the bedroom i lay on the bed ben puts a pillow over my head he pulls a laptop out and puts porn on and jerks off and comes onto my arm and then we bring the tattoo artist in and he traces around it and then without no ink on it he then puts the [ __ ] into my arm see that right there in me that's the room never [ __ ] in me you know what i mean wow i've never heard of that before yeah that's the npd right there they got blood brothers yeah but the whole thing is just so wrong that it's kind of right yeah i i wanted to give you guys that's not even that wrong yeah you know he won he's trying to like bet people 100 bucks they could guess what it was and then one time i was in the airport and the the bartender who was a a pretty openly gay guy i'm like yo if you can guess this i'll give you 100 bucks he goes oh honey that's come [Laughter] on one glass of wine i had to tip 100 bucks on because i only had a card and i'm like dude that's it that's something funny yeah dude that's epic man yeah i i love that you're uh that you're so candid and transparent dude it's why not man right dude i [ __ ] dig that and and um to be clear i really hope that uh that i wasn't disrespectful in any other it wasn't my intention to be dude i'd know that it would never be right like i know you and i know kind of i know what your sobriety is like and i know that you're way past that point of like trying to pull like out of left field thing sure i'm not out to make anybody feel bad i'm not out to like you know i know that to to harm anybody but at the same time i also like just don't know how to have a filter and so if i'm curious about something i'm just gonna dude there was one point where i was like i was switching sponsors i'm like you know what maybe i'll ask stevo to be my sponsor and and my next thought was like dude he's way too sober i'm like too nervous to you know what i mean oh yeah because because i know how like transparent how authentic and how how much you work this and i don't know if i wanted to like level up that much um leveling up it's like you don't want your friends to sponsor you you don't want to you don't want to have like a relationship you know that would be to tangle the wires a little bit okay i would say that uh i had learned immensely from you you know right now i i really pay close attention to what you do from a [ __ ] idea there was a point and we won't say what it was but a point when you called me up for advice like pretty recently yeah and uh i and and you know it it impressed me and it helped me really like yeah you know that when people reach out for for help that you're actually helping the person who you reach out to a helps b helps a the most kind of deal yeah and uh you know and i was just i was impressed and uh and and it meant a lot to me to to help you kind of navigate that situation that you found yourself in and it was heavy and i wouldn't just call anybody so like to share something with you sure so for you to say i hope you i would never you know what i mean like a no-brainer yeah i agree who the [ __ ] wants to listen to a really jaded guarded podcast like [ __ ] let's like be transparent and talk about it yeah for sure so what uh where can people get a hold of you did you put your number on the bottom of this hold on a chiron for the whole and um like how much of uh of your livelihood is within the sort of parameters of recovery versus like other so when i got sober and i kind of got into that world of of of part of it being a job you know i called my sponsor who's a private therapist and i said lex what do you think about this and he goes well what i'm gonna tell you is and he had at the time 13 years over he said i'm going to tell you most people in the industry that are so recovery that work on the industry side don't stay sober right exactly what you said he said there's a fine line there's work and then there's your sobriety and the moment that lying gets blurred you'll drink again and i like adhered to that i paid a lot of attention because i really value my sobriety and uh and and so i know that they're just two worlds apart you know what i mean like it's so i i know which means i'm to be held accountable right um and so i'd say definitely 50 50 if i could but who can gauge that sure um so so the the stuff that you do like how help us out like with the the business of brandon open by novak's house yeah novak's house yeah which is i recreated what worked for me right like i like you did i i went to treatment and then i lived in a sober house for a year because that's what my sponsor suggested that i do because he did it and at the time he had 13 years so i wasn't trying to reinvent the wheel and i followed suit and and that house kind of taught me it taught me legit like how to wash my clothes for the first month that i was in there i was washing my clothes with uh dishwashing detergent because i didn't know memory lane and and then you know guys they're like you can't wash your clothes with like dishwashing detergent you need like i just i was really disconnected from reality and it taught me how to integrate or merge back into the world like as a quote-unquote normal human being and i realized the impact that had on me and what it did for me so as i continued to stay sober that being in that house was like some of the best times of my life sure like i i would go back and do it in a heartbeat life was very simple when i was in sober living how long did you detox for uh my detox was like the eye roll that's even worse than screaming at him he's like not when to eat a human not women like these dogs was like probably yeah i was on detox meds for a week but i felt like [ __ ] for probably two or three at least i didn't sleep right for like a couple months i feel like a lot of people don't want to get sober because they don't want that they don't want the detox and they're scared to detox that used to be my excuse in the beginning yeah and then i got to a point where i think i i matured i think a lot of things aligned it all my attempts at at recovery these seeds were planted along the way yeah and then one day like it all just kind of aligned and this [ __ ] skies parted and i walked across the [ __ ] um you have a youtube channel yeah are you pretty active with it i've seen your [ __ ] pop up on there yeah i i as much as i can be you do your own editing no okay i have a team that helps yeah because i mean dude creating content man that's a [ __ ] amazing livelihood it is it so i don't really pay much attention to it at all but i i do okay and uh i've decided to take the money that i make from that to just invest in weird [ __ ] like bitcoin and wow are you into bitcoin not enough to like let it determine my day but you know just in case i i it does explode and i don't miss the boat well that just happened kind of i know i know thanks pal yeah i'm [ __ ] well aware right but you know i'd rather try and fail than never try and wonder whatever [ __ ] it yeah dude so um yeah so i have i i'm so i recreated the house that i got sober in and it's a it's just a straight up sober house um and it's a men's house and there's 12 guys in it and it's not like insurance based it's not really like treatment industry world [ __ ] it's it's uh it's guys that come from the streets that like have no insurance or state insurance and they have to come directly from treatment which is what i was a product of right i didn't have like great insurance that allowed me to go to like a beverly hills place and uh and uh i have like people that have been generous enough to donate you know financially to it which then allows me to provide scholarships and there's 12 guys in it and i unfortunately it's full right because there's like a need for it and i wish that wasn't the case i wish i couldn't like get it well sure i mean there's also like lots of dogs in the street in peru and i could only take one exactly yeah that's why you're an asset dude and and that's and and i i it created the fire on me to like want to get more and help more so i i acquired the house across the street and last week it opened and that's full and and now on my birthday which is the 10th i i close on the third house so by the end of december i'll have 40 beds uh and i provide scholarships for all the gentlemen that come after completing 30 days of treatment to then having 30 days of a free bed so they don't have to worry about like where am i going to get a job to pay the rent for you know because when you get out of treatment it's like so i'm creating i'm not doing anything i'm just getting a lot of assistance and through a lot of different ways for people to help so is there like a 501 c 3 like non-profit organization people can donate to to i looked into that and the problem with that was if i turned it into a 501c3 then i wouldn't own the properties it was like the the and and that's kind of although it provides an amazing service for a financially reasonable cost the it's also very nice to own the homes at the end and i don't want to not own the homes right yeah it's kind of like my 401k plan there's a b corp where i think that's dual five and profit i think you can do some ancillary 501c3 that would just create money for the scholarships which isn't tied to their i was just told about that like last night actually so it's something we've just celebrated our first year um so i'm not you know i'm learning as i go um but it's it's an amazing cause that it brings me the most joy how much is it to scholarship somebody for a month well it's 180 a week so times four i don't even know what that wow 720 yeah can you put me down for a scholarship and one guy for the month really yeah please that'd be amazing totally so all right that's really really give give me give me two guys two really give me two no give me two yeah four all right see we got we got uh at one point he's not going to be jerked off to that he's not going to open up me on this one no no no no no no dude if you want two i want to wow yeah that uh you know the coolest thing about that is not only does it help the individual tax right off because this is not a 500 c3 so we might as well just give them cash i'll venmo you oh i'll figure it but the coolest thing about that is not only does the individual get the help like the families get better too the kids get better it's such a snowball effect that goes so much further than people can really comprehend yeah it's just so magical um that's a big deal i love it happy to do it wow all right thank you thank you yeah yeah thank you i mean that thank you um is there anything that uh that you would like to promote other than that just that i'm [ __ ] sober [Laughter] i love it that's it man [ __ ] sober call me oh my god i love it dude i love you and i'm so grateful that you're sober and that you continue to inspire you getting sober like help my mother not cry at night because it inspired me to like believe in me because i knew the last time we partied together you held me hostage in a hotel room and you did k and wouldn't let me leave and i got scared and and i'm like if that you know same thing if that guy can do it i can do it and you inspired hope in me so thank you man this was amazing scott i love you love you too juicy hey cheers man thanks for providing the [ __ ] youtube video on how to shoot up oh yeah yeah you say bye save somebody's life dude or killed somebody and there you have it ladies and gentlemen a shockingly candid podcast from a shockingly candid guest and here we are man i'm not kidding about being on this bucket list tour and taking care of myself yeah i i pound liquid death i pound liquid iv and i'd be pounding my sandwiches from doordash that's all there is to it and i'm also truly grateful for you guys and again i want to say this the number of people who have told me on this bucket list tour that they are members of the street team it warms my heart man and uh i'm just stoked on everything going on in my life right now and thank you for being here being a part of it [ __ ] yeah
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Podcast
Views: 794,584
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Length: 67min 8sec (4028 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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