Tommy Is In L'Manberg while Exiled...

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i broke back into la manburg while exiled with tenoblade i pretended to be a llama we're going places we really are boys if you do enjoy then please subscribe it's completely free and even if you can just check the subscribe button there's so many viewers who think they're subscribed and aren't i really appreciate it enjoy the video welcome back to the stream bum oh my god that felt so delayed but i still hit it i still hear like i hit men in the street oh my god i never lose my shits oh my god i never got upset neither i would never lash out with anyone unless i needed to unless unless unless they wronged me in some way why there's so many things around oh get away from me get away from me don't you know i'm claustrophobic even in the most open areas i'm opposite phobic [ __ ] oh my god i'm scared of everything oh i missed oh my god it's because my hands are shaky i couldn't tell you why though i couldn't i just couldn't tell you why hey watch this i'm good at chris because i'm good at pvp now oh i believe the blade is lucky the blade is already logged on but he's not here though oh i need to check i used to do this thing where i do i check what's ever in my clipboard by just getting it in the chat uh so okay sometimes i have my passwords on my clipboard so i check there uh and then i realize that that's actually the only way that you can like the only place i could put in my clipboard where you all could see it i thought that's just so very uh inefficient and and stupid to do um anyway you're ugly guys i don't know if anyone's noticed but they've been making all these sounds and their heads are getting all big placeholder from phil what's you what middle name from you are [ __ ] an idiot oh now guys i've had a really really cool idea on how to make this i saw it on reddit believe it or not i saw it on reddit holy [ __ ] i love my any redditors in the stream tonight thank you thank you for preserving the world are there any lava buckets i need a lava bucket i've had an incredible incredible idea now let's take off this actually i prefer to to let the warmth of humanity surround me oh oh oh oh hey hey funny-looking whoo tommy why are you hello do you have any love about ugly tower outside tomorrow my parents died to the hands of lava buckets i need to find one so i can torture it i i don't know where a lot of bucket is this just isn't a resource i ever use chat carl is fine all right carl is in a safe place where he cannot be found all right i was getting a lot of comments why isn't that on the last stream well he's in a safe place you want to know what comments i got on the last stream about how damn good i looked about how damn damn good i looked i'm glad to hear that all right that's wonderful that's wonderful oh yeah i've just found some more gapples eh cheers those are for those mike apples [ __ ] i've noticed i i used to have way more gapples than i do right now i think i'm down to like two stacks yeah broke hey man inflation in it all right that that's just not what they're worth not with that word don't shoot the messenger no that's what i've always said that's one of my that's what that phrase means doesn't apply no since birth you know i'm just crafting myself a bucket uh because i don't want to go upstairs all right i mean you're probably more likely to find lava down there yeah yeah i know that's why i'm crafting myself a booklet nearby i haven't seen one hey why don't you come down with me how have you been tenor blade how have you i haven't seen you for a whole day i had a nap you know i had a nap that's true he did have a nap i mean you know that one you know all about my nap but don't you i how are you that far down what are you what do you mean you have a mine of course i have a mine oh you have a mine now you're actually contributing resources this is amazing the character growth impeccable impeccable that was a really hurtful thing to say to me especially in my time i'm praising you but you just you basically just called me a a what's another word for weakling but uh even more potent you'd know wouldn't you when you know dave english i really don't i really don't think i i was calling you a weekly and i was calling you lazy actually historically lazy and then praising you for changing your ways you just called me lazy in my time of need objectively when when i'm going through all the in my mind when you insult me to my face oh my god oh my god hey how do you make scaffolding i've never known i actually have no idea how to make that do you have any bamboo or string i have string string is the thing i have bamboo not as much oh i know where there's bamboo i think there's a lot in le mans yeah oh do we have i don't really want to go back to le mansburg today do you ever notice man oh but okay well technoblade can i show you this video i found on reddit it will it will make you go it will make you know like in cartoons when they're oh i don't really need them um you know we like cartoons when their eyes pop out actually that was really it will be like that can i show you this video if you're dropping it's about oh it's just one obsidian i'll show you this video i found on reddit i do i do not want to see your all right yeah yeah okay okay click that hyperlink click that hyperlink blade i've dropped you a url my friend i've dropped you a url just completely give it an opening i actually today in the wait for the orthodontist was sat on the r slash chatterblade reddit and it was the biggest mistake they don't like me there tenta blade they do not like me there one bit it turns out tommy you already showed me this video oh yeah but it's so good it's so good i'm not watching that look and then you go so okay so we need scaffolding in order to go up and then it's literally just you place the lava and then you place the water okay but here's the things i understand the concept i need scaffolding i don't know how to make that and why do we need bamboo but i know oh oh well okay i need bamboo today tecno blade so that i suppose i would do have to come with you to go to the man berg all right how do you feel about that what are your deepest emotions uh revenge what about like you know love not so much hey okay love sounds kind of cringe all i know all i know is anarchy why love all i know is anarchy violence and get subscriber okay that's all you need god you get that's all you need give me that sub growth yeah when you're in your 80s you're going to be so honest i'm going to have so many subscribers in my 80s it's just going to be insane it's just going to be insane well i'm going to be married to like five girls at once and you're going to be stood with your 30 million hey yeah but i'm going to have more subscribers we live different lifestyle well i wave i don't count on that i mean i mean it doesn't bother me it doesn't i mean but i'm just so do we need to go do we need to go get bamboo yeah i don't know where to get bamboo oh i do know where to get bamboo forest i know exactly where to get bamboo but i don't really want to go before we go there before we go there we got to get dogs all right i got a permanent army dogs yes yes go look for dogs wait what are we doing i i we're we're forming a hound army it's not why why wait can i read your list please please uh yeah yeah you can read it some weapons check minor terrorism get back my weapon save feels in minecraft there are a hundred pages oh there's like an easter egg error it put at the end yeah i actually apparently stole this from eric it was it was a very awkward conversation but then i threatened him so it's mine now all right okay well i say we go find some dogs then all right so we get dogs and we get a hound army and then we one second what all right we're good we're good well what did you you better not have done any erasing hey we're sprinting today uh yeah we're sprinting my legs don't work i've just had a nap you know listen i think there's dogs like over here somewhere why so i could have sworn how many why would you get a lava pool just get two of them this would have been convenient for you like five minutes ago just get two and breathe right outside yeah that's the plan that's the plan well don't you already have two i do not have any dogs oh my god man not a single dog i know another word for dog puppy and moving on are you really you know what i'm gonna give you that one oh hey teleblade you can relate to this you know when you smell really bad and then you realize that none of your viewers can smell you and you go they'll never know i have never thought that i've never me neither me neither me neither me neither i searched a fox it's just not what i need right now it's not what i need what do you need you know what would make you happy well hey why what should i get you for christmas man because now i'm not alone i'm gonna have to get you a christmas prezi what would you like we could destroy a government sing you a song if you want that would be pretty cool seeing you well a song i just did not would you give yourself me a huge crater or a le mans well i thought you you don't appreciate me for who i am well i i would appreciate the crater for what the crater is why you know the dinosaurs died to a crater all right look it up all right it's kind of [ __ ] up to say man i don't think the craters too soon man i don't think it's too soon either i think it was actually quite a while ago wow he he already met every mob that isn't dogs looking down the barrel of a woolly horse i didn't even know those guys could spawn on their own oh we've got them now what do we do with them i i don't know what are they useful for wait you actually tamed it oh why are you still eating golden apples it doesn't have the same ring to it it's just it gives more sense why we're looking for dogs man i've already got because i'm going to make a hound army i have got puppies oh plenty all right how many puppies do you have well where i come from we don't we don't refer to them as puppies yes well where i come from i'm trying to get my december revenue you can swear in january okay ain't nobody make money in january well see that's where you're wrong that's where the primers clutch up that's true that's true that's where the channel memberships come in that's no literally no one channel memberships in january everyone you're very how am i finding more of these things just give me dogs i'm looking for will you split up man you know i get lonely yeah i'm just i've just gone north oh you know that doesn't mean anyth any any last thing to me he's still facing the same direction chat what are the odds oh it's pissing it down all right tommy you know just stand where you are stand where you are and i'll just come on i'm left i found a creeper a chicken oh the cree i know where that creeper is i'll be right wait wait wait wait is that a plane's biome i'll be right there oh you're at the creeper that's fine i know where that is and the blade yes i think i recognize that area oh are you going back to your old oh i actually found you hey it worked yeah let's not go over there let's let's go comfort me comfort me uh i don't know i don't know what i'm comforting you about ah that makes it even worse that's the worst form of comfort now don't mention the e word you know i'm sensitive all right all right i seem to remember there was like dogs over here when we were here with rambo you've just moved on it's like you've slipped my throat and then left me to bleed out okay we don't need to be so graphic though it's you're stuttering tommy i just had a nap you know he's trying to figure out the one reason i could possibly tolerate your existence and you're coming up with a plank you're coming up with a blanket no i'm having a blank wait up you just left me for my ability to eat your gapples for no reason for example hey you have no company before me and now and now bill and now he's in he's in a house arrest exactly and you've got phil but younger and smarter oh my life used to be so much better oh so did you mine no it didn't i don't want to think about my past lifetime i'll think about your past time oh i'm thinking about my past think about you thinking about the [ __ ] up things i thought about i thought about some terrible things center blade all right exactly up no one saw that what happened oh nothing oh okay i mean that sounds that sounds like you didn't lie to me and told me you know just just what happened it's fine that's one of the things i appreciate about our friendship i i just make noises sometimes you know me you know me oh i do know you turner blade where is the dog well that they used to they usually always spawn in the plane by him playing my i thought they spawned in like the well not like this kind of snow biome but the snow tree biome which i think is a head i think we're good i thought you're the human gps yeah where we were yesterday when hey no no it's to the right man it's to the right i'm telling you believe me well it's gotta be to the left or the right so we'll go right i remember it being to the right yesterday i wrote an essay last night man i'm not sure it's to the right honestly it is well if you say so thank you oh my god tommy in it was right this could be a completely unrelated crap this could be a completely i am the human gps with a capital g a capital p and a capital s oh my god it does actually look like forest stuff so i think there's a i think i saw a dog right over here what would you do without me i'm the uman gps baby that's just not how it's pronounced sorry dogs where are you at i see a sheep it's like the opposite of a dog oh i think i think this might have been the forest then just some slight context clues on the ground oh yeah it was the first period that's what you are making me believe this might actually be the place we were in so i'll give you that point tommy i'll give you yeah it's because i know it's because i think i think with i think with more than just words what do you think with tommy that is not words with sounds and i think with i think with my feels i think with my gut my gut goes out on hitboxes and i just i can't see anything useful well surely you had some dogs before i have never had a dog on the server no i remember that one time i was there and there were a lot of dogs and i went oh no that's not my dogs oh we're there sheep i'm another sheep more sheep well i mean i really want you to go get bamboo so we could always go to the dream smp and see if we can find any in that yeah there won't be any dogs there well okay i hate to break you but there were definitely dogs in my old exile area but i'm not sure if i'm ready to revisit that area of my past yeah pig oh you want to go you're saying there were dogs back where you got eggs yeah but let's go okay no no if we go there let's go no okay but can we can we really stick together because this is gonna okay what what dog found how many one all right there's gotta be more around here right right we just need two we just need two it's not that many dogs hey i found a zombie that's like a dog in some sense oh i'm gonna pick oh i fell through the floor once again man oh my god how could you fall through the floor i mean only fools fall through the floor only fools fall through the floor all right oh i just started playing reddit i just accidentally went on reddit you're a big redditer these days blade i really am not well that's where you're going wrong isn't it where where the dog oh my friend hello again hello all right just one more dog and we're good we can make infinite dogs out of these two dogs uh the gene pool will be in shambles but oh wait isn't that isn't that highly illegal tommy i don't believe in laws oh well i don't want to know what you do believe in if not laws aren't real oh no that's that's highly just just upsetting laws are not real don't worry about it all right i'm really not seeing a second dog here well i know where there are lots of dogs but do we have to go back there tenor blade because i will go back at some point all right well stick with me all right so if i got this dog and then bread it with someone else's dog who would own the resultant dog hey if you bread it with like sand you get like a you get like a mutant dog i don't think that would work oh my god i don't think this is how we make super dope oh yeah you bring it with bedrock holy [ __ ] your dog's as hard as steel i i just don't think that would work i i just don't see well you know what man you clearly you clearly were raised poorly how was i raised poorly you were clearly raised oh wait i need you i need you i need you i'm right here okay well we're going back to upsetting territory all right you said they were dying i'm gonna need your comfort man i'm gonna oh no oh my dog's still following no dog don't fight some random skeleton now as soon as we find it we're gonna turn around all right all like lose my dog it's gonna lose that fight you're a poor owner then do we have one oh my goodness i found something enticing it's a big dog i found a yes yes i found a huge dog about an incredibly overweight dog oh my god hello polar bear sounds like a polar bear oh we definitely cannot breed my dog with that oh my god tommy get away from her but you only okay okay do not let the dog breathe with the polar bear oh god oh that was oh doggone llama dog said that work i don't want to alarm you but uh dreams online oh that's good me and dream are friends you are are we i thought you said you were i don't want to think about i don't i i whenever i think about him technoblade i get confused i get confused and i go so are you in hiding from him yeah well yeah he yeah yeah i'm definitely in hiding from him but we're still so you're so you don't want to see him wait but wait can you can you stay with me please this is oh my god just just lead me to the dogs tommy it's fine it's fine oh i just want scaffolding i just want to build a big cobblestone tower i don't want to do that i just want a second dog do we have to go back that way well we just i don't care where we get the dog we just gotta get a dog oh where did the dog say i did not think this would be so difficult what biomes do dog spawn in anyways you know what i'm just gonna look this up i'm just gonna gain knowledge minecraft wolf ooh gamepedia oh spawning forest tigers giant tree tigers snowy tigers and all variants of these biomes oh so we can just find a forest tommy where did you go tommy you've completely lost me where are you technically i i stood still i was standing still tommy i see a forest but i want to go home tommy where are you tommy i need you to stop freaking out and just go back to where you came from all right you gotta relax not like every american ever i'm giving you clear instructions here tommy i think i almost i mean you can't be like a techno boy don't leave me don't leave me tommy you walked off on your own you walked off on your own tommy i see a forest though i see a forest i'll conquer my face that's not that's not helpful you need to go back that's where we need to find dogs it's in a forest right i'm just i'm just gonna go looking on my own if you die you die then you say we need to look at a forest yes forests are places where they can spawn i don't know if this type of forest is but i mean i said any variant intentionally my head's gone all spinny that's that's a promise in development it's not good time to blade i i really don't think it's good actually well you said it was very bad in fact you said it was a promising development oh it's a chicken lamb i was i was being verbally ironic tommy well i am verbally i don't see any dogs teleplayed the dogs obviously don't like this dream dream would know where the dogs are i don't think dream knows where the dogs are tommy but all right you know there's a there's a regular forest over there isn't that isn't that a regular forest wolves don't spawn in dark oak they just make they make so many rules in this game i gotta be less rules exactly i'm turning around i have a mile don't do it are you trying to please just go and get my bamboo so i can build my tower and then i can end my stream listen i need i need my two my two dogs and then we're set and then we're set uh yeah i'm not ready to come back here man i'm not ready i can't i'm sorry i can't i think i actually found you well i don't see you oh hello yeah see i told you i was here ah small world small world all right i found your christmas tree over there no i don't want to go back i don't want to go back i'm telling you we instantly split up after oh there you are all right i'm sprinting i'm like the kid out of home alone but the entire world is alone i checked there was a pink sheep i don't care about pink sheep i care about dogs that's a pig and pretend there's not a single dog man there is not a single dog this place sucks i thought you said there were dogs here well you said they spawn in forests i've seen one before okay well if we run past here we can go to the forest that's on the opposite end i'm going uh i'm going past the uh what the heck is this why is there a zombie pig man here that needs my eyes don't use my eyes there's a zombie pig man in this forest i keep seeing a dog and thinking finally that's just the dog i already had every time well i'm seeing a lot of colored sheep around here so the dogs just not spawn on this server then there's just zero dogs except the one we found well i know tubbo is dogs all right you know what i'm just gonna look up wolf breeding mechanics breeding i'm i'm going home tanner blade i can't i can't all right i'm not there's two tamed wolves different owners are bred the owner of the puppy is the owner of the younger parent wolf all right so that's like a 50 50 chance that's good enough for me tommy let's just head back let's just head back i already can roll that down i can't do that i can't do this anymore yeah you got to meet up with me before you head back no no no no no i'm running i can't i'm sorry i'm i'm i'm really you don't seem to be quite comforting me based on how panicky i am no you're you're just you're just not finding the dog tommy oh i'm sorry i'm not doing your work for you tommy i'm literally saying i want to meet up with you we had assembly on child labor bro i know all about this i'm almost home where are you uh i may have spotted a certain particular individual uh his name starts with d it ends with eem what where are you where are you with doctor and ends with eem where wait where are you where are you where are you i am uh i'm at your old basic oh wait where should i go should i come and see you maybe i'll see him oh no but he doesn't want to see me tanner blade somebody what do i do wait can i come and see him can i come and see him i mean i've missed him so much damn it i just i just got the impression that you kind of didn't want to see him well i mean i want to see him he just wants to he i'm just i need to hide from him tommy you're giving you're giving me very contradictory i'm telling you you're predicting statements here where are you oh i'm alone i'm alone again i'm alone describe your surroundings sugarcane snow snow snow sugar cane snow okay i'm headed ice ice rabbit rabbit do you see the ocean do you see the no no oh well then i have no idea where you are mountains just described a pretty wide area mountains all right i'm headed there spruce trees i have no idea i'm just i'm just gonna go north pumpkins village village that's like actual information village pumpkin i think i know almost one tommy how close are you to our house where is dream uh dream is at your old oh there's a village right there am i allowed to see what you see the way you're describing this to me it kind of it kind of seems like dreams well hey man you know what's best for me right now i'm all screwed up in the edge it's just the information you're giving me kind of makes it seem like dream is trying to hunt you down right now it's just it's just the verbal cues i got i'm being tommy where are you i see a village i see a mountain uh i'm just running past this nova are you with dream right now oh no i avoided that guy okay um he seemed to be he seemed to be deep in thought why is my laptop restarting there was there's just no reason for my life i don't know i don't know everything's getting so bright turner blade i i have to log back in it's telling me about the world's tallest pagoda right now and that's just not what i want to go to pagoda a pagoda it's it's type of building what's it what what type of building bro i i i'm not an expert on it man i just read the word oh clearly well what is the world's largest pagoda i don't know man i skipped past that information because i wanted to see my chat so you did a half job and you've got a full okay tommy just type your coordinates all right now oh wait okay i'm at a new village and i'm a spruce biome oh there's a big pit there's a i'm stream sniping i'm stream sniping i'm doing helping which i have canonical access to all right all right wait isn't this just like right next to our house yeah you could have just told that to me from the start well that's where i i literally see the cobblestone tower in the distance wow you were so unhelpful wow where i'm home china blade that was the least helpful directions i've ever heard i'm home you're sitting here like oh yeah there's uh there's like oh there's a pig there's a pumpkins uh oh and i i don't know if this helps but there's uh there's this house you built your house is there but i don't i didn't really see how that was a key detail uh oh but there's a village though um there's some snow there's some snow and look who ended up needing the tower tanner blade you you needed the tower i was gonna say well you're the one that looked at it not me it's because you're below why are there not any dogs i don't know we got the one dog though all right and then we're just going to hope that it's younger than whatever dog i want to go and get bamboo i want to build my tower i want to build can we go back to amanda please please i'm not sure how i feel about it can you just i do want to go if dream is here i'm not sure i want i dream is whispering me right now he says hey i'm on the way to your house need to have a chat with you i'm at your house and a blade oh all right all right just just stay in the box where's the box where's the box stay just stay there where's the box where's the box i'm almost at the base okay okay oh never seen him dream says he's gonna be there in five minutes tommy what do i okay should i see him should i say hello what should i do it's up to you man but you're the one that you're kind of my boss around here these days oh my god you just have no free will whatsoever all right thomas well tend to blame all right i'm trying to kill you he is trying to kill me he's i'm all of the above is what you're saying i want to see him because he is trying to kill me where are you where are you where are you i'm right outside i'm right outside get in the house get in the house tommy what if i blend in here do you see me yes i do i do in fact see but do you see me you're not even sitting in the boat you're not even saving that's not even an option the boats are full tommy you're in the front of the boat but do you see me oh wait tell me tell me do you see me right now yes you have bright yellow hair time fine do you see me now yes well what changed you're in the same spot yeah exactly yeah get faked well what do i do when he comes here i thought this was like what do i do what do i do what do i do all right all right time to get up here get up here all right i want to go back to the man close the doors yes i'm looking out the window see anything all right here's the plan give me all your armor what i didn't work out i messed up that phrase all right take off your armor your armors off you're supposed to have your armor on you're ruining this okay okay okay i've got my arm run i've got my arm run all right all right it's fine it's fine and then we're just we're just going to wreck on that all right it's fine oh hey tenor blade yeah how did you miss how did you miss you had one job you made me invisible you made me invisible okay he's not here he's not here it's fine just get in the box just get in the box okay just get in the box oh god we made the enderman invisible it's gonna be so obvious it's going to be so obvious i made myself invisible where's the middle no no no no no no no no no no no no get milk clutch this is close get the milk quickly save me i don't see him i don't see him i'm looking i'm looking i'm looking how did i miss you literally splashed everything in the room and accepted yourself with that way if you're in this and i'm not one i pretend to be you and go i am visible i drink the milk tommy we're messing this up just do you see me now do you see me now yes why how i can see them right now i'm just booze tommy is gonna be here any minute now i don't see him do you see him yeah where is the last invis potion oh wait is he here did you just open the door for the zombies tommy get in the house okay okay okay okay okay get in the house oh i know i know did you take where i had more invis potions oh well admittedly i just threw it on you all right all right i'm looking out the window i don't see anything tommy stop looking out the window i'm curious man you're the one he's not supposed to see tommy okay tommy you were the lead you were the leader it is on you it is so on you tommy if you get caught i'm gonna tell him i have no idea i'm telling them the chords if you're still here if you're still here when i'm here all right fine fine i'll get in my box there we go you don't even know i'm here don't do that well you have to close one i need a village okay all right well i'll i'll undo it when i deem it necessary you're gonna open the box while he's in the room aren't you well i need to be able to see man i need to see [ __ ] if he takes your final life that is on you he didn't tell him are you going to play me in the comments i really need this enderman to be visible hey look at me can you still see me can you still see me i tell him tell him i'm a prop tommy you need to take off your armor time yeah yeah but then he'll be less stressed if he thinks are you take off your armor i have done he's outside what do you mean outside what do you mean outside he's fighting zombies they're holding their knees really really he's literally shot the door okay okay stand in this corner so i can see shut up say nothing he's gonna okay okay he's currently getting owned by zombies right now dream are you do you need do you need some help there do you need some you're just getting munched on i was yeah i was trying to i was trying to join to talk to you the zombies are very rude they they really don't respect these guys yeah i really should put torches around here but then i'm like nah nah well i've actually never been here so oh yeah come in come in make yourself at home make yourself at home what are you doing nice this is my visible wonder man you have a pet enderman well we're roommates we're roommates yeah i'm just looking around oh you got some villagers just browsing through my house yeah i got a lot of villagers here a lot of villagers well um there's a bit of a problem yeah what's the problem uh tommy left all right tommy yeah that guy he got exiled that was pretty funny yeah but now he's missing uh lemanberg lemandberg thinks that he's dead i i know otherwise but all right sounds good have you seen him i've not seen him you sure i'm pretty confident if i look around yeah you can look around you can look around uh here are all my uh villagers here's my uh chests here's my fan art here's uh pecan the oof uh there's no fan art there uh here's at jello tea oh here's my cow here's my to-do list mmm minor terrorism in le mans i i love minor terrorism it's what i'm all about self-foot what is that about don't pry into my personal life i'm feeling very judged right now all right very judged you want to see my channel member bell up here sure dream i need you to ring this channel but remember i'm going to get so many i'm going to get so much money i'm going to get so much money yes yes look at this screenshot oh my audience retention rate oh it's incredibly high oh it's dream for minecraft it's stream from the manhunt series hit it to become a channel member yeah yeah all right um okay well uh i'm glad to see you alive and well i'm glad to see uh nice to meet you nice to meet you i didn't see carl out there but i'm assuming oh carl's safe carl's safe okay well that's good i will say um you know you owe me a little bit but that's true that's true she dream you don't you don't gotta worry dream i am a person that believes in absolute reciprocity okay okay well if you catch wind of tommy let me know because i've been i've been out looking for him for the last all right i'll keep an eye out i mean i've been wandering around i found i i was able to track down a forest that i'm pretty sure he chopped down that um after he left his exile but that was that was the last trail that i found i couldn't figure out where he went after that so all right so if you catch wind of him all right i'll let you know i'll let you know all right well nice to see you see you later is he gone no he's like right outside he's about to let a creeper blow up and ruin my real estate value oh it looks so ugly oh it looks so bad why has he done this why has he done this dream tommy you were so bad at hiding did you see him dying tommy were you eating a gaffer that's my absorption you don't need absorption attacks me tommy tommy you just just tommy tommy here there's like a stack of steak somewhere just eat the steak just eat the steak tommy why are you going through my gapples it's not useful you just ate another gamble yeah i didn't have absorption anymore thank you for not dream dream come back connections here please please drink he's gone he's too far oh and he didn't see the tower let's go to the man so obvious you're here it's so happy can we go back to le mansburg now we should go back to i need to get bamboo so i can make my tower better yes yes we can get your bamboo all right put your armor back on i have i have all right thank you for not telling him that i'm here yes yes yeah wait i need to repair my my lawn got griefed by dream smh smh that guy's gonna need a favor in the future and i'm gonna be like hey you remember that time you griefed my lawn hey teleplay jeremy you only have a full four pearls away from the portal how sick is that did you just throw four pearls well yeah but now i know tommy do not waste pearls it takes more time to kill the enderman than to them to run there hey okay you know what i'm going to get a leash because i really don't trust the wolf to stay tommy don't run off oh i throw this for me i'm going to be i'm not getting a leash for you although no no it's fine i'm coming back i reckon i can do it by myself now i saw a dream i'm feeling stronger i'm getting into the box the entire time strong how do you feel strong i have not even given you the investment i mean i am in this yeah but i could hide i just did it then i did it then excellently i'm honestly i'm i'm going to go over to the portal you just stay there you just stay there like i'm like carl the safe chat he's in uh he's in a safe spot chad don't worry about it yeah don't worry chap all right i'm bringing the dog we're gonna breed the dog with a wolf we find at le mansburg and just hope that i that i win the uh the competition for youngest dog i guess well the more time you leave it the less less you know well i mean those dogs are getting older too i don't how does minecraft measure like dog age what do dog do does do mobs have age hey man tommy i'm at the portal where are you i'm on i'm a i'm an a portal i'm at the bridge i'm on the bridge the what are you in the nether yes tommy why did you go on your own i'm fine i've got invis oh for nine seconds televised where are you how do i bring the dog into the nether uh i don't know just they all come in when you go back to the overworld i think oh wow all right here's the plan here's the plan i'm gonna bring it on the leash through here oh it worked that actually worked all right can you not walk into the lava please i beg you why would you bring a dog to the nether all right all right i can't leash it because there's the block in the way but it's just gonna walk towards me and not in the fire and we're good all right i'm in the nether we're going over to you tommy it's fine it's fine i found a leash tommy just just stay stay at the bridge see half the time tommy you're like oh don't leave me technically don't leave me i need comfort i need comfort i'm getting spammed and then you ran i'm getting spat on how are you getting spat on oh my god i'm waiting for you i have to fight like these these 25 piglets just just with the pickaxe with the pickaxe why do you only have a pickaxe because they took my weapons tommy can you wait for me please oh i'm not gonna stay alive i'm not in this anymore maybe you'd be invis if you stayed with me i have the potions tommy waiting for you what the heck did i just find what the gas just the gas just one second yeah yeah that's what i thought idiot all right the gat the gas just broke some blocks wait there's likely to be dogs over here what did i just discover here hey man i just discovered some awards about tommy why are you running off on your own you idiot i'm waiting for you though you're really not you're going in on your own well to be fair though look how strong i'm getting man on you are you proud you were hiding in a box like two minutes ago what are you gonna do if dream shows up oh my god if this motherf if this doesn't thing just doesn't stop spitting on me i swear to god tanner where are you why is there another one of these guys where are you i'm in the netherlands no i i'm just i'm just not even responding respondent encourages him i'm waiting for you man i'm in the um i'm in the overworld where is my dog no dog no no no no no no hey i'll find you another dog if need be foots dog do not walk off do not walk off hey i beg you i've got a new pet clarencio he hey he's a bit he spits on a blade i'm a donkey a dog has just showed up through the ball going through the portal yes that is yeah he's a little grumpy at first what he's a little grumpy at first yeah but we're hey we're bonded ain't that right okay what do you mean come on let's go find you a dog yeah yeah i'm just i'm just moving past this my brain just can't process this all right i've splashed this with invis my dog now okay i'm pretty sure it's my dog all right on my lead because you stole my lead where'd it go i just lost both my leads yoink oh hey wait give me more it's in this two wait where is it clarencia oh no my god you're a master of disguise stop spitting on me man you're not he's not utilizing his invisibility clarencia please i think he's utilizing it as he wants which is to spit on you why would he i was like utilizing some scaffolding is this the bamboo you wanted uh i've already got quite a lot of bamboo but it works all right well you can take that at least we gotta go find some dogs well why are we gonna find dogs in the mannburg do they have a dog breeder have like a ton of dogs yeah but oh yeah hey wait for me clarencia please i've apologized just get over here all right someone says pun says dogs where does puns live oh i know what puns lives wait for me please center blade i'm i'm like five blocks away from me hey man did it just spit on my dog he spits on everything man he's [ __ ] no i think he's spitting on you and you're just like he's just a massive assault he really is he really is all i did was kill his owner and brothers and now and now hey this is why this is how i get through hey good job now i'm starting to see why you get treated like that is this sponsor's house hey guys my my inbrain timers stop smoking oh my god incredible this is the part where are you yeah it didn't work all right let's find a dog no dogs up here did i hear a dog huh what do these blocks do man wait what actually do these blocks do i've never seen these these are i've never seen these in my entire life what are they they're for bees i can hate [ __ ] bees wait here we open them oh no really where the dog sit oh we're good oh oh you got my lead oh yeah actually oh [ __ ] come on clarencia don't have the dog can teleport the dog can teleport he'll find a way there we go there we go tommy you're not invisible you're not invisible at all yeah well neither is correct yes i am oh well clarencio isn't banned or maybe he is i don't know his past he seems like a bit of a i'm gonna be honest he did show up at the nether pole maybe he's using us to sneak in he seems like a pretty sneaky fella don't you maybe there's a dog how is he still spitting me man it's been like you're literally bringing him along with you but it's been like five minutes since i killed his father a dog in there wait where's he well yeah they they tend to they tell him why did he how did he how did you how are you walking hey this is where i died you know uh which time that wasn't cool i like how you're scaring around a llama to spit on you not really it represents the chat and you've left it behind it's cause he can't fit all right you know what i'm going to le mans any dogs in here we gotta we gotta find tubbo's dogs tommy okay all right dream left so we just had to worry about pretty much everyone else everyone wants me to kill him but i know he loves me deep in his heart i'm really starting i'm really starting to question your ability to tell how much other people like you first you're talking about dream liking you well no no he just needs to come around he just needs to come around it just seems a bit impaired tom what does impaired mean it means it means it's out of pair tommy oh no no i can't you know it's not paired no you better not be i better not be out of pad all right i see i see connor over there we got to be thomas don't hit my dog i'm hanging a dog it's all right he is a dog oh wait but we can't speak to him though i'm jumping down i'm jumping now okay all right come on clarencio he just got hurt off the bridge neck first wait where are you oh wait i'm not oh you went to the wrong side tommy get over here he's gonna see you okay he's fine it's fine stop it please tommy get it away please just stop here tommy tommy you need to you need to get up oh my invest is running out don't worry we need to get away from connery all we need to do what we need to do is say to him hey hey hey hey hey he might he's not in the mannburg he's not going to mind hey tell her blade watch this the uh you know what you know what you're right you're right i got a big brain plan i got a big brain plan right here i'm throwing out the bones wait no no no no no wait let me do it read my dog let me i'm going no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we'll not be happy about that i'll not be happy about that no no no no no no no you cannot plan wait let me do my plan first let me do my plan first breeding is wrong get out of here [ __ ] the bamboo bamboo and llamas i'm clarencia [ __ ] i'm clarencial come look at me you're pretending to be though speak to me in the ass speak to me in the air i'm clarencial baby speak to me my friend spit on you hello they said pretending to be a llama wouldn't get you anywhere tommy i don't think i don't think connor's coming back oh my god ramboo i'm correction baby that's how he talks okay just be quiet this is what is actively spitting on you tommy you're not hitting at all you're not interested i'm almost killing him oh wait wait come on clenchy get your first kill get your first kill what an aggressive llama that is not being left so he just thinks it's a natural llama he's not going to kill him you have a lead sticker he doesn't know that he doesn't know that he doesn't know that he's looking at my dog he can see the dogs it's okay clarence here please no no come on be safe be safe how much more influence do we have kendall made my dogs to kill rambu then it's not our fault then we can get away with it we can get away with it tommy where did the dogs go he doesn't suspect he has no idea he has no idea he's almost dead he's almost dead what if he just kills the llama why would he kill clarence yeah he doesn't even know i'm here because it's spitting on him hey my clarencia does what clarencia's gonna do this is the dumbest plan okay okay wait watch this she's getting killed by the zombie he's getting killed by the zombie tommy how much invis do you have left watch this this is how this is how you trade this is how you start a business in 2021. tommy you he's gonna know what to do you just type this this is how hey hello i don't have anything in mind i look like do i look like the type of guy you want to [ __ ] with you're a llama so i would definitely not ah oh well i'll spit on you [ __ ] can you not i think we're good do you have any do you have multiple voices clarencia do you have a wallet do you have a wallet i don't have a word i want a wallet but i don't have a wallet i want a wallet bro i have my hat i want a wallet give me your hands why are there two voices why are there two of you gimme a zombie have a voice too or something oh my god i prefer do you want the hat why do you want the hat you can't even have the hat i gave you the hat oh no no no no no i clarencio it was i'm about to die all right see ya wait my friend my uh my companion i comfort you i comfort you okay okay you know i'm i'm actually go go go go go collection we just murdered them go go go go go i told you it would work this is it's killing my dog it's killing my investor and he's dead tommy are you there oh and now your invis pot runs off and now you're in this park oh my god why does he have some so prominent eyes oh what the [ __ ] those actually i need those well these i can i can make weapons out of these oh my god that's terrifying no no okay why would you just kill him just get kicked rambo's i i didn't kill him i did not kill him it's just not a thing that happened what are you doing okay i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming in death confirmed that was so sick you told me it wouldn't work and it hilariously worked and you've got a baby puppy now let's get home you might actually suspect we gotta oh we got rambo skinned can we just wait is there anything else we need to do oh i need we need to hide these dogs and one of our rambo's internal organs how much of this is random i don't know why rambu had so much um rambo skin you know why he was such a viscous fellow you know what i'm putting on my arm right i need to be hey okay all right all right why don't we okay well where are we putting your dogs i'll come in come here come with me secret base i don't know where you are tommy uh look at me pickaxe all right you killed clerencio man everybody's guys killed clarence gonna think you're the villain now they already think i'm the villain i'm exiled we're gonna go villain villain no blade it's like a step up from being exiled if i step up i mean to step down stop going on about steps man handled with charm all right let's play the dogs is the other dog invisible that's that's a very real possibility wait where's the other dog i see the other dog right there he's just vibing tom put on your armor i'll be clarencia's tommy i'm going to stab you if you don't put on yourself okay jesus man all right and so when we see invis particles that aren't you it's going to be the dog you know i'm going to take out the lead and i'm going to right click and it's going to work because there's going to be a dog how did you lose the other dog this is karma man i'm telling you i'm telling you this is karma oh i got it oh my god that looks weird genius my eyesight is so good my eyes place it though replace it though that's not eyesight it's just uh that is absolutely eyesight literally it's just bubbles man it's like going into a bubble bath and going i have good eyesight i have a good eyesight i can see the bubbles oh we should place a little i think to see things oh no we're just gonna just gonna put some uh rambos uh his blood and his blood all right you know what it's fine all right so we have two dogs uh they're going to have the the weakest gene pool of all time because i'm saying yeah that's really what i'm saying i don't know if this dog is sitting down or not it is i'm just gonna assume it is it's fine it's fine all right so we got to complete this bunker here okay and then and then i can go back and i can make my time our base is exposed right here what look at this there's just a hole all right all right we're gonna work on our bunker here and then we can start a hound army oh as soon as we go home tanner i can make my huge tower oh my god your tower i'll provide some light what am i getting shot by hey keep going what am i getting shot by some motivation i don't know it's probably an invisible skeleton wait actually isn't it you know honestly that's on the table at this point i would not be surprised everything is quite a just of a trip oh it's down here i'll kill it i'll be the pest patrol all right you can have a while i hear the sounds of burning i hear the sounds of burning oh that's not that's not great oh no it's just because of the campfires oh okay yeah that's actually not our fault for once yeah i'm deciding that was i mean that's too yeah it's it's absolutely it was it was so important to the story tommy how could it how could it not be that was too funny not to be a can of death honestly it's two cannondales listen if we both get highlights out of it then it has to be a canon death oh exactly if the youtube people see it then it's canon exactly how do you want me my help i'll i'll build decorations oh well i'm almost out of obsidian anyways so hey you know you know like a mirror invisible you know like a mirror maze i've made one of them but with uh rather than mirrors i've made it with a spruce can you get some light in so my bit rate can go back up tommy i don't think it's going to hold what does that even mean i think it's gonna burn its restrictions and then kill my dog what if you use stone at the very least what if you just use like torches like a normal person yeah wait i can't see the eyes of it sometimes i think outside the box you know oh i can hold the ender chest it's why i'm so intuitive i'm so immersed well you actually had torches and you're in houston it's why i'm so immersed oh my god i'm like a cinematographer i'm like a cinema it's fine it's fine we got two dogs all right the hound army can begin all right so yeah that's about it you want to go back yeah yeah i want to go and i want to um i'm just joined oh i want to go back okay let's be sneaky now and i don't want to build my tower and show you maximum stealth i'm drinking the end of this but go go go go no one will know that we were in le mans all right no one will know hello ghost is clear let's go this way uh no one's gonna suspect a pair of trousers they're too cute they're too cute yeah you take off the top just be trout for some boots be trousers and boots we'll go ahead i'm good okay yeah we're fine we're getting out of here scott free got free hey i got my braces off today turner blade wire their pants you sounded so uninterested i i truly am uninterested what the hell did you want me to do on me to protect you know how much i've been trying not to swear today because i feel oh we're getting better friends now oh i really i really really care about you swearing so much and now and now i try and say one thing about my life when you go me me me uh no me go stop this guy in the chat if it doesn't get me the guy i don't saying he sees us and you're sitting here like yeah but my braces yeah yeah but my teeth are starting to ache and i have to paracetamol i know you took your braces off it was straight but you did twitter for some reason really yes it was tommy took off took off his braces i had like 3 000 tweets oh that's [ __ ] up the twitter nothing i was actually i was actually i was mid nap i was mid nap while i was trending he's just so popular he trends and he doesn't even know yeah the dogs chat i left the i of course i left the dogs they're supposed to be left there that's what the bunker is for we're going to have a secret hound army i think it's a type of snack i don't want to eat that oh my god 30 seconds go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh now i never know what truck oh you just shut the door on me that was a dick move i did not do that that was a pressure plate well who stood on it that's like saying oh i didn't mean to kill you it was the gun that is just really not at all very similar oh yeah i wish i had a gun right now why is that no reason what the [ __ ] dude people are saying the base is over he can't threaten to shoot the bait did you cover the base tommy i am hey i've been doing so much editing of mexican dream at the minute i'm picking up his mannerisms hey i got my braces off today today it was trending on twitter did you cover the babe no no i'm going back no don't go back i'm going back well if you go back i'm going to make a huge tower so you're saying that if i stay with you you won't make the tower it will be more constricted that that does not sound like a no time all right i'm actually with you you just can't see me because i'm invisible oh can you help me out this time i just fell down i just fell down a huge pit uh yeah i'm gonna shout encouraging words because i can actually see the picture oh if you wouldn't mind if you're with you okay go ahead and do it tommy i believe in you you can climb out of that pit tommy yeah i fell down but i did like i did like a really inefficient block clutch it was so confusing so you're saying you failed the block clutch rather than no no it was a big wall and i blocked clutch but about halfway down so i didn't die but hey how do i get a really dumb way to have your your final debt oh is that it oh there's a portal oh yeah hey hey no [ __ ] sherlock it's the most levels i've ever had like i never die you say oh i don't know how to get back i'm like oh you go through the portal and like oh idiot everyone knows that wow wow hey man tommy's like what's two plus two and like four and he's like who asked who asked not me i keep falling through the floor it's a habit of mine hey is this a personality trait i think you're the one that needs some glasses no i've gotten you hey man i've got new teeth now did you hear me got my braces taken off it was alright it was all over twitter it was all over twitter got new teeth trending on twitter tommy's new teeth to be fair i've never seen my full adult teeth now and now i see it i'm kind of uncomfortable now because we're just spamming smile and i don't really want to uh smile i don't want to give him that for free yeah you got to charge him for this oh wait wait i've just realized hey should i just go on deaf and to just to smile why do you need to go in definitely oh cause i'm gonna get i'm gonna make i'm gonna get a [ __ ] ton of subs before i smile all right we need to enjoy one second guy hey guys you want me to smile i suggest we check if we have pranks this is this seems like a morally right thing to do guys guys please do check subscribe and prime just check just check uh please if you could and you probably have a sub or maybe you just want to stop anyway i'd really appreciate it i've already smiled like five times the stream and you're all there yeah that was awesome how you doing it's fine hello [ __ ] today flats hello hey guys it's me yeah we don't like you around here i know i'm a bad guy uh hey listen i was just wondering if this was a canonical stream or if i could just hang out and eat my chinese food it can be both oh yeah well i'm building a tower now so i reckon we can do a bit of both hey i know a lot about towers go on this is nice he really joined just to eat didn't he what i put this [ __ ] in an air fryer do you know what the [ __ ] that is you know what [ __ ] air fryer is i have no idea what an air fryer is i don't either i tend to get in there and it's heated up in like five minutes it's incredible okay i'm on reddit right now schlatt you you love me hey look at this video i found on reddit please turn obey didn't appreciate it what your subreddit yeah that reminds me i i have to go on your subreddit and make my my anniversary oh yeah your annual little okay so i've gotta follow this reddit tutorial i found okay do i make the bass first on no i don't hey guys it's me jay schlatt upvotes to the left uh post all right guys uh go guild that please i need more reddit oh i'm going up hey tenor blade my tower's coming along oh boy oh not the tower hey you said you said you wouldn't build the tower if i was with you and i'm actually been with you the whole time and then they punch me right now uh i'm i'm at the uh the base of the tower so i can't really i'm at the base of the tower i mean i mean the uh the other base you're a liar and a scum no no no i'm right there i'm right there oh i keep on pulling what's my cute uh dead person name like do i get to be like ghostbusters j cops great corpse yeah what about like ghost chalet like like dead glass uh can i be glet uh you can be gla i don't think it has the same ring to it as j corps and i think you'll probably go be harder to go trending every couple of minutes it's me j corpse yeah corpse here i'm eating general soul chicken oh my god are you right there tommy i don't know why you can't see me things are really obvious no i'm not lying dude i don't like liar's tenor blade how how much will you plug channel memberships if i am in fact right next to you oh don't worry how many times will you tell people to subscribe no no no no no no you could you don't do it to me enough you sound you're thankful you actually believe that i am in fact you're fake with it man you go all this i i'll promote you you promise me and then you never promo me i i told you i told people no yeah dude last last year we we promised we'd do sub for sub and you didn't subscribe back when i said yeah you know what you're one of those people you comment on all on all the videos sub for sub bro and then we break the base of the scaffold and if you don't believe me and then we both break and then you're going to die for a final time and it's going to be hilarious you either did it no he didn't and he told me we're doing sub for sub and everything i would absolutely subscribe to both of you all right what was all right what was jason's latest upload the principle behind it it was one of those i think it was jack box no it wasn't it was a falcon video it was a commentary a commentary oh i know he uploaded the serial tear list no that was weeks ago what was my last video i said i said i was subscribed not that i had notifications on oh so that's called an afk sub and that's detrimental to click-through rate nice work oh my god i'm gonna break the scaffold and tommy i'm gonna you're not gonna no you're not yeah i placed the sorry well guess i'm done well i guess that's tommy's last stream on dream smp that's it that's it uh he died as he lived you actually broke it and i i broke it after you died why why do you care you just died you're gone oh my god falling from this wait where even are you i'm right here in the water oh you're out where if you just waited like two more seconds to fall to your death the water would have saved you yeah well i didn't i fell by my own accord and it was nothing to do with you how is that a brag hey man hey hey i am am i accidentally picking up a lot of mexican dreams mannerisms and i'm not sure what to do about it can you cover me while i hold down right click please what the [ __ ] is mexican dream oh it's like dream but like like a mexican you'd like him a lot oh yeah why would i like him funny funny guy says funny things why am i protecting you wouldn't he be called like sueno or something that's that's too advanced that's too much you're right i really wouldn't drive the click-through rate why would i like him why would i like him funny guy funny guy two funny guys in a room saying funny things you know hey i'd watch that that's true i'm going up me tower hey my post on your subreddit is three thousand to die again three thousand dollars many guilds what's the guild what's tanner blade are you on reddit often i got the platinum awards that website i got six gold awards i got 51 rocket like awards oh you got rocket lights smash the rocket like that's what i say you getting rocket likes now rocket likes rocket like wait wait wait are you kidding me i'm looking i'm blasting off i'm looking at jay schletz channel are you guys mad that i didn't know you uploaded two hours ago when we were starting i bet you're not even subbed are you i know i've watched the entire video already when you don't even follow through on the sub for subs literally the video that was jackpots what's my latest video sorry i didn't interrupt myself yes it wasn't it was to do with mexican dream tenner blade it was to do with mexican dream all right i'm looking this up oh and now you're just googling it because i said oh you like mexican dream this is four hours ago and the one before that went right who the [ __ ] is mexican how do you keep dying what the [ __ ] is mexican dream dude is it crackity it's quackity it's quicker you doing i was gonna i was gonna say this just sounds like quackity but i didn't i i didn't want to risk being wrong he doesn't want a trend how do i keep how does this i'm actually no i'm actually trending already technoblade oh rip yeah no no no it's it's the first time i've been trending for anything good oh nice well my plushies stopped out in like eight minutes yeah so if i go i don't i keep dying tenner blade tommy you need to stop dying you're secure to death give me the cure to death did you try not building this dumb tower it's gonna be good it's gonna look hot you were talking so much like live stream like the next time i die it's that's it that yeah i know that's when we're in le mans again okay well that's when you just died that's why glatt isn't in the call i'm are you kidding me that's literally that was that was my third time that was my third that was just such a d what what do you even gain from that what do you think a ah good work tanner blade zombie is gone crab rave i'm literally stood here i'm stood here and now i've lost all of my levels and i was bragging minutes ago i've never had that my fault well you literally just destroyed the tower i was stood on several times when i did that i did i had 18 the first time and i did die to my own accord but would i have died given given you a here in the first place no you just said of your own accord in fact i literally placed water the first time and you just made it why before it i have never met someone more pedantic than you you know that word means just take no place by facts and logic you're like ew imagine you you sound like every teacher ever imagine using valid arguments to refute my idiotic okay go write a book go write a book bro no i don't want to be in a youtuber pays more books are actually a really a good way why would i write books when i can just live stream minecraft smp and yell at small child and get not 190 viewers foot three i'm done with my chicken oh yeah what do you think about it it was good i reckon can be used as an adjective as well yeah yeah you're looking rather glotty today tanner blade oh yeah how was that we hey heck no you have no you you don't talk dude you're not even subbed to us i am subscribed to both of you i literally said like how can you talk i've been streaming for a few hours sorry i didn't know what upload you did a few hours ago well i had a nap and i still watched jack's full newest video like sort of a star i'm making sort of a star right now okay two blocks up oh wait what did i just press where am i what do these buttons do oh these are my old streaming things oh what was that oh oh okay is it two blocks one smashing pro nine nine i'm back i completely never dies so i've never had to consider that oh my god you're still you're still going on about still going on with these self-referential memes oh yeah yeah well i know about all of them because i've subbed to him you're literally just saying glad and you're talking to me about self-referential memes you're saying your own name like a pokemon i'll tether blade you're gonna like this oh why are you like this okay i have to stand very still hey what if i broke the scaffolding uh actually you wouldn't do anything now oh pug don't know oh i did you just said it wouldn't do anything yeah but now it means it's very very hard to get back up i'm okay with it take this catch it catch it let's play catch from up here catch this arrow in your forehead nice miss idiot i i don't actually want to be hit by the arrow how come it doesn't even aim where i want it to go it's because there's this minecraft added random chance to arrows why because it's just it's just the greatest video game wait when did they add this i think they've been random chance for bose for quite a while it might have gotten worse recently that is insane that's such a silly they added so much variance too what do you may think about this gla good arrows that lava flow all the way down all right smashing pro 999 hey hey have you heard of smashing pro 999 no he's my buddy i'm out on reddit smashing pumpkins what's that mean uh they're a band you wouldn't know him oh yeah yeah all right well i'm gonna plug channel members see you guys see you guys i love how wait wait wait wait wait okay no i don't i [ __ ] up really bad i just threw my through my uh trying into a yeah yeah i'm not gonna say bye to a guy that's not subbed back you know i mean you know right i mean you know right what i mean you just said hey we can start swearing now he's gone you know what yeah you know sometimes the simple ones get me hey connor hey i just wanna i'm i'm subbed to jay schlatt and tommy in it on youtube yeah my man that's what i say i'm like the guy from the you don't know nobody video oh yeah wait that is that not your phrase uh no no i stole it i ended my stream did you raid me oh no this is the world's worst sub for sub relationship we've got going on yeah it's all given no take it really is i told people to twitch prime to you what do you mean i don't know hey connor i've got this new thing i do uh glass glass what do you think of it connor dude what i say now that's just what i say it's kind of one of his uh his catchphrases i get it he'll tweet it soon and get like 200 000 likes no i made my tweet for today you got a big lava tower yeah yeah yeah making me a tower it looks so ugly how is it going you know what man you you're you're a body shamer but to towers how is that a body shamer yeah that's about it it's because you keep building the same ugly cobblestone tower everywhere and it looks terrible everywhere every time what do you know i don't understand that reference okay there we go mind that place water and let it flow down over the lava this creates a giant structure of come on okay guys you see any imperfections on my tower because i need to fix them it looks bad no that's the first imperfection oh did he did he okay he did this from the top block what whoa holy crap i've never even gone all the way down yet holy crap it is whoa oh my goodness gracious me man so why didn't you step back to us then tiger i am because that was kind of fun just [ __ ] up hey we can all swear now now you're not now you're not live that is correct yeah it's [ __ ] up absolutely [ __ ] up i am subscribed to both of you uh i actually think i am oh no i lied looking tower no wait no this is connor eats pants daily gotta send the conrad's pants daily this is even your channel it is mine yeah what's the daily it's daily early uploads i'm turning my main channel into like more of a creative pre-presented my main channel into awesomeness it already is art in this sorry it already is awesome oh connor you flatten me please see you're the type of guy that i want to do sub for sub with yeah yeah hell yeah connor uh tommy uploaded a video four hours ago titled mexican dream is the funniest minecraft player ever and he is what the huh um got something to say pal you guys you guys played this video game weird you got you got something you want to say say to my face right now right right [ __ ] now i was not aware of dreams heritage no no dude it's an entirely different person oh it's a different person just an entirely oh different person all right now connor guess who it is we're gonna play this game very carefully will you guess who it is well i mean when i first heard it i assumed it was just a dream but you're telling me it's somebody else oh wow oh wow well that says a lot about you connor that says a lot about you i'll be thinking about that when i when i click when i hit the unfollow button on verified is so powerful think about it okay i thought about it who do you think it is i don't want to be wrong yeah exactly so you have to the catch is with this fun minigame you have to get it right well even if you get it right it's still bad russian roulette with six bullets there's no winners oh man mark cuban shot clock you got 10 seconds to get uh quackity i'm not i'm destroying my seconds tell me i will log in and cannon kill you no no no no but hit me up i was gonna destroy it but now you've said don't build it i'm logging back in okay fine if i'm destroying it i only want one tower man yeah and i've actually adopted a lot of mexican dreams mannerisms now like what he goes amen i've started doing that he's gonna get cancelled so fast what does someone see a problem with that oh it's gonna be so bad maybe hey maybe i won't adopt his mannerisms uh due to the uh the the sudden drop in twitter followers okay a rough crowd tonight roof crowd you know i'm seeing a lot of oh no's in the chat i'm just waiting for them i'm waiting for wilbur to join i mean you know i had my first nap earlier today so i'm i'm not in the right headspace your first nap ever snap so big day big day already just a baby you didn't take nothing a big day as me already so i i mean i don't know his parents his parents were so upset he just never slept once 24-hour awareness i think we might be bad influences on this kid perhaps then again i don't know who started this whole mexican dream bit but i mean that's not us i think i think it's great especially when tommy does this impression yeah tommy do do more mexican no no i i honestly okay believe me i just i don't think it's my strongest bit do more no no no no i don't i think i should have shut them down i think that's past me and i can tell you whether they're good or not no i think i'm done with that whole you know that dark section of my life i'm done with mexican dream i'm done with him you know hey well we damaged control this one really well i've already trended on twitter once today hey connor did you see i got new braces well i did i got i got my braces removed i actually find out most of my news about my friend tommy in it by just checking the explore page i was telling him that i don't know they really like me over at twitter hq these days yeah hey man and that's why i'm gonna stop uh you know taking mannerisms from from md himself md i actually switched my location to uh the [ __ ] pacific ocean once i saw the trend where like dream was like hey george wake up and then you [ __ ] got it trending well remember that remember when when george was like [ __ ] sleeping and everybody was like wake up george through the election what oh never mind whatever you suck techno he's kept so many times on a daily basis even yeah he slept through a lot of things yeah i guess so it's like his leading character trait is sleeping through the news from that black hey guys i just want to say that was really good damage contra what we did there and i really appreciate it yeah yeah anytime yeah thank you you know me i'm the guy to come to yeah you're the guy you're the guy who i go to to apologize for things i've done wrong it's true you ever wrote an apology money oh yeah there you go i uh i was actually alive during the bubonic plague i don't know if you know this i didn't but um yeah yeah that was you you'll never believe it you'll never believe it i i was actually part of a parade in which a bunch of uh catholics walked through italy and uh self-flagellated i don't know what that means it means we uh yeah yeah we self-gladded gladly it just formed a natural smile sorry sorry continue about the gliding yeah so we walked through and uh and whipped ourselves to you know beg god for forgiveness from this bubonic plague that's what we did so that's what slang is yeah that's what the lighting is if anybody asks that's what that's what i'm all about we should have done that when this pandemic started maybe it would have lasted so long yeah but too bad everybody's an atheist i nowadays hit this [ __ ] little shrimp yeah who's with me it's a joke guys in all caps are you it's there's nothing funny about me saying i i do not care for atheists that is that is the most serious thing i've ever said in my entire life you're gonna pass me on the trending tab later man i'm just i'm already ahead of you hey what is an atheist it's someone who uh who just lives in the [ __ ] void oh i reckon i'm one of them i don't know you're probably an eight you're probably an atheist you know what's wrong with that oh nothing nothing you got a problem didn't you like hell oh yeah what are you telling uh uh i'm i'm one of those guys that was the most twitter friendly answer i've ever heard what do you um what do you mean what i love the irony of just a religious debate in the twitch chat people like oh that's not okay well well wait a minute let me tell you what's not okay one holy catholic and episode yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna go tell you that right [ __ ] muslim again thank you guys so much for is too much watching doing his [ __ ] eight-hour stream um he is jesus christ all right let's go watch turbo everyone oh my god he's got another hour okay go go follow him and [ __ ] you know the drill boys thank you all so much for watching the stream i'm gonna go have a long snap called called [ __ ] sleep [ __ ] thank you all so much for watching uh i'm gonna host tomorrow go watch your stream i hope you all have a great night i am tired today and i don't have any essays thank you boys for watching and i'll catch you all later good night
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 1,254,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyvods, tommyinnit vods, dream team smp, tommyinnit and technoblade team up, technoblade dream smp, tommyinnit dream smp, tommyinnit exile, minecraft funny, minecraft challenge, minecraft but challenge, dream, dream smp, tommyinnit technoblade, tommyinnit tubbo, tommyinnit returns to lmanburg, tubbo thinks tommy is dead, tubbo dream smp, Dream Minecraft, technoblade
Id: cXcdnEGNdJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 17sec (5837 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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