Tom Segura stops by Living Dayton

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thanks Jamie he's a comedian that's made people laugh on Conan O'Brien show time TBS he's had a half-hour special on Comedy Central and guess what he is from Ohio he's an Ohio native Tom Segura joins us now thanks for stopping by thanks for having me thanks for having me this is fun to be here ok so we got to start off you're from Cincinnati originally originally from Cincinnati were you there nine years whatever whatever you say that like whenever I say people like where you from originally Cincinnati and they're like hey do you know and I'm like no I've never driven in that city I don't know what part of town you're talking about I don't know which high school would have gone to you right I was nine yeah you barely made it past fourth grade yes it's it's I was out so whatever it is no I don't know okay daddy but I still love Skyline Chili here okay in the audience yeah there we go okay so you're from Cincinnati obviously you've you got on - I don't say bigger and better things we living in LA now right yeah so talk to us a little bit about that like how did you get into comedy did it start at an early age yeah I mean I liked it and then I did like some stuff in college I went to college in North Carolina and I kind of played around with it there a little bit and then I just moved out to LA after college started doing improv yeah and then got into stand-up so like where does the where does the point come where you're like hey I'm pretty funny I should do this on stage where does that have what is that moment there's a moment where you're like if I keep this day job I think I want to kill myself that's the moment desperation it's yeah it's it's a how am I gonna get through life yeah I can't do it in this office and then you're like oh if I can if I could only make a living not being in these walls right that's the motivation and clearly you've been able to make that living so far thank you so far so good yeah I don't know I'll go downhill tomorrow why were there white Zulu warriors out here before I come over there what white Zulu warriors baekje guys living daemon we can't explain it all going on it's a party the party like that yeah so I can get one of the outfits you should get one of the outfits and take it to your show tomorrow night there we go I could do a whole show in that now maybe a conversation should be there so what can people expect at the show what sort of comedy dude what kind of comedy you know not child-friendly no yeah don't yeah I talk about myself I talk about I don't know observations I have no I'd never know how to answer this question it's gonna be a good time for laughs guarantee that the time of your life they're gonna I watched some of your videos you do talk about what kind of the mundane things are life that you make funny though hey how about it's just my silly or simple tags on the Monday observations on the mundane aspects of life that's with with your own twist why don't ya guys help me out that's a way better answer than that now you can go forth with the goodies that put us on the paper what do you think my take on the mundane is that like an answer yeah so people can listen to your take on the mundane at the show so it's going on all weekend long about it's sexual that's okay yeah there you go okay there we go we've got the information up on the full screen right now so that starts tonight raise the night 7:30 and then all weekend long 7:30 and Friday and Saturday the second shows are at 10:00 at the date and funnybone it's going to be a blast it's gonna be mundane it's gonna be sexy okay it's the anti to dress up like a Zulu warrior there we go perfect I like it sounds like it's gonna be a good time thank you so much thank you for having me thanks Tom this is fun we'll have to go check him out of the fight okay that this weekend now don't go anywhere because I
Channel: WDTNTV
Views: 22,818
Rating: 4.9080458 out of 5
Keywords: none
Id: nHIE766iMnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 10sec (250 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 05 2012
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