Tom Segura LOVES Watching The First 48 - Tom Segura: Completely Normal
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Channel: Comedy Dynamics
Views: 4,110,822
Rating: 4.8734479 out of 5
Keywords: The First 48 (TV Program), Comedy (Theater Genre), comedy dynamics, completely normal, funny, laugh, hilarious, Fun, Jokes, Humour (TV Genre), Stand-up Comedy (TV Genre), Laughs, Lol, Silly, Laughing, best comedy, comedy videos, the first 48, first 48, YMH, ymh clips, your moms house, christina p, segura, 2 bears 1 cave, two bears one cave, ymh studios, dr drew, josh potter, best comedian, funny story, funny video, top comedian, best comedy video, comedy video, tom segura
Id: 0kM7aXofMC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2015
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To all of you that live a high and tight lifestyle, I say, "hey, Hitlers".
This bit really makes jeans feel high and tight, if you know what I mean and stuff like that.
If you want some good laughs, listen to his podcast with his wife Christina Pazsitzky. It's called Your Mom's House. Very funny.
I loved his bit about Steven Seagal
Shout out to the MAIN mommy, this is amaze
I would appreciate somebody to link up the references everybody keeps using around here. This comment section is confusing. Hook a brother up
Linkedin is helpful.