'Spider-Man: Homecoming' | Unscripted | Tom Holland, Jacob Batalon

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he took his costume shoes okay though wears them now from what movie we're talking about oh yeah my bad hey what's up guys I'm Sam Hans is Jakob Athlon we are here from the new spider-man homecoming movie here on movie fun today we're going to answer some questions that you guys are sent in on Facebook and Twitter and then we're going to go unscripted and ask our own question Moviefone did I know what I said let's third okay from now on ot on Facebook thanks for your question it's a great question thanks for asking you who's your favorite superhero other than spider-man I like I like vision night vision yeah cuz we have like a laser beam shooting on his forehead that way though yeah but you could just like blast someone like by thinking it okay but think about this view like it does it feel special when you shoot webs I don't it's fake Jacob it's movie magic okay but all right well Joey on Facebook thank you did you manage to smuggle anything off set calm I'm trying to sync everything on set is so expensive yeah you know like you were talking hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stuff so it would be very irresponsible of me to take stuff that said did I take stuff you'll never know unscripted what do you look for in a girl Jacob um you know someone who has a nice smile I mean I feel like freckles honestly only one who can just make me laugh because he knows my job to make people laugh and if you can make me laugh I mean you got some Dom V on Facebook Thanks what was your spider-man training regimen like regimen I'm regime a resident and regime Arthur's regimen ah you know I just went to the gym everyday that was kind of my thing I didn't do anything specific I just did not know this up so like I know like spider thing I've been spider-man push-ups which is what you like you're on the floor I guess and you do a push-up and you bring one leg yeah - meows - and push up really good at them all right let's move on from MIT on Facebook hi do you have future projects planned we want to see you in more movies oh that's so sweet here I want to see you in more movies oh well I'd like to say thank you very much I just actually finished this film called a true Don Quixote which stars Tim Blake no Simmons of the Man of La Mancha who's superg of Tim Blake is like a like a legend in the business so I mean it was a great time oh I'm scripted here we go ask me anything shaker um I don't know like what was your first kiss like oh oh the first time I ever made out with someone shout out to Megan Joseph oh oh it was I was in Billy Elliot we were we were backstage and we had this room called the Billy room where all the Billy's would hang out in between shows and rehearsals and Megan one of the Debbie's was in the room and I was dead to make out with her but dead by a friend because I was like falling madly in love with her she had no interest in kissing me but she was dead too and I made out with her for all of three seconds and it was magical we stood of this day the best kiss I've no hand from a beedi on Facebook I felt like a DJ's name Amy dude why do you think spider-man has such a huge fan following what's funny is that I think he's one of those characters who like transcends time yeah like every generation I grew up with them in some sort of fashion I get that and the fan base is kind of just like all those people who were kids for our adults two kids right now and it's really just uh like it's just an everything yeah funny it must be nice to be in everything you're about to be resolution Eric and yeah that's a nice name I like that Eric M from Facebook what was your favorite non action scene to shoot does it law yeah I think one of my favorites was and the scene where you find out that I'm spider-man yeah I get it a little bit of action because I'm cooling on the ceiling yeah but I think I was really one of my favorite scenes oh yeah when you think about I think that's like the longest scene it is a really long scene it's much shorter in the movie than what we shot on the days you remember long that was it took a whole day yeah that was a long scene did a 26 minute take a lot of those great but I loved it yeah yeah I'm gonna go dark how big sweet what can I ask you take it what do I want to know I feel like right now wouldn't be the time to ask really deep personal questions in front of like the world yeah the thing is I know everything about you I feel like wishes I'm only asking this for the public yeah so I can't think of a good question help me um I mean no one's asked about my childhood what was your childhood like Jacob what a good house it I'm not gonna bore people with like a life story Jeff s from Erie Pennsylvania no arid area doesn't mean like it's an area late or haunted like a hot like a melted pot Pennsylvania like a eerie boat Shire I always used to think the Pennsylvania was spelled Pennsylvania sir not Penn is ela valia Lavanya which Avenger do you really want Spidey to team up with in the sequel that's it that's a pretty dumb question I want em laughs really I will be pushing for this thing I think if he's so little spider-man that'd be so cool yeah yeah you know no I totally get that look at me a team did you know like it's a fact that she swallows furry spiders in your lifetime I had 7 I think it's 30 how could it possibly be 30 because he just don't vote vote but you said tiny spiders like bro - how would you swallow a spider though in your sleep the business climate okay well I think that really depends on where you live you know that London there aren't that many spiders if you live in the jungle then yeah I can justify eating spiders in your sleep but it's not one what's the last question I haven't - alright from Nathan l on Facebook who was the biggest prankster on set assuming there were pranked you know there were pranks what's funny is that like I think everyone kind of just shared the collective way yeah I think we were all just learning together playing around all the time Jorma that time someone like replaced your cetera with a toilet why'd you bring that out so I don't know if your association was like cuz I've been talking about brown hair equals is that producer there was a scene in the movie that takes place in the bathroom and they were demolishing the set so they swapped my chair out for a toilet put my name on it and it was funny I thought it was hilarious but what was even funnier is how proud the producer was of his gag like that when was a revenge thing well you know when I threw water on Sam when he was sleeping although you should have a video of it though my brother Sam came to visit in Atlanta and he was asleep in my trailer and I threw icy water over him and he went nuts he was like half asleep it was awful yeah it was awful I felt really good thing yo here we go how does it feel please don't ask me how this oughta be spider-man so many people have asked that question here but others were so funny Oh honestly did you actually buy it like working out or where he just liked eating and just like yeah I'm lucky that I was 20 when I was doing the movie and I ate you know it's healthy food but food and but also a lot of chicken burgers yeah was my thing in Atlanta I just made sure I went to the gym every day yeah and did sit ups sit ups was the thing from Alicia on Facebook who was the first person you told when you got cast in the movie I told my brother in law in the Army right below the alien Navy yeah yeah and he was going away for a while and I love to keep it a secret for my fam so I just told him because military people can keep secrets why did you want to keep it a secret from your fence Oh cuz I wanted to be surprised when they came up here because I had a graduation Oh sort of it like the perfect gift to give to them besides me graduating you know your gift to them was like me yes celebrate me it's been great though enough so um it's another a BB question from Facebook thank you I mean he got two questions okay um what was your favorite onset moment with Robert W G huh yeah I thought there's so much like so many great things he did on Civil War I was in my trailer and I had a knock on the door and opened the door to one of the ADEs and she said do you want to have dinner at Downey town I think no I'm fine thanks I don't want to go to town I'm okay my trailer she said no no Downey town I said no I don't want to go to town because I'm perfectly happy here in my trailer she said no no no Roberts little village that he has he has like four trailers in a big square and a little garden in the middle with a chef this I went and had lunch with him and it was so intimidating like a restaurant yeah he has his own of the restaurant at Garden wimbledon tennis is playing in the background the Sun was shining we're reading some weird green guava juice or something yeah absolutely made it I feel yes that was the day I was like this is this is legit this is real right I'm gonna get a good one for you so what has been the craziest thing you've ever bought I am rather sound too extravagant well we bought a pair of shoes that are that um that didn't fit me what cost uh how much did they cost you all right five hundred dollars and they didn't fit you yeah how to big or too small too small take it I don't underst what shoes are they um they're like these like pink engraving oh man - $500 man I think I think I just got robbed I think you did did you buy them off the street I bought a rod one yeah you definitely consult that Mike geez thank you yeah that seems like a good boy you know what it don't even refer them on mess quest Travis QC I've always liked the name Travis Travis I'm so much about it I'm honest hasn't really crossed my mind in the house so yeah another thing about names for myself a long time anyway Travis cue from Facebook did you guys do anything crazy slash fun during your off time in Atlanta we played the most amazing game in the pool we it was like rugby meets basketball meets UFC fighting and it was me Harrison Jacob Michael who else was there nothing Tony was that no Tony must all be warmer than those Lauren's and dared didn't take part because it was too rough and they didn't want to get involved but yeah it was I'm surprised no one actually got hurt yeah yeah we definitely we shouldn't have been playing that game okay how does a nearly drowned yeah Harrison 111 nearly drown are they we're definitely were try to just just win and you know willing to you on the same team whoever's on the team of Jacob wins because you can't get the ball off him he just up now thanks to people for having us thanks to all of you for watching and sending in your questions go see our movie please spider-man homecoming is going to love it it's going to be late [Music]
Channel: Moviefone
Views: 3,528,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spider-Man: Homecoming, Unscripted, Tom Holland, Jacob Batalon, interview, Moviefone
Id: o8uLEG2Jx7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2017
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