Tom Cruise Broke His Ankle on an "Easy" Stunt for Mission: Impossible - Fallout

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-Let's talk about the movie "Mission: Impossible - Fallout." First of all, I can't even tell you. Screaming, clapping, laughing, I had no idea what was happening. Twists, turns. I go, "What? That's not real. That person, the --" I don't want to spoil anything, but, you know -- The hospital scene. -It was great that you guys showed up. I set it up for you guys in IMAX and the whole crew. -Thank you for that. -I invited everyone, anyone who wanted to come. -We all went. Everybody went. So thank you. We appreciate that. -We made it for the big screen. I'm glad you guys went and enjoyed it. -We had popcorn. -Popcorn was warm. [ Laughter ] -You have to see it on -- It was warm. It was very warm popcorn. Delicious. -Paramount set it up for us. -It's the biggest IMAX screen in New York City. And it's worth every second. Go -- I don't know how you -- you did the thing. I -- I hear always -- [ Laughter ] Tom broke -- he broke his ankle. Or he broke his leg doing this one scene. I go, "Which scene?" [ Laughter ] There's like -- there's like 20 moments where you go, "That's where he broke his leg. No, that's where he broke -- Oh, no, that's the scene where he broke his leg. Oh, no. Maybe did he break his leg in this dance hall scene where he's dancing?" I don't know. When did he break -- Which one did you break your leg on? Do you remember? -It was the easy one where I -- I'm running and I jump from one building to the next. -Yeah, so easy. [ Laughter ] So easy. The easy scene. -It was the easy scene. [ Applause ] -Dude -- -It's an easy one. -There's no one -- No one does it like you anymore. It's fantastic. I don't know what's real, what's a stunt, what's hap-- Dude, I'm talking about car chases, boat chases, motorcycle chases, running chases. [ Laughter ] Helicopter chase. Are you kidding me with the helicopter chase? -I trained for a year and a half to fly the helicopter. -You trained to fly a helicopter for this movie? I mean, who does that?! [ Cheers and applause ] Who does it? He's the best. He does that. It's worth it, man, because it's so good. People were screaming, clapping. Applause breaks. After that scene, I go, "Oh, my gosh." And this fighting with Henry Cavill. -Yeah, Henry. Yeah. -He's a big dude, man. -He's a big dude. -Yeah, I wouldn't even like -- -He's a big boy. [ Laughter ] Great actor. -Yeah. -Fun guy. -Shaking his hand, it hurts me. -Yeah, exactly. -He's a tough dude. -This can hurt. -Yeah, exactly. And of course Alec Baldwin. We love Alec so much. -Classic. Great actor. -He's the greatest. He told me that he was -- he was trying to make you laugh at a couple scenes. -He always makes us laugh. -Yeah. -He always makes us laugh, about everything. -He's a funny guy. I don't want to spoil anything. But anyways, he -- -Yeah, anyway. [ Laughter ] -I do want to show -- I want to show a clip. Here is Tom Cruise in "Mission: Impossible - Fallout" in theaters and IMAX on Friday. Check it out. -We have to evacuate these people. -There's no time. -This whole valley is gonna be incinerated in 15 minutes. -It's too late. -No. I'm going to get the detonator. -What, how? -I'll figure it out. Find Lane and find the other bomb. -What the hell is he doing? -I find it best not to look. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ [ Cheers and applause ] -That was like -- I did not want to -- -Do you get -- do you get scared when you do that stuff? -Yes. -You do? -Yeah. It was funny because when I got up to the top of that skid and I have to -- First of all I got to climb up that thing a million times. It was freezing cold. When I got up there, I go into a freefall down the rope. And there was just a moment where I'm thinking, "I don't want to let go. I don't, I don't, I don't want to do it." -Yeah, because you know it's coming. -Yeah, I just don't want to because I'm freefalling. I don't want to end up on my head hitting that ball. You know, I mean, I rehearse and practice this stuff, but -- Not hitting my head, but -- [ Laughter ] It hurts when you hit your back and you fly off. But it didn't happen. -It's fantastic. I loved it so much. Thank you again. -I'm glad you enjoyed it. -Tom Cruise. [ Cheers and applause ] "Mission: Impossible - Fallout."
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 1,807,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Tom Cruise, Broke, Ankle, Easy, Stunt, Mission: Impossible - Fallout, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, Fallon Stand-up, Fallon monologue, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Mission Impossible: Fallout, Top Gun, Mission Impossible III, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, Rogue Nation, Collateral, Magnolia
Id: Si4-VzckyWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 24 2018
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