Tokunbo Adelekan PhD: "The Preaching Moment"

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name of Jesus we decree and declare that this is the day that you have made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it thank you Lord for the Christian community everywhere that is has this designated time Lord to come and decrease that you may increase in our lives now Lord because we are in this post Pentecostal season we dare not attempt to do anything Church wise anything biblical anything theological anything ecclesiological without your divine guidance and your divine presence in fact Lord we dare not go without you we don't want anything that you are not a part of for your word says Lord in John 15 that we can do nothing without you that apart from you we can do nothing and so Holy Spirit we asked for your guidance Lord we thank you Lord for abiding in us for your word does say Lord if we abide in you and your word abides in us we can ask for whatever it we will and it will be done unto us O Lord today we come with a specific and designated prayer request Lord we ask Lord in the name of Jesus for Jesus justice and providential peace and for royal righteousness to cover the land though we've been praying on your word says if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal the land and so lo we just believe Lord right now that though it seems complicated Lord though it seems multi-tiered Lord the low it seems Lord highly difficult we believe not that you are still healing the land we are healing the landlord because their divine connections that are being made you are healing the landlord because the prayers of the righteous have been heard you are healing the landlord because we have humbled ourselves before you and the Lord sometimes when you're here you got to cut in order to heal sometimes Lord you got to spank Lord in order to save sometimes Lord you got to discipline in order to correct Lord we submit ourselves to your process all over the world Lord right now for we know Lord that we do not have the mind to wrap our minds around everything that's going on but we do see signs of your divine presence in the midst in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit that all those that believe let them say Amen three mighty times amen amen amen let's give God somebody praise wherever you are hallelujah we come today and we want to go directly into the word we thank God for all of you for this first Sunday in June we thank you for communion sunday we thank you for the first Sunday after Pentecost we celebrate all of the ways that you have continued to support this ministry we celebrate amen they first responders the health care workers amen we celebrate Lord this season our graduates from all over the city we thank you Lord for all of those churches that are working hard to minister to those in the church and in the community and Lord today we thank you Lord for all of the spirit of justice and renewal that is taking over the world we thank you Lord that connections are being made and relationships are being formed and I just want to give God some praise right now because we know that in the midst of this God will never leave himself without a witness and so thank you Tabernacle for how you have supported this ministry spiritually intellectually culturally financially and in more ways than one in the Bible in the Bible today we want to go to the Old Testament we want to go to the Book of Chronicles amen if you go to the book of Chronicles amen we ask that you come down 12 blocks with us amen get to the town called first Chronicles come down 12 blocks amen for the reading of God's Word and just walk 32 paces to verse 32 we're only gonna deal with one slice of eternal scripture today and all of those that can we you pause where you are we ask that you stand to your feet Amen wherever you are pause if you can stand to your feet if you can 1st chronicles 12 and 32 first chronicles 12 and 32 if you're there say Amen hallelujah and it says and of the children of Issachar somebody say it's a car and of the children of Issachar which were men that had understanding of the time to know what Israel ought to do the heads of them were 200 and all the brethren were at their commandment let me read that one more time and of the children of Issachar which were men that had understanding of the times of the seasons of the historical moment to know what Israel that is the people of God the house of God the tribe of God to know what Israel ought to do please highlight the verbs said the heads of them were two hundred a telecon translation you don't need a lot to get the work done and all their brethren all their people were at their commandment that is to say they had a mind for those that they were covering and leading and called to empower let me let me read that one more time and of the children of insuk are designated which were men that had understanding of the times discernment to know what Israel ought to do dedication and discipline the heads of them were 200 and all the brethren were out there commandant that's devotion you may be seated in the hearing and reading of God's Word today beloved I come to the pulpit in fear and trembling to be sure I always come to the pulpit feeling inadequate to preach a divine word but today that spirit of self-examination and circumspection is even more upon me when we look at the text for the morning we find ourselves in the Old Testament we find ourselves at a crucial point at a pivotal point at a watershed moment in the life of Israel the people of God very interesting beloved how the Lord knows how to rescue us from complacency he knows how to break down the team he knows how to deconstruct our comfort levels and God can bring you out of your comfort zone and you don't go anywhere in order for God to change your mind he doesn't have to take you anywhere he can sit you down where you are and just change everything around you God is on the scene this is a rare moment in the life of Israel one regime was closing out another generation of geniuses was being born one administration was dying another ministration was being birthed and in a moment in which the dawn is arising it is very hard to the human eye to know what time of the morning it truly is on this scene in this scene when we put a theological lens deeper into this text this 12 chapter of the book of Chronicles begins by listing God's army the biblical writer takes the time sister Pierce to list all of David's fighting men all of the men that were not celebrated not heralded not in the newspaper not on faculty not an MSNBC of the day not on CBS News the Bible takes the time to list all of these fighting men digging more benign sons of Jonathan they go into how they were doing great things but nobody knew about they were fighting men they were men of will and skill they could handle themselves in the battlefield and I've come by to tell you beloved that if you're going to get through 2020 you're going to need some people around you that can handle themselves on the battlefield of a changing America the interesting things sister Mary about the text is the Bible is listing all of these generals around David and beloved you got a watch selecting who's around you you better ask God to choose your team you know when I was younger I chose my friends but now that I'm older in ministry I believe beloved if I choose them I'm gonna choose them based on my limited imagination and God if God decides to choose your friends your lieutenants your staff your ministry I'm telling you God will send you some people that you'll sit back and you give God praise you were cheerleader you were okay I didn't have enough sense but God sent the right people at the right time give God some out of breath God will chew about this choice from Terry is that is that God chose these men to fight with David before he became King sister Debbie I like that I like that sister pruitt I like that because you don't need friends that only show up after you get a claim after you achieve after you graduate after you get the new job after you become you need some friends that was there with you on the right side of the mountain oh these johnny-come-lately kind of people that tell you after you get a little bit of money they say you know I'm your cousin you know I knew you way back then are y'all here with me but I need some people I can't trust you with the reward if I didn't trust you another I can't trust your amen being my friend up when I couldn't trust you when I was in fact I can't trust you with the mansion when you were with me when I would homeless y'all ain't gonna pray with me and so what God does what God does point number one God will give you some designated characters in the midst of your transition in the midst of your next move you don't need some people have not been tried there's a Europe a proverb that says it's only in time of war do you know the soldiers that have seen blood before you need some designated characters you need some divinely chosen people around you that David is not even King yet but then but then if you scroll down beloved if you scroll down to verse 32 that's something else that goes on in 6 he said but among these fighting men among those that knew how to battle they knew how to fight there was a particular tribe within the tribes there was a particular faculty of faith there was a particular folk with a special anointing with a consecrated mindset among those fighting men called the sons of Issachar the children of Issachar you don't hear a lot about them in the Bible of raising up people that are specifically designed for the moment at hand look at the text he says that they were man of essica who had understanding of the time and they knew what Israel ought to do in other words not only could they fight they knew how to fight well not only were they people of skill with their hands they were people of skill with their hands the worst thing you can do is go to somebody who don't know what the heck they're doing have you ever been to a teacher they didn't know how to teach have you ever been to a doctor that diagnosed the wrong thing I have never been to a mechanic that was playing mechanic but didn't know how to do mechanic y'all ain't praying with me let me come closer have you ever been wanting to marry somebody but they were only half committed to you that they were in the relationship but they had one foot in and one foot out have you ever tried to go into business with somebody and you were all in amen but with them the outside of the container was greater than what was inside the container beloved it's not just enough to know how to do something we need people around us that have thinking skills what am I saying that they have divine wisdom if any of you lack wisdom let him ask God let her ask God who gives to all men liberally and without reproach I've come back to tell you that God knows how to prepare people for the right time that will come down and deliver what you need to deliver these are not times that you need novice in order for you in order for you to seize the day in order for you to seize the day as we look at these images on the screen you're going to need some men and women of Issachar who understand the time who know how to put the headlines of God the headlines of man under the lifelines of God you need people who understand what's going on in the streets but also people that know what's going on in the scripture you need people a man that are marching but you need people that know how to march in the right direction you need people who are protesting but you also need people who know how to plan the protest now you need people who are exerting their civic duty but you also need people who know how to creatively exert their civic duty so not only do you need designated characters you need people who have definite consecration definite concentration by the pastor what do you mean by definite concentration you need people that are clearly a tool - the difference between the wheat and the child what is the noise and what is Noble what is the confusion and what is the conviction what are you responding to everything in the midst of this or is God directing you to what really matters in the midst of this I've come by to tell you that that that when God decides to give you definite concentration based on your designated character isn't it interesting that God will use some people that you didn't expect God would you interesting that when God decides to call somebody to liberate Israel he would call a David who was not even on the first team of his own family that even his own brothers denied his leadership but I've come back to tell you it's not what you got on the outside but it's what you got on the inside that counts that man will look at somebody and said you're too young you're too old you're too black you're too white you too Paul you too rich you're not educated but God does not look out what's wrong God looks on the heart I got some people under the sound of my voice even you decided this gets discount you but God raised you up gave you a word gave you a work give you a worship and God surprised you you don't listen to what somebody told you this is your moment I've come back I say seize the day but why do you seize the day why do you seize the day you gotta seize the day because you don't know how God is going to work and when the knock of opportunity comes on you you better seize it because you never know if God is ever going to use that moment again David if you don't throw the rock God can't get behind it young boy with the lunch if you don't give it God came multiply it Moses if you don't stretch out your staff I can't open up the Red Sea Nehemiah if you don't get the resources and go back I can't send our army to support you if you don't show you can't reap I've come back to tell you Widow unless you keep on going to the place of the judge where he's not hearing you I can't change the judge heart is there anybody here under the sound of my voice you gotta keep on knockin you gotta keep on breaking you gotta keep on praying you gotta keep on praising you've got to throw the rock you got distressed around you've got to bring your lunch so that God can bhai get behind it if you put a letter like God's hand what are you talking about a delicate I'm talking about that when you have divine concentration that God will give you a duty to community you're not hearing me I said God will give you a duty to community and Minneapolis one Tuesday [Music] in an obscure part of town something happened that would have passed the imagination and passed the purview of the local state national and international but because some nameless young people decided to throw a rock decided to step out of the pavement and step into history because they saw an injustice they took out their cell phone and began to record a man who was crying out for his mother first point maybe that takes place in more cities than Minneapolis but nobody wants to bring out their cell phone or when they bring out their cell phone like in Atlanta they don't bring it out until the pressure come y'all gonna hear me today when you have a duty to your community it means that you're not scared what man is gonna do because you're not gonna let nobody hey hey turn you around now I want to challenge us church people because growing up and being in church for the last 45 years I heard a lot about what the young people ain't doing I heard I'm not about the fact that they have a different kind of music and a different kind of dress I heard people talk about technology talk about Facebook and Twitter and Instagram but I thought these were people that we rejected why is it that God has used people the church folk have rejected older folk have rejected why has God use them to turn the world upside down for God because God does not need himself without a witness because man looks on the outward talk but God looks on the heart so in order for me to preach this message with integrity we gotta ask church people to repent because we push them out of our churches but they took their cell phone truck technology and took media and we're able to capture moments of divine history y'all this generation I got to applaud them have you taken note of all of the things that have happened in our country over the last 12 days have you taken a note of all the things that have happened in our world over the last 12 years because of their duty to community and because of what they did in Minneapolis Madrid is marching Manchester is taking to the streets in London yesterday they took a knee for 8 minutes 46 seconds the time officer Derek Colvin had Floyd pin down in Berlin a mural of Floyd appeared on a remnant of the Berlin Wall in Nigeria a dozen protestors gathered in front of the u.s. embassy in Abuja which sign that said black life matters in Ghana the president tweeted a drawing of George Florida Road black people the world over are distraught by the killing of an unarmed black man in Syria's war-torn city of it Lib artist as this Asmara says he was moved to create a mural after watching the media coverage around Floyd's death members of the All India peace and solidarity organizations held up placards in silent protest at the US consulate in Harvard at India and New Zealand ignored kovat restrictions to march on the placards through the megaphone the message is universal black lives matter we see 4,000 people in Athens Greece we see that Africa has lost a Black Friday campaign we see young people and older people and black people and white people and brown people and rest we got young people who got the power to put down their guns and kneel and match with them I've come back to say this is a divine it's a calm moment and we need dust and UI feet and give God some praise that the blood still works the world still works that Lord still works that justice to words that black is beautiful give God's almighty praise [Music] hold on hey brother preacher brother preacher I don't I don't understand what black lives matter me I had some of my colleagues to call me this week and they they they want to understand terms like white fragility and white skin privilege and white power and they say dr. del akan can you give us some resources that will help us deal with our own white colleagues and families as we try to get on the battlefield for you say well let me explain first that I appreciate your willingness not to try to change the narrative but now you're beginning to understand that the problem is not with the black community or with the several african-american communities that I felt the sting of racism and white supremacy now you're beginning to understand where the problem is and so I I'm glad that you're getting the resources to address not just your co-workers but your family members because the struggle is not just about legal or political issues the struggle is about your dinner table who you play cars with who you watch TV with that you're going to have to start arresting some of those conversations some of that body language when black issues come up and you're gonna have to tell your people that that day that it is hypocritical for you to love black culture and hate black people yeah I know you love magic I love know you love Michael I know you love Michael Jackson and Prince I know you love the music I know you love black cuisine I know you think black women are beautiful but but but but here's what you've done you like to take out what we produce but you now the person that produced it and the history of this country is that black people were not just not made profit they were turned into property and unless you begin to love black life like it's your own you will never be able to heal from this pandemic of racism you have to understand that black lives matter help me Jesus [Music] help me you have to understand that you are where you are because you took from these people but what I want to ask you is whether preacher isn't it amazing that these people that you took from have not been reduced to hating you what do you mean I can't capture 400 years of the african-american experience in America but bear with me as I tell you this story that's what I told my colleague I said you love sports don't you I said imagine if there was a sprint contest and you had one sprinter over here and another sprinter over here and you found out that one sprinter had no place to Train had no facilities had no coach and the other one had the great greatest facilities greatest equipment greatest coaches in the world I said then you find out that the stadium belonged to one and the other was asked to come and when the first one got to the stadium he got there on a cruiser bus got there three hours before the contest got there with the roaring of the crowds with the cheering of the cheerleaders with the sportscaster listing all his accomplishments and with coaches and fans lined all around but the other one had to catch four buses to get back walk a mile when he got there he didn't have anything to run with one had the running gear the running shirt and the shorts and the spikes the other one had boots in overall got there two minutes before the race and then they say on your mark said seven ten seconds into the race they find out that one is almost at the finish line but the other one it's still in the starting blocks because somebody has chuckled his feet tied his hands put-put broken bottles underneath him the question is at what point does the race become fair and then when you find out that the supporting team of the one runner was the one a man that tied him down that that that shackled his hands that bound his feet that put roadblocks in his way at what point is he not supposed to say black lives matter I said you have to understand that what is going on it's not even easy for black people to do but for so long many generations have suppressed white supremacy we've suppressed the aggression we try to act it out and sing it out and play it out but you got to understand these young people they're transparent they're saying we are not taking it anymore that's what you need to understand and until you'll come to that truth black lives matter did not start with George Floyd with Eric Gardner black lives matter started it is rooted in black in James Brown's I'm black and I'm proud it's rooted in in Toni Morrison's beloved and and it's rooted in a Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man and it's rooted in James Baldwin's James Baldwin's bigger and it's rooted in I don't need nobody to give me nothing I'll open up the door and I'll take it myself it's rooted in a rich relations giver cross the bread and such they say help yourself and don't take too much Papa may have and mama may have but god bless the child that's got his own is rooted in DuBois souls of black folk he's looting and unpack she's the street it's rooted in the Harlem Renaissance it over my head I hear music and there must be a god somewhere it's rooted in the songs and the breath and the love that brought people over the transatlantic you gotta understand black lives matter is evil as old as God and Adam so when you say you're Christian and you deny the fact that God made us in our image and you erect systems and protocols around that we're here to say God don't make no junk we love you but we love ourselves too and we are here to stand up for righteousness and stand up for justice and to stand up for peace give God some minor prize that's what it means see so my brother you have to understand that you got you got to understand that we all have some soul-searching to do then finally I told him I said what you must understand is that for many people who are denied rejected they can't understand why a white policeman what had is neon a black man's neck do what do you mean if he has it you have to understand that black people have had a very rich history with those that protect the rich white folk y'all hear me good today one of the deals that was made with rotten white oligarchs and plutocrats with their less-advantaged brothers and sisters he is we know you ain't got nothing we know you don't have access to property we know you're not written into the Constitution either but here's the deal we need you to keep your neck on them and as long as you keep your neck on them we'll give you some crumbs off the table go back and read dr. King's work when dr. King was in the jail in Birmingham Alabama he began to fellowship with the sheriff's in the jail and after day one and day two they began to dialogue just like some of those young people are dialoguing with the police and it's very interesting that what happens in the midst of dialogue when you begin to talk and it's very interesting the kinds of police after hearing the story say wait a minute we not supposed to be shooting you we're supposed to be covering [Music] dr. King after talking to the sherry he said wait a minute it's dr. King start laughing at him yeah some how much you make with how much you make you need to be marching with us you are making this and you are protecting them against us you need to let somebody turn you around y'all better give God somebody praise for God right now the problem with America and the problem with the world as they got people who are supposed to be marching one side protecting the people that are protecting them that are oppressing them that are hurting them that are injuring them that are wounding them that's a demonic spirit any time I am fighting the one that's helping me but fighting again all y'all then go pray with me any time I'm fighting for the one that's hurting me that's a prostitute situation the problem of black lives matter is we've turned the whole thing around and we've let everybody know who the real enemy is give God some mighty praise well I know this is a strange thing but I want to get back to the Texan the final thing you need is you need a divine connection if you're gonna understand these times ah listen you gotta check police brutality you gotta pass new laws of the cultural police you have to you have to look at how many people can arrest it we have to look at all of that but but there is something deeper going and what I want to close is you have to understand that part of the real issue with this country has nothing to do with the streets it has everything to do with the Scriptures it has nothing to do with the headlines of Lesotho and Jamaica and Brasilia and Abuja and our crime but it got everything to do with the lifelines of God I need somebody to give me about you gotta understand that it is the misuse of God's word that has produced the problems thank you my sister that has produced the problems of America because the Bible is a book of power you can either energize or execute and when you take the Bible and you abuse the Word of God and you tell some people that because of the color of their skin they have no rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness you have truncated the Word of God well America this ball hadn't preacher just to be sure before anybody wants to check my credentials I was born May 11 1969 and Hartford Connecticut my momma got my birth certificate to prove it did God somebody brief but I've come by to tell you wow you should have been reading the Bible my brother you are accusing some other president I'm not having the right birth certificate why you should have been studying the Bible help me Jesus you were too busy tearing down what you should have been building up why you should have been out loving on people you ran into a bunker but then you try to come out like you're had some hair on your chips when I've come by to tell you I ain't mentioning nobody name I'm just talking about a dream I had this week well to make matters worse you go take the Word of God rather than a man going to the Lord's house from the White House crawling on your knees asking God to forgive you you're trying to have a follow-up and you took the Bible and you marched from the White House put a large house first thing first you should have carried the Bible for yourself don't ask your daughter to give you the Bible because when you gave you the Bible the Bible was upside down that's the problem with everything you're doing everything upside down you're running the car upside-down do an election upside down and people you upside down you're doing close it upside down you're doing good everything upside down the economy is upside down that's why cuz you've got the Word of God upside the next thing you got to do my momma told me they can Beasley since the winner they said don't just hold the Bible you gotta open the Bible before you even read it you gotta know how to open the Bible help me Jesus you had opened the Bible too in order for you to read the Bible you would have read where it says hello Pharaoh let my people go I said if you had opened the Bible you would have read where it said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me for he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor if you had opened the Bible you will say he heard what it said lord help us to sing the Lord's song in a strange land if you open up the Bible you would have served where it said I come not I come to seek and save the Lost y'all help me here I said if he had opened up the Bible he would have read where it said whatever you do on to the least of these my children you do it unto me if you had open up the Bible you would have read where Jesus fed the multitude but did not fight the multitude if you had read the Bible then we read where said jesus said amen whatever you do unto the least of these here I come beloved I've come by to say it's not just enough to have the Bible but we got to read the Bible and then we got to live the Bible there's anybody here that knows that the Bible says greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world is anybody that knows that all things work together for good if there's anybody here that believes the Bible say man give God some out of breath I live with it if you live with it say man if you die with it say man if you're standing on the say man if you're preach or they'd say man if you're praying on its a man attacked you right now to stand to your feet and give God some mighty prayer because we took the Bible off our heads and we put the Bible in our hearts and we used it to set our people free let me tell you about the Bible the Bible talks about my Jesus I've come by to tell you that he climbed over 40 and two generations they beat him they struck him they put him down in a grave they hung him before that between two thieves but early Sunday morning I said early Sunday morning somebody tell you they didn't know that he was gonna get up but some people didn't know that George was don't get up he's in heaven right now but the people all over the world they have got up saying it's I've heard said we're going to seize the day simply gonna march for righteousness give God some mighty mighty mighty mighty praise God is praised him right now right now in the church of tabernacle church this landmark this landmark of the Underground Railroad this landlocked this this landmark of black political advancement this landmark of righteousness I want everybody right now to begin to praise God I want you to praise God wherever you are I want you to praise Him sometimes you gotta praise off the hate you gotta praise off the bitterness you gotta praise off what they did to your child you gotta praise on what they did to your mama to your daddy to your great you gotta praise it and the more you praise God the more you can forgive the more you can let it go the more Amen I know they did you wrong on the job I know some of the brothers have been harassed on the street but I've come back to tell you that when praises go up blessings come down change the narrative through praise give Him praise begin to holler begin to give God praise right now ever you are God for righteousness I'm almost done I'm almost done I've almost done the reason why you gotta praise him it's because the one thing they could not shackle was I praise they took our bodies they took our music y'all praying with me they took off my clothes I cuisine but Lord we had to take back and we took it back by praise please hear me those that promise you never pray that y'all will be here and y'all be doing what y'all are doing this time seize the day you need to talk o into your families and you need to recuperate the stories of transcendence overcome you need to make the phone calls you need to search the family archives you need to listen to the stories that nobody wanted to tell you need to stop letting your children spend all their time on Nintendo and watching TV and you need to tell them how you got over you need to tell them that you always didn't have a refrigerator you used to have an ice box used to tell then gonna pray with me you need to tell them amen that you always didn't have a microwave used to have a crock-pot you tell them I used to walk to school how they gave you substandard books but you have to study anyway we need to quit denying and suppressing how God has breathed on us I said breathed on us because sometimes you don't appreciate breath until you crying for your momma and say I can't breathe you
Channel: The Tabernacle Baptist Church
Views: 65
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: StdmHbSrKrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 10sec (3010 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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