The Wrong Way to Wash Our Hands | A Sermon by Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II

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pilots way is not God's way it is washing attempting to wash our hands the wrong way when governors in states like Florida Mississippi and Alabama refused to expand health care and issues and refused to issues stay in place orders and lie and claim they don't know if the science is true while people are dying you can't wash your hands like that when the Senate and the house first give trillions of dollars to Wall Street bailouts and not to ensure the health care and the living wage is for those who need it they give money to Wall Street and now and don't ensure that people on every street in every back road are protected you can't wash your hands when the third bill they passed claiming a bailout for people but that third believes out millions of low-wage workers sanitation workers grocery workers fast-food workers health care worker janitors undocumented workers the homeless you can't wash your hands you can't wash your hands like this and when preachers who have supported Trump's wrongs and and when religious nationalism go on tip TV and say the reason America is suffering because of those people who don't like and support the president you can't wash your hands or when religious leaders call their congregations together anyhow and tell them as a test of their face Rick when it's really about them wanting to make sure they don't lose offerings and lose tithes to support their outlandish lifestyle and they're willing to risk lies you can't wash them [Music] we welcome you to Greenlee Christian Church disciples of Christ for our congregational and national broadcast in these times I'm Reverend dr. Williams a barber pastor a bishop here at the church and we want first this morning to draw ourselves into prayer on this Palm Sunday Jesus on Palm Sunday entered into a place he knew would be fraught with dangers and pain it's good to know that God is with us and our pain God is a very present refuge in the time of trouble Oh Lord our God we need you but even in our need we first give you honor and glory and praise even in our need God we thank you for the memories of deliverances of the past that those deliverances and the way you kept us then might strengthen us now right now God we hear your word that says nothing can separate us from your love which is ours in Christ Jesus nothing above us nothing below us nothing around us no virus no missteps no intentional actions of negligence nothing can separate us from the love of God which is ours in Christ Jesus as Oh God you moved into Jerusalem that would be a place of death and struggle move into our lives right now we pray now God for families who are struggling with unexpected bereavement people who looked and fought a few days ago that they had much life ahead of them but now life is no more and their families are grieving moving God with the power of your healing and peace calming spirit we pray for those now God who are trembling because they've got to get up and go out to help somebody else as a grocer as a trucker as a sanitation worker as a janitor as a doctor as a nurse God give them covering now we need you to move in and cover them they may be covered in personal protection equipment but God we also asked you for divine covering as they seek to be your hands as they seek to do ministry in your name touch now and cover them for seniors oh god that I've heard about this moment in this disease and the impact that it has on those who are of age we pray now God you would steady them and hold them and strengthen them that somehow we might present all of our anxiousness and our anxieties unto the God in the midst of a nation where leadership is lying and refusing to repent somehow God we called him we call your spirit to move in and convict in places we don't even see conviction as being possible but God you've moved hearts before you change situations you even change leadership when necessary by your divine hand move in God according to your spirit and caught into your power for churches God that a learning that church has to be more than a building that church has to be more than a gathering that we must have a relationship in the Holy Spirit that is not confined to a building or to a particular time of the week God move in and teach us now that the old folk we're right there is a love that can run from heart to heart and from breasts to breasts and it doesn't have to mean that everybody's sitting beside each other but there is a connection in the spirit oh god help us to know God that we're not alone that there are these witnesses that are peeping over the battlements of glory a clowder from God who was saying to us listen we made it we made it we we made it through slavery we made it through segregation we made it through swine flu we made it through Wars and the same God took care of us is with you got a shopper with you now God we need you we and help us God to be a nation on a shame to say we need you we need your God we need your strength we need your power invade our spaces God don't keep any spiritual distance from us move in God in our minds move in and our hearts move in and our houses move in and our government move in God and have your way hmm do the grace thing that you do so where the merciful thing you do so where the loving thing that because there is none like you Oh God lift God where there needs to be a lifting Oh God where there needs to be a holding wipe tears God where there needs to be a wiping and give strength God where there needs to be a strengthening and we trust you now God we heard in your word when we are troubled we need to run to the rock that is higher than as we're running now to you but just like on Palm Sunday we're asking that you run toward us and into God into every space where we have need of thee that our trust ultimately might be in your power and in your presence and God even in your purpose in this moment for we ask it in the name of Jesus and we believe it done a man for he is worthy to be praised yes Oh magnify the Lord for he is worthy to be praised Hosanna be the rock be the rectum let it be the optimist oh he's worthy to be praised you see the Lord for he is worthy to be praised Oh magnify the Lord for he is worthy to be praised hold on let's it be the rock let's it be the rock of my salvation Hosanna let's it be the rock let it be the wrath of my style a whole salad or walk side let it be the rock bless it be the rock of my salvation Hosanna yay ever sit be the rock bless it be the rock of my salvation yes god yes god bless it be the wrong our salvation [Music] [Music] Jesus Jesus at the mention of your name every knee should bow every tongue proclaim Jesus Jesus you are saved you are Lord you are yes you are say it again say Jesus Jesus at the mention of your name every knee shall bow every tongue proclaim Jesus wonderful Jesus you are saying that you are Lord and you are God hallelujah we give your name praise Lord your God is so worthy to sit again Jesus Jesus at the mention of your name every knee shall bow every tongue proclaim Jesus wonderful Jesus and you are saying that you are Lord you are God thank you lord I say you're the only living God you're the only living God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are saying you are Lord and you [Music] you are saying that you are not and you are gone you are saved are you on I'm you are [Music] Saviour for being Savior and for being God in times like these we need a Savior Lord help us this morning to hear your hearts from your word God we humble to come before you recognizing that we have to approach approaching your word with deep humility for there is none like you and none like your word help us where we fail to hear you properly draw us closer because you are Lord your God we know that when you put men and women to declare your word you took this risk of putting treasure in that that is broken and frail but you do it Lord that somehow when your heart comes through the preaching the excellency of the power is a via not of us so hide us O God behind your cross cover us in your blood fill us with your spirit for we ask it in Jesus name and believe it done a man even out there all of you I want you to just celebrate the Lord in your homes and give God a hand clap of praise and thank God for the music ministry a man as we come together at this time as we're gonna be gathering here and every Sunday next Sunday on Easter we're gonna do something special steal via social media but we want you to join with us some of you have asked we've not been asking but I've gotten messages from some of you around the country well how can I support what's going on and so we just want you to know I we're not making this a priority in this moment but if you choose to give you can go to our web page and do it through PayPal if you want to support the ministry our ministry that ministers to 41 senior citizens and a senior citizen complex and preschool that is actually staying open to health help healthcare workers who are still on the front lines and other ministries that we do here to minister to people and some of you said I want to do something well just go to PayPal and and do that if you so desire of your own free will and Accord in the 27th division of the Gospel of Matthew there is this word beginning in the 11th at the 11th verse and it says turn it down just a little bit meanwhile Jesus stood before the governor and the governor asked him are you the King of the Jews and Jesus said well you have said so and when he was accused by the chief priests and the elders he gave no answer the in Pilate asked him don't you hear the testimony they are bringing against you but Jesus made no reply not even to a single charge to the great amazement of the governor now it was the governor's custom at the festival to release a prisoner chosen by the crowd at that time they had a well known prisoner whose name was Jesus Barabbas let me stop for a minute we have a little technical difficulties I want to make sure this is happening because of so much usage I'll take the air out of the mic and if me to just use the standing mic if the the pail is not verse 17 so when the crowd had gathered Pilate asked them which one do you want to me to release Jesus Barabbas or Jesus who is called a messiah for he knew it was out of self-interest that they had handed Jesus over to him while Pilate was sitting on the judges seat his wife sent him a message don't have anything to do with that innocent man for I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him but the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus executed which of the two do you want me to release to you as the governor Barabbas they answered what shall I do then with Jesus who is called the Messiah Pilate asked they all answered crucify him why what crime has he committed asked Pilate but they shall all shout it louder crucify him and when Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere but that instead and uproar was starting he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd I am innocent of this man's blood he said it is your responsibility all the people answered his blood is on us and on our children then he released Barabbas to them but he had Jesus flogged and handed him over to be crucified this morning I want to try to speak to this text and lift this thing the right there is the right way and the wrong way to wash our hands the right way and the wrong way to wash our hands there's a lot being said today about the right way to wash our hands I was reading this week on a site and it says hand washing requires five simple steps put both your hands under clean running water warm water apply a generous amount of soap to the inside and back of your hands as well as your fingertips wash your hands for at least 20 seconds and one note says sing happy birthday that's 20 seconds and don't forget the wash under your jewelry your fingernails your fingertips especially important because people often put their fingers on their face nose eyes and this is how the virus can spread it says scrub rub both hands together and move your fingertips around in both hands you don't need a scrub brush you don't need to make it harsh and then rinse return both hands under the running water warm running water and gently wash the soap away and then dry completely dry the water from your hands using a disposable towel paper towel is best to avoid leaving germs on the other towels and air dryers found in public bathrooms are also effective why do I need to wash my hands correctly the right way it's important to do it after or excuse me when do I need to wash my hands correctly it's important to do it after returning from a public outing grocery store work school concert sporting activity hospital nursing home before leaving the bathroom after shaking hands do flu season during and after preparing food especially raw food before eating before and after caring for someone whom who was sick with symptoms of vomiting diarrhea before and after treating a cut or wound changing diapers or cleaning up a child blowing after blowing your nose coughing sneezing after touching an animal animal feed or animal waste or handling pet or pet toys touching the garbage putting on your shoes and using public computers touching public table and countertops cash and corns and other people's phone how long should I wash my hands 20 seconds 20 seconds the right way an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% it's helpful also in protecting against the spread of germs and viruses but don't ever forget that hand-washing old-fashioned hand-washing warm water hand-washing what mama always used to ask you boy did you wash your hands is still the best and most effective ways that's the right way but the Bible teaches us this morning that there is a wrong way to wash our hands verse 24 Matthew 27 when Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere but that instead and up Raw was starting he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd I am innocent of this man's blood he said it is your responsibility therefore I wash my hands you know in the last week of Jesus's life we see a lot of strange things and and don't be too hard on the people in elite Jesus's last week because we are them was surely not Jesus in the last week that Piper's denied Jesus they disobey Jesus they flee Jesus because of fear fear can do some terrible things to you and while God does not give us a spirit of fear sometimes we have a God didn't give it to us but we certainly have it and then Judas betrayed Jesus because of greed and because of anger because Judas wanted Jesus to act violently toward the oppressors and scum scholars say that Judas even thought if I can force Jesus into a confrontation then he will act out and call the angels from heaven and when Jesus didn't do that and Judas saw that his actions did not actually make Jesus moved away Jesus he wanted him to he grieved and he ended up killing himself because he had fulfilled a prophecy from Jeremiah that a savior would be would be portrayed with thirty pieces of silver but then there is this story sure which shows the Council of religious leaders and Pilate especially showing us another part and type of human sinfulness it is a sinfulness we cannot we cannot refuse to speak to we cannot ignore we cannot just push over it some people will call it being political but it's not being political as being prophetic and that is when the government and certain religious nationalists conspire together to lie and put down movements of truth and love and to deceive the people jesus' trial reveals the kind of death dealing machinery of the state when the state is aided and abetted by religious leaders who are more interested in securing political power than in serving God and in the hands of both religious and civil authority truth then becomes malleable it becomes a tool shaped by false witnesses and selective evidence to benefit the power and achieve a desired in one writer says that though the witnesses testimonies don't agree in the final trial of Jesus the religious counsel they still find an excuse to denounce Jesus and declare he deserves death and they hand him over to the state apparatus so that the state can kill him with a life sentence now Pilate represents the state he represents a leader who's always trying to fool people and move in his own self-interest so Pilate sees a political mess and he does his best to evade responsibility he knows is wrong but Pilate is more interested in his position and his power than telling the truth the crowd is spurred on by those who are envious of Jesus the crowd is being bamboozled and they choose the life for Jesus Barabbas you know Jesus was a common name in that time they choose Jesus Barabbas whose name means son of the Father and they choose to death of Jesus the Christ which means the son of God and Pilate being this political leader that has no real beliefs only belief in his own self he capitulates to their wheel and his view is if politically political stability for himself requires the death of innocent people if his poll numbers require that innocent folk die if his dreams of authoritarian rulership require that movements be put down and innocent people died then so be it all that matters to him is that my position is protected and he says in essence what can I do except wash my hands of the whole business and hope that so much innocent blood doesn't leave a stain on my leadership now the crowd says something that we often pass over they holler back when he says who do you want they say his blood will be on us and on our children and so my friends Jesus's execution is a conspiracy of empowered cowardice mixed with narcissism when you have a narcissist who is also a coward somebody who's only concerned about themselves and that they are afraid to take make take tough positions it ends up in the dereliction of duty the religious leaders don't like Jesus false religious leaders who have chosen to support Caesar and support Rome and support Pilate rather than be what God has called them to be they predetermined how the outcome is gonna be all they need it was the pretense of evidence they arranged all the testimony false testimony and even after that they still can't find a way to condemn Jesus so what happens is the head one has to get directly involvement inflate the trumped-up charges of black for me but you see the priest couldn't kill him so it needed the state and so the pre the head religion is turns to Pilate whose primary job was to keep things cool and calm for Caesar so Caesar could have his rule and then Pilate would benefit from that and so Pilate says I wash my hands now the act of washing your hands of murder or of a murderer that you don't know who committed murder was actually a religious tradition passed down from Deuteronomy there was a way of clearing one's conscience conscious if the person was actually guilty but you didn't know them you could wash your hands the difference here is Pilate was not being religious and Pilate knew Jesus his wife told him look Betsy that man alone I've had dreams all day about it Pilate knew Jesus and he knew that crucifixion was a tool of murder on behalf of the state crucifixion was the way the Roman Empire dealt with those likely to be considered radical and protesters against the lies of the state crucifixion was the way Rome kept down protests crucify him and the followers will run and scatter Pilate knew Jesus he knew his actions and he knew his innocence a new Rome was wrong he knew Caesar like him was a narcissistic guy who loved to build his buildings put his names on and he knew his leader was wrong he knew the religionists were corrupt religiousness and that they had sold out to caesar they couldn't stand jesus' way of love and caring for the poor and the broken and the battered and the bruised because they were only in it for the money theirs was false religion Jesus was the the way of God so when Pilate washes his hand it is a clear example when writer says of a wolf in sheep's clothing or whitewashed tombs with dead bones inside Pilate is acting innocent he's trying to hide his guilt not take ownership of his actions when he washes his hands he's trying to use a religious tradition to cover for his wrong action his own wrong he's trying to act like he's just just a just leader and he's done all he can do and he's going to just leave everything up to others to fix a mess that he created by allowing a phony trial that's what he's doing he is not an innocent leader he actually is an agent of a brutal Empire and when Pilate washes his hands he does nothing to minimize his complete complicity because he washes his hands the wrong way Pilate was in conspiracy to hide the truth and the conspiracy around jesus' death is a powerful reminder of the political implications of following Jesus to the cross but when you follow Jesus is way of love and true and caring for the poor and the hurting and the sick and daring to challenge a state or a nation when it is not following the way of God when you do that especially in the time of lying political leaders and lying religiousness who are more interested in greed and power and manipulation rather than doing what is right in the sight of God following Jesus can be dangerous it can be dangerous in a time when self-absorbed leaders would rather wash their hands of the mess and the problems they calls then repent and turn and do the right thing but the truth is washing one's hand the wrong way doesn't get them clean you know on a personal level when we refuse to love our brothers and sisters and when we see them with a need and we ignore it we ignored it turn the other way and then on the other hand we claim to love God the Bible says clearly how can you say you love God whom you have never seen and learn not love your brother and sister who you see every day you cannot wash your hands with worship that ignores people no matter how religious we act true religion mister care for the widow's care for the children care for the destitute as a church the church is supposed to be the house where all people not some people all people not those we like all people that's what the church is supposed to be a house of prayer for people and whenever church folk try to turn the church into their personal possession their personal club their personal clique filled with self-righteousness and then use that as an excuse for being what God wants and what Jesus died for we can't wash our hands of guilt because that is a trying to wash our hands the wrong way and it is still true just as it was in jesus's historical day that political leaders cannot ultimately wash their hands of guilt when their policies hurt and harm the people no matter how many public press conferences they have to try to wash their hands it is washing their hands the wrong way I was reading the other day an article in The New York Times where representative and 11 a Democrat in Michigan wrote a letter that was signed by 56 of his colleagues urging the President to invoke a law called the defense production act in the fight against coronavirus the law was passed during the Korean War in 1950 the law lets the president the president alone to direct manufacturers to make supplies necessary for national security and in that letter and in that interview the representative said it is it's very clearly clear how the president can use the same powers for public health the letter then said long before the numbers of cases and death that we had now this is the letter that was written March 12 this is April now this March 12 and the letter had said at a time when the Coronas virus pandemic is leading to a critical shortage of test ventilators respirators ICU beds and protective gears for medical professionals we call on the president that used the power he has tens and hundreds of thousands of lives are at stake in real-time this is in March Trump the president invoked the law briefly but then later the same day tweeted that he would hold off using the powers the law gives him and say our only sign the defense protection act to combat this virus should we need to invoke it in a worst-case scenario in the future and that decision has left us where we are now as a nation the germ is one thing that's nature that's that's nature but the negligence and refusal to act is another the calamity the germ is not the president and his it enables doing but his dishonesty and incompetence have exacerbated him like Pilate is trying to wash his hand and to point this out is not to dwell on the past the point is now is not to have hatred for the president the point this out is to point it out prophetically and hope that change will come trump enabled by his team has been giving daily televised briefings in which he over promises and spreads misinformation he makes bad decision and reverses himself only under the pressure of the bad press the article says and that makes frankness about his catastrophic ineptitude imperative you gotta be tell the truth because of Trump's disdain the article goes on to say for expertise and his obsession with loyalty to him even if he's wrong we have entered into this crisis with a government from which many competent professionals have been purged it was robbed and reported this same article says that the Trump administration dissolved the national security council's of global health security office which was responsible for planning for disease outbreaks and then he said some of the people we cut they haven't been used for many many years and if we need them we'll call them they are not to be called when the pandemic has begun their job was to be on the front line looking for the pandemic and preparing from them and then further the article talks about how Trump's and this has not talked about much his own Department of Health and Human Services ran a series of simultaneous last year about a pandemic respiratory virus originating in China that ultimately of infected 110 Americans million Americans last year that the exercise drove home just how underfunded underprepared and under coordinated the federal government would be for a life-or-death battle with a virus for which there was no treatment existed last year and there is little or no evidence that any serious increase was done to push for America's readiness even though last year there was a warning and when this corona virus emerged in China's Trump's instinct the article says was to treat it as a public relations problem he just wanted it to go away just go away South Korea on the other hand ramped up the production of tests the United States played around and another report says South Korea a country of around 51 million had by the week of March the 19th tested 209 a thousand people and in the united states of 330 million people we had only tested 60,000 and you cannot wash your hands of this that is the wrong way which is why last week the Boston Globe sadly and with no jaw had to declare the administration has blood on its hands pilots way is not God's Way it is washing attempting to wash our hands the wrong way when governors in states like Florida Mississippi and Alabama refused to expand health care and issues and refused to issues stay in place orders and lie and claim they don't know if the science is true while people are dying you can't wash your hands like that when the Senate and the house first give trillions of dollars to Wall Street bailouts and not to ensure the health care and the living wages for those who need it they give money to Wall Street and don't ensure that people on every street in every back road are protected you can't wash your hands like this when the third bill they passed claiming a bailout for people but that third believes out millions of low-wage worker sanitation worker grocery workers fast-food workers health care worker janitors undocumented workers the homeless you can't wash your hands you can't wash your hands like this and when preachers who have supported Trump's wrongs and and when religious nationalists go on tip TV and say the reason America is suffering because of those people who don't like and support the president no you can't wash your hands like this or when religious leaders call their congregations together anyhow and tell them it's a test of their faith really when it's really about them wanting to make sure they don't lose offerings and lose tithes to support their outlandish lifestyle and they're willing to risk lives you can't wash your hands of this and the damage that it is causing to the people of this world no no no no these things and so many others are attempts to wash our hands in the wrong way and the only real way to be cleansed now is to repent open that's what Jesus was calling for and making the way for as he made his way to Jerusalem and then down the Via della Rossa the way of death the only way is for even nations to repent admit the wrong and start over did not Isaiah say long before Jesus come let us reason together says the Lord though our sins be like scarlet they shall be white as snow though they are red as crimson they shall be like wool and Isaiah in that text was talking to nations and the leadership of nations repent you cannot wash your hands like pilot this is not the time to cover up Church the time for the nation to color up say to those who are in the administration around Trump if he doesn't repent you do it be bold like the commander of that Navy aircraft carrier and tell the truth don't try to wash your hand this is not the time to cover-up beacon but be clean and be clean this is not the time to cover-up it's time to stop the deception so we can stop the spread of Lies and the spread of the disease and the spread of death my friends I I have to tell you this morning Pilate never did wash his hands the right way he never did and many who had power never have and their actions have caused the death of many down through the years and pilots action helped cause the death of Jesus and Jesus knew it would but as Jesus was dying he let us know that even in the midst of this God was still in the midst the God was still in to working because God is not just the god of life hallelujah I'm glad I serve a God that went by Calvary because that means God is not just the God of sunny days God is not just the God of anxious free days God is not just the God of the days I have courage but God is also the God the days I don't have courage and the days I'm filled with anxieties and trembling and so you got to keep reading all you got to go all the way to Calvary you got you've got to keep on reading past this phony trial you've got a you got to keep on reading past when they flog Jesus and beat him it and and mocked him and put on the robe to mock him you got to follow him all the way down the Via della Rossa you got to follow him as Simon the black man from Serina was the last one to talk with him as he was carrying the cross you gotta follow him all the way up Calvary's cross you gotta follow him the way he says forgive them for they know not what they do you gotta follow him the way he says I thirst you gotta follow him you gotta follow him they even when he cries out in anguish and shows us sometimes it's alright to say fatherfather wow that was shaken up you gotta follow him and if you follow him even in the midst of death you will see God because he says Jesus faces the trauma of death and pain in the midst of it how did he face it in the midst of a world where people were washing their hands the wrong way how did Jesus face it he turned to another set of hand he said father into thy hands I commend my spirit he put his life his death his struggle his strain his commitment to truth and love into the hands of the Father and I want you to know so much we my head my life is not in the hands of Donald Trump my life is not in the hand of modern-day cowards and Pilate this is not fearful resignation into their hands I commit my spirit this is faithful determination in the most midst of a difficult world we must say I'm putting my life and my spirit in the hands of God I'm talking about hands that never need washing of any kind I'm because God's hands are holy hands they're the hands of power and the hands of love the hands that James Weldon Johnson said bulged up the mountains and scooped out the Seas and thrown the stars in the sky against the backdrop of a midnight hands that spooked down and made humanity hands that took nails on Calvary for the sins of the world that's why the Bible says humble yourselves under the right hand of God and in the tradition of the old Saints that made it through slavery and made it through sickness and made it through bad leaders and made it through bad times when some people got a little weak they would ask her quit they would say look I'm telling you what you need to do put your hands in the hands of the man who steal the water put your hands in the hand of the man who calmed the scene put your hands in the hand of the man from Galilee and when they would get tired and when they would get frustrated down in there sanctified souls they would sing and pray hold my hand while I run this race yes Lord my god help me here hold my hand while I run this race well I don't want to run this race in vain so I declare that's what we ought to do put our hands in the hands of the men who steal the waters put our hands in the hands of the man from Galilee and tell the Lord hold my hand Lord while I run this race and I am so glad that wash that wash that those that wash their hands wrong they don't have the last word I wish I had a witness out there on video land I'm so glad that those who wash their hands the wrong way they don't have the last word even if I die because I've got some hands the mighty hands of God we have some hands the merciful hands of God you have some hands the marvelous hands of God and God's hands I will [Music] can wash away my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of Jesus Oh precious makes me nothing but said again say what can wash away my nothing the blood of Jesus Jesus I'm sinking Oh is the flow that makes me white as snow there is no no other the fire - holy Lord nothing but the blood nothing nothing if you're there it is in our faith that we offer you Jesus a relationship with guard wherever you are if you're there and you know your hands are too small to hold you and you know that you need to have a place where your life and your hopes your dreams your fears your faith you can put them we invite you to say lord I need you this morning we invite you to surrender your life to God this morning through Jesus Christ put your hands in the hands of the man the Savior from Galilee the ones whose hand could touch sick folk and they'd get better the ones whose hands now have nail prints in them to read remind you of the sacrifice he made for all of us put your hands in the hands and tell God the whole Johanne we got a race to run here y'all this is no sprint we've got a marathon ahead of us and in order for us to challenge the pilots of our day in order for us to hold one another in the midst of our pain we need hands that are bigger than ours so right where you are right where you are let the Lord in your life and remember he's got the whole world in his hands Mihal you used to sing that sure he got the whole world in his hands he's got the little bitty birds in his hands he's got the nurses and the doctors in his hands he's got the garbage workers sanitation workers in your children in his hands don't you ever think these we bless you he's got we love you determined - he's got we'll see resurrection day in his he's talking you and me he's got all healthcare workers in his hands he's got all the healthcare workers in his hands he's got the health care workers and first responders they're in his hands he's got the whole world in his hands he's gotten others and Jordan in his hands he's got fathers and sons in his hands he's got of mothers and daughters in his hands he's got the whole world in his hands he's got everybody in his house he's got everybody in his capable hands he's got everybody in his hands he's got the whole world in his hand he's got the whole world in his hands he's got the whole world yeah he is amen amen
Channel: Repairers of the Breach
Views: 28,613
Rating: 4.8502202 out of 5
Id: LSWgKLmkp6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 28sec (3808 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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