Today is my 52nd birthday 🎂 And honestly, I feel lost...

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hey all right so today is my 52nd birthday and um normally on my birthday i wake up excited because i feel like i've just been handed a clean slate and the opportunity to create a brand new year and um i spend the day reflecting on the last couple years and i spend the day brainstorming about what i want to create this year and this year is not a normal year i did not wake up feeling excited i woke up feeling lost because as i thought back over the last few years it's been an incredible adventure but i've experienced a tremendous amount of change in my professional and personal life that has just knocked me on my knees from losing my daytime talk show to having my book contract rescinded to having the speaking business basically implode until at least another year from now to not being able to be with you face to face to not being able to work with my team face to face i just got rocked and then on top of it our son wanted to go to high school in vermont and so we are in the process of moving from the home that we've been in for over 20 years and raised our kids up to a very small town in southern vermont where i know very few people and i feel very disconnected and the result of all this is i feel stuck in between two lives uh my old life which has ended and a new life that i have yet to create for myself and when i look ahead to the future i feel overwhelmed i feel lost i feel disconnected i in some ways i feel like i don't even know who i am because i feel so disconnected from the things that make me feel alive and happy and um so what am i going to do about it part of me honestly just wants to sit here and cry all day and feel sorry for myself but that's not going to make me feel better here are the steps i'm going to take number one self-awareness is critical so recognizing that you feel lost or disconnected or suspended between your old life and your new life overwhelmed whatever you feel it's so important to name it because when you name it you bring it out of the feeling in your body and out into the world and then you can do things to tame that feeling number two the most important thing that you should do is move your body because all this negative emotion is trapped in your body right now and it's only through exercise and motion that you'll move it out of your body and you'll change your emotional state so i am going to go put on an exercise tape and work up a sweat will that solve all my problems no but it will put me in a better emotional state so that i can [Music] think more clearly and more optimistically and start to see solutions number three best advice about happiness is happy people do things that make them happy and so after you move your body and you change your emotional state do one thing that makes you happy and for me i'm gonna go out and buy myself some beautiful flowers i've been doing a lot of writing this morning just dumping all my thoughts onto paper and i think journaling out your thoughts is a really important thing to do when you feel stuck or overwhelmed or suspended and then finally continue to remind yourself that this is temporary this is temporary this moment is temporary these feelings are temporary this feeling of stuckness and overwhelm is temporary oh [Music] oh oh those sneezes are temporary and i think the biggest thing about that mantra that this is temporary is so is your life and maybe that's why birthdays are overwhelming because they always make you think about the timeline of your life and so after you become self-aware and you move your body which moves your emotions and you do something simple that makes you happy and you dump all your thoughts on a piece of paper remind yourself that this is temporary and force yourself to start dreaming again because when you give up on your dreams you give up on yourself and i think that's one of the reasons why i woke up feeling lost today when i look ahead i don't see anything i'm looking forward to because i haven't created something new to look forward to and that's the secret how you're feeling right now is a function of what you see in the future and if you see overwhelm and a blank page and nothingness that's how you're going to feel right now and so i want you to dream big i want you to put something on that paper that's out in that future that calls to you that gives you something to look forward to to go for that's how you will pull yourself out of it and that's how i'm going to pull myself out of this too so that's my birthday message not really inspiring it's authentic and it's real because this is where i am right now and i also know that despite how low i feel i have a choice i have a choice about what i do about it i have a choice about who i'm going to be in the face of it and i have a choice about what comes next so by god i'm going to 5432 push myself to create a future that really empowers me and i want you to do the same too if you could do anything for me for my birthday it would be for you to dream really big today that would mean everything to me i love you hey it's mel thank you so much for watching this video if you haven't already subscribed please please please subscribe to my youtube channel and if you like this video i have a suspicion you're going to like these two next
Channel: Mel Robbins
Views: 333,289
Rating: 4.9494667 out of 5
Id: ZbRGszsk_y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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