To Tell the Truth - Ronald Reagan on panel! (Sep 23, 1958)

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[Music] what is your name please my name is Walter Castle what is your name please my name is Walter Castle what is your name please my name is Walter Castle two of these people are imposters only one is the real Walter castle and is the only one sworn to tell the truth now here is our host Bud [Music] ker thank you very much good evening and welcome once again to tell the truths now may I introduce our panel what is your name please my name is Polly Bergen my name is Ronald Reagan my name is Kitty Caril and my name is hi Garden Ronnie may I take just a moment to tell you how happy we all are to have you with us tonight on our panel well thank you very much great pleasure for me to be here although it would be more pleasure if I was where I usually am at this hour which is home watching BET should have just as good a time here you wait and see now these three gentlemen as you heard all claim to be Walter Castle only one of course is the real Walder Castle the other two are mly assumed his identity and they do not have to stick to the truth panel as usual you'll find in front of you copies of an affidavit will you please follow along with your copies as I read it I Walter Castle am a leading baritone with the Metropolitan Opera Company earlier this year I set a performance record by singing three different roles at the Met within one 24-hour period on Friday evening I sang Baron scarpia in Tusa at the Saturday matina I sang cinal in Tristan and is olda and that same night sang John the Baptist in salom incidentally these are the actual costumes I wore for the three roles one of them was made entirely by me signed Walter Castle all right panel just as I heard them you heard all these three gentlemen claimed to be Walter Castle Metropolitan baritone only the real wer Castle is required to answer your questions truthfully you will each question until you hear this signal and at the end of the questioning period you will be asked to cast your vote for the one who in your opinion is the real Walder castle and let's start this opening round of questioning tonight with Kitty Carlile Kitty thank you bud number one which costume did you make I made his number two which costume did you make I made my own and number three which costume did you make no I made my own Oh I thought you were going to say you made his [Laughter] number one in TSA who is spola spola is the uh uh servant to uh Tusa uh number two is bran a soprano or a Meto soprano she's a metso soan and number three what door what what street is the stage door at the Metropolitan on which stage door oh number one is the Shepherd in Tristan um a lady or a gentleman singer gentl number two is it a lady or a gentleman it is usually played not by a lady hi uh number one what other famous Barone now singing with the met at one time sang in Burlesque oh that would be Bob Merill uhhuh number two who uh preceded Rudolph Bing as manager of the Metropolitan Edward Johnson uh number three what is the name of the the music critic at the heral Tribune H the moment campaign number one would you know no right number two Holden down uh number one what is the name of the music critic of the world telegram maybe you don't read mus as a critics uh how long number one has Ezra Dolan been the stage door man at the Met oh I would say about 26 years and how long would you say number two I don't remember the gentleman's name and number three don't know don't know poly Bergen uh number one it it says here that you played all these different roles all in one evening and that's sort of very unusual uh it must have been uh an emergency who got sick uh John McIntyre John McIntyre were you supposed to play one of the roles no I was originally oh he was supposed to play all three of them I see and number two um have you ever played in common yes I have um number three who is Don Jose's girlfriend before he meets Carmen uh mik uh number two Ronnie number three it says here in the avava that you make your own costumes what is a gusset you're better tailor than I number one do you know what a Guss it is no I don't number two it's a tunic it um says here that you also that you sang uh number one I'm sorry that you sang um John the Baptist in salomi I was going to say salomi until I heard I think you're quite right a matter of fact I stand corrected I it is never going a correct an announce I think it is Sal um well who wrote the text the labretto of salame I don't recall that's all the time we have so it's time to vote panel and without consultation would you please mark your ballots before they're Blown Away by a gusset of wind and select number one number two or number three remember please the team of challenges will get $250 for every incorrect vote all marked poly so soon for whom did you vote I'm positive I'm positive it's number three because uh I don't think a gusted is a what did he say it was a tunic a tunic I don't think and number one said that one of the roles that kitty asked him about played was played by a gentleman and it's played by man I think lady the I mean lady yeah anyway he sounded very well I'm positive it's number three anyway title of a new play by Polly Bergen man or gentleman right well I picked number one I know that Augusta isn't a tunic too but somehow every time number one spoke I could hear the road demand delay all right reason enough kitty well they all three sounded like like singers but I voted for number three because number one H did not answer the question about Tristan correctly and ol DS has passed on and I think it must be number three hi Garder well I voted for number three uh I thought it was number one and he mentioned Bob Merill being in Burlesque and he was but when I mentioned Ezra Dolan is the stage stage door man at the Met Ezra is the promotion man at parade he never has been near the furthermore number three looks like he's dressed for the Opera all right fair enough there we have our votes and the reasons we voted the way we did and I hope you're voting right along with us at home we'll find out now how right or wrong we and you are as we discover which one of these three gentlemen is the real Metropolitan baritone so will the real waler castle please stand up thank you sir very much number one would you tell us who you really are and what you do please my name is Dan Deo and I'm a regional field manager for every woman's Family Circle magazine and number two what about you my name is Jack Riley I'm a Salesman in the men's Furnishings Department of Weber and H brers on the corner of 42nd street and Madison Avenue [Applause] some of which clothes He makes himself as you heard well I think in all fairness to Mr Castle it's impossible for him to really get out of all that hair he's wearing tonight so instead of that we'd like to show you a picture of what he really looks like there he is I think and in checking up on the score we find that the panel did Mighty well well tonight on its first round there was only one incorrect vote for $250 from marbor but gentlemen I hope you had fun with your visit to us we certainly enjoyed having you here stop on your way out if you will please and each pick up a carton of Marboro and uh good night and the best of good luck to you let's meet our next team of Challengers what is your name please my name is Judy Russell what is your name please my name is Judy Russell what is your name please my name is Judy Russell again panel will you follow along with your copies of this affidavit as I read it I Judy Russell have been an active 4 Club member since I was 10 years old among my recent club projects have been the raising of a herd of beef cattle sewing cooking tractor maintenance and entomology as a result of a nationwide competition I was this year chosen from the more than 1 million girl members of 4 to receive the club's top award I am 1958 Miss Young America in 4 signed Judy Russell you heard as the ey panel these three young ladies all claim to be Judy Russell Miss Young America in 4 for 1958 and we start this cross-examination with high Garder hi well I'm I'm trying to think of a question on uh anology that won't want to make everybody scratch or so what what do you pay now for example for a small village of ants number one well you can buy the Ant Farms now for I think oh a dollar or so do you number two do you get the ant farms uh uh in school while studying entomology I really don't know to tell you the truth I haven't heard of these ant FS uhhuh number uh three in what city are you a member of the 4 club I'm a member from Hamburg New York Hamburg New York yes did you learn to cook in Hamburg yes I did uh number uh one who were the judges uh who voted you Miss America in uh 4 17 magazine 17 the editors yes poly bir um number two uh could you tell me how long you cook uh 6 lb roast beef per pound to get rare roast beef well um rare roast beef oh I should imagine about 3 hours or so could you tell me how many minutes per pound number three um oh per pound no I can't would you like to change your answer number two you must have you misunderstood right I'm sorry I probably didn't explain it to you oh well you probably would cook the whole thing about that long number one how how many minutes per pound I wouldn't know Ronnie r number one it says here the I don't know yet wait a minute number one it says here that you're an expert on sewing you tell me what is it [Laughter] gussi he's still harping on the same old tunic all right go ahead I still say that that guy could sing R de Mand laay too do you know the no I don't uh now it says you're also uh number two that you raise beef uh cattle what breed what kind of beef cattle Herford uhuh uh number three what is a poed Herford Paul Herford uh is a cow without the horns uh-huh number two uh what does a Herford look like well it's a deep red color and white Ved number one what is 4 car I'm in a hurry what the 4 standpoint they don't give you much time hurry no well the 4 hes stand for head heart hand and help and number two how many 4 clubs are there in this country I couldn't say for sure number three how many are there they're about 9,500 I think number one what is the insect that multiplies so fast it's used for experimental purposes uh I believe that would be the fly I think so we have time for right now once again it's time to panel so I'm sorry but I didn't get any answer I'll give you an answer the answer is no I'm sorry could you just ask nom many please mark your I I would cook a 25 minutes a pound uh please mark your ballot and select number one number two or number three all right Bly have you marked your ballot well I voted for you cuz you were right actually it's about 17 to 20 minutes but you came the close what number did you vote for come on colie oh pick a number um I voted for number three because number one didn't know what a gus it was and I I think I do I think it's a thing that fits on that is it goes it no I won't tell in case he ask the third group but uh and number two it didn't seem to have the information that number three had so I voted for her but you knew how to well Ronnie what about your vote well I was stuck because number two and number three were both right about the beef cattle which is the only thing I knew anything about so I voted for number one because the winner the last time didn't know what a Guss it was either all right Kitty what about yours I voted for number three because she knew how many clubs there were in this country huh and high Gardner you're vot I voted for number three for no reason at all all right there we have it now our votes and how are yours coming along we're going to find out right now and settle once and for all which one of these three young gussets uh three young ladies is the real Miss Young America in 4 so will the real Judy Russell please stand [Applause] up Why [Music] [Applause] didn't just a minute kitty it's the way I find out about the others number one would you tell us who you really are and what you do please my name is Arnette Wilder and I live here in New York and go to Road school thank you and number three what about you my name is Maryann Brett I'm a student at duville College in Buffalo the earth now Kitty you have a question why didn't miss Russell know how many clubs there were in this country well to tell you the truth they kind of CH good title for a show they change very rapidly I could tell you a population of 4 H years in the United States but not exactly close thank you all right good enough you did very well and just as as the panel did well the first time they didn't do so well this time in fact they did 100% badly but that's good for you that means there were four incorrect votes at $250 each for a total ladies of $11,000 from jatal divide it enjoy it and thank you very much for being with us tonight good luck oh they only have New York City now normally at this time panel will you uh pay attention for just a minute because at this time normally I would say a few words about uh maror cigarettes uh before we do however this time I would like to ask Mary and Brett the girl who was number three in this last round to come back on stage please I would like uh Mary and Brett the girl who was number three in the last round to come out on stage please I say I would like Mary Anne Brett the girl who was number three in the last round to come back out on and now padle P while you're wrestling with this one uh what with all the interest in the America's Cup Yacht Race it seems only fitting we should take a little look in on a yachting story of our allergies a pain in in the not now panel here's your problem listen carefully each of the Brett triplets here in assist that she is Maryanne Brett the one who pretended to be the national 4 champion in the last game now since you all talk to the real Maryanne not more than two minutes ago it should be easy for you to pick her out I know she was already uh just to make it even easier the real maryan did four things that the others did not do first she paid a call on Polly Bergen's husband Freddy fields at his office this morning second she personally got an autograph from Ronald Reagan in his hotel suite yesterday third she ch start it with Kitty carlile's husband Moss Hart backstage uh yesterday during a rehearsal of my fair lady at Fourth she visited High Gardener's wife Marilyn at their apartment this afternoon air pan since this is all so clearly explained we'll begin this question with our clear thinker Polly Burk oh thanks a barrel um um I passed number one uh you visited my husband where is his office located it's uh located at Madison Avenue Madison in 57 number two what floor is my husband's office on I'm the 11th floor number three could you tell me uh what does my husband's secretary look like well she's attractive and um what kind of hair does she number three what kind of hair does she have uh I believe it's dark and she has it in an updo kind of like a bun on the top number three number two Bonnie number three no wait a minute number three what color sport coat was I wearing yesterday when you got the autograph you didn't hear one an number two number two what was the number of my no wait I want to clear up number three for uh no number two oh what was the number of my room 2100 this is an awful my wife is watching it number one how many men were in the room with me what there were two other men in the room that clears you anyway yeah I'm clear there but I'm in a fog here number one did my husband look happy yesterday yes I've never seen him before but he look number two uh who was he rehearsing who was he rehearsing well uh there weren't any people on the stage they nobody there San house there I didn't see her no number three what kind of a tie did he have on he had a red striped tie on I believe yeah she had don't know myself yesterday uh number one did he wear glasses yes he did it's not my husband uh number two uh what did he say oh um that he was happy to meet me oh it doesn't sound like him the it gets worse and worse uh number three how long did you talk to him oh I'd say about 5 minutes number one did he say about me no definitely not my husband hi Garder when you ring the bell to the apartment door what odd type of noises number one are you greeted with I would know number two uh dog barking uh number three um I don't know I didn't notice uh number two uh when you walk in how many dogs are there in the house two uh number one what color are the dogs you wouldn't know because you didn't see any or hear any they're white they're white huh that's why have those dogs haven't been given bad for week uh number two uh when you come in what musical instruments do you see in the living room um right that's all the time we have so you'll have to mark your ballots if you will please panel and in so doing as you have before this evening vote for number one number two or number three all set for whom did you vote this time are you sure your do doesn't wear glasses you some time cuz I voted for number one not on any of the answers of questions because I I don't know anything about Ronald ran and his hotel [Laughter] room or any of those other things and they all ask the answer the questions about my husband right but number one looks I think like the girl who was number three last time okay Ronnie what about your vote I voted for number two cuz that little inset there it looks sort of like a [Music] gusset and kitty your selection well I voted for number two because I thought her report about the rehearsal was fairly correct I don't think there were many people around when she sewing him hi Gardner your vote I voted for number two because when you get within a mile of my place the dogs barkk all right there you have it now the votes are in the dogs have barked and the minds are all made up so let's find out right now without any further Ado which one of these three very attractive young ladies is the real Maryanne Brett so will the real Maryanne Brett please stand [Applause] up well I don't see well with my glasses thank you very much Maran now uh number one of the Brett uh family Trio would you tell us what your real name is my name is Morin there's no point asking you what you do because you probably all do the same thing go to the same school I assume do you yes but we take different courses oh well that would be figured too and what about you number three my name is millison m all right yeah well as I said the panel did real well they matched their first attempt tonight in the first round and uh you did okay what led you to the real one this time oh me yeah Ronnie what well I guess that she's still carrying the autograph you could see it what's the matter Polly I could have sworn it was number one what did you have on in your hotel twet yesterday Ronnie yes clear that up will you pleas well me and the Two Fellas that were with me I had my coat off but I had a tan shirt and a necktie well I'm glad you had that because friend oh sure sure sure well I hope you had fun with us ladies we sure had a lot of fun with you three very lovely triplets and uh sorry it's only $250 but I hope the fun more than makes up for it uh good night the best of good luck to and stay just as sweet as you are that's all the time we have for tonight except I'm sure I speak for all of us Ronnie when I say that we're all looking forward to your new E Series theater this uh season well thank you very much I'm looking forward to it too and uh hope we'll be able to please the folks every Sunday night I'm sure you will come back and see us again will you would like to very much going to work in a Tunic with next week on our panel will be composer musician Arthur Schwarz and I guess that's all for the vital statistics so good night panel good night good night and this is Bud Kia saying good night and reminding you to tell the truth good night everybody to tell the TR is Mark Goodson Bill cman production in association with the CBS tevision Miss Bergen go by wima
Channel: To Tell the Truth (CBS)
Views: 104,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: To Tell The Truth (1956) (TV Program), Bud Collyer (TV Actor), Kitty Carlisle Hart (Film Actor), Polly Bergen (Theater Actor), Hy Gardner, Game Show (TV Genre), Episodes (TV Program), Ronald Reagan (US President)
Id: 6YR9Jin0yj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2015
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