I've Got a Secret - November 6, 1961

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my name is vivian vance and this is i've got a secret box [Applause] i've got a secret brought to you tonight by the new polaroid 10 second automatic camera only three buttons to push one two three and in just ten seconds of finished picture now here is i've got a secret spurring gary moore thank you good evening much love to each of you from all of us i would like right now to have you meet the members of our panel who are fortunately the same group who have been here so long many weeks for some so many years for so long bill cullen to begin with juan and betsy palmer and henry morgan and best buyers having introduced the family now let's uh introduce our first contestant will you come in please sir there he is you tell the panel please what your name is and where you're from i'm tony leonardo from newberg new york now mr leonardo understandably i could not help noticing your baggy appearance i have a feeling you're hiding something from us could you tell us why uh the secrets in the bag the secret is in the bag all right we'll have it whisper it to us and here we go [Music] there must be there must be an explanation tell me tell me why all right let's go to the panel to help classify mr leonardo secret the clue concerns something he has we'll start the game with betsy please ah mr leonardo is this something do you have it on your person yes is it clothing then yes unusual clothing that you wouldn't ordinarily wear that's right is it unusual for a woman to wear it though yes it is uh is it in the way of a costume uh i would have to have to say yes a costume of sort it's certainly nothing that you would wear down the street uh not without causing all kinds of confusion did you lose a bet of some sort and this is uh why you were having to wear it no twenty dollars down sixty dollars to go we go please to henry mr leonardo is more of this on than off yes is it claude uh not exactly i think we have to say only partially it is it is mainly uh uh some uh material other than cloth metal no wood no fur no is it live no wait where did we eat vegetables no well i would have to say in in in the large sense it is vegetable yes well i mean one of the derivatives like cotton or something like that something like that but it isn't clogged no um why don't tell me something about vegetables that people wear we've lost 40 dollars we have 40 to go we go please to bed um mr leonardi does this have anything to do with election day no no i just thought maybe you were electioneering for somebody uh is anything written on what you're wearing by the way yes oh something is written and um does it have something to do with newberg the place you come from no no um is it funny would we like will we laugh when we see it well well yeah i think it's it's at least interesting and then certainly on the lighthearted side were you advertising something no uh does this have anything to do with your children did your children put you up to it or in the foundation all right we've lost 60 we have 20 to go bill cullen well we know it's a vegetable derivative could it be paper paper yeah i think we would have to say it's principally paper and there's writing on it so is it newspapers or periodicals or anything like that no stock market tickers that's simply blind guessing now is it something we're all accustomed to seeing yeah i guess so i hope so is it money maybe maybe money you're dressed in money you've got a million dollars there's no sense in playing around for figures you're not gonna believe this when you see it panel before tony leonardo shows you with this really wild secret let me explain that he is both an entertainer and an expert tailor recently when he was appearing on the stage in london england he tried to think of some way to get publicity for his act now since he's a tailor he designed a suit that made him the most photographed man in all of london mr leonardo will you fight your way out of the paper bag and we'll show you why he received so much publicity and he's going to get a lot of help for me in here i'll try to do it all from this side if i can so as to hold the surprise until the very last moment and get rid of the scissors i'll rip and i'll tear i hope i don't tear the suit it is made out of 3 000 one dollar bill if you think that doesn't attract attention when you walk down the street and that's your free the suit is actually beautifully tailored if you'll notice uh such a lovely shade of gray why how long did it take you to make it oh about three years signing off three years including the labor and accumulating the material that when it isn't no it is not illegal henry for this reason the workmanship is incredible if you could look very closely you would see that no bill is mutilated or defaced in any way wherever draping or detail work is involved the bills are folded into shape and all the stitching is done at the very edge of the white border i think one thing that's interesting is the front buttons i mean the silver dollars you want to open it up for us and show us the nifty tailoring job really considering what you have hold up hold it open for the audience look at the pleats in the pants and the whole thing that we're entitled to know does it have a zipper [Music] yes [Music] it has a zipper when did you design this about 1955 oh that was six years ago that accounts for the wide lapels with the iv look he could have saved about 175 dollars right right along it's wonderful how he's matched like the stripes image too you know so many matching yes because there are some places where they're just folded over so as to not mutilate henry and only uh the pocket yes the pocket sign is possible not but it is against the law to deface money and this could all be unstitched and spent i hope it never becomes necessary young man of great imagination thank you very much tommy leonard that's fascinating now then if i can borrow bill cullen i would have words with you you know i always get a kick out of taking a picture with the new polaroid 10-second automatic camera it's fun to see the picture and it's so easy to do now bill if you'll smile for me i will show the people that all i have to do is aim the camera and push three buttons one two three that's gorgeous and that's it now you don't have to focus the camera yet the pictures are always sharp and you do not adjust for light from dawn until dusk because this electric eye does all of that for you all you have to do is wait 10 seconds and take out the snapshot and here we go mr america himself pretty as a picture now you can get this polaroid 10 second automatic camera for less than 95 and there's a new compact model for less than 75 dollars and both of these are complete right down to this built-in flash gun for indoor shots so see them at your dealies [Music] panel before we proceed with our special guest i'm gonna have to ask you to pull your desk back only about two and a half three feet it doesn't have to be a drastic change that's fine you're in good shape there now my friends it's a great joy for us to introduce one of the most completely versatile and talented young ladies who is in our business she's an actress she's a comedian she sings and she dances very well here is miss vivian vass [Applause] that's what never shows on television those incredible blue eyes with a blue dress they just stand right on so nice to have you with us now finally the desk that we have set up here should give you a clue as to what vivian has in store for you this evening so why don't you all come over here and take places we've marked off for you bess and henry over here on my side bill and betsy at your designated places meanwhile we'll give the audience a little background on what's going on around here you can come right across sorry now vivian vance appeared today and she will be appearing all this week on a new cbs television daytime show called password oh i'm having a ball playing the game well it's a game that the panel and i had been playing at parties ever since we first heard about it before the show went on the air and vivian you won't believe this but bill cullen and henry morgan have been bragging about how great they are at playing this game really oh normally they're so modern not true at all in the first place i'm twice as modest as either of them and also i'm twice as good a game player in this particular game and we'll prove that a little later on with a little luck now um vivian for the benefit of the audience who might not have seen password will you explain uh briefly how it goes certainly it's played with two teams one member of each team is given a word and the object of the game is to get your partner to say that word by giving one word clues uh gary for example if i wanted you to say flirt i would say wink get the idea right it's it's quite quite simple now this is what we're going to do to see who is the best password player bill and betsy will work as a team against henry and bets now you'll have a total of two minutes of playing time to see which team guesses the most passwords the winning team will then play vivian and myself for the world's championship oh don't you win don't i want betsy to win yes yes you do and do everything no no no you and henry are a team [Music] why don't henry and i play the girls come on yeah that's a different i don't know if you'll game me the first word okay and give a copy of it to bill cullen and a copy of it to henry morgan do not let your partner see it at the same time we'll show the audience the game that that they're playing for all right the audience has got the the word and we'll start with bill and you say only one word and no conversation in between all right benedict benedict it's either spy or traitor well you're not you're not allowed two choices which do you want i'll take spy benedict and spy very good choice wonderful choice wrong wrong let's go over to him this is one word don't buzz me professor unmarried unmarried can't talk to each other no no no no gestures no gestures bachelors [Applause] [Music] as we go along okay can we have the next one they both both of you have the same word in this case now best because you were the loser i start with you now look at this carefully do not let henry see yes both of you both had the same all right now i will show it to our audience i'll hold it keep it hold it leave it you'll forget it i will say we'll start with best a one-word clue to give henry the proper word don't show it be good now be good halitosis [Music] offender halitosis an offender logically good logical but it doesn't ring the bell so we go to bill color oh and betsy please um [Laughter] provencal garlic there are a lot of folks in the audience who don't follow providence owl are you excited let's have a few conversations going on as one time as possible now now uh we give this to henry because their team lost that's two for bill's team and two superheroes here we go and we'll show the audience we'll show the audience the the word and henry you give a clue now the best ain't eight forget it nate ball whoa very good all right and so we go now to a bill torso all right so now we go back to henry and bess can we give birth one word you've been listening all right uh bathing suit figure yeah you know we got time for one more it's two to one you have a chance to break to bring this up to a tie now okay two for bill and so we start with betsy because they were the losers that time and best take a look at this do not let henry see it and you at home here is the homeboy here is the word the word and we start with betsy [Music] okay us no gestures you said no extra words panel [Applause] [Laughter] oh [Music] and this time we start with me because your team was the loser hold that don't let me see it there's yours there's mine there's bills we show it to the audience show the thing with the audience and gary starts right oh joke that's right i don't know the girls no give one that's right one to betsy right and one can you video is this fake no and we show one to the audience and betsy starts right that's you start watch it there kid um they're gonna get it anyway i mean that's stupid pay attention stupid stupid yes yes can i give him another word no no no yes stupid all right dumb that's wrong and we go to um vivian you're stupid uneducated uh ignorant right nothing you hold that and this goes to you gary and this goes to bill and bill stein still starting to show the words right isn't this fun [Applause] uh ready that's a hard one you start with me unfortunately i guess um that's better um [Music] um [Applause] and we start with vivian i you oh [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] me don't show it to your partner okay um wedding oh mate no that's wrong and it's bill's turn may i ask betsy if she's been listening to me trip honey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we showed the folks at home no no and mother whoa [Applause] [Music] oh is that is that what you do yes and i have to give it i have to give it to you uh but we didn't show it to the people we didn't show the show to the audience at home it's gonna take lots of time because i don't have any clues let's show it to betsy uh all right ready milk toast this is all one word i'm using the capital m-i-l-q-u-e-t-o-a-s milk toast um shy no and we go to the other side for a thousand dollars that's the husband toast yeah but how do you say it um on the air um yeah yeah we only have 35 seconds two minutes half an hour [Music] say something anything um that's it no milk toast is well um you go over you lose well in the regular game you would have gotten a buzzer by yeah yeah you're out right now yeah it's 42 folks no hand-picked [Applause] [Music] i'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow on password thanks so much [Music] i will be there next guest in just a moment but first let's watch this good night there oh by the way our vacation's all set i got the plane tickets today but i thought we were driving downtown takes too long besides we'd spend half of our vacation just getting there we'll need a car when we get there we'll be stuck at the hotel the whole time good night there shirts just call hertz or your travel agent to reserve a new chevrolet or other fine car and spend all your vacation on vacation the low hurts rate includes everything insurance gas and oil even if you buy it on the road and with hertz you can rent it here leave it there rent a car in one town leave it with hertz in any other town for just a small service charge when you need a car remember hurts let hurts put you in the driver's seat now panel before we start our final game of the evening i'm going to have to ask you to put on your blindfolds and please keep them on throughout the proceedings uh they'll be a happy surprise and stir for you at the end blindfolds all in place now may we have our next contestant please will you tell our panel please what your name is and where you're from my name is bud wilkie i'm from north hollywood california well mr wilkie those are very interesting looking machines that you brought with you let's uh let's pull them down here where people can get a little better look at them now if you'll whisper your secret to me we'll show it at the same time to the audience at home all right that certainly explains why the panel is wearing blindfolds and mr wilkie if you get started i'll tell the panel that the clue to the secret concerns something that's happening we'll start with bill cullen please does it have anything to do with a sudden influx of cool air here beautiful no no uh i think we have to agree that it does have something to do with the air that they apparently feel yes it's much cooler and i like it it's fine does this machine uh vegan part what is the clue gary there's concerns something that he is doing are you uh doing anything that will affect any of us on the panel mr wilson uh nothing physically i don't believe it uh might have to think well i assume that would it affect all of us if any only in his far as we'll all enjoy it i think that's 20 down 60 dollars to go and we go please to betsy keep your blindfold on uh is this whatever it's doing is it doing it to you gary uh partially actually [Music] is it doing it to our guests also partially as you're moving forward i can tell you were further back stayed upstaged before um [Music] are you you're not answering me what what you wanna know i wanna know you're coming here yes we're coming forty dollars down forty dollars to go we go please to henry morgan [Music] is uh um this thing is this thing that you're right you're riding on something aren't you nope no you are closer and you have a mechanical device with you don't you yes huh yes is there a fan part of this thing yes oh is it one of those things that stays off the ground by air pressure or whatever no no well it's not cutting grass i know that um are you steering this thing by remote control no no we're not doing it by remote control sixty dollars down twenty dollars to go we go please to best myers um sir are you aboard something no no you're killing bugs [Music] so before you take your blindfolds off let me tell you mr wilkie is the vice president of better bubbles incorporated for years now he's been providing bubbles in a limited way for such people as lance welk so now take your blindfolds off and see the dog on this bubble machine how much time we got chester let's let's give the studio audience a shot here we come studio audience ready or not bubble bass for all concerns there we go listen wilshere thank you very very much for being with us and so until next week goodbye out there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi georgie who are you i'm your babysitter wendy lou and i've come over to play with you have you got a baseball bat we'll have no need for that because we're going to play the jello pudding game okay how do you play since you're georgie porgie pudding and pie let's play by putting chocolate pudding in a pie or lemon pudding with meringue piled up high why you could make any kind of pie in the sky when you play the jello pudding game is chocolate mint butterscotch too or vanilla for banana cream pie oh there's just one rule to this game be sure you catch the pudding with the jello name cause only jello has the flavor that's great for putting more fun into every pie plate play the jello pudding game today don't wait fry chocolate and vanilla in the new family size [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fbt has been brought to you tonight by the new polaroid 10 second automatic camera only three buttons to work one two three and in just 10 seconds of finished picture the preceding program was pre-recorded earlier this evening this is john cannon speaking [Music] you
Channel: BillCullenNet
Views: 28,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3LyxoOLdYMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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