To Tell the Truth - Bud Collyer's brother; PANEL: Conrad Nagel (Oct 14, 1958)

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what is your name wait my name is Babatunde all I thinking what is your name - my name is Babatunde Olatunji what is your name please two of these people are Impostors only one is the real Babatunde Olatunji and is the only one sworn to tell the truth now here is our host but tell the truth brought to you this week by arid whirl in the new roll-on deodorant with first stop arid vorlon ends your perspiration problem now may I introduce our panel what is your name please my name is Polly Bergen my name is Conrad Nagel my name is kitty Carlisle my name is Highgarden Konrad a warm warm welcome Thank You mr. president ho ho ho I'll bring that in gen8 to have you with it why do you watch our show you notice that we always have a lot of fun so I'm sure you will do I hope so now these three gentlemen as you heard all claim to be Babatunde Olatunji only one is the real Babatunde Olatunji the other two have merely assumed his identity and they are the ones who do not have to stick to the truth panel would you please follow along with your copies of this first affidavit as I read it I Babatunde Olatunji was born and raised in Nigeria West Africa eight years ago I won a scholarship and came to the United States to study while in college I was president of the student body and a member of the varsity track team I am presently working for my Doctor of Philosophy degree at New York University to help pay for my studies I work as a musician specializing in African drum currently I am appearing on the stage of the Radio City Music Hall in New York as featured soloist with the Music Hall Symphony Orchestra timed Babatunde Olatunji analyze you heard them say these three gentlemen all claim to be Babatunde Olatunji African drummer only the real Babatunde Olatunji is required to answer your questions truthfully as usual with each question until you hear this signal at the end of the questioning period you will be asked to register your vote for the one who in your opinion is the real Babatunde Olatunji we'll begin tonight's questioning with kitty Carlisle Thank You number one what is ye Lee valid so he lives in South Africa remember - what it's quite healing why here you can language number three what is what to speak the name of a tribe number one how do they pull the curtain up and down at the Radio City Music Hall Oh sometimes from the end yes Abby does a man pull it up and down as usual no no no no number two does a man pull the picking up and down number three where is the Queen what what wait what place do they live the Kikuyu drive do you know number two in Highgarden number one how do you spell your last name Oh Eddie you and I number two how do you spell your last name number two what does a man named Fred Lynch got to do with the music home thank you sir one of the men on the on this project I was number three do you know who who fred Lynch's fregley fregley he was me I think publicity department uh-huh no Polly Bergen number one does your name mean anything in particular it does what did you mean parity will survive the time the tenth of time what will survive the test of time both territory Oh number two do you agree with number one yes number three no you don't how do you think me I think it's been all know how to what if he's being revived in the family What did he say number two where did you attend college in Washington DC number three where is the stage entrance of the Radio City Music Hall number three good Jim Trent yes the entrance from the street how do you get in the sequence is dancer Conrad number three says here on this card of yours which doesn't help us very much that you want a scholarship what was the name of that scholarship number three the name which got the scholarship that it says here you says you won a scholarship in the United States to study what was the name of that scholarship Tree Road scholarship rotary but rotary grocery number one what was the name of Discovery Education Foundation number two lobster maybe the scholarship military Educational Foundation kitty Carlisle oh oh that's right it's not you at all you have a set of signals here when I get just one I means go to the next time I get a flashing light that means at the end of it I'm here we are things the mind decided to flash later so that sorry not my fall out of my hands time to vote of that consultation if you will please and select thereby number one number two or number three remember please that the team of challenges will get two hundred and fifty dollars for every incorrect vote okay we offset panel Polly phone did you vote well I voted for number three I kept trying to see their hand that their fingers to see if there were any counters or anything but number two number three kept her hands hidden so I couldn't see them maybe they're ashamed of their count ah but number three he had I don't know he had a very sort of a quiet dignity and he was rather reticent when he spoke which the honest person usually is so you don't come out with answers too quickly okay Conrad what about your vote uh well but I voted for number two he gave such direct and quick answers on the questions concerning the music-hall did he well I voted for number two because the curtain has pulled up and down at the Music Hall by electricity it's too heavy to lift and also he knew that South Swahili was a language - not a tribe and I thinking you wear the Kikuyu lives they think they live in Kenya I think they moved well I voted for three bud because the he identified Fred Lynch correctly and secondly probably said the same thing practically and that is that if you if he were hesitated with his answers and if your law you don't have to think tomorrow panel and that's the way the vote tally at the moment we're gonna find out right now how right or on the are of course as we discover which one of these three gentlemen is the real African drummer so I'm gonna ask you three gentlemen if you will to please go back up on this platform just above my head where you first made your appearance and take your places up there as you did before when you first came out everyone kind of a drum needs no calendar now will the real Babatunde Olatunji please show us how he plays his native African drum thank you very much father Tunde now may I ask you the gentlemen a number why don't you tell us who you really are what you do please my name is Justus Bonzo inany it's a member of the United Nations I've never been to Nigeria in my life I never do whatever I do my name is coffee Oh doc Oh resident at Washington DC working for the apathy of my country well it was a good game and number one a certainly enjoyed himself you had a good time they didn't yeah I think you all did as a matter of fact and good liars and good truth tellers too and we find it with - incorrect vote - two hundred and fifty dollars each for total of five hundred dollars gentlemen from Arab world in on your way out will you stop and pick up a package they get package your card is fine products good night that's the good luck to you all thank you to go to our next round kitty I checked on the cuckoo cuckoo Yui and they their number has been changed will you please try the new number now let's have our next team of challengers what is your name please my name is now reached average what is your name please my name is Mildred savage what is your name please my name is Mildred savage alright panel will you follow along with your copies of this second affidavit hi Mildred savage I'm a brand-new novelist this novel my first is called Parrish and deals with tobacco farming in Connecticut since I am busily engaged in running a house and bringing up two children the book took me five years to complete it will be published by Simon & Schuster next week Parrish was submitted to the publisher on a Friday and accepted on Monday the literary guild then selected my book as it's November selection which means the sale of about a quarter of a million copies Parrish has already been bought for motion pictures for the highest price ever paid for a first novel prior to publication from this sale of movie rights I can realize as much as two hundred and fifty thousand dollars signed Mildred Savage panel you heard these ladies claim to be Mildred Savage who has just written her very first novel so let's start this cross-examination with Polly Bergen Polly I try to check this see if I can see calluses from writing for five years that I couldn't see in the other Charlie Callas dad number one it says that you with your anomalous about tobacco farming and Connecticut what kind of tobacco what are they this is tobacco grown for cigars for cigars number two they do a special things whose tobacco fields in Connecticut do you know what that is yes they cover it with cloth and it's called shades tobacco I see number three what motion picture studio bought yours have they decided he's going to direct the books for you the pictures no producer is going to be Joshua I think I see conrad nagel number three if you're the real Mildred Savage and can realize two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in the sale of your book you've certainly figured out what the income tax are going to be could you tell me what you wouldn't net on the sale of that book no I can't ten percent is for my agent of course and ten percent to the publisher but I'm not sure I haven't figured out I don't know how much I will exactly realize from winter feathers number one could you answer that no I haven't figured it out what the net might be now number two could you give me any idea number three if you sold the book to Warner Brothers could you tell me who negotiated the deal yes that was net down Ned brown thank you kitty Carlisle number one you're bringing up two children can you tell me how you make them leave you alone for 10 minutes much less for long enough to write a whole book well they go to school where yeah when where we live in Norwich Connecticut Hollow oh you know in Ohio and do you write while they're going to school yes I do I get up at five o'clock in the morning to start Oh number two what do they called the frames that they drive the tobacco on I don't know number three do you know I think they're called loud and number one they're called laugh number two who's a little variation oh she doesn't hear the bell well literary agent MCA okay now hi garden number one how much did you have to pay your publisher for as far as the movie itself is concerned what's the portion of it the percentage Simon and Schuster got 10% of the movie rights and how much do they get of the book itself that's sold elsewhere well I don't know I don't know that because then I am on a percentage uh-huh number two who is a Rita Van Doren number one would you know yes Arita Van Doren is connected with a book section of The Herald Tribune on mobile you know yes she's connected with a Herald Tribune number one that's it panel sorry time to vote once again and again without consultation will you mark your balance as usual you will thereby be selecting number one number two or number three Polly is thinking Polly is marking Raleigh for whom did you vote Eliza was the number three because it was right last time I figured anybody who's had to write the five you could probably wear glasses or if they didn't leave them by now Konrad but I voted for number one she has that intense look as though she'd been forcing herself to concentrate on writing on that typewriter while all the kids are running around playing making noise mmm kitty I thought it's the number one I think you look forceful enough to make considered leave her alone long drive that novel what about your board hi Eli bought up a number one at first I thought it was three I thought if she kept her money in that brain she was right on percentages all right there we haven't we made up our minds have you I trust you have if you're playing along with us as you all tell us you do let's discover right now how right or wrong we and you may be as we learn which one of these three ladies has just written her very first novel so will the real Mildred Savage please and up thank you very much investing good luck with your next novel - number two would you tell us who you really are and what you do please well I'm mrs. Evelyn Smith I have five grandchildren and I work at Bonwit teller and Jenkintown Pennsylvania thank you number three what about you I am NOT a housewife I'm a barge wife oh I've heard of a housewife what the barge wife my husband is captain of a barge and we live on a barge what is your name seem to have as much fun as you did checking over a few things here we find on the scoring that there were one two three correct and only one incorrect vote is very well on that one panel that means the cost of $250 per incorrect board a total of 250 dollars but I do hope you had more than enough fun to compensate for not winning more than that and I say good luck to you with your 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th novels I'll be looking for them and on your way out ladies will you stop please and you'll collect a gift package of card is fine products mrs. Savage has asked if she may donate her share of the winnings to the United fund of Norwich Connecticut and this will be done thank you very much good night and the best in life what is your name please my name is Richard being Herrmann's what is your name please my name is Richard V here man what is your name please my name is Richard V her man Anna will you follow along again with your copies of this final affidavit for this evening i Richard V here manse was born in New York City I have one sister and one brother like my brother I attended Williams College in Williamstown Massachusetts but unlike my brother I did not follow in our father's footsteps and study law like my brother I am married and have a family I have two children and my brother has three my brother incidentally is better known to all of you as bud Collyer sign Richard be here man all right panel Oh as you heard these three gentlemen all claim to be Richard be here man bud Conyers brother whoever he is hi dick well number one by the way you how is you your brother bud and what are you doing these days he's working regularly number two a bud was out of town last week and part of this week on some interesting mission can you tell me what it was number two do you know anything more about the trip than that I'm not supposed to say any more than that at one time number three at one time bud was a champion boxer when and where was that well he bucked his banjo I think an awful lot he did some in school I know what school well when he was at Williams uh-huh number two Wally Burgan what is that your sister's name jewel number two degree isn't its name yeah Joan I see number three if buds name is Collier why did you change your name for here man number two buddy had a son who was on this program could you tell me his name Michael I think number one what is drugs wife's name Marion and where do they live in Greenwich Connecticut I ran a number two could you tell me what his buds real first name Clayton number three could you tell me what very exalted position he occupies the present time has an officer or an executive well Sunday school the Presbyterian Church didn't grant insulin well that's a very exalted position I had something else in mind the top spot shall we say could you tell me what that is I don't think I think he's tops right now number one how long is bug known me since the early 30s thank you nobody was only five number two what Union is by prisoners after number three uh who is do married to Jonas marry this to Irwin number one when did bud get the Asian flu I beg your pardon indeed bud get the Asian flu I'll tell you about that later cuz that time is up and we have to vote battle so once more without consultation when you mark your ballots for number one number two or number three all right Polly wait a minute oh it's because one less than the other one I think you gotta get difficult Polly vote now well number one looks like you but I voted for number three he looked the least like you and I figured that that's probably the reason why they got the idea of having him on so everybody and also he has a wonderful so he had a warm sort of brotherly way with you well but I voted for number three none of us established the fact whether the but Collier was you or whether it was another but cut here we are assuming that the question about the top position the answer was so typical of you he said the superintendent of the Sunday school rather than president of address we didn't know you were president number one knew we don't each other a long long time but number one didn't know you had Asian flu when you are visiting him so I voted for number two well I thought of a number two despite what kidding he looks a little bit like you or vice versa okay there we have it now the rhymes in the reason for the song that we're writing at the moment let's hope we're playing your song too if you're playing at home and we'll find out right now which one of these three gentlemen is really what was his name again bud Colliers brother don't will the real Richard be here man no I'm gonna do this another way by golly because I'll tell you something just before the show tonight my brother and I made a bet and he bet me that they would all vote one way or the other I said no it'll be a split vote so I have lost the vote and I'll pay my debt here's your money gave me the money back victims you may or may not know I've told you about him in the past is a producer and film editor out in Hollywood and matter of fact he just finished the associate producer and editor on the man in the West Madison food in dick Gary Cooper and Julie lemon well thanks for being with us tonight I'll see you later all right number one please did you tell us who you really are and what you do my name is Bill Brian and I'm the director of public relations for the United States equestrian team okay what about you well my name is George F Kaman I'm a physician and I do independent research in multiple sclerosis lou gehrig's disease and Parkinson's disease and at present I'm looking for a sponsor well there we have it okay sure he's your brother you know something like you well that's what people say all the time but we still are and we can prove it every day okay we see on the score and outta there were two correct to incorrect that's $250 each for the incorrect ones for total of $500 from arid whirling gentlemen thanks an awful lot good luck on your way out you will find a gift package of all of Carters fine products hiccup see you later now this is bud Collyer saying good night from arid Berlin and reminding you to tell the truth good night so tell the truth tomorrow got me
Channel: To Tell the Truth (CBS)
Views: 54,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: To Tell The Truth (1956) (TV Program), Bud Collyer (TV Actor), Kitty Carlisle Hart (Film Actor), Polly Bergen (Theater Actor), Hy Gardner, Game Show (TV Genre), Episodes (TV Program), Conrad Nagel
Id: e5wBAXGstTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2015
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