To Tell the Truth - Dorothy Kilgallen on Panel (Mar 19, 1962) [W/ COMMERCIALS]

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what is your name my name is Teresa Stratton my name is Teresa ffedith my name is Teresa Stratus only one of these young ladies is the real Teresa Stratus the other two are imposters and will try to fool this panel Tom Poston Dorothy Kilgallen Johnny Carson and Deana Merrill on to tell the truth with your host but Collier and tell the truth what you this week by Salem cigarettes good evening panel hi everyone darzee it's a great pleasure to welcome you tonight to our show thank you very much but I'm happy to be here but scared you're all so good and this is my line on this show you know figure out what their line is is who they are kept a little different all right well panel would you kindly open up those envelopes you have and take out the affidavit cards for the first time and follow along as I read from my copy isn't blood poised next to John Daly aye Theresa Stratus I'm an opera singer when I was 15 years old I had my own program of pop music on radio at 18 I sang on Arthur Godfrey's talent scouts program and lost at 19 I sang at the Metropolitan Opera auditions and won over some 2000 competitors I'm now appearing as a member of that distinguished company among the roles I sing are Michaela in bezees Carmen Zerlina in Mozart's Don Giovanni and Mimi the heroine of La bohème I am the youngest singer under contract to the Metropolitan Opera Company signed Teresa struts all set and comfortable ladies all right panel you heard them as did I all claiming to be Teresa Stratus young metropolitan star let's begin this first round of questioning with Tom Poston Tom Thank You bud forgive me ladies and gentlemen number three do you recognize this musical phrase you know that number three um how about unbell D yeah all right we can reach out but number number two do you have any other ideas about it just by chance I hate to insult sir but I couldn't record recognize number one did you hear anything you recognize I'm afraid I didn't number one where is the Metropolitan Opera on 7th Avenue between 39th and 40th Street Thank You number two where is it gonna move do you think eventually where will that move the Lincoln Center Thank You Dorothy ah number one fees are in Mozart's Don Giovanni there is an aria which starts bhakti bhakti what are the next three words please we can't this is like asking someone who is from a particular country on our show to speak in that language and this we never allowed Aarthi I'm sorry they can't see any phrases from adore recite any of the lyrics well it means don't hit me well you're not supposed to answer that many other oh I'm terribly sorry and did terribly flustered because my whole vibe I was going to catch the wrong wrong way to treat a guest alright John I'll be sorry I'll think of something else a number one would you mind telling me when you played these roles in the Metropolitan well this year I sang Mimi for the first time I sang it last week and I sang Lee you this year I thank Micaela last year a number two does me guy Ella get the boy in the end of the show no she doesn't number three what is mica Ella's problem in quantum any kind of puts problem she's just too good number one Madonna because her front I'm sorry guys are your time is that kind of Johnny there's a real problem alright again number two what do you call that the headdress that you're wearing Montilla and the mantilla but number one what's the difference between a regular soprano and a collateral as I pronounce it right a caller Torah is a soprano but she's seen many trills and she goes up and down the scales very quickly she does number number three who is the head of the Metropolitan Opera are you referring to the President or the manager the president the manager is Rudolph being president of the Association is bliss all right Deena yes we go number one who is the young the conductor the musical conductor at the Met Kurt Adler the head conductor number two what it what is the name of the hero in Carmen Don Jules a number three who wrote love om Puccini I only wrote the music or the libretto yes the music yes Puccini Puccini number three what's the difference between a dramatic soprano and a mezzo-soprano a mezzo soprano and a dramatic soprano is well I think you've got a dramatic soprano would be for instance about someone that would sing vogner a mezzo-soprano is a soprano that is well there is really no oh well the time is up anyway knees Johnny says it's a soprano who sings met so I've heard and it's now time for you to mark you balance if you will kindly do so but pencil to paper or about a card and without consultation vote now for number one number two or number three as is customary our challengers will receive two hundred and fifty dollars for every incorrect vote we all seventy time what is your choice for this person I voted for number one that phrase that I was singing was from something in Carmen I've I've been told I only know what in English so much but I like number ones other answers and number two I didn't care something for pronunciation and number three had a little trouble there with that last one in she Dorothy which one did you select I selected number one two because I thought she was more convincing and also because there number number three fooled me into thinking she wasn't convincing Johnny what about your choice I might I don't know why I don't I don't nothing about very plebeian on that bag I voted for number three everybody laughing about maybe they know and finally Dena well I'm with Johnny I thought it remember tree - IIIi don't think there really is a great deal of difference between a dramatic and a message to throw and when you said you mean the lyrics or the or the music I'm for you okay someone come with the first time tonight to our own particular moment of truth when we learn who's right who's wrong who's singing the right notes and who's off-key and finding out which one of these young ladies is the young Metropolitan Opera stock so will a real Teresa struts please stand up what did you say about my pronunciation you do have delivered a review if I mispronounce inif that you didn't say Don was BAE said Don Jose that's what is in the Opera a French who see it is banished I'm glad the fire you exhibited there predictor of enunciation they gave us a good time x2 number one would you tell us your real name you could have two votes and what do you really do my name is Brenda Zipkin and I'm assistant to the society editor of the New York world telegram and son got the other half of an orrery layman what do you do we my name is Mary Papa John and I'm a personnel interviewer with the maximum employment agency in the vernacular jumpstart potential completely you really fooled them that means far in corrected $250 each added up yourself one thousand dollars coming your way ladies divided by three well hold on I wish it were we'd play over there instead of here but I hope you had a good time you also receive from Salem cigarettes a carton of Salem's thanks so much in many many happy note long months of winter lie ahead before white snow gives way to fresh white blossoms but here with you is Salem and with each Salem cigarette something of springtime so take a puff it's springtime every time with Salem menthol fresh rich tobacco taste modern filter - that's Salem flavorful soft and fresh Salem air softens every puff breathes in fresh air as you smoke and only salem brings you this special springtime softness smoke refreshed smoke Salem one of America's leading filters cigarettes more delightfully than ever salem refreshes your taste now let's meet our next team of challenges what is your name please my name is JT loyal my name is JT Lyall my name is JT live again follow along panel if you will please hi JT Lyle and a hairdresser six other members of my family are also hairdressers what makes my situation a bit more unusual is the fact that I am also a full-time policeman even this is not unique in my family however my brother is also both the policeman and a hairdresser in the beauty shop which I own and operate I employ my brother the policeman one nice and one brother-in-law I of course work in the shop in my time off duty from the police department signed JT live now we have three gentlemen all claiming they can not only bring law and order to ladies here but also to the heights of the city in which they operate as policemen each claiming to be JT live let's start this cross-examination with Johnny Johnny Carson thanks bud number two I thought it was against the policy of the police department to have what they call moonlighting jobs another job on the side that's right is supposed to be but it's about what do you mean you're just broke leader what you're really not supposed to have another job well that's what that's some states say this but we are allowed to do it number one how do you tease hair well actually take a few strands of hair and comb back towards the head to give it fullness is that good for the hair the ladies like it number three how long you been a policeman three years what's your favorite hairstyle bangs I could number three what is the cold wave a wave is a permanent using solutions without the machines number two in the hairdressing lingo what is stripping mean what is stripping that's actually where you take all the pants and things out to get ready for whatever you like strip you strip the colors and things from the hair number three what two liquids do you use when you give it permanent what do you excuse me number one I'm sorry yeah when you're giving a permanent you use both the set and then the neutralizer later huh thank you but let me ask number three if you know what a rat is do you happen to know huh I bet they briefed you on this I read it's a piece that goes in under your hair to give you pause Thank You number three how much do bullets cost Oh that 10 cents each well how do you happen to know this I've bought them you mean number two do you mean policemen have to buy their own bullets that's right with on our force force they do have to is that to keep you from wasting them thank you Jonathan invited you to deduce new gentleman's answers that you are not New York City policeman I'm not number two are you not don't know number three I say number one when Princess Margaret was married a French hairdresser did her hair do you know his name I really don't do you number two no I can't think of it do you number three number one who is the French hairdresser that mrs. Kennedy goes to when she's in Paris I believe they refer to him as mr. Kinney who do you think it is mr. to I think his name is Kenneth mr. Kenneth in France all the time we had again we comes out of that business of parting the hair on the right of the left or in the middle wearing it in two buns over your ears but in any event let's mark our Bala shall be right now without any further ado and without consultation voting as you do so for number one number two or number three no please waiter yes all right all balanced uh well could you get a big jump okay Tom whom did you vote this time I voted for number three I like his answers better I'm sorry then ask him about a come-along but I know they would have covered that too darzee Kilgallen well I voted for number three because numbers 1 & 2 didn't know that mr. Kenneth was a New York hairdresser not French and Johnny what about your selection I didn't know that either I voted for number 3 Oh me a sore loser number 3 do you know which one you think is the real one I'm right with a group of everything what does he make you Dorothy the number 1 and 2 didn't know that mr. Kenneth was American okay there we go unanimous it is let's see whether we stand or fall unanimously now as we learn immediately which one of these gentlemen is the real combination hairdresser policeman will the real JT LA please stand up good comeback I tell you all wrong the person alright the second one that means the third one is going to be the rubber match ever wondered you tell us you real a man what you really do please Jesse Oh bar I'm a an assistant manager with the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York and number two you're a layman what do you do there my name is basil Talon i'm assistant wrestling coach with Hofstra College all I can say is you better not cheesy the wrong guy to fake oh we check the score this time and esri remark more since the panel is I never said right this time that means that from Salem you get a little consolation prize of 150 dollars gentlemen but I hope you want to make up for it and the joy that you gave us thanks for being with us and of course pick up a you enjoy most about springtime maybe it's the wonderful carefree feeling you have on a day like this there's a certain gladness that comes with springtime a lightness of spirit and the very softness of the air and with its own special softness a Salem cigarette refreshes your taste air softens every pump with special high porosity paper to breathe in fresh cool air to give you a refreshing and flavorful smoke every time when you take a pup it's springtime no wonder Salem is America's fastest-growing cigarette by far menthol fresh rich tobacco taste modern filter too now more delightfully than ever Salem refreshes your taste now panel and I presenter a third team of challenges what is your name please my name is Mickey Thompson my name is Mickey Thompson my name is Mickey Thompson follow along again if you will please panel to the contents of this affidavit with your copies i'm mickey thompson i'm a speed car driver during my career i have set some 54 world's automobile speed records more than any other man in the history of the sport in 1959 I built a car which I called challenger 1 it has four engines totaling 3,000 horsepower and will go 210 miles an hour in low gear in this car I went faster than man has ever traveled in an automobile in 1960 on the Bonneville Salt Flats challenger 1 hit a speed of four hundred and six miles per hour signed Mickey Thompson every gentlemen panel each one claiming to be Mickey Thompson's speed car driver I would start this with our own speedster Dina Merrill mr. Thompson number three why do you have so many engines in that car well it takes that many engine to develop the first part we need but how can how can they all fit into one small car well Pontiac engines aren't very large Pontiac honey I can't you use yes number two how many years do you have I mean how many three four gears in one reverse just the three the three normally and and how fast you accelerated in the first in the low gear friendship wheel over 200 miles an hour before you shift into second number three what company built your car I mean number one excuse me what company built your car I built the car myself Tom Poston Thank You number one what is compression ratio the ratio of these the space within the cylinder chamber to the amount of power that is that comes through for example in this case we have four hundred four hundred and thirty cubic inches per engine four engines a total of seventeen twenty two big engines for the for the Challenger marvelous number two do you happen to know who bill loafer was no I'm sorry I know number three do you know who Walt SIBO was no sir I'm sorry racing cars are number three what was Campbell's cars named you remember the Bluebird and by Garth II uh number three have you ever raced in Europe no I haven't do you know what the Mila media is yes I do um where is that held in Italy where is the race of what time of the year is a race at LeMond held I'm sorry I don't remember number two do you know the answer that question I don't know exactly when I think it's around June sometime number one have you ever raced abroad No number three has the Pontiac firm employed you have I misunderstood the question I don't think so I've misunderstood the audience what they're laughing at our you saying Johnny old straighten yo are you saved by the Pontiac people the only thing I do for the Pontiac people as I handle the I Drive the mobil gas economy run for pontiac now we come to member of our panel who has raced abroad Johnny Carson and she lost I believe it no no number two who who won the race at LeMans last year yes Phil Hill and Chandi bien number one can you give me a definition of a cam and the funking of a cam see am of a cam mm-hmm in reference to the camp's yeah yeah that's all the time we have in reference to the camshaft he said we got from cam to camshaft now time to take you camshafts and Heine an answer on your ballot if you will please just mark those battles quickly and clearly without consultation vote for number one number two or number three all set everybody mark thank you good Johnny all set uh give it a mark that we can call out everybody in anything yeah all right Tom which one I voted for number three I must say it seems like the show an awfully fast tonight here we are on the third one that we've hardly it's been fun tonight Dorothy thank you Tom I take that as a compliment I voted for number two because he looks more like other racing drivers I have known and he knew where a couple of places were all right they're not Johnny well I only got a chance to ask one nutty questions - I di voted for number three and Deena well I wanted to number two but he's got a kind of a look in his eye that has something to do with daredevil you doing - Johnny there in all camshafts are where they ought to be and let's find out now which one of these three gentlemen is the real speed car driver so will the real Mickey Thompson please stand up let's find out about the other two now number one if you tell us you real a man what you really do play my name is Gordon Hitchens I'm the student Columbia University and number two your real name and what do you do sir my name is Alan Lance and I work at here Andres beauty salon I'm a hair stylist you never know when a camshaft will do do you know pulling a switch on what is they darlings known as pulling a switch on the girl that's as bad as the bangs would and that's a big boy well gentlemen we had a lot of fun we hope you did and checking the score we find it's 50/50 it's and if you see score tonight all wrong the first round all right the next and then 50/50 that means of course - incorrect - $250 each from Salem's $500 total for you gentlemen and I hope that is made up for not only by the fun that you gave us but fun that you had - thanks for being with us and pick up a carton of Salem's on your way out if you will congestion tablets got a cold sinus congestion are you tempted by those all-day colds capsules wait a minute get more complete relief with Dristan decongestant tablets brisk empty congest gently does not overdrive Ellicott nose and sinus membranes to weaken one of nature's defenses against infection Dristan helps train all eight sinuses properly thus relieves pressure pain congestion restores free breathing without over-drying Dristan has ingredients to relieve body aches and fever of a cold all day Cole's capsules have no such ingredients and Dristan helps build body resistance to infection in fact after just a few Dristan tablets there may be no need for all-day medication you get more complete relief from colds miseries and sinus congestion with Dristan decongestant tablets well I guess that's what all the time we had for the night I did go fast though I had fun too John goodnight iam panel right bud Collyer saying good night from Salem cigarettes and reminding you to tell the truth good night everybody to tell the truth the mark Goodson bill Todman production this Harry Morgan coming home to the Pete and Gladys household is like opening a Christmas present you never know what you'll find next on most of these CBS television stations to tell the truth has been brought to you tonight by Salem the cigarette that refreshes your taste this is Johnny Olsen saying good night for to tell the truth this program was you
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 206,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), To Tell The Truth (1956) (TV Program), Dorothy Kilgallen (TV Personality), Bud Collyer (TV Actor), Theresa Strathes, Johnny Carson (TV Program Creator), Dina Merrill, Tom Poston (TV Actor)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2015
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