To Lizzo and Her Fans | I'm SORRY TRUTH HURTS

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to all of lizzo's fans i wanted to sincerely and humbly apologize um that you're too stupid to see what i was trying to say should i say the best way is you're supposed to dunk it so i'm just gonna dunk it for a little bit this woman is so full of [ __ ] [ __ ] does anybody believe that this is the first time that lizzo has dunked oreo cookies into [ __ ] milk for real um i communicate through sarcasm of course i don't believe that lizzo has never dunked an oreo cookie before i would be an idiot to think that lizzo has never dunked an oreo cookie before you realize that you're an idiot for believing that i believed that when i was trying to get my sarcastic point across that there's no way that lizzo has only just tried an oreo cookie in that video you people are that radically ignorant i've had people try to attach this to race you're gonna have to be a little bit more specific than that buddy because i don't give a [ __ ] what color they are i don't care where they came from what they [ __ ] speak what their religion is or any of that [ __ ] their [ __ ] ass with their [ __ ] if they treat me good i'll treat them good i couldn't give a [ __ ] less and i've had people try to attach this to bullying okay first of all if a 300 pound woman is in better shape than you and you're not 300 pounds you need to do something about that but thinking she's dude that's [ __ ] crazy of course because uh on tick tock everything is bullying if it hurts your fee fees just like any other social media just like youtube which we're on just like facebook just like twitter because most of you can't stand to look at yourself in the mirror and accept very basic truths about yourself you see a morbidly obese woman playing around dunking cookies i just thought i'd pointed out that it was kind of ridiculous and people pointed out that lizzo has lost weight absolutely but she's also still in public articles advising people that they don't need to that they should accept themselves for them and at a time like we're in right now i've got a news flash for you that's not very healthy people should be very much encouraging other people to get as healthy as humanly possible that is just statistical fact if you don't think it is look around you we really need if if we want to look at health as a societal thing like many of you do many of lizzo's fans do then you should do your part to be as healthy as you can period right there is no such thing as obese and healthy that's period that's the point i was trying to get across with liz's fans now many of you don't like it i'm good with that i'm totally good with you not liking me i'm totally good with anybody not liking me but i am totally good with the fact that many of you know that the things that i said about her and that things i said in retort to other people for instance somebody said somebody tried to equate well she makes more money than you yes lizzo does make more money than me but you know it's absolutely true that lizzo does make a lot more money than me but the thing is i'm going to dance with my grandchildren at their weddings and she's going to be a memory that her family toasts to it theirs you see no that matters you can point out things about my physical appearance i've had so many people because they don't know me i've had so many people be like okay baldy okay buddy like no [ __ ] dumbasses like i i love being bald we've gone over this ad nauseum here so again for those of you out there that got really really really upset i'm sorry you're just too stupid to see what i was saying have a good day god damn
Channel: Alan Roberts
Views: 10,526
Rating: 4.8875794 out of 5
Keywords: lizzo, lizzo be eating, lizzobeeating, tik tok, lizzo tik tok, lizzo Alan roberts, alan roberts, themfingcoo, obesity, weight loss, fat loss, obesity epidemic, NoMorbidity
Id: UPap22_kK3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 8sec (188 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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