The Fitness Industry Over Complicates Everything | 6 Basic Tips to Lose Weight

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since the rest of fitness was to overcomplicate this six easy tips on how to lose weight my name's Alan Roberts this is everyday fitness like subscribe button of kaseman right over here and share my videos subscribe to my second channel Alan Roberts Maya Pina course going to bub and blow at the end in all those places please share those videos to [ __ ] thank you so since the rest of the fitness industry decides to overcomplicate the [ __ ] on a fitness on purpose now get to that in a second and you want the [ __ ] by the way that is just as bad as telling people they can be 400 pounds of still healthy it is just as bad my opinion but the rest of the fitness industry we find overcomplicates the [ __ ] out of fitness it really really does when it's actually something very very basic and very very easy and the idea is is that fitness is different for every human being and it should be however since the fitness industry is over complicated I thought I would give six basic tips on how to lose weight because that is what the majority of people are looking to do just to be real the majority of people aren't looking to get six-pack ABS majority people are not looking to get a 6 under pound n if the majority of people are looking to lose some [ __ ] weight so they feel okay about themselves and it is overcomplicated in the world of fitness to a great [ __ ] degree not to mention that but the food industry does not help in the fact that we have somehow managed to make what is unhealthy food appear healthy for [ __ ] sake people subway has convinced the entire American populace that eating a loaf of bread for lunch is somehow [ __ ] healthy it's [ __ ] crazy anyway so my wife and I do online coaching we basically coach people to healthy weights we take people that are overweight and obese all the weights and morbidly obese and we coach them to healthy weights and while we do that we hold them accountable for their nutrition their activity and then we teach them the skills that they will need to not need us anymore that is what a good coach will do and that is what we do and have done for years and well [ __ ] doing we also sell programs and programs I'll get to in a second but we want people to understand that fitness should not be that complicated it just simply should not be that [ __ ] complicated there's no magic pill there's no magic powder and there's no magic that is it we do some programs but our programs just like any good program are designed to challenge you with good exercise selection with good progression and meant to excite you and keep you interested those are good programs they keep you consistently coming back going to the gym and consistency is the key when it comes to any type of fitness it just is so the very first tip I have for everybody to get fit to lose 20 pounds say bye in 90 days say you want to lose 20 pounds in 90 days you need to know exactly what your goals are 20 pounds of 70,000 calories approximately and I have made videos about that before it is just approximate but approximately it's 70,000 calories so 70 thousand calories divided by 90 days which is a little bit it's a summer a couple days in the summer right now that would be about seven hundred seventy seven point seven seven seven eight calories about so because there's not necessarily 3500 calories in each pound of fat of course because there's different hydration levels there's different types of fat all sorts of [ __ ] but the scientific consensus is there's 3500 calories in a pound of in a pound of fat and I have done videos on that before you can check that [ __ ] out please you should check that [ __ ] out as a matter of fact go check that [ __ ] out but so basically you need to lose you need to have a deficit you need to burn more calories than you take in of seven hundred seventy seven point seven seven seven eight calories which we will now call 778 calories just like I need to go through that [ __ ] so what you need to do is create that deficit and you create that deficit in two ways one you can increase your activity and two you can decrease the amount of food you take in now increasing your activity you need to find the workout program that works for you you don't necessarily need to find even a workout program you need to find some more [ __ ] activity find a way to make sure you add activity to your day I don't care if you go on a two mile walk two mile walk is about 200 calories depending on your size 200 calories now your 578 calories now now we're talking now we just need to reduce your food a little bit one of the best ways and this is tip number two one of the best ways to reduce your food is to take a look at your caloric intake for each meal personally I don't eat breakfast I stopped eating breakfast when I wanted to lose the 80 pounds that I lost Klute were close to 80 pounds I lost in the course of last year so basically what I did is I stopped eating breakfast for me that was about a thousand calories they created a thousand calorie deficit a day instead of eating breakfast I drank black coffee which I you to have cream and sugar my coffee I drink black coffee and then I drank a [ __ ] ton of water between when I woke up and my first meal which was my midday meal some that's literally a thousand calorie deficit now for most of you I'm not even saying you do that however you can look at the low-hanging fruit because very honestly if you stop through a drive-thru on your way to work you're probably ingesting about a thousand calories and you don't even [ __ ] know it a thousand calories before before you even get your day going and most of time you think you're hungry but you're actually thirsty because you have slept for you know six to eight hours a night and just through an expiration and not ingesting any fluids you are dehydrated you are chronically dehydrated when you get up in the morning you need to ingest some fluids in order to rehydrate so before you do anything in the morning even before my morning cup of coffee I try to drink 24 ounces of fluid try 24 ounces of water then I drink my morning coffee which is normally anywhere from 12 let's be [ __ ] real 48 ounces of coffee just joking it's about 24 ounces of coffee but then I'll drink another 24 hours they have 24 hours thing of water so I have ingested you know close to 60 to 70 ounces of fluid by my midday meal my midday meal normally consists of all proteins some healthy fats normally some tuna maybe something you know maybe some salad underneath it with no dressing some mustard or hot sauce or something like that depending on what a you feel like but oftentimes it's just the tuna and the salad with tomatoes veggies that sort of thing that is my good meat that midday meal now you'll notice that I have not discussed eating any type of sugary substance at all yet because the second you ingest sugar you're probably to be hungry just to be real especially if you're like me and you grew up italian-american and everything is bread and sugar and pasta and you know those sorts of things so I can personally eat a pancake one pancake you know in the morning and be so starving by 10 o'clock that I can almost eat my face off but if I don't take in anything I'm not even hungry till about noon just real I'm not you know I mean it's your body thinking okay I just had something sugary I want more of that [ __ ] so that is step number one and two step number three eat the same [ __ ] thing for lunch every day eat the same [ __ ] thing reduce that variable down because honestly you are trying to reduce your calories you know anywhere from you know the 578 calories that are left and if you you'll not even breakfast you might even be there right now but if you eat the same [ __ ] thing for lunch one it makes your day much easier find the thing that is healthy for you that you love to eat mine happens to be tuna sometimes I have to nan chickpeas sometimes I have tuna and salad but normal normally it is just involved with tuna it just is whether it be fresh raw tuna that I then pan sear or whether it be does can tuna whatever but I normally have tuna for lunch every [ __ ] day and everybody's like oh my god don't get so boring you can change out the seasonings the way you cook it the your whether you eat it hot or cold you can change so much [ __ ] about it it's all sorts of different variables and relatively honestly most [ __ ] would say I would get bored eating the same [ __ ] every day eat the same [ __ ] every day it's just crappy [ __ ] they normally eaten fast food or some like that every [ __ ] day it's the same flavor every [ __ ] day they normally eat that [ __ ] every day these are talking about your healthy [ __ ] because it's healthy [ __ ] so next step make sure your portion sizes for dinner are good I normally suggest the people that you want to take in a fist-sized portion of protein two fists worth of vegetables and a side fist worth of starches that is just a rudimentary thing that I normally tell my clients to do honestly it keeps your carbohydrates a little lower but you've obviously taken somewhere in throughout the day or depending on what you have for lunch they're only that and that this is a particularly that goes towards each person but you are taking in a lot of veggies there's a high volume of food that you will be able to take in that's two fists worth of veggies then you'll be able to take in and be full and you've taken it a decent sized amount of protein that will help fuel any workout you're doing those sorts of things those are [ __ ] important very very very important things so watch your portion sizes for your dinner meal next get proper [ __ ] sleep you know I mean people don't seem to understand get proper sleep because one if you get proper sleep then if you go to sleep early and wake up you'll be able to plan the rest of your day out you'll easily be able to make sure that you eat the same thing for lunch because you're prepared for it you'll easily be able to be alert and awake you'll feel much better about the day and you'll be able to make much better conscious decisions not to mention the fact that getting enough sleep release it releases all sorts of good hormones for you and it lowers your stress level which also lowers your cortisol level which will help you lose weight just to be real and number six only reward yourself do not cheat number six is very important I've talked about this I've made many videos about this this is in my book math and willpower how to lose weight and keep it off I'm censured by the way which by the way will be on Amazon before too long in both paperback and Kindle and I'm gonna do an audio version of that [ __ ] after a little bit of rewrite so check that [ __ ] out soon but you will want to just reward yourself don't cheat if you cheat you're gonna constantly cheat if you look at your nutrition and say I can just eat like [ __ ] [ __ ] for no reason you don't make that up you don't if you reward yourself basically saying I know I'm gonna go out Friday night with with you with friends I know I'm gonna have you know a couple beers and eat like [ __ ] I know I am what you do is the day before or two days before or three days before for the three days before in the next day you make sure that you make care take care of it you get a little bit more extra activity or you reduce your calories down a little bit more you reward yourself with that meal you do not cheat don't cheat because if you cheat you're only cheating on your [ __ ] self that's it you're only cheating on your goals if you want to lose weight you need to be dedicated to it if you want to be healthy you need to be dedicated to it Fitness is a [ __ ] marathon it is not a sprint you need to be dedicated to your fitness from now until the end of your life if you want to be fit from now until the end of your life that is how that [ __ ] works people I understand that there is much much much over complication in the fitness industry and many many many people giving all sorts of different things you're down to eat keto you got to eat paleo you got to you know take this thing you got to worry about thermogenics you got to worry about all that [ __ ] stick to the [ __ ] basics watch what you put in your mouth and get a little extra activity and take these six tips and I hope you have good success with them let me know in the comment section below my name is Alan Roberts this is everyday Fitness set me up on history whatever Devon if it isn't me up on Twitter and every damn day said I'm also on Facebook and every damn day fitness now I don't know and every damn day fitness net goddamn
Channel: Alan Roberts
Views: 224,635
Rating: 4.9211063 out of 5
Keywords: everydamnday, everydamndayfitness, weight loss, fat loss, how to, how to lose weight, lose weight, best way to lose weight, lose fat, training program, alan roberts, fat acceptance, healthy at any size, healthy at every size, weight gain
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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