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[Music] [Applause] [Music] k good morning Mr Walker I asked to see the foreign minister I regret that he's extremely busy and Muhammad Jamal the department of I regret that Mr Jamal is also occupied at this time then I wish to convey a message to the foreign minister of course would you please advise the foreign minister that it is impossible for me to operate my Embassy in Exile under the reduced allowance from your revolutionary government I have no help no staff and I cannot maintain one under these circumstances yes of course I understand that I am sure that the foreign minister is quite aware of your circumstances well then you tell him now suggest to the foreign minister that something must be done about it now now or all the work of the past 10 years will be lost and the program of assistance to my activities must be restored now please be ass sure Mr Walker the foreign minister who made a very your message but he also asked me to convey to you the information that circumstances the situation with Israel the problems with oil ministers have made it extremely difficult if not impossible for the government to change your situation how can I live like this how can I lead a revolution in the United States 6,000 miles away if I can't afford to make a telephone call a m machine advise you that you are free to depart at any time then will you kindly advise the foreign minister that I have no time for [Music] fools [Music] the commander of the boy squad has requested special attention be given by even and Patrol to shopwell establishments in this District effec of this date by order of Captain Schwarz new members of this squad will be integrated into Patrol Duty on a following basis patrolman Jean barage and patrolman William O'Grady will comprise a new Patrol team patrolman Agnes cack and patrolman Martin Dean will also comprise a new Patrol team okay take your post you know what's going to happen don't you first time we get in trouble this chick she's going to go for her lipstick instead of her piece what did I do to deserve this relax Marty I'm telling you can't last it's only an experiment but why experiment with me when you and me we've been together for seven years we got more callers than anybody else that's the reason they're going to put these girls in the car with cops who have a lot of Street sense so that they don't get hurt hey deah I got a deal for you I'll trade your Dumbo here and uh two working holidays for one night with your new partner go on get out of here you better move it Prince Charming Cinderella's outside in a pumpkin she's probably spraying it with lilocks of the spring yeah be a public service if she sprayed you he about doares they transferred out a 98 CLE up to 27 why there's a lot of changes being made around here it's a bad time though well yeah guess have a nice day huh see you my friends call me Aggie what do you like Marty or Martin anything you want you ever been on the street before no well listen to me I'm going to tell you a few things about being on the street I'd appreciate it I don't care whether you appreciate it or not just pay attention this is a jungle all I want to do is come out alive so I can go home to my wife and kids hey ay don't stay out too late Martin 27 Charlie 101 your command man if you were a DA would you be living in a crummy neighborhood like this I already live in a crummy neighborhood only mine's worse only difference is I don't have a cop car sitting out in front of my house 24 hour a day what are those guys I'm [Music] starving 782 West 66 Street there's another P car let's get out of [Music] here what the hell was that Central this is 22 Edward and suit of a suspicious Auto it's a a four light colored Plymouth proceeding South on Riverside Drive at uh approximately uh West 106 Street request additional units license number 719 zebra foxtron Edward request additional units to assist what's the condition known at this [Music] time [Music] [Music] now I want to talk to fny thank you yeah sh out no sir I don't care if he's busy available I know you send me a list but that's all it is it's just a list I need some kind of inth background on all these groups got a p all right combat unit for freedom for Liberation who C torch torch T RC I might as well have kinsky torch of Liberty National Freedom workers uniform democracy I'll get back no he can't come to home right now well he's been up all night waking on a Case yes ma'am I sure will tell him yes ma'am thank you ma'am yes Chief what are you waiting for Captain Infinity Trumpets the files on the military organizations Better Be everything we have on revolutionaries pass present your efficiency is overwhelming Lieutenant FG well I got such outstanding examples to follow H the commissioner called your ex-wife called you had calls from myON clapman owns a men's clothing stores kids been busted for shoplifting the father store oh no sir he went across the street to the competition yeah the kid believes in free enterprise where' we get him he was here when we moved in there's a flaw in the system I me to talk to commissioner about it are anything new anything at all on cop killings no sir I'll ask commissioner if he can see me in about 15 minutes yes sir this clotman important well he's as important as anybody with several million dollars on citizens committee benity yes sir give me the wp sheet on this kman kid find out who the arresting officers were yes sir cut ARS on the funeral I'm working on it Betty sir what's up I just wanted to remind you that it's Richie's birthday in case you've forgotten oh they come around so fast things already had four this year I hope you're going to do something special with him I don't have time to go to John or the bed or anything else with these two cops gun down top of the usual mess look he's 14 years old and he misses you very much I think you should make a special effort damn it Betty I'm making a special effort to keep him going nuts around here plin again it's a sixth qu look I didn't call to get into an argument with you I thought I was doing you a favor were reminding you all right Betty I'm sorry I'll do something what does he need he can always use clothes okay I'll see about it I have to run now ma'am could I have the address again please no not your address the address where you saw the man with the gun no ma'am yes ma'am thank you for call J yeah what we got not much Chief we typed up statement from three socalled Witnesses got them to sign the statements and we let him go home oh this is great three different descriptions of the getaway car we have a catches killer his lawyer will get him off on grounds that all our Witnesses contradicted each other here's the medical examiner's report with the photos oh God was ballistics have to say here you go identify the gun I think it might be an army grease gun the guns because this placees IND start Lieutenant gun's your job take eight men yes sir gun probably came from Vietnam this country's crawling with weapons come from Vietnam stinking War run Us in it's running us now on every person needs patrolman arrest in the last 6 months checked out send two men over to my office see Captain infity he has a list of extremist take that list of the DA's office and get wir Taps revolutionaries how do I know if it is they'll send a message most people love to brag could we just a grudge hit us some nut I know at least we get a message we'll have a place to start from having copies of all these revolutionary organizations made up for each of you maybe one of the old ones Maybe not maybe somebody brand new money how many black detectives do you have in Manhattan North about 15 are available right now and spread them around the various black neighborhoods just have them hang around ask questions I want 10 teams of men on the Street in the Riverside Neighborhood tonight at the hour of shooting maybe somebody comes home every night at that time you may have seen something got scared when the shooting started ran into his apartment and was afraid to come out excuse me Chief what reports are given us a hard time do you think you have time to make some sort of a statement so we can get rid of them maybe I tell them we'd be lucky if one of our men doesn't shoot a law batting black Citizen before the end of the week police emergency line Chief aide Chief this is Minon kman from the kman brother's store a mutual friend suggested that I call you what friend okay what's a problem uh my son he's gotten himself in uh this little uh Jam uh oh it's kids stuff but it's upsetting jar a lawyer oh it's not that big a deal Chief a couple of words in the right place uh would take care of it you ever been arrested before oh never I'm not talking about a criminal it's just a boy who got himself in trouble because he took something off a counter and a detective saw him he's a nice boy very bright I'll take a look at it oh that's terrific Chief I know you were the right man to call say if I could do anything for you uh what I mean uh come down to the store pick out anything you want uh maybe a couple of nice suits I don't think I can help you Mr kopman just a call that's all it would take I'll look into it it's Gerald I thought you'd gone back to sleep Chief detective never sleeps with incompetent help like you around REM me to call my son tell the commissioner's office I'm on my way I'll find a paperwor going to clop in case on my dad gu when I get back send out for a pastaman r and a ball of beer you want mustard on any of those [Music] [Music] cases [Music] we out with you what can I do for you brother got your ticket it ain't but you sure as hell off I can't believe it when'd you get back in the country come on man where you been man last stop was Cuba time before that was North Africa so how you been Albert besides getting fat oh I'm doing just great what in the name of Heaven are you doing back in New York City the movement requires my presence it's necessary to reorganize and [Applause] reinpuck would you like some food some clothes I can let you have $200 or $300 walk around I need the help of those men of the party who can act courageously and decisiv Walker man you've been gone 10 years lots of things have changed since then including you yeah including me I got a nice little business here is this what you call continuing the revolution until I get back I also have a wife and two babies and my idea is to take care of them and me as best as I can and stay out of jail the revolution came and went 10 years ago the hell it did I lost my wife and my kid in that shootout in Detroit now do you remember that how can I forget it it was bad maybe I came and went 10 years ago look I can let you have threads money food you can borrow my car but Walker I can't get involved anymore how about a suit of clothes 300 bucks for you free what about the cat who owns it oh he won't miss it for 3 months asides that the insurance company will take care of it that suit just got lost look look I don't need clothes man I need men don't you understand what I'm trying to tell you Walker there are no more they got wiped out in new Havens they got cleaned out in La how many of the brothers died with you in Detroit including your wife and baby it's not worth it they're either in the grave or in jail there ain't no movement longer welome I'm going to go get us something to eat I want I come back we can talk it over okay I'll lock the door take your siip at home till I get [Music] back t i sh's here okay a finally decided to favor us with his presence I don't know why you put up with him well help me think of a way to get rid of him a man more politically aware in that position would be a tremendous relief well Earl the mayor is very upset about these killings so am I now how does it look not very good we have one report of three black males being seen in a car near the DA's apartment just before the shooting what was the point of the shooting were they running from a robbery were they revolutionaries know we have 40 men trying to get the answers when do we get the results results come later now we go through the usual investigational routine well I hope the routine works well why would anybody want to blow away two men like that I don't know sir we went through the killer cop days in the' 60s we're hoping it's not a Revival maybe it's just a psychotic who has to kill by the way here are the orders that have been cut for the funerals I I'll keep us informed on this the mayor wants to follow this one very closely yes sir the search continues for the killers of two police officers last night for no apparent reason two of New York's finest were brutally mached death Onis hey sis how you doing why do you always have to come in like that why don't you have a knock what do I got a knock for I mean you know this is the only home I got well this is not your home it's mine you're a relative but you only come around when you want something when you ever come around to give something I'm watching the news watch it at 11:00 who did you say hey these are some friends of mine sis they're going to be staying here for a while what are you doing with that thing it's what he's already done uh we just iced a couple of pigs you did that do you know that every cop in this city is looking for you you can't stay here you've but you've got to get out of here right now uhuh we're staying I get some food I will not who do you think you are now you get out of here right now why don't you do as you're told sister please sis please baby just get us some food and we'll talk about it [Music] later yes sir that comes to $326 126 with tax call Mr kman tell him Mr ear Ash and put it on my account Mr kman he owns a store doesn't he yes sir then call him yes sir happy birthday sure thanks but you don't have to buy me suits your mother said you needed clothes do I look naked I'll settle for a sandwich with you someplace I'm sorry rich I don't have time killing of those two cops yeah I guess they keep you running I spoke to Mr clotman Chief iide anything you want now if you just signed the Sal s for the two garments no I don't sign nothing let's go rich [Music] [Music] Walker friends [Music] brothering good oh I knew you'd find me the brothers to stand with me and nobody can stop us now ever listen to me a minute the reason we came up here was not to get involved in some mess you might be steering up oh no no you just wait till I get a battle plan together hey man the battle's over in the streets we've lost Brothers families it's up here now not out there ett just shoot you down in 2 minutes you reach for the gun again and you don't have to man you can do the same thing in the system listen baby I got me an organization so strong now I can run for Congress maybe even mayor ask Nate about the publishing royalties the battle in the books now man and in lectures and going around talking the campus organizations every 6 months I get them checks big checks from the Fat Cat Publishers we put the money to use where it does the most good for the brothers not support some Street crazies know what kind of junk is this what happened to the brothers that stood with me did my family get wasted for nothing well I'm not we're here alive there's twice as much to gain by getting with an and changing the system for the brothers oh no no you dude sold out you a Trader what are you talking about giv lectures to hot pants coets huh is this working within the system huh where the revolution is alive and there are some of us who are still keeping it alive Walker those are not our people those are Street crazes yeah well that's what they called every revolutionary it's Castro linen Gaddafi V and sapata that's what they call all of us and I'm proud of it it won't work man not what you it won't you show me the Bloods who did this you show me the men who did this and I'll show you a revolution like you've never seen [Music] before so what does your husband think about you riding around 8 hours a night with another guy why should he think anything about it the guys wives some cups wives they don't like it char I'm a wife I like it it's my job 98 Charlie we'll send another unit got any kids agus nope why not I'm about ready for some dinner 98 George at 1052 family dispute 726 Fox Street looks like it's going to have to wait 98 George [Music] 104 stop that give me the knife I said give me the knife [Music] [Music] please [Music] okay sit [Music] [Music] down [Music] [Music] don't you ever do that again don't ever go up against somebody with a butcher knife he could have had that in and out of you before I could have done anything I didn't know you cared damn right I care [Music] very good Captain Underwood you will be notified of the promotion board's decision in due time thank you thank you sir who's next Earl it looks like your man Gleason inspector James gleon as head of my crime division he is one of seven recommendations for a promotion to deputy chief inspector Gleason why don't we start off by having you summarize your career for us in your own words summarize my career well uh it's all right there in the records yes but in your own words please oh all these fellas know me sir I'm afraid I haven't had the pleasure before today so if you'll please summarize please continue yes sir well um I started on a force uh 30 years ago and uh u i I made detective after a holdup by that I mean uh there was a shootout uh with the two uh perpetrators during a store hold up and well I I got them both I uh I got a gold shield for that then um I took the test for sergeant and I made it I was in um I was in burgly for 11 years uh I mean 15 years and um uh well uh I got some more promotions and um uh I was had of homicide there for a while and um after that uh or chief aai there uh asked me to take charge of uh the homicide I mean he asked me to take charge of the crime division uh and U well that's about it I guess that's what I've been doing up to now why don't you tell us something about your work as head of the uh crime division now as I understand understanded you have 60 detectives assigned to you is that right sir yes that's correct and most of those 60 detectives are currently working on the case of the two machine gun police officers is that right yes sir well it seems to me that if 60 detectives have proven unable to solve the case by now that something must be wrong wouldn't you say that wouldn't say that sir exactly no sir no well what would you say sounds to me like you're asking inspector gleon to pass judgment on the administration of the detective division the procedures are standard and do not fall in the purview of a deputy inspector I am asking for answers I am not getting them I would like the man's own words and thoughts about his job if that isn't asking too much oh no it certainly isn't all go ahead well my reading of the situation is that the the uh the detectives must be poor no sir no sir the the men are good well if the men are good and getting nowhere then the blame Must Fall on the detective leadership yourself the commander is above you well uh sir the um it's quite possible that the perpetrators are no longer in the city and if they're not here so we just can't find them well if they are not here what are 60 detectives doing still looking for them well I wouldn't say it was 60 so no not nearly 60 more like uh well maybe 40 well all right that's still 40 men wasting their time wasting their time and the city's money now wouldn't you say inspector I tell me inspector wouldn't it be wiser for you or your superiors to take most of those men and put them someplace else rather than wasting all that Talent on an insoluble case well tell me doesn't that seem to be a more logical move I um I I I don't agree sir uh is something wrong on no sir have you been drinking man commissioner I object what are we trying to prove here insector gleon may have been working all night yes or drinking all night how many interruptions must we have I think that should be the last of that is that clear Chief aide it's very clear well have you just an eye open or so one maybe no more at 10:00 in the morning you're excused get out man I want that man Shield on my desk at once he's a good cop he's been working 20 hours a day he's a 30-year veteran he ows several accommodation for bravery we don't promote a deputy inspector on the basis of Marksmanship I know Gleason he takes a drink once in a while we all do he's not a drunk no he probably only drinks when the pressure's on him he can't hack it anymore he should be brought up for retirement not promotion it is because of men like gleon that the efficiency in this department has dropped to its present deplorably low State I want his shield on my desk now yeah have him turn it in you better do it Earl it'll be easier for him coming from you crime division is yours suppose he won't resign then we'll bring him up on charges drunk on duty that's all [Music] gentlemen [Music] yeah you know you could get two birds one stone if aad decides to fight this oh no he's too smart an old dog to get caught in a grinder but he's scared what if we push him a little further see if he runs there's that young Captain corworth remember him from the dezio case he'd make a good replacement for bisa give us somebody we can rely on in the detective division we do expectedly not his car try his office his office try his home not his home try his favorite bar yes sir you've had three more calls from this Mr kman kman to hang himself no tell him I'm gone for the day and I can't be reached I wish that was true red yeah how many PCs have you known since you've been in the job eight now maybe nine they come and go like the spring flowers there's one in there now that's no spring posy political Barracuda first deput is even worse it's a hell of a thing to realize but they don't care about crime and they really don't like [Music] cops [Music] now if you care to give me some of your money this is him he likes to be call child hit it hit it I would like to speak with him alone let me tell you who I am I know well then you should know that my name is now James King so if you refer to me in the future you will refer to me by that name I got no cause to refer to you at all if you have something to say to me say it I have come 4,000 miles to see the man who committed this act of revolutionary Brilliance unfortunately is of little political significance hey man they're dead those two have already been replaced so what did you accomplish there's no party behind you there's no program programs for years we've had programs baby programs were way of telling the pigs where you were so that they could come and get you programs are passed you're past you think you're the only man who hates don't you you don't know what hate is man you don't even know what it's like to be shut up but let me show you something see that there's more above that the other leg is worse the bullets came pouring through the doors and the walls like a rainstorm they didn't even have a search one but 50 of them [Music] pigs came to this little house in Detroit with Magnums and rifles and machine guns and shotguns my wife and child record in that Crossfire you don't know what hate is man maybe but um while you were living up with the Arabs I was doing the five in ATA I got my own score to settle and a baby I ain't got no time for no programs and I don't need you don't need me dig it the people don't even know who iced those pigs they don't even know why the police don't even know why they know in the past when there was a movement they knew man you me you got everybody together H and you got everybody wasted killed brother Charles what I am offering you man is something new uhhuh yeah yes a small group you myself some others to start small group we could be proud of we can make ourselves known as the freedom and equality Army Revolution f e a r fear huh I'm talking about a series of re evolutionary acts that put courage back in the hearts and minds of all revolutionaries acts of violence that that that escalate into Insurrection and violence in the streets [Music] man in the streets in the streets M I like what are you people doing here I told you to be out of here by today this is Mr King we got a lot to talk about so just um relax okay a day I think she'll use a belt feel rough I guess I really made a fool out of myself up there this morning huh think it's more serious than you realize yeah yeah I realize I realize I know now promotions out the window more than that Jimmy your career is out the window what do you mean I think it's better if you put in your papers I don't understand you I'm a I'm a cop ear you and you and I we go back 20 years together you're my friend times have changed the Department's changed a PC in Conor they want your shield and there's nothing I can do about it think it over carefully Jimmy you've been on the job a long time you got a big pension coming there's no dishonor to resign as an inspector there's all kind of jobs out there you wait a minute wait a minute now list this is me me Jimmy Gan talking here I mean I thought you were a friend of mine I am let me explain something yeah explain it explain it to me Jimmy the commissioner can knock get back down to Civil Service Captain for no reason that's what he'll do if he doesn't have your Shield after that you'll face charges and if you lose the case you'll be out on your tail with no pension after 30 years of work let have that break [Music] you [Music] you listen to reason put in your papers take the pinion get the hell out of this Rat Race how much timeo I got out they want your Shield by tomorrow if you need a few extra days line up a job or and I'll stall them Jimmy like do what's right Jimmy do what's best for yourself and your family d [Music] wait oh you're in a lovely mood where are we having dinner the city jail you ready no I'm not ready I thought you might like to have a drink and relax for a few minutes I'm relaxed well then make yourself a drink while I finish my face you know how many times I've seen you this month I don't know six or seven times I guess once or twice maybe more like once my job takes a lot of time no way I can control it and when you do decide to show up you have some cop call me a cop is a lieutenant of detectives and you have your Lieutenant of detectives call me and invite me to dinner on your behalf and then you arrive with all the charm and warmth of of a crocodile well maybe that's part of the job too was the last few days I've had two uniform Patrol officers machine guned the honor of kicking an old friend off the force I'm sorry but what is left for me in your life just just the broken bits and pieces of your personality G cop what do you want once we talked about getting married we're still talking maybe you are I'm not know maybe being a cop takes everything you have and there is nothing left for me any more than there probably was for your ex-wife I'm sorry it's a cheap shot I don't know about your domestic problems maybe it was a cheap shot but it was an accurate one I think you better leave what call me call me when you feel better yeah you're probably [Music] right checking for the night try the car over the night driver going take a walk on through the park want me to walk with you Chief I can always jump a care back to the car no ain't exactly safe in there at night you know Louie I'm the chief of detectives and you're telling me it's not safe for me to walk in my city at night the mayor would love you good night Chief night [Music] Lou we a small we are PR the freedom and equality Army of Revolution will grow in numbers once our voice is heard and our actions are felt we are revolutionaries and we possess enormous courage we will take our fight into the streets as Urban guerillas the role of the urban Guerilla is to expropriate the wealth from the capitalists and the imperialists they misuse this assault for propaganda purposes at the very moment the assault is taking place and distribute material explaining his objectives and his aims brother Leon your assignment tonight must be to expropriate a vehicle for the assignment in the morning brother ulyses you will give him support for the mark you must attribute the weapons that are to be used sister Paula you and the other sisters must set up emergency medical facilities in the event any of the brothers are injured during the assault tomorrow brother Charles you must help the others see that their armaments are clean and in operating order I'll prepare the first communic for the [Music] imperialists I'm frightened taking on banks police it's all getting too heavy these boys are wild they're just looking for trouble but you're intelligent educated you don't fit in with them I'm afraid they'll take Butch down with them the people who control the police and the banks in order to protect their money say there's a crime to take back what they have stolen the law that says this is an unjust and a false [Music] law I never noticed you had an earring in your ear you must uh understand the true definition of what we must accomplish for all of our people PA I know I know there are things to be done but I don't like your ways I don't want Butch to get killed or put in jail we must be willing to sacrifice for what we believe in thank you for the hot milk helps me to sleep just like a [Music] [Music] baby good night [Music] all right first one you move I blow your damn take money out take the Mone out take some more more watch your here hold the money [Music] [Applause] up [Music] Chief Fire sh's office got Infinity speaking oh yes sir yes right it's that guy clapping again tell him hang on be there in a minute can you hang on a minute sir he'll be right with you top of the morning to you and a bottom of it to you get out of here my pleasure chief iard chief this is Maron clapman my son's case is coming up in court Thursday what have you been able to do for him nothing you lied to me kman told me he never been arrested before he son has a wrap sheet of a professional shop lifter but I didn't think these other things mattered they were so minor you've got to do something for it nothing I can do with anybody with an extended record of shoplifting these things are on file they go to court your son has to take his medicine like everybody else but you promised to help me I didn't promise you anything I said I would look into it you said you would help me and now you're backing out you told me your kid had no record I thought I was dealing with an honorable man but you lied to me I'll get you for this I'll get you for this if it's the last thing I do it may be yes sir what's going on huh oh inspector gleon has turned in his papers his retirement is effective at the end of the month meantime he's taking accumulated vacation and sick leave time thank God did you see the memo from the PC no there corworth yeah he'll reach out for captain corworth and Harlem homicide get him down here this morning and get me his personal dossier right I wonder who his Rabbi is I wouldn't know he should it looks like he's got a good one [Music] Marty how's it been going s great great good to be back on days can't be as good as four to 12 with Raquel Welsh listen s she's okay she's a good cop I'll bet she is she sure is stacked cut it out s we've been through a couple of tough times together and Agnes uh this I mean she was right there when you need her sure sure what makes you such an authority look I ride with her every day at least the car don't stink a garlic I can do with you come on what's eating you Marty nothing's eating me I said she's a good cop and I'd work with her any day one night how would you like me to break that beos come on Marty lighting up I think you're getting in a little deeper than you should still po us yeah yeah come on how do you chase the hamburger with all that ketchup on it the mystery meet in this joint ketchup's the best part you're a slob yeah but I'm lovable hey you like a bowl yeah I guess so sure I don't get much chance Mike's usually too beat you want to try it some afternoon maybe you could always tell you old man you had to stay half hour old time is it a big deal might be fun oh corworth come in have you been fine thank you sir I will see you you've been doing a good job for me in homicide thank you sir how do you like working in Harlem well uh it's busy sir you've handle it very well that's why I'm considering you to take over the crime division in fact I've been in communication the PC about it apparently he knows you from somewhere oh yes uh yes there was a mafia hit a few years ago I was a sergeant he was the assistant DA I was the cop who brought in the key witness so apparently he got a lot of publicity for it it's a funny thing is I ran into the PC on the street the other day and I didn't think he'd remember me he said he did well would you be interested in a job if it's offer to you yes sir well I'll let you know my decision in due time thanks for coming in that'll be all thank you sir KN Pon no corworth better oh yeah got a feeling he's being groomed to take over around here corworth he's still in diapers yeah I guess who's changing him hey chief the PC's just got a letter from some group claiming credit for a bank job in Brooklyn why the hell isn't somebody over there getting it you read now go give me the PC on the phone I'm sending for the note commissioner well it may be just some screw ball or it may be a new terrorist group operating in the city but give it your full attention ear we certainly will sir oh by the way looking into the record of Captain corworth as you suggested he once handed me a hell of a case you want me to give him the job then only if he's qualified well actually I was toward him even before I got your note let's consider it done then sir you want to tell him or shall I no no no he works for you you should be the one I I have no obligation toward the man nor him toward me it's just a suggestion I made good enough sir the Revolution begins now the capis oppressor will be struck where he is most vulnerable and this is the start of our offensive fear freedom and equality Army of Revolution get a large glassine folder for this okay when the bank Squad report on this whole up find out what the FBI is getting off the film from the bank cameras they won't get much of these guys are wearing ski masks but try anyway I don't want the press in on this far as the newspapers are concerned they never arrived Chemical Bank Queen's PL Fe just got this messeng now they're sending telegrams that's the second notification unless there others I didn't hear about no only two well what did your detectives turn up on the Freshman nothing important sir what's your thinking uh about who this sphere group might be well there were about 50 of these groups operating throughout the 60s a few in the early '70s it might be one of the old ones or it may be something brand new but with these messages we may be able to pick up lead oh uh call me tonight keep me informed I hate to bother you on something that might not be important I'll be the judge of what's important to me now call me at 9:00 yes sir red bring me that fear thing pen get in here was there a bank Robie this morning on Queen's Closet well I sure was Chief they I didn't think you want to Beed yes sir I got a job for you have that thing photographed then take it to captain rth in the fingerprint section have him check it on both sides for prints envelope to then I want you to personally supervise the taking of elimination prints of everyone who touched that thing around here that includes a PC by the way over to Barger and ink up your PC's fingers well for a man of your intelligence wit and charm such an assignment as a piece of cake yeah yeah goodbye Lieutenant Fitzgerald P yes sir want know exactly when and where that telegram was sent from all right I'll contact our man at the telephone company and then he can find out just where the phone booth is located urgent I War it this afternoon yes sir what happened here well three men came into the bank and ski Mas and gloves a way of telling what color they were what about the guard well he was in the men's room prob be lucky he was 63 years old he can hardly see from one end of the bank to the other what about the getaway car was a late model red Chrysler who gave that description well the guard did he eventually come running out holding his pants up up in his gun in one hand and he ran right out in the middle of the street firing his gun and holding his pants up at the same time found a getaway car yet uh not yet Chief all right report to my office as soon as you have any results yes sir all right take care of dear [Music] L Chief go ahead vity a guy at the telephone company just gave us the booth where a telegram was pH in Chief it's in the L station at Jerome Avenue in for Road in NE Bronx did you get the exact time that telegram was phoned in 942 Chief put up a big map of the Bronx draw a circle with that phone booth exactly in the middle how bigger Circle Chief 15 20 minutes in any direction we be in Charlotte right let's go the house L we found the car under the 59 Street Bridge Manhattan side okay tell me more and we also have a another little surprise this wasn't an ordinary car clout about 11:00 last night a guy in a ski mask walked into a parking garage at 97 Street in Broadway stuck up the place and drove away in that Chrysler all right the telegram was sent from here claiming credit for the bank robbery down here telegram was sent at 940 was robbed at 9:07 no way they get from here across the bridge change cars and go all the way up to here in that period of time so the one who sent the telegram was waiting for word that the job had been pulled and it was okay to send that telegram what we got is a very smart fellow here got it all figured out and doing it by the numbers and you know what we got here a lunatic now why would anybody walk into a parking garage with a ski MK and a gun and stick up the place when he can pick up one out on Street M I think they got a weak link well let's get back on the job hanger uh double check that Chrysler for any fingerprints what you he right Chief give me the unusuals for the night before each of these fear jobs was pulled off okay Captain corworth is coming by so he says he needs about 10 minutes bring your files okay there you go one and two 11:07 last night in a parking garage on Broadway 97 the probatory wearing a ski Mas c a night attendant one joose of CRA SC 76 Chrysler Imperial color red so so on here it is read that to me at approximately 12:15 a.m. an armed man wearing a ski mask anded a parking garage at 96th Street and West End Avenue andall a 1977 Ford Sedan color blue etc etc same neighborhood you know what we got here finity what's that sir Clues finity Clues yes sir the beginning of an emmo mhm you know something else what's that sir you're too neat like a fussy little lady you say so sir headquarters too long how do you like that I don't like it sir I want IAD brought up on departmental charges and I want to go before the grand jury for an indictment a I can go to prison over this you just take it slow I want him out of here as much as you do but you don't bring the chief of detectives up on departmental charges or try to indict him unless you got yourself a substantial amount of evidence to make a case what is this he he knows more important people in this city than the two of us combined they probably all owe him a favor that's all the more reason that n I'm not going to go off in the sing half [ __ ] route now bring Chief Emerson and chief farmer in here and then we'll see iide excuse me but just go on Chief I drew up a reorganization plan at the crime division they can't have any more man Chief I want to cut the division in half look at the moment we have 50 detectives in the crime division now that's too much we don't have Superior officers to supervise that many so what I suggest is that we cut the squad to five sergeants and 20 first and second grade detectives the other detectives could go back to their original commands when additional man power is needed we could always borrow them back borrowing man makes field commanders mad well not necessarily Chief I think we work that out now look I ran into the PC the other day and I explained my idea to him and he said it fit right in line with his drive to Titan supervision and efficiency I mean after all we have almost 40 detectives working full-time on the machine gunning of those two cops and we just don't have enough leads to check out do you know what this department has always considered the highest priority crime there is the killing of a cop right frankly sir the public doesn't see it that way the hell with the public look I know I agree with you I'm a cop too but the people in the public care about crime in the streets crime against old people juvenile is running wild an attack against a cop is a crime against Society itself yes sir I happen to agree with you but there are many other people in this city that don't agree with you among them the PC okay you got it I have your permission then sure go ahead I'll tell the PCI I approve your plan thank you very much sir you [Music] back Chief gra the rock talk to me later if HEC wants to see me yeah he's going I want to see a lot more after we give you this little present no jokes B what do you got a print oh come on take a look at this Chief now these three belong to detective McCarthy in the PC's office and this one here this one doesn't belong to any of our guys have you made another photocopy of this for comparison yes sir but uh we need the original as evidence good stays right here in my safe can you get a make off a print like this one finger I don't know if it'll hold up in court I don't give a damn about court I just want to know who it belonged to I think we have people who could do that Chief but U the FBI could probably do it better yeah but they never tell us till they told every damn newspaper in the country right sit down ARL Chief I shine the PC has received an allegation well it's not exactly an allegation then what is it it is a letter which I will shortly submit for your inspection from a clerk in the clothing department at the kofman store states that on the date mentioned on the bill which is also attached to the letter you receed from the store two suits for a total value of $326 26 which were neither paid for nor charged the letter suggests that it was apparently part of a payoff of some kind Chief Inspector Emerson perhaps you should read the Miranda warning to Mr iide I don't care the Miranda warning around with me I know the Miranda warning by heart but if you try reading that thing to me I'm walking straight out of this room oh well let's assume that this is an allegation against me and that it is a terrible serious allegation and that I am guilty the crime would be extortion it's a class C felony I go up for 15 and it's page one in the headlines tomorrow it smears the whole department and all of you or let's say that I only took a gratuity that's a Class A misdemeanor one year in jail same headlines probably big Scandal next let's consider that someone is doing a job on me I definitely remember telling that clerk to charge it maybe I'm being set up then I'm not guilty of anything well that Earl of course there always questions I know this clappin slightly he's got a kid that's always in trouble Maybe trying to smear me for some favor I failed to do him or his kid now why don't you talk over what you think you want to do while I go back to my [Music] office [Music] the clerk and Mr kofman dispute your claim to charge the clothes you didn't even sign the sales receipt this incidentally is Kenneth kofman's arrest record five bus for shoplifting story is beginning to come back to me now I took my kid around there to get him a couple of suits for his 14th birthday I found I didn't have a charge plate or a check either but knowing kloppen I expected him to okay the charge now you note from the yellow sheet that Ken's kid was arrested a few days earlier now while I was talking to kapman he asked me if there's anything I could do to help his kid what was I to say I did what any of you would have done I told him I'd look into it now you can check the case you'll find it went forward exactly on schedule and that I did nothing whatsoever either for or against kin's kid frankly I find your story farfetched well um I I'd like to believe you ARL show us your charge plate I don't have a charge plate I use my wife's Oh I thought you were divorced we still see each other especially when it concerns our son well as I said I'd like to believe you Earl but there will be a full investigation that'll be conducted by Chief Palmer here as their head of inspectional services it'll begin immediately you're uh you're free to go yes sir [Music] hello P may I come [Music] here you know you really should call before you come over well are you here for some specific reason I mean if you want to see Richie he's out no are you going to be here for a length of time would you like a cup of coffee cup of coffee would be nice how is Richie it's fine he's having a little problem with his man but he's doing very well in English Earl what is it are you in some kind of trouble Maybe I don't know what happened would you believe that Ed Palmer is investigating me after 20 years Ed Palmer about what remember that day I took Richie to get him a couple of suits for his birthday yeah okay now when Ed Palmer comes around and he'll come around you can bet on it I wish you tell him that the suits were your idea that you send me to kman to use your charge account you do still have a charge plate for kman don't you Betty hey hey wait a minute what what are you doing oh brother you used to have one it's a store that I never liked I believe that I let the charge expire okay then you tell Palmer that you sent me there because of an add you saw in a newspaper damn I thought you had one all right are you going to tell me what kind of trouble you're in can't tell you any more beyond that Betty I hate to lay this problem on you why it never bothered you before cuz it's more than just a problem there's a lot at stake here it's my [Music] career you would you like some coffee no no no thanks look I have to go oh I wish you'd call me when Palmer shows up I [Music] mean that come onto the field will be a 27 yd attempt the kick is up [Music] hello hi you doing anything haven't decided would you like to come over and have a drink and then what listen to emergency calls on the police radio oh we could send out for something watch a movie on TV something like that as long as you promise it's not cops and robbers you got a deal lady what about all the cops and robbers I can handle for one day okay mhm see you in a few minutes yeah bye-bye but things starts beeping I'm leaving they may need to reach me you've been War mhm responding 54 Adam will [Music] respond half good you know you're supposed to be at the doors when they open in the morning sorry [Music] [Applause] sir come ony come on come on give me the honey give me the money come on give me the hone come on give me the money come on give me the money drop the guns drop them 1010 silent alarm manufacturers Handover trust 98 George responding to alarm at manufactures Handover trust Southern [Music] Boulevard [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Central this is 98 George shots fired at Westchester the Southern Boulevard we're in pursuit of a t Ono proceeding North on Southern Boulevard more perpetrators [Music] involved proceeding nor on Southern Bou they are 98 Sergeant also [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] responding to chair an [Applause] [Music] [Applause] expressway they're heading for the cross Bron [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Expressway right on 135th [Music] Street all units the suspects are now heading East on 13 in connection with a 1030 in the 98 Precinct suspect AO now proceeding East on 135th [Applause] Street 98 George what is your location now [Music] agus my name George what is your my face no it's in the hairline it's not in your face your face is all [Music] right you SEC you want hell of a cuff we almost got him I need George what is your location now you all right yeah okay [Music] Central I'm sorry no we're at intersection uh 135th Street in East tront it's all right suspects car proceeding uh East on 135th Street think you need an ambulance negative uh we are disabled we need emergency service don't worry about it really then emergency will be dispatched emergency Truck 3 response to intersection 135th Street you sure you're all right yeah are you all right yes I was scared 135th Street aten how many shots did you fire agie uh six how about you well I ripped off all six and then six [Music] more that one guy was firing a submachine gun at you and we just kept right on going [Music] didn't see Den which one's a perpetrator that's him over here Chief we already took his Prince just we know what color they are Lieutenant Binger said the stickup card was shot up by the cops who chased it it's piled into a fence onun 25th in the FDR Drive couple of witnesses says the guys got away in the Gypsy Camp all right let's take a look Lieutenant make all the notifications we'll do chief let's go l [Music] 72 west3 Street of a man with a knife money two officers oh right over there toag you have an ambulance [Applause] 51 you did good you lucky to be alive they counted about 25 holes in the car she wouldn't stop Chief well your own shooting was very good also look I want you to come down to the bank for a debriefing with the other Witnesses the FBI will want to talk to you also are you up to it sure anything Chief sure Chief you did good St Chief it's that feig group again Captain FY just said they delivered a message to the Daily Herald let's go I think you should be interviewing the officers involved in this gun battle where right here come on way how do you feel okay sir I feel fine it was a wild ride we almost got him officer CAC how do you feel being in a gun battle with a pack of murderers well I really didn't have time to think about it but Marty's a great partner patrolman Delah handy were you scared this lady uh she was a real hero of the chase tran SEC she kept her foot on the floor and her hand on the wheel there machine gun bullets flying through her hair she deserves a medal for this were you able to fire it back yeah we got off a few rounds and uh well they uh well how long have you been Partners uh for about a week for about a week that's all we just uh what do you think about the program of uh teaming up men and women in radio cars yeah well uh so far so good how close was the radio car to the uh Bank when the robbery occurred we start a Pursuit thank you hi Chief just thought I'd stop by see if I could help did I sent for you U no no you didn't Chief when I want you I will yes sir s the next man in yes some fresh coffee too baby you got to lay down can't do anything if you fight m still and fix it exactly what happened that hurt hey shot Bo you man L didn't have any chance he had to leave him Bank sprot Shot the bank blood who shot the bank on it I told you not to fire this guy in the bank I told you not to shoot this machine gun off in a bank man I told you I gave you explicit orders I got taking orders from you I settle my own score and my own way why don't you just leave your signature behind have the master of bullets that you shot off in the bank with those bullets that you took out those pigs you iced and every cop in the city would be looking for you walk could theyve been looking for me anyway it doesn't matter not to me to be trying to find this place don't break D killing you have jeopardized a revolution Charles Walker I used to believe in the revolution now all I believe in is this be still come on [Music] man finish dressing that wound and this R will all be killed woman finish dressing that wound be still and the pain will stop only bullets we were able to recover are the ones that were fired at Delah and cusac in the street three of them hit the masonry of a building and were mutilated one of them went through an open door and lodged in the plaster of a staircase tail end of it isn't mutilated at all you should get some air in here Chief what about the machine gun bullets found inside the bank well one of my guys recovered five of them but the FBI took them away from me before I got there I don't know how usable they'll be though they're all stopped by Steel so right now we've got the only good one you're a great man rth you know that go back to lab see if it matches with the bullets taken from those two machine gun cops do the work personally if it matches I want you back in my office by 3:30 this afternoon and I don't want anyone to know what you're doing understood right Chief okay ready it's j red I want the unusuals from last night I also want the original of that fear message that was sent to the newspaper this morning as of right now Captain Infinity you're in charge of the bank Squad tell Binger he has morning handle already bring in as many men as you need and get to work on this dead perpetrator I want to find out every name of everybody's ever involved in a crime with him where they did time and when or know the name of every con he ever shared a sell with I don't want to read about it in the newspapers I am not in the habit of leaking to the newspapers Chief sometimes finish you think you're too sensitive to be a detective Dida dead alers dead Sweden you right Chief machine gun bullets match show him the last fear message read it to him I need some initials too Chief this morning young ulyses Brown was brutally murdered by agents of the capitalist oppress Ulisses was the first martyr of our offensive his martyrdom will be Avenged the Revolution Will exact the lives of two fascist police and recompense long live the revolution fear now what is all that garbage mean I mean they've already killed two cops they're threatening to kill two more I mean they got to be crazy I could just walk down the hole drop this in the commissioner's lap and let him handle it only thing is he doesn't like cops and I don't trust his judgment that's our man at least I think it is that's a crazy case isn't it Pete yeah one hand we have a great deal of information on the other hand we don't have anything at all there's no doubt is there and the bullets we got from today's bank robbery they do match up with the bullets to kill those two cops on Riverside Drive oh no doubt at all chief that little piece of information may have just saved my life what oh never mind I'll try to figure it out doing a good job Pete thank you stay with it everything you T me so far is in the paper arrow I want to know about solid leads I want to know what you've got well there really is no hard information sir but I'll breef you something you're saying you're going to break the case within days and you got to have something all that's all thank you he defi him refused to say a word my guess is he's already got his hands on the shoulders of those thugs he's just waiting for the case to build up in the papers to make a hero of himself when he's a hero you can't touch him file the charges get rid of him now I don't think so no I'm not fool enough to try to break a man who says he's about to solve one of the most Sensational cases in the history of this city if this fear case gets any bigger and he breaks it they're going to make him Police Commissioner by acclamation even mayor I know it I thought that FBI guy would never stop asking questions you must be exhausted I feel terrific yeah yeah me too I feel like I've just been to a birthday party instead of a bank heist in a gun battle you want to go home I don't think I could even [Music] drive yeah you see how my hands were shaking at the wheel do you want to get something to eat no what do you want to do [Music] [Music] hi sorry I'm late did you see me on TV yeah you're onun at 6:00 and again at 7:00 you and Walter konai how do you feel good tired but good you know you could have been killed it's my job yeah well that's one part of the job I don't like we've been through this before well maybe we're going to have to go through they once more especially since you've been ducking machine gun bullets all afternoon I don't like it now there's hundreds of things are cop could do without getting shot at I don't want to do anything else and Delah is a great partner he is is he and what's so special about him huh does he grab bullets out of the air with his teeth don't make fun of him he's a good cop and a good man Marty is great Marty is good what the hell's going on here and what's going on between you two huh answer me nothing is going on just leave him out of it it's none of your business what of my business I'll show you what my business is now you've been under my roof for 8 years and you going to tell me about my business can't got nothing to say about it huh here's what I got to say about it I'm stop it for God's sake go ahead grab it go ahead cop grab it go ahead cop shoot me open up I wonder know what's happening between you and that creep he's twice the man you are he's 10 times the man you [Music] [Applause] [Music] are in the South Bronx today four members of fear attempted to rob a bank shortly after it opened the result was the death by Machine Gun fire of Willis cwood the bank guard but not before he killed one of the robbers the fear group quickly followed with a note to a local newspaper this is the message they sent hey young uiss Brown was brutally murdered by agents of re this is always wanted to be things baby re in other words the SE group is threatening that in reprisal for what they turn the want murder of young ulyses brown two police officers will be executed following the hold up there was a need to Target's opportunity wrong what do you mean how do you feel being in a the time for indiscriminate killing of pigs is over it's time to move on to more specific targets toy two specific targets she was a real hero of the chase they shattered our windshield we couldn't see for a while
Channel: Executive Decision
Views: 44,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vtiYLNCzlWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 39sec (5739 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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