OceanGate Titanic Sub Tragedy: Your top remaining questions answered | #HeyJB Live + special guests

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live on WFLA now this is hey JV here's JB Juno unanswered questions after a tragedy near the Titanic five people presumed dead the Coast Guard saying from a catastrophic implosion believed to have occurred during the Titan submersible's descent into the depths of the Atlantic on Sunday we honor the Fallen five we examine your top questions and look ahead to what this all means going forward here live on WFLA now welcome back into the stream Center folks I am not alone let's begin by introducing WFLA senior investigator Walt buteau on slider cam Walt it's good to have you back on stream we've got a lot to chat about today and then special guests uh people wanted Mr Mark Martin to return and he is back here with us after a motorcycle ride right here in the Sunshine State Mark welcome back uh thanks there wasn't a lot of sunshine out today no a lot of storms I'm sure good amount of rain and clouds out there I was uh yeah it was soaked I I yep I almost got soaked on the way in myself so Walt Mark and I will be focused here especially at the beginning of this stream we're going to be joined by more guests over the coming hour plus but what we're really going to be focused on are the top unanswered questions we're going to ask you folks wherever you're watching from uh whatever platform you're watching on uh you can use any of the hashtags on your screen hey Mark hashtag heywall kjb to punch in the number one question you have and really feel free to give it some thought because we're not gonna we're gonna start to animate them on screen in the coming minutes but really give it some thought what is your top number one unanswered question mark you've had a chance to get a good night's sleep I hope uh I did it got so did I Walt you get a good night's sleeping uh Mark what's your your you're a prose Pro now you bring 47 years of experience as far as deep sea stuff to the to the table here deep sea exploration your former U.S Navy Submariner uh what is your number one unanswered question uh you know I think the the number one question is probably the number one question in the group of people that that does underwater exploration for a living and that is what failed what what failed obviously we know there was we know there was an implosion um what caused the implosion and we know they we know well we don't know we speculate because that report is still unconfirmed that they were having some issue before they lost comms because they were trying to drop weight um then there was you know they lost comms and there was the sound event so um I I don't know it's it's uh that's my number one question mark what what failed what failed well let me point this out because I want to jump off the point you just made about them dropping weight I'm not sure if you're aware of this you and I had a couple of uh laughs over the course of this because you are self-admittedly not a techie I think it's fair to say you're not on Tick Tock right no okay well you're viral on Tick Tock uh people have been sending apparently on Instagram but I don't know how to use it right well let me let me assure you mark that people are sending me clips of your comments this week about hearing from a source that weights were dropped um at some point on Sunday during The Descent that made a lot of commotions they were attempting they were attempting to drop attempting to drop weight yeah I don't know if they ever actually did but yeah I know I know tick tock's getting hits my my niece in Massachusetts last night texted me and said hey casually throw scrolling through Tick Tock and I went hey I know that voice yeah I I I our Clips get shared in a lot of different places including on Tick Tock Instagram reels uh even Elsewhere on YouTube and Facebook um but uh so I want you to kind of help us piece all of this together now because also as well in addition to what you had heard and broke for us on stream regarding the attempts to drop weight during The Descent we're now also getting this bombshell Wall Street Journal report wall to bring Walt back on screen here as well uh the Wall Street Journal reporting yesterday that the U.S Navy uh had received word or or they were the ones who had heard an implosion in the North Atlantic and then of course that that information was relayed early on to search Crews as the search and rescue operation really picked up momentum Sunday into Monday and carrying out through the course of the week Mark what do you when you heard the Wall Street Journal what your reaction was I told you so um yep try not to be flippant um again small community we all know each other at least to some extent some obviously better than others um Jim Cameron um had found out he actually was on a ship on Sunday and didn't find out about this until Monday and shortly after he found out about it he heard about the sound event um from some of his sources I had heard about the some sound event from a couple of my sources um Don Walsh had heard about the sound event from a couple of his sources so so a lot of the a lot of the our little group had it um and I will tell you that throughout the five hours I was on with you yesterday that was in the back of my mind I I and it was something that I said to people that were close to me as it happened as soon as I heard the sound event um you know that's it's not very far out the US Navy operates submarines all over the the planet and frankly sonar technicians can hear whales singing from sometimes a thousand miles away so I can tell you that we had at least one submarine obviously speculation but there was at least one it was within a thousand miles of that not to mention that there are various hydrophone arrays spread around the oceans so um I'm not surprised that the report of that sound event came from the Navy um and and even the Coast Guard has come out and said that yes the Navy heard it they they told us about it it went to the unified command as as soon as they heard it and and figured out it was either an implosion or an explosion they reported it to the unified command because this had already been reported uh the unified command took that in stride um as part of their planning process but it wasn't enough information to stop on all out rescue effort because they couldn't prove that it was an implosion then they couldn't prove exactly where it was so turns out that that's that is what it was so the you know the entire process has really been a recovery I think I kind of relayed that yesterday several times that you know while the with the information we had the possibility that they were alive was slim you know we went over some of the scenarios but I I hopefully I made sure that everybody realized that while those were possibilities you know my what I thought was the highest probability was that they were you know they were on the bottom one way or the other either intact or in pieces they were on the bottom but I I thought it was a recovery mission right from the start Mark Martin joining us and we have our next guest standing by to join the conversation as well and we are going to be getting to him in in just a second I just want to follow up on one quick point there mark do you agree this became a global effort I mean we're talking about multiple Nations all joining in here to participate we didn't know about the U.S Navy hearing this underwater implosion until yesterday evening from The Wall Street Journal report uh do you do you agree with them with holding that information uh from the the public especially with the enormity of this story um yes I do because the people that needed to know about it were informed about it um the the unified command of the response effort for this for the Downing of this vehicle was notified immediately um they needed that information it was not going to do the the general public even though the fact that a sound event had happened had been leaked um and I'm as guilty of that as anybody else um there are certain not everybody needs to know everything all the time or immediately there there are there are other aspects to consider um were they looking for it yes the unified command knew about it was it something the Navy needed to publish to the general population no frankly they they handed the information over to to the unified command who decided when they were going to release that information and that was their job not the Navies Mark Martin joining us on stream and let's welcome in in the Stream Center here wfla's Jeff Patterson Jeff is the one who introduced we have Jeff to thank for Mark's five plus hours yesterday on stream and his amazing actually thank you you're in trouble now Jeff yes sir you're in trouble now yes sir and I I think we've established how I'm gonna repay that so um anyway I I can't thank Mark enough for participating in this but JB I I also um just came back from talking to another friend of mine who is Wayne Fernandez who spent 30 years in the U.S Navy on six different submarines he was the commander commanding officer of the uh USS skate which was the third nuclear-powered submarine in U.S history and one of the things I was talking to Wayne about is just what Mark was talking about the Navy's capability of listening and how they were able to hear this rather catastrophic noise um Wayne was not surprised at all that the Navy detected what we now know to be the implosion of the submersible um and there are some things he couldn't tell me because they're still classified but I asked him at what level or what how closely will they able to detect pinpoint the location of where the sound came from and that he couldn't tell me precisely he would only say that they knew it was in the vicinity of the Titanic um he knew he says that they knew something happened but not exactly what happened um but as Mark just said the the Navy dutifully reported it to the unified command so they had that as part of their operating knowledge and and I believe it probably helped them launch the ROV that ultimately then found the tail section and other uh debris The debris field uh that led to the conclusion that there had been a catastrophic failure of the Titan um the other thing that I talked to Wayne about was what caused the failure uh and Wayne admittedly only knows what he has gleaned from watching coverage of this you know he's not um as involved frankly as Mark is because Mark knows people on board the the support ship but Wayne says it's not just one dive that created this catastrophic failure it's the cumulative effect of Deep dive after Deep dive and in fact James Cameron spoke about this yesterday is that you know it was a carbon fiber and titanium uh structure that was made up this capsule underneath and so uh Cameron says you know perhaps um micro Fishers of water intrusion into those two different types of surface that you know after dive after dive led to the catastrophic failure so you know a little bit of um a little bit of just taking facts that they've heard and putting it all together but you know Wayne is an engineer and he commanded a sub so I I value his opinion of course he's very he's very well respected in the submarine Community that's good to know and I'm sure that means a lot coming from Mark as well so we're here in the Stream Center Jeff just coming in because Jeff you are putting together uh your report right now now I have a preview clip uh loaded up here so your story tonight is going to air on WFLA News Channel 8 it's going to then be available on wfla.com it's going to be fascinating but the clip that we're about to hear um what exactly did you ask so I I had just asked Wayne about what what caused this and he talks about this cumulative impact or cumulative effect of going down time after time now one thing I have to stress when I I'm talking about this is I don't think we know at least we don't know how many times did the Titan Go Down um I'm sure that will come out subsequently but right now I don't have a number for you but I can tell you that what we're hearing from people who do have expertise in this is that multiple Dives would have had a an impact let's take a listen yeah submarines are designed for certain depth to operate and operating depth and then they have a crush depth obviously the crush depth was exceeded if they had a leak into the pressure compartment then it would have flooded instantly and equalize the pressure the fact that it imploded tells me that it had exceeded Crush depth and the whole thing failed at the same time now if you look at structure of metals and materials if you take a called fatigue stress if you take a tin can and start bending the top back and forth eventually it's going to break so it's so many times you have to bend it same way if you take a a pressure cylinder vessel underwater it'll be compressed by the Sea pressure back and forth A lot of times and you're talking about a lot of pressure so it was probably not my only guess is probably not designed for that number of cycles of compression and decompression and being an engineer that's what I believe may have happened so the U.S Navy has obviously Define regulations and parameters for how deep submarines can go and how many times they can go to that depth because that's critical you know if you're talking about this continued compression and decompression um the stress like Wayne said a really good analogy he gave there was just like you know twisting back and forth the top of a tin can eventually it'll break and that's what happened so as and yeah Mark what happens as he was talking about that Crush depth obviously it was it was designed for the depth that it was going to um it had made that trip repeatedly the problem is that as he was explaining that Crush depth becomes shallow and shallower and shallower the more Dives that you make because of the stresses of of contraction and expansion of various materials as they're subjected to pressure and then that pressure is released which is you know which is part of the whole classification it's why they have to go through testing the Navy Subs the commercial Subs have to go through testing every so often actually with the commercial Subs every so often they're completely stripped down and everything is tested whatever needs to be rebuilt is rebuilt so you can get back to that original strength that's very interesting uh so Jeff is working on this report for tonight night on WFLA News Channel lady I'm sure Jeff you have a few more minutes just to hang out with us here in the Stream Center and then I know that you're going to be preparing that report for our evening newscast tonight Jeff we're asking this question to everybody on screen we're also asking it to everybody watching wherever you're watching from and we're going to start to animate your comments on screen very shortly here but we're asking what is your top uh unanswered question and we're going to bring in all those hashtag comments on screen in just a moment I want to hear from Walt as well I'm going to ask him the same question but Jeff before we lose you you're as you've been covering the story for days now and and you have of course a lot of contacts when it comes to the deep sea exploration world what's your number one unanswered question at this current stage with where things stand you know I how many Dives had they made right um and then what kind of inspection had they had they gone through um you know I I think I have to say at this point um deep sea exploration is inherently dangerous but a lot of really good science comes from it you know and um Erica Moulton who I spoke to yesterday made a really good point about this in that you know the the people who paid to be on this submersible um are helping to fund some really good scientific research uh you know maybe going down to the Titanic isn't really great scientific research but the money that they're paying is leading to other you know people being able to do what they do so that we can learn more about the deep sea the deep sea has been has not been explored to the extent of even even what the moon has been done you know there's a fraction of the science that has gone into it so every time they go down every time somebody pays to go down it helps other scientists do their work because like Erica said you know we want to learn a lot about whales but whales aren't writing a check so somebody has to write the check so that we can find out about this now certainly the people who were on board that submersible had been told that uh you know they had to sign a long waiver um saying it had not been inspected by outside sources they knew that it was dangerous um and and so that that kind of danger is there as is you know space exploration but you know I I for one think we we need people to do that kind of work I you know it's so interesting to hear I I was watching as Mark was was shaking or nodding I should say rather nodding his head talking about how Mark you want to just kind of jump because I saw your reaction when Jeff was speaking Yeah we know more about the surface of Mars than we know about 80 of the ocean floor below 10 000 feet wow and the ocean covers 72 percent of the planet um and and the vast majority of it is deeper than ten thousand feet and and Erica who is also a a very close friend of mine um is absolutely right you know these people paying these prices funds um some other research uh you know that and again my biggest question is what what feature or what item caused the cause the failure caused caused it to implode um and it is inherently dangerous Jeff you know I've been doing this pretty much my entire adult life um been lucky a couple of times [Music] um been lucky enough to have some sport smart people when I did some stupid things uh it's it is inherently dangerous there are ways to mitigate that and that's maybe a discussion for later or or you know I think that towards the end of the stream what we're going to try to do is is discuss exactly just how much is going to be learned from this not just this week but in the subsequent weeks months and perhaps years as more is understood about what went wrong down there but we have to let Jeff Patterson go Jeff we we really appreciate I promise I'll get you out on time so you can continue working on your report for our newscast tonight Jeff we always I know Mark appreciates you we appreciate you of course as well veteran here at WFLA for uh many many years Mark veteran uh translates to old but thanks all right thank you guys very much Jeff Patterson uh joining us here in the Stream Center I had to get that dig in didn't you yeah Jeff good to see you again all right sir all right Jeff Patterson uh catch him tonight on your NBC station here in Tampa Florida WFLA News Channel 8 and then his report you can find it afterwards on wfla.com uh next up uh Walt buteau WFA senior investigator wall uh your top unanswered question you know I have to go with the what when where why how and all that and I know we heard I know we heard you know this that we have this cat this the catastrophic sound the implosion we know but I would like to know and I I even my wife talked about it we talked about last night I want to know when it happened uh with some precision and then um also where where in the journey I know we have theories but I think that is uh the human element to me um is is that uh when you know how far in and also what sort of what sort of were there any signals we we hear now that maybe they were dropping weight um that was obviously a moment to for lack of a better word panic if you're in that vessel I think um and hopefully but you want to know like I said what and what or I'm sorry when did it happen and where in the journey at what point in the journey did it happen so I'll share I'll share my my unanswered or my top questions and I I have to I've been thinking about this I have to separate this by by kind of my um you know professionally from a from a journalist standpoint and then from a human being standpoint I'm going to try to answer this in two ways from a journalist's standpoint from a reporter's standpoint I wanted to know I still of course I want to know how could this have been prevented that that is my number one question um you know we were talking a little bit about that yesterday Mark we were talking about different things that perhaps could have been done or things that could have been in place and we didn't get too deep into the you know the uh and and look some news organizations and a lot of different headlines across the country you're going to see a lot of people now coming forward now that it's the day after and saying oh and sharing their experience and by Association some people are pointing you know fingers at perhaps this technology or this person or this design or this um this decision that was made um you know as far as the actual Titan submersible itself I'm thinking about how this could have been prevented and that's my my the journalist side of my brain talking as far as just being a a human being I'm thinking about of course the families the loved ones but I'm thinking about I can't help it's almost it's almost a tick I I can't help but think about what what the final moments were like I I can't I it's like it's it's in my brain I can't help but think about um if if Mark based on what you're hearing and their attempts to drop weight and if something went wrong down there the fear that that's set in especially um especially for for the three people who were you know paying to be passengers on this journey I just I'm thinking about um scared they might have been especially uh 19 year old uh Suleiman uh dawood who of course was uh there with his father the the NBC report comes out last night as well talking about the reports that have come out since we were last on stream uh Suleiman dawood according to his family was terrified and uh just to paraphrase had hesitancy about going on this journey but that uh he was going to be with his father and let's not forget this past Sunday uh Father's Day right and makes this all the more gut-wrenching and heartbreaking um I'm not entirely sure this is going to sound like a dumb question but uh I know that Father's Day is very much celebrated here in the United States celebrated where yeah yeah whether or not that's a bit as big of a deal around the world as it is here in the United States but here in the United States Father's Day Mark your dad right uh Walt you're a father Father's Day I know a special special day a made-up holiday made up it's not celebrated is that the holiday we're talking about yeah that's more a little salty sorry no I'm no but you're right I mean it is it made up or not uh it's a good question about is it celebrated everywhere but but yeah the the that adds that bit of uh just part-wrenching sort of detail to this yeah Father and Son can you imagine the Darwin family uh over the course I think to go JB I think to go to both of your concerns um well you know your concerns are when and where um and that relates closely to my number one question of what failed what element failed to cause this and and it may take finding that out before we know where and when exactly in The Descent this implosion happened what we also might be able to find out the where and when pretty quickly from the acoustic recordings that have been made and as they're more fully analyzed we may be able to get you know we may we may be able to get a rough depth we may be you know we should be able to have a GMT timing on it um so so I think the people that are in charge already know the when uh now where was the vehicle in its descent when it happened um we should be able to find out relatively soon but again the answer to that question may not come until we find out um what element it was that failed Mark um out of curiosity and and I I say situations like this there I don't know if there are many uh but but I I've covered uh fortunately they're a few right so I've covered plane crashes and I was talking to JB about this where the entire and one over that were some of the the debris field included the Atlantic Ocean uh and I remember toward the end of that investigation they had pieced the entire plane basically together uh by bits and pieces it was remarkable just the work that went into that I'm sure some public folks would have found things on the shore given them to the NTSB but in a case like this where the debris field is underwater does does the investigation involve piecing it together so that we could we we can determine uh the why in this case what what and the what failed yeah JB and I had a discussion about this yesterday and and um that's kind of exactly what I explained is is very much like an aircraft uh crash those rovs are going to go down now we know they're in pieces my presumption um based on my experience is that the vessel that's going to do the Salvage will probably be putting recovery baskets down which look like uh like shipping containers that are that are cut in half and made out of mesh they'll lower them down on the crane the rovs will pick up the pieces that are small enough for them to pick up they'll hook up the crane to the larger pieces they'll put them in those baskets and they'll bring them up and and once they have everything that they can find once they're once they're satisfied that they've that they've recovered every usable piece of evidence that they can and any more searching is is you know doesn't meet the risk reward kind of Matrix for it then then they'll come up um and that you know my bet is that they'll go to some big warehouse and they'll start putting it back together yeah um with the pieces that they have and and hopefully there's enough pieces and maybe if there aren't enough maybe if there is a particular section missing that might actually be the clue to oh that's what failed that's why it's not here but that's interesting that that's the element that gave up so now it's in such small pieces we're never going to find it um so it's and that happens with aircraft as well oh we have everything from this wrecked airplane except this part and it would make sense that if this part was missing then the plane crashed so it's kind of the same mentality they're going to go through a very similar process um to JB's question of how you know ha how long were they panicked um you know three of them really didn't have much idea of of what was going on or what to expect so how long was it before they decided they needed to drop ballast to the point of implosion maybe that was a minute and a half maybe it was four minutes you know maybe it was 20 seconds we just we don't have a timeline yet um if it was less than a couple of minutes those three probably didn't have time to get into a panic mode because they didn't realize how dire the situation might have been okay they know that we're trying to drop ballast but okay we we're supposed to be able to drop ballots so by doing that maybe we fix what's wrong and then you know at some point in the relatively near future um it all went dark so I you know there's there's a good possibility that they they may have been concerned but not not had time to get into panic mode yet that's what you hope anyway yeah speaking of hope I I hope I hope that for these families I hope that something uh the tiniest of memento any trinket any item any object it could be salvaged from the bottom that would give any comfort to these families um a certain belonging that they had on them anything um at all but um you know we'll talk more about Salvage and we'll talk a little bit more about the process going forward the investigation we want to open now our hashtag kjb Walton Mark um uh q a if you will but really what we're going to do is we're going to start by asking you now at home wherever you're watching from you can start punching it in now your top number one unanswered question what do you want to know about this there's reports coming out left and right there might have been reports published in the last 25 minutes really since we've been on stream 25 minutes plus whatever it's been reports are coming out from all over the place globally International media all now um you know publishing different things we're trying to keep up with all the reporting that's being done out there but folks what is um your number one unanswered question Walt any as I look for some comments anything um that catches your eye also well I would like to ask one more question of Mark um so in an implosion situation um what sort of damage other than the the uh other than the vessel breaking apart is is is our piece is destroyed in an implosion situation oh I mean absolutely if you think about an implosion it's the exact opposite of an explosion all that energy is in the center in an explosion and then it bursts about apart because the the there's less energy outside of it than there is in an implosion is different all the all of the energy is on the outside so when that pressure hole gives it all rushes it all rushes in um maybe a good analogy to this is when submarines short shoot Torpedoes at ships modern submarines modern Torpedoes modern ships they don't shoot that torpedo to punch a hole in the side of the ship what they do is they shoot that torpedo to explode at some distance under the Keel of the ship so that explosion pushes all of that water out of the way now you've got a big air bubble wow and the energy of all of that right so now the now the middle of the Keel sinks because there's not as much pressure under it then all of that water comes rushing back in to fill that void and it sends the pressure in the other direction so it's it's really a very violent and an implosion is very much the same shreds and shards of of equipment and and parts of the hull are going to be you know flying at each other let's get to the first question that we've got on screen because it's one that I've seen multiple times and um and David Pogue um who who went on this journey uh went aboard the Titan submersible and uh and reported on it for CBS News um dream catcher wants to know hashtag kjb hash the game Mark hash Decay wall David Pogue said that when he went on the sub in 2018 one of the bolts that went into locking them into locking them in was missing thoughts could it have been this that caused the implosion dreamcatcher is joining us from uh Great Britain based on the Emoji there at the end I believe and I want to before Mark I know you want to hop in here about this um I'm sure you've heard by now the 17 of 18 bolts I want to read the quote uh that I have here from People magazine uh this is David poke speaking to people saying quote they use Rusty construction pipes as ballast I remember that you are sealed into the sub from the outside there are 18 bolts around the hatch and the crew bolts excuse me the crew bolts you in from the outside and I remember it was odd that they put in only 17 of the 18 bolts the 18th one is way up high and they don't bother with that one they say it makes no difference but you know little things like that end quote from David Pogue what do you make of that Mark uh no I don't I don't think that that's gonna be really a viable um issue as far as causing the implosion because that Dome Dome fits up against a titanium ring that holds it in place so the pressure is going to hold that in that that 18th bolt might have made a difference if the pressure was coming the other way but it's you know at the deeper you go the more sea pressure you have pushing that front Dome onto that mating ring uh on the hull so you know do I understand you know the theory of of of not putting in that 18th bolt yes but you know why was it engineered to use 18 volts and we're only using 17 but I don't think that that's I don't think that that realistically would have caused the implosion okay that's that's good to know because a lot has been made of that online walpito is uh has to go back can I can I jump in real quick so so yeah with that comment of a lot of things being made of certain things online we kind of had this discussion about the controller yesterday um for your audience uh there's we discussed this yesterday there are fingers being pointed and criticisms being made some of which I agree with and some of which I don't some of those are being made by people who I have known for a long time and I respect and are very good at what they do and some of them are being made by people who just don't have a damn clue and and what I would ask you to do is is try and sift through that if the person you're listening to doesn't have deep submergence experience doesn't have deep ocean experience Salvage experience isn't a Submariner is not somebody who has experience in either operating or engineering a man's submersible vehicle I don't care how many books they've read they don't know crap and there are speculations or that's exactly what their speculations are worth if you're going to listen to people listen to people that have that have some sort of credentials and I'm you know I may be the least qualified out of all the experts that are out there you know opening their mouths but but I would I would I would really encourage you to be careful about who you listen to and what it is they're saying that is great advice we were nodding over here for the internet in general because you're right I mean and I'm obviously not an expert in this or in much of anything and we uh we that's why we go to experts but yeah it's it's it must be galling to you to see this uh with the experience you have um and we're not going after dream catcher here no no in fact we'll put dreamcatcher away we'll come back but I really you really have to that's not a slam on any individual but but you have so much stuff online that's like yeah and and it's not and it happens with other stories as well um oh yeah where it and we're not I'm not talking about questions necessarily I'm talking about blatant statements where people say things and you have to take it with a grain of salt especially with something like this unless as you said they're an expert and I I would advise the same thing on other news stories and let me let me provide some context here it's called the armchair expert right I mean that's that's a term that is you throwing around quite a bit but there's so many of them a lot of it now is Click seeking Behavior as well and people that are looking to gain an audience and people that are looking to uh by by throwing out what uh claims to be some expert Theory or opinion or to Mark's point I read this book I know about this and uh as Mark is is saying with certain subjects certain topics maybe reading a book and understanding uh gives you really uh you know quite a good amount of knowledge to be able to speak on that subject but Mark if if to kind of summarize your point what you're saying is if you haven't been down there you just don't know or if you're not you know and I know plenty of Engineers who whose opinion I respect who've never actually set foot in one that was underwater you know they might have sat in it on the on on Deck um and I respect their opinion but it you know if if you don't have hands-on experience I'm not going to come on here and talk about Aviation um and the structural Integrity of the fuselage of an aircraft because frankly I don't know anything about it now if you want to talk to me about the structural Integrity of a submarine hole I'll talk to you all day long um but it that that's kind of you know just because I read a book about something you know um it needs to be the people that do this kind of stuff for a living or have done this stuff for a living in the past you know you're not seeing Tom Detweiler and Don Walsh and and Jim Cameron and and some of those other guys out there making tweeting statements and and and putting on Snapchat and Twitter and and and Instagram and whatever other social media platforms that I'm not familiar with are are out there um the guys who really know what they're doing are not making hardened upon but wild ass assumptions or speculation I've got to run here JB but I do have one question and by the way I I love experts because I love this show because uh because of I learned something when I sit here yeah like today that's how I feel everything I am obsessed with Mars like to the point of my children don't want to hear it anymore I'm I really am um and and to hear that we know more about the surface of Mars that we know about is it 80 of the ocean floor is a fascinating statement Mark what I know we don't know what we don't know but what might we learn from that other 80 percent any thoughts on that I know um like what what could we learn there are dozens of species of marine life that we discover every year this is 2023. wow it was eight or nine years ago before we ever saw a live giant squid in the ocean these things are 80 to 120 feet long with their legs so the the pictures that we see of squids are generally of squid is not I didn't they're not giant squid right yeah yeah but you know we I mean yeah we catch squid we eat calamari all the time but giant squid that are 80 to 120 feet long we never saw one in its natural habitat until eight or nine years ago wow you know Bob Bob Ballard figured out in geez I don't remember what year it was that he that he went down to the hot vents but until that point it was sometime in the 80s mid 80s until that point in time everybody on the planet knew that all life on the planet needed photosynthesis to survive and in that instance when we saw crabs and shrimps and and tube worms in these vents where the temperatures were in the seven and eight hundred degrees Fahrenheit they were living on chemicals it was chemo things synthesis we're talking you know 1985 before we ever figured that out about life forms on the U.S on the planet you know uh giant squid we you know we still haven't seen very many of them but if we we would at least seen a couple but it's only been in the last eight or nine years before you know so every year Eric's comment about funding devotion research um and I know that for a fact that this is very close to Erica's heart um is that we discovered dozens of new life forms in the deep ocean every year wow every year there's there's thousands of life forms out there that that so we have no idea even exist so Atlantis might be real could be well you could be I mean anything is possible I man well I'm learning about you here today in the Stream Center I didn't know that you were a big fanatic yeah I love Barbie and what was it 450 years ago we all thought the Earth was flat Kyrie Irving still does but that's another story oh man you better get out of here look before you you get well hold on did you wanna did you want to stick around for this one yeah I do love this question because yes yes I agree you and I were talking about this off screen yeah and I want to make sure that that uh Walter uh hears Mark's answer and we can all talk about this because you and I being in a very visual industry right we are very curious as to whether or not any will ever first of all if any footage camera footage will ever be salvageable and also um would it ever see the light of day I would imagine of course it would be part of the investigation but to the idea of of camera footage being recovered is the question uh the hashtag kjb question from Eric Peterson in our comments section what do you have to say to that well excuse me Mark um that actually I think is a two-part question um and and question number one is if the camera was inside the Personnel sphere um I doubt there's going to be anything salvageable from it um I do know that or I think I know that there was one external camera mounted to the vehicle there might have been more but I'm pretty sure there was at least one that was mounted to now if if the pressure casing for that camera survived the implosion then the information inside that camera should still be accessible um that's a big F you know I I don't know how big the pieces are you know I don't know what's been they've been recovering now for a day so I don't know what pieces are on Deck I don't know what pieces are in recovery baskets still sitting on the bottom I can tell you that if they find a camera that's in an intact subsea housing um that ROV is coming to the surface as fast as it can and getting it on Deck so that that whatever's inside of that can be processed JB and I were actually talking about and my Fascination sort of or not Fascination my curiosity into the ROV operator first of all is it one person operating the ROV and then what is the moment like right whether we see the tail whether whether we see a lot of experience of that whether we see the tail video or not eventually I don't know because I'm sure there's video of that but what is that we probably will I figured that what is the what's the moment like as you even as the ROV operator you're hoping probably for the best uh but but then you approach it and that it must just be a when I made the transition from um predominantly manned vehicles to predominantly rovs world-class rovs typically have a three-man crew that works 12-hour shifts so you'll have two operators two pilots pilot technicians and a supervisor um one of those Pilots flies the vehicle controls the movements of the vehicle the other the co-pilot or the other pilot technician is monitoring the screens that the pilot because there's so many screens the pilot can only watch so many he's he's focused on making sure he doesn't get the tether wrapped around something or he doesn't run into something or he doesn't hit the bottom or whatever and then the co-pilot is monitoring the other screens he's monitoring the sonar as well as the the flying pilot is and he's also going to be the guy that typically that operates if they're going to use both manipulator arms if the flying Pilot's really good he's gonna fly and operate one of those arms um depending on whether it's a five or seven function really technical stuff um the other pilot is going to operate that arm and that's what they're going to pick up and and I search for shipwrecks for a living nowadays and I can tell you that every time and I'm not now I'm I'm the offshore manager or the Salvage master so I'm standing behind the the supervisor but I'm looking at the same screens and I'll tell you that I get to see and pardon me the same feeling now that that I got the first time and it is it's a um it's a wonderful feeling it's it's a it's a um you know your heart races it's a we found it you know it's it you know if you're looking for something and you actually find it and you know that going down I'm looking for something and my chances are 50 50 at best that I'm gonna find it 50 50. and then it comes into my comes into my my camera shot uh you know Yahoo wow in an instance like this followed by a oh crap yeah okay yeah right outstanding that we found it but oh yeah Mark I just want to say I appreciate you substituting that four-letter word for some other four-letter words that you could be saying there's probably the actual one used you know there are a lot of people out there who know me who are watching I that's the biggest comment I have got from this podcast is that I can't believe you can go more than 27 seconds without being bleeped on because that's a really that's a really rare occurrence one of the one of the others on this uh one of the other people on this uh stream may also have friends who would suggest the same thing when I'm on TV but I just gave it away mark it was great meeting you fascinating man I I really fascinating uh what you do actually for a living I find fascinating even though I am obsessed with Mars but your expertise is your expertise in a situation like this is appreciated right and really oh my God as a as a as someone who loved Jacques Jacques Cousteau um and and those Adventures meeting meeting Captain Cousteau three times were three of the highlights of my life it really was and Walt I thank you I lived in Tampa until last September um I watched fla I've seen a number of of your stories um you always do a great job thanks Mark your research is solid thank you man I appreciate it and I'm I'm fairly critical of that as as we've recognized and hey and let's let's go out and uh whatever you and Jeff were talking about there was some payment I I'd like to know more about that off off camera uh but uh but also uh uh I'd love to go find Atlantis at some point with you because uh yeah I'm a Believer now from everything that I understand alcohol will be involved um what a shock I think I think JB is going I'm not sure who's paying yeah um but hopefully it's not me I think it's gone it's gonna be Patterson Patterson's benefited the most from your expertise I don't know I got five hours with Mark I know I'm not paying hey nice to meet you I gotta run JB yep Great Wall thanks again all right man Walt Pizza WFLA senior investigator uh catch him of course on air online all over the place wflas uh eight on your side team with uh Walt buteau Masa syedi and Shannon benkin of better call banking here at WFLA News Channel let's continue the conversation but before I do mark oh look it's the we're back it's the two of us again um before I before I continue the conversation here I want to be very cognizant of your time uh I had a general idea for how long we would be going on stream we are not doing another 11 hours today I can promise you that folks but uh Mark your schedule looks like what exactly as far as the next hour so uh I'm fine uh I'm I don't have I had some plans midday that um turned wet um yeah I think I'm I think I'm fully dry everywhere now finally um I'm gonna have to go wipe down my bike uh but uh no I'm good I uh you know I can I can I don't have anything [Music] plan for the rest of the afternoon actually all right I uh I answered all of my comments and emails and I I tried to do I really for those of you out there I tried to do Instagram I'm gonna need some training someone get someone well you have daughters though Mark he the doctor but they're in Tampa and they're and they're in their late 20s or late teens early 20s and they don't have time to teach Dad how to use oh come on no they work hard you know they I mean they're good productive citizens they're out there and they laugh at how big of a tech tart I am I uh someone someone maybe one of them is watching right now and I can see or I can see her well when you come up to Tampa to hang out with us with me and Jeff and others uh maybe maybe we can figure out a maybe you and I will be sitting over a beverage and and looking over how to do Instagram even though I even I self-admittedly I'm not the number one uh you need to talk to an influencer or somebody well I think I have a Twitter account too but I think it got open like four years ago and I don't think I've ever been able to figure out how to open it back up so it's it's refreshing almost it to to to talk to somebody who that is uh not their number one priority believe me Mark Martin joins us here on stream and as a reminder folks I really hope that a few of these offbeat moments and we will we know that the subject matter is dense we know that we're talking about a tragedy here but sometimes uh some of these offbeat moments especially with what we do with live streaming when we are on camera for out we don't have commercial breaks uh there you're seeing something very raw as far as the range of human emotions so there there are times on stream where we'll be we'll be sad it'll be somber or serious or um and then it'll we'll we will smile and talk about um um things also as well that that are more positive this is live streaming that's what this is all about so hopefully people understand that as far as our streams if I could interject for just a second of course [Music] um but um my personality at times during this somber event may seem flippant um but I will tell you that all of my submarine brothers that are watching this and all of my deep submergence brothers and sisters that are looking good and we do consider each other brothers and sisters because it's a it's a very tight Community where you have to have the ultimate trust in the other people that are in that vessel with you because literally everybody's life depends on everybody else um the way that we deal with this kind of stress is that we joke it it may seem a little it may be it may seem a little morbid but I will tell you that any Submariner that you ever meet is gonna have a sense of humor that's um a little different than everybody else's and and part of that is that's how that's how we deal with the stress is you have to you have to find something that's going to make you smile otherwise you're going to cry so um please don't take my attitude is flipping it's just the way people like me deal with these kinds of situations yeah and it's only natural over the course of again Mark was on stream with us yesterday for five plus hours which again and I'm gonna tweet some more about this later tonight uh about a little bit more about behind the scenes of yesterday and how everything went because our coverage reached a lot of people but Mark was originally scheduled to be uh with us for for an hour and took an additional four plus and uh and even there was a a Cable News Network that I'm not gonna name but um but people who remember from yesterday uh that that you didn't appear on right something happened where and then I did I didn't I did the first time I didn't appear the second time right and you were just and you just came back to us it was too late getting back to me and then you came right back here yeah because they were they were I knew you were coming back on and and they were late getting back to me so I clicked on and in about five minutes after I clicked on with you they called me and said okay we're ready and I said well sorry well uh you're late I will try to get you out in time today for happy hour sir so what we're gonna do it's raining like hell here I'm not going out again I got I have good scotch and nice food in the refrigerator I I'm not going I'm not leaving again I've already been soaked once I'm I'm in for the night I'll tell you what Mark I'm gonna uh let me let me let me explain to our audience and you what's gonna happen Okay I just booked one more guest uh a legal expert uh and I'll just say it's a legal expert and you'll be able to find out more uh at four o'clock at four o'clock a legal expert is going to be joining us and it's a legal expert that um that our stream audience will recognize um and we're going to talk about the legalities of this going forward now Mark let me you are invited to hang out for that conversation or or if uh if the whole legal side of this story is not really your cup of tea or your other beverage of choice uh you are of course more than welcome to uh to say farewell so it's totally up to you I I will probably hang out for at least part of it uh because I I actually because of because I do commercial Salvage for a living now um I actually am pretty interested in some of the legal aspects of what's going on so then you are I might I might learn something our Zoom room is always open to you sir so um here's what we're gonna do let's go back into now the the subject matter of the stream uh Mr UC it's comment has been up for maybe 10 minutes we need to get to this one next because it pertains to what we were just talking about uh Mark we're you and I are going to do about a 45 minute just answering people's questions or doing our best to or at least spotlighting their top unanswered questions and then we will of course bring on a legal expert and friend of the stream onto the program as well so let's go now back to the hashtag ajb and Mark uh questions and comments uh Mr you see it says uh based on again the the conversation we're having about video down there and and perhaps video and cameras documenting the moment or what happened during The Descent on Sunday I'll read the comment Mr Houston it says hashtag Hey JB I know it's early in the investigation has anyone mentioned searching cloud storage for images or video now is video being transmitted up to the surface because that's the only way that it would be stored remotely now um rovs typically stream live video up to the surface that's how they're able to fly them but they have it's also how they get their power and how they can stay down for for days or weeks at a time um manned Vehicles don't have a tether so without a tether while there are some technologies in development that are that hopefully will allow transmission through the wireless transmission through the water column um those Technologies do not yet exist so there wouldn't be that's why you're going to have to find the SIM card you know if that camera if that exterior camera is still intact and still in its um still in its pressure case then you can hopefully you can pull the memory card out of that in and process that um but again if if the pressure casing as imploded as well um that's probably not going to do any good but no there's no way to get it to the cloud okay that's of course very useful I just confirmed so let me explain uh four another 40 minutes um of uh 40 no it's actually it's gonna be 45 minutes of of spotlighting questions and comments and then we're doing 30 minutes of the legal side with our legal um special guest coming up at four o'clock so our streaming coverage today will end at 4 30. uh we would go longer folks uh please uh be understanding we we did nearly 12 hours of commercial free coverage yesterday so we're doing our very best to bring you this Friday edition to go over the unanswered questions and where this goes uh from here um let's whoa whoa oh man there's there's so many there okay Brittany Brittany wants to know hashtag kjb will the video be released of them uh finding the parts you you uh Walt was talking but you said yeah you're you think the video will be released yeah at some point um I don't think you're gonna see you might see some pretty generic um video clips that are released before before the end of the investigation um but I think most of the any of the video that's really going to tell you anything um any of the video that's going to be graphic uh you're not gonna see um at least for some time I don't think you'll see any of the graphic video um if there is any but but uh but hold on my interrupt for a second because this also is comparable to look it's on a global level and I get that this is a massive International story but if there is um a you know pertinent video from a sheriff's office here in in Florida you might know this Mark of course as well uh being in Florida uh they will blur that video or or pixelate that video if there's anything that's insensitive but they will still release it could could that be also possible if there is something that the public shouldn't see possible yeah it's possible it's it's all gonna any video that the investigation team deems worthy of release is going to be shown to the families before it's released um I mean I mean unless it's just you know super generic and there as a courtesy because this is so high profile as a courtesy I would expect the family members are going to see any video before we see any of it but most of this video is going to be simply and I'm sure you know for me my attitude towards it's a little bit different it's not as interesting for me to watch them picking things up off the bottom I can't imagine why because uh you know it it doesn't matter whether you know it's a piece of this or a piece of that it's a piece I gotta pick it up I gotta put it in the basket it's gonna come up when it comes up I'll probably be interested in what it is but you know for so for me and I again it's because of what I do my attitude towards that's a little bit jaded I understand we're watching an rov's manipulator arms come out in front of it into the cameras and pick an object up off of the ocean floor would be exciting for a number of people yes it's just not for me right no I I get it because this is your field of expertise you've seen this I can't even imagine how many times but if if there was thousands of hours if there was video that came out showing the arms in front of the unmanned you know again that's that's ROV remotely operated vessel if it's if it's coming out and we're seeing the arms picking up pieces from the bottom of course that um that circulates around the world that video might come out very quickly really because it is relatively generic um so you know as as long as it's not critical a critical piece of the investigation and there again yeah this isn't you know this isn't a top secret spy plane that crashed it's it's not a a military vessel that sank um there shouldn't be anything secret about this investigation so I think that you'll see you'll see a lot more video and a lot more information available to the general public then then again if this had been a military vessel or craft that sank because then nobody's going to see anything until it's over and then it's going to be washed pretty well well you're speaking my language because uh people who watch WFLA now enough or watch hey JB enough uh to know that I'm a crusader for transparency especially when it comes to our legal system and having cameras and courtrooms I speak out about that quite a bit about how uh there should be transparency not not always not I mean I mean there I understand that protection should be in place but I am all for transparency so without going on a rant you're speaking my language Mark let's get to the next question we've got all these questions by the way are coming in from multiple platforms Facebook uh Twitter uh YouTube uh we're gonna try to get as many platforms involved here so wherever you're watching from is watching the replay from yesterday on the side of the screen I don't understand how you can read any of that stuff it's just it was so fast that I it's it's not always that fast Mark you're popular let me just allow me to allow me to share that you are a popular guest uh uh somebody just commented a moment ago wanting to know uh if you could stream every day that's that's how people are uh I think I think I get paid for it let me go talk let me let me walk about 80 feet in this direction and go talk to my the people the powers that be here at WFLA and see if that's something that we can arrange no but in all seriousness your your authenticity is what is really resonating with people on stream and I I that's great that's greatly appreciated it's just you know uh it's just the kind of guy I am I'm not you know there aren't any heirs I'm uh I'm lucky to be where I'm at and in the position I am and I have a lot of help getting here you know I wouldn't be able to do it on my own I am not the smartest guy in the room so and I'm in a room by myself so um so I see the question is the massive pressure down where the sub failed to go going to destroy the remains of the crew as well um multi-part answer um first of all the implosion is a very violent event so the probability of there being intact bodies on the sea floor is almost non-existent the pressure I don't remember what it is down there I could figure we had some we had some of our audience members uh putting it in the comments section yesterday so uh if you're rejoining us from yesterday you remember what the what the pressure was down there folks let us know in the comments uh I'll give you a I'll give you a quick one hang on it's uh uh calculator we're going to do the rough scuba it's 12 500 feet times 44 equals yeah yeah it's it's 55 000 pounds pressure and the number that I saw yesterday was 20 I think it was 25 that's But but so but here's the thing I think people are also okay yeah I should have just no but but also too they didn't no you're not an idiot uh they didn't make it all all the way down too so their their depth would right but where they're at now is where they're at now is it 12 500 because they didn't make it all the way down before it imploded but after imploded after it imploded they made it all the way down it's not like those bodies are floating in them they sank right um the other part of that is the human body at the moment the human body can't descend deeper than 1500 feet and for all of you members of the experimental dive unit that may or may not be watching I'm just putting out what is generally published the human body cannot withstand the pressures deeper than 1500 feet you know you wear a hard hat helmet for diving as you're going deep because it keeps the pressure out of your out of your cranial cavities okay but the deeper you go you still have cavities within your body and and once you get to 1500 feet the pressure the external pressure starts squeezing the body to the point where those cavities that might have been that big are now this big wow um so your body can't function it's going to squeeze your liver it's going to squeeze any any soft tissues they're going to start getting squeezed not to mention the void cavities that are in your you know in in the thorax that kind of thing so that would happen on a dead body as well as a live body so the bodies that are laying on the bottom are there's an almost zero chance of them being intact and if they are intact they're going to be disfigured that it's it's Graham but it's it's uh it's life it's that's the way physics works we have heard from various experts um on other outlets uh you know broadcast television that that have been speaking and saying that the the odds of of finding human remains at that depth after all this time passing a period of you know five days that the odds are extraordinarily slim would you agree with that assessment mark uh the the odds of finding any human remains that have any flesh yeah yeah um I excavated a wreck that was 350 years old um and when I moved to Canon guess what was underneath it a human skull so um there are you'll find bones down there for you know for some period of time and and the more time that's down there the less chance that you'll even find bones um but you know once once they hit this actually even before they hit the seabed technically they're part of the food chain uh you know you've got you've got fish you've got squid you've got crabs you've got bacteria you got all kinds of things that are looking for food and they're going to take whatever food they can find Shane wants to know this is very interesting uh now now talking about looking ahead a little bit with this particular question uh hashtag kjb does Mark know if there's another company out there like ocean Gates since most of us had no clue about them again a multi answered question um there are several companies out there that build commercial deep submergence Vehicles both for that tourism and the scientific industry um three of those four companies I have very close contacts with um and they are all top-notch they they're they're safety record is impeccable they have all had the required inspections and classifications and all of those things are there people possibly companies out there that are building backyard submersibles that was a pretty popular thing for a long time um when man submersibles kind of fell out of favor for rovs uh back in the in the 80s and the 90s manned submersibles are coming back because scientists have realized that instead of looking at a 2d screen if I can actually get down there and look at that Reef in 3D or look at that whatever I'm looking at in 3D plus also have my other senses about me the information that I gather is significantly better than than looking at a a 2d monitor with a feed from an ROV um but during that period of time there were a lot of people that built Backyard Band submersibles out of old propane tanks out of you know uh anything they could find that was in in that whole propane tank mini sub thing was was really popular I mean there were hundreds of those things made um no certification no pla you know when it was two guys and a welding machine and you know in a backyard and now they're not going down to the Titanic with that no they're not going down to the Titanic you know they're they're they're going maybe a couple of hundred feet um you know but for the average guy who's you know never been deeper than you know 10 or 15 feet of water in snorkel or maybe 50 or 60 feet in scuba gear if if I can go down and spend three or four hours at you know 300 feet you know that that whole Explorer thing in in them gets gets satiated what was uh was the propane tank uh submersible that was made uh was that here in Florida I'm asking for a friend they were all over the place they made them in they made him in Kansas for God's sakes they were they were made everywhere they made them in Europe they made them in Asia they made them in the U.S they were they were made everywhere because once the first guy made it and Pub you know it wasn't that hard for everybody to copy what they wanted to do you know are there companies out there that are that are making vessels like Ocean Gate not that I'm aware of uh quick PSA please use your propane tanks for your July 4th grill out and not making underwater we're talking about like the 500 gallon propane tanks not the you know not the little but yeah it was quite popular for a while Let's uh continue to go through some of the questions and some of the comments while we have another half hour uh answering those questions and comments at least no we're going to continue beyond the half hour but we're going to switch gears a little bit and talk about the legalities of this with our legal special guests coming on at four o'clock Eastern time um wow that that question um well I I mean let me just bring this up just to make a point I'm gonna bring up this comment just to bring a point Mr Big Papa asking to uh both of us our prices for this next Excursion gonna rise due to the to this event um I don't know if prices are going to rise I don't know is this it for Ocean Gate yes yeah so uh people who I don't see it I I don't I I I don't and and you know I spent yesterday not not doing any speculating not doing any finger pointing not doing any any criticism um I don't see any scenario in which Ocean Gate from a business standpoint can survive this event they have a couple of other subs they don't they don't dive nearly as deep as uh as tightened um they you know they do science and and some tourist excursions um but I I are there still going to be some people willing to get inside of an Ocean Gate sub uh probably um are there going to be enough of them to sustain a business after the publicity that's going to happen from this event I can't imagine I can't imagine that um and that has nothing to do with the legal consequences that may or may not happen from this which we'll get into at four o'clock um right a reminder uh among the five Stockton Rush CEO and co-founder so their CEO uh deceased in this in this tragic event and um and so as far as ocean Gate's future um yeah I don't think that this question is really much uh you know answerable I don't think that um ocean Gate's future looks very very bright to say the least uh folks um now on the other hand maybe another answer to this question is those companies that we just spoke about that are still that that still build both tourist and research submersibles um are they going to take a bit of a hit for a little while that's and from the from the civilian side probably from the science side I don't think there's going to be any institution that was thinking about in one of their vehicles and this is going to change their mind again because of all they follow all of the accepted procedures and processes that have been laid out by the IMO by MTS by uh you know um all of all of those so I I don't think it's going to affect that will it slow down their tourism business for a little bit maybe um but you know from a from a legal standpoint and an insurance cost standpoint I don't think those other companies are going to be significantly affected by this event Mitch flicks uh right on point here as far as do you think this will change regulations for for diving to the Titanic and and let's be clear uh this and Mark you you correct me if I am wrong but to my understanding uh this with what happened to the Titan submersible and this particular dive this this dive and what went wrong I mean we don't know if it's has anything to do with the location or anything to do with the Titanic this catech this this catastrophic event could have occurred occurred anywhere yes so that's my belief I I don't think the fact that it happened over the Titanic has no real bearing on what happened to that vehicle so an eerie coincidence it could have happened anywhere it could have happened off the coast of Florida it could happen in the Bahamas it could have happened off of Maine it could have it happened off of Hawaii it could have happened anywhere um the fact that it was over the Titanic had had no of no no real effect on what actually happened to that vehicle um back to the will it change regulations there is an organization um the U.S Canada and the UK have created an organization that basically manages access to the Titanic um it prevents just anybody from going down and being able to you know pick up artifacts from the debris field there there was a company um that that owned the Titanic the Salvage rights to the Titanic um I don't think that that actually exists anymore but it it might but they don't dive the Titanic but there are rules and regulations you have to register with that organization before you make a dive on the Titanic um so do I do I think that some of the regulations will change yeah I I I'm I'm thinking that they're probably going to say look you you know you can't dive on it unless you're in a class submersible the ripple effect if you will is going to be significant both uh from a regulation standpoint I'm sure that different things are going to be considered to make sure that this never happens again that this that future deeps the exploration is is as safe as possible and then to your point as well on the private side uh there is going to be this hesitancy that that sets in with uh future people who would who would pay to be in you know in a submersible to go uh see various you know underwater landmarks around the world so right um right and on the commercial side I will tell you that it's already heavily regulated there's a reason why we don't see this is an inherently dangerous operation and there's a reason why there's dozens and dozens of these Dives that are made every year not necessarily Titanic but throughout the world's oceans there's there's dozens of man submersible Dives that happen every year and it's been many many years since there has been um an accident or an incident or a event whatever you want to call it and the reason for that is that not only the regulatory bodies but the people that advise those regulatory bodies one of which is the demand vehicle Committee of the Marine technology Society um are very stringent we you know it's like it's like Tom Detwiler and and Jim Cameron and and Don walshall said yesterday on various interviews that you know yeah we obviously those of us that do this have got that Explorer bug we know it's dangerous we know when we get in there we might not come back but we've done everything that we possibly can to mitigate that risk and we've calculated that and we've decided it's okay it's it's really nothing more than what you do when you get on an airplane you know you know it's risky getting on an airplane is it worth the risk for you to get where you want to go on that airplane for you to climb on that airplane it's the same thing with me when I get in that vehicle and I want to go see or do something is the risk of me getting in that vehicle and something happening greater than me getting in that vehicle getting to go what I want to do and come back I can get from point A to point B so it's now from the from the [Music] uh from the tourism side or the private side um what I can see Happening Here is significant Insurance reform and an increase you're going to have to the insurance companies are going to say you have to have this this and this before we insure you and and I will make this comment um as far as I know Ocean Gate was not able to get insurance on Wow Titan because it wasn't classed you know I know that on uh you know my Salvage ship if if it wasn't classed I wouldn't be able to get insurance on it part of the process it's part of the process my own vote that that I owned until a year ago that you know when I was not offshore you know playing I would occasionally Charter I had to have commercial insurance on it and you know the re and and in order to do that I had to have my captain's license which is you know for for vessels significantly larger than the one I owned um but I also had to have Coast Guard inspections there were certain things that had to be in place before the insurance company would insured me to operate that vessel so I I see I see the insurance companies taking a a big look at this I can see them maybe tightening some regulations up although I don't you know as long as you're going to follow the regulations I think they're appropriate already um but it might cost more you know but again this isn't going to affect the insurance companies because nobody's paying out on it as far as I know wow I mean I can't speak to life insurance policies for that's a whole different whole different thing a whole different thing Jules has been on screen for a minute hashtag kjb Mark what happens to the window of the sub when doing a dive could that have been a factor you would because how man the window the hull and how it's all attached I think I think the average person mark would look at that and think of it as a weak point is that necessarily true um it can be depending upon the design of of the window um I have I have heard reported from credible sources on numerous um news outlets that the window the reason the reason the director of operations was fired two years ago or three years ago was because he had a problem with the window that because it was only rated to 1300 meters instead of four thousand wow uh if that's the case which and I believe that it was swapped out but if that's the case then that's the weak point if you're going past 1300 meters and that's what the windows rated to then and typically the rating is anywhere from half to two-thirds of the braking so it you know if it's rated to a thousand meters it ought to be able to go to 15 uh 1500 meters if it's if it's rated to 2 000 meters it ought to be able to go to 3 000 meters before Castro failure um but it you know it's also the design of the windows which are typically in some sort of a cone shape and the pressure holds them into the place you know the the interior that you're looking through is a smaller diameter than the exterior of it and and that thickness he's all based on how deep you want to go with the vehicle how thick does this need to be to be able to withstand that pressure and sometimes the windows three inches thick sometimes the windshield the windows 14 inches thick it's it depends on how deep you want to go I want to ask you a question now for myself because of conversations that I have had with folks in my life over the course of this week regarding um this story and I I don't know if if this is gonna I would imagine this is gonna if people are gonna be you're going to see what I'm getting at here but I have this has to do with the window I have had people talk to me Mark and say my goodness I would never take that Journey and I I go oh why you know we we ran a poll earlier this week on on the biffley now and and uh 81 of people said if the ticket were free they wouldn't want to go down there and it's not just because of risk assessment and risk management and the potential Danger but because of also there's a technology component and Walt said this on stream earlier this week and others in my life have said the almost exact same thing if you're down there and you're looking through a small window you can't not everybody on the vessel can look through it all at once it's small enough that it's really it's meant to be viewed by one person right so you're taking turns on most submersible there's actually a design of submersible out there that has a dome so that everybody can see but on this one it it well it appears to well I I don't want to there might be room for multiple people but as far as a prime viewing location it's it's either one or or I don't know if everybody is in that in in the in the The Glory spot if you will of being able to see everything right but to the point that people have been making if you have a 65 inch 4K big screen TV at home and you've got people like Jim Cameron going down to the depths and shooting unbelievably beautiful video of the wreck of the Titanic and you can sit at home in your pajamas with a bowl of popcorn and see what that is like compared to this risky Journey on the way down if if the look for the Explorers out there the adventurers out there that would be hearing me right now they would be rolling their eyes and saying you don't know what you're talking about just see that eye roll right is it I guess what I'm asking you is I've done both being down there right I've sat I am sat and watched Jim Cameron 3D motion picture video of places that I have been myself um on a big screen on a 60 inch screen on a different right it's not the same wow okay that that's really what I wanted just not the same there's no peripheral vision there's no there's no input from your other senses and I understand your others your other senses other than your hearing are not really affected you're at one atmosphere you know but it's cold that adds to the experience the fact that it's it's cold the fact that you can hear things outside of the sub the fact that you are looking at that object in 3D is is a feeling that you just cannot grasp and that goes back to many years ago I have a friend of mine that I worked with in the Navy and I hired to work for me um after I retired and I was I was into a different industry in his comment because he had run rovs in the Navy he had he was a sub-rainer and then went to rovs as opposed to manned vehicles and his comment to me was there's nothing that uh that a man's submersible can do that an ROV can't and I argued with that right in with that and I said and it actually took me getting him into a man vehicle to be able to change his his attitude because he was so enamored with rovs and I'm like it's just it's 2D you're sitting here in an air-conditioned control room and uh you know in a seven thousand dollar chair filled with electronics and joysticks and you're looking at all these screens and it's yeah it's great but you can't hear what's going on you can't see it in 3D you can't you just don't get the feeling and that's why scientists in the early 2000s decided they wanted to start going back and man submersibles versus rovs was because just the personal information they could gather the the quality of that data was so much better than looking at it looking at a camera feed from an ROV on a 2d screen so you're saying that the real world no no no no that's that's why we do long form streaming so you're saying that the experience of being down there and seeing it and feeling it with all of your senses not just your vision but all of your senses is that special versus seeing it let's say in a movie theater on on an iMac screen it's not comparable wow which is why the people like me do do what we do you know some people climb mountains some people fly fast airplanes some people some people dive right what's the difference between sticking a camera underwater near a reef and watching the fish swim by as opposed to you being in scuba gear at 60 or 70 feet down or whatever and and looking at that being able to touch that wreath looking at that Reef but even if you can't touch the Rings just just all of the senses is it do you have a different experience than if you're watching some documentary about underwater stuff that's been filmed underwater I get what you're saying my dive experiences every time I come up it's it's a rush um it's a it's a rush that you get when when um we I dove a shipwreck in uh in the Bahamas last year and um even though even though I had done Dives before just the you are humbled by the experience and you come up and there is a rush and you can't here's another thing that people don't know about about I don't get that from watching a TV that is true and you know it's what people don't know it was something I really learned about I'm a talker right people know that I'm a talker um you don't talk underwater so one of the things I really learned about diving too is that when you do come up what's what's that now I do but it's because I have a columns mask right but for for the average scuba diver like me you're not talking you're not really communicating underwater I mean other than your basic hand signals but when you come up all you want to do with the rush all you want to do is talk about the experience and absolutely um versus obviously a movie theater when you have the person next to you elbow them and be like oh my god wow that but um really quick follow-up and then we'll get back to the questions and comments and and it goes exactly to uh beans here um Mark Zuckerberg with with his VR I I Know You're gonna laugh I knew you were gonna laugh but bear with me here that there's been tremendous advancements in virtual reality augmented reality Apple just announced their their headset my nephews got one and I've put it on and you know what there's a saying when I die I want to slide into the Pearly Gates dirty torn up bloody sweaty screaming holy crap what a ride I don't want to show up there in a perfectly preserved body you know it's they say you know you you know you only die once you know but you live every day and I guess that's just a mentality I guess that's the mentality you have to do you have to have to do what we do you know I guess it's why I ride a motorcycle and why I drive a fast boat and you know Life in the Fast Lane uh you know you only get so many seconds every day it's not like the bank you know you put a million however any seconds there are in a day but you put a million bucks in the bank and tomorrow you still got a million bucks you put a million seconds out there tomorrow I start every morning with zero and and if I don't use those seconds or minutes or hours I lose them they're gone I can't get them back was I sitting on my butt with my feet up watching television or was I riding my motorcycle on a back Country Road listening to the birds and smelling the the smells from the flowers and the plants and the what was they doing did I make use of those seconds in minutes and hours or did I waste them because if you waste them you don't get them back uh folks uh breaking news Mark Martin will not be in line on Black Friday this holiday season purchasing a VR headset you will not see that anywhere here in the State of Florida or Beyond I talk a lot won't be in the line on Black Friday anyway Mark Martin retired U.S Navy submarineer joining us look um as I mentioned I talk a lot Chelsea talks a lot Chelsea talks a lot is one of our great moderators uh who makes sure that our comment section comment section is respectful and welcoming to all uh yeah we have moderators Mark that help us with the uh with the with the flow of the chat that you were referencing earlier a lot of questions coming in according to Chelsea about the ballast so let's just start to now you get all this kind you get all this help I see all those screens you have and I'm just out here hanging on my own I get it no yeah so a little help uh goes a long way in the live streaming World um let's um let's let's start to talk about the balance system um and I think that there are people who can you give us a very basic understanding of how that would have functioned and what could have gone wrong and we only have a few minutes left so I'm going to ask you for kind of the cliff notes version yeah I I depends on the vehicle right submarines use air and water uh you know the the boats the boat floats if the ballast tanks are full of air and when you want to submerge you vent the air out you fill them with water the boat gets heavier it sinks and then and then you you figure out how much water to air ratio you need and where in the boat you need it to keep that boat neutrinally buoyant and and man submersibles typically use syntactic foam as buoyancy so that they are positively buoyant if they drop ballast they're positively buoyant I don't know about the construction of the Titan I do know that they had a used steel construction pipes as weight and apparently they had to try and tilt the boat to one side or the other to get those to drop out of the holder we know that they had this um this balloon type feature that was on a mechanical Link in case they got in trouble that it would float but I don't know if that was a messenger buoy or if it was actually added ballast I know that they could detach The Landing skid that square metal frame you see on the bottom of the vehicle they there was a hydraulic lever that they could use to drop that um and I I know that they did have some ballast tanks that they could move some air and some water into but I don't know how big they were I don't know what the reserve ballast was but that's that's what ballast is ballast is the more weight you have the heavier you are if you're submerging you got to have a way to get rid of that extra weight you know one of the emergency things we had on Dolphin the world's deepest dive in submarine was we had a 22 ton releasable Keel on the bottom that had explosive bolts in the control room and if you know if things went sideways and you were plungent and we went to 5000 feet on a routine basis if we were getting into trouble we could hit those and that 22 tons of weight would drop off of the summer what is the most common way to Mega's comment here what is the most common way to release the ballast is it is it computerized or is it a a physical mechanism on board um it's both okay it's it's both you're going to have you're gonna have computerized or or electrical ways to transfer air and water in and out of ballast tanks um your backup systems are typically going to be manual it's going to be a hydraulic lever it's going to be a mechanical lever that kind of thing because if you lose power then if it's an electrical electrically actuated system it doesn't work because you don't have any power we only have five minutes left so we're going to try to get to as many of these as possible but five minutes for uh Mark and I in this one-on-one we're going to transition to the legal questions with our legal special guests coming up at four o'clock folks but Joseph so we're gonna Mark we're gonna try to speed through these uh Joseph says hashtag kjb I believe that the noise that was heard uh was as far as the banging noises was the echo of the implosion and the second and third banging or the shock wave reflecting off the C floor what's your opinion on that Mark um Joseph I don't want to sound like I'm slamming you but that's pure speculation okay but is that possible the noise that was heard we we've already figured out that that noise event was was the implosion It Was Heard by the Navy on on a hydrophone of some sort whether it was fixed or or on a vehicle that hydrophone registered the event all of that other banging was either coming from the vessels in the search area or from the Titanic um because again the Titanic unless you've been anywhere near it you really can't comprehend how noisy that wreck is wow it makes sounds it's just there's two massive sections and it's corroding and there's big pieces of of metal that are that are moving and even if they only move a couple of inches there it's a piece of metal that weighs several tons think about the noise that makes on the surface when you hear two pieces of Steel scratching against each other I'm just realizing I'm sure if I've ever asked you this just directly have you been down there to the Titanic uh I have not been on the Titanic itself okay okay I I have been very involved with the Titanic over the years I was on the original Expedition um that went out to find it um wow the unit that I was with did all because it was a cover story for the Navy going to look for the Scorpion and the thrusher and figure out what happened so that's why the Navy was involved and I was part of the deep submergence unit at the time so we tested all the equipment that they were gonna use out there um fascinating I promise we would speed this up Melissa kjb would releasing ballast indicate they were trying to surface yes okay um uh Lorraine says hashtag Hey JB and Mark agree seeing the reef on screen is not the same as being down there it's almost like being on a different planet so Lorraine's a diver well yep Lorraine has seen some things underwater if uh that's the way because I've always felt like going down underwater is seeing feeling like being on another planet or they're closer closest I'll ever be to another planet um let's look at some of the the other some of these we're gonna save for I see them uh some of the uh comments we're gonna save for our legal q a coming up here at four o'clock um let's see here yeah yeah I mean we've answered this but it to infected uh yes they're gonna bring up a lot I would imagine Mark right a lot absolutely yeah they're gonna bring everything that they can find to the surface whether frankly whether they think it's important or not they're going to bring every piece that they can find and if they get done with that and they think they're missing a piece that's important they're going to keep looking for it um until it becomes untenable Shane we're going to get you out on this question because we do have to transition right at four to our legal q a Shane says hashtag kjb Mark what is the craziest thing you have ever seen under water oh my god um uh the first time I saw an anglerfish that was was pretty crazy wow uh you know I've I've looked at hundreds and hundreds of wrecks I've I've found some old um I found some World War II airplanes that nobody knew where they were that went down during the war and we were they were actually well enough preserved that we could get the tail number off and give it to the British government and they were able to tell the family because they could track who's the pilot of that aircraft uh found a fishing boat that sank three years before that still had the fishing license that was readable inside the plastic sleeve on the window of the Wheelhouse and we sent that into the the government and they were able to inform the family um you know some maybe not so funny but crazy things is you know during construction processes uh because I did some gas and oil construction for a while um you've got you know multiple cranes and multiple rovs in the water and you see tethers that are literally you know tied in bowling and in square knots and wrapped around you know and it takes like five hours to get the thing unhooked Mark stick around we're going to transition now to our uh legal analyst folks let me just tell you who it is Peter tragos the lawyer you know Mark you're gonna like Peter uh he's like you he's direct to the point uh and uh and another Florida man so you're going to be in good company here as far as Peter and I uh and of course you are going to be part of our conversations we talk about the legal situation now regarding uh the the loss of life out there in the North Atlantic let me just quickly point out hey uh for folks in Tampa Bay turn on WFLA News Channel 8 because this man right here is getting ready to deliver a live report uh on of course the story that we were talking about earlier so if you're looking for more coverage on broadcast television yeah there's Jeff Patterson he's out there in the field getting ready for live television uh we look forward of course to Jess report being featured on wfla.com to our audience on Facebook live YouTube live wfla.com the WFLA app don't go anywhere we'll be back in about two and a half minutes with uh the lawyer you know Peter tragos right here from Clearwater Florida as we talk about the legal questions that you might have after the Titan submersible tragedy don't go anywhere Mark Peter and I will be here in just a moment foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] thank you [Music] thank you thank you [Music] WFLA now will begin momentarily foreign momentarily live on WFLA now this is hey JV here's JB buno the immensely complicated legal situation surrounding the Titans submersible tragedy leading to questions that we are going to attempt to tackle here this afternoon on WFLA now we're live in the WFLA now stream Center to answer as many questions as we can from you our audience wherever you are watching from to look at how this all unfolds now going forward welcome back folks to our ongoing streaming coverage of the Titan submersible tragedy of course in the North Atlantic following the aftermath now that we know that the five people on board the Titan sub are presumed dead let's bring in our two special guests and now being added to our special guest panel Peter tragos the lawyer you know Mark Martin has been on stream with us for hours over the course of the last 36 hours a retired U.S Navy Submariner and uh and we'll get his hashtag fix because he is hashtag hey Mark but hashtag a lawyer you know see Mark he's he is of course uh he's got the brand going with lawyer you know so he gets the special hashtag there hey you know like I said it doesn't matter if they hashtag me I can't figure out how to get to it anyway there you know what that is a refreshing a refreshing part of of having you on stream uh Mark uh we'll we'll bring it back into the conversation here uh in just a second I just want to bring in Peter Here For the First Time Peter you're paying close attention uh to this uh there have been a lot of legal questions in our uh comment section and uh people asking exactly is our lawsuits inevitable uh regulations how are those gonna be uh presented also too how we have this now with multiple Nations involved the UK Canada the United States France a lot of different moving Parts here good afternoon to you how are you my friend I'm doing great man thanks for having me and while Mark might not know how to find the hashtags he'll get to places we could never dream of finding um and I I think that that's kind of where we can start this discussion is just the community of people that explore and find things and innovate it's really important we should want that as a society but we need to do it the right way and we need to be careful who we bring with us and that I think is where some of the legal questions in this case come from is what did the passengers know um we know about the waivers that they signed how specific were they in detailing the risks um that they were undertaking and doing something that very few people on the planet get the opportunity to and even want to do frankly I mean I I I'll leave that to Mark and these guys to do because I'm not interested and I realized I only know this much of the risk and I don't want to do it so I am interested in finding more out about what they knew and how this happened and how it could have prevent uh been prevented um but there are so many questions that we still don't have answers to so let's go right to it Peter and and you can now use hashtag lawyer you know hashtag Kmart hashtag kjb and we're going to start to Spotlight your comments on screen so that we can answer these legal questions because they are complicated I wouldn't even know where to begin with something like this but Peter you've been digesting this now over over the last 24 hours really since that press conference yesterday uh what is your top legal question what's something that's on on your mind that you're focused on in everything that we have seen and heard from people that were passengers in the past from the CEO and interviews he did prior to making this trip how was this explained to the passengers we know that the waivers mentioned death multiple times they explain that there's risk of serious bodily injury that this was not certified that this was not tested by other people and they waive all risk and they hold Ocean Gate harmless and every boilerplate language you possibly could that we've seen in waivers forever since waivers have become a thing which again was because of the judicial system that we even put waivers in place so that people would walk into situations with eyes wide open and they would be informed of what they were walking into but some of the language is vague like the risks were explained to us but not detailed in the waiver so how were the risks explained and the only context we really have is from interviews from the CEO where he said this is Unsinkable just like the Titanic and when he's done testing it it's going to be ready to rock and roll and we've all seen the controller the Logitech controller and the camp World light and other things that may be concerning to your average person but from passengers that have been on this before they say we knew the risk we knew what we were walking into we understood that we could die yet they all qualify it with but they had done 25 Dives before nobody had ever been hurt nobody had ever died it's been going for three years so in my head I thought I figured it's safe if they're going to let journalists go on it if they're going to let these wealthy people go on it they wouldn't do it if it wasn't safe so what did they really know is the big legal question mark do you want to hop in here is there anything as far as the waiver process verbally what is told to the passengers Peter's bringing up some good points here do you want to hop in um yeah I've got a comment on that and I I think and let me clarify this I am I'm a complete idiot when it comes to the law um but I will tell you that I agree with his comment on the waiver that um okay yes it says that it's been that you're you're getting in a one-off experimental vehicle that hasn't been classified or certified by any regulatory body seems pretty cut and dried yeah but the average person I don't think has any comprehension of what that statement really means okay I might die but as Pete said you know okay well they've been down 20 25 28 whatever how many Dives they've made you know nobody's been killed nobody's been scarred nobody you know but but for somebody who who does what I do I'm inherently familiar who with what that warning means and and would refuse to step in it if it's you know because I know what the risks are and obviously you haven't addressed all of them because you haven't had anybody check your work um you know that's probably as critical as I've been of Ocean Gate um but yeah I mean I think for the average person I don't think that wording you know and I don't know what else they told them I I don't know if they explained it verbally or anything else but but it's really hard for the layperson to understand just how many things can go wrong and it only takes one let's get to this question first because it's the most prevalent Peter in our comments section and we'll I'm sure Mark we'll have more conversations about what was communicated the waiver process um you know there's a lot to break down over this next half hour really we're now down to about 20 25 minutes but uh Dexter 82 says hashtag Hey jab to whom the jurisdiction of the accident belonged the jurisdiction the jurist this happening in the North Atlantic Peter creates some uh International complications does it not who who where would could there be lawsuits in multiple countries so the answer is of course it depends there's probably going to be fights about this but in the waiver the copy of the waiver that I have seen the choice of law is actually the Bahamas so that could be where we start um based on oceans ocean Gates uh waiver and documentation that I've seen so far that's my best guess just based on that and why the Bahamas I have no idea it's choice of law so when when you're writing a document um you can put in there that if you're gonna sue us then we choose this uh venue in jurisdiction and if they sign it they're agreeing wait so yeah if you don't know why was is there some legal advantage that could be uh you know that would be more beneficial or is there a financial reason as to why you would want it out of the Bahamas as far as jurisdictionally that is outside my scope of knowledge I don't know I I've never seen that before that's that's that's uh that's now was that something that raised your eyebrow when you uh when you saw that I mean I don't I just don't know what the benefit is of the Bahamas but if there is I would guess it would be beneficial to Ocean Gate since they're the ones that chose that um choice of law but it's not uncommon that might just be where they have their lawyers that they work with and maybe where one of them lives right um I don't know the answer those are the normal Reasons from choosing the jurisdiction you want these cases to happen in Mark any any idea for you as to why the Bahamas would be on the waiver I can do a little bit of speculation um the Bahamas um used to be known as a flag of convenience along with you've heard ships that are flagged in Liberia that kind of thing and part of that has to do with the regulations about classification and certification if you if you're flying a U.S flag on your ship then and you're conducting interstate commerce then every member of your crew has to be a U.S citizen if you go foreign if you go internationally when you get to the other country wherever you're going you can do a crew change for people that are not U.S citizens but the captain has to be a U.S citizen no matter what no matter where you are in the world if you're flying an American flag on your ship the captain has to be a U.S citizen and when you come back to the U.S if you have foreign Nationals that are crew members you have to replace them with U.S citizens the UK has its own certain set of rules the Spain has its set of rules Panama has its set of rules some are more lenient than others and and that may be one of the reasons why they chose the Bahamas because of uh because of classification or you know again that's just pure speculation from a non-lawyer to quote a journalist that I follow and admire tremendously but you know as far as questions being asked like that A wise man once said the answer is always money and I don't know if that's necessarily true in this case but could there have been a I I I'm just applying could there have been I'm asking the question a financial reason as to why the Bahamas specifically was selected but let's move on to strodi's comment uh hashtags for for you and I Peter does the waiver really mean anything can a company really sign away liability so yes the waiver does mean something and yes you can sign away liability but you have to do it the right way there's a lot of ways to get around waivers there's fraud if there's concealment if there's gross negligence to certain levels um if it's not a knowing waiver and they don't understand or weren't told all the risks that they were waiving and just talking about choice of Law and how important that is there are certain states in the United States that don't recognize liability waivers like this at all so depending on what state you choose obviously most companies aren't going to choose that state for their choice of law but it does make a huge difference and I'm not an expert on Bahamian law so I don't know what the benefits um there are but I would assume there are benefits to choosing that that venue yeah and why the the very first question that we had on this particular section of the stream about jurisdiction is so important because every jurisdiction just follows its own sort of rules policies procedures Carly wants to know really this is the money question Peter families cannot Sue beyond the waivers can they or is is there is there an Avenue for a lawsuit as far as the families specifically go so if you just think about it this way almost every time you have a surgery every time you go to an amusement park every time you get on a plane every time you do these things you're signing waivers you're agreeing to things you're agreeing not to sue for certain things but we see lawsuits all the time and plane crashes and when roller coasters go bad or a harness breaks um and we see you know medical malpractice cases where they cut off the wrong limb or whatever it is even when waivers are signed so lawsuits still happen because there are still Protections in place for people even if they sign waivers you can't just do something grossly negligent you can't fail to maintain something you can't um fail to fix a known risk that is likely to to lead to Serious injury or death you can't just do that stuff because somebody signed a waiver so you're still able to sue even though there are waivers in place unless you did everything you could to maintain something in a reasonably safe condition and that very well could have happened in this case because it seemed to be a pressure implosion which is a known risk and there could be some that they did absolutely nothing wrong and the fact that they had a Logitech controller has nothing to do with how this catastrophe and tragedy happened in this case and that could very well be the case we don't have all the details but as Mark and I were discussing off screen I would assume a reconstruction of some sort is going to happen experts are going to look at this and they're going to figure out exactly why and how this happened interactive journalism here at play we're going to feature at least a comment that includes a source this is again according to one of our commenters on YouTube live yes YouTube live hashtag kjb apparently Bahamas Maritime is ranked among the top shipping Registries with over 64 million gross tons of ships Source London international shipping weeks so clearly uh this might not be something that is so strange after all we brought up this uh point mark you and I previously I'm going to bring Jake's comment in to get Peter's perspective on this with the legal uh sort of situation moving forward now especially Jake wants to know is Ocean gay finished as a company after this incident Mark said unequivocally yes what do you think Peter so from a lawsuit perspective um I have heard that they were not able to get insurance which is not surprising to me with all the issues that we've heard um so even if they were to fold or go bankrupt lawsuits insurance would still cover and pay out if there was Insurance because there's not lawsuits would likely bankrupt the company like this um because it seems like it's a pretty small community my guess is nobody would really want to work with them anymore but I also wouldn't be surprised if all the people that were working at Ocean Gate end up at a similar company um because they are so specialized because they have experience doing things that not a lot of people in the world can or have done in the past that it wouldn't surprise me at all if they resurf it somewhere else but I don't understand how anybody would go with Ocean Gate on any future um excursions or Explorations like this that would Shock Me Right that that the trust has has really been been shattered of course um this is a great question from obey uh phenomenal question about chronologically how this falls falls now uh lawyer you know hey JB will lawsuits have to wait until an investigative report is done Peter have to wait is uh very specific and I would say no they don't have to wait but they should I mean they have to have a reasonable basis for why they're filing their lawsuit some of that again can be based off what people were told what they knew um whether they understood the risks was there any coercion or fraud or concealment you might be able to find that out without an investigative report I would say it would be foolish to file any lawsuits or do anything before you actually have the information from some sort of investigative report and involving experts that can explain exactly what went wrong and how the company should have handled things differently right the investigative report is going to provide a lot more clarity considering that there's so much that we still don't know about what actually happened down there we know that a an implosion happened but as far as what led to that implosion what the weakness was what the failure was and what went wrong exactly look that will be pending a very complicated and sure elongated investigation let's go to this comment because it's also it's also great and again a reminder that the youngest on board uh this expedition was 19 year old Suleiman dawood and um and Ruby asks Peter in relation to Suleiman can a 19 year old really know about the risks signed Away by the waiver and I wonder does does there's different ages in different countries right where you are considered an adult where you can con when you can sign instead of having a parent or Guardian sign for you so I wonder in the Bahamas if there is a certain uh age where you are considered an adult and when you can sign a legally binding document like that but what do you say to Ruby's comment yeah I don't know that answer about the different jurisdictions but most places 18 as an adult um and if he is an adult then yes he can sign waivers he can understand risks he can make a knowing waiver of his rights to sue them he can't does that mean he did does that mean he actually had the knowledge um and that's a different question and that's something that would potentially be a question for a judge or a jury in the future for what it's worth uh just a quick search on Google um oh let's I'm sorry let's bring Peter back on screen um that uh the adult age is apparently uh from what I'm seeing the initial search it appears to be 18 years old in the Bahamas so if there's any change on that or if anybody wants to fact check me on that please feel free in our comments section uh let's continue the conversation Mark anything to note as we continue to hear from Peter as far as um the legal future here I you know I I kind of I I agree with Peter's comments in that a lot of the people that are working at Ocean Gate are gonna be able although again this is a very small community the community of explorers is small the community of people who provide the vehicles for those explorers is even smaller um some of those people are probably going to be able to find some jobs if if not in submersibles than maybe in some shipbuilding uh capacity or or something like that um again it's you know it's a legal question my personal opinion from a just from a business standpoint is you know I think I think that they're they're in deep trouble I want to get both of these on screen really quickly because they're about to disappear on my screen scrolling up so fast but we'll get both of these on Greg Watts says hashtag kjb to me being certified uh not being certified is negligence this is a great interesting sort of point to introduce into our conversation here that one has now disappeared and before I lose Haley's Haley says hashtag kjb hashtag lawyer you know with the CEO being in the sub who would be held responsible let's start here and then go to the certification question next Peter um we obviously there's a hierarchy with Ocean Gate but uh can we answer Haley's question I think it's owned by Ocean Gate Inc so it would be the actual um company that would be held responsible potentially there are people in the company that are making decisions that could be held responsible if they have insurance again that's something that would attach in a situation like this um so I mean just just having the CEO on board does not absolve the company obviously to me though that is a big part of the puzzle or piece of the puzzle he believed it was safe he believed everything was fine he believed that they weren't going to implode or he would not have put his own life at risk building this um sub to go down so his waiver was knowing but was anybody else's that that's the question I think you go down the line and everybody has a different um knowledge base going into this and new different factors and understood things differently so maybe the 19 year old kid did not have the same knowledge as obviously the CEO of the company so those cases would be handled very differently and let's also remind our audience that Mark here a new uh Stockton Russian life the CEO of Ocean Gate that that we are referencing with this comment um and and as far as his confidence level mark it was stated in many reports you have communicated it here on stream this is somebody who thought that this really would never happen at least at least he said that at least he had he indicated that publicly well and and as Peter said um if he believed otherwise he wouldn't have climbed inside um you know uh do I think his confidence was misplaced yes um do I think he believed it yeah why would you climb into something why would you climb into something that you thought was a death trap you know talk about him unless you unless you're in 10 on committing suicide you know yeah our two guests here very much on the same page Peter tragos the lawyer you know of course he has his YouTube uh Channel his social media accounts where he provides legal analysis and does live streams very similar to this one as far as answering questions from people Peter has been on stream with us before many times Mark Martin sort of a a newer guest uh who joined us for five plus hours yesterday here on stream we have uh Peter if it's okay with another 10 minutes if that's all right before we go I got about I've got five okay let's get let's do five and try to at least get this uh the certification question uh answer before we wrap up uh with Peter um but this is also Mark this this also is something that um you could perhaps uh chime in on here about uh the previous question that I can no longer animate because it has faded into non-existence was about the fact that it was a non-certified vessel uh Peter how does that fit into the equation legally it's definitely a big piece of the puzzle but that was referenced in the waiver so the fact that it was not certified itself is not going to be something that uh you can bet your whole lawsuit on the real question is what does that mean did they explain what that meant did they explain how risky that makes it or did they just tell them yeah we didn't need to get it certified to go down there it wasn't a big deal why would we need to get it certified if we can make this trip without certification um which I've heard explanations like that as well so it really depends on how they explained the reason why they didn't get certified and what testing they didn't have to do and what parts they may have had to use if they would have gotten it certified Peter tragos the lawyer you know Peter I don't want to over extend you here so what I'm going to do is I'll give you an opportunity here I think you've already done some content on your channel uh talking uh about this and with uh obviously this is going to be a story that is going to unfold not over hours or days but weeks months years so um as far as people that have more legal questions about this going forward do you have any live streams planned and how can people follow you yeah um I'm planning on doing some live streams going through the waiver at some point today um and just kind of following along if legal things come up you know I'm not going to try to explain the science behind it or how all of this works on my channel we try to stick to the legal questions and what could happen in a court of law and in different Judicial Systems so if you're interested in that check out the lawyer you know at trego's law on all Social Media stuff um would love to hear what you guys have to think about it and see if I can answer your questions and I will definitely be back on here with uh JB in the future yeah and quick check because I I one more question how you doing you're right these days uh you know you and I we've we've chatted here and there over the last several months it's hot here in Florida you're hanging out uh you know doing your golf thing I'm great man I've been playing a lot of pickleball a lot of golf getting out there in the sauna that is the outdoors of Florida yeah man I'm great I'm great Peter right here with us in the Tampa Bay Area uh of course friend of the program Peter thanks for thanks for popping on man and I hope to chat with you soon I'm sure we'll be on stream again before you know it thanks for having to meet you Peter great to meet you mark yeah yeah thanks Peter tragos Mark Martin JB here with you and if of course you can follow uh Peter uh on the lawyer you know on his social media uh channels um we are going to begin to wrap up here with uh myself uh and Mark Martin uh and this is what will likely be our final live stream of the week and what we're gonna try to do is just get people have been you know putting in the comments section Mark repeatedly I'll get this one last question into mark this one final question in if possible so I I don't want to shut those people out I don't want to hang up on those people so to speak while Mark here has another few minutes let's just quickly go through some of the final hashtag hamar hashtag Hey JB questions of the week uh regarding the story we have done I've lost count of how many hours we have been on stream from Monday to now but it's been a lot it's going to be our last uh live q a here over these next few minutes of the week so we'll try to get some good questions that haven't been answered yet or addressed yet uh Mark any thoughts while I wait for these final questions and comments to come in no I you know I it's been a tough week um as I said sometime yesterday or the day before um you know it's always a sad day when you lose people uh especially somebody like pH um you do inherently dangerous things and sooner or later something's going to go wrong um could some things have been mitigated obviously the the consensus is yes I'm not well versed enough in in all of it to um to put out my my private opinions at this point in time I want to get some more information I want to talk to some more of my inner circle um see what their General consensus is and see if they've got any information I don't have um but it's yeah it's it's been a tough week it's you know it we lost five people uh I think the one that affects me the most is probably uh the 19 year old yeah um that's that's it I guess uh I've been thinking about the 19 year old is as well I've been thinking about the I've been thinking about all the families but um this is a this is a double loss for the doublewood family and uh a father and son uh I can't imagine what that is like for them and uh we we had a moment of silence we had a a thoughts and prayers moment for an extended thoughts and prayers kind of conversation with our audience yesterday on stream and so let me just again reiterate uh and we'll end our stream by honoring them but um let me just reiterate uh how much our thoughts and prayers here are with those families because uh I I've noted in the past about how I've had some um you know some days in my life that uh their tragedies should never be compared in any way shape or form but when you are living through a very dark experience in your own life you you you um you never wish that upon anybody else and so I can just say that I would I I can't imagine what this family is going through what all the families are going through and uh our thoughts and prayers are with them and I'm in that with all the sincerity uh in the world I mean it um Emil um this is perhaps a good final no question to bring on screen although if I see I'll try to get maybe some others but I know that this one is going to launch us into a conversation that could be extended so Emil says hashtag Hey JB and Mark what key thing do you think we learned from this event which we can take away as an important lesson uh for the future I have an answer to this uh we're both hashtagged here I my answer means very little compared to yours Mark what is the key thing do you think that we learned to answer Emil's question I think that um the key thing that we weren't learned is that you know deep ocean exploration has been marked by pioneers since 1960 when Don Walsh and Jacques Picard took a seven foot diameter sphere hunger hung underneath a big tank at Aviation gas down to the deepest part of the ocean and made it back alive you know um how crazy do you have to be and Don Walsh is the Deep submergence God you know um we're Pioneers we we push the envelope we try to mitigate the risk the rules are there for a reason but I you know but the rules can't stifle Innovation either um and my you know I've refrained from this in the past but it's I guess it's time um Stockton was proud of breaking the rules because he felt like it stifled Innovation and what I wish is that he would have been able to find a way to be an innovator and still stay within the rules I understand that it would have taken you know several extra years because he was using new material with a new design and all of that but what I would have what I think that we need to do is is come up with some way that we can that we can use common sense safety and and protocols and rules without overduly stifling Innovation because that's what exploration is it's Innovation that's how you get to places that nobody's been before is because you've done something that nobody else has done before or you've applied things in a way that nobody has done before so that's my you know that's my biggest take on it is is uh you know can we come up with a way that experimental craft that that show Innovation can somehow be integrated into the certification and classification process if it's nothing more than you know having a third an experienced third-party you know that that's my that's my big thing is that um you know you can't get you can't get to some place that nobody's been before without doing something that nobody's done before um but you got to do it in a smart way you I'll get into my response here in a second but uh do you think that how much will be learned when we have a final investigative report a conclusive report and uh more and you know in-depth analysis as to what exactly happened on Sunday I think that what um I think that what the experts in the field will learn is exactly um exactly what happened exactly what feature or element or item failed to cause this catastrophic event um I the general consensus in the community is that this was this was a win not if event um I haven't said that before where I guess we're at the point where I feel okay doing it but a lot of experts in the field felt that this was a when is this going to happen not if this is gonna happen so really what the experts in the field now the general public is going to learn a lot of things that they never knew about before but the experts in the field are going to learn exactly what went wrong and hopefully that will help us better design and develop newer vehicles 10-4 uh my response to this is and it was a it was immediate in my mind when I read the question and uh apologize I'm gonna apologize for uh perhaps some people that might find the answer to be a little bit cheesy um but we're gonna learn a lot from this going forward I'm sure in in Mark's Community as far as from an engineering perspective how to better build uh underwater deep sea exploration vehicles and um and how to go about you know exploring the depths of our world safely both manned and unmanned how we Explore More of the ocean which we of course is so vast and and unexplored uh my my gut reaction to reading this this question was there is so much Good Will in the world I think really the amount of uh of headline uh you know activity news coverage that has been paid to um I don't I think that there needs to be more people speaking about how heroic of an operation this aimed to be um there was a lot of different nations private organizations uh human beings that did everything they could to get to this spot with a lot of different equipment a lot of different technology and a lot of different expertise and experience for bringing it all together in one unified spot and one of the most remote places on the on the planet as far as as far as active you know shipwrecks that get I know that there are more remote places believe me I'm I'm not that naive but this is an extremely remote place and with harsh conditions both at the surface even though we know that the weather was optimal on certain days but especially under the surface we're talking about extremely challenging conditions the word complex was put out by the Coast Guard over and over and over again about the complexities that existed with this type of search and rescue and then subsequently search and Recovery operation um all the individuals even though the rescue operation was never really believed to be possible because of course this catastrophic explosion was believed to have occurred on the way down that should not discredit and discount and we should not forget about the incredible heroic efforts of the people that all converged from different nations different companies all coming to one place for one week trying to do something to save lives and I think that that has kind of been lost in the last 24 hours and I hope that people at least remember that I've been thinking about it I've been thinking about those Crews how deflating it must be to have gotten that news yesterday but it's a lot of human beings a lot of men and women working hard and stopping everything going on in their lives to try to bring this to a happy ending and just because we didn't get the happy ending that we wanted doesn't mean that we forget about those efforts and that's my my uh my long rant and answer to this question because uh this this was this could have been a heroic effort and people would have celebrated um the the men and women that made it out there to the wreckage of the RMS Titanic the of course two and a half miles up at the surface but just because uh we didn't find the five people alive doesn't mean that we for sure we should forget about those efforts mark I'd like to make a comment about that sure uh I I think that your comment and my comment um really show the different aspects that we have I'm thinking of it from a technical sure sure yeah yeah you're thinking of it from a reporter but I will tell you that in the events that we've had in the past like the curse like the Argentinian submarine like some of the other non-maritime related that's what always happens different countries all come together they put their they put their issues aside and they work together as a group to to solve the problem at hand and I got yes I I agree with that wouldn't you agree that's that's inspiring Mark to see that it is yeah it is because with all the with all the crappy news going on it's nice to see people put their differences aside and all try to work together just to towards one goal and if we could if we could as a human race figure out how to do that a little more often that's right as opposed to stabbing each other in the back and throwing stones all the time every time somebody didn't agree with you know your thought or your opinion um you know life would be a lot easier and you know what Mark maybe I'm just so sick and tired of of how uh you know how divisive things have been in our in our country of of uh you know more and more so over the over the years oh yeah and I got to turn that off yeah it's right sick and tired of it I could turn it off you do it for 11. you you can't get away from it it's not I'm not breaking any news or or uh or uh breaking any rules by saying that our country has become more polarized in years past and I think maybe perhaps my mind went to that answer just because to see multiple different types uh people from all different kinds of backgrounds from all different kinds of countries and and public governmental agencies private organizations everyone just kind of come together for one unified cause bad but it takes it's sad that it takes tragedies to to get everybody to do that you know 911 was a was a great example you know everybody was at everybody's throats 9 11 happened and the whole country came together you know and then 10 15 years later oh look we're starting to split up again it you know it seems like it takes a tragedy to bring us all together and it it works for a while and then if we don't have another tragedy that brings us all together we start acting out again but you know what to that point and just because I'm curious you know as far as your field uh deep sea exploration underwater you know you know going to the depths of the world um is there that divisiveness or or is it more of a global effort as far no yeah explain because um when you say no it's it's not a global effort or it is a global effort yeah it is a global effort there's there's no there's there's okay is there a little bit of infighting between specific individuals on it on an occasion yes we're human beings but the community as a whole um works together to for basically a common goal which is which is deep ocean exploration and it doesn't matter whether you're Russian or American or Canadian or Australian or you know if if it's your business then you know is there some competition yeah but but you don't really see Cutthroat competition in in this community you'll see healthy competition you know some guy develops something new and he patents it and he uses it for however long but as soon as that patents up then people are willing to share it and and and even without patenting something people come up with new ideas and they get shared and okay well I came up with this idea but it might be able to help you and it does and it and it's a back and forth kind of thing and again it doesn't matter whether you're whether you're a Japanese or Russian or Australian or Canadian or you know whatever this community and maybe it's because the community is so small and so specialized that everybody knows everybody else and you know that if you step on this guy's toes then somebody else is going to step on your toes down the road if it's not him it'll be somebody else so you you and I'm not saying they're getting your toes not stepped on is the motivation it's just a we know how hard this is and we know we can't do it by ourselves it takes everybody and you know some people contribute more than others um you know but it's it is a global Community where you very rarely see any infighting uh you got room for one and there's some pretty big egos in this Committee in this community I I well we appreciate um how much Insight you have brought uh before we do our official wrap again uh Mark Martin retired U.S Navy Submariner folks knows two of the people uh had a connection to two of the people uh uh here on your screen as we look at their pictures and we'll read their names Paul Henry nargalang Stockton rush and Hamish Harding uh all passing away presumed Dead uh after of course the catastrophic implosion that occurred on the way down in the Titan submersible tragedy uh this past Sunday uh your chance uh Mark lasts for this is our last opportunity to do so to just kind of speak uh to the five victims uh the the five people that we lost here in this tragedy yeah you know I I think I think I said it yesterday there were a couple of people that that made this comment that new pH even better than I did um out of the whole group um he's the one that probably would feel that this is a fitting resting place for him he he he loved going to the Titanic he knew more about it than anybody else he was doing what he loved doing and you know if you gotta go that's the way to go um you know my heart goes out to the families of of everybody else involved I've I've already expressed my sympathies to ph's son um and you know um not much else I can do about it um but yeah it's it's uh it's it's been a sad week um it's been obviously an exciting week it's been a busy week hopefully some positive things will be taken out of this um I expect the next several several days um unfortunately in the news could be ugly you know uh again there's human nature there's going to be criticisms and finger-pointing and hopefully the the people that know what the hell's going on can can manage that and we can come all all come out of this for the better us here at WFLA also pass along our thoughts and prayers our condolences to these families this is of of course a um this has been a difficult doesn't even begin to describe what it must be like for these families and those who who know the five but uh of course we tried to in our uh we tried to do our very best to treat of course our coverage with as much uh sincerity or you know respect and uh and dignity uh as possible and um and we know that sometimes these live streams and we know from previous stories that we've done uh people connected to those uh to those individuals that we talk about so often on stream they find our live streams and so we hope uh sincerely that we did our very best as far as being as respectful as possible being and and more just just as important uh being as accurate with our with our reporting being as thorough with our reporting because misinformation is a weed and um and we of course we take the credibility of our organization extremely seriously so we try to of course Report with with accuracy and warmth and uh and hopefully we were able to do that over the course of our streaming coverage this week Mark this is uh I have to stay on stream for a little bit longer just to make some final points this is a farewell to you my friend what um what what an honor it has been uh to have you uh on this live stream all week uh there is an enormous amount of people out there that appreciate you and it's not even just directly on our live streams because what's happening again people are taking clips from this live stream posting them to like Tick Tock and Instagram and other platforms and people are saying who is this Mark Martin guy and uh and thinking really looking at you as the voice of reason over the course this week as far as being a steady calm and also uh just uh extremely experienced voice throughout this entire process we can't thank you enough for joining us on stream uh I I appreciate it I certainly appreciate the way that that you and the rest of the team is has treated me and uh hopefully I've helped you most certainly have I can I can pass along from our our commenters here the amount of thank you comments I'm look Mark uh I know that you're not a techie so let me explain go to the YouTube live in the hour it takes a few hours for it to process but hours after the YouTube live uh go into the comments section uh whether it's the live chat replay or go into um or go into the comments below and believe me you will see exactly what I'm talking about as far as some of the response people who appreciate you and and think of of you as a as somebody Who provided them with uh a lot of answers uh at a time when there was a ton of confusion uh out there so a huge thank you again and um I'm gonna share something out on Twitter later on tonight uh Chelsea uh one of our this is interesting with Chelsea one of our our uh he talks a lot Chelsea talks a lot one of our moderators uh and a shout out to Michelle Weidner um makeup Iraqi a few others uh great YouTube moderation team uh Chelsea found your Instagram and linked it so um now I just gotta figure out how to get on it people are gonna which is so hilarious uh because if that is the real it it was dsv pilot uh one I think it was there yeah I think that's what it was well I gotta click this link is this your is this your Instagram because um you you might uh gain some file I know that you're you know you haven't asked for it once you haven't asked for it uh which has been hello but you're getting a lot of followers yeah yeah I don't even know what the hell that is well it was uh as I am usually oh obviously all right uh the real okay yeah yeah yeah yeah okay it's people are sending me messages okay Mark uh I hope you don't take offense to this one of our team members here at WFLA said that perhaps one of the reasons why people find you to be so relatable is that you come across as everyone's Uncle have you ever heard anything like that you ever heard anything like that that might be the nicest names anybody's called me in a long time um we we yeah yeah I'll let you it might take some time and you know what when you're in Tampa we'll have our Instagram chat you and I and uh I'll I'll maybe show you a couple of tricks all right okay yeah because I can kind of sort of get into some of them but I yeah yeah welcome welcome to a little bit of my world as far as talking about Twitter and I'll teach you about Scotch yeah man it'd be great to tank up one day and go on a dive together that would be awesome that would be awesome but uh Mark uh I'm sure I look forward to meeting you in person next week when you're in the Tampa Bay Area thanks again and all the best to you my friend I'm sure we'll talk off stream thanks thanks anytime you uh anytime just give me a shout yeah well I'm available I'm there for you man we'll do you uh we'll do Mark Martin Everybody retired U.S Navy Submariner who uh we can now say has done uh eight hours of coverage over two days with us here on stream he was originally scheduled for one hour but his expertise so invaluable and also to um his people were commenting yesterday when he was gone on YouTube live Facebook live I kept looking over and it wasn't even with a hashtag but I just saw three words bring mark back and so I kept inviting him and he kept coming back on and so um we appreciate Mark's time let me explain now how this is going to uh go forward I I have a bit of a of a you know a bit of an explanation to make uh there over the course of this week Monday through Friday uh people have been asking in our comments section A lot of comments have come in JB uh why don't you never take my comment JB what um uh I've been commenting for days how why hasn't my comment or my question been featured on screen uh let me explain something that is that might seem very basic but um and it is somewhat basic but let me please explain when we have the volume of traffic the volume of comments that we have had come in it makes the interactivity part a little bit more complicated because on my screen comments are scrolling in so immensely fast so quickly and so the more the more and more that we have a vibrant comment section the more and more uh it becomes more of a lottery as far as getting your comment on screen you might have had the most brilliant question or comment but because of how quickly they've been scrolling on my screen there is a chance that I missed it and my apologies to you it is not interactivity and interactive journalism is not a uh a perfect system it's not a perfect format it's a forward-thinking format but it is not perfect and so um if you've been one of those people um trying to get your comment uh spotlighted on our streams so that it can be featured in our conversations um uh yeah I I will do my very best in the future to to try to Spotlight more and more comments sometimes the conversations can be long-winded the answers can be long-winded I can be long-winded uh and so we want to get more comments on screen uh but it's uh always trying to carry the conversation forward and always remind yourself too um if if you've been repeatedly and uh asking a question in our comments section and I haven't clicked on it perhaps the reason is because we might have already answered that question before you hopped on the stream there's always that chance as well I I am not going to continuously answer the same question or pose the same question over and over and over again so that's a little bit of an explanation as to um the interactivity part uh of course I I talked yesterday about how interactive journalism is um is being practiced here at WFLA it is a a major part of the WFLA now stream Center and our operation as far as wfla.com our digital operation if you would like to provide feedback on how we're doing how we can approve interactivity I'm as I'm talking about what we can do to make the viewing experience more interactive and more um just better for you overall you can shoot comments to either The Newsroom and really the news managers at WFLA any feedback good bad or ugly it doesn't matter you can shoot that feedback over to um W excuse me news at wfla.com news at wfla.com and let me explain again the feedback is so important because whether it's good whether it's bad it helps shape our coverage in the future the next time that we're on stream your feedback might influence how we try to go about our coverage so that feedback component is so important and while I've said it multiple times this week I have to repeat it because if we don't get feedback from you our audience after our streams are over um then we don't we it it inhibits our ability to improve in the future uh if you want to send a comment to me directly you can DM me on one of my Instagram or uh social media platforms on Instagram uh Tick Tock uh Facebook I have to get caught up on those messages because I have been so focused on uh Titan sub coverage uh eating uh hydrating and sleeping and uh and that's basically been my life this week uh you can ask you can ask at home my wife uh that has basically been my my life this week uh so I have a lot of DMS to catch up on a lot of emails to catch up on if you want to email me directly if uh if there was a question that you wanted to pose that was not featured on one of our live streams you can email me at hey JB wfla.com news at wfla.com goes out to the powers that be hey JB wfla.com goes directly to me uh so if you depending on how you want to provide feedback or if you want to get in touch with us here at w fla uh one more time really appreciate the efforts of our YouTube moderators um our YouTube moderators uh help keep our comments section um respectful and um on point and eliminating the trolls and we appreciate their volunteer work as far as helping us out and doing what they can to make sure that our comment section is welcoming Michelle where where are they guys uh comment and uh I'll give you guys a shout out Chelsea talks a lot is uh here on YouTube uh Michelle Weidner who helps lead our moderation team does a great job make up Iraqi I see here as well team Brittany is there um our mods are just um they do this out of the kindness of their heart and because they believe in what we do here as far as interactive journalism they're some of the the biggest fans of what we do here at WFLA so they deserve a lot of credit and we and um and they are part of our team our stream team here so thank you so much to them as well this has been a very a difficult uh week of course and so what I would like to do is um I would like to end uh here with a moment of silence for um once again uh the uh the five uh passengers that were on board the Titan submersible um and I will again uh read uh their names here uh on screen and then we will be ending our streaming coverage and again you know how to communicate with me going forward whether it's by email or DM or following me on social media for when the next live stream is going to be um I'm at wfag JB on all social media platforms if you're trying to get a hold of me or you can email me at heyjb.com but I want to end out this live stream by having a moment of silence for the five passengers five passengers a father and son Duo shazada Suleiman dawood Paul Henry nargale Stockton Rush ham charting our thoughts and prayers are with their families and this is a moment of silence immemorium of them thank you for watching foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause]
Channel: WFLA News Channel 8
Views: 784,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wflatampa, wflanews, wflatampanews
Id: pagO-N4wDb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 25sec (10765 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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