LEAKED Titan Sub Transcript Shows Crew In Battle For Lives

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last week a transcript of the short message Communications Between the Ocean Gate Titan submarine and his ocean surface support vessel polar Prince was released by several tick talkers and also a Pakistani educational YouTube channel now we can't confirm its authenticity and the internet seems to be divided some people think it's authentic some people think it's fake because the regular news hasn't mentioned it yet so let's do a deep dive on this transcript and see what it tells us and we'll decide whether this is authentic or not now you guys know me as an engineer when I do these types of engineering failure analysis for you I like to base it on you know hard facts evidence photographs you know engineering reports contracts whatever building permits I'm going to give it just a little Indulgence and we'll see and I'll tell you why and the critics are going to come in here and say you shouldn't be guessing and telling people this that and the other and blah blah blah but you know what don't tell me that both you and me haven't at some point here put ourselves inside that sub and tried to figure out what was going on let our imaginations run wild this transcript comes the closest to the scenarios that I think actually happen and it seems to line up with the timestamps and everything let's take a look and let's see and you let us know in the comments what you think after seeing this so let's start at the beginning of the transcript and remember this is an unconfirmed transcript so I'm going to keep telling you this throughout this video and green will be the polar prints which is the top and the sub will be in yellow so our very first time stamp is at 752 and the top says clear for descent enjoy the ride the sub says descending Now launch sequence complete ready and the tops is all clear and then they say proceedings so at 801 a.m the Ocean Gate Titan submarine begin its descent downward towards the Titanic shipwreck and then the top side said enjoyed the dive gentlemen so next here at 819 about 20 minutes later the top side says you're 15 minutes into the dive current depth system check please and the sub reports back a minute or so later system check complete all in order all lights are green we are 756 proceeding and now this is where I added my note here that I think they're going too fast and we'll talk about that in a second this could even mean that they're at 756 meters or that they are at 75.6 meters and I doubt they're at 75.6 that would be way too shallow for the amount of time they've been on the water anyway the top side says thank you proceed and then about 34 minutes into the trip the top side says you're 30 minutes in update please and 8 34 again this is almost a minute later the sub says all systems are functioning normally we're in good shape continuing our descent as planned so it looks like everything's going fine everybody's happy but let me point something out to you here at this point this is the Titanic is at 3 800 meters and this is why I think they're going too fast The Descent time is two and a half hours to get down there that's what James Cameron has done many times and this is what it says on Ocean Gate's website so at that rate you're doing 3 800 meters divided by 2.5 hours which means you're going at 1520 meters per hour and if you put that into minutes now you divide that by 60 your average speed here should be 25.33 meters per minute so just keep that speed in mind that's how fast they should be going so when I take that last time stamp where they checked in it said that they're at 756. here's what Titan's depth should be at that point in time it should be 20 minutes in right here times 25 meters per minute which gives you 532 meters that should be their depth right now they're at 756 meters and they should not be that deep so I am concluding at this point that the Titan sub is descending too fast this is implying that this is the authentic transcript now if this was fake and somebody would just made up numbers then they might have been wrong and didn't do their math right like I did right here okay so moving on on the transcript we're now 36 minutes into the trip and the top says superb proceed and at 8 49 they say over the 45 minute Mark current depth and confirmed status now the sub replies back about two minutes later here the sub depth is at 1934 all systems stable and The Descent is continuing as planned happy crew and then the top side says excellent and then about almost 10 minutes later they say you're at the hour mark and the submarine says all is smooth and sailing here and the sub says all the smooth sailing here what I want to look at here is this 1934 depth let's do a little math check on it so here here it is again just repeated for you in the time stamp in the 1934 depth Titan's depth should be at this point in time 51 minutes times 25.33 meters per minute 1292 meters is where they should be where are they they're at 1934 meters so they're descending too fast again at this particular point in time based on my estimate and so now here at 9 15 about 15 minutes later it says you are at 75 minutes depth do you need to adjust velocity and the sub reports back all under control at 29.60 no adjustments needed we're enjoying the ride and the top says understood so now let's analyze these numbers so when I look at these numbers here here it is repeated for you 29.60 the Titans depth should be we're at 77 minutes times 25.33 meters and we end up with 1950 meters they should not be at 29 60 meters remember if these guys are basically halfway through the trip and they're already three quarters of the way down and I think here the sub is just still descending too fast now here is our first sign of trouble folks for the Titan submarine it occurs at 9 28 a.m with this message on the time stamp the sub says we're noting an alarm from the RTM and then about 20 seconds later they type in reducing velocity descent depth is at 34.33 right now so let's go take a look just real quick quickly at this and check this depth and the Titan's depth should be at this point we're 88 Minutes in so it should be 88 minutes times 25.33 meters which is 22 29 meters that should be how deep they are but instead they're at 34 33 meters they're 1200 meters deeper than expected based on all of the normal estimates based on my map and so now the Ocean Gate Titan sub is an hour early they're 400 meters from the Titanic shipwreck site and again I'm telling you that the sub is descending too fast now I showed you this in my previous video here on the Titan submarine disaster this is the scale and the distance that they probably were from the Titanic including how far off to the side because they found them about five or six hundred yards away I believe so they probably got around at this point now they would not have been able to see this because it's pitch dark down there and you can only see the Titanic once you're right up close to it and you turn your big bright lights on they ride down on the dark but this is the vantage point of where they were sitting when they had to turn around and go back up they were this close for those of you not familiar RTM stands for real-time monitoring system now Ocean Gate had boasted about this on Instagram a few years ago about how it the system would detect their Hull defects with Incredible accuracy and will before the safety of the crew is threatened and here's their post on Instagram right here and it says this real-time monitoring system samples sound waves through the hole many times per second providing incredible accuracy in allowing us to assess the health of the hull during the dive it says right here which is ironic that our extensive testing and out of many researchers over the last 20 years has shown that increased acoustic activity always occurs well before the structure fails I guess that wasn't the case here in this particular disaster what a shame so anyway now I've changed everything from the sub to be read since they are in crisis mode so now the top says understood do you need to ascend so the sub replies back with no change with thrust the rate of descent is increasing at 35 now going to release the ballast now and the top says yes agree release the ballast and the sub says no improvement preparing to jettison the frame so something's happening they've got too much weight apparently and it's not slowing them down so now they have to ditch this I believe is what they were getting rid of is the frame and the top says affirmative update when able RTM indicator status so they're asking them again to tell them what that real-time monitoring system is telling them and about almost three minutes later the sub replies back with the frame jettisoned multiple attempts needed but starting the ascent now so it looks like they're going up now and apparently from other reports that we've seen is from the reports we've seen they have to line everybody up on one side of the submersible which is strange to drop the ballast weights I don't know if they had to do the same thing here for this too but it looks like something wasn't going right at first and they it took them several tries so now the top side here is surprised when they write what you know multiple attempts what is your status RTM indicators in depth they didn't get an answer and a minute later the top side comes back again it says update please enable and then finally here's the really ominous text from the sub it says crackling sound at F and that means they back on the back side of the sub over here is where they heard some type of crackling they're not really sure where it's in the F but remember they're sitting in here and there's probably a walled off section in here that has all the equipment that they can't see because it's behind the wall and so who knows what was going on back in there and then the top side replies back with can you identify the source question mark and RTM indicators so this is probably the third or fourth time they've asked them to give the RTM indicators and the sub hasn't given that yet now the sub just writes snake so really short tertially worded same with backup here at this one you'll notice they've ditched a lot of the punctuation so that says to me that they're in some type of panic mode and they're just trying to do things as fast as they can they're just typing with few words as possible now and then again the top side asks for the RTM status about four minutes later after numerous attempts as you can see asking them and the sub finally replies back two minutes later trying to run Diagnostics ascending now but very slow sounds have subsided Global RTM alert active all red now when they say all red I don't know how many LEDs they have do they have one for every sensor he supposedly has a at least I thought I read a report somewhere that there was like 20 centuries does that mean there's 20 LED lights we don't know this does not sound good especially where it says the sounds are subsided you think oh that sounds like good news but this to me Global RTM alert active all red so that doesn't sound good I would be just shaking in my boots at this point okay so now the top side replies back with understood any codes question mark you know depth Ascent rate and they didn't get an answer back so they say updates when able please then finally the sub replies back it says slow Ascent in progress quarter predicted unclear why rate is small no indicator and they're at 34.76 so as we recall they got as low as 35 okay so pay attention to this number because here they are at 34.76 and remember so they were at 3 500 meters before they started the ascent so they've only gone it looks like about 24 or so meters here and now at 9 44 the top comes back here and it says we're talking it over with the engineer standby so they're trying to figure out why the rate of ascent is too small going up and they're probably trying to figure out what's going on with these thrusters here and so now at 9 45 11 there the top says depth and status please they want to know what's going on what's the wattage on the upwards thrust and the sub replies back here at 9 46 37 reading red on the a power bus I switched to B at 34 or 57 meters and more sounds aft so this is sounding really bad so the hearing the sounds again the a power bus has already gone out which means the battery was probably compromised or something there so they switched over to the backup which is b as you see down here so here's what is alarming to me look at their depths right here 34 57 meters about three minutes ago they were up here at 34.76 meters so the Ocean Gate Titan Submarine by this point in time has only gone about 20 meters in three minutes that's 60 feet in three minutes that's way slow so something was definitely going on looks like they were desperately losing power their power systems were failing I am wondering if somehow water leaked into the back of the now we know that a lot of experts will tell us okay if a little even a pinhole of water gets in there it's going to send like a laser beam of water in there that'll slice your arm off which is true but these guys are sitting in here and it may have started real small in there in the back as maybe a void maybe enough voids or stress on the carbon fiber would allow just enough water to start collecting in the back end there and maybe weigh things down we don't know so let us know down in the comments below what you think about that so now at 9 47 the top says understood continuous scent talking to Carlos about the power bus situation right now and then they come back about a minute later and they say we're activating recovering procedures Carlos is requesting wattage output from bus B status update please velocity of ascent and then a minute later they say top we're not receiving you update please and then another minute after that they say status and have to report so notice who's doing all of the communication here this is on the green this is the top side this is the polar Prince doing all of the talking so this is why I think by now the sub has already imploded so when do you think it imploded well if we go back to here look at this time stamp 946 37 was their last transmitted message up to the boat not even a minute later they're not getting a response so I'm going to call it at 9 47 that it probably happened right before these guys sent this message that that would be probably a reasonable time to expect that that's when it happened and remember all the news reports say that they lost contact at about 9 45 in the morning so this is not too far off the last message from the Titan submarine to the boat would be this if this is the original and authentic transcript and it says right here reading read on the a power bus I switched to B at 34 57 meters more sounds aft and from all the rest is history we know what happened there so if we look here according to these time stamps the duration of the Titan sub-disaster it started at 9 28 16 and I called it at 9 47 so it looks like the crew had nearly 19 minutes where they were in panic mode and managing the emergency so this is totally scary I have run this scenario through my brain just numerous times since day one and I kept trying to put myself in that sub and going what do you think they were going through what would I be feeling what would I be seeing and it's just so scary to know that these guys spent 20 minutes in in fear of their lives and you can bet that Stockton Rush was probably trying to calm them down going listen guys no no I've got the patent on this system here it gives us hours of notice we'll have plenty of time to get this submersible back up to the surface and we'll be having drinks in no time but of course it didn't turn out that way everybody on the Internet is arguing over whether this is an authentic transcript or not and some are saying well this wasn't released officially so this is probably fake news how do we know this is real how could anybody you have gotten their hands on it well remember the submersible Community is a very tight knit Community man and so somebody could have sent a copy to James Cameron he said he knew the day after that something was wrong he knew that they had dropped ballast he knew they were at 3 500 meters how did he know somebody probably sent him a copy of the transcript take a look at this tell us what you think you know Robert McCallum somebody might have sent it to him as well to look at you know there was a lot of people working on that boat and they could have sent it to friends and advisors to have them take a look at it and get their opinion as well so it doesn't take long for stuff to start circulating around you just never know but we'll never know for sure until the officials released the transcript later on and also make sure you binge watch the other videos that I've uploaded here on the Titanic disaster and make sure you check out some of our other disaster videos and also on this channel we cover tours of the hardware stores like Home Depot Lowe's and even Costco showing you what the latest greatest big deals are there so thank you so much for joining us today folks and we'll see all of you on the next one we have plenty more to come
Channel: jeffostroff
Views: 6,800,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: titanic, missing submarine, submarine, titan sub, titan sub photos, titan sub debris field video, titan sub debris field photos, titanic sub, breaking news, titan, oceangate, sub implosion, submarine implosion, titan submarine tour implosion, titan submarine, titan submarine news, titan transcript, titan transcript leaked, titan sub transcript, titan sub tragedy, the titanic, titanic wreck, titan submersible, stockton rush, leaked titan sub transcript, oceangate transcript
Id: 4Dj8IJbP41c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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