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I'm sure that you enjoyed on our fine dining experience at home that is very easy to do and many of you are thinking of what delicious dessert that we can partner but of course, that not can make us stress, that is easy to do, affordable, but the one who will enjoy it a lot, and it must be grandeur. So today, let's make Tiramisu. You know that Tiramisu is a classic Italian dessert. Although disclaimer, okay? What are we gonna do now is an easy version and more affordable version. So this is not 100% authentic but our love with our craft, and to the customers, and to those that we are gonna eat is 100% authentic. On this dessert, what Tiramisu means is pick me up. It's so romantic, right? When you let your special someone eat it, so this dessert means as pick me up. So you pick me up because I'm only yours. It's fantastic, right? So let's start. So first, you're going to put cream cheese. It's very important that your cream cheese is not really cold. So as you can see it, right? I cut it into cubes for you to mix it quickly. Super easy. This is 2 cups of cream cheese or 2 bars if what you're buying are those small bars. And then into this, I'm going to put powdered sugar. This is 3/4 cup of powdered sugar. This is not too sweet, we are the only sweet, right? We are the only ones who are sweet. This dessert won't make you feel fed up just like us, right? But if you want it lesser sweet, okay? You don't really like it sweet, you can make it half cup of powdered sugar. So I'm going to put the powdered sugar and then I'm just going to beat it. When there's powdered sugar, you start at low speed. Otherwise, you will be an Espasol as it will spill out into you. And then you gradually increase the speed to medium. You want to beat this until the mixture becomes really smooth. Right? The powdered sugar will break, it is going to melt. So that the mixture would really be smooth and then you can aerate your cream cheese a bit. But you don't want to overmix it because if you overbeat it, what will happen is that the consistency will be mousse-like. The texture of Tiramisu has to be in between cheesecake and a mousse. In between, right? In between the heavy cheesecake and the very light mousse. Authentic Italian recipes, they would normally use Mascarpone cheese but here, it's expensive. It's very expensive here in our place that's why cream cheese is the cheaper alternative but is still delicious. But if you have the mascarpone cheese at home, or you have access, you want to use it. It can also be though, you just use the same amount. So let's check. So there it is, it becomes smooth, right? It become smooth quickly. I can still see small lumps but this is just okay because I am going to put my cream already. But before I do that, I'll put vanilla extract first. Here, I am going to teach you. I don't buy the liquid vanilla extract anymore, what I use is the vanilla paste. You can buy this from baking supplies store because there it is, you can really see bits of vanilla. It really adds so much grandiose. That they can really see the dots of vanilla beans, although this is a bit more expensive, but the one who will eat this will love you more, right? But if you have vanilla extract, no problem. "I don't have vanilla extract". Then you don't put some. Do not stress out yourself. And then I'm going to put the cream, this is just all-purpose cream that has been chilled, okay? From the refrigerator. You just pour it there. If you are from abroad, you can't buy any all-purpose cream. Then use heavy cream, whipping cream, thickened cream. "Can I have sour cream?" If you want it to have sourness then it can also be. No problem. And then you just want to beat this until smooth. Alright, just like this. There it is, right? Oh! Nice. I don't put gelatin because you normally serve this dessert on the container itself. You don't transfer it at all so there's less fear of melting. Unlike no-bake cheesecake that we put on cheesecake molds that if you remove it on mold, there's a chance that it might melt. Because this one, we normally put it on container like this. Your neighbor might not return this to you, so you just put it on disposable container. But for today, we'll be grandeur, we are gonna put it on fancy containers or if you have date, you are to multi-task this. While having conversation with your date, you are wiping the table. If you do have a date, you can put it in here because especially with this time, right? We are not really too touchy since for safety. We don't really share in containers so you have one individually. There it is, right? Individual dessert. Fantastic. Okay, so now, your Tiramisu is ready, let us layer that already. So I have here, this is just strong coffee. How strong is the coffee? It's the reason why did your heart literally beat. It really needs to be so strong that you will be woken up by truth. There it is, right? That's how strong coffee should be, that it is going to fight for you. But of course, since with this, I use my coffee machine/coffee maker, you can also use instant coffee powder, you just blend it on water and you taste it, It should be super strong. So this is just about a cup of coffee that is strong. Okay. And then you just put some sugar, some white sugar. 1 to 2 tbsp., you can also estimate it's sweetness. There are some people, those non-coffee drinkers or those who are not allowed to consume caffeine, You can actually use decaffeinated coffee. It can also be. For some people, they actually use tea. It can be green tea or any flavoring that you personally like. If you don't like coffee, you can still make Tiramisu. And then I'm just going to put a splash of rum, you can also use other liquors. A splash yet I put a lot, right? Because it's actually delicious. But if you are not fond of alcohol, you don't like it to have alcohol. You can eliminate it. Traditionally, the alcohol that they use is marsala wine but I don't have that in my pantry. So I'm just using rum and I like the flavor. You can also use brandy. And these are broas. From San Pablo, Laguna, so there it is, right? Support Local :3 As simple as this only. So you choose the container of your choice. And then you just soak the broas, I have washed my hands, okay? And then you pile that up beneath. When you soak it, you can see that you just do it briefly. Not that too long for it will be soggy your Broas is. If you want it fancy, lady fingers. There it is, right? The lady fingers. And then you just put the layer. You cream cheese and cream layer. I'll just get an angled spatula just to level it. There it is, right? That's what I'm telling you, the vanilla, you can really see it. It's so fantastic, right? Oh! So there, it joined already. You just press it. A little bit more. Okay, and then you just get a cloth or a rubber trivet and then you just tap it like that. Just for you to make sure that it's really leveled. And then you put another layer of your lady finger. It doesn't need to be so even though. Do not be stress. When you are making this, just enjoy it. Just like me, I have a friend who is a chef too, my friend would told me: "Oh! you should use mascarpone blah blah blah". But you know what? This is where I'm happy because I am not stress. So just like that, I don't have coffee anymore so you just make some coffee. I will repeat, just like that, don't be stressed. So there it is, right? Do not be stressed. Rum A little bit of sugar. A little bit only because the alcohol already contains sugar. That coffee is still not enough, you put one more splash. Let us taste it since it seems the rum made this strong. Strong coffee, strong rum, you are also strong. Okay, and then let's continue the layering. Okay, and then you just cover it. You can just refrigerate this for 1 to 2 hours but preferably overnight. Oh God! If you are busy, you have a work to do so, you still even bought the ingredients, so you may call this Soft Style Tiramisu. There it is, right? It's really like that. If it's summer in Italy, it's hot so the Tiramisu will soften. You tap it like that. And then before you put it in the fridge, you cover it with clean wrap directly onto the surface. Let's cover it with clean wrap. Why do we wrap it with clean wrap though? For it to be not like it's cracking. I'm sure you've noticed that that sometimes the cream cracked. Oh! I took a video of it. It's because I am cheating, I don't have a finished product. So I put it on the freezer. So just to show you, right? That for example, it's Valentines already. Right? Your date suddenly texted you that: "I am going to come, Babe". Then you cook Tiramisu, it's already 4:00 in the afternoon. Your date will come at 6:00 then you freezer it, right? We find ways to make our loved ones feel extra special. They will told that: "Shouldn't you prepare with it?" "That you should prepare in advance". But how come if you are busy, right? What if you are working? What if you accept cake orders? So here, this is easier. You accepted cake orders and your date is coming already, you soak it then just put it there. Oh my! These left ones seems to make two pieces only. Soak it. You put it there. You put there. Cream Oh! The third one, let's look at it first. I'll spread it out like that so just do. There, it's only for two. Okay, it's really for two, just like the two of us. Spread it out like that. And then to make this extra special, I'm going to show you how to dress it. But I'm just gonna freezer it a bit, I will just cheat on it for a bit. I'm going to put fresh strawberries on top to make this extra special. So there! So we'll do this amazingly. So this is Strawberry Tiramisu, this is just strawberry jam that I put water a bit. You just put it in order for your strawberry to shine. Any strawberry jam. If you just want to make it fancy though. Okay, it's just like this. I just slice strawberries and then.... You just roll it like that. Right? You can make/turn simple and no-bake desserts like this into something really fabulous. Okay. And then make sure to brush it with strawberry jam or syrup because if you don't put that, the strawberries will get dry as your date comes. And then of course, the Classic Tiramisu. You just get cocoa powder. I'll just put a sheet pan and then of course, you just dust it generously. Okay. That's it. And then you may taste this already. So this one is still a bit soft as I only cheated with it but I have one in the refrigerator, right? Okay, let's try this. It's not that soft though because I put it on freezer but I have here in the fridge the one I made the other day. This is not bad for an instant Tiramisu. But if you want the perfect cut Tiramisu, you put it in the fridge. You keep it there overnight. This one is 2 days already. And see, you will get that perfect.... layering.... Something fall. It is still perfect. Right? So the choice is yours whether you have the time or you'll do it instantly, no problem. Those are both delicious. Both of those is going to make you happy. So let's taste the instant first. It's good. Let's also taste this one. More delicious. You should really serve this on Valentines because even it's just new, it's already delicious, while it last longer, it becomes more delicious. So prepare your Valentines Dessert. I won't eat that anymore since I feel bad if I'll eat that and that is for with me and my date, right? Just the two of us. So I'm going to see you all soon. Have a beautiful Valentine weekend and stay inlove and stay safe :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 525,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z4947KEzKmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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