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best for a dessert spread or dessert buffet foreign very very easy to prepare first you need to open your stove no high heat or high flame and illage young non-fat milk i'm using non-fat milk because i don't want the paste or the choux pastry to become too heavy so you put your non-fat milk and your butter so i'm going to bring this to a full boil and then you also need your flower all-purpose flour eggs and your salt contains we're using unsalted butter by the way pero as a golden rule i salted you just have to omit the salt as long as you know the basics and tama measurement ingredients while we're waiting for this to boil i have prepared here two baking pans you young baking pan para hindi do me get you and of course you also need a this is a piping bag no so your piping bag i'm i'm using disposable dahil must hygienic because of course the among the baked goods piping bag so it's always good to use disposable no of course to observe you attend nature friendly recycle [Music] now it is simmering it has to be full boiling but do not over boil it because okay all purpose flour you put the all-purpose flour hindi and then using a spoon this is a heat proof spoon you're just going to mix it until it turns into a paste of the flower you can turn off the flame okay among the french ankanilang indicator is has been elisa once you see the skin and no skin yonder oh that is what they call the skin okay so pagasina vanilla turn off the flame when you see the skin or yoon paleondiba my skin so you should achieve a mixture like this like a mashed potato adiba and then ilipatmuyansa isang malini's in a mixing bowl real time taiyo tulituloi i'm going to put one egg and then i'm going to mix it can i use a mixer yes you can the choux pastry is actually one of the foundations of french patisseries french bake shops cake shops patisserie so it's a pastry school no hindi pastry chef indica expert gumowa nang shu pastry and i remember i went to pastry school twice talagang hindi mo padding in mexico you're actually incorporating the cool air so being a balance mode you in it oh you see we're all learning that baking is really all about balance the fourth egg and you know you will discover hindi lange topan cream path fried modernity so just keep on mixing and then i put my fourth egg fifth napala and freddie manadin illagayang actually puede pero you classic talaga we just keep it uh plain and then we just put different flavors so now once it's like a paste like this neon it's now a smooth paste we can now transfer it into a piping bag okay let's clear this space let's transfer it into a piping bag before how to use the piping bag the bag does [Applause] half muna and then you push it checking the air bubbles and then you get your baking pan look but don't worry it has to be thick like this you push and then you stop and then you swirl again you push inside you stop and then you swirl you push you stop you swirl you push you stop you swirl okay that is your cream puff or your profiterole eclair you push and then you pull oops you pull push you dip your finger and then mulan yundulo parama flatten don't let name during the baking so see so these are your profiteroles these are your eclairs ibalik mossa piping bag di ba because everybody deserves a second chance so tata posing koyun pogba pipe nang aking profit rose and then i'm going to bake it in a hot oven i will indicate on the recipe young temperature and the new number of minutes and then after baking i'll show it to you space so i'm going to bake it i'm going to finish piping i'll bake it and then i'll show you after so ayanna nicely golden brown after baking it i told you so here it in my stainless casserole i'm putting some fresh milk oops you put some fresh milk this is now the creme patisserie or the pastry cream corn starch egg yolks and white sugar you can put vanilla extract if you want before i turn on the heat or the flame it did dissolve kumona young corn starch to make sure no balance and then now i'm turning on the flame medium flame with constant steering i made a ganache coating i made it by combining two cups of cream two cups of cream and three cups of bell colored dark chocolate belgian chocolate so ininit kulan so what i do i think you can cut the recipe uh into half if you want okay so pakukulen kutolunya i'm going to put in the butter and that's what we're going to do next so after cooking the pastry cream you put the butter you mix it you let it cool down paglamigna you can transfer it into your piping bag and then so look i'm i'm using a pair of seesaws and so you can inject some of the pastry cream so you get a cream puff you get your pastry cream you inject okay so you want to be generous practice you want to be generous one more pass the cream and then you inject how do you know okay so you dip it you shake it dip shake dip shake i'm going to show you what's inside i'll just get a knife and of course it's very delicious you will know um hung in okay there's enough space for you to put the feeling unsavory feeling for example you want to put chicken unlocking feeling uh guinea ling predate so and make your dessert table for the holidays extra special i'll try it classic and very good stay safe everyone
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 310,038
Rating: 4.9415126 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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