Amazing Tiramisu Masterclass | Simple but delicious recipe

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hi i'm Hanbit and i'm a pastry chef from korea  hi everybody it's Hanbit here and thanks for   waiting for this video i know that so many of  you have been waiting for my tiramisu recipe   hambit's tiramisu tiramisu is an iconic italian  dessert that everybody loves tiramisu in italian   means pick me up or cheer me up and it makes  perfect sense because tiramisu is so delicious   what's so great about a tiramisu other than  the fact that it's delicious and decadent   is that you don't need an oven so for those of you  who are watching this tutorial and don't have an   oven you can still make an amazing thermistor  using my recipe i've put in a lot of thought   into this recipe so that it's as delicious as  possible and it's as simple as possible i'm going   to take a moment to talk about the components of a  regular tiramisu and the thought that i put in in   developing my recipe you can skip this part and go  straight to making the tiramisu but i do recommend   you to stay on and cheer me out because this is  really going to help you understand the tiramisu   there are three components to a tiramisu of course  you can have more than three in other variations   but you would have at least three the first  component the bottom layer of a tiramisu would   be ladyfinger or savoy rd dipped in some sort of  coffee syrup the next layer would be the tiramisu   cream and the final layer on top would be the  cocoa powder now i'll go through the components   in a bit more detail the bottom layer you would  typically use ladyfinger or salvage already   which is essentially the same thing you can make  the ladyfingers from scratch but to be honest i   always use store-bought ones they're great and you  don't need to spend the time in making ladyfingers   well how about the coffee syrup then i would  normally recommend you to use good quality   espresso because it does make a difference it's so  much better than using instant coffee because this   is italian after all but of course if you can't  get hold of espresso you will need to resort to   instant coffee additionally because i'm a pastry  chef i always use a lot of liquor so in this case   i would use a bit of coffee liquor but that's up  to you the next layer will be the tiramisu cream   and we need to talk about cheese here i've seen  recipes using cream cheese but i'll be honest   you shouldn't not only are you not meant to  use cream cheese but taste wise you have to   use mascara and cheese it tastes so much better  than cream cheese and finally the top layer will   be cocoa powder and you would want to use high  quality cocoa powder now there are a couple of   ingredients that i paid special attention to  when i was developing this tiramisu recipe   a was the eggs b it was the gelatin now let's talk  about the eggs there are recipes out there that   use whole eggs or egg yolks only using whole eggs  would definitely give a lighter texture but using   egg yolks would give a deeper flavor i always  prefer a deeper richer flavor for a tiramisu   so i'm going to use egg yolks only the other  question is about using raw eggs the traditional   tiramisu would use a raw egg because it's easy  it's simple and it's quick if you're fine with   raw eggs and you have chickens laying fresh eggs  in your backyard then that's fine but i know   that that's not normally the case but an exception  would be if you can buy pasteurized egg yolks that   would be different you can buy them in certain  countries and yes you can do so in korea as well   and they come in cartons like milk and they're  very safe and they're clean and you can trust   them but unless you can find pasteurized egg  yolks or find fresh eggs from your backyard   i will pasteurize the eggs when making a tiramisu  now the gelatin you would have seen recipes that   use gelatin and the purpose of gelatin is just  hold your tiramisu together you need to bloom   the gelatin and you need to melt the bloom gelatin  in some sort of a solution so you would say either   heated milk heavy cream or a hot puree or some  sort it's a lot of work and if you don't get it   right you're going to get gelatin lumps inside  your tiramisu and that's not going to taste nice   and that's not going to look nice therefore  i'm not going to use the gelatin but i'm   going to use a technique in my recipe so that  your tiramisu would hold itself together here   are the ingredients for the coffee syrup obviously  espresso i'm going to extract espresso in a minute   hot water sugar coffee liquor and i'm going to  use kaloa for that and instant coffee and what   the coffee liquor instant coffee do in this case  it would intensify the overall coffee flavor and   make the coffee syrup taste better espresso  this is freshly extracted espresso hot water sugar coffee liquor regarding the coffee  liquor if you want to feel the alcohol   you can add it in after the  coffee syrup has cooled down instant coffee now it's just a  matter of mixing everything together right so that's coffee syrup done now i'm ready  to dip my baby fingers in the coffee syrup   i've got my lady fingers and the coffee syrup  whether you're using a small pan or a large pan   you need to dip the ladyfingers in the coffee  syrup and lay them down at the bottom of the   pan today i'm going to use an oval shaped carton  which is really cute but what i've realized is   that the standard sized ladyfinger doesn't  really fit inside the carton so i'm going to   cut the end and if i do i'll be able to fit two  of them in you can see that i can fit two of them now i'm going to dip my ladyfinger in the  coffee syrup the tip is to just dip it   and take it out you don't want to leave it  inside the coffee for like half a minute   because it will soak up too much of the  syrup and you won't be able to take it out just try and squish it at the bottom  you can definitely fit two inside here   another way to do this job is to lay the lady  fingers first at the bottom of the carton   and pour the coffee syrup on top of it the base is all done and i'm going to put this in  the fridge to chill while it chills down i'm going   to work on the tiramisu cream tiramisu cream the  ingredients are fairly simple obviously you need   the mascarpone cheese please use mascarpone cheese  it makes all the difference egg yolk i prefer   using egg yolk over whole eggs because it gives  a richer deeper flavor and basically i'm going to   use egg yolk water and sugar to make the pataboom  which i'm going to show you in a minute and we   have heavy cream so essentially you only need  five ingredients to make the chairmaster cream   first of all i'm going to lightly beat the  mascarpone cheese add in the heavy cream   and whip to the desired consistency after  that i'm going to work on the pate a bomb   and add that in to the whipped mascarpon  cheese and heavy cream so this is mascara   moji's out from the fridge and obviously  your heavy cream needs to be chilled as well don't beat it heavily because you're going  to add in the heavy cream and whip it anyway   just beat it lightly now the heavy cream goes in some people whip the heavy cream  separately in another bowl and   fold that into the mascara cheese but you  don't need to do that you can just add the   heavy cream into the mascarpone and whip  it all together it is so much simpler that   way and saves dishwashing now i'm going  to whip this to the desired consistency   just scrape the sides once in a while   it looks a bit thick at the moment but the  pata bomb is relatively runny so that's going   to balance it out i'm going to keep this  in the fridge while i work on the potable   right i'll work on the pat abong generally when  you say pat a bomb it's where you add hot sugar   syrup into egg yolk you whip the egg yolk while  adding the sugar syrup so that it doesn't cook   but actually get whipped into a fluffy syrupy  texture it's one of the best ways to pasteurize   the eggs however i'm going to use a slightly  different potable method today rather than making   a hot sugar from water and sugar and pour that  into the egg yolk i'm going to add these three   together and bring the temperature up to around  85 degrees celsius using a hot water bath and   the reason why i'm using this hot water bottle  potable method it's because i'm making in small   quantities the problem with sugar syrup is that if  you're using let's say 30 grams of sugar to make   a sugar syrup you will most likely lose a lot of  sugar syrup by getting them stuck to the side of   the saucepan and what that means is that not only  did you lose a lot of that hot sugar syrup meaning   it'll be less sweet than you expected but also you  won't be able to properly pasteurize your egg yolk   with the hot water bath method you don't have any  of those problems so i've got hot water in the pot   i'm going to add all these three in here egg yolk  water and sugar i'm going to bring the temperature   up to around 85 degrees celsius you need to  be careful so that the egg yolk doesn't cook   just stir constantly if you think the water is  boiling too much just feel free to turn it off   and if you feel that too much heat is coming  up then feel free to take it on off on off great now my age looks are  pasteurized and they're safe   you look here you can see that there's minimal  loss compared to the syrup catabol method   now i'm going to whip this  to get a thick syrupy texture   perfect so this has lightened up and it's become  thick as well look at the color it's turned kind   of beige light yellow color because air has  been incorporated plus the temperature has   dropped to around 23 24 degrees celsius  which is perfect the pata bomb goes in i'm going to fold in the pad above you can also use a hand mixer  if you wish it makes it easier now what do you think of this consistency   you can see that it's too soft so you just need  to whip it again and thicken it it's as simple as   that this cream contains heavy cream and quite  a lot of heavy cream so if you whip it it will   be whipped and it will become thick obviously  you shouldn't over do it and make it too thick you do need to care about the thickness of  the cream because you're not going to add   in any gelatin in this recipe so you do  have to whip it to a certain consistency great that is definitely  thicker than it was previously   and that is the consistency that i'm looking for into the piping bag now it's just a matter of thoroughly  piping on top of the ladyfinger i'm going to tap it against the mat to flatten it  out what the tapping does is it not only flattens   the surface but it also releases the air  bubbles that are trapped inside by the way   if you want a really smooth surface then you  can smooth it out using a teaspoon or spatula great we're almost done i'm now going to put this  in the fridge leave it there to set completely   now here's my tiramisu that's  completely set and i'm going to   dust cocoa powder on top plus a bit of decoration and now i'm going to decorate  it to make it look nice my logo goes in and a bit of green to bring it to life it's time to try my amazing tiramisu wow look at that look at the ladyfinger  dipped in espresso coffee syrup   and the mask bone cream with cocoa powder on top i'm lost for words   how do you serve tiramisu you need  to store the tiramisu in the fridge   and you're meant to dust the cocoa  powder just before serving however   there are situations where you need to complete  your tiramisu including the cocoa powder   and store that the problem here is that the cocoa  powder absorbs the moisture from the mascarpone   cream below so really you can't prepare this in  advance but you need to dust the cocoa powder   just before serving so theoretically you  can't prepare a perfect tiramisu in advance   but i have a tip that i'm going to share with you  that will get around this problem the secret is in   the snow sugar snow sugar is a non-melting sugar  powder it's great for a tiramisu but you can use   it anywhere on desserts where you don't want  your sugar powder to melt first i'm going to   dust the snow sugar over the tiramisu i'm going to  dust it as much as i would dust the cocoa powder and now i'm going to dust the cocoa  powder on top of the snow sugar the snow sugar is a protective layer between  the cocoa powder and the musk bone cream and   therefore you can prepare a complete deterioration  in advance and you'll be fine hope you've enjoyed   this tutorial on the tiramisu i've tried to  be as detailed as possible in my explanations   of the ingredients and the process and that's  why i've called this the tiramisu master class   as long as you follow it step by step tiramisu  is definitely a doable dessert you don't even   need an oven so extremely light in terms of the  equipment you need so please try it and impress   your families and friends i'll come up with other  ideas regarding the tiramisu in terms of different   recipes or different designs for example the  tiramisu we made today was a tiramisu made in a   pan however you can alter the design and turn this  into a format of a plated dessert anyway i'll come   up with other ideas for the tiramisu and make  another tutorial until then thank you very much
Channel: Hanbit Cho
Views: 1,533,778
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Id: wtt60PcEWX4
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Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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