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[Music] so here is another recipe that requires no oven but ultimately bongang bonga this is prep cake you need a lot of patience and a lot of love kappa gaga in dahil [Music] you need cake flour this is cake flour i'm sifting my dry ingredients cake flour this is salt fine salt and this is white sugar so you just sift them all together [Music] no so i'm sifting it once smoothness is because you're going to mix it thoroughly anyway so you sift it twice [Music] and then you put your eggs i have your six pieces of eggs put it there and then using a wire whisk you just mix the eggs with your dry ingredients and leguan mononcontin fresh meal continue the purpose of putting or adding the wet ingredients gradually is you want to turn it into a smooth paste para mas mabilisma basalt yumanga lumps duns uh dry ingredients small it's a flower you see pakistan just like this see so once it's now very smooth don't worry about over mix don't worry because you are using cake flour yeah so pak smoothness smoothness and then i have here my butter i need to melt this but what i'm going to do so you melt the butter here in your can [Music] don't worry about that [Music] then you just mix it already is ready now so you just mix it and then you will see this is your crepe batter it's really thin [Music] so just to show you know if you want to get the actual size of the cake you will not measure the size of the pan naganito so so you will come up with an eight inch pan so i'm using a mass flex non-stick pan eight inch limb okay so ibalik musa and then i have here a measuring cup this is one fourth cup but you will be needing less than one for it so one fourth remember when you are preparing crepes you don't want it very thick there is perfect balance between the crepe the filling and whatever fruits you are putting first [Music] batter less than one-fourth cup it's a nine o'clock position nine o'clock position and then you swirl it and then you shake it oh nine o'clock position and then you swirl and then you shake i shift [Music] don't worry i and then using your uh two hands a lift mulan very very simple [Music] adi bar then you lift again [Music] one more make sure it's [Music] [Applause] lift [Music] spreading chocolate sauce strawberry jam powdered sugar so i'm going to continue cooking this 25 layers at least 25 layers and then i'm going to show you next so here i'm whipping some cream this is just whipped cream manila [Music] gold perfect even the consistency is perfect so now [Music] [Music] summer [Music] and then you just put powdered sugar and more strawberries [Music] you can even put chocolate sauce [Music] [Music] it's so good it's not too sweet very natural and atheistic is the crab the cream and the fruits chocolate sauce because i want to savor the natural flavors now next if you want to turn it into a cake the first thing that you would need is a cake board or a cake platter kung san mugust young crab cake mo and then i'm going to show you how to do mangoes i have here fresh mangoes that i've sliced thinly la la so you just put some mango jam [Music] just put it back it is to improve the sweetness of the mangoes because it means depend this season and also just in case you freezer young crab cake more by putting the mango jam young [Music] remember you will be preparing so many layers at least 25 so 25 nakreps my whipped cream my mangoes so totally 50 layers yeah including the feeling okay secondly [Music] you can do green tea you can do mocha or diba you can do black forest crab cake powder crab butter two tablespoons of cocoa powder or instant coffee powder to turn it into a mocha crepe or you know sparrow shall tiramisu layer crepe cake [Music] another layer of whipped cream [Music] yeah little mulan yandhi ba actually hindi samahira once you see the finished product [Music] [Applause] so this is my last layer kumeron kang matityaran crab you just put this on a plate and then cling it up tata so this has to go inside the fridge no for at least six hours bagu musha hua in so of course in the wedding well unfinished prada wanna coca-cola i have one that i've made strawberry and then this is the mango strawberry strawberry puree or strawberry jam jung pinaka whipped cream so now i'm slicing fresh mangoes and this is how you properly take it out from the uh balat so honey you use a goblet or so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] and then you just cut it into thin slices [Music] using the knife threading at the end also and then balance it and then you you slide it like that audib on five star hotel [Applause] thin slices [Applause] and just put it there to show you the different uh ways to decorate it and then it's apparently [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign yeah and then of course you can thank me my team look how nice you can brush it with mango jam and then here we have the strawberry flavor chef strawberry don't worry mama [Music] [Music] [Music] so you slice it using a sharp knife and i want to show you the inside the back [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] and then let's slice one more let's slice [Music] strawberry [Music] so let's try first the mango so once it's perfectly chilled [Music] hindi you know it's it's so good let's try the strawberry strawberry [Music] mmm it's also good but personally mangoes [Music] you have all the ingredients in your pantry [Music] cheers and i'll see you soon [Music] do you
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 444,431
Rating: 4.9387755 out of 5
Id: dJzN77ipFjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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