How To Blur ANYTHING in DaVinci Resolve 17 - Resolve Basics Tutorial for Beginners

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hi my name is casey ferris and this is a video about resolve the computer program and how to blur anything see look blurry face but it's not like that you know that song about if you have a blurry face it's not like that it's different probably here's how to blur anything all right so here i am in resolve 17 and we have a couple clips here some industrial things these are from our friends over at awesome stock footage website check them out in the description and let's say we want to blur some of the faces of these warehouse workers maybe we want to blur a couple signs that kind of thing well i'm going to teach you how to blur all of that so it's tempting if you want to blur something because it kind of seems like you know one of the fancy compositing sort of things to do that in the fusion page and you can you can blur things in the fusion page but i've got to tell you if you're just doing like blurring things for a documentary something like that just trying to get rid of logos and faces and stuff it's way easier to do in the color page so let's switch over to the color page i'll just click on color and even if you're not super familiar with the color page this should be pretty simple i think so i'm going to go to our first shot here and let's say we want to blur this lady's face and make sure that we don't see who she is so in the color page the first thing we're going to do is add a node that we can blur so up here in the right hand corner i'm going to right click on this node and go to add node add serial and this is going to be our blur node i'll right click and say node label and we'll call this blur so we know what we're doing now in the color page down here in the color palettes the fourth one from the right this little teardrop thing click on that this is our blur palette and this is actually how you blur and sharpen and it looks like there's a bunch of controls but really all you need to worry about is this radius control and these are all locked together so you can just push up the radius and it blurs things if you take it down then it sharpens things so this is a great way to blur and sharpen stuff really really easy and the general workflow here is that we can blur everything in this node and we can use a window to limit what is blurred so a window is kind of like a mask it basically just says all right whatever's happening in this node just do it inside of a shape and so if we click on this little ellipse here and go over to the windows palette and i'll just click on this and that will add a circle window and now i can grab this window and move it around and wherever this window is that's what's blurred right and the cool thing about using a window is that you can track a window check this out if i have this window on something like this and i go down to our tracker palette which is to the right of our windows palette i can hit this little play button and look what happens it tracks the motion under the window and i can play it backwards track it back the other way and it does a really really good job it's pretty rare that you have any trouble with this tracker it's really really good that's the general idea is you select something with the window like this and you go down to the tracker palette and you track it forwards and backwards and you track it all the way through if i turn off my overlay here you can see we have that sign blurred out right we can go back to our blur palette and i'm just going to roll up with the scroll wheel until this is blurred to where you can't see it and of course we could grab this window and soften that out a little bit so that it doesn't have that kind of harsh edge on it and that's the cool thing too is once you've tracked a window you can adjust the size and even the position and the rotation and everything of it and it will just move relative to the track so if i move this off right here it's going to stay here but it's going to kind of position itself based on that track so that's really nice because if something goes off screen you can just track something that moves the same and you can track it all the way off screen really really easily so we can leave that there now we have our blurry sign but we weren't tracking the sign we were tracking the face so what i'll do is just grab this and let's try and track her face shall we in fact i'm going to reset our window and let's just see what happens when we just put this right on her face and we track this it does a pretty good job it moves around a little bit it's probably not the worst and let's track it backwards pretty good pretty good for the most part so what we can do is make this a little bit bigger soften it out a little and there we have a blurred face and we've done what we're supposed to do blurryface totally works so that's tracking a face let's get a little more detailed so let's say that we don't like these logos these hot whatever it says jude hi rick we don't like that we want to blur everything out that says that there's three things that say that on this forklift but we're going to work a little faster so i'm going to give you some keyboard shortcuts let's say alt s that makes a new serial node up here in the nodes and we'll call this blur one and let's go kind of towards the middle and let's start with this back logo here and we'll just put a window around it i won't even worry about blurring it right now we're just going to track it here's our window and another shortcut is ctrl t to track forward and you can hit alt t to track backwards so let's hit ctrl t see how we're doing oh baby all right so that was okay i think what might be a little better is just to make this a little bigger because remember we can adjust this later and this tracker will actually kind of track the plane here so it will kind of rotate this in 3d if we do this right so hit ctrl t yeah see how it's actually kind of moving that in 3d space now very nice that's like exactly look at that silliness what kind of freaking software tracks that way you know what i'm saying anyway i mean come on [Laughter] we're spoiled kids that's what i'm saying all right so now that this is tracked nicely let's just put this on here we'll see how that stays it's pretty good for the most part but here's the cool part is that track does like most of the work for us but we can actually refine this and kind of animate it throughout the shot so right here we want this to be right about here let's go ahead and add our blur maybe we'll soften this out a little bit but if we go over to our tracker panel right now the mode that we're using is clip and if we switch it to frame what this will do is basically add a keyframe if we move stuff around so i'm just going to move this around a touch make sure that's where we want it to be go to the end make sure that's where we want it to be kind of hard to tell but something like that then we can kind of move to you know three quarters through our shot and adjust this to be just right same thing one quarter into our shot adjust this to be just right and kind of go in between things and make sure that it's in exactly the right place and this is a lot less work than keyframing it ourselves and now let's play through this and see how it goes it's pretty well tracked man man i knew it was gonna do that and i'm still impressed it's crazy yeah so that's not really a problem that's great so yeah if you do need to refine things you can just switch to frame mode and move it around one thing you generally want to do before you do that is make sure that you have it ninety percent there on clip mode because if you don't then you're just going to be doing a lot more work okay so let's do this again i'll make another serial node i'll hit alt s and we'll call this blur 2 and let's blur this little part here same thing we'll grab a circle window and again i'm going to track it a little bigger than we probably need to hit alt t and then ctrl t to track this and then we're going to fly over this this should be horrible control t yep and then it loses the track as it goes off the screen but check this out this is what's really cool because it will still keep the relative movement even if we're not tracking exactly what we want to track we can actually just move this up right here and just track this part and there we're done with the track it's completely done but now if we move this back down and adjust it that kind of thing then throughout this shot it will still stay on that and it'll even go off screen and by the time that we don't need it anymore we can just kind of get rid of this i'll show you how to do that in a second but let's go through and make sure that the track is good first so i'm going to just adjust this to be right around that logo and blur it a lot and like that we'll see how this looks throughout the shot looks good so far looks good looks good looks good that's the nice thing about having a soft window with the blur is you have a lot of wiggle room that's about where it starts looking weird but right about there we don't need it anymore anyway so we actually don't really need to go into the frames in our tracker what we can do is just kind of fade this node out so the easiest way to do that is with the key palette that's down here it's the third one from the right key and key output gain this is basically the strength of this node so anything that we're doing in this color node this is like the opacity of it okay and we're in corrector three so what we can do is go over to corrector three here in our keyframes and click on this little automatic keyframe diamond right there this is right where we want this to stop being around right there and then anything that we want to animate here all we have to do is just kind of touch it so i'll go here to key output gain and i'll just kind of wiggle that for a second and that adds a keyframe right here so now we can go back a little bit to where we want this to definitely be full something like this maybe and we can touch that gain again make sure that's at one so we have two key frames now the first is at one and if we go to this next keyframe here make sure i'm right on the frame we can grab this key output gain and just push it all the way down so that's just going to fade this out so now as we go back we can see that blur just kind of fades out and isn't the thing anymore so we have blurry logo i could probably move this over just a touch make it a little wider and then as we kind of go up it just fades out so let's see how that looks in the shot there's our blurry logo it's looking good and it does come off just a little bit here it's kind of a question of how much do you care i mean you can see that there's a logo a little more but you can't read it so you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna move on you can spend some more time messing with it if you want to and then we're basically gonna do kind of the opposite here on this side so let's do another serial node right click and we'll call this blur three and same thing we'll just grab like the whole side of this forklift like this and i'll hit alt t to track it backwards and you notice i started that track when we can see that best you don't want to start a track from here because it won't be able to grab on to anything very well it'll be a bad track all right so that's gone so for the most part that looks pretty good we'll start fading it out right there go over to our keyframes i'll make sure to uncheck corrector three i'll check corrector four i'll go over to key output gain here it's going to be zero we'll move forward a couple frames and then we want it to be blurry there for sure and maybe like here and we'll take this gain and say one and now if we blur this blur the junk out of it and make our window just a little smaller it does a really good job there we go again there's maybe a little bit of trouble there so we can push this down a touch see how that goes then it just gets rid of it right there so we might need to adjust this a little bit in the track so we'll go over to the tracker and here we'll click to frame move this over go this way move this up a little bit move this up a touch yeah looks good so now we've tracked all of these logos and blurred them all on this forklift let's take a look at this butte see oh we forgot this logo look at that but you get the idea you blur that the same way okay we'll blur this logo too you just make me so mad let's go we're to do the same thing ctrl t alright by that point it's fine alt t track it backwards all right and then we'll make this nice and blurry see how that goes go over to our tracker and go to frame mode this looks good here move this forward and by this point we're going to fade that out so corrector five let's take key output gain to zero then we'll come back a few frames and we'll call this one boop turn off our auto keyframe and just adjust it a little bit right pretty good not too bad not too bad all right then we got to do this side which is the same thing new serial node track it backwards and we'll just keep going until it's done looks good again this is where we'll take our gain down and we'll come back a couple frames i'll turn it all the way up turn off our auto keyframe and now let's turn up our blur make sure everything looks nice switch to frame mode this looks good right here then we'll move over a little bit because this needs to be changed just a touch and there we have this side blurred as well look at that look at that blurriness so good ain't nobody gonna know who makes this forklift awesome see told you one of my favorite tricks is if if you just have your hand up like this right and you go we're number one we're number one but if you then you blur it it looks like you're saying something not very nice i don't know i'm a child here's here's more videos on davinci resolve right there if you like davinci resolve then that's a good place to to click on stupid
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 212,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Blur ANYTHING in DaVinci Resolve 17 - Resolve Basics Tutorial for Beginners, blur footage, how to, resolve 17, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, blur anything, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, how to use davinci resolve 17, da vinci resolve, resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve 17 for beginners, how to use davinci resolve editing software, free video editor no watermark
Id: VUZXgQWule4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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