Tiny Texas Houses' "Willy Wonka" on making magic reusing wood
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Channel: Kirsten Dirksen
Views: 1,697,460
Rating: 4.8794532 out of 5
Keywords: tiny home, small space, small home, tiny house, home size, simple living, simplicity, retractable furniture, built-in furniture, space-making furniture, space-saving furniture, fold away furniture, small space furniture, small house movement, salvaged materials, found materials, recycled materials, salvaged building materials, tiny texas houses, brad kittel
Id: iWGa7qyGO8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 46sec (3646 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 16 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I've only had a chance to watch the first 10 minutes of this but this guy is doing great things. I'd like to hear him on the podcast.
He reminds me of Sambo Mockbee, who used all sorts of unwanted materials to build with. A couple of my favorites were walls made of used tires packed with mud and cemented, and a roof on a building made of a series of overlapped car door windows.
Joey Diaz on Micro Houses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxXoRtRr3WE
Wow, I'm home sick and just watched this whole thing. About halfway thru he shows a hole he dug like 40' deep, which shows layers of volcanic ash, top soil with roots from 450 million years ago, lime stone and a water well that's 10' deep and 65 degrees. Yall gotta watch it.
Why do you get a big house? CUZ YA GETTIN PAID BITCH!
would be great in warmer climates. not so sure how it would hold up in sub zero regions plus the weight of snow.
I love this documentary, and the rest of the stuff on this YouTube channel is gold.
The part with the antique door's red stained glass was really compelling. We literally throw away gold.
I know nothing about anything.
I wanted waaaay too much of that. A while his work and concepts are great, that dude is absolutely certifiable.