Dryland-harvesting home gathers sun, rain, food, & more
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Channel: Kirsten Dirksen
Views: 998,097
Rating: 4.9420872 out of 5
Keywords: Rainwater harvesting, rainwater capture, Greywater, graywater, native vegetation, native trees, local food, composting toilet, passive solar, solar hot water, watershed, drought, brad lancaster, tucson, arizona, living laboratory, tiny house, small home, converted garage home, garage home, simple living, backyard garden, solar oven, street trees, mesquite, saguaro cactus, sonora desert, cactus fruit, desert food, self sufficiency, dryland, dryland harvesting
Id: KcAMXm9zITg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 13sec (3133 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Wow he is a great teacher; really explaining everything very well! Like the part on the rainwater catchment n the house.
Watching more of it, that guys planning is absolutely incredible. Everything is used so incredibly well. I dream of building what this man did in my lifetime. Incredible.
Especially the "humanure" part is fascinating. I always read that manure is ultimately a bad idea for edibles because of infection risks - it's very interesting how many conflicting opinions are there on this
When I see these amazing homes, I always wonder how they were able to get the massive initial investment you need to build a home like that. (because I want to do the same in the future :P)
That was awesome, thank you. This guy is fantastic with lots of energy, even though he does speak rather silly like he's telling a joke to a small child lol
Funny that just today, my mother was just discussing the sad state of increasing desert in that region and here is the solution! I'm inspired, thanks again for sharing.