Tiny Epic Zombies Gameplay Runthrough

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hey everybody today your Auto runs through tiny epic zombies which is the latest in the tiny epic line of games I'm to be doing a two-player run through today because it's on Kickstarter right now and you might be deciding whether you want to back it or not although before I get going I strongly recommend you turn your subtitles on to the Klingon channel so that when I make rules goose you'll know what they are KB done so then welcome to the tiny epic zombie apocalypse and where better to ride that out then at the mall of course um now this game has a ton of setup variability the mall itself is comprised of all these different stores with different powers in them to get kind of scattered around randomly around this central courtyard which is where we're hiding out trying to stay alive so that randomizes every time you play but also every time you play you have three different objectives you're trying to complete in this game we're trying to assemble an arsenal discover a cure and fix the helicopter but in another game there might have been different options like escape them all or save stranded survivors or call the CDC and as if the mall and the objectives weren't enough were also different characters we can play us we could have I at this game will be the athlete who is fast as lightning Jen will be the teenager who's got a sugar rush but we could have also been the doctor or the scientist or the teacher or the greaser and now here's interesting thing about the human characters in this game if they die while we're playing and controlling them trying to survive and complete our objectives the the heroes become zombies the greaser player becomes a greaser zombie which makes the zombie horde that much more powerful now it's part of setup the zombies did have one special power and this one they're the greaser zombie which means that zombies basically can skip rooms that have these little gears on them because he's a gearhead he's a greaser which means they can spread that much faster and make it to our courtyard so that's the danger they cause the doctor zombie you know would have been a would have been a different special effect we'd have to worry about but anyway so it's the athlete and the teacher going up against the greaser zombie but there's still more variability because there's different ways you can play this game now I'm gonna be doing it fully cooperative Jen and I survived together or we lose we lose if we run out of lives and it's standard difficulty we've got two extra lives which means if our characters die and become zombies we can become a new character and we lose a life and then we lose a second life and so on uh-hum to it we can play full co-op or we can play competitive where instead of doing the team scenario for assembling an Arsenal where we're working together to try to gather weapons and ammo see we have to deposit three weapons in thirteen ammo to complete this objective we have to complete all three of them to win in coop in competitive we play the leader scenario where everybody is trying to basically be the best leader so because there can only be one winner and then the rules change but today we're playing fully cooperative instead of you know competitive friendly competitive is still competitive but there's a third way you can play where it's one versus all where all the players are humans running around on either cooperatively or competitively fighting or you know trying to complete these objectives but one player controls the zombies and that makes the game much much much more challenging for the human players because if the zombies have a smart intelligent player behind them instead of just kind of stumbling around following the the basic rules they it can be very very scary but today I'm not doing that I'm just playing co-op me and Jen versus the game control which is running the greaser zombie right so that's it we're set up ready to go let's go on ahead and zoom in a little bit so you can see them all a little bit better so that's where all the action is now here we are in the courtyard I'm the green player Jen's the blue player the courtyard has a barricade of two value if zombies break in they the barricade starts falling if it goes all the way down then we lose one of our lives and it resets so we can lose this game if we run out of lives or if we run out of time this is a timer deck full of all kinds of good stuff we can find when searching but if this deck runs out that triggers the end of the game and if we haven't completed the objectives we lose that way we win if we complete these objectives so what am I trying to do we need to search around and find weapons we need to find three weapons and put them in our cache here which is painful because normally if we find those weapons we want to use them because at the beginning of the game every character starts with a knife and a pistol just bog-standard stuff but getting cool upgraded weapons that can make a huge difference but in this game we're going to be giving those up to put them into cash also as we find ammo we'll be depositing that in the cache too which means we can't use our pistols as much as we would like right also we have to discover the cure you'll notice in every one of the rooms there's one of these little cure icons that have been placed randomly we have to go around and search them and check all them because we have to discover the cure we have to collect these in a specific order an A and then a B and then a C and then a DD C ba we have to find them in that order so if I come over here and check this out and it turns out to be a C well it doesn't do me any good and so I'll know there's a C here and that'll help me later on but I still got to find an A first and the other thing fixing the helicopter we have to find for helicopter pieces and bring them back to the courtyard the first helicopter piece is over here in the craft store you can see there's the number one gear the after we get this and return it then the next piece will be wherever number two is over here at the game store so we'll have to come over here get this bring it back and then we put the gear over here to indicate that it's in this room and so on so let's see here is there anything else or oh as part of setup I was supposed to put all the zombies on it looks like I missed one got a zombie zombie zombie zombie zombie zombie zombie I didn't put one here and so normally zombies come in to the entrance of the room which is where this big you know they they come from outside and they come into the entrance and then from there they can spread through the store and then into adjacent stores and ultimately into our courtyard but there's interesting thing the greaser zombies special power is whenever you're adding zombies if it's a if it goes to a rumor there's a gear icon they skip that one and go to the next room unless there's a player guarding that room so this is a room that has a gear normally as part of set off I put it in this room which is room number one of the game store but we're gonna skip that and put it directly into room number two in this game the game store is gonna fill up faster than normal because it effectively only has two rooms for instead of three rooms that the zombies fill up and the same is true for over here you can see that's why this zombie isn't here at the entrance the craft store he's in the next room of the craft store and let's see oh yeah and you know there this room they don't spawn and they spawn in the next base and the same for over here this guy would have been in the entrance of the electronics store but instead he's one up so the greaser is putting a bit more pressure on us right from the get-go because those zombies get a little leg up on those gear spots right that's the setup folks that's our situation wish me luck let's get running because this is a fast-paced game where players on your turn you get to make three moves you move and then you you fight a single zombie if you can and then you interact with wherever you are then you move again fight a single zombie and then interact and then move again so you can move three times it's always move fight a zombie and interact and then move fight zombie interact so an ideal round has you killing three zombies interacting three times and moving three times that's in a perfect world but it doesn't always work out that well - sometimes the zombies fight back although there's one more thing as part of setup so we have this deck of stuff these are search cards each of us has one of these search cards so there's mine and there's Jen's at the end of our turn we will reveal what we have found we will search wherever we are and will reveal what that what that is and it'll be a cool item or maybe a weapon that will help us in a future term so we got these randomly now the main - if we were playing against a human put we basically in the cooperative game we just drew randomly but so we know we don't know what we're gonna get but if a player we're controlling the zombie the player would actually have a hand of cards and would choose who gets which one um so that he could actively try to set traps because these searches can be really big boons but they can also be very very dangerous and so when you have a human instead of just getting them randomly when you have a human player hanging out saying mmm this is the perfect card for Jen cuz I know where she's gonna go and if she does well I think she's gonna do I'll lay a trap for her hahaha and there's all those kinds of mind games and you have then the the human player saying you know what I think you think I'm going to go to the game store but I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna go else so you get all these mind games but in a co-op game you're just playing against you know blind draw so we've got our search cards we're ready to start running I'm the first player now my special power is if I start in a room with no zombies which is certainly the case here in the courtyard my first move can cover two spaces instead of one but then the rest of my turn I only move one space when I move so what I want to do I want to get out of this courtyard and find the cure and you find some weapons and fix the helicopter so this craft store is a really good room to go to because there's three things in here there is the first piece of the helicopter there is one of the potential pieces of the cure and there is a supply crate if we pick up the supply crate and bring it back it will increase the strength of our what do you call it our I can't think of the word our barricades plus we'll get to draw a bonus item that we don't have to search for we'll just automatically have it so I think this is a good room I'm gonna rush out and go to the craft remember I get to move three times normally I would go one two and then I'd find myself in this room and fight the zombie and then I'd have a third I could go but because I'm fast as lightning my first move I can move two spaces instead of one because there's a zombies around so I'm gonna go one I move two spaces and boom I find myself in the room with the zombie and I'm gonna have to fight it whenever you move into a room of a store a card is called a store the and each store has three rooms in it and by the way I should say it's interesting thing about the movement um you can always go from one room to another if they've got a wall adjoining them doesn't matter whether there's a doorway or like some rubble you can always move like if I was in this room I can move over here you might the coats because we're going through this trouble but if I was in this room I could go over here or over here because they're considered to be adjacent you'd uh the anywhere where you see doors or rubble those are just the mattock you can um you know from here I can move to this room to this room I can move back to the courtyard I can move here or I can move here because this room is connected to a bunch of different stuff anyway I moved over here my first move I moved one and now I'm gonna fight that Zomba okay and so to do it when you fight melee you have to roll the die because they might hurt you you might lose one two hit points which would be bad if because remember if we die then we join the zombie horde and we lose one of our lives so because I'm in here with him I have to fight in which means I roll now what I want to do if I roll this it means I beat the zombie and no penalty happened but if I roll this I beat the zombie and I get an overcharge or a surge or something like that which means I get to make another move for free normally you get to make three moves on your turn if I get this surge I'll make four moves on this turn so let's give it a try let's see what happens when I moved in this room and fought the zombie and oh my gosh that was the worst thing yeah there's only a one in six chance of this happening that I got hit twice so let's come back over to my card and boom boom I've just lost two health now there's an interesting thing about the way health and ammo works on our cards let's look at this a little bit more closely I started fully healed up and with nine rounds of ammo this athlete my character will die if ever as I'm getting it losing health but I'm also shooting ammo and losing ammo either by shooting or in this game by giving the ammo up for the cash if these two tokens ever overlap that's when I die it'd be a case here where hey you know what I'm still fairly healthy but I don't have enough ammo to survive so I die umm whereas if they overlapped over here it's like okay I've still got a lot of ammo but I'm almost dead I'm probably gonna die if these two tokens ever overlap that's it for you and I just moved over to so and every time I shoot a gun I'm gonna get weaker and weaker so that's what I got a ammo conversion is an important element to bear in mind run out of ammo you're gonna die run out of life you're gonna die or run out of both you're gonna die anyway so I I i did kill this zombie you will always kill a zombie whenever you engage them but in this case bad luck i didn't work out very well for me so remember on your turn the order is you do this three times move fight interact and then so i've moved i fought and now i can interact i am in this room where i could pick up supplies so i will go in ahead and interact and i'll pick up these supplies yay i'll put them on my card and it reminds me right here most of the rules for the game are actually on these cards if i take these supplies back to the courtyard we will reinforce our barricades which is a good thing but anyway that was all my first move this game you do a lot on a turn I'm gonna make another move now I can't stand still you're always moving so for my second move I will come here and um now there's no zombie in the room with me so I don't have to fight like I did when I was in this room but I can if I want if there's a nizam be in adjacent room over I'm in the craft store over here in the game store there's a zombie in this room and remember because they've got adjoining walls this room is considered from this room I could go into this room or this room and I know I don't want to walk in here and fight this guy and take more hit points lose more hit points cuz I'm such a terrible roller but what I do want to do is shoot at him with my gun so I've moved and now I don't fight somebody where I am but I'll shoot at somebody adjacent to me I'll shoot at him which means I use up one bullet so I'm getting closer to death but this guy is gone the nice thing about using bullets you never run the risk of taking damage the bad thing is you're running out of bullets anyway I killed him and um so I've moved I fought it was an awful fight but I fought and now I will interact which is I'll pick up the first helicopter part hurray I'm carrying a bunch of stuff here oh wait oh wait oh wait no no no no no I forgot I can pick up that crate at the end of a move but it the helicopter is special these parts if I recall correctly I mean look I think it has to be at the end of your turn alright gameplay if you end your turn in a room so if I want to pick up this part I can't take mine through I'll have to skip my third action to pick up this part that's not great oh you know what I'll do instead I've got okay I've got a better plan I've got a better plan put this guy back here so I I did my fast move thought a guy got beat up my second move I'll move to this room and I will use that bullet to shoot this guy in the adjacent room so I shot the guy in the food court the little zombie is gone gray and now remember it's move fight and then interact I'll interact with this science sample here and if it's a letter A it'll be the first step towards finding a cure oh my gosh it is how awesome is that that well that makes up for the bad role I gone ahead and I put this right here on step eight now we're looking for a step B I've got a two in seven chance cuz two of the remaining samples are bees wow that was really lucky alright suing so I moved I fought I don't if it's a range it's optional but I often to fight all you gave up a bullet shot that guy and then I interacted now for my third move which means I'm gonna end my turn in this room I'll come in here I'll shoot this guy I'll just get rid of him which means I'm burning through ammo fast which is not necessarily smart cuz this guy's not bother anybody but I'll shoot him anyway and now after I'm done fighting I'll interact in this room I'll pick up the helicopter which I can because I ended my turn here I didn't need to move I ended my turn so that was a very good I killed three zombies I got some supplies and I got a weapon crate and now at the end of my turn I have to search remember how to be in the game either random luck drawn from the from the timer card or the evil zombie player gave me this and now I have to find out what it is boom it's a crowbar okay okay and I got lucky now here's the thing look this is a weapon that we can pick up and we can use it'll help us after melee attacking your next move maybe oh you can basically with a crowbar you can jump from one side of the map to the other that's very very cool but if I get this crowbar chances are I'm just gonna go on ahead and submit it to the weapons cache so we've got one of the three weapons we need anyone so I've got this crowbar but I don't have it now I have excuse me I have found it which means it will lie on the table just outside of this room and on a future turn I searched and I found about I haven't picked it up yet on a future turn me or somebody else can come into this store from any of these spaces and pick up that crowbar so I found it next turn I'll probably grab it before I head back into the courtyard but there's something else that this says where zombies spread they spread in the two purple rooms which in this game that means over here in the game store and over here in the parking garage and so that means if there were a Hume player controlling the zombie that gives him access to those rooms now the automatic player and so the human player the human player gets to make zombies move around and gets to spawn zombies he could spawn one in each or he could spawn two in both and but the dummy player always just works that says hey it was a purple so put a zombie in the entry room so put one over here but this room is full there's already a zombie here so the next one comes here to the second room and now we put one over here in the game store and I would put it here in the entrance we remember there's a gear the greaser says they skip gears so it comes over here so the guy I killed he's just you know there's another zombie who just walked in now here's the thing if I hadn't killed this zombie then this guy would have moved to the third space and now this room would be considered full and if this room ever tries to spawn zombies again the zombies will spawn in this room instead and so this room will start filling up once this room is filled up if once any of the north south east or west rooms are filled up if more zombies would spawn there they'd come right in here and smash through our barricades so that's why I even though I didn't need to kill this guy cuz it wasn't barn anybody if I hadn't killed him we this room and now be full of zombies but since I did a new one spawn there now here's the interesting thing if I had ended my turn in any of the rooms in the game store annual and then I did my search because the room I'm in matches the spawn place for the zombies yep that would mean I have made noise and that's when the human player would get to use one of his cool special powers that level up over the course of the game now the the AI player basically what that means is if I didn't my turn here and then I'd search and I found a crowbar in here which means I could pick it up next turn because I made noise because where I am matches the spawning instead of spawning one zombie Neves these rooms I would have spawned two and we would be that much closer to having zombies kind of roll into our main room but it was lucky basically there's a one in three chance every time you search that you will end up making noise and make double the zombies come out which sounds bad but it's much much source when it's a human player who gets access to all these leveling out powers if and that's why the human player tries to anticipate where or the human zombie tries to anticipate where the survivors are going so he can give them a search card so that when they search in that room they make noise it's all part of the mind games all right anyway though so that was the end of my turn I searched made some zombies appear but at least I didn't make noise and now I get a new search card that will be that will affect me at the end of my next turn my first turn is over it is now Jen's turn and what is she gonna do now what is her her special power her special sugar rush power is if she is overrun she immediately gets to move up to three rooms okay yeah so right so her power doesn't offer right now Jen's gonna move out now Jen could move out here and pick up this crowbar that I found we don't have to wait for my turn to grab it or Jen could go out and start fighting something else we have to find Abbie now amongst all these things we cannot get another piece of the helicopter until I deliver the piece I've already got let's see I think the first thing Jen's gonna do because it says during the assemble Arsenal that um while we're in the courtyard a player can drop ammo from their card into the ammo cache Jen's going to give up a couple of rounds of ammo she get gave up two to two store one two so we now need eleven more rounds of ammo because there are lots of places out here in the store where we can pick up more ammo so Jen decided you know what I'm gonna give up two ammo to the cache so where she's working on that that was a bonus thing that you can do only in this mission and now Jen instead of running over here Jen's gonna come over here to the hardware store because hey there's more supplies to pick up over here if we both deliver supplies our barricades will be super strong we don't have to worry so much about zombies over running us and we will both find bonus items without having to pick them up and without having to risk the danger of making noise so I think Jen is gonna head east so she's gonna go one and then she will go well it's interesting choice she was gonna come here because the interacting with this space in the hardware store gives her ammo she gave up ammo because she knew she was gonna be able to pick up some more but if she comes over here no no she'll come here so she's moved right and Mark's I'm sorry I misspelled first of all she's moved and now if there's anybody refer to fight she could if she can interact she could but there's not so she will now move on she's doing her second move and now she can shoot at this guy which she will do she's running through more ammo so she killed him and now she will interact and get an ammo back so she basically found and every time she moves into this room she gets more ammo and there's a there's a couple of ways you can get more ammo over here at the sporting goods store as well as you might imagine or over here in the girl in the garage so I am is pretty easy to find but here's one thing I haven't mentioned so far it's really really important the reason Jen was able to grab this ammo the reason I was able to interact with all this stuff in here is because the store is empty if there are zombies in a store you can't interact with anything you can't pick up the cash you can't get ammo you can't check out for the potential cure so you have to clear the rooms out this room is becoming a problem if you want to interact with anything in this room you'd have to kill both of these zombies before you could do it uh-huh Bailey so Jen move didn't do anything moved fought and then interacted and now Jen will go one more time she will move and now she'll use some ammo and fight again to take out this aam be nice to overrun there and because the store she's in is empty she'll check and she's hoping for a B she didn't she found the D now this is actually I mean this a in this objective it says you have to put it back facedown so there's a memory earlier everybody else remember remember there's a D over here when we eventually get to step D that's when we want to come there so anyway Jen found a D she got she killed a couple of zombies and that's pretty much it one two three now at the end of her turn she searches the hardware store and we'll find out if she makes noise she didn't because she's in a blue this is the orange so she found a frequency it's like a radio she could pick up and use to immediately get three M oh nice okay so Jen found that there she can pick it up next turn but in the meantime since it was an orange two more zombies appear in the orange rooms one over here in the jewelry room the firt the entrance is filled so it'll go to the second and then the other one over here the electronics remember because of the greaser we skip the this guy's already full so over here now if another zombie were to spawn in the electronic shop it's considered full because the because grease power which means then that we will it'll come in here and start knocking our barricades down so this is a dangerous room for us right now and then the last thing that happens is again if there were a human zombie player they would very carefully pick where they think Jen's gonna go next they might think Jen will come up here to fight these guys from safety and so they'd probably lay a trap for in this room but against the AI they just pick one at random for her and that was Jen's first turn now it's my turn I got some stuff to take back I might want to pick up this crowbar first but if you want to watch a bit more action you can hit that I in the top-right corner screen go the extended playthrough we're gonna go straight to final thought your choice in five four three two one
Channel: Rahdo
Views: 50,606
Rating: 4.7286434 out of 5
Keywords: boardgames, review, baordgames, board game, baord games, game, rhado, radho, board games, boardgame, baordgame, rahdo, baord game
Id: 38o5aElVxVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2018
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