Tiny Epic Zombies Final Thoughts

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Hey everybody! Final thoughts time for Tiny Epic Zombies, which, like all the Tiny Epic games, delivers what it sets out to do. It is an epic experience in a tiny little box with a tiny footprint. This game is very sharp. And I think... the thing that really sets it out from... I mean there's a lot of games out there. Heck, there's Tiny Epic Defenders, games where, "Oh! I've got a little character and I move him around a map and I fight bad guys and interact with stuff and I complete quests, etc., etc." There's a lot of board games that do that. What makes this unique is that sense of speed: the fact that you can't do anything if you don't first move. They say it right in the rules book: You have to constantly keep moving to survive. That means if you start your turn: "Oh, there's already the thing I want right here, and there's a bad guy for me to fight!" Nuh-uh! Doesn't matter. You have to move before you can do anything. So if you start your turn and there's a zombie there, well, you can run away and then shoot at him. And hey, after that on your second move you can move back and get the thing. That creates an interesting puzzle of time management and travel management. Because often that makes it tough for you to do things at peak efficiency. But it always makes things interesting and it always just keeps the game going super duper fast. As the zombies build up and start beating down your door, and you're running around like crazy to complete these objectives and trying not to die... because when you die...when the teenager here dies and becomes the teenager zombie, and adds her powers to the powers they already had.... Oh my gosh. That's when things start getting really exciting. And then you run out of extra lives; and then your barricade falls; and you lose your last life... And now you've got no more spare lives; are you going to be able to make it? "Oh! I've only got a few more turns! But there's a...!" That stuff is cool and fun and we actually enjoy it quite a bit. Now one thing I will say is I think the game is definitely at its best if you've got a player who wants to take control of the zombies himself. Because then it really elevates. The mind games that start to play... That player's main action at the end of every player's turn, he gets to choose, "Right. I think next turn, this is what you're going to do." Because he's listening to the human players! And the human players are talking about when they're going to try and do. And he says, "Oh! Is that what you're going to try to do? Well, I'll just give you this search card so that when you end up there, you'll end up making noise and that will work for me." So the human players know that and they've got to try to out-think him. Because he has access not only to this top line ability, like what you saw in the co-op run-through I did, but he has access to these abilities too; and the more he gets to use these, the more powerful they become. You know, it's like a little tech-tree that he works his way up. And if all that weren't enough, he can also make zombies move around and that can trigger cascade effects and all kinds of stuff as well, in addition to just putting zombies out on the board. Plus, he doesn't put zombies out dumbly. The dummy player says, "Oh, blue? I'll just put a one in each blue." But the human player can put both of them over here, so that he really pushes instead of one in one place and one in another. So the game, I think, really elevates to something very very special when you've got a human player. And you can even play that two players: that means one player controls the zombies and the other player controls two humans that are running around. Now, if you want to see that, since I didn't demo it, if you go to the Kickstarter page (hit that "i" in the top right corner of the screen) you'll be able to find a video done by Never Board Gaming, a really great channel. Check them out. They do really nice videos. I'm a subscriber. Cuz they do a full play-through of a 3 player game where somebody is the zombie, and you can start to see how that works. That's what really elevates the experience. It's a fun cooperative game, don't get me wrong. But, having played the player vs. player or the one vs. all, that's when it gets really, really fantastic. I have to admit, I have actually not tried the competitive version; that might be really interesting as well. You can play where the zombies are kind of dumb, they don't really use their special powers very much, but the fact that players are racing, because everybody wants to be the one to do the majority of completion so that they can be the ultimate leader. I really should try that, because I think that would add an extra level of urgency and tension. Where, "Yeah, that thing I was going to go for, I set myself up...oh, you'll just take it next turn and now I got to go figure something else to do." That could be pretty neat also. Again, I said it right up front. More than anything else, that's the strength of this game: so much variety. If you check out the Kickstarter page, I only showed you just the basic characters, the basic buildings, but there's the deluxe version, with the additional characters; There are different types of stores that are on the other sides of the stores that it comes with; Different objectives. Oh, and also one thing I forgot to mention: I don't know if you noticed during the run-through, these are Gamelyn Games ITEMeeples, which are absolutely awesome. Because they were introduced in Tiny Epic Quest, it's a fantasy-adventure game, where you could run around, and when you find a cool sword, you can take your little Meeple and Boom! He's got a sword! Look at him! And then if later on you find, oh, I don't know, uhhh... a second sword! Yeah! Boom! He's running around; he's double-swording it up! So, I didn't show that because, of course, I've got a prototype here, so I don't have what the new pieces are going to be for Tiny Epic Zombies, but I've seen pictures of them. Again, go check out the Kickstarter page. Imagine this little guy wielding a shotgun or a machine gun or a bazooka or a katana. All kinds of...and they look really really cool, the artist's renderings of them. So the game's going to have a really awesome table presence, that when you get those items, and you put them on your character, you instantly feel more powerful; you want to run around and start using these cool things. It's a sweet, sweet little game. I do think that, while it's good as straight co-op, that's probably the weakest mode because basically to create tension and challenge, they just rely on "Okay, let's just overwhelm them. Let's just kind of drown them in zombies." And it would be more fun to have a human player; an intelligence behind them, making more key, strategic decisions about what they're gonna do. But again, yeah, I really want to try the competitive version of this. I think that would be a lot of fun too. Everybody competing to be the next Negan as they run around the mall, not fighting each other, just racing each other. That could be really neat too. Again, so much variety; so many ways to play; it's really very impressive. It is an epic experience in a tiny little box. That folks, is Tiny Epic Zombies. And thank you very much for watching. Have a very nice day. Talk to you later. So long. Buh-bye!
Channel: Rahdo
Views: 21,721
Rating: 4.8681316 out of 5
Keywords: baordgame, baordgames, game, rhado, radho, baord games, boardgames, board games, board game, boardgame, rahdo, baord game
Id: zkY-Nzj6jls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2018
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