Tiny Epic Zombies Extended Gameplay

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hey everybody welcome back to the tiny epic apocalypse let's keep going so now it's my second turn and I want to get back to the courtyard to deliver this crowbar so that I can be filling up the weapons cache and completing the objective and also I want to be delivering the supplies I picked up and the helicopter part so I got to go back but I got a problem remember my special power is if I start my turn in a space with no zombies my first move can be a double move which means I go one two and hey I'm be I be halfway where I need to go but after you move is when you can interact so I will have left to the store and no matter therefore I cannot pick up the crowbar so this turn on force I'm not gonna be able to use my power as well I'm just gonna move one instead of the two that I could move so that after I'm done moving and fighting I could pick this crowbar up because I could pick it up from anywhere in the store now I've moved I could go on ahead and take a shot and take this guy out I think I will I'll spend another bullet and compute take him out just keep him down and now remember it's move then fight either you because you must if you're with somebody or if you want to because they're adjacent and then interact I'll interact and pick up the crowbar which will temporarily replace the knife with the crowbar well that won't last long cuz I got a place to take it all right so that was my first action I move fought interacted now my second action I'll move and hey I'm almost to the courtyard there's no one to fight no one interrupts interact so then my third I've made it hooray and there are so many things I can do I can deliver the supplies whenever I do that we increase the barricade by two and then the supplies get put back out here I could spend a good deal of the game just going back and forth if the supply if the barricades are ever in danger of running out I can always come back out here and pick up more supplies and refill it Plus whenever you deliver supplies you get a random card from the surplus now in the basic game there are 26 total cards 24 of them make up the timer and two are left out so now because I've delivered this I'm gonna get some random item that was left out and I'll just get the item I won't have to search for it there won't be any danger of zombies spawning and it's boom it's some fireworks okay now this is a backpack item I can carry as many backpack items as I want if you look over here at the teacher you can have one upgraded melee weapon one upgraded range but as many backpack items as you want this is something I can use whenever I want to discard it to take to turn on my turn to take three zombies from anywhere and place them in empty rooms so I can solve some firecrackers and that moves the zombies around so they get out of our way or they don't bunch up etc etc so I've now got a backpack item and our our security is stronger and I am NOT keeping this crowbar I'm removing it from the game so that the first step of our weapons cache has been filled in addition to the two ammo that Jen gave up hooray and so that's gone on let's see oh and also I get to heal by two which I remember I was hurt I get to heal by two every time I am returned so that was pretty good it was it was a quick turn one two three I healed barricaded and complete the objective and got an item for it my turn is over now let's see what lays in wait now the interesting thing is it doesn't matter what the icon is in the top corner of the screen because I'm in the courtyard I can never be considered to have made noise which is the worst thing that a human controller of the zombies won't see they don't want to see us coming back here because then their traps never work so let's see it is okay I misspoke haha this deck is composed of items backpack items hand items and some special event cards you know like one time things you can use immediately but also for conquer key there are four nasty events just one bite happens right now now you can see it's the green so I'm not in the green I didn't make noise there that just means a green is gonna appear here in the craft store but not in the first room because of the gear head in the second room and one's gonna appear in this story room the first rumor is already has a zombie so now the second room fills up and they're getting closer to spreading over here you can see all these guys and these guys they're gonna start running us down pretty soon but place one additional zombie into this store then discard the card right now ah let's see so I guess that means in both of them because we into this store which one is it the first one or the second one hmm that's interesting um I think a human player would choose but I think normally I'd have to double-check this again always watch with the with the Klingon subtitles turn on because if this is wrong there'll be a note about it right there on the screen if you turn on the Klingon subtitles but anyway I'm going to assume this means I have to do it in both so that means an extra one appears here and an extra one appears here so now this room is completely full if any more come they'll start breaking down our barricades this room is full anymore come they'll start filling up this room and then from here they'll start going into our barricades so we're about to get overrun it's a good thing I reassure us barricades because of this event all right and now as always I get another card if it were the human player he would try to figure out where I'm going and then give me a specific one but in this case I just get a random one and we'll see what happens in the future but now it is Jen's turn let's see here first of all I'm trying this was a D wasn't it yes he's still looking for a B if she moves within here like if she moves here since there's no zombies in this room she can pick up the supplies and she can also pick up this frequency which that gives her back three ammo which is exactly what she needs so our first move she'll move here get the supplies okay all the before before she does she moves the first thing she can do is there's a zombie in an adjacent room there's a zombie in this station Jim could kill one of these two zombies I think she'll kill this guy because since this room is full it's in danger of flooding over so Jen moved she's gonna use another bullet to shoot at an adjacent zombie boom he's gone this room is not quite so overflowing and then she'll interact she'll pick up the supplies here and she'll pick up the frequency which he can carry or no um this is yeah these are the crate cards where once you get them you use them immediately this says the sewage didn't pick this up immediately gain three ammo so she's almost completely back full of ammo excellent now if we were playing the call the CDC objective um it's actually these become more important instead you have to collect these and give them to the player that carries the radio around so that they can contact the CDC but in a regular game they're just used for instant little bonuses you know Jen got on the radio and somebody told her where to find three more ammo and she frowned three more ammo and this card is now out of the game so that was pretty good let's see here and that was her first move very good now for her second move we're so close to getting overrun she could run back here like I did but her second move is she will just come here wait no no no she already knows what this is now she could move here yeah so she'll move there into the garage and again she'll spend an ammo to take out oh she could take out this guy which means she can interact with this this sample but she should really take out this guy because these two rooms are connected so that this room won't overflow hmm and but no Jen will take out this guy so at Coster bullet and now because the store is empty she'll look at this and hopefully it's a B it's a see we need a B and now for her third action she will move here she will now she will attack she'll spend another ammo to take out this guy that's about to rush into our and um now because she's in she'll interact she'll get one ammo back so she's she stopped the Horde over there she didn't use up any ammo now she's in the middle of nowhere all those interesting thing if she ended her turn in this space on her next turn she could ride the motorcycle this is by the way place holding you look at the Kickstarter page to see what the real motorcycle is just a little you know prototype 3d print out thing the real motorcycle looks cooler but anyway she could ride on this and use it on there her following turn to go pretty much anywhere in the store but she didn't end up here she ended up over there where she got that ammo so c'est la vie so that was Jen's turn now she ends her turn and she searches the room she's in let's see if she makes noise she does don't want ah it's a purple and she's in a purple room no she fell into it she made noise so now remember if this were human controlled evil zombie horde the the human player would get to do this action and then later on upgrade to this action and upgrade in an upgrade but as it is what the AI zombie does is whenever there's a trap sprung whenever you make noise they just bring out double the number of zombies in the appropriate rooms so the game room gets one because of the garrote skips that room to the game room is full again and over here is full now this room first all we come to the entrance because there's no gears and then the second one comes here Hugh if one had come into the room where Jen is she would immediately get what's called overrun she would immediately get hurt she would lose a point although the interesting thing is the teenagers sugar rush powers if she does get overrun she can immediately go to a room up to without zombies up to three rooms away so she can immediately move but as it happens she didn't get overrun the zombie showed up there so now she's surrounded umm right so that was her turn and more zombies are on the board now here's another thing there are only so many zombies we can put on the board if we run out of them if we're not taking these guys out and they run out of them with the supply every time we'd have to put another zombie down instead the player whose turn it was would immediately take a point of damage so we got to keep the zombie horde in control while doing our objectives etc etc anyway so Jen got dropped jumped but on the flip side there are some grenades to be found in this room so next turn if Jen takes out both of these zombies she could then pick up grenades which she could be used a good effect and now she gets another card the timer continues and so that was Jen's turn it is now my turn and what am I gonna do I would just like to stay in here but I got a god there's zombies everywhere now since I'm in here I could sacrifice some of my ammo remember we got to give up 13 ammo and that's a special objective thing I can do right now I don't know that I want to do that though I mean I've got six ammo but I'm totally healed if I head off in this direction I can pick up more ammo out here if I come out here I could fight these zombies and clear it out and hopefully because well this was C this was D I'm still looking for a B if I come over here to the electronics store white-nose that yeah the electronics store and take this guy out I can interact with this space to put a trap on the board either in this or I think in an adjacent if I recall correctly and then if zombies were there coming to where there's a trap they instantly die so I could lay traps in the electronics room I could have a food fight in the food court or I could come back out here and pick up some more supplies but I'd have to this zombie first I'm not too worried about supplies right now although supplies would be another way to get this other thing that's in the surplus which could be another weapon that could complete the objective and where am I gonna go what am I gonna do oh I am going to let's see because well actually if this room spawns there's a space here so that's not dangerous it's not like they're gonna flood all the way through here this room's pretty bad this room in this room is pretty bad too though a green is gonna mean because this room is full we're gonna start losing barricades this rooms not so bad so I think I got to come back out here now remember I mean there's no zombies so I can use my burst of speed and go one two and come right in here and then I'd have to fight this guy hand-to-hand or I could just move one and then shoot him but we need to conserve ammo so I'm gonna use my burst of speeds like I did at the beginning rush right out here and get locked in mortal combat but I'm gonna roll this because this means I'll get to make a bonus move that's what I'm gonna roll I mean there's a 30% chance there's two of these so there's a decent shot of it let's see what happens I got one hooray so I killed this guy I didn't take any point damage and now I've still got three moves I get a bonus move so what will I do what will I do that means up but that means I got to move away from this but I'll worry about that later let's go on ahead and just run right over here and kill this guy all right because you can get a whole string of just like bonus move out your bonus move if you just keep on running around and fighting them hand-to-hand let's fight this guy and okay well I'd nothing bad nothing good but I took him out alright so that was all off of my first move pretty nice um let's see yeah but there's nothing in the room I'm in that I can interact with because I already got the right so my second move I'll come over here there's nobody in here so I'll just search to see if it's a B it's a see so you got to see a seeing a D so here here here or here alright so that was my second move that wasn't so great um let's see here and now I'm out in the middle of nowhere um but it's okay because I remember I get to move fast on my next turn if there's no zombies where I am uh where am I gonna go do I come back over here with my third action do I come over here if I come over here and then shoot a shot off kapu I can take this zombie out so that room is cleared so that's pretty cool I'll do that but then there's nothing in the room where I am so there's nothing interactor you can see this is a room where there could potentially be biohazard stuff for other objectives but in this particular adventure there's nothing in this room so that was it I just I I did I did some light housekeeping in the mall there and now at the end of my turn let's see I will search the food court and don't be noisy I am man it's almost like there's a human player I'm setting these up but anyway so I am now I found first aid which means immediately heal - I'm not hurt so a but I mean I saw I don't use it I'm throwing it away and oh my gosh and now the food court gets a 1 - because I'm in the so two guys appeared here and over here one and I see this is you can see the little arrows it says start in the entrance and then the next one is over here and then the third one is over here and then a fourth one would come in and I didn't even get the health out of it ok so that's why I searched for and now remember I've got fireworks anytime I want I can use this to take up to 3 zombies from anywhere and place them in empty rooms but you know what I mean there there's a this is the only place no we'd have to have one here and then here so I don't think I'll need to use this at some point when we're completely overrun or there's zombies in the way we don't have to want to shoot or fight our way through them because we're really weak I'll save this for later same way so that was my turn and now I have a new search card which I'll find out on my following turn and now it is Jen's turn I think first of all she will go one and hey there's no zombies here so she gets to take a look and she finds it zombie we finally found our second step hooray our seconds now we need a C and here's a C and here's the C so we know ami oh I can come over here to get this one or Jim Koepp Jackie didn't come back all right so her first run was she moved there was nothing to fight so she interacted and she can also armed a trap put one trap token into a room without a zombie in this store or adjacent store on the sea you know what ships go ahead and put it here because eventually a zombies going to come up here and you know it wouldn't spawn in this room and you'll spawn here but it'll instantly get hit by the trap so that was first move very nice um let's see here and now for Jen's second move oh and also while she was here she could have shot this zombie but we're trying to conserve ammo so for cuz she's not hurt her second move she will move in here and now she must fight this zombie hand - oh no no no you know what when she moved here before she interacted she did go on ahead and spend an ammo to shoot this aam be it was kind of important because Jen wants to get this see but if she moves in here and it and these zombies are still around that she can't pick up the C so she took this one out now for her second move she will come over here spend another round of ammo and take this guy out and because the store is empty she can pick up the letter C if I recall correctly yes I do and now we know that that's a d so that was her second move one two and now it's something she came into this room she used her you can only fight once during your move you move and then you fight one zombie so she would have liked to have shot this one and this one but she couldn't fight both so she'll down and now for her third move she will bravely rush in here and fight this guy hand-to-hand um you know to get right and so let's see what she gets ouch oh my gosh one two that's kind of scary folks she's almost dead remember when these overlaps she dies and then the teenager joins the greaser as the in the evil zombie horde all right so that didn't work no she still killed him and unfortunately she can't interact as there's still some zombie in the store alright so that was it and now she searches the hardware store and okay she didn't make noise oh no just one bite place one additional zombie and alright so it's the same one so we're putting extra zombies into the green and again I'm not sure how this works like I said before I'm just gonna assume it's two so we want to put one over here in the craft store and that means we're gonna put two over here and we're and now we have to put I'm assuming two over here right which means the first one is in here and now the second one these are all full so they got to come over here which means this room is now fall again if this event is correct we'll check it check the zombie or another zombie the Klingon subtitles alright so that was Jen's turn next turn if she takes this guy out she can get the D and we'll be halfway done with discovering the cure but in the meantime she searched that didn't go very well and now she gets another search card for next round okay back to me and so I don't need this because we know it's a C I could come over my first move I can come over here just set another trap in this room before it fills up so that might be nice yeah let's go one although remember because there's no zombies in the room not the the store but in the room I'm at I could move two spaces right now and go very very quickly and I'm low on ammo so I want to come here and get some ammo or come over here and get some my would like to send another trap though since I'm so close so I will go one and there's nobody in the store so I can interact with this space and that is to put a trap I'll put it right here to keep that room under control because it's about to fill up and then um two three I see I can come back here to heat I know I don't need healing I'm fine but I am carrying the second helicopter part and I do need to deliver that so the third helicopter part will come out but I wouldn't be accomplishing very much if I rushed back right now so if instead if I go to hey I get some ammo cuz uh which is good and then I could just come back three the trap doesn't bother me it's just for the zombies and I could get another ammo so I think I just ran over here set a trap and then I got some amylin got some ammo just refilling and now let's see I'm in a search in the electronic store and I didn't make any noise there's a shotgun in here folks I'm gonna pick this up next turn when I do melee attacks I can spend a damage or I can spend ammo and don't have to roll the melee die but I'm just gonna deliver this to the cache when I pick it up next turn anyway so we have to put I didn't make noise so two zombies come out we're running out of zombies in the supply folks we're gonna start getting bitten pretty soon so one of them appears in blue which boom runs Rock Falls right onto the trap so he doesn't appear and one appears over here and goes into space number two and falls right on Jen Jen just got overrun which means she loses a point she's almost dead but after being overrun you may immediately go to room without zombies up to three rooms away so Jen is gonna take advantage of that and zombie sugar rush right on out of there boom boom so she doesn't have to spend two turns getting back to the courtyard yeah baby nice and that happened on my turn so anyway so Jen came back she's gonna heal too she's going to deliver this to get our barricade up even higher and now this comes back out here again if she wants to deliver it again and she found a revolver which she has you know what this would be nice to carry around to replace her regular gun with a quick-draw revolver but instead Jen will donate it to the cash we only need to devote donate one more gun but we need to donate a lot more ammo and we still have to find half the cure and we have only delivered one helicopter piece I'm about to deliver a second helicopter piece anyway so all that happened on my turn I ended up Jen getting overrun and now I've got a new search card and it is now Jen's turn and she didn't have spent two turns getting in here and then two turns to go back out nice nice nice and she's all healed up and she's low on ammo so what is she gonna do this is the bad place she could go one and then shoot and take this guy out and then two and shoot and take this guy out and then three and shoot and take this guy out but oh and she would be so she could wipe out all these guys and then she'd be at the secret passage the secret passage is a quick way to travel from here where's the secular and I think it's over here isn't it one of these other cards oh why did this is the worst secret passage ever the secret passage is from here to here it's totally useless but you can imagine secret passage might have been on the other side of the map in which case it's a really quick way to get around so Jen could just go one two three and take out all those zombies but she burned actually that would almost kill her because then she would almost all her ammo would be out and she took one point of damage she would die so she's surely not gonna do that she doesn't want to fight anymore either she should probably come back out here and pick up ammo but both of these zombies have to be killed before she can pick up ammo there ah now she could come up and join me up here because there's ammo without having to fight and then she could get some more ammo so maybe that's Jen's plan one nothing interact or fight with two she'll going ahead and place another trap and she'll once again keep that room under control and then three and she'll just get some ammo that was her whole turn I don't know that might not have been the best move ever but let's see what happens okay she didn't make noise um in um you know in this electronics store there's a rifle and a shotgun now Jen actually when she moved in here she could have before seen directions I think Jen picked up this shotgun is part of the interactions here - now there's a rifle waiting to be picked up in here and we have to put two zombies in the blue rooms so the foodcourt comes and once again the trap holds and one comes over here and so now the hardware stores pull up again and we only have three zombies left we got to take some of these out but Jen is now running around with a shotgun which which is not the best weapon because it means once again we're burning through ammo that is not a good thing I think this Jen's got this specifically so she could deliver it and complete the weapons cache so she's got that for now she picked up some ammo she revealed the rifle and her turn is over she now has a new search card it is now my turn and I still haven't delivered the helicopter part oh that's right because I came over here I wanted to go one but again my first move could be a double move so I think it will be it'll go one two or you know a double move that's one two I deliver the helicopter part we have done our second of four helicopter parts and now we have to put this in space number three which of our call card is it over here where a space number o space - oh hey look at this I put a zombie here it shouldn't have been here because of the gear this zombie that wanted to come here should have come over here which meant this zombie the one to come here would have bust through this zombie earlier on busted through and knocked our barricade down from one two three four we were or two we were it from six to five I mean buddying went off right so every every time a zombie spawns here he's gonna burst right down because I forgot about that gear anyway this is now a new place to pick up the third helicopter part so I can come out here take these guys out but that's what I did right I got a 1 a 1 2 3 when I was here I went 1 2 3 yeah I just came back I delivered the thing I don't need to heal I could I will give up a couple of ammo while I'm here to work us up further on the ammo track cuz we got to give up 13 total ammo and now I'm safe it doesn't matter where I search I won't make noise and it's purple and again I got the first day but I don't need it no I did and I see purple two zombies appear in purple so the parking garage starts filling up again and the game store the game store this is a you know we get the gear so this is full this is full that means the game store moves over here this gear we skip it which means full full which means boom we just lost our second level of the barricade they're starting to beat us down folks we've left all this here so every turn our barricades gonna be going down once it falls we lose one of our extra lives and then it resets to 200 okay we got to start clearing this stuff out here anyway and now I have a new search card and it is Jen's turn she probably wants to run around get some more ammo but we got to this is gut this is gonna kill us if we don't start clearing these guys out you can see there's zombies in every single room down there what are we gonna do well we keep fighting folks but I think that's gonna be it for today that should give you an idea of what tiny epic zombies is all about now if you want to hear some final thoughts you need that on the top of our screen or follow the show notes in five four three two one [Music]
Channel: Rahdo
Views: 12,034
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: radho, boardgames, board game, rhado, board games, baordgames, baordgame, baord game, game, rahdo, baord games, boardgame
Id: N0dgZTAIdS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2018
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