Marvel Champions Gameplay Runthrough

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hey everybody today righto runs through Marvel champions the card game but before I get going please turn your subtitles on to the Klingon channel so that when I make rules goose you know what they are and if you've done that then welcome true believers to New York City the city is in danger the Rhino is on the prowl and he's attempting a break-in and who will stop him well just your friendly neighborhood spider-man aka Peter Parker and he's teaming up with Jennifer Walters she-hulk okay now what are you doing a two-player run today and I've done most of the setup already and there's a fair bit that goes into making the encounter deck that we're gonna go up against and OH each of our decks and I'm just gonna spend a little time talking about how that worked because there's a lot of fun to it it means every time you play you can get a unique setup first of all you pick your villain and the base game here without expansions comes with the Rhino who's kind of the intro character he's a little bit simpler and more straightforward but if you're feeling a bit more frisky you can go up against Klaw who is a creature of living sound or Ultron himself and whichever villain you choose a sizeable portion of the encounter deck will be thematically tied to that villain but in addition to that you also put a bunch of encounter cards standard cards and if you're playing the expert mode expert cards in here and today I have chosen to play expert so we'll see some standard and some experts but that's not all also in this deck you put in kind of a side plot full of cards and that can kind of help you tell the story of what's going on today I've got this deck full of wares one the legions of Hydra Madame Hydra herself might show up and to me what that means is well Rhino he was too dumb to set up an attack against shield by himself so who put him up to it Hydra and that means I'll run into some Hydra minions during this as well just go ahead and shuffle this back up one more time don't know exactly what's gonna be bothering us but we'll see as the game progresses alrighty now instead of it being all about meal Hydra being behind the heist it could have been the Masters of evil or it could have been Rock the oh I forget what's called the murder only death or kill or method only for death or killing something like that Murdock you could have been MODOK who hired you know there I know to do this or the city could just be under attack and Rhino is just using this opportunity to stage a break-in and it means that you know there must be other heroes out there dealing with all the concussive blasts and stuff like that but they might bother you occasionally as well or you know what maybe somebody called in a bomb scare and that's the other thing that's going on at this time so we've got um rhino backed by Hydra trying to break in and his card basically tells me hey i play with rhino 1 or 2 or 2 3 if I'm playing on expert which I'm doing and the Rhino deck the standard deck and one module a decade recommends bomb scare but we went with Hydra and after that we flipped the card over and this tells us Rhino is trying to smash through the silly wall and steal a shipment of vibranium we must stop him okay and if this stage is complete we lose if he smashes through this wall it's over now like I said rhinos a bit simpler in that the other villains they have multiple stages they've got to get through that can change the you know the the setting and all that but Rhino he's just got to make a total of 14 progress and that is to say seven times the number of players progress on this to actually succeed and we've got to stop him before he pulls that off alrighty so that is the situation his deck is ready to go an equal amount of thought can go into our decks of course as Peter Parker spider-man a sizable portion of this deck is Spidey related stuff like say web shooters or webbing people up but in addition to that you put in a bunch of standard cards and the game the base game comes with 11 unique standard cards and I've just put one of each in there but I didn't have to if I really wanted to tweak and tune my deck I could have put multiples of individual standard cards to kind of focus on particular elements of Spidey but there's one other big element I add and today spider-man is feeling particularly aggressive um I have filled this deck full of aggression base cards normally spied he likes to play it cool but today he is very angry he is added up to here with rhino so you're gonna see a little bit more aggression from the webslinger than you normally would now instead of filling this with aggression I could have gone with protection and Peter Parker could have been all about protecting everybody or leadership he could have had a whole bunch of things that have to do with providing leadership on the battlefield and the other one is justice now the game actually suggests when you're getting used to put justice in here because that's kind of ideally suited for spider-man because well he is all about great power and great responsibility there's even a great responsibility card in the Justice deck and what I've done is today I've given him the aggressive duck to make him feel a bit more ready to go and I've given she-hulk the Justice deck basically I kind of switch normally by default they recommend she-hulk take aggression and spider-man take justice I've swapped the two because hey by day she is a lawyer you think she'd be interested in justice wouldn't ya so I've got the justice decks one of each of the standard cards and all the she-hulk cards all shuffled up in here we've got that and we are ready to go now at the beginning of the game she Hall cast 15 hit points spider-man has 10 and the Rhino well I mentioned this before Rhino has 3 cards if I'm playing regular difficulty I have to fight through level 1 and level 2 but since we're playing tough difficulty we've got to fight through level 2 and level 3 and he starts with 15 times the number of players so ie 30 hit points we've got to do to be able to get to the second level and if we can beat him before he finishes his scheme we win boom okay so we are set up ready to go or we start out in our meal in our regular lives we have not put on our costumes yet and you know Peter is maybe it's get University it looks like and he starts then with a hand size of 6 so I'm gonna draw 6 cards for my starting hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 and now if as part of setup I don't like this hand I just got I can discard any number of them and draw back up I can do a mulligan once but that's not necessarily a good thing to do unless I really need to because the faster I go through my deck the faster the villain will be able to make forward progress so I think we owe whatever is in here well hey I've got one okay basic card one two three two three aggression cards and two I've got his swinging web kick which is his signature move in this game eight damage although it is an expensive card to play and of course where'd Peter be without Aunt May oh goodness Peter you've been so clumsy lately a quick way to heal back up okay so I've got my starting hand to six cards she-hulk in her day-to-day guise as a lawyer one two three four five six also starts with a hand of six we'll look at hers in a second she can make a haymaker emergency she can call in a Helicarrier she can take him to the interrogation room this is a Justice card how or she can have some heroic intuition another Justice card okay she so none of her specific cards actually came out except for her legal practice which she could she could do a bit of lawyering to try and stop oh and there was one more thing because I'm starting on level two of Rhino win revealed search the encounter deck and discard pile for breaking and takin and reveal it shuffle the encounter decks so not only does he have his main scheme but because I'm starting at level two he has a side scheme going as well alright so where is it it's in here somewhere break in and take him so I got to find that and reshuffle this would normally be a side scheme that might have popped up randomly just as part of it ah here we go so breaking and takin and it says win revealed place an additional one threat here so this one has two threat plus one times the number of players so there's a total of four threat on this alrighty one two three four Rhino is breaking things and taking them all right so we've got he's gonna be trying to put from progress threat on here I believe is what these uh tokens are called and he's also got this one which is creating a ongoing problem for us to deal with until we clear that out alrighty so I just got a shuffle one more time and we are ready spaghetti to go okay so Spidey is up first he's got the first player marker let's save the city all right so on your turn a nice little reminder you can play cards trigger and request actions which is to say that even though it's Spidey's turn she-hulk could actually do actions you can use your basic fort and recovery powers you can change your form although you can only do that once per round and you can also end your turn I'm not going to end my turn all right yet I'm gonna play some cards so Aunt May provides support and what that means is while I am in my alter-ego which is to say while Peter Parker is face-up instead of spider-man when I am in my day-to-day life I have wood if I put this into play I would have access to Aunt May and I could use her to heal for damage that's in addition to the three damage I can recover myself while I'm not actually on the battlefield because the interesting thing though matically about this game is this game on a session about to play is not just one fight this might be going on for quite a while um you know over the course of a day because you know because we take breaks while the fight is going on we might have to pull back and you know it's only when the last bit of progress to this is done that the wall goes down so it's not like Rhino is just literally for the entire game just banging his head against the wall this is his plan he's trying to make progress which means he's getting closer and closer to smashing down the wall and taking stuff um while he's not doing that he's also just out there breaking and takin stuff so that means over the course of the game we might this might take several days even weeks this this could be an entire a single issue of a comic or maybe even multiple issues of a comic that we're gonna tell this story which means from time to time we'll be in a fight with Rhino but other times we will we don't know where he is out there in the city and we're just doing other stuff like visiting Aunt May to get some of her home cooking and get healed up now I'm not hurt right now I don't think I need Aunt May or this first aid and instead I might just want to come out swinging with an uppercut and five damage to an enemy we got 30 we've got to do although that's pretty expensive it would cost me three cards or three resources I should say to play this three resources to play swing and webkit three resources to call in the help of Tygra who would become an ally who sticks around and two resources to get some combat training upgrade now where do these resources come from they come from my cards as you can see first aid is a card I could play as an action to heal to damage to me or does she halt or to one of our allies but I could also use this card as some are few of the symbol is intelligence our mental resources so I could discard this card to help pay for one of these cards and the same for Aunt May but I discard Aunt May I would get some energy resource as opposed to mental and if I were to discard this uppercut I could get physical resources now for these for any of these cards they don't have any requirements so I could basically discard to spend any resource to get them but I should also say Peter Parker is a genius as long as he is you know not in costume as long as he's back in the lab at university or parker industries depending on what time frame you're thinking of he as a scientist he can generate one mental resource once per round so that means I've got more but unfortunately this resource can't go towards combat because if I generate this mental and then flip him over so that I could do a hero action cuz I can't do here our actions when I'm in my alter-ego state I have to be in my hero state to do it so I could I could basically use this science he's got for a non hero action but I could use it too Oh to get Tygra into play so let's do that let's call in an ally to help us fight this is gonna require three total resources I've got one I'll just tap this to indicate that I've used it alright actually no I won't tap it I just have to remember that I've used it I could for instance just put a little marker on here or something to indicate that I've used this power because tapping is a different thing if I tap my card it means I'm using the built-in ability of recover or fort or attack or defend depending on whether my alter your hero state so I'm just gonna generate one resource I can't do it again I need two more resources to get Tiger out and um I don't think I think we don't need this first aid that's two and do I need combat training play under any players control so I could actually give a combat training to she-hulk over here and um max one per player that hero will have +1 attack and that's just an upgrade which is pretty cool spider-man's basic attack is two and she-hulk's is three so she can become a superpower house if we give her some combat training so I don't think I'll do that you know what bye Aunt May I might regret this later but I'm just dumping both of those so that was one two three four my science to get tiger into play I think I'm done with my day job as Peter so remember once per turn I can put on the suit or take off the suit so now spider-man is ready to fight alongside Tygra and I've still got a few cards here uh-huh but unfortunately if I want to do a swinging webkit or an uppercut I need a total of three resources so if I discard these two I'd be one short so I can't play either of these my one that would do five damage or the one that dude would do eight damage but I could discard both of these to get um combat training into play which gives me a higher attack or could give Jennifer Walters a higher attack oh I don't want to do that oh right so as it is right now um in addition to playing cards remember I can play cards I've done a little bit of that I can trigger our actions or um I can use basic attack thwart and recover powers and I could change form so if I'm not gonna play any more cards well do I have any actions there's not an action on tiger there's not an action there is an interrupt and a response on these two cards which means these are things that can only happen at specific times when abyssion when the villain tries to attack me I can use my spidey sense when Tiger attacks and successfully defeats a minion she heals herself sorry no autographs says Tigra so unfortunate there aren't any minions out right now so she's probably gonna take on the Rhino herself but there's no actions here I don't have any actions in my card well actually I saw true I could play this heroic action it is an attack it would deal a damage but I need a total of three so I can't do that and I could play this upgrade and get rid of both of these and I'm giving all of my big hitters so I don't think I'm gonna do it I'm done playing cards but now let's put these heroes to work I'm gonna tap both of them and as you can see by tapping them I can either attack or thwart schemes if they both attack I'm doing for damage to Rhino and he doesn't have any defense I just stood straight off or bunch of damage instead we could fort and um stop two of his progress on braking and taken which means they'd only be two left because as long as this is out here there is a hazard which makes things more dangerous for us so we want to get rid of this because that is scary basically what is the hazard as it says we deal one additional encounter card during the villain face so we have more danger to face as long as it stays around so both of our characters could thwart and we'd get half way done with that now Jennifer Walters she can only thwart one as well we don't have a lot of good Fortin going on but I think we'll just face the hazard and instead we're just gonna go all-out attacking so that's one two three four and they're both tapped because they're tapped that means they cannot fort or defend anymore at least not until they get untapped we're doing all four damage directly to the Rhino and that takes us down so 26 we're on our way and I could still I mean if I put this combat training out I could have actually done one or I could make her stronger but I'm saving all these because I think I'd rather discard this to be able to play the uppercut or the smashing wet swing whoa keV and try to get through this guy as fast as possible okay so I am done done did he done done done although even though it is player two's turn now I could still play an action card when it's not my turn because I am still in my heroic form but again I can't afford it so well that's outside but are definitely plenty of times in this game where one player will do action on another players term to help them out so let's see what Jennifer Walters who is still down at the courthouse what is she gonna do well first of all since she's in her alter ego she could fort choose and discard up to five cards from your hand remove one threat from a scheme for each card discarded this way so she's got um five more cards in her hand she could discard all of these and instantly get rid of this break in and taken and we will not face that hazard I'd pretty much blow through it doesn't cost anything to play this but I would blow through her the rest of her hand but this would just be completely taken out and you know and that will help us now the Rhino has not made any progress on the break-in himself if he had started working on this we could also try to stop his progress on that with the legal practice this is a basically way to do a big fort because right now we're all week for ders so that is interesting do I want to do that and just toss heroic intuition the interrogation room Helicarrier emergency and a haymaker which will do three points of damage hmm then then the hand is completely gone you know what I think so I think so I think so I think so um Jennifer Walters before still doubt the courthouse she is going to try to you know leverage her legal muscle to deploy resources over to take care of this break-in and taken dis card up to five cards now we only need to discard four to get rid of this breaking and takin never bothered us discard four of these cards um let's see I could if I keep this one I'll have an emergency which when the villains scheme is reduced the amount of threat placed on the scheme by one so we can slow down his break-in attempt cuz again he's just out getting ready to smash down the wall he's not actually punching the wall right now he's if we run into him we're fighting him in fact actually spider-man and Tiger are out there fighting him right now while Jennifer Walters using her legal brilliance got rid of the other problem alrighty so interrogation room you can only have one of these in your deck so let's see after you defeat a minion oh no I'm sorry no not one of you act this is a support card you put this out it stays out in but you can only have if you have multiples in your deck you can only have one interrogation room active at a time this is after you defeat a minion exhaust the interrogation room to remove one threat from a scheme because you interrogate the minion that you defeated oh that's pretty cool but we haven't seen any minions come out now I know there's a lot of Hydra minions in here because Hydra are legion you cut off one there grows another so I mean this would be cheap I'd be able to get into play next turn but you know I'm just gonna burn all these no haymakers no Helicarrier no heroic intuition and boom we just shut down breaking and takin so all that got discarded she still got an interrupt which she can use when the villain schemes alright so she literally has I played all my cards he's just that one move but she's not done yet the legal practice is gone as are all those cards we spent on it still got emergency in our hand and I think it's time for Jennifer to put on the spandex and what the heck she will attack as well no okay and also let's not forget though let's not forget whenever she Hulk's out after you change your form deal to damage to an enemy so every time she goes from street clothes to hero clothes she automatically does too so boom boom and so it behooves her to go back and do some more legal stuff and then land with a thump and a big powerful opening move just by entering the battlefield so she just did - and now we're gonna tap her in do three more one two three and just like that rhino has lost nine points of damage 21 more and he'll go to his third and final phase she is done there is nothing more for her to do she could play this emergency but it's in a response to him scheming and because we're both attacking him he is not going to be scheming this round if Jennifer had stayed in her Street close then that means well you'll all talk about that when we get to his turn because folks we have finished each player on their turn played cards we triggered and requested actions we did some bit we did basic attacks we changed our form we've ended our turn after all players have finished their turns everybody simultaneously we can discard any number of cards we want if we're looking for a particular type of card I'm not discarding any cards I'm yeah I'm happy with mine she Jen could discard her emergency I think she will we're gonna discard and then draw back up to their hand sighs and you may think oh we draw 6 cards right uh uh we both had a hand size of six in our day jobs once we became heroes we're too busy fighting we don't have as many options available to us Spidey's hand sizes five and she Hulk's is four so she hauled draws she got rid of her mercy one two three four and Spidey draw he has three so he just draws two more chase them down that's an aggressive and a Spidey tracer okay so that is that we have discard any card to our hand we've drawn back up to our new hand size and then we ready everything that's tapped or exhausted on taps so we are ready to face the villain boom villain phase place threat on the main scheme this happens at the beginning of every villain phase and if we do that we come back over here and we can see remember we have to get 14 how much threat do we face we face oh right it's right here number of players times 1 so every round to progress is going to be automatically no matter what be made towards this break-in and remember if it happens we lose so two two threat have accumulated here I believe they're called threat tokens alrighty so now if Jennifer Walters had not gotten rid of her emergency no no no this is only when the villain schemes at this were not apt to the place where the villainous scheme yeah so that doesn't matter alright so anyway so always threat its to at the moment but that could speed up later in the game then the villain and each engaged minion if there were any minions on us they would all start attacking now we don't have to worry about minions oh I should say they'll attack us if we're in hero form that means the battle is going on right now then the villain and minions will attack but if the hero in question is in their alter-ego they have left the battlefield and are back at the University or at the court we order their day-to-day life is because remember this is a fight this is a conflict that lasts over days or even weeks if they are not actively taking the fight to RINO and his cronies then that means Rhino will get to scheme and put more progress on which is why yeah she could then use the emergency to prevent that but as it is everybody's fighting so first of all we are going to find spider-man and Tygra under attack because we got the first player marker so what happens is the Rhino is going to hit for three points of damage plus an unknown additional amount this card could have anywhere between zero one two or three additional points of damage Rhino is going to do or instead of damage it could also be caught this card could trigger special effects like forcing spider-man to leave the battlefield and go back to his day job or whatever so very since hundred things could happen now we don't know what this card is yet but it's coming at us three points of damage plus whatever this card says and before we reveal this card and deal with the damage I've got a choice make actually everybody has a choice to make are we going to defend if Spidey chooses to defend he has to tap and he will absorb three of that or you will three of the damage will be blocked so the base three damage he would do will not hurt Spidey um which is great hooray but that means he will stay tapped for the entire next round so in the next round when he would want to do to attack he went since he already defended he will not be able to attack even if he left the battlefield he would not be able to recover lost hit points because he is already engaged so I want to defend myself so I don't take damage but if I do I'm taking him kind of offline now he still has cards and hands even if he's tapped he could still play cards and trigger actions and stuff like that but he won't be able to attack the warts or recover until the end of the next player face so is he gonna defend himself well he doesn't have to instead Tiger could defend him Tiger would jump in and take all the damage but that's three less potentially more Tiger has three hit points and that's it she'd be gone from the battlefield she would've well she would have at least attacked two and then she would take everything and keep spider-man safe and she would be gone she's going to my discard pile now instead of that she-hulk could defend me and she Hulk could tap herself so she takes herself out of the fight next round and she would provide two defense so she would absorb two of the damage that's coming my way hmm I think and since I just got rid of all my healing cards this first day did Aunt May and he's gonna hit hard I think Spidey will just defend himself okay although I should point out Spidey has spidey sense whenever the villain initiates an attack against you draw one card Rhino is attacking which means we get to draw another card he has enhanced spider sense which um oh okay this is a hero interrupts when a treachery card is revealed from the encounter deck cancel the rent and win revealed effect although we have to pay a card to be able to use spidey sense to stop some treachery all right so that's just popped into my hand I've gone over my hand size but that's fine you only check hand size at the end of the player phase so rhinos attacking spider sense gave me another card that I could use to pay other things although I don't have my handy-dandy back flip that lets me get out of trouble all right so I'm just gonna defend myself and we'll see what happens so I know I'm not taking a three but now we flip the card now the villain cards all have two functions they have well this could if this had been played later on in the encounter step then this would actually get played as a treachery the villain would scheme although I could use my enhanced spider stance to stop that if I'd wanted however this is not gonna do that when it is played as a boost that's what happened it can face down this is a boost coming my way you look in the bottom corner and if there are any little star icons there that's additional damage like say like say this had Madame Hydra had been the car just revealed we would have completely ignored everything about Madame Hydra but two additional damage would have come through so even though I blocked three I still would have taken two points of damage but as it is there was no additional damage and so I blocked everything although like I said Spidey is sort of taking himself offline anyway so this card goes into the villain discard pile we're done with that and all right Spidey is done and there was no if there if there was a minion attacking Spidey that would attack now as well he wouldn't be able to defend himself anymore although tiger could still defend him or she Hall could still defend him but anyway that's that now rhino comes after Jennifer okay so here we come and unlike Spidey Jennifer has no response her special thing was when she entered the battlefield she ended with a nerd with a bang so three points of damage plus potentially an additional three points of damage or coming her way she could defend but I don't think so she wants to stay in the fight particularly because she's a Hulk when she heals she heals super fast at five a pop so I don't think she's worried about taking some damage plus she's got a couple of special cards in here that make her more powerful the more damage she takes because she gets angry and you wouldn't like her when she's angry so she says I'm not blocking anything no Tygra it's fine I can take the hit so Tiger stays over there Spidey can't do anything he was still busy blocking and so we now see what this boost is and it is one additional we ignore the Stampede none of that happened one additional point of damage for damage is coming to she-hulk she went from 15 to 11 she's tough she can take it she won yeah she's getting a little more angry okay so that was it we have dealt with the villain card and like I said if she had not then you know she'd still stayed out of the battlefield then instead of attacking he would have schemed and put he's not a very good schemer he just would have put one more progress on the card but anyway that wasn't so she took some damage I defended myself and now continuing on we have to deal with encounters and what that means is I will deal with this encounter and then Jennifer will deal with that encounter and if where did it go where was the breaking it taken if the break in and taken was still active that's a hazard which meant I would have had with 1/3 it would have been I would to deal with an encounter then she would deal with encounter and then I would deal with an encounter that would have come about because of the breaking in taken but since we got rid of that through some legal shenanigans off of she halts part that's gone so each of us only has to face one we resolve them one at a time in order so boom hydro mercenary appears dunt dunt aha ok came out of the rain and is gonna be stuck on Spidey and is gonna be guarding what that means is until this mercenary has taken out and he's got three hit points Spidey cannot attack the villain alright so Hydra mercenary is running interference for the Rhino and ok and so that's it resolved nothing else happened immediately sometimes they say on revealing I'll do things and whatnot so Jennifer finds assault now no it's not venom this is just a general purpose some there was an assault against her alrighty so if um she-hulk had been in her ultra if she had been Jennifer the card gains surge surge means we just would have drawn another card and seen what happened but since she was in her hero mode the hero attacks again Rhino is pressing the assault alright so that means he's gonna attack again which means he gets another boost and she once again or Tiger once again has the opportunity to defend she-hulk says not bring it on um because yes we do have it she's saving up for her gamma slam attack deal damage up to a maximum of 15 X is the amount of damage you have sustained you messed with the wrong woman says she Hulk so she said bring it bring it alright um so that's three plus two is five more so she is down to six alright so she's getting ready for a gamma slam which could take out neil almost completely take out the rest of him so that was that was the assault it was a second bombardment and remember we only paid attention to that we completely ignored the effect of charge if this had been played is the encounter we would have done a forced interruptus would have been attached to rhino and it would have given him more abilities alright so that was that and um now alrighty we passed the first player so now she-hulk is up first we are back in the player phase each player in turn can play cards trigger request effects etc etc and folks that was the first of several rounds as we try to save the city from the Rhino that was nothing in it that I go right to final thoughts or you could go to the extended playthrough and I will play through a few more rounds because you want to see that gamma slam right it's gonna be exciting so your choice in 5 4 3 a 2 a 1
Channel: Rahdo
Views: 57,062
Rating: 4.8842106 out of 5
Keywords: boardgames, baordgames, game, baord game, boardgame, board game, rhado, board games, rahdo, baord games, review, baordgame, radho
Id: 1My1sHYgEQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 56sec (2036 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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