Tiny Epic Galaxies Gameplay Runthrough

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hey everybody today righto runs through tiny epic galaxies which is the latest in the tiny epic series from designer Scott alms and where previously he's done tiny epic kingdoms and tiny epic defenders which was an awesome little co-op game now he's doing a tiny epic game that is all about space empire building as we colonize planets and you'll build up the size our Empire and build up our economy and become more powerful and get bigger fleets of ships and all of that kind of stuff now I know if you'd really call this a micro game anymore because it's getting to be a pretty thick deck of cards but this is still a very very cool very tiny portable game that packs a lot of punch now I'm you're doing a run-through today so you can learn what it's about because this game is actually on Kickstarter right now the links are in the show notes you can go check out the Kickstarter page if you want to what the final components like I look like I think this is a pretty good representation of the graphic design and what the art looks like but I doubt this is what the dice are gonna be I mean I just got some blank dice with stickers on them I'm sure they'll be nicer I have no idea if this is what the ships are gonna look like but again you can go check out the Kickstarter page to learn a little bit more about what the final product looks like but just bear in mind I'm using prototype components here and I've got this set up as a two-player game I am the Green Galaxy or Empire and Jen is the blue one and at the beginning of the game let me actually bring another players here so you can see a bit closer here you know here's a sample Empire card at the beginning of the game everybody has a little marker here to indicate that they are a baby Empire just barely starting out and when you're at this size at the beginning of the game you have access to two ships and you get to roll four dice now over the course of the game our empires will get bigger and more powerful when you get up to this size you have three ships and five dice and your empires worth two points if you make it all the way up to the end up by the end of the game you've got six ships you're playing with your rolling seven dice and your Empire is worth eight points as an example so you guys your Empire gets bigger or more powerful you get to do more stuff so at the beginning we have two ships we get to roll four dice and also three in the game we start with one culture and two energy which you basically use both of these to kind of do actions manipulate your dice and various stuff which I'm about to demonstrate oh also at the beginning of the game and there are an equal number of discovered planets to greater than the number of players so in a two-player game there are four plants in a four player game there'd be six planets out there so the game is set up let's start empire building okay I I guess I'm the first player I've got four dice to roll because that's the size of my empire let's go ahead and see what I get all righty okay I got a colony action and economic action and two energy harvest actions and actually there's a nice little cheat sheet right here that reminds you what all the different die sides are move ships advanced economy advanced diplomacy harvest culture harvest energy and activate your colony and now what I'm gonna do is I can activate any number of these dice to do their abilities based on what that says over there so and you know and I you know what I think for now right off the bat I am gonna go on ahead and I'm gonna use one of these dice I'm going to harvest some energy and now what I do is that means I put the die over here on the activation Bay you can see by the end of the game I could potentially be rolling seven dice so I've got seven spaces to activate now I've activated harvest energy what does that mean I get to generate more energy for my Empire and the amount of energy I get to generate is based on the number of ships I have on energy generating planets my own home planet is an energy generating planet so is this one planet oh seven it generates energy although planet oh one over here generates culture actually three of these four planets generate culture only one of them generates energy but I'm I'm harvesting some energy now so what that does mean is I count the number of ships I've got on a energy planet and I generate that much energy so I got two ships here I just generated one two energy okay and that was my first action now I could continue to use these dice as they are or I could reroll them much like Yahtzee this is a game about rolling dice and then re rolling them to try and get what you want but every time you roll you can use them immediately and you only get one free reroll but now before i move on to re rolling my dice i have activated one of my dice this is a really cool element of the game after anybody ever activates one of the dice that they've rolled and that's called locking it once they lock a die into place all the other players have a chance to follow that rolling player that whoever's turn it is so if Jen wants to she can see I just harvested some energy if she wants to she could follow me and harvest energy herself and to follow me what she has to do is she has to pay one culture as you can see right here again on the player board it reminds you that you can spend culture which is what the the disc is you can see we both have one culture you can spend culture to follow another player instead you could spend energy your cube to re-roll if you don't like the dice you got so now Jen before I move on and do anything else Jen has the option to spend one culture to follow me so she will harvest energy as well now she starts returning G I don't think she wants to do that she's not gonna follow me and so now my turn continues basically the rules say every time you do something just wait a couple seconds so that everybody else has a chance to say wait wait wait I want to follow or not but as it stands I harvested some energy Jen's not gonna follow me let's see now so now I've got four energy you know what I think I'll go on ahead and I'll harvest some more so I've locked a second one in and again I harvest two more boom boom I am now almost completely full of energy I can't get much more energy than that and now it's up to Jen she could decide if she wants to follow me or not and by spending her culture and again I think she'll pass and you know what actually I'm pretty happy with this I got a call on a colony action I'm gonna go ahead and lock this in now so I'm gonna you know lock a colony as well now what does that mean well basically over the course of the game my empire can get more and more special abilities and doing a colony action means I activate one of my empire special abilities so I'm gonna activate special ability now at the beginning of the game the only special ability we have is to upgrade our empire which you can do by spending energy or culture I've got a whole bunch of energy so you better believe I'm gonna use some of this energy to advance my empire because now over the course of the game when you colonize planets you'll start to get additional powers like if this player had this planet and then they decided to do a colony action they could do a colony action to expand their empire or to advance their diplomacy you know so you over the course of the game you get more special powers when you colonize more planets but as it is I'm doing a colonize action I've only got one special power which is upgrade your empire I'm gonna upgrade my empire now how much does it cost well again you can see right there it shows me to go from here to here it cost me two and I can either pay to culture or to energy and I'm going to pay to energy boop-boop and I have just jumped up to the second level and right off the bat you'll notice that while it didn't increase the number of ships I've got I still only have access to two ships now I've got access to five dice now unfortunately I won't get that fifth die until next turn but my colony still I'm growing hooray and I've even earned one point now at this point Jen says wait wait wait wait I'm gonna follow you so Jen is gonna spend one culture and so she is going to use her special ability of increasing her Empire size as well so that means she's got to spend two resources she's gonna spend two energy boop boop and she just leveled up her empire as well and so on her turn she's gonna be rolling five dice now so all of that happened off my first roll I've still got this economic die but this economic die won't do me any good unless I am actively trying to colonize one of these planets because for these three planets I need to use economy to help colonize them so this die doesn't do me any good but remember I said after you roll your dice initially you get one free reroll so I'm gonna take my free roll re-roll and see if I can get something better and I got the exact same thing come on that's ridiculous that's a one in six chance alright yeah alright well I'm still not happy with this this die doesn't do me any good but my turn is over now I can't use it to come to work on colonizing because I don't have any ships on these planets so my turn is gonna be over unless I want to spend some energy which I will do I'll spend one energy to get a reroll and see when you spend energy you can re-roll as many dice as you want I've only got one come on give me something better give me something better I just wasted some energy well alright not bad I'm gonna go ahead and lock this in and so for my last turn I'm gonna generate two more so I spent one energy to get two so that was a nice in return all right and that was my first turn my first turn is over now it is Jen's turn and she there we go she's she's starting to roll five dice instead of four because on my turn she increased the sides were colony but she is completely out of energy says he's completely out of culture let's see how she does so she rolls her dice let's see what she gets all right hmm Wow we seem to be the two of us seem to be completely incapable of rolling what is arguably the most important die a ship this is the die that lets us fly our ships all around the galaxy so we can start trying to colonize various planets and use all those plant special abilities but once again see what was this is a quasi right on there but it was right so here we go once again it seems to be impossible to roll ship dice this is ridiculous okay well for starters since Jen is completely out of energy she's gonna get some she is gonna go on ahead and harvest and just like me she has to she has two ships on an energy entering planet so she gets two energy boom boom all right um you know what she'll get she'll harvest again and she'll get two more one two so she's got playing energy this could be lots of rerolls it could be enough to upgrade herself to another level in fact if she wants she's got the colony action she could use this again yeah with deck she's gonna do it she's gonna increase her Empire size by activating her special power to go from to the third level reason can see requires three she's gonna spend one two three energy and so now next round she still has five Simpsonville but now she immediate now she has three spaceships available to her because she's crossed over threshold you can see when you get to this size you go from having oh in fact actually I'm sorry when you get to the second level I have an extra spaceship - oopsie doops right yeah we went from no no no no I'm reading it wrong right yes it's when you get to this size which Jen just got that she goes from two ships to three ships so now if Jen harvested energy again she would get three energy because her her Empire's gotten bigger but you know what um well she still got one energy hmm I think she's gonna she's gonna go ahead and she's not she's gonna re-roll never you get one free roll she's gonna use it to reroll both of these dice and hope for something better come on give me a ship give me a ship oh also don't forget while Jen was doing this stuff I had the option to spend my culture to follow her if I wanted to but no and in fact you know I think when she enhanced her colony I was gonna spend my one culture so I did it - I also spent one two three and I also bumped up this is really interesting it's it's as long as you have culture you're involved on every player's turn because you always have the opportunity you pay attention to what they're doing because you might want to follow them you never want to run out of culture in this game although now both Jen and I are completely off culture so Jen's doing her free reroll hoping to get some ships give me some ships come on I am incapable of rolling ships that is lame well Jen is gonna spend one energy so now she's completely dry she's got no more energy but she's gonna use that to reroll again give me a ship alright that fell out of the box cuz I was so violent and again this is ridiculous what how many dice have I rolled now the fact that statistically I should have rolled a ship but I seem to be incapable of rolling ships all right well Jen's out of energy so she's got a call any action but she can't use this cuz she's out there and she's you can't crease anymore she can't use this economy because she we can't rule ships oh this is ridiculous all right so that was Jen's turn and unfortunately though dice did not go her way so he went back to me back to my turn I'm gonna roll and I'm gonna roll some ships Coast Honor I want to get out of my galaxy I'm rolling five dice here SC so let's see what we get okay this is these dice are cursed I what five dice I have now rolled what I've rolled like 20 dice and I haven't rolled a single ship this is insane all right well for starters what am I gonna do with all this stuff I've got I've got a economy and diplomacy I can't use either of those until I get a ship all right you know what I am gonna use my free reroll and I'm gonna reroll everything finally okay I am going to use this ship as I've finally been able to roll one only one crazy all right so I've rolled a ship and now that means I can take any of my ships and I can fly them to a new planet to any of these four planets and I have a choice when I land I can either land on it I could I could land on the ship in orbit or I could I could establish orbit around the ship or the planet and what that means is I can start working on colonizing one of these four planets and it'll take a while but as you can see ironically I have not rolled any economy or any diploma or any diplomacy so I can't actually work on colonizing oh my gosh now so instead of landing or coming in orbit so I can start colonizing instead I could land directly on the surface of a planet and now that would not help me colonize the planet which means you know I score points for it it becomes a part of my Empire but it does mean I would immediately get to use the special power of that planet and I think I'm gonna do that I am gonna say I roll the ship I'm gonna land over here on Planet four and instead of going into orbit which means I could start trying to colonize it since I was incapable of actually rolling he need diplomacy or economy dice I'm gonna land on the surface and what this says is the special power is spend one energy Boop to harvest to culture one two and I think that's worthwhile because now I've got to culture which I can use on Jen's turn so I'm really happy about that so now my turn isn't over I've got to culture one energy and I've done my free reroll I think oh hey you know what actually wait a second wait a second wait a second hold on a second before I use this ship oops sorry about the camera there before I use the ship first thing I'm going to do is before my ship flies away I'm gonna harvest some energy which is three ships here that's one two three energy then then I'm gonna use the ship and fly over here and that's when I paid in energy to get to culture see this that was actually a much smarter way to go because I wanted to harvest energy while all my ships were still on energy planets because this planet doesn't generate energy this planet generates culture all right so now I've done my free reroll but I am going to go on ahead and spend one energy - well actually wait now I've got four energy that would be enough to upgrade to the next level a planet and I did get this yeah you know okay I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna use my colony action and that's gonna increase I need to spend all of my energy oh but if I spend all my energy I can't reroll anymore hold on hold on see uh these dice I won't be able to do we well no extra it's not entirely true okay I'm gonna do this I'm gonna go on ahead there's a surprising amount of choices to make in this game there's a lot different ways you go I could spends I could save all my energy so I could reroll so I could get more ships so I could start trying to colonize but I'm gonna you spend all of my energy to use my upgrade empire ability going up to four and that means boom I'm all the way back down again but I see I've said but now on the next round I'll be rolling six dice instead of five now unfortunately Jin just has to sit and watch she can't do anything because she has no culture so she can't follow me alright so now I've already done my free roll I'm out of energy so I can't reroll anymore so these dice I just gotta use them I don't have enough energy or culture to upgrade my empire again so I'm not gonna use this but I'm gonna harvest some culture now because I've got a ship on a culture planet so that means I end up two of my ships are on energy so they would harvest energy this one can harvest culture so my culture just went up to three so now I could follow gen 3 times if I wanted and that was it that was ending my turn and now it is Jen's turn again so let's see what is she gonna roll well let's see she's rolling five dice and she would like to get off of her starting planet please by rolling some ships alright finally there's a ship there's some economy there's some diplomacy so she could land and start trying to colonize she could harvest some culture and she could do an empire action hmm well I think for starters she is gonna blast off alright she's gonna take one of her three ships and start trying to do a planet in Stingley hmm let's see here I think she will land on now she could land on the same planet I'm on over here and do the same power I did but she has no energy to spend and amazingly she didn't get a chance to harvest any energy she's completely out of energy and right so she could land on this planet displace one enemy ship spend culture equal to the card so that's only if I was trying to call a nice she could literally kick me prevent me from colonizing a planet undo all my colonization works that's kind of an attack card this one is to steal one culture from another player only once per turn so Jen could just land here and snag one of my culture but I think Jen really wants to start colonizing instead of landing on the surface hmm I know what Jen's gonna do she's gonna land over here she's gonna land on this planet so that means her not land on the planet she's in orbit so she doesn't get to do this special power but she's starting to work on colonizing that planet and now before Jen moves on you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna say wait wait wait I'm gonna spend a culture and I am going to follow Jen now I get to do a rocket ship power as well so what do I want to do so I could pick up this ship and I could fly somewhere else although I could not put it in orbit I'd have to fly to another planet or I could take another one of my ships yo I think I'm going to I'm gonna take another one my ships and I'm gonna come over here to Planet one and I'm gonna put myself in orbit so that I can start working on that planet yeah there we go so III have follow Jen now it okay so I follow Jen now back to her turn what is she gonna do next well she's gonna go on ahead and she's gonna use this politics one and what that means is if Jen is actively trying to colonize any political planet like this one you can see there's the politic symbol Jen can now move one step forward so she's closer to having colonized this and scoring two points for herself and then I say wait wait wait I'm gonna spend a culture and I'm gonna follow her I am gonna move forward on this one that's why I chose this planet cuz I knew Jen was gonna work on that so I figured I could work on mine on her turn okay and so now what is Jen gonna do next hmm well let's see she hasn't done her reroll yet she does not have enough energy or um or culture to upgrade her empire so she's not gonna do that so she's gonna want to reroll this she could harvest some culture because she is on oh no she's on she's not she's on energy plan so I don't think he knew these are any good so Jen is gonna use her free reroll now and she's gonna hope for some energy or some ships or some politics would be really nice let's see what she gets this is her only reroll all right wow that was an epically epically lame reroll she got politics which doesn't help her with her planet she got culture she can't harvest culture all three of those dice are useless and because she has no energy she can't reroll anymore but it ain't over yet I haven't mentioned this but you'll notice over here on the activation Bay there's this these two converter spaces Jen is gonna use these now she's gonna take two dice and to activate the converter and that means she can take her other die and turn it into anything she wants so basically you can always spend three dice to get whatever you want and so what does Jen want I think since she's completely dry she probably well she either wants to do another thing to advance on plan seven but she's so out of energy I think that's a bigger problem she's gonna turn this into an energy die and so that means she gets to harvest one two three energy so now she'll be able to do rerolls on a following turn plus with one more energy she could increase her Empire size to the next level all right so that was returned and she used the converter to kind of you know get out of a bad situation and now it's my turn again I am so big now that I am rolling six dice on my terms because I have grown and on my Empires were three points now remember this is a game that's a race to 21 points so far I've scored three points Jen is scored two points but Jen is halfway towards colonizing this plant or two points this one's worth one once we got to start calling some plants and we get some extra powers things will start speeding up a little bit more but it's my turn I'm about to roll six dice and if you'd like to see what's gonna happen you can go on ahead I'll watch I think let's go ahead and roll let's see what I got no ships oh this is insane this is absolutely ridiculous but you know what I did get a politics so this is the first one I do I'm gonna do this and that lets me finish I have now successfully colonized planet one that means my ship comes back home and I claim this planet for myself and I do that by sliding it under my Empire and now in the future when I before using these colony actions only let me upgrade but now I can use my colony action to increase my political aspirations on a planet so that's actually pretty good and I've still got five dice to use Jen has no culture so she can't follow me she wishes she could follow me because she would finish but she doesn't have any culture it's tough and a new planet comes out immediately Planet 18 has been explored and discovered that's the Explorer part of the game every time you finish the planet a new one gets found and so now and this is where a planet worth five points although you can see it takes quite a while to colonize it and it's got a very cool special power so now I'm gonna stop right there that's just kind of the basics you've seen a little bit of everything how colonizing works how using special powers works how we roll in our empires get bigger but if you'd like you need the button it's on screen to go to extended playthrough or you can hit the other button go straight to final thoughts your choice in five four three two one
Channel: Rahdo
Views: 47,673
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: baordgame, board game, game, boardgames, boardgame, baord game, baordgames, baord games, radho, rhado, rahdo, board games
Id: OwjlbfWG7NQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 08 2015
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