Tiny Epic Galaxies review - with Tom Vasel

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and now it's time for another diced our review with Tom vassal hey folks today we're taking a look at tiny epic galaxies now tiny epic galaxies is the third in a series of these tiny epic games the first was tiny epic kingdoms which I thought was a good game although I couldn't understand why it needed to be tiny and the second one tiny epic defenders I thought was a horrific game still wasn't sure why it was tiny this one was the one I had the highest hopes for tiny epic galaxies I like space don't really care if it's tiny or not the epic part has me excited I hope it's good let's find out each player has their own little player board and they're going to start with two ships here two ships that are on this track and then on this track that goes around here you have culture and you have energy these this here is your Empire as this moves up over the course of the game you will free up more ships and you will get more points no more dice let's take a closer look at that real quickly so you can see that when this moves here I will now have one point and I will now roll five dice per turn and I still have two ships when I move to the next one I get another ship I have two points still five dice per turn and now I have three ships and I go up in six dice and so on so this track is kind of one of the features of the game and the game revolves around dice now what you're going to do in your turn is take a certain number of dice whatever you're supposed to roll so let's say it's turns to put one I roll four dice so roll three energy symbols and this move symbol now anytime I want I can re-roll any or all the dice that I've not used once I use a die I place it here in activation Bay the show that's been used I can also always place two dice in the converter to change another die to whatever side I want but let's say it plates this die here I can then reroll these and then I can try to use these symbols that I've rolled I can reroll multiple times but after the first time which is free each time after that you have to pay an energy to roll the dice now what do the dice do well the move one lets you take a ship from your galaxy and send it to a another planet out there or if it's on the planet it can move to another planet you always have to move to a different area when you move to a planet there are two things you can do you can land on the planet itself which will give you the action here this lets you advance a ship plus one this lets you steal a culture from another player and enemies have to pay to culture to file the stern I'll explain it in a minute here to get a culture so when you land on the planet you get the special building or I can start colonizing the planet I land and I place it facedown like that and that means I'm trying to get this planet getting this planet will get me seven points now in the future I can use the symbol on the planet on this one it's diplomacy on other planets it might like this one here it will be economy and I'll have to use those symbols every time I use one of those symbols I can advance my ship one and you'll notice here this one also says advance a ship one time times special abilities let you do that once your ship advances to the beginning all ships here go back home and the first person who's there gets it and then I'll take this planet back to my home mat where I will place it underneath here like this this gives me seven points this particular planet but it also gives me another ability these abilities come into place when someone plays a colonized dice when I play a colonized dice I can spend energy for culture not both but one or the other the number I need to move up here on the Empire track already mentioned that or I can do one of the special abilities that's underneath here so this lets me have answer ship so every time I do this I can advance one of my ships one so you can see getting a bunch of these colonies here underneath can give you lots of special abilities that you'll be able to take and they also will give you different victory points and so you're trying to get points for multiple reasons once a planet is taken another one is here there's always going to be two more planets out here than the number of players in the game and so players are going to doing this now when I roll a die and take an action each other player may take the same action if they pay a culture a culture lets you follow somebody lets you take the same action that they have just taken not the same planets or whatever but if I roll a move then they can also take a move if I roll an energy they can take an energy what is energy you may ask energy and culture every time you roll one of those symbols and use that die each planet you get it you get an energy for each plant that has a ship of your type that's either on the planet or revolving around the planet and so you like if I rolled energy right now at the beginning a game I could instantly take to energy because I have two here on this one although some planets give culture instead of energy when you have ships rounding them and then of course for that you need to use the culture symbol on the die this will continue on until one player reaches 21 points those 21 points will come from point points from planets and points here on their main card when that happens everyone gets the same amount of turns then at the beginning of the game each player had been given two secret mission cards and they will pick one of these to keep and at the end of the game you will get points also for your secret mission card so you can look here for example this one gives you three points if you have the most planets at the end of the game if you're typing the most planets you get two points you add all your points together and whoever has the most points is the winner of the game I like to preface my statement by saying I like this game a lot all right but first once again I have to say why is it tiny I know that people say you can fit in your pocket well I don't know about y'all but I don't have pockets at it aside I don't wear cargo shorts all the time and this size itself isn't actually a bad size for a game I went called tiny this is small epic galaxies but whatever what I did have a problem with are these cards this is the card for your empire by the way there's a whole solo variant for this game which I didn't play but if you like solos there you go this card here is not the same size as the box why not it should have been almost as big as the box because moving those tokens all in this card you have different tracks and things we were constantly bumping those and moving those and have the card been the size of this box I think that would have gone away that would have been fine that's my only complaint really about the game I think the art is fantastic the design is good I like how these cards look I like the pieces the yellow is a little hard to see the symbols on them but it's not that big of a deal if you need to see the symbols but it looks good I just think these cards should have been bigger and I would not have complained had the whole thing but bigger anyway but whatever the game itself is sound I have not really been a big fan of Scott alms games over the past few years they're just not my style but this one here hit on all cylinders I love the idea of rolling dice fractions reeling those dice fraction and paying to re-roll them again that's a good concept and using dice for actions is fun especially when other people can do same action the following action which was made popular in the game glory to Rome comes here but here it's very simple players can all do it if there's a complaint you go in clockwise order and then I like sending the ships out that was my favorite part of the game is when I send a ship out do I take the special action or do I put it in orbit around the planet to start trying to take that planet over I mean some planets are one point others are seven it seems very odd to have that wide range but once you play the game you can say well I can that one point planet which will give me another quick special ability and the more of those colonies you have the more your common colony die space is really useful you roll that at first you're like yeah I need to upgrade my empire and get more dice and more ships and you want to upgrade as soon as you can and should you upgrade all the way to the top well that's a lot of resources to do that and while you're doing that other players will be getting these planets so you want to use those colonized dice when all those colonies give you special actions and so as time goes by I eventually feel like I have my own unique space faring civilization with special abilities that other people don't have and there's a decent number of cards and planets in the box so I feel like each game is different the game is a perfect length - we're talking 30 minutes I really like how it just it flows you're watching on someone else's turn you're interested because you may follow one of the actions that they do and if you build your culture up you could be playing all the time on other people's turns and so I don't know I don't know why this one hit me so much more strongly than the other two the main kingdoms was fine defenders not so good but I think one the theme here is much more realized but - I think the game here it's much more involved there's a lot of direct player interaction which I find good there's a bit of a race sometimes for the different planets and you feel differentiated from the other players as you go back and forth this is a solid solid game by far the best in the series and even if you did not like the first two I would ignore that and get this one anyway if you like the first two then you I think everyone would should try this really it's a next one game go stop stop the video go play teni other galaxies diced our judgment excellent thanks so much for watching the diced our videos find more great videos and reviews as well as our top rated audio podcast at diced our comm you can also find other great shows at diced our network.com I'm Eric summer and you've been watching the dice our the dice tower is sponsored by cool stuff pink or you can find great games for great prices cool stuff in stock check them out at cool stuff Inc Tom Roscoe shut the gold
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 87,724
Rating: 4.9387307 out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming
Id: JE-5N429qxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2015
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