ESCAPE The Curse of the Temple Rundown

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hi everybody Richard ham here today I'm going to be talking about to escape the curse of the temple the layest came from Queen a real time cooperative game that is absolutely awesome in fact my wife actually told the other day she thinks it might be her favorite game of all time it might have actually Eclipse your Agricola now that's that's crazy talk this is not better than Agricola but it is a very fun game and we're gonna try and show you how fun it is and to do that today I will actually be having the assistance of my lovely wife Jennifer Hamm hi everybody because it is impossible for me to demo this game by myself because of the real-time nature of game play now we find ourselves somehow trapped in this ancient Aztec temple we have 10 minutes 10 real-time minutes which is tracked by this CD although really I mean who uses CDs anymore so you can actually go to Queens website and download mp3s of the soundtrack which I've got on my iPhone so we have this 10 minutes to escape and if we don't do it before the soundtrack is over we lose how we actually explore the world is by using dice we each have 5 dice and what we do is as fast as we can there are no turns this is all real time as fast as we can we roll dice in general roll some dice as well and see what we can get let's say I rolled 2 men to evil black skulls and a key now I'm gonna use some of these dice to actually move around and do stuff in the world if I see we're both in there if I want to go to this room I need two men if I want to go to this room I need a man and a torch I just rolled two men a key and two blocks skulls so I will grab to indicate I'm using them I will grab these two men like they're gone which indicates I have used those two men to move to this room now I'm in a room where if I start rolling torches I can actually you know fill these green gem slots however if you come back over here look at this I have also unfortunately rolled two evil black skulls these dice are locked I cannot use them anymore if I want to do I'm gonna have to unlock them but in the meantime I now only have three dice to roll so I've already used these two I also have I'm sorry with this key by itself this key can't do anything so I'm gonna go ahead and grab it without using it I'm going to roll my three and see what I get I got two men and a yellow skull now with these two men I can explore further on you'll notice there's doors here here to explore further I've got this stack of all the tiles somewhere in this stack around the middle there's the escape tile by those two men if by using these two men I just rolled I can take the top and I can put it here or here and expand the temple and find more cool stuff also I luckily I rolled a Yellow Sun mask what this does is it unlocks the evil black skulls for every Sun mask I use I can unlock two skulls so I would grab this to say I'm using it which means I'm also I've unlocked these two skulls I'm using it and now let's say I grab both of these that means I've basically used all five dice with it with the two men to expand the dungeon or the the temple like this so that's the basic mechanic you just roll as fast as you can try to get combinations you need to either move around or do whatever is necessary in this room for instance in this room there's a treasure we could find if somebody gets in here and rules two keys like Jen has well that's actually a good example that's perfect sample gentes did you roll this randomly that's a great first roll she would use this man in this torch to come into this room and then she I know and she'd take me in her hand indicate they're used yes it's like like have a memory mechanic just so you don't lose track of what you haven't have used and then she happened to also have two keys which means she could immediately take this treasure which will help her and potentially me out as well so anyway those are the basic notions what we're trying to do is find the temple but along the way we have to get rid of as many of these green gems as possible the more than we get rid of the easier it is to escape so we are now going to start our escape but before we do Jen would like to actually point out our sweet adorable beagles Tallulah on the left and Dobby on the right who are taking a snooze we'll see how well they stay snoozy throughout this exciting adventure are you ready honey okay we are going to hit play at which point we'll have ten minutes now there's gonna be some surprises in the soundtrack along the way but I'll talk about them when we get there I see the playing now in 20 seconds it gives us a little bit of warm-up and 20 seconds well here the creepy Aztec ancient voice tell us to do what we need to do small um all the way up I don't know if you can hear this at all but I'll point out the important things as they come up and are we ready to roll time this game agendas did a crazy roll it's very so what'd I get I'm gonna hold on to this um this in case I get some skulls I'm gonna hold on to that I got two men I'm gonna take these two men and walk into this room cuz it required two men gen meanwhile she's followed me now we're both in here we both want to start rolling torches to actually try and fill out these things these keys do me no good I'm just gonna grab them off my other stuff and roll give me some torches what did I guess keys and Men no good roll again Oh gen has already gotten herself locked up the skulls honey take my yellow all right take my other yellow so she's cleared up her skulls and I had a third yellow I'll clear my own so he was rolling everything hey here's a torch Ray said there's a yellow skull side give me some more grass too early I've got three torches now she got four okay between forest grab I grab my three she grabs her four and we've done this one we've gotten two of our ten dimes now we can move in I've got a black I've got a yellow I will use the L to get rid of the black um Jen's already starting to explore further on she's revealed another treasure we can find let's see what I get I've got a man I see when I have this yellow get rid of this skull and I've got a man and Oh Jim this is a man torso I'm gonna use this man torch and I'm gonna follow her we're gonna stick together all right and so I'm gonna roll again and see if I get two keys before she does oh my god nope she got the treasure which is more torches that she can use later for other rooms I mean oh I got a bunch of skulls I gotta clear out let's see if I can okay two men two men oh not only dumb fine two men I am going to explore this direction and I just pulled a curse I am now cursed so you see what I get a holiday er I'm not gonna keep this is the curse that prevents me from talking I need to keep talking you guys so we'll ignore that curse okay all of you can imagine how tough it makes it to cooperate when you can't talk so instead I got the I'm trapped I'm trapped in the room I'm in to break this curse I have to have a torch a key and a walking man I have the torch in the key awesome that's great let's see if I just get a man and get out of this pen oh the key and uh haha okay I got it so I use these that that curse is gone troll again see what I get you see I got the thingy you know so I can clear those up I see do I want those torches out Nita misses roll all fives who we get a man and all these things he's not feeling good I want a man okay I want another man so let's roll again all right - yeah here's - man move onto this direction and I leave that man I'm gonna roll again all right here's the yellow to get clear my black skulls roll again right - men means I come over here and I reveal another Kherson room which is oh this is a very bad curse this makes it twice as hard for me to get rid of skulls um Jen just got one - uh-huh oh she's got - Wow she can't get rid of curses at all so I need to get her if she gets stuck with black mass I have to get over there and save her so I'm gonna start trying to move back to her was that the was that the gone yeah okay I'll know if you heard it the gong just have no it's not the gong it's a pre-dawn gong will be coming shortly yeah yeah let's second ready see so I need a man that Gong means we have 30 seconds to get back this room if we don't get back in 30 seconds we both permanently lose a dice which is a terrible terrible thing Jen is trapped she's got all okay if I can get to her I need a man oh dear and a torch and a torch a man and a torch so I've got there okay yes in fact actually Jim so she's going to she basically just this a lot we have another Jim we have curative but she reset all her stuff let's see I need a man and another man to get back to safety oh dear I should stop talking and just start rolling man man and now I need a man key man key I made it back to safety all right Jen still trying to get back in right now I'm gonna start rolling to plan if we listen the door just slammed we can start moving around again I'm gonna come over here man I say I need a man okay - no reset that need a man in a torch man in torch here we go all right so I mean here I'm gonna try and get this treasure I already have one key I just need one more key didn't get it - try again didn't get it but I got another skull let's clear that skull out try again key and key I get a treasure what is it this is a it lets me make a door anywhere in the temple when I if I need to get around quick so I'm not gonna try and go in that direction well everything give me two men oh wow all right these two yellows get rid of those two man I get to explore this way all right oh honey we found this room that's a good room to be in so we both want to come down here so we need two men to get down I already have one man's get rid of these keys I got to man so I get down here now we need keys to get rid of stuff here so let me know if you need yellow anything I've got one sitting here for you all right okay well then I'm gonna use mine to clear out these two blacks and I'm still going for keys there's one key Jen's got two keys keep rolling I've got two okay so right okay I'm gonna clear that all right I've got two keys we need huh oh yeah you take it take my y'all all right all right so I need to roll that come on give me a key give me a key I can't take that keke keke keke keke all right three keys you got four keys we got the Seven Keys to do that all right so we still gonna hear more of these um let's see all right cool yeah cuz I will be able to make the doorway back to this so we'll be able to get back there all right sorry and start moving again and Jen just got the curse that makes her have to keep her hand on her forehead which gets very tiring you might imagine I got a yellow care of these all right I need a torch to get in where Jen is come on give me it or to give me a torch a torch I can't afford work she's just found the exit that's very good all right I got a man in the torch I'm in here with her we are now trying to get keys to get rid of this I already got one key how many keys you got any pie all right we need two more keys let's see if I can get I just got the two keys okay so we are now I am going to use this to make a shortcut back to our safe room cuz we ran out to get back there quick but in the meantime let's explore here see if we can get another room out and in fact I haven't have two men so I just got that room which is another curse I just got another curse point which is the curse that makes me lose that die until I roll three torches to get rid of it I'm gonna start working on that because I got it oh we got to get back to the safe room so we got to get back there which means the man in the key I got my key I just give me my to give me my give me our man McGee all right so I'm gonna start working on this torch which I can't Jane can't help me with I have to get rid of those torches myself I have to get the torch to myself come on give me three torches there's one torch two torches more torch key a three church so yeah I got real I'll get my fourth dog's back right so also I've totally forgotten I've had that the whole time I've been cheating I've been ignoring that curse I cheated a couple times any class sorry there's a torch Camino the torch that clears up that give me a torch all right we just got in our second door slam we now have three minutes and there's my last source spirit of my other curse we have three minutes to get out of this temple it means we have to get back here and we have to roll the number of keys plus one which means we'd have to roll six keys it's impossible we have to get rid of some more jams and we got three minutes to do it let's go go go all right the clear may see so I'm coming down here with her which I see I need a man and it's torch there's a man in torch Jen still plan to explore so there's no place we can get rid of stuff see I need a man and a key already had the key give me another man give me another man I said Jen's gotten the curse on her forearm forehead again all right Jen's doing great I exploring but she's picking up curses left right and center oh she just lost a die the nastiest one all right um so she needs to get rid of that I'm but unfortunately I got two torches I can't get into her oh she caught it Wow okay I've got I mean here I've got two torches right now we just need two more torches all right okay and I just got a torch so um alright let's move over here which means we need a key I've got the key need a man to get into that room oh my god three skulls no I need us an e to yell at me I got four skulls alright she gave me her yellow a man and a key I'm in here now alright we're trying to get torches again I've got one torch how you doing you got all right so we've seen two more torches uh-huh come on torches torches torches cuz I got two torches when you got any pie I got three torches and two skulls I'm trapped I'm taking one of your yellows all right and you've got okay well you've done this one alright let's get out of here we only have three diamonds that's good enough to take a chance let's go move move move we are leaving all right man and key man akia now I need man and torch again into that room I happen to have man in torch how awesome is that now I need man in torch again I already got my man's just saved that come on give me a torch does a torch man and torch I'm in the exit now I have to roll or keys for keys that's that's it no big deal this is real for keys oh that's not a good start let's try again um I'll hold my gear I'm actually getting there's one key I got to get some yellows or I'm sure oh there's two keys but I'm gonna have to have a yellow I'm taking your yellow all right so I just took her yellow startling keys again come on give me keys give me keys all right I've got three keys oh my gosh rolling again we might make it oh I got two skulls I need two yellow oh crap okay we both so we both have to give up one of our keys you got 404 scrolls oh you got five Jan is trapped okay no we can't do that okay I'm gonna roll everything gives you a yellow all right you take a yellow to yellow no I I just I just okay I give you yellow ticket y'all well how could I not do that I rolled a red what's a real no I wrote I handed you a yellow alright anyway welcome back to one key oh dear alright it's raining the skin all right so Jen is taking the other thing we have 30 seconds now to get out now we have to roll 5 keys that is literally impossible well I mean alright Oh what reset oh my gosh you to reset so at least we we each have to roll 5 keys okay wow that's a good start three give me a frickin key give me a frickin key give me a key I have a yellow Fiat honey-pie a four keys oh my god alright oh I'm alright so she just gave me her yellow trigger that oh I got her skull again well she's got a 50 she got out she gives me as he escapes one of hers give this make this be a key make this be a key a torch a skull as she can't come back in I can start rolling these two trying Oh I am lost trapped forever inside one room away whole thing collapses and it's all this is a fully cooperative game nobody wins unless everybody makes it out so I'm afraid my wife is a big loser but hopefully that gives you a rough idea of just how amazingly fun hi there's no better word fun this game is honey what do you think about escape we have probably played this game over 30 times now every morning I drag my sleepy ass out of bed I have to go to work and just could we just play one game of escape it's just ten minutes and like honey I'm so today I just won now get home in Knights you've just played one game you know she is absolutely addicted to escape I cannot get enough of it here you go now this was the basic set all access not tied sure the basic set replaces all these curses and skulls on where they are oh they're in the original box with a whole bunch of namby-pamby tiles they just don't have any personnel so yeah so you could play it much easier birds in the game where there are no curses and so you're just focusing on you know giving the gems we don't play that way this was the kind of you get considered immediately actually I should say one more thing by default a two-player game we were supposed to put down seven and then have the two over here that we can use as resets we're playing medium difficulty where you put down ten so we found seven is way too easy here's what the game starts getting really cool lose expansion which will probably available shortly the expansion introduces all these cool things these green rooms these are illusionary rooms when you put them down you can go in there and do whatever it is you're trying to do however when the gong happens this room will disappear it's just going and you have to fill this space in again because it was all an illusion you also have this treasure room or if you ever stumble across this room it's the worst thing ever because that means you found the chalice and now you have to drag this thing out with you you don't win unless you actually scape with the chalice and the chalice is hard because you have to draw an extra torch however players can work together to carry this thing through the dungeon you also got you know these are some fun rooms when these come up these ones with the onion I come in here Oh with only four key so I can get to that's a really great return but I got to go all the way around to get to this little secret tuck the tunnels these ones are nice also you know this is two torches to get that's half what you know I have to do however you have to you have to find this sister room of this which might have appeared way over here and now Jen's got to sit over here I have to stand over here I've got to get two torches she's got to get two keys but if we get all that done we immediately get two gems and then this one is his ex my favorite this is actually a bonus for Vaughn for backing on Kickstarter I think they've said it'll be a villainy buddy this is the pit this one you want to roll more skulls you've got a roll five skulls which symbolically represents you going all the way down into the pit to actually do these gems now I vote flex multi trapped there's nothing I do somebody has to come into the room and start rolling yellows to pull you back out of the pit absolutely awesome just an incredibly clever game and I can't wait I'm sure this is just the beginning I mean this is clean gonna be tons of expansions or this hopefully and you can imagine there's so many clever ideas and the game just plays fast it's furious it's ten minutes it's incredibly cooperative every game is dramatic and don't know about you know there's more um you know there's different kinds curses I mean the the speech curves the traffickers oh this is this is actually one of the gems most dangerous curses this is the one where if you accidentally roll a die off a table it's removed from the game you can never get that die back you think it's no big deal but Jen is completely out of control when she rolls she starts panicking and you on this game will make you panic alive there's many times I've had this and I just barely caught my die before the ground now such a huge save this game is the magic it's fast is cooperative is just lovely enough easily one of the best games of 2012 and for now Jim's favorite even above a brick wall I don't expect that to last its escape from this up curse thanks everybody every two has been my wife has been my beagles and look forward to talking to you more assuming and I guess we'll go out on the beagles
Channel: Rahdo
Views: 94,158
Rating: 4.8917294 out of 5
Keywords: radho, baordgame, baord game, baordgames, rahdo, board game, Escape, boardgame, rhado, game, board games, baord games
Id: wvFEj49Q6Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2012
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