Tina Brown discusses Prince Harry's revealing interview on 60 Minutes

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we're going to begin this hour though with a segment of Prince Harry's 60 Minutes interview that you may not have heard before the Duke of Sussex spoke with Anderson Cooper about his new Memoir spare last night on 60 Minutes and he revealed that he's not speaking to his brother Prince William and he remembered how he learned that Princess Diana had died in this clip from 60 Minutes over time Harry says he understood his mother better after he became a father having been through what you've been through now do you understand your mom differently in what sense in a deeper way what she was going through I think one thing I've realized about grief and loss is that one's relationship with somebody who's died continues and your understanding of them actually can change over time having been through what you went through with the family with your wife the Press do you understand your mother from a different angle over the years I have understood it more but yes certainly as a as a parent to two little kids I'm starting to comprehend the position that she was in as a mother single parent trying to look after two boys with this intense media harassment it wasn't online then it was very much physical she was being chased for the majority of her life when she got together with my father it got so much worse after the divorce so I've done and continue to do everything I can to make sure that that doesn't happen to my family because it certainly doesn't seem as though the British press have changed their ways and she was literally chased CBS News Royal contributed that's Tina Brown joins us she's in London this morning good morning to you Tina I can't wait to hear what you have to say what you're hearing what you're feeling what you're thinking I know you watched Anderson's interview and certainly the ITV interview both ran last night what stood out to you and did you see a difference between the American interview and the interview in the UK well I think what obviously was deeply moving in both was to hear about the agony of this young child that lost his mother you know there's no doubt that I think what he said to Amazon about how he you know pretended to himself or believed that his mother might come back that she hadn't really died uh was incredibly touching because it's what a child does they live with magical thinking their mommy's going to come back so that I found enormously moving but when he starts to move in both the interviews and when he moves into what's been happening in the last few years then I start to feel that Harry's doing some gaslighting himself frankly because the fact is that you know here he is like selling out his family for money essentially when he's talked so often about the agony of being betrayed he also you know he was quite happy to have the palace spin on his behalf when it suited him because as he describes you know he was doing a tremendous amount of drugs he was totally out of hand you know he was really out of control and yet the palace had to go out and sort of clean up after him and spin and kill stories and make things go away they were always doing that for Harry so he doesn't acknowledge that there's a two-way street here and finally you know when I was uh reporting my book The Palace papers I I talked to so many people who were so close to William and Harry these two one of them said to me I've never seen two brothers that close now their relationship definitely took a big downturn when Harry left the Army came into civilian life and essentially had it rubbed into his face that things had changed he was now very much the number two his brother was on the path to be king that was painful for him to behold because there's only two years between them and Diana had raised them the same but that was when it began to really curdle when he understood finally felt as opposed to new notionally that he was the number two that made him very bitter but he's he's definitely kind of rewriting history in the path of their relationship is it selling out the family Tina if you've said look I've tried to talk to them privately about the harm that he believes has been caused and then the story is leaked and it's negative about you I'm fascinated by the the belief that he's selling out his family when he says that he has tried privately to work behind the scenes and nothing ever changes well I know he says that but he can never give any concrete examples this is what's frustrating I mean let's hear some examples Harry um uh I mean it may well be in the book which we have not yet read so I don't want to say that and find that all those stories are there but so far he hasn't really been able to give us concrete examples of stories that he says are about him trying to make amends and them leaking it I I think if that's true that's that's terrific and horrible and and wrong I'm not suggesting that the palace haven't done their own you know evil work in leaking and planting I'm sure they have they all do but frankly you know the last Netflix documentary that they did was a six you know part infomercial for themselves it was all their version nobody he keeps saying that you know his own story and he hasn't been told it's been nothing but his story we've actually not heard their story at all and we still haven't to another coronation is May 6 do you think he will still be included in that I think they're going to ask him because I think they're very careful the moment to try to give Harry no further reasons to go on another Grudge and all quite honestly which is what he does I mean if you don't they don't ask him then that's another fuel for yet another infomercial about how look how mean they are to me so yeah he'll be asked whether he'll play a big role I don't know but I'd like I think everyone would like to see this family reunite it's a it's a painful thing to see these Petty fights in public I do I do think people really want to see them reconcile however however they can do that Tina thank you thank you for your time thank you safe travels don't forget to come back thank you
Channel: CBS Mornings
Views: 177,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, cbs, news, tina brown, princey harry, royal family, memoir, spare, 60 minutes, interview, anderson cooper, historical significance
Id: _cviJO94A0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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