Sarah Ferguson's Opinion On Harry & Meghan Drama And Princess Diana | Good Morning Britain

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foreign Ferguson is feeling liberated and determined to celebrate what she calls the invisible women of history in her latest historical novel a most intriguing lady The Duchess of York joins us now when Kate said Rebel Royal or Royal Rebel you kind of laughed a little bit though I did yeah I did I wondered whether you heard me I I think that I've now at 63 years old suddenly owned that that it's not a bad thing to speak your to speak your mind and be who you want to be it took me a long time to sort of in the old days I would have gone oh shush no I'm not a rebel I'm really good I'm really okay everything's fine and now I know I'm loving it you're loving being naughty mischievous ah okay a good qualification cheeky cheeky I'm loving that you're wearing the right color dresses I chose it especially this is Sarah Focus the dutches are a most intriguing lady who is a redhead yes who is a little bit pushy yes likes to shake things up I'm feisty I'm feisty but she she pushes the boundaries that's what I mean that's what I meant um and based on your great great aunt yeah good Kate thank you very much I'm all over it I'm all over it I'm all over there don't tell me what happens in the end no I won't I won't you must read it no I want I don't want it to be a woman's thing it's not okay it's not everyone has a stigma on Mills and Boone and the stigma on historical romance it's fantastically delicious she goes um during the day she's all perfect probably perfect and at night she turns into a super sleuth she she goes peaky blinders meets Pride and Prejudice perfect so you perfect everyone love it so I take you to the East End of London to where there's the 40 elephant women's gang it was all women and they were very naughty because they of course they had these huge canalines and they could pickpocket and put it under their crinolines and no one believed that there couldn't be a woman that would do that now what do you know about eastend gang I have to learn you have to learn did you get down and dirty Henry said you have to go to if you're a government repetition you have to get in there and do it well I have to live every line of my book so take Queenie the gang in here all right all right she I have to go and actually sort of I mean it's not 1870s so it's slightly different there's there's a thing called a loon the laboratory now which wasn't then so the we don't have the complete Ambiance case but but it is very true that that my lady Mary she goes at six o'clock and she dress disguises herself because her best friend is in fact on the theater and she helps the police with the with their investigations and so she has to infiltrate queenie's gang wow come on this is great and there is a bit of sex in it yes oh oh wow I'm not challenging you uh so so it is quite Saucy then well I I think this is book two so I'm getting more confidence as an author now you've adapted it for TV as well right I think oh I oh Adele you're on the case well yeah I I'm only looking for a part are you casting are you casting actually Matt um here today producer yeah I've probably got his title wrong I think he looks like Carrie Grant have you ever looked at him as Cary Grant oh anyway anyway I but the TV series is getting very exciting because I want Jamie Jamie to come out of Outlander into my TV series I'm just putting it out there okay right Jamie yeah yeah and Paul Claire would be upset anyone who's watching Outlander yeah you want to get them yes yes and I think that it's going to be very exciting and I'm going to win an Emmy now I think if you say it probably happens to be fair I mean you've written more than 80 books okay and you I've got another 20 to come imagine what it's going to be like on book 20. I don't know who's going to be off the scale isn't it it's going to be off this game now you said earlier you know you feel free you feel like you can be more yourself I mean I I heard you mentioned that sort of since the homage is passing you felt a kind of relief in a way because I think then you were sort of worried about maybe saying the wrong thing or making sure that you're doing the right thing do you feel a sort of relief yeah well I don't think the relief's the word because we're all the nation is miserable and so sad um from from the death of such an extraordinary icon and and Granny to the girls and and that the girls describe it as that wonderful hand down your back but you don't know it was there you know is that how they felt about her yeah yeah they they loved her and she loved them and you know it was really it's it the whole nation of course but now it's exciting because we're you know it's great to King Charles love your coronation napkins in the we're all over it all over it and and I think British Airways want me to put some books into all the lounges really I'm happy about that the show is you know I've got to do it but you we've got a napkin because we're gonna be having a street party you're not going to the coronation are you uh no I'm not actually because it's a state occasion right being divorced I don't think you can have it both ways and uh so you know I am divorced and I'm really um loving and being divorced to my ex-husband not from my ex-husband it's quite a different differentiate and also getting out there as a new novelist second book of a noveling but also to to really say it's okay I can start a new career now and I really hope that many people watching will go right we get this we can do this why are we why are we saying we're too old or we're retiring no get out there and do and seize it so you don't mind you don't feel sorry you don't feel like we should be there because you you obviously are so know the war so lot grown up with them in many ways and you're very close to Charles as well yeah King Charles King Charles yeah well and and also Queen Camilla I think I think that that the the great thing about this moment in time is the unity of family I think that Charles and Camilla are doing an exceptional job at unifying the family and they do and just because I'm not there on the state occasion but in private I can be there and that's a lovely feeling to be part of the family no it really is and you know you don't you sort of as I said you can't have it both ways you mustn't sit on the fence you're either one in or out but don't don't muck around don't muck around it's really interesting to see how you've navigated all of that you know as well we want to get stuck into some of that really until talk about your doors we'll do that uh very shortly after break Sarah Ferguson is with us the Duchess of York we're the first to you'd buy with 120 000 pounds you've got a bagel on the waist you don't need to buy that and it's got that also good question Kate question would you buy yeah the thing is you know what I'm gonna say I'm giving it away you're giving it away I mean charity the word the grandkids at home I'm happy with that oh yeah granny [Laughter] but they do you think they might be watching yes I think they are watching hello good morning and Eugene and they're all watching and Augie's hi Yorkie yeah oh I'm into Grandma mode yeah what what is it like being a grandma is it is it change things for you just no it hasn't changed anything for me because because I I'm obsessed with three to six year olds is my is my ballpark that's where I read Story Time Fergie and friends and of course my daughters are my blood in my veins so to see them as mothers I'm so proud of them and then they have these incredible August and Sienna and usually it's due at any minute and so it's all very exciting times and so yes I love being a granny but I love my girlies and you love your girl as well of course you're a Gran um what would it what do you think Donna because I you and Diana were such close friends for such a long time what do you think I feel in my heart that she would have loved to have been a grandma no we always talk about a granny off in the old days it was because she ran faster than me she always would win all the parents racing and Granny she'd be the queen granny you know she really would be she's very um she would be so proud of arching lilybear and for George and Louis and Charlotte and yeah and just they're they're really they're being very very seriously good parents to remember with her grandchildren what would she make of the situation with Harry and Megan because you have a unique perspective on that don't you you you lived in America you made a career in America you've done your fundraising America been on television you've done a very famous interview with Oprah what what would she make of him do you think she'd be I'm sure she'd always be proud of them but do you think she thinks he's happy do you think she would celebrate things like the book and the and the way that things have been since the books well Dutch as I called her Dutch yeah yeah Dutch um Dutch was was all about as you we all know she was about um losing the stigma of AIDS um HIV AIDS she was all about being true to her her heart and her heart would say my boys have done really well they look so happy they are in their own family units and they have beautiful beautiful children and that is what she'd look at she would look at altitude and she wouldn't look at the I don't know she's not here to speak for her no but from me if I'm here talking to you I would say that we should have much more kindness in life I think that we we need to the all of us need to stop being so cruel and trolling on the um on the the internet and the social media and I think that we need to really lead by example why don't you just smile and be kind because you've always tried to you've always been incredibly respectful of the institution but in a sense you were in a position of coming into and and haven't spoken out about those experiences in the way that Megan and Harry have if I can put it like that good one Kate okay here we I didn't even have gloves on the the thing is is that I I suppose the reason why I'm the way I am is because I I really do my grandmother always said when you feel bad about others give to others you when you feel bad about yourself give to others and so I sort of immediately look at the now I you know what's happening in Ukraine we mustn't forget that 85.7 displaced people in the world Afghanistan Yemen Syria please let us keep that look on it and so I've always managed never to go into a situation where I might say oh well this is what happened to me or this is this because it's not about me I feel I think that I hit public life in 1986 and I became a public figure and and as you all know the journeys my some of my Journeys might have been well slightly better thought through however I don't think it's I think it's important to get on and right now this second a 16 year old boy's got a new uh uh the gift of hearing because we've just uh before he got on the show agreed that we would fund for him to have a Cochlear implant and so that for me immediately Takes Me Away from anything I need to worry about because I can hear or John chart is on every space camp holding little red and he's got motor neuron disease it's a friend of yours that you've been supporting timing yeah you know you seem to have this sort of resilience you certainly have been through Journeys yourself but you've kind of have this ability or this desire well I'll just crack on and you get on with things yes is that what you know prince Andrew has had a very difficult year and you've been very honest and open about standing by him he's your ex-husband yes are those the things you're saying to him that you just got to keep going uh yes in fact um I told him the other day that he should definitely talk more to the pilgrim Bandits who's this extraordinary group of veterans that are SAS veterans that are amputees or that have been through really really difficult times they've been on iuds one of them Matt got a Victoria Cross from from his work in Afghanistan and fighting for the nation and I think it's very important that people out there is to focus on what you can do to bring others a bit of joy that are in less fortunate positions than yourself and with with prince Andrew he's such a good man he's a kind good man and I think the spotlight needs to come off him and let him get on with his life to rebuild okay for the sake of your daughter we must mentioned he's a very good yeah he's a very good grandfather we must mention you were a grandmother not only to your kids but to the corgis you know no no that's why it's been an extraordinary last three years because I went walking dog walking and we in the in the wonderful Frogmore Gardens and and of course they the corgis sort of looked at me and we're friends could you breed them or they've been um I can't speak for them they're not here they're not here to think the generations might go on I know yes it'd be great yes it'd be great well I think it's a good idea by the way thank You Adele I'll call the next one a deal just give me yeah that'll be lovely Fancy please do but I think the thing about the National Treasures is they are beautifully kept for anyone watching they do have their queen crown dog beds and everything yes it came from the castle the norfolks are pretty unimpressed they have regular dog beds lovely Corgis have nice big fluffy are they are they over it now because they were grieving you were worried they weren't wagging their tails what have you done to turn that around lots of love and uh there's honestly everybody loves them because they're very gentle you think that a corgi is is Snappy it's not he's very gen they're both very gentle and they love me and they and they're very I know that the queen must have given them a little biscuit with when she has little hands so when the little hand I go pretend that I've got the little queen's hands I put the queen down that little biscuit down they sort of gingerly take it from me in a very polite World a very polite well trained my norfolk's just like nervous Fergie can we call you Fergie thank you so much for joining us this morning uh from royalty to our own royalty here's Lorraine
Channel: Good Morning Britain
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Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic
Id: boyT_ov4W5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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